IFB :: Volume #8

#758: The heavenly thunder is billowing

The powerhouses of four God ranks, are not the enemy of Lin Tian striking, they lie down on the ground, the aura dispirited, looks that Lin Tian of space falls slowly, walks toward oneself, in the heart that despair, is unable to explain simply. 四尊天帝级别的强者,不是林天一击之敌,他们躺在地上,气息萎靡,看着天上的林天缓缓落下,朝着自己走来,心中那种绝望,简直无法言喻。 They know, oneself this time, planted. 他们知道,自己这一次,是栽了。 Plants in this origin mysterious person hand, feared that is the opportunity of again not having stood up from failure. 栽在这位来历神秘的人手里,怕是再也没有翻身的机会了。 I can know, your name?” “我能知道,你的名字吗?” Asked the powerhouse of immortal sect, big mouth gasping for breath asking. 问仙宗的强者,大口喘气的问道。 Divine Soul has started to be defeated and dispersed gradually. 神魂已经开始渐渐溃散。 Lin Tian that sword, not only injured their five main internal organs (entrails), corroded their bodies, their Divine Soul, under this sword, bordered on shatter. 林天那一剑,不只是伤到了他们的五脏六腑,侵蚀了他们的身体,他们的神魂,同样在这一剑下,濒临破碎。 Otherwise, like the characters of their rank, all of a sudden, will not arrive at the falling from the sky edge. 不然,像他们这种级别的人物,也不会一下子,就到了陨落的边缘。 After all, to Sage Realm, the cutting off limb rebirth is the piece of cake. 毕竟,到了圣境,断肢重生就已经是小菜一碟了。 Let alone their Realm. 更别说他们这种境界 So long as does not injure to the source, does not injure to Divine Soul, even if hit being split up, restores, still on the time of one breath. 只要不伤到本源,不伤到神魂,就算被打的四分五裂,恢复过来,也就一口气的时间。 What a pity. 可惜。 Lin Tian this time, aims is their Divine Soul. 林天这一次,针对的就是他们的神魂 The strength of source, by that fearful sword air/Qi, passing through flaws. 本源之力,早已经被那可怕的剑气,给贯穿的千疮百孔。 To restore, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 想要恢复,难如登天。 At present, they want to do only, is knows that the Lin Tian reputation, clarifies, whose hand oneself soon must die, does not want this, the inexplicableness of dying. 眼下,他们唯一想要做的,就是知道林天的名头,弄清楚,自己即将要死在谁的手上,不想就这样,死的不明不白。 Lin Tian arrives at that in front of powerhouse who slowly asked the immortal sect, opened the mouth saying: I called Lin Tian.” 林天缓缓走到那位问仙宗的强者面前,开口道:“我叫林天。” Four immortal clan powerhouses stare, look at each other one, simultaneously saw each other doubts in eye, obviously, they have not listened to Lin Tian this name. 四位仙族强者一愣,对视一眼,同时看到了彼此眼中的疑惑,显然,他们并没有听过“林天”这个名字。 Your excellency, I and others already the person of dying, why do you deceive me like this and others?” “阁下,我等已是将死之人,你又何必这样欺骗我等?” Asked that the immortal sect powerhouse smiles bitterly to say. 问仙宗强者苦笑说道。 Thinking Lin Tian was only the baseless and irrational concoctions a name, is perfunctory them. 认为林天只是胡编乱造了一个名字,来敷衍他们。 After all, like Lin Tian, can a sword their four, the character who suppresses together, how may be generation of one nameless, will be only they all of a sudden, will unable to guess correctly the Lin Tian status. 毕竟,像林天这样,能够一剑将他们四个,都一起镇压的人物,怎么可能会是一个籍籍无名之辈,只是他们一下子,猜不到林天的身份罢了。 After all, the paradise is so big, the history is so glorious. 毕竟,仙界那么大,历史那么悠久。 Generations of several crouching tiger , hidden dragon, is very normal. 有几位卧虎藏龙之辈,也很正常。 My Lin Tian, the line does not change the name, sits does not change surname, you do not know that is your things, I had no interest in deceiving you, you are not worth me deceiving.” “我林天,行不更名,坐不改姓,你们不知道,那是你们的事情,我还没有兴趣欺骗你们,你们也不值得我去骗。” Lin Tian said lightly. 林天淡淡说道。 hears word, four people looks at each other one, the forced smile. 闻言,四人对视一眼,苦笑不已。 How they do not know, oneself indeed do not have the qualifications, making Lin Tian think of every means to deceive. 他们又怎么不知道,自己的确没资格,让林天去费尽心思欺骗。 After all, was some person of dying. 毕竟,都是些将死之人了。 But Lin Tian this name, they have not really listened. 但‘林天’这个名字,他们是真的没有听过。 In outside, in this paradise, the average person, quite likes shouting me forest lunatic.” At this time, Lin Tian also excessively, said one bewilderedly. “不过在外面,在这仙界,一般人,都比较喜欢喊我‘林疯子’。”这时,林天又偏过头,莫名其妙的说了一句。 But on these words, actually at present the characters of these four God ranks, frightening is frightened out of one's wits, looks deathly pale. 但就这一句话,却把眼前这四尊天帝级别的人物,给吓得魂飞魄散,脸色惨白。 „Are you forest lunatic?” “你就是林疯子?” Asked that the powerhouse of immortal sect stared in a big way the eye, called out in alarm said. 问仙宗的强者瞪大了眼睛,惊呼说道。 Others is a face are also inconceivable. 其他人也是一脸不可思议。 Lin Tian this name, they have not listened, does not know, but forest lunatic name, but liked thunder reverberating in one's ears, so long as had understood the person of Heaven history, knows, what kind of existence this is. 林天这个名字,他们没听过,也不知道,但林疯子这个名字,可就如雷贯耳了,只要了解过天界历史的人,都知道,这是一位怎样的存在。 He overthrows the god courtyard, broke the god clan to rule, founds the forehead, established nine days of life at one fell swoop, in the foundation of this side world survival, broke the slavery under god clan rule, for the magnificence of immortal clan, brought the turning point. 他推翻神庭,打破了神族统治,开创天庭,一举奠定了九天生灵,在这方世界生存的基础,打破了神族统治下的奴隶制度,也为仙族的辉煌,带来了契机。 It can be said that this absolutely is a legendary character. 可以说,这绝对是一位传奇人物。 Even if in the immortal clan, has listened to the person of his reputation, absolutely many. 哪怕是在仙族,听过他名头的人,都绝对不少。 As an angel of immortal clan, they naturally understand this given name. 作为一尊仙族的天仙,他们自然了解这个名号。 ...... 只是…… Did not say, this person, thousands of years ago, fell from the sky in nine days, fell from the sky in that group of foreign land ancient demon war in? Now lives? 不是说,这个人,于千万年前,就陨落在了九天,陨落在了与那群异域古魔的战争之中了吗?如今怎么又活过来了? Four people are very shocked, is very puzzled. 四人很是震惊,也很是不解。 Lin Tian again not to the opportunity that they dispelled doubt, „, since knew, that felt at ease, died in my hand, does not calculate absolutely brought disgrace on your status......” 只是林天再也没有给他们解惑的机会了,“既然知道了,那就安心去吧,死在我的手上,也绝对不算辱没你们的身份了……” The Lin Tian sound falls, all around space is instantaneous. 林天的声音落下,四周空间瞬间破碎。 Also is together stave, the body of that four immortal clan powerhouses. 随之一起破碎的,还有那四位仙族强者的身体。 Before dying . 死前。 Their four people regarded one mutually. 他们四人互视了一眼。 Can see each other regret and being unwilling in eye mutually. 互相都可以看见彼此眼中的懊悔与不甘。 They were unwilling to fall from the sky like this. 他们不甘就这样陨落了。 If they if we had known, oneself in chasing down unexpectedly is this in the paradise major giant mouths big fiendish person, will kill their them not to appear. 他们要是早知道,自己在追杀的竟然是这位在仙界各大巨擘口中的‘大魔王’,打死他们他们也不会出现。 Isn't this courts death? 这不是找死吗? Only pitifully, regrets now already late. 只可惜,现在懊悔已经晚了。 They have been unable to save the situation. 他们已经无力回天。 Only can bring endless being unwilling and lamented, vanishes in this stretch of the world. 只能带着无尽的不甘和悔恨,消失在这片天地。 All around, hiked up the blood rain. 四周,飘起了血雨。 Everywhere sad intent. 漫天悲意。 The top of the head heavenly thunder is billowing, brings to destroy day of fearful aura that extinguishes the place, lets here, added several points of desolate. 头顶天雷滚滚,带着毁天灭地的可怕气息,更是让这里,平添了几分苍凉。 Doing of fraught with uncertainty? Did you also pass spirit inadequate?” “畏首畏尾的干什么?难道你也通了灵不成?” Lin Tian looks up the day, the corners of the mouth raise wipe the curve of taunt. 林天抬头看着天,嘴角扬起一抹嘲讽的弧度。 As if felt the provocation from Lin Tian, the thunderclap of space was fiercer, probably a getting angry Thunder Dragon, is roaring toward Lin Tian, each, was rock the earth. 似乎感受到了来自林天的挑衅,天上的雷声更加剧烈了,像是一头发怒的雷龙,在朝着林天咆哮,每一声,都震天动地。 The entire paradise, three ten Third Layer days, is reverberating this fearful thunderous. 整个仙界,三十三重天,都在回荡着这可怕的雷鸣。 „Are some people crossing the immortal emperor tribulation?” “是有人在渡仙帝劫吗?” Some Cultivation Base weak member, do not know that had anything, listens thunder sound who this is passing through the entire paradise, the whole face is terrified, shivering of phonic control. 修为较弱的修士,不知道发生了什么,听着这贯穿整个仙界的雷音,满脸惶恐,声音控制不住的颤抖。 Too fearful. 太可怕了。 Only is in this thunderclap, disclosed the power and influence, is scared, they do not dare to imagine, when the thunder tribulation falls, what kind of scene can be. 光是这雷声中,透露出来的威势,都已经让人胆寒了,他们不敢想象,当雷劫降下来的时候,会是怎样的场景。 Should not destroy the day to extinguish? 该不会毁天灭地吧? Little Black they under the sweep of dark cloud, have not somewhat gasped for breath. 小黑他们在乌云的笼罩下,有些喘不过气来。 Especially Wu three man (Han). 尤其是吴三汉。 If not for there is Little Black to protect, perhaps he in the thunderclap, blasted out together directly. 若不是有小黑保护着,他恐怕在一道雷声中,就直接炸开了。 This is they, has hidden very far result. 这还是他们,已经躲了很远的结果。 It can be imagined, thunder tribulation who Lin Tian soon must face, is terrifying. 可想而知,林天即将要面临的雷劫,是有多么恐怖。 But he original, actually happy does not fear. 而他本来,却是怡然不惧。 Not is only going against Heavenly Tribulation, wrote off the angels of four immortal clans, now is to look straight ahead this billowing heavenly thunder, to controlling all Heavenly Dao, initiated the provocation. 不仅顶着天劫,抹杀了四尊仙族的天仙,如今更是直视这滚滚天雷,对掌控着一切的天道,发起了挑衅。 What's wrong? Vitality/Angry? Said, I said right, you indeed were born Spiritual Wisdom?” The Lin Tian whole face ridicule, taunted again, seemed has not paid attention to this bright heavenly prestige completely. “怎么了?生气了?还是说,我说的没错,你的确又诞生了灵智?”林天满脸讥笑,再次嘲讽,好似完全就没有将这煌煌天威放在眼里。 From his face, cannot see the half a point dignified color. 从他脸上,根本看不到半分凝重之色。 Little Black looks at this from afar, in the eye is completely the color of worship, worried at heart, is excited. 小黑远远看着这一幕,眼中尽是崇拜之色,心里又担忧,又激动。 This is its young master. 这才是它的公子啊。 It remembered himself for the first time time of meeting Lin Tian. 它想起了自己第一次遇见林天的时候。 Then Lin Tian, then in the threat Heavenly Dao. 当时的林天,便是在威胁天道。 But now, is so. 而如今,亦是如此。 Initially Lin Tian threat, but is only the wisp of consciousness of Heavenly Dao, let alone, at that time, the Heavenly Dao had not restored. 只是,当初林天威胁的,不过只是天道的一缕意识罢了,更何况,那时候,天道也还没恢复过来。 But now is different. 而现在不一样。 The Heavenly Dao thousands of years ago, restored in peak condition. 天道早在千万年前,就恢复到了巅峰状态。 Restored completely. 恢复到了圆满。
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