IGE :: Volume #5

#432: A hot leaf

The bald Barbarian Race robust man this strikes, strength, is ordinary just like the day anger, that invisible bracing cold has not shelled the tangible, Class silver bright On presented huge hollow, rapid brilliance has glittered crazily, has the crack to start to glitter indistinctly. 光头蛮族壮汉这一击,劲气之强,宛如天怒一般,那无形气劲还未轰击到实处,【流银光明阵】上就已经出现了一个巨大的凹陷,急促的光华疯狂地闪烁了起来,隐约有裂纹开始闪烁。 Places in Bright City, everyone felt a Divine Mountain capping general suffocation feeling. 身处在光明城内,每个人都感觉到了一股神山压顶一般的窒息感觉。 Awful! 糟糕! In the Ye Qingyu heart jumps crazily. 叶青羽心中狂跳。 He almost can conclude instantaneously, Class silver bright It is not able to support this move absolutely, if were been solid by this Barbarian Race bald great Chinese move of bang, that Radiant Palace Hall thoroughly broke. 他几乎可以瞬间断定,【流银光明阵】绝对无法支撑住这一招,如果被这蛮族光头巨汉这一招轰实,那光明殿就算是彻底破了。 This smelly monkey, the critical moment disappeared unexpectedly!” “这个臭猴子,关键时刻居然消失了!” Ye Qingyu clenched teeth, lifts the hand to eject an aquamarine little thing. 叶青羽咬了咬牙,抬手抛出一件碧绿色的小东西。 This is an aquamarine carapace of palm of the hand size, above mark wound Tiancheng, Cui gracefully was the precious jade seems to be same, flew from the hand of Ye Qingyu, was revolving turning round, inflated unceasingly expands, in an instant, covered sky, the Ying Ying green brilliance has covered entire Bright City. 这是一片巴掌大小的碧绿色龟甲,上面纹络天成,翠盈盈仿佛是宝玉一样,从叶青羽的手中飞出去,滴溜溜地旋转着,不断地膨胀扩大,转眼之间,就遮盖了一盘天空,莹莹的绿色光焰将整个光明城都笼罩在其中。 Bang! 轰! Strength of bombardment invisible palm sword above green brilliance. 无形掌剑之力轰击在了绿色光焰之上。 The Ye Qingyu facial color sinks, the body shakes greatly. 叶青羽面色一沉,身体巨震。 The green brilliance has glittered rapidly dozens, finally such as heavy drinker absorbing water is the same, returned to the green jasper carapace of that palm of the hand size instantaneously, that carapace falls from void, fell in the hand of Ye Qingyu. 绿色光焰急骤地闪烁了数十下,最终如长鲸吸水一样,瞬间回到了那巴掌大小的绿色碧玉龟甲之中,那龟甲从虚空之中掉落下来,落在了叶青羽的手中。 Well?” “咦?” In the sky, that bald Barbarian Race great Chinese looks the surprised color. 天空之中,那光头蛮族巨汉面露惊讶之色。 One that strikes, kept off unexpectedly? 自己那一击,竟然被挡下来了? What thing is that deep green carapace? 那碧绿龟甲是什么东西? What treasure looks like seems Radiant Palace Hall? 看起来似乎是光明殿的什么宝贝? Human Race the Radiant Palace Hall, but also is really a little meaning, the inside story is also is but actually highly regarded, but...... Today since is doomed to exterminate the calamity embryo of this Heaven Wasteland Domain, the Barbarian Race trusted friend archenemy, this small palace, the inside story is deep, destruction. 人族的这个光明殿,还真的是有点儿意思,底蕴倒也是不可小觑,不过……今日既然注定要剿灭这个天荒界的祸胎,蛮族的心腹大敌,这小小殿堂,底蕴再深,也得覆灭。 Read and this, this person was just about to get rid once again...... 一念及此,此人正要再度出手…… Does the barbarian who where comes, dare to be so dissolute in the Human Race imperial capital impolitely? This King has virtue not to have virtue, is the matter of my Human Race interior, has Emperor Snow Country to judge, your trivial barbarian other families, but is the guest, how dares to bully the lord by the guest, acts recklessly, has not gone!” “哪里来的蛮子,竟敢在人族帝都如此放肆无礼?本座有德无德,乃是我人族内部之事,自有雪国皇帝陛下评断,你一个个区区蛮夷外族,不过是客人而已,怎么敢以客欺主,不知死活,还不快滚!” Under has heard Ye Qingyu the sound of shouts out. 下方传来了叶青羽大喝之声。 This sound/noise surges to transmit by yuan qi, just likes the rolling thunder is ordinary, resounds through sky over the imperial capital. 声音元气激荡传送出去,犹如滚雷一般,响彻帝都上空。 The surroundings the person within dozens li (0.5km), heard clearly. 周围数十里之内的人,都听了个清清楚楚。 Stimulated to movement the deep green carapace a moment ago, has resisted this Barbarian Race bald great Chinese struck, yuan qi of Ye Qingyu within the body, was consumed most, when this was the carapace initially Formation Emperor Luosu doubted the palace experienced dangers, that Turtle Jiaxian Bestows to the Ye Qingyu faith token, is a rare treasure, after pouring into yuan qi, can resist Ascending Heaven Boundary preliminary expert full power attack. 刚才催动碧绿龟甲,抵挡了这蛮族光头巨汉的一击,叶青羽体内的元气,被消耗大半,这是龟甲是当初符文皇帝罗素疑宫历险时,那位【龟甲仙】赠送给叶青羽的信物,也是一件难得的宝贝,注入元气之后,可以抵抗登天境初阶强者全力一击 But also strikes. 但也只是一击而已。 If that Barbarian Race robust man gets rid again, Ye Qingyu did not have the means to resist. 若是那蛮族壮汉再出手的话,叶青羽就没有办法对抗了。 Since cannot hit, that smelly monkey does not know the life and death, what to do but can also...... Em, that the first grinding jabbered, delayed the time, looked that smelly monkey can get up dead to get back one's composure to jump to make anything again, or was other reinforcements arrivals in aspects. 既然打不过,那臭猴子不知道生死,还能怎么办……恩,那就先磨磨嘴皮子吧,拖延时间,看那臭猴子能不能起死回神跳出来再做点什么,或者是等其他方面的援军到来吧。 Palace Military leader hits is this idea. 殿主大人打的就是这个主意。 Meaning that however in the sky, that Barbarian Race bald great Chinese simply has not actually called a halt. 但是天空之中,那蛮族光头巨汉却根本没有停手的意思。 In this grade of status with the Cultivation Base existence eye, Ye Qingyu just likes the ants that flees struggles is the same, simply not with the qualifications that he talked, how let alone he could not see the Ye Qingyu thoughts, will not be giving the Ye Qingyu dragging time the opportunity. 在他这等地位和修为的存在眼中,叶青羽犹如亡命挣扎的蝼蚁一样,根本没有与他对话的资格,何况他如何看不出叶青羽的心思,根本不会在给叶青羽拖延时间的机会。 He waves to cut toward void in gently. 他挥手轻轻朝着虚空之中一斩。 Air wave evacuation. 气浪排空。 Had been cut by an invisible sharp knife blade void directly, has cut toward Radiant Palace Hall once again. 虚空被一道无形利刃直接切割了开来,再度朝着光明殿斩了下来。 Under. 下方。 Mother......” “妈的……” Ye Qingyu got angry. 叶青羽怒了。 Also really thinks that father becomes you to butcher, guards against fellows of these storehouse in hidden place, some methods are unusable, tidies up your this young barbarian, is not impossible...... 还真的以为老子就任你宰割啊,要不是防备那些藏在暗处的家伙们,一些手段不能用,收拾你这个小蛮子,也不是不可能…… He is just about to have an action to perform again, emits Assassin's mace, at this time...... 他正要再有所动作,放出杀手锏,就在这个时候…… No one can think that the change of accident appeared. 谁也想不到意外的变化出现了。 Supple light breeze has blown in the hot woods before temple suddenly. 一阵柔柔轻风突然在神殿前的火树林中刮过。 In the hot woods, a piece the hot leaf that withers to fall, is going to fall on the instance of ground, was bound by this light breeze, flew leisurely, like is one piece pale red like the sunset glow butterfly, airborne flutters upwards. 火树林中,一片枯萎掉落的火树叶,在将要落在地上的瞬间,就被这一股轻风裹住,悠悠地飞了起来,像是一片淡红如晚霞般的蝴蝶一样,朝天空中飘去。 This light red small leaf, floating long, seems like the speed is extremely slow, but Ye Qingyu thought suddenly an eye flower, looks again, the leaf was fluttered unexpectedly in the midair, welcomed that to explode cuts, but the below invisible strength split slightly. 这片淡红色的小树叶,飘飘悠悠,看似速度极慢,但是叶青羽猛然觉得眼睛一花,再看的时候,树叶竟然是已经飘飞到了半空之中,迎着那爆斩而下的无形劲气微微一剖。 The inconceivable matter occurred. 不可思议的事情发生了。 The small leaf that cannot withstand delicately, unexpectedly in the instance of contact, the strength of invisible palm sword that Barbarian Race bald great Chinese sends out, divided into two directly, has cut, defeated instantaneously. 柔弱不堪的小树叶,竟是在接触的瞬间,就将那蛮族光头巨汉发出的无形掌剑之力,直接一分为二,斩了开来,瞬间击破。 The flame small leaf place visited, the fearful palm sword strength of strength of witch, looks like by the boiling water is sprinkled the snow to be the same, without a trace that vanishes instantaneously, everywhere Sword Qi pressure and was cut broken air that void, cuts, all returned to normal, before is any matter has not occurred. 火红色的小树叶所过之处,蛮巫之力的可怕的掌剑劲气,就像是被滚汤泼雪一样,瞬间消失的无影无踪,漫天的剑气威压和被斩碎的虚空、斩开的空气,也都尽数平复了下来,像是之前什么事情都没有发生过一样。 Then this small leaf, floatingly leisurely and fell, fell in the hot woods before Bright God gently, was the same to other millions of leaves, piles up one on top of another in one. 然后这小小树叶,飘飘悠悠地又落了下来,轻轻地落在了光明神前的火树林中,与其他千千万万的树叶一样,堆叠在了一起。 Ye Qingyu rubbed the eyes, then but actually inspired. 叶青羽揉了揉眼睛,然后倒吸了一口气。 This is...... 这是…… Any situation. 什么情况啊。 That leaf...... 那树叶…… The Ye Qingyu eye decides stares on that leaf, at once, did not clarify exactly what happened. 叶青羽眼睛定定地盯在那片树叶上,一时之间,弄不清楚到底发生了什么事情。 That gust...... 那阵风…… From where comes? 到底是从何而来? Ye Qingyu looked at around the hot woods, not other anything person. 叶青羽看了看火树林周围,并没有其他什么人。 Only then that deaf and mute Mr. Su, but also in Goulou the lumbodorsal region, is wielding that bare splendid achnatherum broom, is sweeping clear to fall on the ground hot leaf, sends out light sound that brushes, because of deafness, no matter outside a dozen of many liveliness, he could not feel obviously. 只有那位又聋又哑的苏老头,还在岣嵝着腰背,挥动着那根光秃秃的芨芨草扫帚,正在清扫落在地上的火树叶,发出刷刷刷的轻响声,因为耳聋,所以不管外面打的多热闹,他显然都感觉不到。 Is he? 难道是他? Ye Qingyu eye one bright, at once shakes the head. 叶青羽眼睛一亮,旋即又摇摇头。 Su old man body deterioration, the courage vigor class arrow, within the body also had the internal injury, Ye Qingyu in secret had already observed, can determine that this old man's strength was limited, cannot hide to be so deep absolutely. 苏老头身体衰败,血气流矢,体内还有暗伤,叶青羽早就暗中观察过,可以确定这个老头儿的实力有限,绝对隐藏不了那么深。 Who are you? 你到底是谁呢? Ye Qingyu observes the situation for one week, looks up once again to void. 叶青羽环视一周,再度抬头看向虚空之中。 That Barbarian Race bald great Chinese is the surface presently is also shocked, the facial expression is surprised, has not gotten rid again, but looks under vigilantly, obviously that small leaf, making him feel the huge threat. 蛮族的光头巨汉也是面现震惊,神情惊疑不定,没有再出手,而是警惕地看着下方,显然那一片小小的树叶,让他感觉到了巨大的威胁。 Void, for a while a silence. 虚空之中,一时一片寂静。 Approximately after dozens rests, 约数十息之后 Cannot think in Radiant Palace Hall, but also is hiding the peerless person of high skill, the main body underestimated actually.” “想不到光明殿中,还隐藏着绝世高人,本尊倒是小看了。” Another cold Chen stubborn sound/noise resounds. 另外一个冷沉桀骜的声音响起。 That Barbarian Race bald great Chinese personal appearance 20 meters away, has, in the light twinkle void ripples ripple, goes out of a personal appearance slowly. 蛮族光头巨汉身形20米之外,有在光影闪烁虚空涟漪荡漾中,缓缓地走出一个身形。 This is Demon Race expert of flood dragon body person head. 这是一个蛟身人首的妖族强者 His whole body moisture winds around, the demonic fog follows, besides middle one person, has the heads of other eight flood dragons unexpectedly, is lives the alone corner/horn, Chinese indigo Mao Xu, azure Qilin proliferates, lies in wait from all sides when person, gasping, fang Bai Sen, the blood tongue is scarlet, under the turnover poison, flame, the cold ice and other strange monster strength, making the person look, immediately the balls crack was fearful, fearsome incomparable. 他周身水气缭绕,妖雾相随,除了当中的一颗人首之外,竟是还有其他八颗蛟龙的头颅,皆是生有独角,蓝靛毛须,青麟遍布,环伺在人首周围,张口之时,獠牙白森,血舌猩红,吞吐毒物、火焰、寒冰等奇异妖力,令人一看之下,顿时胆裂心寒,可怖无比。 Hurricane wave Demon Court monster king? 飓浪妖庭的妖王? Ye Qingyu sees this person, in the heart jumps instantaneously. 叶青羽看到这人,心中瞬间一跳。 Although before , has not seen this big monster, but according to its appearance, is in the rumor hurricane wave Demon Court these time leads certainly the words matter person of southern waters Demon Race mission, unusual contour, in entire hurricane wave Demon Court, is the prominent character, is one of the dragon lines south waters Demon Court ten big monster kings clouds. 虽然之前并未见过这尊大妖,但根据其外貌,一定就是传言之中飓浪妖庭这一次带领南方水域妖族使团的话事人,奇特的外形,在整个飓浪妖庭之中,也是显赫至极的人物,是南方水域妖庭十大妖王之一的龙行云。 These barbarian evil spirits, were really extremely arrogant to the extreme. 这些蛮子妖物,真的是狂妄到了极点。 , Arrives in the emperor clan as a guest, acts recklessly unexpectedly, meddles Human Race own matter. 以客人的身份,来到帝族之中,竟然不知死活,插手人族自己的事情。 In the Ye Qingyu heart gets angry extremely. 叶青羽心中怒极。 But he also is very clear, the sound made was so big, did not have Royal Family to consecrate the master in institute to get rid, the military headquarters were also maintaining a very strange silence, that explained that in the empire, there is more than one empire great person, reached the agreement with these monsters in secret, tacitly consented to secret they such did. 但他同时也很清楚,动静闹了这么大,却没有皇室供奉院的高手出手,军部也保持着一种很奇异的沉默,那就说明,在帝国之中,有不止一个的帝国大人物,暗中和这些妖蛮达成了协议,暗中默许他们这么做了。 These people, are really brave. 这些人,真的是胆大至极。 Dragon line clouds that you are not treating in the mission station well, comes to here, is it possible that can also meddle the matter of my Human Race to be inadequate?” Before Ye Qingyu is built on the Bright God palace, mourning clothes like the jade, open the mouth shouts out, sound/noise surge, such as the rolling thunder asked generally. “龙行云,你不在使团驻地好好待着,现身这里,莫非也要插手我人族之事不成?”叶青羽立于光明神殿之前,白衫如玉,开口大喝,声音激荡出去,如滚雷一般地质问道。 He He, the yellow mouth young child, dares to say the main body given name, now the wind and cloud border meeting, the outstanding heroes salty collection, the world life, managed the world matter, Radiant Palace Hall slaughtered innocents in the past, the blood inundated all Tian,” big monster Dragon Hangyun stood erect in the vault of heaven, laughed, disdains the tunnel: When your my south waters Demon Race, once was slaughtered by the Radiant Palace Hall lackey innumerably, today the main body gets rid, asks for the little interest, why not?” “呵呵,黄口小儿,竟敢直呼本尊的名讳,如今风云际会,群雄咸集,天下生灵,管天下事,光明殿当年滥杀无辜,血漫诸天,”大妖龙行云屹立于天穹,哈哈大笑,不屑地道:“当你我南方水域妖族,也曾被光明殿的爪牙屠戮无数,今日本尊出手,讨回一点点利息,有何不可?” Ye Qingyu has laughed fierce: Dragon line clouds that you are also one generation of masters of great learning and integrity, said this words, did not think that blushed? My year young, but also knows that in the past south the Radiant Palace Hall armed soldier camp drafted, cuts in the southern territory water monster that the place of my Human Race killed rebelled to slaughter, past Radiant Palace Hall Palace Master, read in the heaven has care for all living things, left a loophole, has not chased down in the waters, where otherwise also has your hurricane wave Demon Court to exist today, you not only did not think of the gratitude to confess, instead bullied into my Radiant Palace Hall, thinks seriously nobody could trig you? The careful short remaining life, loses in this Snow Capital.” 叶青羽厉声大笑了起来:“龙行云,你也算是一代宗师,说出这种话,不觉得脸红吗?我岁年幼,但也知道,当年光明殿甲士营南征,斩杀的都是在我人族之地作乱杀戮的南域水妖,当年的光明殿殿主,念在上天有好生之德,网开一面,并未追杀进水域之中,否则今日还哪里有你飓浪妖庭存在,你非但不思感激忏悔,反而来欺入我光明殿,当真以为没有人制得住你吗?小心一条老命,丢在这雪京之中。” Dissolute!” “放肆!” Dragon Hangyun is angry. 龙行云大怒。 He is in the waters, presides tens of millions Demon Race, the status venerates, the effective and influential word, who dares such to speak with him. 他在水域之中,统辖数千万妖族,地位尊崇,一言九鼎,谁敢与他这么说话。 Shouted angrily, near his head in eight flood dragon heads, the gasping blowout together purple lightning, such as the broken deity blade edge was suddenly common, has cut down toward Ye Qingyu. 怒喝之间,他头颅边上的八颗蛟龙头颅之中的一颗,突然张口喷出一道紫色闪电,如破天神刃一般,朝着叶青羽劈杀了下来。 This purple lightning might, but also above the invisible palm sword of former that Barbarian Race bald great Chinese. 这紫色闪电的威力,还在之前那蛮族光头巨汉的无形掌剑之上。 Ye Qingyu clenches teeth, will have an action to perform. 叶青羽一咬牙,正要有所动作。 At this moment, in hot woods, is light breeze Xu to come, has curled up one frivolous light red hot leaves, goes against heaven's will on, in a flash, arrived in the midair, was the same just like the bright red knife edge, cuts in that purple thunder and lightning. 就在这时,火树林之中,又是一阵轻风徐来,卷起了一片轻薄的淡红色火树叶,逆天而上,一瞬之间,来到了半空之中,宛如鲜红刀刃一样,斩在了那紫色雷电上。 Bang! 轰! A not too big nor too small explosive. 一声不大不小的爆响。 The purple lightning vanishes. 紫色闪电消失。 The hot leaf edge, burnt the faint trace pale red flame, fell gently slowly. 火树叶边缘,燃烧起了丝丝淡红火焰,缓缓地飘落了下来。 In the Ye Qingyu eye shines. 叶青羽眼睛里发光。 This time, he saw clearly. 这一次,他看清楚了。 ------------- ------------- Today first 今日第一更
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