IC :: Volume #38

#3762: God of Universe( big result)

After depressing in the heart is excited, Huang Xiaolong the nameless magic mirror in within the body has summoned, when the Huang Xiaolong within the body nameless magic mirror departs, before arriving at the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror, both sides magic mirror, has all sent out same rays of light, resembles joyously, resembles the summon, resembles the family member to meet by chance. 压下心中激动后,黄小龙将体内的无名魔镜召了出来,当黄小龙体内无名魔镜飞出,来到魔镜殿的魔镜前时,两面魔镜,俱都发出了相同的光芒,似欢悦,似呼唤,似亲人相逢。 Really! 果然! Huang Xiaolong sees this, confirmed the beforehand idea. 黄小龙看到这一幕,更证实了之前的想法。 At that moment, Huang Xiaolong no longer hesitates, revolution Universe Evolving Arts, controls the nameless magic mirror to assimilate the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror, now, time is urgent, a few days later, Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang will rush, therefore, Huang Xiaolong can only gather the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror with this method first, so long as gathers successfully, later again well the Source Universe deep meaning and Principle of study and understand Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror. 当下,黄小龙不再迟疑,运转宇宙衍变诀,控制无名魔镜来同化魔镜殿魔镜,现在,时间紧迫,几天后,黑冥王源方就会赶到,所以,黄小龙只能用此方法来先收取魔镜殿魔镜,只要收取成功,以后再好好参悟魔镜殿魔镜的源宇宙奥义和法则 Under the Huang Xiaolong Universe Evolving Arts stimulation of movement, the nameless magic mirror photo has projected the numerous brilliance, these brilliance continually have welled up to the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror like the sea water, then spills into the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror unceasingly, the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror does not repel the brilliance of nameless magic mirror, 11 have absorbed. 黄小龙宇宙衍变诀催动下,无名魔镜照射出了重重光辉,这些光辉像海水一样不断向魔镜殿魔镜涌了过去,然后不断涌进魔镜殿魔镜之内,魔镜殿的魔镜并不排斥无名魔镜的光辉,11吸收了进去。 Huang Xiaolong sees that in heart big loosen. 黄小龙见状,心中大松。 So long as the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror does not repel the energy of his nameless magic mirror, he assimilated the probability of Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror then to promote several points successfully. 只要魔镜殿魔镜并不排斥他无名魔镜的能量,那他成功同化魔镜殿魔镜的机率便又提升了几分。 However, for all that but Huang Xiaolong does not dare to relax, the entire gods are paying attention to the change of Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror. 不过,虽然如此,但是黄小龙一刻也不敢放松,全神注意着魔镜殿魔镜的变化。 A day passed by. 一天过去了。 The Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror still a change, the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror looked like at the same time the bottomless abyss, was swallowing the energy and brilliance of his nameless magic mirror unceasingly, Huang Xiaolong even can feel that the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror was trying to assimilate his nameless magic mirror! 魔镜殿魔镜仍然不起一丝变化,魔镜殿魔镜就像是一面无底的深渊,不断吞噬着他无名魔镜的能量和光辉,黄小龙甚至能感觉得到魔镜殿魔镜在试图同化他的无名魔镜! Two days passed by. 两天过去了。 The Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror still did not have a change. 魔镜殿魔镜仍然是没有一点变化。 Quick, three days pass by. 很快,三天过去。 The Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror sent out rays of light of difference finally, unexpectedly in preventing the energy and rays of light of nameless magic mirror emerged, a Huang Xiaolong brow wrinkle, was will be this way impossible to assimilate the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror in three days, three days later, Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang affirmed. 魔镜殿魔镜终于散发出了异样的光芒,竟然是在阻止无名魔镜的能量和光芒涌入,黄小龙眉头一皱,照这样下去,便是再过三天也不可能同化得了魔镜殿魔镜,三天后,黑冥王源方肯定过来了。 Huang Xiaolong tried to summon that magic mirror fragment. 黄小龙试着将那枚魔镜碎片召了出来。 This magic mirror fragment, although after several tens of thousands years of study and understand, but, Huang Xiaolong true study and understand has not passed, Huang Xiaolong did not plan summons it. 这枚魔镜碎片,虽然经过数万年参悟,但是,黄小龙并没有真正参悟透,本来,黄小龙是不打算将其召出来的。 The magic mirror fragment arrived at sky over the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror, suddenly, the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror has exuded buzz the sound of cry, moreover rays of light shining, Huang Xiaolong is greatly stunned. 魔镜碎片来到了魔镜殿魔镜上空,突然,魔镜殿魔镜发出了嗡鸣之声,而且光芒大耀,黄小龙错愕。 However, the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror has strength of the astonishing swallowing suddenly, suddenly then swallows Huang Xiaolong that magic mirror fragment! 但是紧接着,魔镜殿魔镜突然产生一股惊人的吞噬之力,眨眼便将黄小龙那枚魔镜碎片吞噬掉! Looks that magic mirror fragment was swallowed by the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror, Huang Xiaolong was startled, this situation, was he is unexpected, Huang Xiaolong induced, that magic mirror fragment indeed space in the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror! 看着那枚魔镜碎片被魔镜殿魔镜吞噬,黄小龙怔住了,这种情况,是他始料不及的,黄小龙感应了一下,那枚魔镜碎片的确是在魔镜殿魔镜内空间 After the accident/surprise, Huang Xiaolong calm, both eyes flashes, although he did not have true study and understand to pass that magic mirror fragment, but in that magic mirror fragment, there is Dao Soul Mark of his brand mark, such being the case, he comes to collaborate from outside with the inside, when the nameless magic mirror assimilates the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror, he can seep the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror through magic mirror fragment Dao Soul Mark! 意外之后,黄小龙冷静了下来,双眼闪动,他虽然还没有真正参悟透那枚魔镜碎片,但是那枚魔镜碎片内,有他烙印的道魂烙印,既然如此,那他就来个里应外合,无名魔镜同化魔镜殿魔镜时,他可以通过魔镜碎片的道魂烙印来渗透魔镜殿魔镜! Huang Xiaolong read and this, has tried according to this method, really the effect be better than on many before, merely a half hour, Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror the strength of revolt then greatly reduced. 黄小龙念及此,按照这个方法试了一下,果然效果要比之前好上许多,仅仅半个小时,魔镜殿魔镜的反抗之力便大大减小。 After quite a while, the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror almost did not have the strength of revolt! 半天后,魔镜殿魔镜几乎没有了反抗之力! In the Huang Xiaolong heart the great happiness, picked up the speed. 黄小龙心中大喜,不由加快了速度。 Also in one day, the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror brilliance will start to be gentle thoroughly. 又过了一天,魔镜殿的魔镜光辉开始彻底柔和下来。 Continues according to this again for several hours, Huang Xiaolong can the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror assimilation. 照这样再持续几个小时,黄小龙就能将魔镜殿魔镜同化。 Huang Xiaolong does not dare to be lax. 黄小龙不敢松懈。 Also is quite a while. 又是半天。 Huang Xiaolong closely is paying attention to Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror change, now arrived at the most critical moment, but, Huang Xiaolong induces to Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang speedily is coming toward here. 黄小龙紧紧注意着魔镜殿魔镜变化,现在已经到了最紧要的关头,不过,黄小龙感应到黑冥王源方正疾速往这边过来。 Huang Xiaolong even felt Black Underworld King strength of strength of darkness and chill/yin cold. 黄小龙甚至感受到了黑冥王黑暗之力和阴寒之力。 However, in the background, Huang Xiaolong has arranged some Formation restriction conveniently, these Formation restriction should also be able to prevent Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang two people a half hour. 不过,在来路上,黄小龙随手布置了一些阵法禁制,这些阵法禁制应该还能阻止黑冥王源方两人半个小时。 A half hour! 半个小时! Therefore, Huang Xiaolong only has a half hour. 所以,黄小龙只有半个小时。 If within a half hour, he is unable to gather the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror successfully, at the appointed time Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang rush, he will be broken, at that time wants to gather again successfully is difficult. 若半个小时之内,他无法成功收取魔镜殿魔镜,到时黑冥王源方赶到,他就会被打断,那时再想成功收取就难了。 However, more to critical moment, Huang Xiaolong knows that then jumps over cannot be irritable, therefore, Huang Xiaolong state of mind is quieter. 不过,越是到紧要关头,黄小龙知道便越不能急燥,所以,黄小龙心境越加清静。 More than half an hour had passed. 半个小时过去。 Sees only two terrifying aura to blot out the sky to sweep across, but. 只见两道恐怖的气息铺天盖地席卷而至。 Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang, Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang two people rush, see the nameless magic mirror that Huang Xiaolong offers a sacrifice, is startled, subsequently awakens. 正是黑冥王源方,黑冥王源方两人赶至,看到黄小龙祭出的无名魔镜,不由一怔,继而惊醒。 Huang Xiaolong, you want to gather magic mirror, has your daydream!” Black Underworld King cold sound smiles, a palm lays out suddenly, strength of strength of darkness and chill/yin cold such as the dreadful monstrous waves rumble to Huang Xiaolong. 黄小龙,你想收取魔镜,做你的白日梦!”黑冥王冷声一笑,猛然一掌拍出,黑暗之力和阴寒之力如滔天巨浪向黄小龙轰来。 But Yuan Fang was also offers a sacrifice to one has been similar to the Rubik's cube same square block, attacked to Huang Xiaolong, this Source Universe Universe Supreme Treasure, the might was only not weak compared with Universe Boat. 源方也是祭出了一个如同魔方一样的正方形方块,向黄小龙攻击过来,这个正是源宇宙宇宙至宝,威力比起宇宙之舟只强不弱。 The Rubik's cube sent out various rays of light, dazzling, instantaneously then raided to Huang Xiaolong in front. 魔方散发出了各种光芒,耀眼至极,瞬间便袭至黄小龙面前。 Collaborates to strike facing Black Underworld King and Rubik's cube, Huang Xiaolong within the body Universe Boat departed, welcomes to the Yuan Fang Rubik's cube, but simultaneously, top of the head Star Dragon Divine Tree, the Star Dragon Divine Tree branch let fall unceasingly, the Star Dragon Qi spout, protected around the body, Four Great Universe Source Divine Fire protects the four directions. 面对黑冥王和魔方联手一击,黄小龙体内宇宙之舟飞出,迎向了源方的魔方,而同时,头顶星龙神树,星龙神树树枝不断垂落,星龙之气喷涌,护住身体四周,四大宇宙本源神火更是护住四方。 Golden Sun Ring, Death Blade, Three Gods Halberd, Yin-Yang Wind-Fire Wheel, Black Demon Spear, Ghost Staff and other Universe Supreme Treasure also all depart. 金阳圈,死亡之刃,三神戟,阴阳风火轮,乌魔枪,鬼杖宇宙至宝也都全部飞出。 But Huang Xiaolong continues to gather the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror. 黄小龙继续收取魔镜殿魔镜。 Sees only Black Underworld King palm strength, Golden Sun Ring, Death Blade, Three Gods Halberd, Yin-Yang Wind-Fire Wheel, Black Demon Spear, Ghost Staff and other Universe Supreme Treasure were shaken completely flies. 只见黑冥王掌力所过,金阳圈,死亡之刃,三神戟,阴阳风火轮,乌魔枪,鬼杖宇宙至宝全部被震飞。 When Black Underworld King palm strength non-stop, raids to the Huang Xiaolong front, with sea of fire that Four Great Universe Source Divine Fire forms collides in together, those who let person was shocked is Four Great Universe Source Divine Fire sea of fire is frozen unexpectedly! 黑冥王掌力不停,袭至黄小龙面前时,与四大宇宙本源神火形成的火海碰撞在一起,让人吃惊的是四大宇宙本源神火火海竟然被冻结! Four Great Universe Source Divine Fire is all Darkness and chill/yin cold difficult adversary, but now, instead by Black Underworld King strength of freeze strength of darkness and chill/yin cold! 四大宇宙本源神火乃是一切黑暗和阴寒的克星,但是现在,反而被黑冥王黑暗之力和阴寒之力冻结! Above Star Dragon barrier that the Black Underworld King palm strength bang in the branch of Star Dragon Divine Tree has formed, strength of collapse and scattered Star Dragon, Star Dragon barrier cracks unexpectedly! 黑冥王掌力轰在了星龙神树的树枝结成的星龙结界之上,星龙之力崩散,星龙结界竟然崩裂! A Black Underworld King face is fierce. 黑冥王一脸狰狞。 In Black Underworld King palm strength breaks open Star Dragon barrier, the Yuan Fang Rubik's cube also collides in Universe Boat together, thump in the day loud sound, Universe Boat was shaken flies, the Rubik's cube continues to Huang Xiaolong, because Huang Xiaolong must gather the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror, therefore, was only divided into 10% strength to control Universe Boat, Universe Boat is unable to block the opposite party Rubik's cube is also normal. 就在黑冥王掌力破开星龙结界时,源方的魔方亦与宇宙之舟碰撞在一起,咚天巨响中,宇宙之舟被震飞,魔方继续向黄小龙袭来,由于黄小龙要收取魔镜殿魔镜,所以,只分成了一成的力量控制宇宙之舟,宇宙之舟无法挡住对方的魔方也是正常。 Saw that the demon convenience of Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang must hit Huang Xiaolong, suddenly, on Huang Xiaolong rays of light shining moves, the 13 Universes light shadow appears, Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang Rubik's cube all rumbled above the 13 Universes light shadow. 眼看黑冥王源方的魔方便要击中黄小龙,突然,黄小龙身上光芒耀动,十三宇宙光影出现,黑冥王源方的魔方俱都轰在了十三宇宙光影之上。 Bang! 轰隆! The world rocks. 天地晃动。 Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang two people strength broke in Magic Mirror Palace space innumerable heavy space. 黑冥王源方两人的力量震碎了魔镜殿空间无数重空间 The 13 Universes light shadow was also shaken ups and downs. 十三宇宙光影亦被震得沉浮不已。 Huang Xiaolong corners of the mouth overflowing blood. 黄小龙嘴角溢血。 This is Huang Xiaolong after Unknown Space and Swallowing the Heavens King battle, first injury. 这是黄小龙未知空间吞天王激战之后,第一次受伤。 Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang two people actually shocking look at Huang Xiaolong body all around 13 Universes light shadow. 黑冥王源方两人却是震惊地看着黄小龙身体四周的十三宇宙光影。 Two people to oneself strength are clear, struck a moment ago, destroys the hardest defenses, not having the thing may keep off, was blocked by that 13 Daoguang group unexpectedly? 两人对自己的力量都是清楚,刚才一击,无坚不摧,无物可挡,竟然被那13道光团挡住了? „Is this?!” Black Underworld King looks at the universe deep meaning and Principle in 13 Universes light shadow shocking. “这是?!”黑冥王震惊地看着十三宇宙光影之中的宇宙奥义和法则 At this moment, suddenly, the sac­ri­fi­cial altar sky vibrated, sees only the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror to fall suddenly, falls in the Huang Xiaolong hand. 就在这时,突然,祭台上空震动,只见魔镜殿的魔镜突然一落,落到了黄小龙手中。 In Huang Xiaolong heart pleasantly surprised, finally gathers the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror successfully! 黄小龙心中惊喜,终于成功收取魔镜殿魔镜! Has not thought, Huang Xiaolong all took in within the body the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror and nameless magic mirror. 没有多想,黄小龙魔镜殿魔镜和无名魔镜俱都收进了体内。 Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang two people see that figure flashes, one after the other, gripped Huang Xiaolong. 黑冥王源方两人见状,身形一闪,一前一后,夹住了黄小龙 Huang Xiaolong, hands over the magic mirror!” The Yuan Fang complexion is ugly, puts out a hand saying: That small magic mirror one and hands over, you cannot escape!” 黄小龙,将魔镜交出来!”源方脸色难看,伸手道:“还有那个小魔镜一并交出来,你逃不掉的!” He has not thought that Huang Xiaolong can gather the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror unexpectedly! 他没想到黄小龙竟然能收取魔镜殿魔镜! Magic Mirror Palace comes out multiple, he tries the excessively innumerable methods, has not succeeded. 魔镜殿出世多次,他尝试过无数种方法,都没有成功。 Also, Huang Xiaolong that small magic mirror what's the matter? Among the universes, has the size two magic mirrors? 还有,黄小龙那个小魔镜是怎么回事?宇宙间,难道有大小两块魔镜? Black Underworld King has not opened the mouth, the whole body covers in Darkness, his coldly is staring at Huang Xiaolong. 黑冥王没有开口,全身笼罩在黑暗之中,他冷冷地盯着黄小龙 Huang Xiaolong looks at Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang, smiles cold: Black Underworld King, Yuan Fang, now Source Universe magic mirror already by me obtained, my study and understand the Source Universe magic mirror, broke through God of Universe is the necessity, if you now offer services to me, later my achievement God of Universe, naturally cannot treat unjustly you, if you stop me now, later my achievement God of Universe, you must die!” 黄小龙看着黑冥王源方,冷然一笑:“黑冥王,源方,现在源宇宙魔镜已被我所得,我参悟源宇宙魔镜,突破宇宙之神是必然之事,你们现在若投效于我,以后我成就宇宙之神,自然不会亏待你们,若你们现在阻拦我,以后我成就宇宙之神,你们必死!” Yuan Fang is startled, subsequently laughs wildly: Huang Xiaolong, boast shamelessly, how you obtained the Source Universe magic mirror, you also really think that you can break through God of Universe? Universe birth innumerable years, no person can succeed to break through God of Universe, because nobody can break through!” 源方一怔,继而狂笑:“黄小龙,大言不惭,你就算得到了源宇宙魔镜又如何,你还真以为你能突破宇宙之神?宇宙诞生无数岁月,从来没有人能成功突破宇宙之神,因为根本没人能突破得了!” Do not have the daydream!” “你就别做白日梦了!” A Yuan Fang face ridicule. 源方一脸嘲弄。 In Darkness, the Black Underworld King sound does not have a sentiment: Hands over the big and small magic mirror, otherwise, death!” 黑暗中,黑冥王声音不带一丝感情:“交出大小魔镜,不然,死!” Huang Xiaolong laughs: Such being the case, then on war!” 黄小龙大笑:“既然如此,那就战吧!” Even if Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang collaborate, he what to fear? 就算黑冥王源方联手,他又何惧? Kills!” “杀!” Huang Xiaolong summons Universe Boat, when attacks first to Yuan Fang, Yuan Fang offers a sacrifice to the Rubik's cube, does not draw back instead enters, welcomes to Huang Xiaolong. 黄小龙召出宇宙之舟,当先向源方攻击过来,源方祭出魔方,不退反进,迎向黄小龙 Thump! 咚! Universe Boat and Rubik's cube collide once more in together, this time, the Yuan Fang Rubik's cube was shaken flies, but Yuan Fang was also shaken again and again retreat. 宇宙之舟和魔方再次碰撞在一起,这次,源方的魔方被震飞,而源方亦被震得连连后退 Although Yuan Fang is Source Universe first expert, but, with study and understand 13 Universes deep meaning and compared with Principle Huang Xiaolong, missed. 源方虽然是源宇宙第一高手,但是,与参悟十三宇宙奥义和法则黄小龙相比,还是差了一些。 At this moment, suddenly, terrifying strength to the Huang Xiaolong back raids together, however, Huang Xiaolong looked that has not looked, instead a palm. 就在这时,突然,一道恐怖力量黄小龙后背袭然而至,黄小龙看也没看,反而一掌。 ping! 呯! Huang Xiaolong and Black Underworld King meat palm directly to striking. 黄小龙黑冥王肉掌直接对击。 Cold strength such as attaches the maggot of bone, spills into the Huang Xiaolong palm instantaneously, and sweeps across various Huang Xiaolong within the body places along the Huang Xiaolong palm. 一股寒冷至极的力量如附骨之蛆,瞬间涌进黄小龙手掌,并沿着黄小龙手掌席卷黄小龙体内各处。 Huang Xiaolong was shocked, stimulates to movement Three Great Worlds, is unable to compel this cold strength, Huang Xiaolong not to meet so overbearingly so terrifying the strength of chill/yin cold unexpectedly for a while, no wonder before , was frozen including Four Great Universe Source Divine Fire sea of fire. 黄小龙吃惊,催动三大世界,竟然一时无法逼出这寒冷力量,黄小龙从来没有遇到过如此霸道如此恐怖的阴寒之力,难怪之前连四大宇宙本源神火火海都被冻结。 Black Underworld King is anything exists, is a riddle, because nobody has seen its genuine main body. 黑冥王到底是什么存在,一直是个谜,因为没人见过其真正本体。 When Huang Xiaolong was shocked, the Black Underworld King attack arrived, Black Underworld King turns into light of one group of Darkness, Darkness meteorite that such as crashes, rumbles directly to Huang Xiaolong. 就在黄小龙吃惊时,黑冥王攻击又到了,黑冥王化成一团黑暗之光,如坠落的黑暗殒石,向黄小龙直接轰来。 The Black Underworld King attack has not arrived, terrifying strength of strength of darkness and chill/yin cold then around space the Huang Xiaolong body completely freezes. 黑冥王攻击还没到,恐怖黑暗之力和阴寒之力便将黄小龙身体四周空间完全冻结。 Huang Xiaolong does not dare to be negligent, Universe Evolving Arts revolves, the 13 Universes light shadow appears, in the meantime, left hand Black Demon Spear, right hand Universe Boat, attacks to Black Underworld King. 黄小龙不敢大意,宇宙衍变诀运转,十三宇宙光影出现,同时,左手乌魔枪,右手宇宙之舟,向黑冥王攻击过来。 At this moment, Yuan Fang offered a sacrifice to the Rubik's cube to attack to Huang Xiaolong once more. 就在这时,源方祭着魔方再次向黄小龙攻击了过来。 Huang Xiaolong, Black Underworld King, Yuan Fang, three people slaughter, all around space was rumbled to result in the pulp, even formerly sac­ri­fi­cial altar of magic mirror was rumbled by three people continually shakes however. 黄小龙,黑冥王,源方,三人厮杀,四周空间被轰得稀巴烂,甚至连先前魔镜的祭台都被三人轰得晃然不已。 Except for sac­ri­fi­cial altar, all around all, all have become piece of Primal Chaos, a nihility. 除了祭台,四周一切,俱都成了一片混沌,一片虚无。 Under Huang Xiaolong three people of strength interweave, the terrifying universe storm, the universe black hail, the light of nihility continuously appears, these universe storms, the black hail, the light of nihility strangles to death many 20 billion bucket of Expert sufficiently easily. 黄小龙三人力量交织之下,恐怖的宇宙风暴,宇宙黑雹,虚无之光不断出现,这些宇宙风暴,黑雹,虚无之光足以轻易绞杀许许多多的二百亿高手 Good Fortune Old Man, Ghost Desert Lord, Buddha Saint Sovereign and other 27 billion bucket of Expert have not rushed, 10000000000000000 miles away, then felt Huang Xiaolong, Black Underworld King, Yuan Fang three people of collapse Tianmie place strength. 造化老人,鬼漠之主,佛圣人皇二百七十亿高手还没赶到,远在10000000000000000里之外,便感受到了黄小龙,黑冥王,源方三人崩天灭地的力量 Ghost Desert Lord, Buddha Saint Sovereign and the others none who does not change color. 鬼漠之主,佛圣人皇等人莫不变色。 Is also dignified including the Good Fortune Old Man complexion. 造化老人也脸色凝重。 The strength weakest Heavenly Saint Sovereign complexion is somewhat pale: „Can we, pass?” 实力最弱的天圣人皇脸色有些苍白:“我们,要过去?” His words just fell, then saw Good Fortune Old Man to Huang Xiaolong, Black Underworld King, the Yuan Fang three people of directions fluttered, Buddha Saint Sovereign saw that deeply inspired: Our eight people collaborate, there is what to fear! Walks!” Immediately flutters to the Huang Xiaolong direction, other person of sovereigns follow close on after that Heavenly Saint Sovereign must brace oneself on hardly. 他话刚落,便见造化老人黄小龙,黑冥王,源方三人方向飘飞了过去,佛圣人皇见状,深吸了一口气:“我们八人联手,又有何惧!走!”当即向黄小龙方向飘飞过去,其它人皇紧跟其后,天圣人皇只得硬着头皮硬上。 When Buddha Saint Sovereign and the others arrived at the, looks at distant place Huang Xiaolong, Black Underworld King, Yuan Fang slaughters extremely, has all held breath an cold air/Qi, sees only around the Huang Xiaolong three people, did not have the day, does not have the place, does not have space, anything does not have, because under the Huang Xiaolong three people of strength destructions, all days, all places, all space did not have. 佛圣人皇等人来到附近时,看着极远处黄小龙,黑冥王,源方厮杀,皆是倒吸了一口冷气,只见黄小龙三人四周,已经没有天,没有地,没有空间,什么都没有,因为在黄小龙三人力量毁灭之下,一切天,一切地,一切空间都没了。 Magic mirror?!” Suddenly, some people open the mouth to say. “魔镜呢?!”突然,有人开口道。 What opens the mouth is one calls to release Expert of emperor, is Source Universe releases the clan ancestor, is one of the Source Universe Ten Great Expert, one battle strength 29 billion bucket. 开口的是一个叫释帝的高手,乃是源宇宙释族祖上,是源宇宙十大高手之一,一身战力二百九十亿斗。 Listens to release the emperor to raise, people discovered that the magic mirror in Magic Mirror Palace did not have. 听释帝一提,众人才发现魔镜殿内的魔镜没了。 Huang Xiaolong takes the magic mirror, everybody collaborated, has killed Huang Xiaolong!” When the people are surprised, suddenly, Yuan Fang yelled. 黄小龙取走魔镜,大家联手,杀了黄小龙!”就在众人惊疑时,突然,源方大叫道。 A Yuan Fang saying, a stone aroused thousand heavy waves, came in Inner Hall dozens Expert none who does not was shocked, then looked to Huang Xiaolong. 源方一说,一石激起千重浪,进来内殿的数十位高手莫不吃惊,然后看向黄小龙 At this time, Good Fortune Old Man figure flashes, the attack has approached Huang Xiaolong. 这时,造化老人身形一闪,攻击向了黄小龙 Other Expert see that looks at each other, all has joined the regiment, besieges Huang Xiaolong. 其它高手见状,相视一眼,也都俱都加入了战团,纷纷围攻起黄小龙 Although Huang Xiaolong has Three Great Worlds, 29.9 billion buckets of great world's strength, moreover study and understand left the 13 Universes deep meaning and Principle, but to fighting Black Underworld King, Yuan Fang, Good Fortune Old Man, Ghost Desert Lord, Buddha Saint Sovereign dozens Expert, lacks the ability to do what one would like, is thrown into confusion, is quickly at a disadvantage. 黄小龙虽然拥有三大世界,29900000000斗大世界之力,而且参悟出了十三宇宙奥义和法则,但是对战黑冥王,源方,造化老人,鬼漠之主,佛圣人皇数十位高手,还是力不从心,手忙脚乱,很快便处于下风。 Huang Xiaolong must retreat fighting, gradually draws back to the Magic Mirror Palace Inner Hall deep place. 黄小龙只得且战且退,逐渐退向魔镜殿内殿更深处。 This war, is several months. 这一战,便是数个月。 Several months, Black Underworld King, Yuan Fang, Good Fortune Old Man dozens Expert die to bite Huang Xiaolong not to put, if not Huang Xiaolong has the 13 Universes light shadow to protect the body, only feared that flesh body was already disillusioned, even if so, Huang Xiaolong were also seriously injured, naturally, encircles kills in Huang Xiaolong dozens Expert, during this several months, was also hit to explode twenty people by Huang Xiaolong, for example strength weakest Heavenly Saint Sovereign fought with the fists to explode by Huang Xiaolong. 数个月,黑冥王,源方,造化老人数十高手死咬住黄小龙不放,若非黄小龙十三宇宙光影护体,只怕肉身早已破灭,不过即便如此,黄小龙亦受了重伤,当然,围杀黄小龙的数十位高手中,在这数月之中,亦被黄小龙打爆了二十几人,比如实力最弱的天圣人皇就被黄小龙一拳打爆。 Now, but also remaining, are some 29 billion bucket of battle strength Expert. 现在,还剩下的,都是一些二百九十亿战力高手 This war, it may be said that frigidly. 这一战,可谓惨烈至极。 Huang Xiaolong, front is Magic Mirror Palace the prison of demon light, you cannot escape! Even if I entered the prison of this demon light, is unable to support for one hour!” Behind Yuan Fang finger/refers of Huang Xiaolong escape route, cold sound said. 黄小龙,前面就是魔镜殿魔光之狱,你逃不掉!就算我进了这魔光之狱,也无法支撑一个小时!”源方一指黄小龙后面退路,冷声道。 Sees only behind Huang Xiaolong, is innumerable from void but loudly below demon light, these demon light, all and arm is thick, is similar to light rain that hang down. 只见黄小龙后面,是无数从虚空轰然而下的魔光,这些魔光,俱都和手臂粗大,如同一条条垂挂下来的光雨。 Although Huang Xiaolong has not entered, but Huang Xiaolong can feel terrifying strength that in these demon light contains, Yuan Fang said that did not only fear false. 虽然黄小龙还没进入,但是黄小龙能感受得到这些魔光之中蕴含的恐怖力量,源方所言,只怕不假。 Huang Xiaolong, you did not have escape route, hands over the big and small magic mirror, so long as you hand over the big and small magic mirror, I can guarantee, making you depart safely!” The Black Underworld King quiet cold sound spreads. 黄小龙,你已无退路,将大小魔镜交出来,只要你将大小魔镜交出来,我可以保证,让你安然离去!”黑冥王幽冷的声音传出。 Huang Xiaolong smiles cold, has not said anything, turned around then to enter the prison of demon light. 黄小龙冷然一笑,没说什么,转身便进入了魔光之狱。 Quick, the Huang Xiaolong form then disappears in prison of demon light the rain of demon light. 很快,黄小龙的身影便消失在魔光之狱的魔光之雨中。 Sees Huang Xiaolong to enter the prison of demon light unexpectedly dutifully, the Yuan Fang complexion changes, wants to prevent to be already inferior, he sharply however, moves sideways to enter the prison of demon light, but is quick, then cannot withstand these demon light strength, must draw back distressedly. 黄小龙竟然义无反顾地走进魔光之狱,源方脸色一变,想阻止已然不及,他急然之下,闪身进入魔光之狱,但是很快,便承受不住那些魔光力量,只得狼狈退了出来。 Black Underworld King goes, similarly has drawn back not long. 黑冥王进去,同样没有多久退了出来。 Good Fortune Old Man similarly so. 造化老人同样如此。 Damn!” The Yuan Fang air/Qi anger yelled. “该死!”源方气怒大叫。 The magic mirror in on Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong entered the prison of demon light now, later the magic mirror leaves behind in the prison of demon light, unmanned can obtain again! 魔镜在黄小龙身上,现在黄小龙进了魔光之狱,以后魔镜遗留在魔光之狱,再无人能得到! The Good Fortune Old Man similar complexion is ugly, he passes through innumerable space, after innumerable difficult, finally arrives at Source Universe, for breaks through God of Universe, now, broke through the method of God of Universe actually to cut off by Huang Xiaolong. 造化老人同样脸色难看,他穿越无数空间,历经无数险阻,最终来到源宇宙,为的就是突破宇宙之神,现在,突破宇宙之神之法却被黄小龙掐断了。 Huang Xiaolong, your this damn thing!” Good Fortune Old Man also cannot bear the anger say. 黄小龙,你这个该死的东西!”造化老人亦忍不住怒道。 Black Underworld King has not opened the mouth, coldly looked at Huang Xiaolong disappearance direction. 黑冥王没有开口,冷冷地看着黄小龙消失方向。 Buddha Saint Sovereign saw Huang Xiaolong to enter the prison of deep place demon light, actually relaxed. 佛圣人皇黄小龙进入了魔光之狱深处,却是松了一口大气。 However, the people have not departed immediately, but still defended outside, one day later, Buddha Saint Sovereign said to other person of sovereigns: „A day passed by, Huang Xiaolong died in inside inevitably, we walk.” 不过,众人并没有立即离去,而是仍然守在外面,一天之后,佛圣人皇对其它人皇道:“一天过去了,黄小龙必然已经死在里面,我们走吧。” After all Magic Mirror Palace Inner Hall also has other rarely world treasure, they cannot defend here, Magic Mirror Palace each time comes out, only then several years, several years later will return to the Golden Canyon valley, therefore, for these years, they must seek for other treasure as far as possible. 毕竟魔镜殿内殿还有其它罕世宝贝,他们总不能一直守在这里,魔镜殿每次出世,只有几年,几年后就会回到金峡谷谷底,所以,这几年,他们要尽量寻找其它宝贝。 As Buddha Saint Sovereign several person sovereigns depart, releases the clan ancestors to release emperor and the others also one after another to depart. 随着佛圣人皇几位人皇离去,释族祖上释帝等人也相继离去。 Finally, only remaining Black Underworld King, Yuan Fang, Good Fortune Old Man, Ghost Desert Lord four people. 最后,只剩下了黑冥王,源方,造化老人,鬼漠之主四人。 Also in one day, makes person Old Man, Ghost Desert Lord departs one after another. 又过了一天,造人老人,鬼漠之主相继离去。 Until four days later, Yuan Fang opens the mouth to say to Black Underworld King: Huang Xiaolong died in inside, waits again, Huang Xiaolong was impossible to live.” Then, breaking space departs. 直到四天后,源方黑冥王开口道:“黄小龙已经死在里面,再等下去,黄小龙也不可能活着出来了。”说完,破空离去。 However Black Underworld King waited for two days, this departs. 不过黑冥王又多等了两天,这才离去。 But enters Huang Xiaolong of prison of demon light only to think that terrifying great mountain explosion on oneself, Huang Xiaolong revolution Universe Evolving Arts, the 13 Universes light shadow appears, from the beginning, the 13 Universes light shadow can also block these demon light, but a time long time, 13 Universes light shadow vicissitude. 而进入魔光之狱的黄小龙只觉一座座恐怖巨山轰在自己身上,黄小龙运转宇宙衍变诀,十三宇宙光影浮现,一开始,十三宇宙光影还能挡住这些魔光,但是时间一久,十三宇宙光影浮沉不已。 These demon light the strength of destruction, have far exceeded the Huang Xiaolong imagination, each demon light, almost endures compared with Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang collaborates to strike. 这些魔光的毁灭之力,远远超出了黄小龙想像,每一道魔光,几乎都堪比黑冥王源方联手一击。 Suppose, Black Underworld King and Yuan Fang collaborate to attack, rumbles continuously in on Huang Xiaolong, how can be? 试想,黑冥王源方联手攻击,持续不断地轰在黄小龙身上,会是如何? However, in Huang Xiaolong must draw back, suddenly, prison of most deep place demon light, has strength of the astonishing swallowing, has swallowed suddenly then Huang Xiaolong. 但是,就在黄小龙要退回去时,突然,魔光之狱最深处,产生一股惊人的吞噬之力,眨眼便将黄小龙吞噬了进去。 When Huang Xiaolong responded, Huang Xiaolong discovered, he already arrived at a light world. 黄小龙反应过来时,黄小龙发现,他已然来到了一个光的世界。 Everywhere is the light, does not have other things. 到处都是光,没有其它东西。 In all directions, when vacant, this little looks like he comes Source Universe, across that light waterfall is the same, what is different from that light waterfall, here light, is the gentle light, Huang Xiaolong discovered, these light, actually contain are letting the opportunity of living the person is unable to imagine, the strength of living. 四处,一片茫然,这有点像他来源宇宙时,穿过那光明瀑布一样,不过与那光明瀑布不同的是,这里的光,是柔和之光,黄小龙发现,这些光之中,竟然蕴含着让人无法想像的生之机,生之力。 As if, entire does Source Universe, grow from here?! 似乎,整个源宇宙,是从这里衍生的?! Huang Xiaolong tries to depart here, but discovered how, regardless of he flies, is unable to discover the end. 黄小龙试图飞出这里,但是发现无论他如何飞行,都无法发现尽头。 Finally, Huang Xiaolong stopped, since is unable to leave, that here study and understand Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror, so long as he passes the Source Universe deep meaning and Principle study and understand, at the appointed time, breaks through God of Universe, how wants to leave. 最后,黄小龙停了下来,既然无法离开,那就在这里参悟魔镜殿魔镜,只要他将源宇宙奥义和法则参悟透,到时,突破宇宙之神,想怎么离开都可以。 Therefore, Huang Xiaolong then sits cross-legged, summons the Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror and nameless magic mirror, starts to calm the mind study and understand. 于是,黄小龙便盘坐下来,召出魔镜殿魔镜和无名魔镜,开始静心参悟 Suddenly, for several years passes. 眨眼,数年过去。 Enters Magic Mirror Palace Expert, comes out from Magic Mirror Palace in abundance, Magic Mirror Palace falls the bottom of Golden Canyon. 进入魔镜殿高手,纷纷从魔镜殿出来,魔镜殿重新落回金峡谷之底。 Black Underworld King, Yuan Fang, Good Fortune Old Man, Ghost Desert Lord, Buddha Saint Sovereign and the others look that Magic Mirror Palace falls the bottom of Golden Canyon, finally vanishes does not see. 黑冥王,源方,造化老人,鬼漠之主,佛圣人皇等人看着魔镜殿重新落回金峡谷之底,最终消失不见。 Huang Xiaolong has not died in the prison of demon light, definitely will die in the Golden Canyon valley, nobody can live coming out from the Golden Canyon valley!” Yuan Fang affirms saying that departs along with it turning around breaking space. 黄小龙就算没死在魔光之狱,也必然会死在金峡谷谷底,没人能从金峡谷谷底活着出来!”源方肯定道,随之转身破空离去。 Numerous side Expert also one after another leave. 众方高手也相继离开。 Finally what leaves is Black Underworld King and Good Fortune Old Man. 最后离开的是黑冥王造化老人 Not long, Huang Xiaolong by Black Underworld King, Yuan Fang and other Expert were encircled to kill, dies then passed on the news of prison of Magic Mirror Palace Inner Hall demon light. 没有多久,黄小龙黑冥王,源方高手围杀,死在魔镜殿内殿魔光之狱的消息便传了开来。 „The prison of demon light! It is not able to stay the last hour in inside including Sir Yuan Fang, Huang Xiaolong has not come out in inside several days, it is estimated that turned into the dregs including Dao Soul!” 魔光之狱!连源方大人都无法在里面呆上一个小时,黄小龙在里面数天没有出来,估计连道魂都变成渣了!” Has been a pity, heard that the magic mirror in on Huang Xiaolong, the magic mirror is taken into the prison of demon light by Huang Xiaolong now, this world, unmanned can obtain the magic mirror again, unmanned breaks through God of Universe again hopefully!” “可惜了,听说魔镜在黄小龙身上,现在魔镜被黄小龙带进魔光之狱,这世间,再无人能得到魔镜,再无人有希望突破宇宙之神!” The Huang Xiaolong death, has created very big stir in Source Universe, after all the Huang Xiaolong bang flies of Buddha Saint Sovereign eight big Human Race person sovereigns, really made the person shake, keeping at that time Golden Canyon million God of Creation Expert from forgetting. 黄小龙的死,在源宇宙引起了很大的震动,毕竟黄小龙轰飞佛圣人皇八大大人族人皇的一幕,实在太让人震憾,让当时金峡谷的百万创世神高手无法忘记。 However, along with the time passage, Huang Xiaolong forgot by Source Universe gradually. 不过,随着时间推移,黄小龙逐渐被源宇宙遗忘。 But the Huang Xiaolong die news, passed to 13 Universes Unknown Space. 黄小龙殒落的消息,亦传到了十三宇宙未知空间 What, did Huang, Huang Xiaolong die?!” Ominous Demon hears the news, some do not believe. “什么,黄,黄小龙死了?!”凶魔听到消息,有些不信。 Yes, was Good Fortune Old Man said personally, heard Huang Xiaolong also had Source Universe first expert Yuan Fang dozens people to encircle by Black Underworld King at that time kills, finally entered a place of prison of demon light, that place, could not stay Black Underworld King for one hour, but the Huang Xiaolong several days have not come out.” Green Ghost 1 face complex say/way: Was a pity!” “是,是造化老人亲口说的,听说黄小龙当时被黑冥王还有源宇宙第一高手源方数十人围杀,最后进了一个魔光之狱的地方,那个地方,连黑冥王都呆不了一个小时,而黄小龙数天没有出来。”绿鬼一脸复杂道:“可惜了!” The Ominous Demon complexion is cloudy. 凶魔脸色阴晴。 Huang Xiaolong is he also has Unknown Space, the hope of 13 Universes is, if Huang Xiaolong died, later who prevents Universe Clan? 黄小龙是他还有未知空间,还有十三宇宙的希望所在,黄小龙若死了,以后谁来阻止宇宙一族 „A bad news.” Green Ghost has hesitated, said: Heard that Black Underworld King in Source Universe Magic Mirror Palace, had found Universe Source Stone! Moreover is two!” “还有一个坏消息。”绿鬼迟疑了一下,说道:“听说黑冥王源宇宙魔镜殿内,找到了宇宙源石!而且是两颗!” What?!” The Ominous Demon complexion completely changed. “什么?!”凶魔脸色完全变了。 Black Underworld King had suddenly found Universe Source Stone! Moreover is two! 黑冥王竟然找到了宇宙源石!而且是两颗! But, heard that Universe Clan Shattering Tribulation Formation, had problems, therefore, Black Underworld King ordered, refined Shattering Tribulation Formation, moreover increased the universe Shattering Tribulation Formation might, therefore, Black Underworld King must revolve universe Shattering Tribulation Formation, at least was 1 million years.” Green Ghost said. “不过,听说宇宙一族破灭劫大阵,出了点问题,所以,黑冥王下令,重新炼制破灭劫大阵,而且加大了宇宙破灭劫大阵的威力,所以,黑冥王要运转宇宙破灭劫大阵,至少要数1000000年。”绿鬼说道。 Had problems, naturally was Huang Xiaolong fudged on refinement formation runes in the past. 出了点问题,当然是黄小龙当年在炼制的大阵符文上动了手脚。 Several million years.” Ominous Demon sighed: Said, we can only live for several million years? Can 13 Universes all, vanish into thin air at the appointed time?!” “数百万年。”凶魔一叹:“这么说,我们只能活数百万年了?十三宇宙的一切,到时都要化为乌有?!” Green Ghost nodded: Heard that Good Fortune Old Man rate/lead Good Fortune Space all Expert have offered services to Black Underworld King.” 绿鬼点头:“听说造化老人已经率造化空间所有高手投效黑冥王。” Several million years, then pass by suddenly. 数百万年,眨眼便过去。 The universe Shattering Tribulation Formation refinement that Black Underworld King refines is completed, moreover might compared with beforehand more formidable one time. 黑冥王重新炼制的宇宙破灭劫大阵炼制完成,而且威力比以前的更强大了一倍。 On this day, Unknown Space all Expert see, a front space cuns (2.5 cm) avalanche, the strength of destruction sweeps across to Unknown Space all corners suddenly. 这一日,未知空间所有高手看到,前方空间突然寸寸崩塌,毁灭之力向未知空间所有角落席卷而来。 Ominous Demon stands erect sky over Demon Capital, is looking angrily at void: Black Underworld King, you think that you promote universe Shattering Tribulation, presses out dry/does 13 Universes all vitalities, can you break through God of Universe? Do not have a dream, you will be forever and ever impossible to break through God of Universe!” 凶魔屹立在魔都上空,怒视着虚空:“黑冥王,你以为你推动宇宙破灭劫,榨干十三宇宙所有生机,你就能突破宇宙之神?你别做梦了,你永生永世都不可能突破宇宙之神!” Void, Black Underworld King covers the form in Darkness appears, Black Underworld King cold sound smiles: this time, I obtained two Universe Source Stone, the universe Shattering Tribulation Formation might one time, I can break through God of Universe inevitably, what a pity, Ominous Demon, you could not see me to break through God of Universe that day again!” 虚空中,黑冥王笼罩在黑暗中的身影出现,黑冥王冷声一笑:“这次,我得到两枚宇宙源石,宇宙破灭劫大阵威力强了一倍,我必然能突破宇宙之神,可惜,凶魔,你再也看不到我突破宇宙之神的那一天!” Then, increased the universe Shattering Tribulation Formation might, immediately, a Demon Capital space cuns (2.5 cm) avalanche, Demon Capital all completely change into the fragment powder, but Ominous Demon, Green Ghost, Dragon Tyrant, Death God, Zhu Chen and the others were also covered by universe Shattering Tribulation Formation, finally whole body collapse and scattered, turned into the light source of living, was drawn in universe Shattering Tribulation Formation together with Dao Soul together. 说完,加大了宇宙破灭劫大阵的威力,顿时,魔都空间寸寸崩塌,魔都的一切皆尽化为齑粉,而凶魔,绿鬼,龙霸,死神,朱辰等人亦被宇宙破灭劫大阵覆盖住,最后全身崩散,化成了生之光源,连同道魂一起被吸进了宇宙破灭劫大阵之中。 Not long, Jian Wushuang, Tao Han'er and the others have all Expert of other Unknown Space earth to be extinguished by the milling, swallows cleanly. 没有多久,剑无双,陶涵儿等人还有未知空间其它大地的一切高手俱都被辗灭,吞噬干净。 Black Underworld King Your Majesty, Unknown Space was extinguished cleanly by the milling, we following, wants the milling to extinguish the first universe?” Universe Clan Expert asked for instructions Black Underworld King. 黑冥王陛下,未知空间已经被辗灭干净,我们接下来,是要辗灭第一宇宙?”一位宇宙一族高手请示黑冥王 Black Underworld King has hesitated, said: Hears Huang Xiaolong Master, family member, his women in Blazing Dragon Universe, yes?” 黑冥王沉吟了一下,说道:“听说黄小龙师父,还有家人,还有他的女人都在燚龙宇宙,是吧?” Yes, we look up, Huang Xiaolong Master, family member, his all women in Blazing Dragon Universe.” That Universe Clan Expert replied respectfully. “是的,我们查到,黄小龙师父,家人,他的所有的女人都在燚龙宇宙。”那位宇宙一族高手恭敬回答道。 Black Underworld King sneered: To express respect to Huang Xiaolong, we extinguish Blazing Dragon Universe first, I must pass personally Blazing Dragon Universe, pinches the Huang Xiaolong woman!” 黑冥王冷笑:“为了表示对黄小龙的尊重,我们先灭燚龙宇宙,我要亲自过去燚龙宇宙,将黄小龙的女人一个一个捏死!” If not for Huang Xiaolong, Magic Mirror Palace magic mirror perhaps already by him obtained. 若不是黄小龙,魔镜殿魔镜说不定已在被他所得。 Yes! Black Underworld King Your Majesty!” “是!黑冥王陛下!” Immediately, Black Underworld King personally led Universe Clan Expert to arrive at Blazing Dragon Universe, universe Shattering Tribulation Formation revolved, Great World in Blazing Dragon Universe completely were all extinguished by the milling, Blazing Dragon Universe fell into a despair, panic-stricken, begged for mercy, weeping sound, during pitiful yell. 随即,黑冥王亲自率领宇宙一族高手来到了燚龙宇宙,宇宙破灭劫大阵运转,燚龙宇宙内的一个又一个大世界皆尽被辗灭,燚龙宇宙陷入一片绝望,惊恐,求饶,哭声,惨叫之中。 Finally, before Black Underworld King and Universe Clan numerous Expert arrived at Burial Soul World. 最后,黑冥王宇宙一族高手来到了葬魂世界之前。 In Burial Soul World, Pangu, Yellow Dragon, Blazing Dragon, Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Jiyuan, Wang Meilan as well as Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, Yaochi (Jade Lake) and other females are looking at Universe Clan numerous Expert outside Burial Soul World alarmed and afraid. 葬魂世界内,盘古,黄龙,燚龙,黄鹏,苏燕,黄济源,王美兰以及释小妃,李璐,瑶池等众女正惊惧地看着葬魂世界外的宇宙一族高手 Black Underworld King said indifferently: You think that hides on this day however in the world, can't I extinguish you?” Then, lifts a hand fist, merely is a fist, then rumbles the defense of Burial Soul World torn to pieces, entire Burial Soul World, rocks fiercely. 黑冥王淡然道:“你们以为躲进这天然世界内,我就灭不了你们?”说完,抬手一拳,仅仅是一拳,便将葬魂世界的防御轰得支离破碎,整个葬魂世界,剧烈晃动。 Black Underworld King steps, then entered in Burial Soul World. 黑冥王一踏步,便进入了葬魂世界之内。 Universe Clan Expert swarms to enter. 宇宙一族高手蜂拥而入。 Pangu and the others the complexion are all startled changes. 盘古等人俱都脸色惊变。 Black Underworld King crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is despising Pangu, Blazing Dragon, Yellow Dragon and the others: „Are you Huang Xiaolong Master, the father? Mother?” Finally, the vision falls on Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, on the Yaochi (Jade Lake) females: Huang Xiaolong woman?” 黑冥王负手而立,藐视着盘古,燚龙,黄龙等人:“你们就是黄小龙师父,父亲?母亲?”最后,目光落在释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女身上:“还有黄小龙的女人?” „The Huang Xiaolong taste so is unexpectedly bad, some God of Creation are not trash, unexpectedly interested.” The Black Underworld King ridicule said. 黄小龙的品味竟然这么差,连一些创世神都不是的垃圾,竟然都有兴趣。”黑冥王嘲弄道。 Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, Yaochi (Jade Lake) females, although the appearance is very beautiful, but God of Creation is not, in the Black Underworld King eye, that was the trash. 释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女虽然长相是很美,但是连创世神都不是,在黑冥王眼里,那就是垃圾了。 Such woman, gives his disciple subordinate subordinate washing foot of subordinate not to have the qualifications continually. 这样的女人,连给他的弟子的手下的手下的手下洗脚都没资格。 Pangu strong sound said: „Are you Universe Clan Black Underworld King? You destroy 13 Universes, suck dry 13 Universes vitality, was impossible to break through God of Universe, finally broke through God of Universe, inevitably was my disciple Huang Xiaolong!” 盘古壮声道:“你就是宇宙一族黑冥王?你就算毁灭十三宇宙,吸干十三宇宙生机,也不可能突破得了宇宙之神,最后突破宇宙之神的,必然是我弟子黄小龙!” Black Underworld King hears word, scoffs at the sound to smile: Your disciple Huang Xiaolong? Told you, several million years ago, Huang Xiaolong died.” 黑冥王闻言,嗤声一笑:“你弟子黄小龙?告诉你吧,早在数百万年前,黄小龙就已经死了。” What?!” Pangu, Yellow Dragon, Blazing Dragon and the others straight changes countenance. “什么?!”盘古,黄龙,燚龙等人齐然变色。 Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, the Yaochi (Jade Lake) females are the beautiful face disastrous incidents. 释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女更是花容惨变。 No, is impossible! Xiaolong is impossible dead!” Shi Xiaofei the tears drop immediately. “不,不可能!小龙不可能死!”释小妃当即眼泪滴落。 Is impossible?” Black Underworld King sneered: Several million years ago, Huang Xiaolong and I, Good Fortune Old Man entered Source Universe, afterward in Source Universe Magic Mirror Palace, robbed the magic mirror with us, was encircled by our dozens broken 27 billion bucket of Expert kills, finally, Huang Xiaolong has run into the prison of Magic Mirror Palace demon light!” “不可能?”黑冥王冷笑:“数百万年前,黄小龙和我,还有造化老人进了源宇宙,后来在源宇宙魔镜殿内,和我们抢夺魔镜,被我们数十位破二百七十亿高手围杀,最后,黄小龙逃进了魔镜殿魔光之狱!” Prison of that place demon light, is unable to stay the last hour in inside including me, but Huang Xiaolong has not come out in inside several days!” 魔光之狱那个地方,连我都无法在里面呆上一个小时,但是黄小龙在里面数天都没有出来!” The Black Underworld King sound, reverberates in Burial Soul World space. 黑冥王的声音,回荡在葬魂世界空间 Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, Yaochi (Jade Lake) numerous female one hear, creakies, only thinks that the sky collapsed. 释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女一听,摇摇欲坠,只觉天塌了。 Although these years, Huang Xiaolong has not come back, but, Huang Xiaolong is the numerous female day. 虽然这些年,黄小龙并没有回来,但是,黄小龙一直是众女的天。 Now, the day did not have! 现在,天没了! You talk nonsense!” Pangu roared angrily to Black Underworld King: Xiaolong is impossible dead! He has Three Great Worlds, he is ancient only, is impossible dead!” “你放屁!”盘古黑冥王怒叫:“小龙不可能死!他有三大世界,他是亘古唯一,不可能死!” Black Underworld King sees that sneered, a finger/refers, then sees Pangu to explode conveniently loudly, turns into piece of golden Blood Mist, Black Underworld King puts out a hand to grasp, grasps Pangu Dao Soul in the hand. 黑冥王见状,冷笑,随手一指,便见盘古轰然爆开,化成一片金色血雾,黑冥王伸手一握,将盘古道魂握在手中。 Pangu brother!” Yellow Dragon, Blazing Dragon and the others sad call. 盘古兄!”黄龙,燚龙等人悲叫。 Black Underworld King looks at Pangu Dao Soul, coldly said: Those and I oppose, must die completely, Huang Xiaolong is not exceptional, you are no exception, but, kills your this small ants, was dirty my hand, looked in you are in the Huang Xiaolong Master share, the like you this kind of small ants, I were disinclined shortly.” 黑冥王看着盘古道魂,冷冷道:“凡是和我作对的,全部都要死,黄小龙不例外,你也不例外,不过,杀你这种小蝼蚁,是脏了我的手,要不是看在你是黄小龙师父的份上,像你这种小蝼蚁,我懒得正眼看一眼。” Then, throws into Pangu Dao Soul universe Shattering Tribulation Formation. 说完,将盘古道魂扔进宇宙破灭劫大阵之内。 Blazing Dragon, in Yellow Dragon angry, wants to go all out with Black Underworld King, but, was all exploded by a Black Underworld King palm racket, then Dao Soul threw into universe Shattering Tribulation Formation. 燚龙,黄龙怒然中,欲和黑冥王拼命,不过,俱都被黑冥王一掌拍爆,然后道魂被扔进宇宙破灭劫大阵之中。 Black Underworld King follows a set pattern, 11 Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Jiyuan, Wang Meilan and the others pinched to explode to pinch, finally, only remaining Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, Yaochi (Jade Lake) females. 黑冥王如法炮制,11将黄鹏,苏燕,黄济源,王美兰等人捏爆捏死,最后,只剩下了释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女。 Black Underworld King looks at Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, the Yaochi (Jade Lake) females, suddenly said: Was long well, such kills you a little to be a pity actually.” Then reveals cloudy sneered to accommodate, said to behind Expert: Brings back to Universe Vault them completely, enjoys according to the merit line, kindly gives my Universe Clan disciple to be the warm bed maidservant them.” 黑冥王看着释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女,突然道:“长得倒是不错,就这么杀了你们有点可惜了。”然后露出阴冷笑容,对身后高手道:“将她们全部带回宇宙之穹,按功行赏,将她们赏给我宇宙一族弟子当暖床侍女。” Warm bed maidservant! 暖床侍女! Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, the Yaochi (Jade Lake) numerous female beautiful face big change, the Shi Xiaofei females want from exploding, but discovered that the whole body is unable to move, the body does not receive itself to control. 释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女花容大变,释小妃众女想自爆,但是发现全身无法动弹,身体根本不受自己支配。 At this moment, the Golden Canyon valley, in space of Magic Mirror Palace light, Huang Xiaolong sits cross-legged during is boundlessly void, rays of light surges, body all around 13 Universes light shadow high and low twines, sky over the top of the head, the big and small magic mirror is sending out radiant rays of light, but at this time, Huang Xiaolong within the body is having the astonishing transformation. 就在这时,金峡谷谷底,魔镜殿光之空间内,黄小龙盘坐在茫茫虚空之中,光芒涌动,身体四周十三宇宙光影上下缠绕,头顶上空,大小魔镜散发着璀璨光芒,而此时,黄小龙体内正发生着惊人蜕变。 Huang Xiaolong within the body Three Great Worlds great world's strength, surges, roared, suddenly blasted out, the golden great world's strength exuviate turned into the color of nihility unexpectedly! 黄小龙体内三大世界大世界之力,翻腾,咆哮,突然炸开,原本金色大世界之力竟然蜕变成了虚无之色! But Huang Xiaolong Three Great Dao Soul also unceasingly rises in a big way, finally, fluttered unexpectedly Huang Xiaolong outside the body, fused a body with entire Magic Mirror Palace, no, in particular, was entire Universe World fuses a body! 黄小龙三大道魂亦不断涨大,最后,竟然飘出了黄小龙体外,与整个魔镜殿融合一体,不,确切地说,是与整个宇宙天地融合一体! Universe deep meanings and Principle condense in front of Huang Xiaolong, the congealing reality, finally, condensed a light shadow, compared with a 13 Universes bigger light shadow! 一道道宇宙奥义和法则黄小龙面前凝聚,凝实,最后,凝聚成了一个光影,一个比十三宇宙更大的光影! Source Universe light shadow! 源宇宙光影! Altogether is 14 universe light shadow! 一共是14宇宙光影! When 14 universe light shadow get together, terrifying strength sweeps across the world, Magic Mirror Palace space vibrates, subsequently is the entire Golden Canyon valley vibrates! 当14宇宙光影齐聚,一股恐怖力量席卷天地,魔镜殿空间震动,继而是整个金峡谷谷底震动! Is entire Wasteland that Golden Canyon is vibrating! 紧接着,是金峡谷所在的整个荒漠在震动! Finally, is around Wasteland earth is vibrating. 最后,是荒漠四周的一个又一个大地在震动。 What's the matter?!” In the main hall, Ghost Desert Lord was alarmed, breaking space departs. “怎么回事?!”大殿之内,鬼漠之主被惊动,破空飞出。 Master, probably is Golden Canyon! Golden Canyon had an accident!” His disciple staring distant place horizon, not determine/certain said/tunnel. 师父,好像是金峡谷金峡谷出事了!”他弟子凝视远方天际,不确定地道。 Golden Canyon? Ghost Desert Lord is astonished. 金峡谷鬼漠之主惊愕。 The vibration fluctuates to Universe Space unceasingly, quick, Source Universe all powerhouse felt this terrifying vibration strength. 震动不断向宇宙空间波动,很快,源宇宙所有强者都感受到了这恐怖的震动力量 Finally, the vibration spread Source Universe, has penetrated three thousand Layer Sky however world's wall, then passed to 13 Universes. 最后,震动传出了源宇宙,穿透过了三千重天界壁,然后传到了十三宇宙 powerhouse of 13 Universes universe felt this astonishing vibration strength. 十三宇宙一个又一个宇宙的强者都感受到了这惊人的震动力量 Finally, the vibration passed to Blazing Dragon Universe, passed to Burial Soul World. 最后,震动传到了燚龙宇宙,传到了葬魂世界 Black Underworld King is stunned, looks up to horizon, the look is surprised. 黑冥王错愕,抬头看向天际,眼神惊疑。 What's all this about?” Universe Clan numerous Expert looks at each other, puzzled. “这是怎么回事?”宇宙一族高手相视,不解。 After a meeting, the vibration vanishes suddenly. 一会后,震动突然消失。 But Huang Xiaolong in Source Universe Golden Canyon has opened both eyes suddenly, then, his figure flashes, vanished when Golden Canyon directly, appeared again, already arrived at Blazing Dragon Universe! 而远在源宇宙金峡谷内的黄小龙突然睁开了双眼,接着,他身形一闪,直接消失在了金峡谷,再次出现时,已然来到了燚龙宇宙 Arrives at Blazing Dragon Universe from Source Universe directly! 直接从源宇宙来到燚龙宇宙 If Yuan Fang sees, definitely eyeful panic-stricken. 若是源方看到,必然会满眼惊骇。 Huang Xiaolong arrives at Blazing Dragon Universe, Dao Soul covers, both eyes one cold, a stride, then arrived at Burial Soul World. 黄小龙来到燚龙宇宙,道魂覆盖,双眼一冷,一跨步,便来到了葬魂世界 At this time, Black Underworld King is just about with Universe Clan numerous Expert and detains Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, the Yaochi (Jade Lake) females is leaving Burial Soul World, Black Underworld King turns around, suddenly some discovery people stand in front of oneself, does not have the sound, had a scare. 此时,黑冥王正要和宇宙一族高手和押着释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女离开葬魂世界,黑冥王一转身,突然发现有人站在自己面前,毫无声息,不由吓了一跳。 Huang Xiaolong?!” When Black Underworld King sees clearly the present person, eyeful shock, inconceivable, thinks that misread. 黄小龙?!”待黑冥王看清眼前之人时,满眼震惊,不可思议,以为看错了。 Didn't Huang Xiaolong die in the prison of Magic Mirror Palace demon light? 黄小龙不是死在魔镜殿魔光之狱了吗? How suddenly to present here? 怎么突然出现这里? Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, in Yaochi (Jade Lake) numerous female heart desperate, suddenly hears Black Underworld King to call out in alarm, the whole body big quake, is all on the rise, then saw the Huang Xiaolong that familiar and remote face. 释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女心中绝望,突然听到黑冥王惊叫,全身大震,俱都抬头,然后看到了黄小龙那一张熟悉而久远的脸。 Huang Xiaolong!” Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, Yaochi (Jade Lake) numerous female happy however tears, called out. 黄小龙!”释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女喜然泪目,叫道。 Black Underworld King looks at present Huang Xiaolong, suddenly has smiled: Huang Xiaolong, has not thought that you have not died in the prison of Magic Mirror Palace demon light unexpectedly, what's wrong? Do you want to save your woman? I also planned leads your woman, at the appointed time kindly gives my Universe Clan disciple!” 黑冥王看着眼前黄小龙,突然笑了起来:“黄小龙,没想到你竟然没死在魔镜殿魔光之狱内,怎么?你想救你的女人?我本来还打算将你的女人带回去,到时赏给我宇宙一族弟子!” Although Huang Xiaolong appears, but he has not cared, Huang Xiaolong strength, perhaps compared with on his point, but also many. 黄小龙虽然出现,但是他并没有太在意,黄小龙的实力,或许比他强上一分,但是也强不了多少。 However, at this moment, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong puts out a hand, then Darkness the neck of Black Underworld King presses firmly between the fingers, closely presses firmly between the fingers, then clutched itself in front. 不过,就在这时,突然,黄小龙一伸手,便将黑暗之中的黑冥王的脖子捏住,紧紧捏住,然后揪到了自己面前。 Black Underworld King both eyes prominently, looks at Huang Xiaolong panic-stricken, he was ignorant for a while. 黑冥王双眼突出,惊恐地看着黄小龙,他一时懵了。 How can he quilt?! 他怎么会被?! He does not think clearly, will he suddenly have been pressed firmly between the fingers the neck by Huang Xiaolong? Moreover isn't he able to revolt unexpectedly? Before him presses firmly between the fingers some small ants, aren't these small ants able to revolt to be the same?! 他想不明白,他怎么会突然就被黄小龙捏住了脖子?而且他竟然无法反抗?就像他以前捏住一些小蝼蚁一样,那些小蝼蚁根本无法反抗一样?! You, you already?!” Black Underworld King flutters. “你,你难道已经?!”黑冥王颤声。 Universe Clan numerous Expert daunted. 宇宙一族高手更是吓住了。 Huang Xiaolong looks at Black Underworld King that pale face, both eyes indifferently: You guess right, I broke through God of Universe.” 黄小龙看着黑冥王那惨白的脸,双眼漠然:“你猜得没错,我已经突破宇宙之神。” No, is impossible!” Black Underworld King eats: Possibly is not you, is impossible!” “不,不可能!”黑冥王吃吃:“不可能是你,不可能!” He to break through God of Universe, has tried hard the innumerable years, he had fantasized innumerable he breaks through God of Universe that moment, even if some people break through God of Universe, that is also he! 他为突破宇宙之神,努力了无数岁月,他无数次幻想过他突破宇宙之神的那一刻,就算有人突破宇宙之神,那也是他! Huang Xiaolong hears word, is disinclined with the Black Underworld King multi- idle talk, grasps directly, pinches to explode Black Underworld King, Black Underworld King Dao Soul escapes, wants to fly to run away, by Huang Xiaolong optional one finger/refers, was exploded to disperse the innumerable fragments. 黄小龙闻言,懒得与黑冥王多废话,直接一握,将黑冥王捏爆,黑冥王道魂逃出,欲要飞逃,被黄小龙随意一指,炸散成了无数碎片。 Huang Xiaolong both eyes rays of light, then saw Universe Clan innumerable Expert to turn into the nihility completely, dissipated in the world. 紧接着,黄小龙双眼一阵光芒,便见宇宙一族无数高手全部化成了虚无,消散于天地之间。 Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, Yaochi (Jade Lake) numerous female whole body one loose, pleasantly surprised, to Huang Xiaolong racing to come, invests in the Huang Xiaolong bosom, weeping sound. 释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女全身一松,惊喜,向黄小龙奔来,投入黄小龙怀中,哭声不已。 Xiaolong, father, Master they by that Black Underworld King killing!” Shi Xiaofei crying sound said. 小龙,父亲,师父他们都已经被那个黑冥王给杀了!”释小妃哭声道。 All right.” Huang Xiaolong consoles the sound said, is void absorbs, Yellow Dragon, Pangu, Blazing Dragon, Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Jiyuan, Wang Meilan and the others Dao Soul rescues from universe Shattering Tribulation Formation, afterward, Huang Xiaolong has blown the one breath, then sees Pangu, Blazing Dragon and the others flesh body restores, complete restoration. “没事。”黄小龙慰声道,然后虚空一摄,将黄龙,盘古,燚龙,黄鹏,苏燕,黄济源,王美兰等人道魂从宇宙破灭劫大阵中救出,随后,黄小龙吹了一口气,便见盘古,燚龙等人肉身恢复,完完全全恢复。 Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, Yaochi (Jade Lake) numerous female beautiful eyes stares in a big way. 释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女美目瞪大。 Xiaolong, you came back!” Yellow Dragon, Pangu, Blazing Dragon and the others restored, sees Huang Xiaolong, is delighted, Huang Xiaolong destroyed completely Black Underworld King a moment ago, they see clearly in universe Shattering Tribulation Formation. 小龙,你回来了!”黄龙,盘古,燚龙等人恢复过来,看到黄小龙,都是喜出望外,刚才黄小龙灭掉黑冥王,他们在宇宙破灭劫大阵中看得清楚。 Father, mother, Master!” Huang Xiaolong said with a smile: I came back.” “父亲,母亲,师父!”黄小龙笑道:“我回来了。” Comes back well, comes back well!” Huang Peng said with a smile. “回来就好,回来就好啊!”黄鹏笑道。 Wang Meilan is staring Huang Xiaolong: Your this brat, this time comes back, will not leave again.” 王美兰瞪着黄小龙:“你这臭小子,这次回来,不会再离开了吧。” Su Yan also said: Right, this time, you cannot leave again, you and Xiao Fei, Li Lu, Yaochi (Jade Lake) they live big group of babies to be good to us.” 苏燕亦道:“没错,这次,你可不能再离开了,你得和小妃,李璐,瑶池她们给我们生一大堆小娃娃才行。” The people laugh. 众人大笑。 Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, the Yaochi (Jade Lake) numerous female whole face blushes. 释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女满脸羞红。 Relax, this time, I will not leave again.” Huang Xiaolong looks at Shi Xiaofei, Li Lu, the Yaochi (Jade Lake) females, reveals look that harbors evil intentions: We tonight diligently!” “放心,这次,我不会再离开了。”黄小龙看着释小妃,李璐,瑶池众女,露出不怀好意的眼神:“我们今晚就努力!” ( Book termination!) (全书完结!)
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