ILK :: Volume #37

#3603: Positive crush

The appearance that the underground spring teaches makes Lin Fei realize that a matter, that is this immortal level treasure should very precious, even is rare. 黄泉教的出现让林飞意识到一件事,那就是这不朽级宝物应该是非常的珍贵,甚至是稀有。 This also made under Lin Fei decide a matter, must block off that day Emperor Wind God. 这也让林飞下定了一件事,必须去堵截那位天风神帝。 Four treasure Combination become the Space-Time wheel gets back one's composure the spear/gun, various assistance function fusion in , a bayonet leaves, several attacks merge in together, no matter who will meet will feel the pressure, will not be good to resist to resist. 四件宝物组合而成时空轮回神枪,各种辅佐作用融合其中,一枪刺出,数种攻击合并在一起,不管是谁遇上都会倍感压力,十分不好招架抵挡。 Lin Fei God Emperor!” 林飞神帝!” In the broken day city, drinks the sound to transmit from the remote place together. 破天城内,一道喝声从遥远之地传来。 The form appears sky over broken day city together, the emperor prestige crush gets down, the sword light straight thrust comes, to lock on Lin Fei in city together. 一道身影出现在破天城上空,帝威碾压下来,一道剑光直刺而来,锁定在城内的林飞身上。 The sword light intensely bright, is similar to a round hot sun, the light shining in all directions. 剑光耀眼夺目,如同一轮烈日,光芒四射。 In the flash, Lin Fei has encountered the Sword Intent attack of countless, front Void also made into the screen, tattered and torn. 在一瞬间,林飞遭遇了无数剑意攻击,面前的虚空也被打成筛子,千疮百孔。 Six samsara!” “六道轮回!” Lin Fei works on the Space-Time wheel to get back one's composure the spear/gun, a bayonet leaves, the 6th Layer samsara world appears, but opposite party Sword Intent is very formidable, such as the flowing light same sweeps, even/including Poshu heavy samsara world. 林飞抓起时空轮回神枪,一枪刺出,六重轮回世界浮现,但对方的剑意十分强大,如流光一样扫来,连破数重轮回世界。 „It is not day Emperor Wind God making a move!” “不是天风神出手!” The Lin Fei second spear/gun punctures, when punctures the second sword, the flowing light punctures together from the shatter samsara world, the form of night Emperor Devil God appears. 林飞第二枪跟着刺出,在刺出第二剑的时候,一道流光从破碎的轮回世界中刺出来,夜魔神帝的身影浮现出来。 Dark night!” “黑夜!” Night Emperor Devil God in the hand the long sword changes incurs, across the sky cuts, Heaven and Earth seems to be dark, entire Heaven and Earth stops not to revolve. 魔神帝手中长剑变招,横空一斩,天地仿佛暗下来,整个天地跟着停下来不运转。 This sword unusual bad risk. 这一剑非常凶险。 Lin Fei fight Experience is also rich, comes in the opposite party at that moment on know, the person who this begins may be the underground spring Expert that extremely teaches to keep. 林飞战斗经验也丰富,在对方现身那一刻就知道,这动手的人极有可能是黄泉教留下来的高手 This does not die continuous!” “这是不死不休啊!” Lin Fei cannot feel the surrounding change, know opposite party Sword Move is affecting Heaven and Earth, similarly is also affecting individual fight. 林飞感受不到周围变化,知道对方的剑招在影响天地,同样也在影响个人的战斗。 This Fighting Move truly is is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 这种的杀招确实是厉害 You want to kill me, does not have is so easy!” Lin Fei cold snort/hum, the 6th Layer samsara world appears, strength of spread all over in which Space-Time, the long spear/gun in hand changes to a bright, the straight thrust. “你想杀我,没那么容易!”林飞冷哼一声,六重轮回世界浮现,时空之力遍布其中,手中的长枪化作一道亮光,直刺而出。 Rumbling!!! 轰轰轰!!! The front piece of Void avalanche, toward spreads in all directions, the Void one layer / first level one layer / first level avalanche exits, beyond continuous several thousand miles. 前方一片虚空崩塌,向着四面八方扩散出去,虚空一层一层的崩塌出去,连绵数千里之外。 How possible, Lin Fei strength promoted!” Day Emperor Wind God who latter first step comes out, suddenly not anxious, was swept by the remaining prestige, vitality surges, at the scene complexion big change. “怎么可能,林飞实力又提升了!”后一步出来的天风神帝,骤然不急之下,被余威扫中,气血翻腾,当场脸色大变。 Night Emperor Devil God and Lin Fei fighting speed was too quick. 魔神帝和林飞的交手速度太快了。 But in Void, keeps retreat night Emperor Devil God, encountered a bad risk to attack. 而在虚空中,不停后退的夜魔神帝,也是遭遇了一场凶险攻击。 Damn, the long spear/gun on this fellow hand, was not inferior in half-finished product immortal level weapon.” Night Emperor Devil God the whole body was wrapped by one set of armor, only reveals a both eyes eyeball, but, on this time armor, spread all over fissures, clearly discernible. “该死的,这家伙手上的长枪,已经不逊色于半成品不朽级兵器了。”夜魔神帝周身被一套铠甲所包裹住,只露出一双眼睛,但,此时的铠甲上,遍布一道道的裂痕,清晰可见。 From making a move at that moment, night Emperor Devil God regards a matter the opposite party. 出手那一刻,夜魔神帝就将对方当成一回事。 But when begins truly at that moment starting from, night Emperor Devil God realized that opposite party strength terrifying, a long spear/gun in the hand, the might is overbearing, three strength attacks, night Devil God Imperial Capital does not dare to approach. 可等到真正动手那一刻开始,夜魔神帝才意识到对方实力恐怖,一杆长枪在手,威力霸道绝伦,三种力量攻击,夜魔神帝都不敢靠近。 This type opens the strength that gathers greatly greatly, makes the person dread very much. 这种大开大合的力量,很让人忌惮。 Nobody willing goes to firmly resist. 没人愿意硬抗 You are person who the underground spring teaches!” Lin Fei pursues, in the hand the Space-Time wheel gets back one's composure the spear/gun, changes inundates the Tian Xing light, constantly is attacking night Emperor Devil God, when really my Lin quite bullies!” “你是黄泉教的人!”林飞追上来,手中时空轮回神枪,化作漫天星光,不断攻击着夜魔神帝,“真当我林某人好欺负吗!” After night Emperor Devil God, changes one's mind and break off an engagement begins originally, under the Lin Fei offensive, he fell into passively completely, armor from time to time will leave behind a lemon spot, the huge strength also lets his vitality surges, resists very laborious. 魔神帝后悔亲自来动手,在林飞的攻势下,他陷入了完全的被动中,身上的铠甲时不时会留下一个白点,巨大的力道也让他气血翻腾,抵挡的十分辛苦。 So strength, night Emperor Devil God did not have defeated the confidence of opposite party. 如此实力,夜魔神帝没了击败对方的信心。 Heavenly God 5th Heavenly Layer Realm, this accumulation is also too vigorous fearfully, if this condense leaves Divine Pill, steps into the God King boundary, the might must on the one layer / first level building. 天神五重天境界,这积累也太浑厚可怕,这要是凝练神丹,踏入神王境,岂不是威力还要更上一层楼。 Lin Fei God Emperor, your strength is very good, no wonder day Emperor Wind God must cope with you!” About night Emperor Devil God is resisting attack, „, but, you kill the person who my underground spring has taught, the average person must die without doubt, but your strength is very good, so long as your willing joins the underground spring to teach, these matters can regard have not happened!” 林飞神帝,你实力真的很不错,怪不得天风神帝要来对付你!”夜魔神帝左右抵挡着进攻,“不过,你杀了我黄泉教的人,一般人必死无疑,但你的实力很不错,只要你愿意加入黄泉教,这些事都可以当成没发生过!” Night Emperor Devil God is unable to spread out, under the fierce offensive, the consumption is enormous, can only lift the underground spring to teach to press the opposite party. 魔神帝根本无法拉开距离,凶猛的攻势下,消耗极大,只能抬出黄泉教来压对方。 Your underground spring teaches to calculate the what thing, is worth me joining!” Lin Fei sneers, a long spear/gun anger chops, the black flowing light pounds together on the long sword of night Emperor Devil God, night Emperor Devil God the body sinks, almost pounds below earth, here is the wind and cloud area, you dare the cross-domain to come, wants know to offend my later fate!” “你黄泉教算什么玩意,也值得我去加入!”林飞冷笑,长枪一个怒劈下来,一道黑色流光砸在夜魔神帝的长剑上,夜魔神帝身体下沉,差点砸进下方的大地里面,“这里是风云疆域,你敢跨域过来,就要知道得罪我之后的下场!” Outside the broken day city, broken day God Emperor received the order of Lin Fei suddenly. 破天城外,破天神帝忽然收到了林飞的命令。 Broken day brother, troubles you to divert day Emperor Wind God, so long as several breath time then!” The Lin Fei sound passes on. “破天兄,麻烦你牵制住天风神帝,只要数个呼吸时间即可!”林飞的声音传进来。 Broken day God Emperor was frightened from the beginning also by that aura heavily, until the Lin Fei crush opposite party, heart great happiness. 破天神帝一开始也被那气息吓得不轻,直到林飞一路碾压对方,不由心底大喜。 Good!” “好!” Broken day God Emperor thinks what until Lin Fei. 破天神帝直到林飞什么 Broken Heavenly Devil fire, to seal/confer Tianjue place!” Broken day God Emperor gives a loud shout, has controlled Great Array directly, a big region, was covered by Formation. “破天魔火,封天绝地!”破天神帝大喝一声,直接操控了大阵,偌大的一片区域,被阵法笼罩。 Rumbling!!! 轰轰轰!!! Columns of flame clash from place bottom, has formed Great Array, has surrounded day of Emperor Wind God. 一道道火柱从地底冲出来,形成了一座大阵,困住了天风神帝。 Day Emperor Wind God counted on night Emperor Devil God kills Lin Fei, oneself seize the chance to capture four treasure again, when the time comes eight treasure in the hand, condense leave emperor armor of one set, at that time he was not the immortal level boundary, but also had the immortal level battle efficiency, that feared that is that Founder know that the underground spring taught, will not say what again! 风神帝本来指望夜魔神帝干掉林飞,自己再趁机夺取四件宝物,到时候八件宝物在手,凝练出一整套的帝甲,那时候他不是不朽级境,但也有了不朽级战斗力,那怕是黄泉教的那位教主知道,也不会再说什么 May present, really shock day of Emperor Wind God. 可眼前的一幕,实实在在的震撼了天风神帝。 That Lin Fei not only refine to melt four parts, even also deep Level grasped half set of emperor armor wondrous use, strength rose sharply, but this point, day Emperor Wind God still cannot comprehension. 那个林飞不光炼化了四个部件,甚至还深层次掌握了半套帝甲妙用,实力大涨,而这一点,天风神帝尚不能领悟 This invisible within forms not small gap. 这无形间就形成一个不小的差距 Broken day, you court death!” “破天,你找死!” Void one closed, day Emperor Wind God is angry, a fist shells. 虚空一闭合,天风神帝大怒,一拳轰击过来。 Broken day God Emperor is controlling Great Array, numerous flame spread all over before the body, change to invisible protections, naturally cannot fear day of Emperor Wind God. 破天神帝操控着大阵,重重火焰遍布在身前,化作一道道无形保护,自然不会惧怕了天风神帝。 Day wind, you may see clearly, here is my domain, you want to kill me, thanks to you could shout really!” Broken day God Emperor is secure, the flame of big piece concentrates the giant, strength of each giant not under God Emperor strength, enough 12 giants. “天风,你可看清楚了,这里是我的地盘,你想杀我,真亏你喊得出来!”破天神帝有恃无恐,大片的火焰凝成巨人,每一尊巨人的实力都不下于神帝实力,足足12尊巨人。 This is broken day God Emperor full power making a move, for must divert day Emperor Wind God. 这是破天神帝全力出手,就是为了要牵制天风神帝。 Broken!” “破!” Day Emperor Wind God the strength of this fist is greatly strengthened, withstands great pressure, crush all, the flame giants are unable to resist the might of this fist, the overbearing strength bombardment on broken day God Emperor, was hits to explode the most body at the scene. 风神帝这一拳的力量极强,一路泰山压顶,碾压一切,火焰巨人都无法抵挡这一拳的威力,霸道之极的力量轰击在破天神帝身上,当场就是打爆了大半个身躯。 Broken day God Emperor spits blood, diverges body, integrated in the surrounding flame. 破天神帝吐血,散去身躯,融入了周围的火焰中。 Fire Dragon is sleepy!” “火龙困!” Huger Formation appears, flame appear, such as roaming dragon, hovers in heaven, shortly will entangle to ascend the sky Emperor Wind God. 更为庞大的一座阵法浮现,一道道火焰浮现出来,如游龙,翱翔于天,顷刻间就缠上了天风神帝。 You cannot leave!” “你走不掉的!” In the Fire Dragon, presents the broken day God Emperor sound. 火龙中,出现破天神帝的声音。
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