IGE :: Volume #14

#1304: Hu bugui clue

Under the dryondra, that person is alone. 梧桐树下,伊人独憔悴。 Cold wind long, the rolling up and pushing along leaf crash-bang, has one type to circle disconsolately in the hearts. 冷风悠悠,卷动树叶哗啦啦,别有一种惆怅绕在心间。 The phoenix day female just likes the dead wood general, under the sitting down tree, the facial color is calmly chilly, recalled that own, the life is shouldering the race mission, although is the day of entire infinite universe the arrogant female, responsibility that but behind shoulders with laborious, only some she knows, therefore a long time, she is bringing the ice-cold mask, aloofs, just likes the iceberg that a self- seal gets up is the same. 凤凰天女犹如枯木一般,静静地坐下树下,面色清冷,回想自己的一身,一生下来就背负着种族的使命,虽然是整个大千世界的天之骄女,但背后所承担的责任和辛苦,也就唯有她自己才知道,所以在很长的一段时间里,她都是带着冰冷的面具,拒人于千里之外,犹如一座自我封印起来的冰山一样。 Meets with Ye Qingyu in the Black Demon Abyss 17 area tao low stool ranges, the tour of 18 area, completely changed her destiny. 叶青羽相遇在黑魔渊17区梼杌岭上,18区之行,彻底改变了她的命运。 From the beginning, she is just wants to look for one to explore the helpers in 18 areas, has not actually thought that walks, unknowingly, regarding this strange man, has had the favorable impression unexpectedly, under that Chinese parasol tree old tree, Ye Qingyu protection at risk of life, making her change countenance. 一开始,她只不过是想要找一个探索18区的帮手而已,却没有想到,一路走来,不知不觉之中,竟是对于这个陌生的男子,产生了好感,那颗梧桐古树之下,叶青羽的拼死守护,让她动容。 She has never thought that proud ice-cold such as, will fall in love with a man, moreover can love so crazy. 她从未想过,骄傲冰冷如自己,也会爱上一个男子,而且会爱的如此疯狂。 Some people once had said that is the ice-cold woman, once falls into the love river, crazy that can change. 有人曾说过,越是冰冷的女人,一旦陷入爱河,就会变的疯狂。 Perhaps these words is right. 也许这句话是对的。 When moves to the world to be easy, the infinite universe entered the big time, for the mission of complete race, the phoenix clan stepped the hardest most and dangerous war road, the phoenix day female has remembered as before clearly on the same day in domain alliance temple Human Race instigates to be in the discussing official business main hall in Puyang, with scene that Ye Qingyu loathed to part, actually on that day, she regarded that meeting is last time meets, she does not know one in later going on an expedition, whether can live coming back, all missing and were in love with, not the shed, changed to tea time that met actively. 时移世易,大千世界进入了大时代,为了完整种族的使命,凤凰族踏上了最为艰险的战路,凤凰天女依旧清晰地记得当日在界域联盟神殿人族主使任濮阳的议事大殿里,与叶青羽依依惜别的情景,其实在那一天,她是将那次会面当成是最后一次见面的,她不知道自己在之后的征战之中,是否可以活着回来,所有的思念和爱恋、不舍,都化作了那主动见面的一盏茶时间而已。 The phoenix day female has not thought that in the Darkness Domain battlefield, will see Ye Qingyu once again. 凤凰天女没有想到,在黑暗领域的战场之中,会再度见到叶青羽 But the way of meeting, is actually the battlefield enemy of life and death. 而见面的方式,却是战场上的生死之敌。 The race the lover of destiny and beloved person, in the face of the most painful choice, she has chosen Ye Qingyu. 种族的命运和心爱之人的爱人,在最痛苦的抉择面前,她选择了叶青羽 originally thinks, the death, was an extrication. 原本以为,死亡,是一种解脱。 However has not thought that more than 2000 years later, oneself resurrect, the revival and extrication of race no doubt make her feel happily, however she actually must face an entirely different historical time and world, must face the beloved person was becoming the person husband's reality, is hearing Ye Qingyu the instance of big marriage, the phoenix day female had a completely discouraged feeling. 但是没有想到,2000多年之后,自己复活,种族的复兴和解脱固然让她感觉到欣慰,然而她却要面对一个截然不同的历史时代和世界,更要面临着心爱之人已经成为人夫的现实,在听到叶青羽已经大婚的瞬间,凤凰天女有一种万念俱灰的感觉。 Sits alone in boredom under the dryondra, she was pondering, significance that oneself have. 枯坐在梧桐树下,她在思考,自己存在的意义。 Initially, she arrogant female as the day in clan, shouldered a phoenix clan to resist the hope of Power of darkness, her first half of life for this reason lived, the significance that she had was this, when she met Ye Qingyu, finally thought that in own life, there is the color significance outside abatement phoenix clan, but, this significance actually annihilates now. 当初,她作为族中的天之骄女,肩负着凤凰一族抵御黑暗力量的希望,她的前半生都是为此而活,她存在的意义就在于此,而当她遇到叶青羽,终于觉得自己的生命之中,有了除却凤凰族之外的色彩意义,但是,如今这个意义却又湮灭了。 Living, what significance also there is? 活着,又有什么意义呢? Phoenix day female ponder. 凤凰天女沉思。 She do not commit suicide, but in reconsideration oneself body. 她并非是要轻生,而是在反思己身。 At this moment, a form appeared in her slowly. 就在这时,一个身影缓缓地出现在了她的身后。 Father......” on phoenix day female face has shown a light smiling face, said: Do not be worried for me that I am all right, you do not need to comfort me, these many years, I not that frail......” “父亲……”凤凰天女脸上露出了一丝淡淡的笑容,道:“不要为我担心,我没事,您也不用安慰我,这么多年了,我并没有那么脆弱……” Old Patriarch feels attached to touches daughter's hair, smiled, said: Silly thing, did not need to support, he came to seek a marriage alliance to you.” 族长爱怜地抚摸女儿的头发,笑了笑,道:“傻丫头,不用强撑了,他来向你求亲了。” The phoenix day female body trembles slightly. 凤凰天女的身躯微微一颤。 God emperor subordinates big disciple Bai Yuanxing, young disciple Tian Ning, arrived in the city, seeks a marriage alliance to you for the god emperor, I asked that your meaning,” old Patriarch smiles, said: My treasure daughter, you have not misread the person, the god emperor is not the heartless disciple, your cavity affection, had the repayment, I was happy for you that good, here have not sat alone in boredom again, goes back, my phoenix clan must marry off a daughter, naturally must manage sight, Ha Ha Ha!” “神帝麾下的大弟子白远行,小弟子田宁,来到了城中,代神帝向你求亲,我来问你的意思,”老族长笑着,道:“我的宝贝女儿,你并没有看错人,神帝不是负心之徒,你的一腔深情,有了回报,我为你高兴,好啦,别再这里枯坐了,回去吧,我凤凰族要嫁女了,当然要办的风风光光,哈哈哈!” Here, old Patriarch heartfeltly happy, has smiled. 说到这里,老族长由衷地高兴,笑了起来。 In a moment ago, knew many clansmen of this news, thought that if the phoenix day female can marry the god emperor, the status of that entire phoenix clan will rise dramatically, this can definitely refer to City of Unmoving Darkness and Qingluo Merchant Company, now in entire Heavenly Reign Empire, even is in the alliance sphere of influence of number star territory, who dares to provoke these two big influences? The Qingluo Merchant Company antenna, spread the nether world star territory and blood spear|gun the star territory and purple quiet star territory wait / etc. world, became commercial jumbo who is second to none, phoenix clan in the event of a god emperor imperial concubine, that will also treat as an equal with these two big strength, and inside story of phoenix clan, even compared with these two big strength, but regarding old Patriarch, actually he truly happy reason, only then one, that is own daughter, had found own happiness fruitfully. 就在刚才,知道了这个消息的很多族人,都觉得,如果凤凰天女可以嫁给神帝陛下,那整个凤凰族的地位都会飙升,这完全可以参考黑暗不动城青萝商会,如今整个御天帝国之中,甚至是数大星域的联盟势力范围之内,有谁敢招惹这两大势力?青萝商会的触角,已经蔓延到了幽冥星域、血枪星域、紫幽星域等等世界,成为了首屈一指的商业巨无霸,凤凰族一旦出现一位神帝妃,那也将与这两大实力平起平坐,且凤凰族的底蕴,甚至要比这两大实力更甚,但对于老族长来说,其实他真正高兴的原因,只有一个,那就是自己的女儿,如愿以偿地找到了属于自己的幸福。 Remembered in the past matter, old Patriarch even more thought that had a deficit oneself this daughter is really too many. 想起往昔之事,老族长就越发觉得,亏欠自己这个女儿实在是太多。 In the old Patriarch laughter, the phoenix day female has stood, stamped the feet, said: Snort, I have not complied to marry him, he married the madame......” 族长的笑声中,凤凰天女站了起来,跺了跺脚,道:“哼,我还没有答应嫁给他呢,他已经娶了夫人了……” ...... …… One year later, Ye Qingyu and phoenix day female wedding, conducts in the city of phoenix. 一年之后,叶青羽与凤凰天女的婚礼,在凤凰之城举办。 Although compares the first big marriage, this time wedding was lower-key, but was as before vast in the scale. 虽然相比较第一次大婚,这一次的婚礼要低调了许多,但依旧在规模浩大。 One year ago, Heavenly Reign god emperor must marry the phoenix day female news to spread, did not know in Heavenly Reign Empire has caused the big stir, this was the third god emperor imperial concubine who the god emperor married, possibly was also last, about the phoenix day some stories between female and Ye Qingyu, spread in the folk, making more people know, female Tianjiao of this phoenix clan, what contribution had made for this world. 一年之前,御天神帝要娶凤凰天女的消息传开,不知道在御天帝国之中引起了多大的轰动,这是神帝陛下娶的第三位神帝妃,可能也是最后一位,关于凤凰天女与叶青羽之间的一些故事,也在民间流传开来,让更多人都知道了,这位凤凰族的女天骄,到底曾经为这个世界做出过什么样的贡献。 Phoenix day female name, in the entire empire fiery. 凤凰天女这个名字,在整个帝国之中火热了起来。 Many people touch by her unreasoning passion and offer. 许多人都被她的痴情和奉献所打动。 The female of this kind of peerless grace and talent, indeed is can be joined to the god emperor. 这样一个绝世风华的女子,的确是配得上神帝陛下。 Person who let some originally quite have veiled criticism, approved the status of phoenix day goddess emperor imperial concubine thoroughly. 让原先一些原本颇有微词的人,也彻底认同了凤凰天女神帝妃的地位。 Some people envy the phoenix clan, because of this marrying, means that present age a birth of new jumbo influence, everyone knows, god emperor, although murders decisively, method blood and iron, but actually extremely hides shortcomings regarding the person of being intimate with, is the better self crazy demon that became famous, status inevitably therefore when production costs rise , prices rise too of phoenix clan. 有一些人羡慕凤凰族,因为这种联姻,意味着当世一个新的巨无霸势力的诞生,谁都知道,神帝陛下虽然杀伐果断,手段铁血,但是对于亲近之人却极为护短,亦是出了名的爱妻狂魔,凤凰族的地位必然因此水涨船高。 The wedding is held as scheduled. 婚礼如期举行。 Those who surprise people are, wedding on the same day, Yu Xiao Xing and Song Xiaojun come. 让人意外的是,婚礼当日,鱼小杏宋小君都有现身。 However after big marriage, the phoenix day female has not gone to Heaven Wasteland Domain Bright City, but stayed in the city of phoenix. 不过大婚之后,凤凰天女并未前往天荒界光明城,而是留在了凤凰之城。 The time passes, passed by for one year. 时间流逝,又过去了一年。 In this period, Ye Qingyu went to the King of Destruction star territory and Abandoned Demon God star territory and in the Light Group Sage star territory roams through, understood that this world, has cultivated the agent, these three big giant star territories, was included in the Heavenly Reign Empire sphere of influence gradually, an unprecedented ultra-large star Territory Alliance empire was born gradually. 其间,叶青羽前往毁灭之王星域、弃魔神星域和光团识尊星域之中遨游,了解这个世界,培植了代理人,这三大巨型星域,也逐渐地纳入到了御天帝国的势力范围之内,一个史无前例的超大型星域联盟帝国逐渐诞生。 But Ye Qingyu when roaming through the universe star territory, painstakingly has been seeking for Hu bugui and Nan Tieyi whereabouts. 叶青羽在遨游宇宙星域之余,也一直都在苦苦地寻找胡不归南铁衣的下落。 But he had not found any clue. 但他并没有找到任何的线索。 However, in Ye Qingyu returns to shortly after the big thousand star territories, Liu Shaji is actually incomparably excitedly walks, said: I found the clue, I found the clue that big brother Hu they fall......” 然而,就在叶青羽返回大千星域不久,刘杀鸡却是无比兴奋地找上门来,道:“我找到线索了,我找到胡大哥他们下落的线索了……” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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