IC :: Volume #38

#3743: Half-Step God of Universe

Hits flies Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, after the Shi Jian three people, Huang Xiaolong pushes Universe Boat to continue to forward, to other Ancient Clan ancestors, Patriarch, Ancient Ancestor hits. 撞飞凰纫,周福,石坚三人后,黄小龙推着宇宙之舟继续向前,向其它古族祖上,族长,古祖撞来。 The Universe Boat speed quickly arrived beyond comparison, under Huang Xiaolong full power promotes, is quick, these Ancient Clan Expert just saw Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, the Shi Jian three people are hit to fly, has not responded, Universe Boat then arrived at the front. 宇宙之舟速度本来就快到无以伦比,在黄小龙全力推动下,更是快,那些古族高手刚看到凰纫,周福,石坚三人被撞飞,还没反应回来,宇宙之舟便已来到面前。 Immediately, a piece of pitiful yell. 顿时,一片惨叫。 Sees only innumerable Ancient Clan Expert to be hit to fly by Universe Boat. 只见无数古族高手宇宙之舟纷纷撞飞。 Including Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, the Shi Jian three people cannot keep off Universe Boat, let alone other Ancient Clan Expert? 凰纫,周福,石坚三人都挡不下宇宙之舟,何况其它古族高手 In front of Universe Boat of Huang Xiaolong 29.9 billion buckets of great world's strength stimulation of movement, Universe Boat destroys the hardest defenses simply, not having the thing may keep off, nobody can block the Universe Boat step. 黄小龙29900000000斗大世界之力催动的宇宙之舟面前,宇宙之舟简直是无坚不摧,无物可挡,根本没人能挡得住宇宙之舟的步伐。 The short 1-2 breath, nearly 50% Ancient Clan Expert were then hit to fly by Universe Boat. 短短一两个呼吸,便有近一半的古族高手宇宙之舟撞飞。 Then, Huang Xiaolong simply was pushing the Universe Boat direct bang on Lion King City formation restriction. 接着,黄小龙干脆推着宇宙之舟直接轰在了狮王城大阵禁制上。 ping! 呯! As if the day was rumbled a giant hole, Lion King City has resounded the heaven destroying loud sound, sees only Lion King City universe formation that in the Central Continent Lord mouth said a moment ago to be rumbled to put on by Universe Boat directly! 仿佛天被轰出了一个巨大窟窿,狮王城响起灭天巨响,只见刚才中洲之主口中所说的狮王城宇宙大阵宇宙之舟直接轰了个穿! Like the underpants, was broken open an astonishing great hole, shocking. 像底裤,被破开了一个惊人巨洞,触目惊心。 Sky over entire Lion King City, does not have low-spirited up. 整个狮王城上空,黯然无光。 Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, Shi Jian and the others see this in the ruins, only thinks that sends at heart coolly, sends painstakingly, feels nervous, sends to infiltrate. 凰纫,周福,石坚等人在废墟中看到这一幕,只觉心里发凉,发苦,发慌,发渗。 This Lion King City formation, they utilized the Good Fortune Space many Treasury resources to build, this thought firm Invincible, Huang Xiaolong bang hundred million years broken, now, actually strike including Universe Boat cannot withstand. 狮王城大阵,他们可是动用了造化空间许多宝库的资源才打造而成,本以为坚固无敌,黄小龙轰个亿年不破,现在,却是连宇宙之舟一击都承受不住。 The Huang Xiaolong bang puts on Lion King City formation, turns around, Universe Boat looks like the javelin is the same, to Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, the Shi Jian three people projects directly. 黄小龙轰穿狮王城大阵,一转身,宇宙之舟就像是投枪一样,直接向凰纫,周福,石坚三人投射而来。 Three people have a big shock, does not give a thought to injury, all flies to hide. 三人大惊失色,不顾伤势,慌然飞躲。 The this time three people have studied clever, does not dare to such to keep off Universe Boat again a moment ago hardly. 这次三人学了乖,不敢再向刚才那样去硬挡宇宙之舟了。 Three people just avoided, then saw Universe Boat to shoot the Lion King City earth. 三人刚躲开,便见宇宙之舟射进了狮王城大地。 The Lion King City earth was rumbled to put on directly, deeply not the obvious bottom, the innumerable crushed stones splash to fly, the potential of earth crack spreads, affects surrounding cities. 狮王城大地直接被轰了个穿,深不可见底,无数碎石溅飞,大地龟裂之势扩散,波及四周城池 Sees only all around city walls to crack, collapses. 只见四周一座座城池城墙崩裂,塌断。 The bonus is Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, the Shi Jian three people are 29 billion bucket of battle strength Supreme Expert, looks that Universe Boat rumbled to put on Lion King City directly, frightened the complexion white white/in vain. 饶是凰纫,周福,石坚三人身为二百九十亿战力无上高手,看着宇宙之舟狮王城直接轰了个穿,也吓得脸色白了白。 A moment ago, three people, if has not evaded, entered the bottom by the Universe Boat bang, only fears the present, perhaps but also was rumbled really the meat dregs. 刚才,三人要是没躲过,被宇宙之舟轰进地底,只怕现在,还真没准被轰成了肉渣。 Universe Boat is 13 Universes first Supreme Treasure, attacks first, defends first, the speed first, their flesh body is strong, is impossible to keep off under Universe Boat. 宇宙之舟十三宇宙第一至宝,攻击第一,防御第一,速度第一,他们肉身再强,也不可能挡得下宇宙之舟 At this time, a Huang Xiaolong move, reached behind the back the Universe Boat move, looks at Huang Ren cold, Zhou Fu, the Shi Jian three people, when Huang Xiaolong must take action, Zhou Fu frighten once more hurries saying: Brother Huang, be please slow, slow! We had the words to say!” 这时,黄小龙一招,将宇宙之舟招回手中,冷然地看着凰纫,周福,石坚三人,就在黄小龙要再次出手时,周福吓得赶紧道:“黄兄弟,请慢,慢!我们有话说!” „Did some words say?” Huang Xiaolong sneered looks at three people, wants to listen to three people to say anything. “有话说?”黄小龙冷笑地看着三人,想听三人说什么。 Brother Huang, this time, is we are rash, we have no intention to offend Brother Huang, we do not want to rob Universe Source Stone actually, but wants to resist Universe Clan with the aid of Universe Source Stone strength.” Shi Jian also said: Also asked Brother Huang to forgive our rash!” 黄兄弟,这次,是我们莽撞,我们无意得罪黄兄弟,我们其实并非想抢夺宇宙源石,只是想借助宇宙源石力量来对抗宇宙一族。”石坚亦道:“还请黄兄弟原谅我们的莽撞!” Good, we inquired that Universe Clan must stimulate to movement second universe Shattering Tribulation Formation, 13 Universes all was destroyed at the appointed time, therefore, our common enemies are Universe Clan.” Huang Ren also hurries saying: We, if in fights, in vain will only make Universe Clan happy.” “不错,我们打听到宇宙一族要催动第二次宇宙破灭劫大阵,到时十三宇宙俱被毁灭,所以,我们共同的敌人是宇宙一族。”凰纫也赶紧道:“我们若是内斗,只会白白让宇宙一族高兴。” Huang Xiaolong ridicule: „Do you want to resist Universe Clan with the aid of Universe Source Stone strength?” 黄小龙讥笑:“你们只是想借助宇宙源石力量对抗宇宙一族?” „Is.” Zhou Fu hurries saying: But, Brother Huang divine prestige Invincible, Universe Source Stone on Brother Huang, the function is bigger.” “是是。”周福赶紧道:“不过,黄兄弟神威无敌,宇宙源石黄兄弟手上,作用更大。” Said, my Universe Source Stone, you don't want?” Huang Xiaolong asked back. “这么说,我身上的宇宙源石,你们不要了?”黄小龙反问。 Does not want not to want.” Three people said with one voice. “不要了不要了。”三人齐声道。 I had formerly killed your grandson, do not revenge?” Huang Xiaolong looks to Huang Ren. “我先前杀了你孙子,你也不要报仇了?”黄小龙看向凰纫 Huang Ren is serious: That is he acts recklessly, dares to offend Brother Huang unexpectedly you, he has only self to blame, cannot blame Brother Huang you.” 凰纫一脸严肃:“那是他不知死活,竟然敢得罪黄兄弟你,他是咎由自取,不能怪黄兄弟你。” Huang Xiaolong keeps silent. 黄小龙默不作声。 Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, Shi Jian three people of also numerous Ancient Clan Expert anxiously look at Huang Xiaolong. 凰纫,周福,石坚三人还有一众古族高手紧张地看着黄小龙 Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong opens the mouth saying: But, the match is difficult to seek, my present is itchy, but also wants to compare notes with three again well.” 突然,黄小龙开口道:“不过,对手难寻,我现在手痒,还想和三位再好好切磋一番。” Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, Shi Jian complexion big change. 凰纫,周福,石坚脸色大变。 Huang Xiaolong figure flashes, promoted Universe Boat once more. 黄小龙身形一闪,再次推动了宇宙之舟 ...... …… After quite a while. 半天后。 Lion King City as well as all around hundreds of thousands place city, all performed the ruins. 狮王城以及四周数十万座城池,皆尽成了废墟。 Entire Central Continent Earth, was almost rumbled the fragment by Huang Xiaolong. 整个中洲大地,几乎被黄小龙轰成了碎片。 Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, Shi Jian and numerous Ancient Clan ancestor is been much more oppressive by Huang Xiaolong, after changing beyond all recognition, scatters in all directions to run away, must distressedly distressed. 凰纫,周福,石坚和众古族祖上在被黄小龙虐得鼻青脸肿,面目全非之后,四散而逃,要多狼狈有多狼狈。 Huang Xiaolong pursued was being also oppressive a meeting, this relinquished. 黄小龙追赶着又虐了一会,这才作罢。 Zhou Ren, Zhou Fu, the Shi Jian three people are 29 billion bucket of battle strength Expert, Huang Xiaolong defeat three people of easy, to suppress three people, is very difficult. 周纫,周福,石坚三人都是二百九十亿战力高手,黄小龙打败三人容易,要想镇压三人,很难。 Huang Xiaolong returns to the body to return. 黄小龙返身而回。 Yang Dingsheng is leading rescued son, thanks politely to Huang Xiaolong. 阳顶生带着被救出的儿子,对黄小龙拜谢不已。 Huang Xiaolong makes two people get up, then under the Yang Dingsheng fathers and sons lead, arrived at the Yang Thunder Clan headquarters with White Deer, Huang Xiaolong and White Deer arrives, the Yang Thunder Clan ancestor naturally is frightens to lead Yang Thunder Clan all Expert to be far trillion li (0.5 km) to welcome. 黄小龙让两人起来,然后在阳顶生父子带领下,和白鹿来到了阳雷族总部,黄小龙白鹿到来,阳雷族祖上自然是吓得率领阳雷族所有高手远出亿万里相迎。 Although the Yang Thunder Clan ancestor has not participated in a Lion King City war, but a Lion King City war, already spread. 阳雷族祖上虽然没有参与狮王城一战,但是狮王城一战,早就传开了。 After the Yang Thunder Clan headquarters, White Deer uses life source bloodlines strength, has treated and cured the Yang Dingsheng wife, merely one day, the Yang Dingsheng wife then restored, the Yang Dingsheng fathers and sons weep. 到了阳雷族总部后,白鹿动用生源血脉力量,救治了阳顶生的妻子,仅仅一天,阳顶生妻子便恢复了过来,阳顶生父子是喜极而泣。 The afterward day, Huang Xiaolong then stays in the Yang Thunder Clan headquarters, swallows Universe Qi practice that White Flower transforms in Universe Boat 3rd-layer formation, in the meantime, Huang Xiaolong inquired Good Fortune Old Man not in Good Fortune Space. 随后的日子,黄小龙便呆在阳雷族总部,在宇宙之舟第三层大阵内吞噬白花转化的宇宙之气修炼,同时,黄小龙打听到造化老人并不在造化空间 Not in?” The Huang Xiaolong accident/surprise, no wonder a Lion King City war, Good Fortune Old Man does not come. “不在?”黄小龙意外,难怪狮王城一战,造化老人不现身。 Yes, heard that several tens of thousands years ago, Good Fortune Old Man left Good Fortune Space.” White Deer said. “是的,听说在数万年前,造化老人就已经离开造化空间了。”白鹿说道。 Looked up, where Good Fortune Old Man went.” Huang Xiaolong hesitates to say. “查一下,造化老人去了哪里。”黄小龙沉吟道。 Good!” White Deer nodded. “好!”白鹿点头 Afterward, Huang Xiaolong makes White Deer pay attention to Huang Ren, Zhou Fu, the Shi Jian three people of sounds , to continue to enter Universe Boat 3rd-layer formation to close up practice. 随后,黄小龙又让白鹿注意凰纫,周福,石坚三人动静,继续进入宇宙之舟第三层大阵闭关修炼 Now, Huang Xiaolong is eager to break through Half-Step God of Universe Realm. 现在,黄小龙是急欲突破半步宇宙之神境界 However several tens of thousands years later, that White Flower all flower petals were then swallowed refining to be clean by Huang Xiaolong, finally, Huang Xiaolong must take Universe Source Stone, then transforms Universe Qi with Universe Source Stone , to continue the study and understand nameless magic mirror. 但是数万年后,那白花所有花瓣便被黄小龙吞噬炼化干净,最后,黄小龙只得将宇宙源石取了出来,然后用宇宙源石转化宇宙之气,继续参悟无名魔镜。 Passed the 100,000 year probably, the Huang Xiaolong rays of light circulation in Universe Boat 3rd-layer formation is suddenly restless, the body has the numerous light halos, Huang Xiaolong from inside to outside, is having the astonishing transformation. 大概过了十万年,在宇宙之舟第三层大阵内的黄小龙突然光芒流转不息,身上有重重光圈,黄小龙从里到外,发生着惊人蜕变。 Turns into Half-Step God of Universe from the great perfection boundary exuviate! 大圆满境蜕变成半步宇宙之神
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