IGE :: Volume #14

#1302: Reactivating

The wedding grand ceremony under attention of entire big thousand star territories, ended finally perfectly. 婚礼大典在整个大千星域的瞩目之下,最终完美结束。 But the celebration in imperial capital, fully has actually continued the several months time, came from the top characters of major domain stars, even has continued entire more than one year this revelry. 但帝都之中的庆祝,却一直整整持续了数月的时间,来自于各大界域星球的顶级人物们,甚至将这场狂欢持续了整整一年多时间。 The nuptial chamber in the Bright God palace in Bright City, naturally nobody dares to listen to the god emperor the window corner/horn. 洞房就在光明城中的光明神殿中,当然没有人敢去听神帝陛下的窗角。 One year later, spread over a wide area the Heaven Wasteland Domain Heavenly Dao flowers to diverge, all recovery was normal. 一年之后,开遍了天荒界天道花朵散去,一切都恢复了正常。 The official have spread the news, the empress and empresses had the pregnancy. 官方放出了消息,女帝和女皇都有了身孕。 This without doubt is a widely-noted matter. 这无疑是一件举世瞩目的事情。 After the Heavenly Reign dynasties and Heaven Wasteland Empire two big empires merged, the Heavenly Reign Empire genuine emperor, had not been clear, god emperor Ye Qingyu was the godfather and spiritual leader in entire star territory, but actually little directly interfered the politics of empire, had existence of universe level light brain Tai Chu, added on many Lin Zheng and other rank of again the assistances of peerless person with outstanding ability, big empire managed in good order, progressed day by day, many people were guessing that the god emperor regarding the position of uninteresting premise Emperor of the country, was very likely by the male offspring in inheriting the imperial throne. 御天皇朝和天荒帝国两大帝国合并之后,御天帝国真正的皇帝,一直都没有明确下来,神帝叶青羽是整个星域的教父和精神领袖,但却很少直接干涉帝国的政事,有宇宙级光脑太初的存在,再加上诸多蔺争等级别的绝世英才的辅助,偌大的帝国都被管理的井井有条,蒸蒸日上,很多人都在猜测,神帝陛下对于帝国皇帝之位并无兴趣的前提下,很有可能是由子嗣在继承帝位。 Now two god mothers both harbor the pregnancy, under whose mister the imperial prince, that means that the imperial throne of empire, had the true ownership. 现在两位神母都怀有身孕,谁先生下皇子,那就意味着帝国的帝位,有了真正的归属。 During countless person's guesses and waiting, Song Xiaojun first produces, but lives is actually a daughter, after ten day, Yu Xiao Xing was Ye Qingyu has given birth to a son. 无数人的猜测和等待之中,宋小君首先生产,但生下来的却是一个女儿,十日之后,鱼小杏叶青羽生下了一个儿子。 Children complete in both. 儿女双全。 On the temple stair of Bright City hot woods, Ye Qingyu is holding son daughter one one, the look is indifferent and happy. 光明城火树林的神殿台阶上,叶青羽抱着一儿一女,神色淡然而又幸福。 One year passes by again, two children healthily grew, display the terror Cultivation talent. 再一年时间过去,两个小孩子健康地成长,表现出了恐怖的修炼天赋。 Ye Qingyu has not announced Heavenly Reign Empire the ownership of throne as before. 叶青羽依旧没有宣布御天帝国的皇位的归属。 In the following ten years, he is leading the wife and children, the travelling world, went all over each domain star of big thousand star territories, saw the innumerable beautiful scenes, contacts regional local conditions and social customs, even also went out of the big thousand star territories, goes to blood spear|gun star territory and purple quiet star territory and nether world star territory wait / etc. places of Foreign Domain, daughter leaf Sinan and son Ye Tingyu starts sensibly, heard the legend about parents in world, regarding the worship of Ye Qingyu simply is the thorough marrow. 在接下来的十年时间里,他带着妻子儿女,游历天下,走遍了大千星域的各个界域星球,看到了无数的美景,接触各地的风土人情,甚至还走出了大千星域,前往血枪星域、紫幽星域、幽冥星域等等域外之地,女儿叶思南和儿子叶听雨开始懂事,在世界各地都听到了关于父母的传说,对于叶青羽的崇拜简直就是深入骨髓。 The dissociation ended, Song Xiaojun and Yu Xiao Xing led the child to return to the Heaven Wasteland Domain territory. 游离结束,宋小君鱼小杏带着孩子回归了天荒界域。 But Ye Qingyu goes to each region, meets some old friends. 叶青羽则前往各地,去会一会一些故人。 In the past Heaven Wasteland Domain Snow Ground Demon Court, Ye Qingyu saw Yan Buhui. 在昔日天荒界雪地妖庭,叶青羽见到了燕不回 This past match, present good friend, when the Ye Qingyu big marriage, has not gone to join in the fun, because Lu Heng was in labor at that time, now Yan Buhui is three children's fathers, resigns from office does not do, lives in seclusion in the Snow Ground Demon Court glen, but lives in seclusion together here, sister of the emperor fish Monarch invited, these many years passed by, she was still alone in the world has not gotten married, did not have tracked down the martial arts to hold to read, but such as idle Yun Yehe same was living own life, not wanted not to strive. 这位昔日的对手,如今的挚友,在叶青羽大婚的时候,并未前去凑热闹,因为陆衡当时正在待产,如今燕不回已经是三个孩子的父亲,辞官不做,在雪地妖庭的幽谷之中隐居,而一起隐居在这里的,还有长公主鱼君请,这么多年过去,她依然是孑然一身并未成婚,亦没有了追寻武道的执念,只是如闲云野鹤一样过着属于自己的生活,无欲无求。 Lu Heng looks at Ye Qingyu, as if has thought past that just like the broad cold fairy maiden same cold elder sister, what a pity, actually vanished, could not find again. 陆横看着叶青羽,仿佛又想到了昔日那位宛如广寒仙子一样的寒姐姐,可惜,却已经消失了,再也找不到。 Ye Qingyu has not told Lu Heng, the virtual character who so-called Yu Jun Han , the peerless war-god makes actually, already vanished into thin air now. 叶青羽也并没有告诉陆衡,所谓的鱼君寒,其实也绝世战神制造出来的虚拟人物而已,如今早就烟消云散。 After all regarding Lu Heng, Yu Jun Han once in her life, actor absolutely important role. 毕竟对于陆衡来说,鱼君寒曾经在她的生命之中,扮演者绝对重要的角色。 Later, Ye Qingyu went to the Unparalleled blade city, has a friendly chat over a cup of wine with Qin Zhishui, this was also the past brothers, now in this world, can with the person who Ye Qingyu was together confidently, were not many, but Qin Zhishui was. 之后,叶青羽又去了无双刀城,与秦止水把酒言欢,这也是昔日的兄弟,如今这个世界上,能够与叶青羽坦然相处的人,已经不多,而秦止水正是其中一个。 Leaves the Unparalleled blade city, Ye Qingyu goes to Clear Ginger Domain. 离别无双刀城,叶青羽前往清姜界 He has met Demon Spider Race moon-face crown prince Mo Jin. 他遇到了魔蛛族的圆脸亲王墨金 Present Demon Spider Race is the large clan in Clear Ginger Domain, but Mo Jin also became Demon Spider Race in history greatest Patriarch, a talk, Ye Qingyu knew that in the past in the Clear Ginger Domain war, protected his person in secret, is Song Xiaojun, between Demon Spider Race and City of Unmoving Darkness has a very subtle relation. 如今的魔蛛族已经算是清姜界中的大族,而墨金也已经成为了魔蛛族有史以来最为伟大的族长,一番谈话,叶青羽得知,当年在清姜界大战之中,暗中保护他的人,是宋小君,魔蛛族黑暗不动城之间有一种很微妙的联系。 In Flowing Light City, some past old friends, have passed away. 流光城中,一些昔日的故人,已经逝去。 Ye Qingyu is grieved in front of the grave, finally leaves once again. 叶青羽在墓前凭吊,最后再度离开。 Before accompanied the wife and children children time, Ye Qingyu has not revealed the status, sees old friend, now actually one by one visits them. 之前陪伴妻儿子女的时候,叶青羽并未显露身份,去见老友,如今却是挨个来拜访他们。 Finally, he arrived at chaos ruins, after arriving at the destruction and hand of Heaven Emperor group , before domain alliance temple that reconstructs, here has to be memorial tablet of Puyang, Ye Qingyu worships on bended knees before memorial tablet, he grasped the technique of rebirth now, but was Puyang dead pitifully the too long time, and has not had the slight soul to remain, even if better than Ye Qingyu, is unable to reactivate him. 最终,他来到了混沌墟界,来到了毁灭与天帝集团之手后重新再建的界域联盟神殿之前,这里有任濮阳的灵位,叶青羽灵位前跪拜,他如今掌握了重生之术,但可惜任濮阳死去太久的时间,而且并未有丝毫的魂魄留下来,就算是强如叶青羽,也无法将他复活。 In this world, some matters, can only become forever regrets eventually. 这个世界上,终究有一些事情,只能成为永远的遗憾。 After having paid a visit all old friends, Ye Qingyu found the nether world ferryman, arrived at the perfect deathtrap. 拜见了所有的老友之后,叶青羽找到幽冥摆渡者,来到了极致死地。 More than 2000 years passed by, a new microcosm tree grows by the gate of water well life and death, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, seems the appearance of dryondra, a phoenix nest grows naturally above, in the nest has a huge ellipse phoenix egg, is sending out the clear glory, this is the beginning of phoenix day female resurrecting. 2000多年过去了,一颗新的小世界树在生死之门水井旁边生长,枝叶繁茂,仿佛是梧桐树的样子,一个凤凰巢在其上天然地生长出来,巢中有一颗巨大的椭圆凤凰蛋,散发着晶莹的光辉,这就是凤凰天女的复活之始。 Initially resurrecting of Liu Shaji, only used not to be the Century time, therefore after resurrecting, lost the past memory. 当初刘杀鸡的复活,只用了不到百年的时间,所以复活之后,丧失了昔日的记忆。 This time, Ye Qingyu hopes to be able thoroughly completely the resurrecting phoenix day female, therefore has used the long time, in the past age, he has been paying attention to the phoenix day female, but now, he feels a familiar aura finally, sends out from the phoenix egg, Ye Qingyu within the body, there is wisp of phoenix day female bloodlines. 这一次,叶青羽希望能够彻底完全地复活凤凰天女,所以用了漫长的时间,在过去的年代里,他一直都在关注着凤凰天女,而如今,他终于感受到了一袭熟悉的气息,从凤凰蛋之中散发出来,叶青羽的体内,有一缕凤凰天女的血脉。 Ye Qingyu wear a look of smile, in perfect deathtrap waiting. 叶青羽面带着微笑,在极致死地等待。 He sits under the microcosm tree, is not irritable, a day Heaven and Earth is waiting. 他坐在小世界树下面,不急不躁,一天一天地等待着。 Also has not known how long time, in the phoenix nest has heard the sound of slight egg shell breaking. 也不知道过了多久的时间,凤凰巢中传来了轻微的蛋壳破碎之声。 The whole body naked phoenix day female, the facial color from inside broken shell, she finally was at a loss true the rebirth. 浑身赤裸的凤凰天女,面色茫然地从里面破壳而出,她终于真正重生了。 The dense mist winds around on her body, she is astonished however is sizing up all around. 氤氲雾气缭绕在她的身上,她讶然地打量着四周。 Ye Qingyu appeared before her. 叶青羽出现在了她面前。 You are...... Brother Qingyu?” The phoenix day female originally vacant look, gradually became clear, after hesitating slightly, recognized, on the beautiful face, leaked off the joyful smiling face, the instinct flushed, grasped Ye Qingyu. “你是……青羽哥哥?”凤凰天女原本茫然的眼神,逐渐变得清晰了起来,略微犹豫之后,就认出来了,绝美的脸上,漏出了欣喜的笑容,本能地冲过来,抱住了叶青羽 This is revealing of she most candid sentiment. 这是她最本真的感情的流露。 However quick, she responded that receive an electric shock has let loose Ye Qingyu, said: I...... Wasn't I died? Why......” 但是很快,她反应过来,触电般地放开了叶青羽,道:“我……我不是已经死了吗?为什么……” Ye Qingyu smiled gently, takes out had already prepared the good clothing, threw over on the phoenix day female body, said: No matter Vicissitudes, are change of the seasons, I have said that will reactivate you, now, I have achieved, all will make a fresh start...... We go home.” 叶青羽温柔地微笑,取出了早就准备好的衣物,披在了凤凰天女的身上,道:“不管是沧海桑田,还是斗转星移,我说过,都会复活你,如今,我做到了,一切都会重新开始……我们回家吧。” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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