IFB :: Volume #8

#756: Is who is acting

The powerhouses of four God ranks also make a move, each one used the strength of main road, tries to erase threat that” Lin Tian this possibly exists at the scene. 四尊天帝级别的强者同时出手,各自都动用了大道的力量,试图将林天这个可能存在的“威胁”给当场抹除。 The gods light/only drop from the clouds, are vertical to fall toward Lin Tian. 神光从天而降,垂直朝着林天落去。 That bone-chilling cold killing intent, making Little Black several people of not far away, scalp tingles, the heart tremble. 那凛冽的杀意,让不远处的小黑几人,头皮发麻,心颤不已。 But Lin Tian, is that Lin Tian. 林天,还是那个林天 His unemotional standing there, facing this sufficiently this place shortly, razing to the ground strikes, on the face does not have the least bit to fluctuate, sees only his arm to lift slightly, back that blood coffin, starts to drift. 他面无表情的站在那里,面对这足以将此地顷刻间,夷为平地的一击,脸上没有半点波动,只见他手臂微微抬起,背后那具血棺,也开始飘浮起来。 Then instantaneously, kept off in front. 然后瞬间,挡在了面前。 Bang! 砰! Four god of journeys light, flicker, but. 四道神光,一瞬而至。 Suddenly, fell on the blood coffin. 眨眼间,落在了血棺上面。 Sees only that flash, the place that Lin Tian is , the Ruyan flower blasts out generally, the dazzling ray, making one unable to open the eye, was less than a half second, the ground flushed suddenly, was raised by the fearful complementary waves flies. 只见那一刹那,林天所在的地方,如烟花一般炸开,刺眼的光芒,令人睁不开眼睛,不到半秒,地面突然冲起,被可怕的余波掀飞。 The Little Black flash does not dare to remain much, is curling the day phoenix princess and Wu three man (Han) two people, backs up rapidly. 小黑一瞬间也不敢多留,卷着天凰公主和吴三汉两人,飞速倒退。 But this, was still shaken the wound by that complementary waves even as before, the mouth spits the blood. 可即使这样,也依旧还是被那余波震伤,口吐鲜血。 This may be only the complementary waves. 要知道,这可只是余波而已啊。 Unexpectedly Little Black this emperor, injures this certainly. 居然就将小黑这尊准帝,伤成这样。 It can be imagined, these attacks, how should have frightened. 可想而知,这些攻击,该有如何恐惧。 The day phoenix princess should not be excessive, does not dare to look, has for fear that turned away, saw Lin Tian to pour in that dazzling ray, the Wu three man (Han) were the whole body shiver, the leg and foot tingled with numbness. 天凰公主别过了头,都不敢去看,生怕转过脸,就看到林天倒在了那片刺眼的光芒中,吴三汉更是浑身颤抖,腿脚发麻。 This and other fearful power and influence, the contact of his how could so short distance. 这等可怕的威势,他何曾如此近距离的接触过。 Fearful, was really fearful. 可怕,真是太可怕了。 His heart trembles. 他心都是颤的。 Also does not know, falls on magical powers center Lin Tian, what kind of. 也不知道,落在神通中心的林天,怎么样了。 The Wu three man (Han) cannot bear look. 吴三汉忍不住看去。 But the dazzling ray, made him unable to open the eye. 可刺眼的光芒,却令他睁不开眼睛。 The gloomy forest, restored the peace again, is only left over that fearful god light/only, but also is not loose for a very long time, in this primitive deep woods, shines all. 阴森森的森林,再次恢复了久违的安静,只剩下那可怕的神光,还久久不散,在这原始的森林深处,照耀一切。 Immortal clan that four people, after again this, has no movement again. 仙族那四人,再此之后,也再没有任何动作。 As if and other result. 似乎都在等一个结果。 How long has not known. 不知道过了多久。 The gods light/only dispersed finally gradually. 神光终于渐渐散了开来。 Sees only the position of advance party of Lin Tian, is only left over a big hole, in the pit has many crystal red fragments, coming out that can look at vaguely, that is the material of Lin Tian that blood coffin. 只见林天之前站的位置,只剩下一个大坑,坑中有不少晶红色的碎片,依稀可以看的出来,那就是林天那具血棺的材料。 But the Lin Tian form, actually disappears. 林天的身影,却不见了。 Sees this, four immortal clan powerhouses, the brow selects. 看到这一幕,四位仙族强者,眉头一挑。 Little Black several people, follows one startled, in the eye flashes through a worrying color. 小黑几人,也跟着一惊,眼中不由闪过一丝担忧之色。 Person?” “人呢?” That from asking the powerhouse of immortal sect, brow slightly pressed say/way. 那位来自问仙宗的强者,眉头微蹙道。 Another three people of brow tight wrinkles, without speech. 另外三人眉头紧皱,没有说话。 They do not know where Lin Tian went. 他们也不知道,林天到底去了哪里。 In the offensive, wrote off? 难道,在刚才的攻势中,被抹杀了? Also is not right. 也不对啊。 Even if Lin Tian really fell from the sky, is still insufficient to have no aura to be barely alive is. 就算林天真的陨落了,也不至于没有任何气息弥留才是。 „Are you looking for me?” “你们是在找我吗?” At this moment, the Lin Tian sound, made a sound suddenly, from that behind powerhouse who asked the immortal sect floated, this made that ask that in immortal sect powerhouse heart constantly sound the alarm bell, wants not to think, the backhand killed toward behind. 就在这时,林天的声音,突然响了起来,正是从那位问仙宗的强者后面飘来,这让那位问仙宗强者心中警钟长鸣,想也没想,反手就朝着后面杀去。 The fearful god light/only, passes through. 可怕的神光,贯穿而出。 Sees only that suddenly to appear in the following form, is slightly fuzzy, evaded instantaneously this struck. 只见那突然出现在后面的身影,微微模糊,瞬间就躲过了这一击。 Then unemotional standing there, looks at front four people. 然后面无表情的站在那里,看着面前四人。 I here......” “我在这里呢……” At this time, there is a sound together, was ordinary just like the ghosts and demons, resounded from four people, was not others, was the Lin Tian sound, this lets at present immortal clan these four powerhouses, immediately felt absolutely terrified. 这时,又有一道声音,宛如鬼魅一般,从四人后面响起,不是别人,又是林天的声音,这让眼前仙族这四尊强者,顿时感到一阵毛骨悚然。 Not hesitant, they turn head hastily. 没有犹豫,他们连忙回头。 When does not know, with Lin Tian exactly the same person, stood in behind. 不知道什么时候,一个与林天一模一样的人,站在了后面。 Without accident/surprise, these two, one, is the form in that blood coffin. 如果没有意外的话,这两人,其中一个,便是那血棺中的身影。 They cannot distinguish clearly, who is the main body. 只是,他们根本就分不清,到底谁才是本尊。 This makes these four powerhouses from immortal clan, in the heart have an ominous premonition. 这让这四尊来自仙族的强者,心中有一种不祥的预感。 Pursuing me was so long, you should also rest, stays here.” Lin Tian said again, probably in guests of warm greeting several arrivals, but that strange tone, lets the person such as the dropping icehouse. “追了我这么久,你们也该歇一下了,就留在这里吧。”林天再次说道,像是在热情的招呼几位到来的客人,但是那诡异的语气,却让人如堕冰窖。 Space...... blockade......” “空间……封锁……” Two Lin Tian simultaneously opens the mouth to spit to say. 两位‘林天’同时开口吐道。 The next quarter, the people only felt, all around space, like solidifying, turned into a prisoner's cage probably, covers them in inside. 下一刻,众人只感觉,四周的空间,如同凝固起来,像是变成了一座囚笼,将他们笼罩在里面。 Go away!” “滚开!” From asking the powerhouse of immortal sect felt disturbed, angrily roars, tries to break through the blockade, but this space is impregnable, even he by the strength bombardment of God level, cannot vacillate the half a point. 来自问仙宗的强者感到了不安,怒吼一声,试图打破封锁,可这片空间却固若金汤,就算是他以天帝级的实力轰击,也动摇不了半分。 This, making several people of complexions change. 这一幕,让几人脸色大变。 Read the cage, moreover such firm of space seal. 一念成笼,而且空间封印的如此坚固。 If not for the say/way of space, cultivated the pinnacle, was absolutely impossible to achieve this point. 若不是将空间之道,修炼到了极致,绝对不可能做到这一点。 Thinks of here, several people are pale. 想到这里,几人脸色发白。 The say/way of space is in 3000 main roads, several of most difficult cultivation, they, although can also, but also uses some strengths, wants to achieve at present this point, is almost dream of a fool. 空间之道本来就是三千大道中,最难修炼的几种,他们虽然也会,但也只是动用部分力量,想要做到眼前这一点,几乎是痴人说梦。 This grade of strength, the Emperor Realm strength within main road approval, cannot contend. 这等实力,已经不是在大道认可之内的帝境实力,能够抗衡了。 This is Immortal Monarch, matter that can achieve. 这已经是仙王,才能做到的事情了。 Came, sharply is walking to do?” “来都来了,急着走干什么?” Lin Tian of space, the sound resounds again, reverberates around this, lets person scalp tingles. 天上的林天,声音再次响起,回荡在这四周,让人头皮发麻。 Sees only two exactly the same forms, toward each other walks gradually, then melts in the intermediate phase, changes to a body, all around spiritual energy, just like insane generally, wells up toward Lin Tian. 只见两道一模一样的身影,渐渐朝着彼此走去,然后在中间相融,化作一体,四周的灵气,宛如疯了一般,朝着林天涌去。 This sound, lets immortal clan that several God, looks panic-stricken. 这股动静,让仙族那几位天帝,都面露惊恐。 These spiritual energies, blow generally just like the gale. 那些灵气,宛如大风一般刮来。 The old tree in mountain forest, swings in abundance fiercely. 山林中的古树,纷纷剧烈摇摆。 Trim world dark. 整片天地都暗了下来。 The rich spiritual energy, the storm sweeps across probably generally, then hits on Lin Tian, was pouched within the body by him. 浓郁的灵气,像是风暴一般席卷过来,然后撞在林天身上,生生被他吞进体内。 The aura surges upward step by step. 气息一步一步高涨起来。 Origin unceasing spiritual energy, but also is exploding wells up. 渊源不断的灵气,还在爆涌。 If Little Black they can see, will discover, the side world that they are, dark, the spiritual energy in air, is thin incomparable, was used an incomparably overbearing method, pulled out to forcefully. 如果小黑他们能够看到,会发现,他们所在的这方天地,都暗了下去,空气中的灵气,更是稀薄无比,被人用一种无比霸道的手段,强行抽离了出去。 Not only this Heaven. 不只是这一天界。 The entire paradise, three ten Third Layer days, is shivering fiercely. 整个仙界,三十三重天,都在剧烈颤抖。 The innumerable powerhouses, open the eye. 无数强者,不由睁开眼睛。 Who is making a move?” “是谁在出手?” Some people cannot bear mutter ask, the mind shivers. 有人忍不住喃喃问道,心神颤抖。 Fearful, was really fearful. 可怕,实在是太可怕了。 This grade of method, perhaps only then does the character of that supreme immortal emperor rank, have the qualifications to achieve? 这等手段,或许只有那至高无上的仙帝级别的人物,才有资格做到吧? This existed, now is also acting? 只是这等存在,如今也在出手吗? Many paradise giants awaken one after another, the whole face is shocking. 不少仙界巨擘都陆续惊醒,满脸震惊。 Does not know that what happened. 不知道发生了什么事情。
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