IC :: Volume #37

#3621: Endless Earth Ten Great powerhouse

But the Huang Xiaolong words, Wei Qi oneself could not hear. 黄小龙的话,魏奇本人是听不到了。 By Wei Qi that beautiful woman looks to lie down in the place bottom Wei Qi corpse, frightens the face unmanned color. 魏奇旁边那位美女看着躺在地底的魏奇尸体,吓得脸无人色。 Other Ice Mountain Expert, are dumbfounded, a mind blank. 冰山其它高手,更是目瞪口呆,脑海一片空白。 Wei Qi is the Zhou Chi big disciple grandson, is the Zhou Chi Big Disciple only son, most receives Zhou Chi as well as the loves of Zhou Chi several disciple, Wei Qi is killed, how they can imagine to meet Zhou Chi and the others to be angry. 魏奇周驰大徒孙,亦是周驰大弟子的唯一儿子,最受周驰以及周驰几位弟子的宠爱,魏奇被杀,他们已经能够想像等会周驰等人将会如何大怒。 Zhou Chi, that is broken 10 billion, has 13 billion bucket of Supreme powerhouse, Zhou Chi is angry, that is the really real earth-shattering, only feared that entire Endless Earth must shake to shake. 周驰啊,那可是破百亿,拥有一百三十亿斗的无上强者,周驰大怒,那是真真天崩地裂,只怕整个无尽大地都要抖上一抖。 The distant place, Wang Family ancestor Wang Xin saw Huang Xiaolong to kill the Ice Mountain lackey, was shocking, has not expected just crossed several breath, Huang Xiaolong including Zhou Chi disciple grandson Sir Wei Qi also to kill! 远处,王家祖上王信黄小龙杀了冰山的奴才,正震惊,没料到刚过几个呼吸,黄小龙周驰的徒孙魏奇大人也杀了! Black Flame Heavenly Dynasty Child of Creation Hei Yu frightens throat to shrug. 黑炎天朝创世之子黑裕吓得喉咙耸动。 As for all around Heavenly Dynasty Expert say nothing. 至于四周的天朝高手就更不用说了。 The Ice Mountain distant place, one crowd of Expert fly extremely toward Ice Mountain, obviously is must visit Zhou Chi. 冰山极远处,正有一群高手冰山飞来,显然是也要来拜访周驰的。 However, in this crowd of Expert, is the person of head, impressively is Perfection Boundary God of Creation. 不过,这群高手中,为首之人,赫然是一位圆满境创世神 Your Majesty, just spread the news, some people ascend the Ice Mountain front door, Zhou Chi disciple grandson Wei Qi killing.” His hand/subordinate suddenly face shocking said to that Perfection Boundary God of Creation reporting. 陛下,刚刚传来消息,有人登冰山大门,将周驰徒孙魏奇给杀了。”他手下突然一脸震惊地对那位圆满境创世神禀报道。 What?!” That Perfection Boundary God of Creation also has him behind many hand/subordinate to be surprised. “什么?!”那位圆满境创世神还有他身后诸多手下大吃一惊。 Who is? Dares to kill Zhou Chi disciple grandson Wei Qi unexpectedly!” He does not dare believe. “是谁?竟然敢杀周驰徒孙魏奇!”他不敢相信。 Heard that is one says Blue Dragon Young Master, knows Universe Great Emperor Lin Feng.” His hand evil ways. “听说是一个自称蓝龙公子的,认识乾坤大帝林枫。”他手下道。 He is puzzled: Blue Dragon Young Master?” 他一脸疑惑:“蓝龙公子?” As a result of a Universe Heavenly City war, Chen Huanzhi, Lin Qiankun, Lin Feng and the others processed very well, therefore the outside does not know this war, has heard any Blue Dragon Young Master Black Dragon Young Master on nobody. 由于乾坤天城一战,陈唤之,林乾坤,林枫等人处理得很好,所以外界并不知道此战,也就没人听说过什么蓝龙公子黑龙公子了。 Walks, we fast go to Ice Mountain!” In the doubts, he picked up speed. “走,我们速去冰山!”疑惑中,他加快了速度。 Your Majesty, this is the good deed, perhaps Sir Zhou Chi will vent anger because of this matter Universe Heavenly Dynasty!” On the road, he hand/subordinate said: Universe Heavenly Dynasty, if were suppressed by Sir Zhou Chi, to our Splendor Heavenly Dynasty, but big advantageous!” 陛下,这可是好事,周驰大人说不定会因此事迁怒乾坤天朝!”路上,他手下说道:“乾坤天朝要是受周驰大人打压,对我们荣华天朝可是大大的有利!” Splendor Heavenly Dynasty and Universe Heavenly Dynasty relations are always poor, if Zhou Chi suppresses Universe Heavenly Dynasty because of this matter, Splendor Heavenly Dynasty naturally is happy however Le see. 荣华天朝乾坤天朝关系一向不怎么好,若是周驰因此事打压乾坤天朝,荣华天朝当然是喜然乐见。 This Perfection Boundary God of Creation Splendor Heavenly Dynasty Great Emperor Rong Ying, differs with the Lin Feng strength not many. 这位圆满境创世神正是荣华天朝大帝荣鹰,和林枫实力相差不多。 Rong Ying hears word smiles: You said right, I hope that now this anything Blue Dragon Young Master kills several Zhou Chi disciple grandsons, such Zhou Chi anger soars to the heavens, definitely will vent anger Universe Heavenly Dynasty.” 荣鹰闻言一笑:“你说得没错,我现在更希望这什么蓝龙公子多杀几个周驰的徒孙,这样周驰怒火冲天,肯定会迁怒乾坤天朝。” Splendor Heavenly Dynasty numerous Expert attach the sound to smile. 荣华天朝众多高手附声一笑。 Quick, Splendor Great Emperor Rong Ying numerous Expert then arrived at sky over Ice Mountain, saw Wei Qi pastes in the place bottom corpse. 很快,荣华大帝荣鹰一众高手便来到了冰山上空,看到了魏奇贴在地底的尸体。 „Is that Blue Dragon Young Master?” The Rong Ying vision falls arrived on Huang Xiaolong before Ice Mountain front door, is puzzled, he cannot induce Huang Xiaolong within the body strength to fluctuate unexpectedly. “那就是蓝龙公子?”荣鹰目光落到了站在冰山大门前的黄小龙身上,一脸疑惑,他竟然感应不到黄小龙体内力量波动。 At this moment, ices inside mountain, ten several forms breaking space, the power and influence is dreadful, comes toward the Ice Mountain front door. 就在这时,冰山之内,十几道身影破空而起,威势滔天,往冰山大门这边过来。 Is Wei Chong!” Rong Ying both eyes concentrates. “是魏冲!”荣鹰双眼一凝。 Wei Chong, Zhou Chi Big Disciple! Also is under the Zhou Chi place strength strongest disciple, is great perfection peak God of Creation, infinite to get close to Half-Step God of Universe. 魏冲,周驰大弟子!也是周驰座下实力最强弟子,已是大圆满极致创世神,无限接近半步宇宙之神 This Wei Chong good terrifying pressure, feared that was ordinary Half-Step God of Universe is also mediocre!” Rong Ying behind Expert startled said. “这魏冲恐怖的威压,怕是普通的半步宇宙之神也不过如此了吧!”荣鹰身后一位高手惊然道。 This Expert, is the family ancestor of Splendor Heavenly Dynasty subordinates, is big accomplishment boundary God of Creation. 这位高手,是荣华天朝麾下的一位家族祖上,是一位大成创世神 Wei Chong is known as on our Endless Earth strongest great perfection peak God of Creation! Has the truth.” Rong Ying said dignifiedly: He once had fought with Sir Zhang Guoteng, Sir Zhang Guoteng how him.” 魏冲号称我们无尽大地最强大圆满极致创世神!不是没有道理。”荣鹰凝重道:“他曾和张国腾大人交过手,张国腾大人奈何不了他。” But Zhang Guoteng Half-Step God of Universe powerhouse, Half-Step God of Universe how, this Wei Chong was sufficiently proud. 张国腾可是半步宇宙之神强者,一位半步宇宙之神都奈何不了,这魏冲足以自傲。 As for Wang Family ancestor Wang Xin, Black Flame Heavenly Dynasty Child of Creation Hei Yu and the others, under the Wei Chong pressure, already crawled place. 至于王家祖上王信,黑炎天朝创世之子黑裕等人,在魏冲威压下,早就匍匐一地。 In people alarmed and afraid, before Wei Chong and Ice Mountain numerous Expert arrived at the Ice Mountain front door. 在众人惊惧中,魏冲冰山一众高手来到了冰山大门之前。 Not only Wei Chong came, Zhou Chi Second Disciple Zhao Mang, Third Disciple Lu Shenglin also all arrives, in 16 people, there is a 12 person is Creation Realm powerhouse. 不仅魏冲来了,周驰二弟子赵芒,三弟子鲁盛林也全部来到,16人中,有十二人是创世境强者 Wei Chong, Zhao Mang, after Lu Shenglin and the others arrived, looks at the Wei Qi corpse, all face darken like water. 魏冲,赵芒,鲁盛林等人到来后,看着魏奇尸体,俱都脸色阴沉如水。 The Ice Mountain space air current solidified. 冰山空间气流凝固了下来。 You have killed my son!” Wei Chong looks at Huang Xiaolong, the sound is extremely low and deep: „My such precious son!” “你杀了我儿子!”魏冲看着黄小龙,声音极低沉:“我就这么一个宝贝儿子!” Such a precious son! 就这么一个宝贝儿子! Everyone can hear infinite killing intent that in the Wei Chong words contains. 谁都听得出魏冲话中蕴含的无限杀意 Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: You are not my match, I urged you not to want good of take action, making Zhou Chi come out.” 黄小龙淡然道:“你不是我对手,我劝你不要出手的好,让周驰出来吧。” All people one dull. 所有人一呆。 This Blue Dragon Young Master is any origin! Actually spoke frankly that Wei Chong isn't his match?!” Rong Ying side that big accomplishment boundary God of Creation is surprised. “这蓝龙公子是什么来历!竟然直言连魏冲都不是他对手?!”荣鹰身边那位大成创世神惊疑。 Rong Ying is similarly surprised. 荣鹰同样惊疑。 Wei Chong hears word, astonished, is staring at Huang Xiaolong. 魏冲闻言,惊愕了一下,凝视着黄小龙 Boy, you, matches my Master take action?” Zhou Chi Second Disciple Zhao Mang cannot bear say: Big Senior Brother, my take action has killed him!” “小子,就你,也配我师父出手?”周驰二弟子赵芒忍不住道:“大师兄,我出手杀了他!” Wei Chong actually puts out a hand, has blocked Zhao Mang: Does not use, I come!” Gradually then walked. 魏冲却是一伸手,将赵芒拦了下来:“不用,我来!”然后缓步走了出来。 After previous and Half-Step God of Universe Zhang Guoteng fights, he did not have take action for a long time, these years, his study and understand universe deep meaning, the strength strives much, even if Huang Xiaolong is Half-Step God of Universe even is broken 10 billion powerhouse, he also has a confidence war! 自上次与半步宇宙之神张国腾交手之后,他已经许久没有出手了,这些年,他参悟宇宙奥义,实力又精进不少,就算黄小龙半步宇宙之神甚至是破百亿强者,他也有信心一战! Wei Chong grasps Twin Blades, fighting intent Ling correct/however, he arrives in front of Huang Xiaolong to stand firm. 魏冲手持双刃,战意凌然,他来到黄小龙面前站定。 However, in Wei Chong wants take action, suddenly, together the sound resounds: Wei Chong, you draw back for the time being.” The sound is somewhat hoarse, in the people, a hair gray old man appears before the people startled, nobody discovered how this old man appears, including numerous God of Creation. 不过,就在魏冲出手时,突然,一道声音响起:“魏冲,你暂且退下。”声音有些沙哑,在众人愕然中,一位头发花白的老者出现在众人面前,没人发现这老者是怎么出现的,包括现场众创世神 Naturally, except for Huang Xiaolong. 当然,除了黄小龙 Master!” Sees the old man, Wei Chong, Zhao Mang, the Lu Shenglin three people hurries to salute respectfully, but Ice Mountain numerous God of Creation, the servants all bow, kneel to bend down one piece. 师父!”见到老者,魏冲,赵芒,鲁盛林三人赶紧恭敬行礼,而冰山创世神,众仆役俱都躬身,跪伏一片。 Splendor Great Emperor Rong Ying also has Splendor Heavenly Dynasty numerous Expert also or bows or kneels to bend down, as for Wang Xin of crawling ground, Hei Yu and the others pasted the ground the face. 荣华大帝荣鹰还有荣华天朝一众高手也都或躬身或跪伏,至于原本匍匐地面的王信,黑裕等人更是将脸贴到了地面。 Comes person Zhou Chi! One of Endless Earth Ten Great powerhouse! 来人正是周驰无尽大地十大强者之一! Has 13 billion bucket of great world's strength Zhou Chi, even if Chen Huanzhi such Endless Heavenly Dynasty Grand Marshal comes, must salute upon meeting to Zhou Chi first. 拥有一百三十亿大世界之力周驰,哪怕是陈唤之这样的无尽天朝大帅前来,也要先对周驰见礼。 Zhou Chi round of gray, waist actually straight like tree, both eyes tong tong, is similar to the starlight brightest stars, he is staring at Huang Xiaolong: Does not know that what matter your excellency does come my Ice Mountain?” 周驰发头花白,腰却笔直如树,双眼烔烔,如同星光最亮的星辰,他凝视着黄小龙:“不知阁下来我冰山何事?” Actually he cannot see the Huang Xiaolong depth, but he has an intuition, Huang Xiaolong strength absolutely not under him. 其实他也看不出黄小龙深浅,但是他有种直觉,黄小龙实力绝对不在他之下。 I listened to others saying that Universe Source Spiritual Vein on your hand should be many.” Huang Xiaolong said indifferently. “我听人家说,你手上的宇宙本源灵脉应该不少。”黄小龙淡然道 The Zhou Chi complexion slightly changes, both eyes narrows the eyes: Said, your excellency keeps thinking about my Ice Mountain Treasury?” 周驰脸色微微一变,双眼一眯:“这么说,阁下是惦记上我冰山宝库了?”
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