IGE :: Volume #14

#1309: Paradise demon

Initially, in guardian King City, Ye Qingyu to become Emperor, the Sun old ancestor once the Sun Clan immortal territory smelting trial quota, had not given Ye Qingyu, Ye Qingyu in the immortal territory smelting trial, obtained the huge promotion , because had discovered some Undead/Immortal materials, can let the person immortal, it is said this is this tries to cultivate immortality the territory region, is the fragment of paradise, was intercepted by the ancestors of guardian camp, because of this immortal territory smelting trial, but presented many Martial Dao Emperor. 当初,在守卫者王城之中,叶青羽还未成帝,孙氏老祖曾经孙氏一族的仙域试炼名额,给予了叶青羽,叶青羽在仙域试炼之中,获得了巨大的提升,就是因为发现了一些不死物质,可以让人长生,据说这是这个试炼仙域区域,乃是仙界的碎片,被守卫者阵营的先祖们所截获,因为这个仙域试炼,而出现了不少的武道皇帝 But at this time, black castle sword building peak the microcosm of the fine spring day, to the feeling of Ye Qingyu, was almost initially exactly the same as that so-called paradise fragment. 而此时,黑色城堡剑楼顶端的这个鸟语花香的小世界,给叶青羽的感觉,与当初那个所谓的仙界碎片几乎一模一样。 No, even can say without the slightest exaggeration, this microcosm richness of Undead/Immortal material, clear of various principles, compared with that paradise fragment. 不,甚至可以毫不夸张地说,这个小世界中的不死物质之浓郁,各种法则之清晰,要比那个仙界碎片更甚。 Moment, arrived in the cave. 须臾,来到了山洞之中。 This is Nan Tieyi with Hu bugui in mountain peak the cave mansion that opens cutting directly, underwent the innumerable year of polishes to carve, has been full of the aesthetic sense, just liked white jade Stone Gong is the same, resembling was a magnificent jade palace, was raising the Manchurian crane, white-feathered bird, Pegasus, white tiger and so on spirit beasts, saw that Nan Tieyi and Hu bugui arrived, these spirit beasts sent out joyous Changming, will fly to rub two people affectionate, extreme harmony of being together. 这是南铁衣胡不归在山峰在直接开凿出来的洞府,经过了无数年的打磨雕琢,充满了美感,犹如白玉石宫一样,似是琼楼玉宇,其中豢养着仙鹤、白鸟、飞马、白虎等等灵兽,看到南铁衣胡不归到来,这些灵兽纷纷发出欢悦的长鸣,甚至会飞过来亲昵地蹭一蹭两个人,相处的极为融洽。 These are small south raise, usually in bored, is used to kill the time, afterward I also gradually liked these kids.” The Hu bugui grinning tunnel, this will let sober up, is showing off likely general, they shows off oneself these years to Ye Qingyu obtained. “这些都是小南养的,平日里无聊,用来打发时间,后来我也渐渐喜欢这些小家伙了。”胡不归笑嘻嘻地道,他这会让醒酒了,像是在炫耀一般,向叶青羽两人卖弄自己这些年的所得。 You were really too leisurely and carefree, this that crossed simply was the deity day.” Liu Shaji said: Where likely is I and Little Ye child, for the life and death in infinite universe, moment idle, particularly Little Ye, almost with strength of the, has haunched the present golden prosperous times, many time walked in the death edge, has put in the huge sacrifice, was undertaking the average man the pressure that was hard to imagine.” “你们实在是太悠闲了,过的这简直是神仙日子。”刘杀鸡道:“哪里像是我和小叶子,为了大千世界的生死存亡,一刻不得清闲,尤其是小叶子,几乎是用一己之力,撑起了如今的黄金盛世,多少次行走在死亡边缘,付出了巨大的牺牲,承担着常人难以想象的压力。” Hu bugui laughs: This is the divine intervention, I and small south enjoy the life, you are the calamities, hey.” 胡不归哈哈大笑:“此乃是天意,我和小南享受生活,你们是劳碌命,嘿嘿。” Nan Tieyi was saying with a smile at the same time: „ Do not look old 南铁衣在一边笑道:“别看老 Nonsense relaxedness of such, in fact? He more than once gets drunk to go crazy, said that even if were imposing dying in battle, so long as can with the brothers in together shoulder to shoulder, will be well satisfied, wear down the person to be much better compared with this bored day. ” 胡说的这么轻松,实际上呢?他不止一次地喝醉发疯,说哪怕是轰轰烈烈的战死,只要能够与兄弟在一起并肩,也会心满意足,要比这种无聊日子消磨人好多了。” Ye Qingyu has also smiled. 叶青羽也是笑了起来。 The Hu bugui disposition is too simple, did not need Nan Tieyi saying that guesses can guess his true idea. 胡不归的性格太简单,不用南铁衣说,猜都能猜出来他的真正想法。 Reason that he said now that is because knew the outside the important matter already, don't worry, if the outside also has the war, only feared that was already yelling first requested a combat assignment. 他之所以现在这么说,是因为已经知道外间的大事已了,不用担心,若是外间还有战事,只怕早就哇哇哇大叫着第一个请战了。 Actually the change of Nan Tieyi, making in the Ye Qingyu heart gratified. 倒是南铁衣的变化,让叶青羽心中欣慰了很多。 Past Nan Tieyi, because of the matter of Immortal God Emperor Sect destruction, but the mood was despondent, the intention hatred, the whole person became uncommunicative, now passes through for several thousand years to pass, monotonous leisurely and carefree life in this microcosm, as if made the Nan Tieyi state of mind tranquiler, has faded from the memory the past hatred, the whole person became the sunlight beautiful. 当年的南铁衣,因为不死神皇宗覆灭之事,而心情抑郁,心怀仇恨,整个人变得沉默寡言,如今经过了数千年过去,在这个小世界里单调悠闲的生活,似乎让南铁衣的心绪已经平静了很多,淡忘了昔日的仇恨,整个人重新变得阳光明媚了起来。 This is the good deed. 这是好事。 Ye Qingyu does not hope that this good friend has lived to hate, now too changed to the flying ash in historical dust, if Nan Tieyi cannot put aside this hatred, his whole person forever will live to hate. 叶青羽并不希望这位挚友一直都生活在仇恨之中,如今太一宗已经化作历史尘埃中的飞灰,如果南铁衣不能放下这段仇恨的话,那他整个人都将永远都生活在仇恨之中。 Sits in a Hainan building pavilion. 在一座琼楼亭台之中坐下来。 Two spirit apes are carrying the fruit tray and Stone Jiuzun come up, offer the fresh fruit with the good wine, just likes the maid is the same. 有两只灵猿端着果盘和石酒樽上来,献上鲜果和美酒,犹如婢女一样。 These two spirit apes, were clever, has to be equal to the wisdom of humanity, the motion manner is quite polite, and has formidable strength, can with Great Saint peak level expert of infinite universe 这两只灵猿,都已经通灵了,具有相当于人类的智慧,行动举止极为有礼貌,且具有很强大的实力,可以与大千世界的大圣巅峰级强者 A war, should be Hu bugui and Nan Tieyi two people trains and teaches martial arts. 一战,应该是胡不归南铁衣两个人训练和传授武功的。 Liu Shaji drinks by the fruit, to praise, said: „The world delicacy, this microcosm is really the paradise.” 刘杀鸡以果子下酒,大赞,道:“人间美味,这个小世界真的是世外桃源啊。” Nan Tieyi said with a smile: Besides secluded from the world, other indeed is very good, is place of perfect living in seclusion, here god grass treasure medicine everywhere, the immortal tree god fruits in various fables, everywhere obvious, survives in biology is also the god beast spirit birds and beasts, even if the mortal gathers, drinks the immortal spring to eat the fresh fruit, can live forever.” 南铁衣笑道:“除了与世隔绝之外,其他的确是很好,是一个完美的隐居之地,这里神草宝药遍地,各种传说之中的仙树神果,遍地都可见,生存在其中的生物也都是神兽灵禽,就算是凡人聚于此间,喝仙泉吃鲜果,也可以长生不老。” Hu bugui in the cup the liquor tosses down at present, laughs saying: Good, here originally is the deity residence, I call the Undead/Immortal paradise, has a long time, I believe that I and small south estimate was the flying upwards paradise......” 胡不归将眼前杯中酒一饮而尽,大笑道:“不错,这里根本就是神仙居所,我称之为不死仙界,有很长的一段时间,我都坚信我和小南估计是飞升仙界了……” The old friends have a reunion, atmosphere incomparable burning hot. 老友重逢,气氛无比的炙热。 Ye Qingyu has tasted the immortal royal jelly of Hu bugui personally brewing, is in the several immortal fruits of most best quality goods by the Undead/Immortal paradise steams to ferment, endures compared with the god pill's drug efficacy, the bonus is Ye Qingyu present Cultivation Base, after drinking, thought slightly drunk, the whole person interest thrived. 叶青羽品尝了胡不归亲自酿造的仙王浆,乃是以不死仙界之中最为极品的数种仙果蒸酿而成,堪比神丹的药效,饶是叶青羽如今的修为,喝多了之后,也觉得微醺,整个人兴致勃发。 Mentioned in the past amusing thing, four people have laughed. 说起往昔的趣事,四人都大笑了起来。 Smiles the belt tears. 笑中带泪。 Liu Shaji the matter that the outside has, since as well as these in 2000 the history many important matters, in detail narrated, hears Nan Tieyi and Hu bugui with great interest, they were stranded here, do not know that the outside had anything, particularly when hears the star territory war process, Hu bugui excited dancing with joy, wished one could to follow in the Ye Qingyu side to fight at that time together. 刘杀鸡将外界发生的事情,以及这2000年历史以来诸多大事,都详细地叙述了起来,听得南铁衣胡不归津津有味,他们被困在这里,根本不知道外界发生了什么,尤其是听到星域大战时的过程,胡不归兴奋的手舞足蹈,恨不能当时追随在叶青羽的身边一起战斗。 This meeting, has continued for ten days ten nights. 这一次聚会,一直延续到了十天十夜。 To finally, Liu Shaji, Hu bugui and Nan Tieyi, have been drunk, slept soundly directly on the open-air rock. 到了最后,刘杀鸡胡不归南铁衣,都醉了,直接酣睡在了露天的岩石上。 Ye Qingyu has drunk up the last glass of liquor in liquor back, quite some drunken feelings, he stands in the summit of mountain peak, all around the observation, Divine Sense spreads, looks at the entire microcosm in the eye, he discovered that this is not a complete microcosm, but was short, this made Ye Qingyu think of that immortal territory smelting trial fragment world of past once again. 叶青羽喝干了酒樽中的最后一杯酒,颇有一些醉醺醺的感觉,他站在山峰之巅,瞭望四周,神识扩散开去,将整个小世界都看在眼中,他发现,这也并非是一个完整的小世界,而是有所欠缺,这让叶青羽再度想到了昔日的那个仙域试炼碎片世界。 He guessed that this microcosm with that immortal territory fragment, had the possibility very much once is the same world, for some reasons was intercepted to separate, but the most likely guess, was in the war of past Heaven Emperor betrayal, has harvested, through the war, intercepted the Undead/Immortal paradise, obtained Fang Xianyu a microcosm to leave, but where did Ye Chongsheng make the Undead/Immortal paradise? 他猜测,这个小世界与那个仙域碎片,很有可能曾经是同一个世界,因为某种原因被截取分开了,而最有可能的一个猜测,就是当年天帝背叛之战中,还是有所收获,通过战争,截取不死仙界,得到了一方仙域小世界离开,但叶重生到底是从哪里来弄来不死仙界呢? This was unknown. 这就不得而知了。 At least in the present big thousand star territories, as well as destroys the star territory and Abandoned Demon God star territory and blood spear|gun in the star territory wait / etc. star territory world, does not have such world, this filling the air the world of Undead/Immortal material, this world compared with big thousand the star territories and other star territory world more higher, is higher first-level dimension world. 至少在如今的大千星域,以及毁灭星域、弃魔神星域、血枪星域等等星域世界之中,都不存在这样的世界,这种弥漫着不死物质的世界,从本质上来说,这种世界要比大千星域等星域世界更加高等,乃是更高一级的维度世界。 Ye Qingyu suspected that above eternal Realm, possibly still has more formidable Realm, but so-called four look like Heavenly Dao, means anything, he ascertained some features, but did not have me to make clear safely, was likely related with the paradise of this Undead/Immortal material. 叶青羽怀疑,在永恒境界之上,可能还存在着更加强大的境界,而所谓的四象天道,到底意味着什么,他只是捉摸到了一些眉目,但却没有我安全搞清楚,很可能与这种不死物质的仙界有关。 The universe secret, has not launched truly. 宇宙的秘密,还未真正展开啊。 Now had found Hu bugui and Nan Tieyi, perhaps, is the time looks for the sword god emperor and emperor of Zellars, clarified the whole story of matter. 如今已经找到了胡不归南铁衣,也许,是时候去找刀剑神皇和艾泽拉斯之皇,弄清楚事情的原委了。 In his heart is thinking like this, suddenly, in present void, has the mist land altogether, shoulders the grandson who [gold/metal] Daoyin sword the Ding Haohe black hair is wearing the imperial crown to fly, appears, as if appears because of the intention idea of Ye Qingyu. 他心中这样想着,突然,眼前的虚空之中,就有云气用地共,背负着金刀银剑的丁浩和一头黑发头戴皇冠的孙飞,同时出现,似乎是因为叶青羽的心念想法而出现。 Ye Qingyu stares slightly, at once cannot help laughing. 叶青羽微微一愣,旋即哑然失笑。 Evil creature, dares before me dissolute...... Hasn't revealed true colors?” “孽障,竟敢在我面前放肆……还不现形?” His drinks lowly. 他一声低喝。 Image that Ding Hao and grandson fly vanishes into thin air immediately, mist of one group of black belt blood is filling the air, has Dragon Xing the shadow to struggle indistinctly. 丁浩和孙飞的形象顿时烟消云散,一团黑中带血的雾气弥漫着,其中隐约有龙形的影子在挣扎着。 This, was that demon in Hu bugui mouth. 这,就是胡不归口中的那个魔物了。 It can read the Ye Qingyu thoughts mood unexpectedly, this talent is really somewhat fearful. 它竟然可以读取到叶青羽的心思情绪,这种天赋真的是有些可怕。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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