ILK :: Volume #36

#3537: Rises suddenly strength fierce God King

Sees not far away, Lin Fei is understands that was how a matter. 看到不远处的一幕,林飞算是明白是怎么一回事了。 My goodness, this fierce God King strength is very strong, compelling the square influence to collaborate, wait/etc., is not the square influence!” Lin Fei gaze changes a place, the corners of the mouth raise, reveals the smiling face of pondering, „is really interesting, Heavenly Secret Hall two fellows, this plans fishing in troubled waters!” “好家伙,这位古烈神王实力很强啊,逼得四方势力联手,等等,不是四方势力!”林飞目光转向其中一个地方,嘴角一扬,露出玩味的笑容,“真是有意思,天机堂的两家伙,这是打算浑水摸鱼吗!” In that place, Lin Fei realized that two familiar aura, is not leaf Wyvern and Ye Fei hu can also anyone. 在那处地方,林飞察觉到两股熟悉的气息,不是叶飞龙和叶飞虎还能有谁。 Square influence collaborates, was really interesting!” “四方势力联手,真是有意思了!” Lin Fei sharply coming up, quietly hidden had not been going to body. 林飞没急着上去,悄然隐去了身形 Having the small advantage to pick, naturally cannot silly is abused. 有便宜可捡,自然不会傻乎乎的上去受虐。 You can fishing in troubled waters, I also be able!” “你们会浑水摸鱼,我也会啊!” After hiding, Lin Fei looks once more, the complexion secretly changes, the entire Fiendgod deep pool had the momentous change at this time. 隐藏好之后,林飞再次看去,脸色暗自一变,整个神魔潭此时发生了巨大变化。 ancient fierce God King stands in the sky, Endless wells up dark, from the darkness, empty shades flushed, entered ancient fierce God King within the body, the imposing manner along with it rising sharply. 古烈神王站在天空中,无尽黑暗涌来,从黑暗中,一道道虚影冲了出来,钻进了古烈神王体内,气势随之大涨。 Rumbling!!! 轰轰轰!!! The imposing manner constantly promotion, Void shakes, Astral WInd howls. 气势不断提升,虚空震开,罡风呼啸。 Astral WInd that these well up, regarding around ancient fierce God King, changes to huge black Storm. 这些涌进来的罡风,围绕在古烈神王周围,化作一个巨大的黑色风暴 „It is not good, ancient fierce God King is using Secret Technique!” “不好,古烈神王在动用秘术!” Prevents quickly!” “快阻止!” Cannot continues make him promote, otherwise everybody has bad luck!” “绝不能继续让他提升下去,要不然大家都倒霉!” The people greatly startle, they collaborated to cope with ancient fierce God King quite to be strenuous, if continues whatever got down, perhaps really must fall short. 众人都大骇,他们联手对付古烈神王都比较吃力了,若是继续任由下去的话,说不定真要功亏一篑。 Four directions Expert collaborates once more, suppression. 四方高手再次联手,镇压而来。 Various treasure bombardments sky over black Storm, black Storm strangle to death automatically, constantly attacks the treasure attack, they who causes attack suddenly unable to press. 各种宝物轰击在黑色风暴上空,黑色风暴自动绞杀上来,不断冲击宝物攻击,使的他们攻击一时间无法压下来。 ancient fierce God King imposing manner continues promotion. 古烈神王气势继续提升。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Storm that Astral Qi composes blasts out loudly, the giant air wave shook flew all treasure attacks. 罡气所组成的风暴轰然炸开,巨大的气浪震飞了所有的宝物攻击。 In the Fiendgod Tannei, our Fiendgod clan is most formidable.” The ancient fierce God King whole body aura becomes Vast, immeasurably deep, because just you do not understand the secret of Fiendgod deep pool, therefore, you must die today here, dares to begin to Fiendgod, nobody is can live!” “在神魔潭内,我们神魔一族是最强大的。”古烈神王周身气息变得浩瀚,深不可测,“正因为你们不明白神魔潭的秘密,所以,你们今天都要死在这里,胆敢向神魔动手,没有谁是可以活下来的!” ancient fierce God King waves, the vigorous Divine Strength surges, moves mountains, wells up toward them. 古烈神王一挥手,浑厚的神力暴涌而出,排山倒海,朝着他们涌去。 Whish!!! 哗哗哗!!! This strength, Void collapse in the past. 这力量一出,虚空一路崩溃过去。 The square influence offers a sacrifice to treasure to resist, shortly will be rumbled to fly, all spits blood heavily. 四方势力祭出宝物抵挡,顷刻间被轰飞出去,个个吐血不轻。 You were too weak!” “你们太弱了!” ancient fierce God King shakes the head, Expert of past Fiendgod clan died here, however their strengths had not vanished, so long as were God King of Fiendgod clan can borrow, you attempted to rob my treasure, that must prepare for by that I killed!” 古烈神王摇头,“当年神魔一族的强者死在这里,但是他们的力量一直没有消失,只要是神魔一族的神王都可以借用,你们妄图抢夺我的宝物,那就要做好被我杀死的准备!” The summer tiger their strength is good, under with the aid of the treasure power and influence, collaborates to be able with ancient fierce God King to contend, absorbs the strength of Fiendgod deep pool along with the opposite party, strength has risen suddenly. 夏虎他们实力不俗,借助宝物的威势,联手之下可以和古烈神王抗衡,随着对方吸收神魔潭的力量,实力得到暴涨。 Attacks merely at will together, makes them feel the potential of withstanding great pressure. 仅仅随意一道攻击,就让他们感受到泰山压顶之势。 We have underestimated your Fiendgod clan!” summer tiger/brave spits blood, „, but, you want to defeat us not to have are so easy, your this strength affirmed survive the long time!” “我们都低估了你们神魔一族!”夏虎吐血,“不过,你想击败我们没那么容易,你这一身力量肯定坚持不了多长的时间!” Right, so long as endured your making a move, to that person who finally is defeated certainly is your ancient Lie!” Fights invincible one to fight intent to be strong, does not fear. “没错,只要熬过你们的出手,到最后落败的那个人一定是你古烈!”战无敌一身战意浓烈,丝毫不惧。 Ancient permanent gauntlet/glove, that is in emperor armor, most formidable, your god Demon Clan do not have the qualifications to have!” The black ghost takes out Medicinal Pill to swallow, similarly the tone is hard. “古恒拳套,那是帝甲中,最强大的一件,你们神魔族没资格拥有!”黑煞取出丹药吞下,同样语气坚硬。 Our town day royal family did not fear!” “我们镇天王族也不怕!” The square influence is confident. 四方势力都有信心。 They as wind and cloud area big influence, is not a weakling. 他们作为风云疆域的大势力,也不是吃素的。 ancient fierce God King jokes, you are very intelligent, but... You will never meet know, in front of my this grade of strength, your struggling becomes will make a futile effort!” 古烈神王讥笑道,“你们很聪明,可…你们永远不会知道,在我这等实力面前,你们的挣扎将会变得徒劳无功!” Bang!! 轰!! A ancient fierce God King fist bang to ruins, comes out, wants fishing in troubled waters under my nose, you not to have that qualifications, you!” 古烈神王一拳轰向一处废墟,“出来吧,想在我眼皮底下浑水摸鱼,你们没那个资格,还有你!” Another fist bang to the position that Lin Fei is. 又一拳轰向林飞所在的位置。 This was discovered!” The Lin Fei both hands standard keeps off, that strength separates the spatial bang to come, to hit above his both hands, such as fights the hammer to rap. “这就被发现了!”林飞双手格挡,那股力量隔空轰来,撞击在他的双手之上,如一口战锤敲击下来。 Lin Fei behind Void constantly collapse. 林飞身后的虚空不断崩溃。 Withdraws from several steps to calm down, „after this is rises suddenly God King strength, but, has not imagined terrifying that my God King fleshly body shouldered!” 足足退出好几步才稳下来,“这就是暴涨后的神王实力吗,不过,也没想象中的那么恐怖,我的神王肉身扛下来了!” After this is Lin Fei fleshly body steps into God King 4th Layer, first time attempts by God King to be attacked. 这是林飞肉身踏入神王四重后,第一次尝试被神王攻击。 The strength is very overbearing. 力量很霸道。 Compares his God King 4th Layer fleshly body, the fearfulness that the ancient fierce God King strength has not imagined, least Lin Fei thought shoulders is very relaxed. 相比他的神王四重肉身,古烈神王的力量并没有想象的可怕,最少林飞觉得扛的很轻松。 Leaf Wyvern they do not dare firmly resist, offers a sacrifice to treasure, ancient Rune keeps off before the body, the ancient fierce God King strength falls on above, by mysterious Rune absorption digestion. 叶飞龙他们不敢硬抗,祭出一件宝物,一个古老符文挡在身前,古烈神王的力量落在上面,被神秘符文吸收消化。 Your very not simple.” ancient fierce God King accidental/surprised, so ancient Divine Symbol could look for by you very much, what a pity has met me.” “你们很不简单啊。”古烈神王意外,“如此古老的神符都被你们找得出来,可惜遇上了我。” Young Son of Heaven summer tiger/brave after seeing leaf Longfei them, unavoidably reveals a surprise. 小天王夏虎在看到叶龙飞他们之后,不免露出一丝诧异。 You are also very good, body Battle Armor is good, shoulders me strength that as soon as strikes!” ancient fierce God King notes that powder to cultivate, the strength has not destroyed opposite party fleshly body. “你也很不错,身上战甲不错,扛得住我一击的力量!”古烈神王注意到那位散修,力量没有摧毁对方的肉身 Six side influences gather, but everybody looks to each other, complexion not Tai Yi type. 六方势力聚集在一起,但大家看向彼此,脸色都不太一样。 Especially a leaf Wyvern side, had underestimated ancient fierce God King, laid bare by the opposite party, has caused a day of palace, the Zhan Family and other influence of the vigilance. 尤其是叶飞龙一方,低估了古烈神王,被对方一语道破,引起了天殿,战家等势力的警惕。 ancient fierce God King has not regarded a matter all people. 古烈神王并未将所有人都当成一回事。 Now the person has arrived in full, came to can slaughter!” ancient fierce God King is grinning fiendishly, kills you, naturally cannot rob with me, the ancient permanent gauntlet/glove, that is God Emperor refines Supreme Emperor Treasure personally.” “现在人到齐了,正好可以大开杀戒了!”古烈神王狞笑着,“杀死你们,自然没有会和我抢夺,古恒拳套啊,那可是神帝的亲自炼制无上帝宝。” Bang!!! 轰!!! ancient fierce God King throws, Void shakes. 古烈神王扑上来,虚空震荡。 Clone of god, kills without the amnesty!” “神之分身,杀无赦!” Forms walk from ancient fierce God King within the body, enough five forms, the aura is exactly the same, such as the ghosts and demons are the same, recognize on the scene a side, the powerful attack. 一道道身影从古烈神王体内走出来,足足五道身影,气息一模一样,如鬼魅一样,认准在场中的一方,强势攻来。 God King Realm, God King strength!” 神王境界,神王实力!” Five Clone, five God King. 五个分身,五尊神王 All will of the people sink, but the day palace facing the ancient fierce God King main body, the heart once more sinks, this time troublesome was really big, god Demon Clan also grasps such Secret Technique unexpectedly. 所有人心一沉,而天殿则是面对古烈神王本尊,心再次一沉,这次麻烦真的大了,神魔族居然还掌握如此的秘法 This is must collaborate to defeat one by one, not to the opportunity that they collaborate. 这是要逐个联手击破啊,不给他们联手的机会啊。 before they depend treasure, has repelled the attack of ancient fierce God King, but at this time under strength rises suddenly, has promoted 2-3 small Realm, wants to repel again very difficultly. 之前他们仗着宝物,击退了古烈神王的进攻,而此时实力暴涨之下,足足提升了两三个小境界,想要再击退非常困难。 Good that comes!” “来的好!” When people complexion big change, Lin Fei first welcomed to ancient fierce God King Clone, a fist rumbled, the surges of vigorous day Divine Strength quantity from the hand came out. 在众人脸色大变的时候,林飞第一个迎向古烈神王分身,一拳轰了上去,浑厚的天神力量从手上暴涌出来。 ancient fierce God King Clone sneers, you, dares with me to the war!” 古烈神王分身冷笑,“就你,也敢和我对战!” A fist same violent bang comes up. 一拳同样暴轰上来。 The power and influence is bigger, the strength is stronger! 威势更大,力量更强! Bang!!! 轰!!! Sincerely to bumping. 拳拳对碰。 A fearful strength sweeps away. 一股可怕力量横扫而出。 ancient fierce God King Clone shook shaking, Lin Fei by the strength crush, whole body up and down is revealed fissures inexhaustibly, that was hit by the strength, but also that is all. 古烈神王分身只是晃了晃,林飞遭到无穷尽的力量碾压,浑身上下露出一道道的裂痕,那是被力量所打出来的,但也仅此而已。
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