ILK :: Volume #37

#3652: Maneating strange species

no way, this also!” 不会吧,这也可以!” Explains super Warship! 破解超级战船 Lin Fei were shocked, this and imagination not Tai Yi type. 林飞自己都被震撼了一下,这和想象的不太一样啊。 Super Warship of ten thousand days of empires like this were explained. 万天帝国的超级战船就这样被破解了。 You must such is difficult to deal with/ferocious! 你要不要这么厉害啊! Master, present I, am not ordinary System!” The Little Devil favorite say/way, can say, gives me the time, the what thing can explain!” 主人,现在的我,可不是普通的系统!”小恶魔得意道,“可以说,给我时间,什么东西都能破解出来!” The incredible / extraordinary words, Lin Fei is really not so good to refute what. 这么牛逼的话,林飞真不好反驳什么 Super Warship explains the blueprint to appear in the Lin Fei mind. 一份超级战船破解图纸出现在林飞脑海中。 Such that one such as Little Devil said. 一如小恶魔的说的那样。 Super Warship was explained, in detail very detailed, simultaneously has material, according to this above step, refines the super Warship possibility to be extremely high. 超级战船真的被破解出来了,细节上十分的详细,同时更有其中的材料,按照这上面的步骤,炼制出超级战船可能性极高。 Has evolved System, becomes is truly different!” “进化过的系统,确实变得不一样了!” This kind of super Warship, truly helps to Lin Fei enormously. 这样一艘的超级战船,对林飞来说确实帮助极大。 It can be said that outside a such blueprint attains, do not know panic-stricken many people, even ten thousand days of empire will raise not the small sound. 可以说,这样的一张图纸拿到外面去,不知道会惊骇多少人,甚至万天帝国内部都会掀起不小的动静。 This can only carry on secret!” “这个只能私下里进行了!” Lin Fei is courageous, but this matter also really can only covertly carry on. 林飞胆子很大,但这件事还真的只能偷偷摸摸的进行。 Super Warship that ten thousand days of empire makes with great difficulty, like this had been explained by oneself, the face of dozen of Emperor's Clan, hits the face of empire. 万天帝国好不容易弄出来的超级战船,就这样被自己破解了,岂不是打皇族的脸,打帝国的脸。 ....... ……. Two years later. 两年之后。 Super Warship across countless Space, had Teleportation Portal in this period, enter a huge area. 超级战船穿过无数空间,期间还有传送门,进入了一座庞大的疆域。 This is hundred source areas. 这就是百源疆域。 The territory area are less than ten thousand days of empire, but wins is unifying. 领土面积比万天帝国少,但胜在统一。 But at this time, along with their enter hundred source areas, feels the aura of war immediately. 可此时,随着他们进入百源疆域,立刻感受到战争的气息。 The beacon rises from all directions everywhere. 到处烽烟四起。 We come is very time!” Lin Fei narrows the eyes to focus, saw that many places have left the trace of fight. “我们来的很是时候啊!”林飞眯着眼,看到不少地方都留下了战斗的痕迹。 Hope, we have not come is too late!” Chen Chu Feng does not dare to be negligent, complexion dignified say/way. “希望,咱们没来的太晚!”陈楚风也不敢大意,脸色凝重的道。 Soon after. 不多久之后。 The blockade of strange species appeared. 异种的阻击出现了。 strange species fiercely attacks, such as the dense locust is the same. 大片大片的异种猛攻上来,如黑压压的蝗虫一样。 no way, these are strange species!” 不会吧,这些就是异种!” Super Warship started the defense, such as withstood great pressure the crush in the past, strange species that these besiege was not hit the blood fog to be hit to fly. 超级战船开启了防御,如泰山压顶的一样碾压过去,这些围攻上来的异种不是被撞成血雾就是被撞飞出去。 They are strange species, but is most low level strange species, but, they have formidable close combat ability, but their blood, have certain corrosive action, can perish Formation!” “他们就是异种,只不过是最低级异种,但,他们拥有强大的近战能力,而他们的血液,拥有一定的腐蚀作用,可以腐蚀掉阵法!” Chen Chu Feng did not mind that explained. 楚风不介意解释一下。 After all, the first time, is not everybody will regard a matter strange species, but, only then truly contact, you will attach great importance , will therefore feel their fearfulness. 毕竟,第一眼的时候,真不是谁都会将异种当成一回事,可只有真正接触之后,你才会重视起来,更会因此感受到他们的可怕。 Lin Fei narrows the eye slightly, present strange species advances uninterruptedly to attack, the quantity is astonishing. 林飞微微眯眼,眼前的异种前赴后继攻来,数量惊人。 Super Warship impulse terrifying, but time one long , the consumption also becomes especially big, speed is unexpectedly slow, although is going forward, but before absolutely did not have the comparability. 超级战船的冲击力恐怖,可时间一长下,消耗也变得格外的大,速度居然慢下来,尽管还是在前进,可之前完全没有可比性了。 how about it, saw!” Chen clear/pain Dao of Wind. 怎么样,看到了吧!”陈楚风道 Truly very terrifying!”, Lin Fei nod, „a tough battle!” “确实很恐怖!”,林飞点头,“一场硬仗啊!” ....... ……. Little Devil, you can analysis leave these strange species weakness!” 小恶魔,你能分析出这些异种的弱点吗!” Lin Fei truly experienced. 林飞确实见识到了。 Super Warship Teleport speed can be affected, if this God Emperor Expert, in this case, believes that affirmed survive was too long. 超级战船移动速度都能受到影响,这要是一位神帝强者,这种情况下,相信肯定坚持不了太久。 Really a formidable living thing! 真是一种强大生物! The name of strange species, is worthy of the reputation. 异种之名,名副其实啊。 Does not have issue Master.” Little Devil said that „, but, requires the time.” “没问题主人。”小恶魔道,“但,需要时间。” Lin Fei does not worry. 林飞不怎么着急。 So long as can discover the strange species weakness, coped more relaxed. 只要能找出异种的弱点,对付起来就轻松多了。 Brings the fifth regiment to come with great difficulty, Lin Fei disappointedly does not lose too many soldiers, this is in the basis that ten thousand days of empire bases. 好不容易带着第五军团过来,林飞可不失望损失太多士兵,这可是自己在万天帝国立足的根本。 ....... ……. Super Warship batters, after consuming massive energies, broke through the blockade of strange species smoothly. 超级战船一路横冲直撞,在消耗了大量的能量后,顺利突破了异种的封锁。 This is the great strength of strange species.” Chen clear/pain Dao of Wind, general Warship, is unable to break through the blockade of strange species, ten thousand God homes, only then super Warship can achieve!” “这就是异种的强大。”陈楚风道,“一般的战船,根本无法突破异种的封锁,万天帝国内,只有超级战船可以做到!” Looks at the dense strange species blockade line, Lin Fei is approving this saying. 望着黑压压的异种封锁线,林飞十分认同这话。 This strange species is really a formidable race!” Lin Fei says with emotion, no wonder, we must block these strange species, has their exist, no matter who will sleep on pins and needles!” “这异种真是一个强大的种族!”林飞感慨道,“怪不得,咱们要一直阻击这些异种呢,有他们存在,不管是谁都会寝食难安!” strange species is formidable!” Chen clear/pain Dao of Wind, General forest, regrets not to have, this duty newly arrived general does not dare generally following.” 异种难对付啊!”陈楚风道,“林将军,后悔没有,这任务一般新来的将军都不敢接下来的。” The Lin Fei corners of the mouth raise, has the challenge to be interesting.” 林飞嘴角一扬,“有挑战才有意思。” Chen Chu Feng very admires Lin Fei, in this situation can also say this words. 楚风挺佩服林飞的,这种情况下还能说出这种话。 ..... ….. Came the person to be the death regiments of ten thousand days of empires!” “来人可是万天帝国的死亡军团!” Super Warship arrives at sky over a piece of broad city finally. 超级战船最后来到一片恢宏的城池上空。 This place had not been captured by strange species. 这一片地方还没有被异种攻陷。 Super Warship just arrived, immediately some people shouted propaganda, does not have that cautiously, as if know this is super Warship that ten thousand days of empire comes. 超级战船刚到,马上有人过来喊话了,没那么小心翼翼的,似乎知道这是万天帝国来的超级战船 Death regiment first regiment Chen Chu Feng.” “死亡军团第一军团陈楚风。” Death regiment fifth regiment Lin Fei!” “死亡军团第五军团林飞!” Lin Fei and Chen Chu Feng walks together, stands in the super Warship deck, person who looks at the approach. 林飞和陈楚风一同走出来,站在超级战船的甲板上,看着迎上来的人。 I am Emperor's Clan Gu heaven, welcome two to aid our hundred source areas!” Gu heaven arrives by super Warship, look respectful say/way. “我是皇族的顾天,欢迎两位能来援助我们百源疆域!”顾天来到超级战船旁边,神色恭敬的道。 The death regiment was enormous in ten thousand days of empire fame. 死亡军团在万天帝国名气极大。 Came two regiments one time, Gu heaven naturally was happy, this resists strange species formidable Martial Power. 一次性来了两个军团,顾天当然是高兴了,这可是对抗异种的强大武力 The defense of super Warship relieves. 超级战船的防御解除。 Lin Fei and Chen Chu Feng gets down, after exchanging greetings, immediately enter subject. 林飞和陈楚风下来,寒暄之后,马上进入了正题。 Two generals, the present situation is not wonderful, but also please two generals can making a move.” Gu Tianchen said, in the tone also had worries. “两位将军,现在的形势非常不妙,还请两位将军能出手。”顾天沉声道,语气上也有一些着急了。 speed of strange species attack was too quick. 异种进攻的速度太快了。 A day a change. 一天一个变化。 This side hundred source areas, it can be said that retreats in defeat again and again, if no what to aid again, sooner or later will be broken through, was really strange species strength too formidable! 百源疆域这一边,可以说是节节败退,如果再没有什么援助的话,早晚会被攻破,实在是异种的力量太强悍了! Lopsided crush! 一面倒的碾压啊! An confrontation, except for the bloody battle, cannot discover other means. 一交锋,除了血战,找不出别的办法。 General forest, a you and I person of place was good!” Chen clear/pain Dao of Wind, we fan out in two groups, can better routs the attack of strange species.” “林将军,你我一人一个地方好了!”陈楚风道,“我们兵分两路,才能更好的击溃异种的进攻。” Lin Fei naturally does not have the issue. 林飞自然没问题。 Believes that Little Devil will give itself quickly result. 相信小恶魔很快会给自己结果的。 When the time comes, strange species that the weakness exposes, by their crush in the past. 到时候,弱点暴露出来的异种,还不是要被他们一路碾压过去的。 I do not have the issue!” Lin Fei said. “我没问题!”林飞道。 That fans out in two groups.” “那就兵分两路。” Attends to the day Emperor's Clan person, personally lead the way, on the face is the sense of gratitude. 顾天这位皇族的人,亲自带路,脸上一直都是感激之情。 ...... …… Super Warship enters in a city, Chen Chu Feng is bringing under the hands / subordinates, besieges directly, cuts open strange species, carries on encircling of small range again. 超级战船杀入一座城池中,陈楚风带着手下,直接围攻上去,将异种进行切开,再进行小范围的围剿。 General is the general, Experience is rich!” “将军就是将军,经验丰富啊!” Lin Fei first time saw that General Chen Chu Feng deploys troops and forms lines, truly Experience always said that when probe, cautiously. 林飞还是第一次见到陈楚风将军排兵布阵,确实经验老道,试探之余,也小心翼翼的。 Fortunately, I have Little Devil!” Lin Fei narrows the eyes to focus, when the time comes does not use trouble such, opens directly kills and that's the end!” “还好,我有小恶魔!”林飞眯着眼,“到时候不用这么的麻烦,直接就开杀就是了!”
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