IGE :: Volume #14

#1314: Subversion

Simply did not have the Solar system of any unusual place in the past Bright God Emperor impression, in this moment, has given three people of huge pressures. 在昔日的光明神帝印象之中根本没有任何奇特之处的太阳系,在这一刻,给了三人巨大的压力。 This is the true colors of Solar system, said that what afterward had? 到底这才是太阳系的真面目,还是说后来发生了什么? It is not right, the cloudy clear eyes have the energy of Space-Time transmission, this transmission, not only the shuttle of space, is a localization of time, this means that should be at this moment he passes through leaves the Earth beforehand time, even if because before , experienced these near Solar system martial arts stars to delay some time, was about one month, these days, was impossible had to have mystically can greatly here under the arrangement formation and so on matter. 不对啊,阴晴海海眼具有时空传送之能,这一次的传送,不只是空间的穿梭,更是一次时间的定位,这意味着,此时此刻应该就是他穿越离开地球之前的时间,哪怕是因为之前经历了那些近太阳系武道星球而拖延了一些时间,也不过是一个月左右而已,这段时间里,不可能发生有神秘大能在这里布置下阵法之类的事情啊。 Moreover, three people of strength are different, has the talent secret technique respectively, can induce, that dangerous aura in Solar system, is not in a hurry Bu to become, but after experiences the attack of long years passed, having the feeling. 而且,三人实力不同,各有天赋秘术,都可以感应到,太阳系之中的那种危险气息,并非是仓促之间布成,而是经历了漫长岁月的侵袭流逝之后,才有的这种感觉。 A vicissitudes ancient feeling, heads on. 一种沧桑古老的感觉,扑面而来。 Now I have believed that chance, in this place.” Lao Yu Jing excited. “现在我相信了,机缘,就在此地。”老鱼精兴奋了起来。 The Solar system is so uncommon, aura mysterious danger, the far ultra-large thousand star territories, this explained has the big causes and effects surely, only then such place, will have the so-called big chance to exist, his choice, not mistake. 太阳系如此不凡,气息之神秘危险,远超大千星域,这说明了其中必定有大因果,也只有这样的地方,才会有所谓的大机缘存在,这一次他的选择,并没有错误。 The dull dog Little Nine Woof Woof Wang low roar, it is also somewhat excited. 呆狗小九汪汪汪地低吼,它亦是有些心动。 to turn into a dragon is its bloodlines drives, it also wants certainly the atavism, realizes own bloodlines limit thoroughly, but it also wants to see Ye Qingyu once again, in its heart, Ye Qingyu even be more important than to turn into a dragon, if not for knew in the heart so long as obtains the chance here, in the future may also say goodbye Ye Qingyu, it estimated that rather to turn into a dragon will not come here. 成龙乃是它血脉所驱,它当然也想要返祖,彻底实现自身的血脉极限,但它也想再度见到叶青羽,在它的心中,叶青羽甚至要比成龙更加重要,若不是心知只要在这里获得机缘,日后亦可再见叶青羽,它估计宁愿不成龙也不会来到这里。 Now, it wants to obtain the so-called chance immediately, the incarnation is the real dragon, goes to seek for Ye Qingyu. 现在,它想要立刻就获得所谓的机缘,化身为真龙,前去寻找叶青羽 It is roaring lowly, wants to crash in the Solar system. 它低吼着,想要冲进太阳系中。 You insane......” Lao Yu Jing has blocked it hastily, said: Like this clashes, you will die without the burial ground.” “你疯了……”老鱼精连忙拦住它,道:“这样冲进去,你会死无葬身之地。” The Bright God Emperor soul also said: This matter, but also needs to need further consideration, I have not thought that originally in the Solar system, such Xin Mi, perhaps this is its true feature, the science and technology on Earth, is unable to discover that this strength, it is estimated that this also explained that why in the major galaxies of [gold/metal] Solar system, these martial arts stars never step to the reason of Earth...... This formation, seems is protecting the Solar system......” 光明神帝的灵魂也道:“此事,还需要从长计议,我也没有想到,原来太阳系中,还有这样的辛秘,也许这才是它的真正面目,地球上的科学技术,根本无法发现这一种力量,估计这也就解释了,为什么金太阳系的各大星系之中,那些武道星球从未涉足到地球的原因……这阵法,好似是在保护太阳系啊……” Lao Yu Jing grasps the dull dog, is very afraid this dull goods to clash. 老鱼精抱住呆狗,深怕这呆货真的冲进去。 In three people, strength was once strongest by Bright God Emperor, experiences the story to be broadest, although he has stripped the strength, but has the beforehand samsara all Shi memory, how therefore to solve at present the difficult problem, enters the Solar system successfully, arrives at the difficult problem on Earth, naturally fell on his body. 三人之中,以光明神帝曾经实力最强,见识阅历最广,他虽然剥离了力量,但具有之前轮回诸世的记忆,因此如何解决眼前难题,成功进入太阳系,降临在地球上的难题,自然就落在了他的身上。 Suddenly, the distant place had a metal object to revolve to fly. 突然,远处有一颗金属物体旋转着飞了过来。 What is that? God soldier sharp weapon?” Lao Yu Jing stared in a big way the eye. “那是什么?神兵利器?”老鱼精瞪大了眼睛。 Dull dog Little Nine is also staring: „It looks like not too delicious appearance......” 呆狗小九也盯着:“看起来不太好吃的样子……” Bright God Emperor is actually the eye one bright, said: Is the satellite, has been separated from the track abandoned the satellite......” many years, he saw this finally, this was not illusory, but was real, has not experienced the person of Earth life, is unable to find that at this moment has abandoned to lose the satellite of significance, has brought the how huge impact and joy to Bright God Emperor. 光明神帝却是眼睛一亮,道:“是卫星,一颗脱离了轨道的废弃人造卫星……”多少年了,他终于又看到了这一幕,这不是虚幻,而是真实,没有经历过地球生活的人,是无法了解到,这一刻已经废弃失去了意义的人造卫星,给光明神帝带来了多么巨大的冲击和欣喜。 The pale silver metal satellite flies, Bright God Emperor sends out a strength, absorbs it. 淡银色金属人造卫星飞过来,光明神帝发出一股力量,将其摄取过来。 Well? Unexpectedly is not the satellite that abandons, seems still revolving.” He is somewhat surprised, but what makes his surprised is, on this satellite, he saw the familiar design, bright red 5-star red flag, this is...... This is the satellite of motherland, is at the soul condition Bright God Emperor, suddenly unexpectedly excitedly somewhat is hard self-made, in the heart that for long depressing homesickness, looked like the shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami same erupted, almost submerged him, his whole body shivered. “咦?竟然不是废弃的卫星,似乎还在运转。”他有些惊讶,而更让他惊讶的是,在这颗人造卫星上,他看到了熟悉的图案,鲜红色的五星红旗,这是……这是祖国的人造卫星啊,处于灵魂状态的光明神帝,一时间竟然激动地有些难以自制,心中那种长久以来压抑的思乡之情,就像是山呼海啸一样爆发了出来,几乎将他淹没,他浑身颤抖。 What thing is satellite? It looks like very fierce appearance, turned into this appearance the god emperor unexpectedly.” Dull dog Little Nine was sighing at the same time. “人造卫星是什么东西?看起来很厉害的样子啊,竟然把神帝变成了这幅样子。”呆狗小九在一边感叹。 Lao Yu Jing actually probably guessed correctly the Bright God Emperor so excited reason. 老鱼精却是大概猜出了光明神帝如此激动的原因。 Passed the long time, Bright God Emperor gradually has suppressed own mood, after simple observation, he discovered that this came from the satellite of motherland, although deviated the track, but some procedures and machines, but also was revolving, particularly some image collection sensing systems, but also was working. 过了半晌,光明神帝才逐渐抑制了自己的心情,简单的观察之后,他发现,这一颗来自于祖国的人造卫星,虽然已经偏离了轨道,但其中的一些程序和机器,还在运转,尤其是一些图像收集传感系统,还在工作。 Awful, as the matter stands, had its acquired image, transmitted Earth a moment ago?” “糟糕,这样一来,刚才它采集到的图像,岂不是已经传送回地球了?” He then realized that oneself extremely excited, has neglected something. 他这才意识到,自己太过兴奋,忽略了一些东西。 Only fears soon, on Earth the science and technology worker in motherland, will receive these images, in the jet black alone ice-cold universe vacuum, sees the people of two outlandish clothes suddenly, a white dog appears, moreover not dressing spacesuits, the picture that this will shock, will certainly make the science and technology workers in these research institutes subvert the world outlook directly. 只怕用不了多久,地球上祖国的科技工作者,会收到这些图像,试想,在漆黑孤寂冰冷的宇宙真空之中,突然看到两个奇装异服的人,还有一条白色的狗出现,而且不穿戴宇航服,这将会是多么震撼的画面,一定会让那些研究所里的科技工作者直接颠覆世界观。 Now wants to recall, truly already some without enough time. 现在想要挽回,确实已经有些来不及了。 Bright God Emperor releases a strength to fluctuate, changes to the mist, covers up the image mouth of satellite, preventing it to further transmit the design. 光明神帝释放出一股力量波动,化作雾气,将人造卫星的图像采集口遮掩,防止它进一步传送图案。 This time, he comes back, but wanted to look at the past hometown again, looks at the past friend and family member again, does not want to harass on Earth the originally order, but now, actually because of this accident, has had the change, does not know that transmitted these design images of Earth a moment ago, what will influence have to Earth. 这一次,他回来,只是想要再看一看昔日的故乡,再看一看昔日的朋友和家人,并不想扰乱地球上原本的秩序,但是现在,却因为这个意外,产生了变化,也不知道刚才传送回地球的那些图案图像,会对地球产生什么样的影响。 „Does this thing have the issue?” Lao Yu Jing collects. “这东西有问题吗?”老鱼精凑过来。 Bright God Emperor shakes the head, said: Does not have the issue, making it leave.” 光明神帝摇摇头,道:“没问题,让它离开吧。” He has delivered this satellite, has sent in the remote starry sky outside Solar system. 他将这颗人造卫星送了出去,送入了太阳系之外的遥远星空之中。 Since the 20 th century, various great nations on Earth to the universe starry sky, have released the innumerable detectors, with survey space outside the outer space and Solar system, obviously these metal detectors will not come under the influence of that mysterious terrifying power the beforehand three people feel, but Bright God Emperor realized suddenly, after these detectors go out of the Solar system, once as before is maintaining the revolution, they will fall to near Solar system these martial arts stars on, whether will transmit Earth there picture? Even draws back again one step, even if were these detectors lost all functions, if they fell in the martial arts Sect hands on these stars, what influence also will have to Earth? 进入二十世纪以来,地球上的各大国向宇宙星空之中,释放出去了无数的探测器,用以探测外太空和太阳系外的宇宙空间,显然这些金属探测器并不会受到之前三人感受到的那种神秘恐怖力量的影响,但光明神帝突然意识到,这些探测器走出太阳系之后,一旦依旧保持着运转,它们是否会落到近太阳系那些武道星球上,是否会将那里的画面传送回地球?甚至再退一步,哪怕是这些探测器已经失去了所有的功能,但一旦它们落到了那些星球上的武道宗门手中,又会对地球产生什么样的影响呢? Thinks that relation, will think very terrifying. 想一想这其中的联系,就会觉得很恐怖。 Bright God Emperor suddenly thought that he thought of the hometown that the night thought regarding oneself date, possibly untrue understanding. 光明神帝突然觉得,自己对于自己日思夜想的故乡,可能并不真正的了解。 ...... …… Several days later. 数日之后。 Is impossible, this absolutely impossible......” “不可能,这绝对不可能……” On Earth, military scientific research facilities, several scientific research experts look that several pictures shout wildly, they were shocked, is unable to believe that since Destiny number Some pictures that on the satellite feeds. 地球上,一处军方科研基地,数位科研专家看着几张照片狂呼,他们都被震惊了,无法相信从【命运号】卫星上传回的一些画面。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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