ILK :: Volume #37

#3658: To fighting the command of immortal level

Hundred source areas. 百源疆域。 In strange species temporary supreme headquarters. 异种临时大本营内。 Zach commands is this time head, takes hundred source areas is his duty. 扎克统帅是这一次的负责人,拿下百源疆域就是他的任务。 Regarding them of being ever-victorious, any area cannot block their army's attacks, is an exception except for ten thousand days of empire, after all, that is a quite ancient state. 对于百战百胜的他们来说,任何疆域都挡不住他们大军的进攻,除了万天帝国除外,毕竟,那是一个相当古老的国度。 To defeat ten thousand days of empire to require very long time. 想要击败万天帝国需要很长的时间。 strange species can consume! 异种耗得起! Is consuming before, first eliminated the surrounding exist area, when the time comes can with ten thousand days of empire well played. 在耗之前,先剪除了周围存在的疆域,到时候就可以和万天帝国好好的玩一玩了。 Attacks to be smooth! 进攻一切都非常顺利! The armies in hundred source empires retreat in defeat again and again, cities fall in their hands, the most area falls in their hands. 百源帝国的大军节节败退,一座座的城池落在他们手中,大半个疆域都落在他们手中。 Regarding this duty progress, Zach commands is satisfied, calculates according to the advancement, takes the entire hundred source areas not to use for hundred years. 对于这一次任务进度,扎克统帅还是非常满意的,按照进程推算下去,拿下整个百源疆域不用百年的时间。 This speed was quick! 速度很快了! Deceived strange Tongling dead!” “蒙奇统领死了!” Listens to report Zach to command has not cared. 听着汇报扎克统帅没怎么在意。 To strange species, dies to command to calculate the what matter, that feared that is dies several 20, Zach will command will not care, who will let the strange species huge quantity! 异种来说,死上一个统领算什么事,那怕是死上十几20个,扎克统帅也不会在意的,谁让异种数量庞大! As the matter stands, strange species does not lack commands. 这样一来,异种根本不缺统领。 Command, non- one commanded also dies!” “统帅,非一统领也死了!” Command, Qiu Te commanded also dies!” “统帅,邱特统领也死了!” Command, the day shade commanded also dies!” “统帅,天影统领也死了!” Zach who did not care about very much commands, is enjoying the service of Human Race female, while is tasting the strong liquor, appearance that very enjoys. 本来不是很在意的扎克统帅,一边享受着人族女子的服务,一边品尝着烈酒,一副好不享受的样子。 As news come! 随着一个个消息过来! Zach commanded the complexion changes. 扎克统帅脸色变了。 Especially hears to command is killed, a palm patted the horizontal case, „said that what situation!” 尤其又听到统领被人杀死,一掌拍断了横案,“说,什么情况!” Dies 12 not to care, may have to command dead one after another, that is not normal! 死上12个不在意,可接连有统领死去了,那就不正常了! What Zach commander needs to stare is Emperor's Clan Expert of hundred source empires, common city Expert does not need to care, even, the know ten thousand days of empire sent the death regiment, similarly did not care very much. 扎克统帅需要盯着的是百源帝国的皇族高手,一般的城池高手都无需在意,甚至,知道万天帝国派来死亡军团,同样不是很在意。 As the old match, what battle efficiency has most understood, is clearest. 作为老对手,什么战斗力最了解了,也是最清楚的。 They came, creates certain hindrance at most, must resist to suppress strange species army not that ability. 他们来了,顶多造成一定阻碍罢了,真要对抗压制异种大军没那个能耐。 strange species here commanding was struck to kill continuously, this appears is not normal, Zach commands in the subconscious to think that made a mistake. 异种这边的统领连续被击杀,这就显得不正常了,扎克统帅潜意识里认为是弄错了。 Commands lord, cuts person who kills us to command, was Lin Fei of death regiment fifth regiment, suspected that own strength reached the immortal level!” The trusted friends report to say. “统帅大人,斩杀我们统领的人,乃是死亡军团第五军团的林飞,怀疑自身实力达到不朽级!”心腹汇报道。 That fears is a trusted friend, is doubtful. 那怕是心腹,也是半信半疑。 Immortal? 不朽? Other cracking a joke! 开玩笑了! Isn't this joke funnily good. 这玩笑一点都不好笑好不好。 Immortal level Expert, that may assume a side, that will not have meddled this matter. 不朽级强者,那可都是坐镇一方的,从来没有那一位会插手这种事的。 The death regiment, truly was immortal level, only had that Great General. 死亡军团,真正是不朽级的,唯有那位大将军。 As for the remaining generals, reluctantly can stimulate to movement the immortal level battle efficiency, but also is unable lasting that the root constitutive insuffcient threat. 至于剩下的将军,也就勉强可以催动不朽级战斗力,还无法持久的那种,根本构不成威胁。 Nonsense!” Zach commander cold snort/hum, waves to fly the trusted friend bang, death regiment was impossible to have such Expert!” “胡说八道!”扎克统帅冷哼一声,挥手将心腹轰飞出去,“死亡军团不可能有这样的高手!” If the death regiment had is difficult to deal with/ferocious Expert such, Zach commanded first can know. 如果死亡军团真有这么厉害高手,扎克统帅第一时间就会知道了。 continues!” 继续查!” After cold snort/hum, Zach commander ordered. 冷哼一声后,扎克统帅下令。 Report, our strange species army presents the serious casualties, doubtful immortal level Expert is suppressing our strange species army!” “报,我方异种大军出现惨重的伤亡,一位疑似不朽级强者在镇压我们异种大军!” The order gets down, immediately some people report, the complexion changed. 命令一下去,马上有人来汇报,脸色都变了。 Report, our army also presents the serious loss!” “报,我军也出现惨重的损失!” Also comes the person to report! 又来人汇报! Two three .... 一个两个三个…. Enough eight strange species report situation. 足足八个异种来汇报情况。 Zach commander could not sit still thoroughly. 扎克统帅彻底坐不住了。 ...... …… Crisp, happy!” “爽,痛快!” The infinite strength controls ten thousand Yuan pond, Lin Fei horizontally is pushing, the place visited, the strange species army presents the serious casualties. 无限力量操控着万元池,林飞一路横推过去,所过之处,异种大军出现惨重的伤亡。 Nobody can resist Lin Fei making a move! 没人可以抵挡住林飞出手 Suppression! 镇压! Suppression! 还是镇压! The before threatening strange species army, retreats in defeat again and again at this time, can say that is in the brink of collapse. 之前来势汹汹的异种大军,此时节节败退,可以说处于崩溃的边缘。 Assassination, attack. 暗杀,袭击。 Various moves are unable to approach nearby Lin Fei. 各种招数都无法接近林飞附近。 The strength of Space-Time river on terrifying in this place, not only can disappear various attacks, nearness strange species Expert. 时空长河的力量就恐怖在这地方,不光可以泯灭各种攻击,还有靠近的异种高手 Ten hundred... 十个百个… The quantity comes up, strange species did not fear is difficult! 数量一上来,异种不恐惧都难了! In addition, several command is struck to kill the suppression, similarly has created the enormous attack to strange species. 除此之外,数位统领被击杀镇压,同样对异种造成了极大的打击。 Gets down according to such situation, life Crystal Stone can display the life magnetic field!” Lin Fei secretly thought, when the time comes, my strength will promote 50%, had the superiority, can be built on the place of Undefeated!” “按照这样的情况下去,生命晶石就能施展生命磁场了!”林飞暗道,“到时候,我的实力会提升五成,占据了优势,就能立于不败之地!” 50% amplifications, truly are very fearful. 五成的增幅,确实是非常可怕的。 Master, there is Expert to want making a move!” The Little Devil reminder said, should was attacks hundred source areas strange species to command!” 主人,有一位强者出手了!”小恶魔提醒道,“应该就是进攻百源疆域的异种统帅了!” Command, comes good, came to experiences is difficult to deal with/ferocious that commands!” Lin Fei since opens the infinite gate, after can stimulate to movement Emperor unrivaled / Wu Shuang armor, strength rises suddenly! “统帅,来的好啊,正好见识一下统帅的厉害!”林飞自从开启无限之门,可以催动无双帝甲之后,实力就暴涨! During this period, has not fought with immortal Expert. 在这期间,真没和不朽强者交过手。 Came!” “来了!” The Lin Fei thought just braved, sharp cold light has delimited before the body together. 林飞念头刚冒出来,一道锋利寒光从身前划过。 That feared that is invisible protection that the Space-Time river forms, at this time was also cut open by this sharp cold light, the cold light power and influence is enormous. 那怕是时空长河形成的无形保护,此时也被这锋利的寒光所切开,寒光威势极大。 Lin Fei lifts the hand to keep off, cold light cuts on emperor armor, still erupts the fearful power and influence, making big piece of Void collapse at the scene, is over ten thousand miles. 林飞抬手一挡,寒光斩在帝甲上,依然爆发出可怕的威势,使的身后一大片虚空当场崩溃,足足达到上万里。 strange species command!” 异种统帅!” The Lin Fei eye narrows the eyes, looks toward a person who in Void walks. 林飞眼睛微眯,看向虚空中走出来的一个人。 Death regiment, the fifth regiment, General Lin Fei!” “死亡军团,第五军团,林飞将军!” Zach commander walks, stubbornly is staring at this young people. 扎克统帅走出来,死死的盯着这个年青人。 That cold light, was Zach commanded a blade to cut a moment ago together, the might was infinite, God Emperor Expert bumping must die without doubt. 刚才那一道寒光,就是扎克统帅一刀斩来的,威力无穷,神帝强者碰之必死无疑。 Good, I am Lin Fei of fifth regiment!” Lin Fei said with a smile, had what advice, if did not have what to advise, you can walk, do not hinder me to suppress strange species.” “不错,我就是第五军团的林飞!”林飞笑道,“有何指教,如果没什么指教的话,那你可以走了,别妨碍我镇压异种。” Walked! 走了! Zach commanded a moment ago that blade is the probe! 扎克统帅刚才那一刀是是试探! If cannot shoulder, that must die without doubt, Zach commander borrows under Secret Technique, that is can erupt the immortal level battle efficiency. 如果扛不住,那就是必死无疑,扎克统帅借用秘法之下,那可是能爆发出不朽级战斗力的。 At present by opposite party a few words, climate heavily. 眼下被对方一句话,顿时气得不轻。 Too insolent! 太张狂了! Baby brat, real think are the lord thing, was left by oneself leaves, rather too will be serious! 一个毛头小子,真以为自己是大人物,让自己离开就离开,未免太将自己当一回事了! This commander wants to experience your strength very much, who gives your courage, dares to suppress the under the hands / subordinates army!” “本统帅很想见识一下你的实力,到底谁给你的勇气,敢来镇压手下大军!” Zach commands first step to step forward, such as flowing light is the same, the black flowing light long blade, explodes to cut several hundred blades, each blade such as heyday struck, has filled terrifying. 扎克统帅一步跨出,如流光一样,黑色流光长刀,爆斩出数百刀,每一刀都如全盛时期的一击,充满了恐怖 Good that comes!” “来的好!” The Lin Fei vitality seethes with excitement, finally can with erupting immortal level battle efficiency Expert fights! 林飞气血沸腾起来,终于可以和爆发出不朽级战斗力的高手交手了! vicious that this blade comes! 这一刀来的凶狠 In a blade, contains the attacks of several hundred blades. 一刀中,蕴含数百刀的攻击。 Instantaneously to person pressure! 瞬间给人了压力! Lin Fei also finally realizes the threat the aura, as well as the death aura of that faint trace. 林飞也终于体会到威胁的气息,以及那一丝丝的死亡气息。 This is own match! 这才是自己的对手! Space-Time river!” 时空长河!” Lin Fei puts out a hand to grasp, Space-Time river condense becomes a long spear/gun! 林飞伸手一抓,时空长河凝练成长枪! A bayonet leaves, the spear/gun shade like the rain, the precise hit above the blade light that Zach commands. 一枪刺出,枪影如雨,精确的撞击在扎克统帅的刀光之上。
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