IGE :: Volume #13

#1274: Group armies

Darkness Domain. 黑暗领域 Western border Great Wall, the mountain range such as dragon winds generally in Between Heaven and Earth, might be considered as the miracle of rune martial arts civilization following the Great Wall that the mountain range trend casts, reaches as high as ten thousand meters, in addition held innumerable rune formation, impregnable, the guardian camp innumerable year of investments, let the defense line that the Great Wall will might be considered as will never crash. 西方边境长城,山脉如龙一般蜿蜒在天地之间,顺着山脉走势铸就的长城堪称是符文武道文明的奇迹,高达万米,加持了无数的符文阵法,固若金汤,守卫者阵营无数年的投入,让长城堪称是永不坠落的防线。 The shocking battle drum, resounds through Between Heaven and Earth. 震天的战鼓,响彻地天地之间 Cloud of smoke float over, under the flame flaming, long West district boundary, a corpse flavor of intermittent burnt odor fills the air, the corpse stack of intruder like is the hill, rune formation and under fire burning down of martial arts expert stimulation of movement, the innumerable intruder giant beast corpse was roasted roasts, in the corpse the fat combustion, has encouraged the fire intensity. 硝烟弥漫,火光熊熊,长城西境之下,一阵阵焦臭的死尸味道弥漫,入侵者的尸体堆积的像是小山一样,符文阵法和武道强者催动的大火焚烧之下,无数的入侵者巨兽尸体被炙烤,尸体内脂肪燃烧,更是助长了火势。 Song Xiaojun stands in the Great Wall looks, from the city wall to the horizon of distant place, crazily sweeps across the intruder who comes everywhere, incessantly just likes the flood wave, struck against the Great Wall crazily, the fight is opening less than the 1st time, but poured the intruder corpse under Great Wall, has surpassed several million greatness. 宋小君站在长城上看下去,从城墙之下到远处的地平线上,到处都是疯狂席卷而来的入侵者,滔滔不绝犹如洪水波浪,疯狂地拍击着长城,战斗开启不足一日的时间,但倒在长城之下的入侵者尸体,已经超过了数百万之巨。 „The offensive of intruder, is the general attack, counts the Great Wall, almost every against section, was hit by the attack.” Ting Tao King Lin Xuan stands in Song Xiaojun, said: But, what is strange, the intruder has not set out the spatial Battle Strength quantity, the news that so far, various mountain pass garrison commanders feed back, does not have the bitter experience to airborne Battle Strength of intruder.” “入侵者的这一次攻势,乃是全面进攻,数万里长城,几乎每一个防段,都遭受到了袭击。”听涛王林轩站在宋小君的身后,道:“不过,奇怪的是,入侵者并未出动空战力量,到目前为止,各关隘守将反馈回来的消息,都没有遭遇到入侵者的空中战力。” Song Xiaojun nodded. 宋小君点了点头。 Indeed is a little strange. 的确是有点儿古怪。 At present this degree of attack, at all impossible to pose the threat to the Great Wall, these many years later, the intruder back commanders , must understand this point, but such attack has actually continued on the 1st entire, moreover looks like has not had the sign of slight termination, moreover is the large-scale comprehensive attack, are they idle look for a pleasure extremely bored? 眼前这种程度的攻击,根本不可能对长城造成威胁,这么多年下来,入侵者背后的统帅们,也不可能不明白这一点,但这样的攻击却持续了整整一日,而且看起来并未有丝毫终止的迹象,而且还是大规模的全面攻击,难道它们是闲极无聊找点儿乐趣吗? Possibly is not this. 不可能是这样。 Song Xiaojun City of Unmoving Darkness year to year guards in the Great Wall border, most understands the intruder, perhaps in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, these intruder was slaughtered the instinct trend not intelligent Demonic beast, but went to the person in chaos chaotic region deep place truly, understood that intruder back command control, has is not inferior in infinite universe and Darkness Domain intelligent races strategy and planning. 宋小君黑暗不动城常年驻守在长城边境,最是了解入侵者,在普通士兵们的眼中,这些入侵者或许只是被杀戮本能所趋势的毫无智慧的妖兽,但是真正去过混沌混乱区域深处的人,才懂得,入侵者背后的统帅操控者,具有丝毫不逊色于大千世界和黑暗领域智慧种族们的智谋和算计。 Sends out the Quasi-Emperor level to scout, penetrates into the chaotic domain in ten thousand li (0.5km), searches again.” “派出准帝级斥候,深入到混乱领域万里之内,再探。” Song Xiaojun said. 宋小君道。 Compliant.” Lin Xuan receives an order, turns around orders to pass around. “遵命。”林轩领命,转身一道道命令传下去。 Scouting of Quasi-Emperor level, is in the Great Wall border group army most Elite scouted the strength, with the Tai Chu words, that was special troops in the special troops, the genuine elite troops, this also obeyed the suggestion of Tai Chu department that but established specially. 准帝级的斥候,已经算是长城边境集团军之中最为精锐的斥候力量了,用太初的话来说,那就是特种部队之中的特种部队,真正的王牌军,这也是听从了太初的建议而特别设置的部门。 Sets out the Quasi-Emperor level to scout, explained that situation arrived at the extremely crucial time. 出动准帝级斥候,说明事态已经到了极为关键的时刻。 At present the offensive of intruder, the thunderclap big raindrop is small, although is the general attack, but, is absolutely impossible to break through Great Wall any defense line without a doubt, but this back disclosed the strange atmosphere that making Lin Xuan also approve of the decision of Song Xiaojun, thinks it is necessary to investigate the clear back truth very much. 眼前入侵者的攻势,雷声大雨点小,虽然是全面进攻,不过,毫无疑问绝无可能攻破长城任何一段的防线,但这背后透露出来的诡异气氛,让林轩也赞同宋小君的决定,认为很有必要调查清楚背后的真相。 In the past several years time, Lin Xuan has shown by the Song Xiaojun assistant and image of Great Wall Group army No. 2 character, in unusual the actual combat generals great ability as past guardian camp, the Lin Xuan talent and ability arranged the entire guardian camp sufficiently first ten, in the innermost feelings did not have some to be proud proud that is impossible, but now, he regarding Song Xiaojun this young female Martial Emperor command, actually extremely admires. 过去的数年时间里,林轩一直都以宋小君的副手、长城集团军二号人物的形象示人,作为昔日守卫者阵营之中少有的实战将帅大才,林轩才华和能力足以排进整个守卫者阵营前十,内心里没有一些骄傲自负那是不可能的,但如今,他对于宋小君这个年轻的女武帝统帅,却是极为佩服。 wrist and ability that Song Xiaojun shows, be more splendid than her beautiful appearance. 宋小君展现出来的手腕和能力,要比她的美貌更加出色。 No wonder, the outside has the rumor, Darkness Empress is the Great Emperor Your Excellency [say / way] companion, such talent ability and wisdom, indeed is can be joined to the Great Emperor.” “怪不得,外界有传言,黑暗女皇乃是大帝冕下的道侣,这样的天赋才智,的确是配得上大帝陛下。” Lin Xuan stands before the Great Wall parapet, bird's eye view entire battlefield, in heart also cannot help but a feeling. 林轩站在长城女墙前,俯瞰整个战场,心中也不由得一声感慨。 But guards the army soldiers in Great Wall, from the different positions, will see Song Xiaojun and Lin Xuan form distantly, in the vision will reveal the respect worship the look, in the past the processing of every large or small campaigns and during many events, the seconds in command of these two group armies accumulated extremely high prestigious prestige, even if will be the ordinary soldier, is willing to be ready to give one's life for the commander in chief. 而驻守长城的大军士兵们,从不同的方位,遥遥看到宋小君林轩的身影,目光之中都会露出尊敬崇拜的神色,过去大大小小的战役和诸多事件的处理之中,这两位集团军的一二把手已经积累了极高的威望威信,就算是普通战士,也愿意为主帅而效死。 This morale, in the past several thousand years, has not had. 这种军心士气,在过去数万年的时间里,都不曾有过。 This time Song Xiaojun and Lin Xuan, had not realized that one was the millenniums unrivalled wars has begun, but soon , the race of entire world, will draw to this continuous immortal war. 只是,此时的宋小君林轩,并没有意识到,一场长达千年的旷世之战已经来拉开了序幕,而不久之后,整个世界的种族,都将被拖入到这一场连绵不朽的战争之中去。 In the sky of distant place, a stream of light has delimited, just like one round black date after spatial. 远处的天空中,一道流光划过,宛如一轮黑日经空。 That is in City of Unmoving Darkness transmits significant military situation the signal. 那是黑暗不动城中传递重大军情的信号。 Song Xiaojun saw, after the facial color is startled slightly, has revealed the happy expression. 宋小君看到,面色微微一怔之后,露出了喜色。 She turned around to board the flying boat in Great Wall another side airport wharf, went in the City of Unmoving Darkness direction. 她转身登上了长城另一侧空港码头上的飞舟,朝着黑暗不动城的方向而去。 ...... …… „The Great Emperor came back.” “大帝回来了。” At that moment in the afternoon, a news has disseminated on the Great Wall defense line at a rapid speed. 当下下午,一则消息在长城防线上以飞快的速度传播了开来。 Hears such news, the innumerable dark people tribes rouse, but most guardian armies, then in heart secretly imposing. 听到这样的消息,无数暗民部落为之振奋,而大多数的守卫者大军,则心中暗自凛然。 In the several years time, along with ascending the throne of Heavenly Reign Great Emperor, the old social class order was destroyed gradually, but the new dominant order is producing slowly, the originally low status nearly increases in the dark people status of slave, in addition various unequal treaty on every large or small dark people tribe was abolished, but on the contrary is the status of guardian camp aristocrats is not as before, many privileges were abolished forbid, and status and quota in the new political power being, also significantly reduced. 在刚刚过去的数年时间里,随着御天大帝的登基,旧的阶级秩序逐渐被摧毁,而新的统治秩序正在缓慢地生成着,原本地位低下近乎于奴隶的暗民地位大增,加诸于大大小小暗民部落身上的不平等条约被废除,而与此相反的则是守卫者阵营贵族们的地位则大不如前,诸多特权被废除禁止,且在新政权之中占据的地位和名额,也大幅度地降低了。 Any change and transformation, are not problem-free, follows the fierce combat and blood skeleton inevitably, in the past several years time, even if were Ye Qingyu has annihilated the enemy to clean up the stubborn emperor clan in guardian King City with the thunder method, once had the old aristocrat camp group and aristocratic family, because own benefit was encroached, took risks to start the revolt riot, particularly the ruler aristocrats by major place state territories was most intense, often counted the old aristocrat and joining up of stubborn emperor in clan state, tried to resist with the Heavenly Reign military headquarters. 任何的改变和变革,都不会是一帆风顺,其中必然伴随着刀光剑影和鲜血尸骸,过去的数年时间里,就算是叶青羽已经用雷霆手段犁庭扫穴清理了守卫者王城之中的顽固帝族,也曾有旧贵族阵营集团和世家因为自身利益被侵犯,铤而走险发动反抗暴乱,尤其是以各大地方州域的统治者贵族们最为激烈,往往数州的旧贵族和顽固帝族的联合起来,试图与御天军部对抗。 However, all revolts are futile efforts. 然而,一切反抗都是徒劳。 Although Ye Qingyu body not in Darkness Domain, but regarding the control of Darkness Domain, had not actually stopped, he already divided the work to be clear, the internal suppression is collaborated by Tai Chu and Xiaofei Quasi-Emperor, takes Fire State and new-style armies of Earth State two Dazhou as the main force, but defended the intruder outward is by became at that time Martial Dao Emperor Song Xiaojun is the leadership, all military affairs on command completely Great Wall defense line, big or medium business, a word, but Secret Art. 叶青羽虽然身不在黑暗领域,但对于黑暗领域的控制,却一直都没有停止,他早就分工明确,内部镇压由太初笑非准帝联手,以火州地州两大州的新式军队为主力,而对外防御入侵者则是由已经成为当时武道皇帝宋小君为主导,统帅全部长城防线上的一切军务,大小事务,一言而诀。 Xiaofei Quasi-Emperor, is Song Xiaojun, is the heroes in hero, the talent in talent, individual strength or the strategy military strategy, might be considered as electing of present age, in addition has Tai Chu this universe level light brain the overall plan support of formidable incomparable computing power, such combination, nearly in invincibility. 不论是笑非准帝,还是宋小君,都是英杰之中的英杰,天才之中的天才,不论是个人实力还是智谋韬略,都堪称是当世之选,再加上有太初这个宇宙级光脑的强大无匹的计算能力的统筹支持,这样的组合,近乎于无敌。 In the past few years in the time, all resisters, already by the Fire State armed forces heartless suppression that Xiaofei Quasi-Emperor led, can say without the slightest exaggeration, these days, in Darkness Domain was broken through, the shovel draw and settlement the guardian aristocrat group of doing all kinds of evil things, be more than Aristocratic Family that the past several thousand years in withered away. 过去数年时间里,所有的反抗者,都已经被笑非准帝所率领的火州军无情镇压,可以毫不夸张地说,在这段时间里,黑暗领域之中被攻破、铲平、清算的为非作歹的守卫者贵族集团,要比过去数千年时间里消亡的贵族世家更多。 The entire Darkness Domain atmosphere, eliminates. 整个黑暗领域的气氛,为之肃清。 After experiencing the labor pain of reform, a full of vitality starts to erupt just like the dead situation general world in this. 经历了改革的阵痛之后,一股勃勃生机在这个宛如一潭死水一般的世界里开始爆发出来。 But Song Xiaojun assumes the Great Wall border, has used the thunder method similarly. 宋小君坐镇长城边境,也同样施展了雷霆手段。 Four big command the subordinates guardian army the border, has cleaned thoroughly, many guilty of the most heinous crime officials, were handled according to military law, many complying in public but opposing in private intention illegal military officers successively were also demoted or are the replacement, originally from being the four big main action regiments of guardian camp, now has been controlled thoroughly in the hand of Song Xiaojun, the beforehand four big command lost power completely, jumps da not to come out anything. 将边境四大统帅麾下的守卫者大军,彻底清洗了一遍,诸多罪大恶极的官员,都被军法从事,诸多阳奉阴违心怀不轨的将领也先后被降职或者是撤换,原本从属于守卫者阵营的四大主战军团,如今已经彻底被掌控在了宋小君的手中,之前的四大统帅已经完全失势,蹦跶不出来什么了。 In addition, several hundred dark people tribes by Song Xiaojun in wise the extremely method, were also kneaded together to control, basically can be said as the monolithic bloc, since the guardian camp has ruled Darkness Domain, thousands of years to fall, the Great Wall border's command, never has such dominant strength and control degree. 除此之外,数百暗民部落也被宋小君以极为高明的手段,捏合控制了起来,也基本上可以说是铁板一块,自从守卫者阵营统治黑暗领域以来,千万年以降,长城边境的统帅,从未有过这样的统治力和控制程度。 But Great Wall border that Song Xiaojun assumes, since the major war broke out before yesterday, in the size several thousand going out of town field operations, basically is wins loses few, before changing, no matter four big command the regular army to be dark the people tribe always not to dare to go out of the convention that the Great Wall and intruder positive field operation contend with. 宋小君坐镇的长城边境,自从昨日大规模战争爆发之前,在大小数千次出城野战之中,基本上都是赢多输少,一改之前不管是四大统帅正规军还是暗民部落从来都不敢走出长城与入侵者正面野战抗衡的惯例。 Change that Martial Dao Emperor brought at that time, absolutely might be considered as revolutionary. 一尊当时武道皇帝所带来的改变,绝对堪称是革命性的。 Let alone now, besides dark emperor Song Xiaojun in City of Unmoving Darkness, a more fearful invincible Heavenly Reign Great Emperor, sits in Heaven Yun Dian bird's eye view high is supervising all living things, nobody does not have the influence, dares simultaneously with two at that time the Martial Dao Emperor resistance, past in guardian King City in the past Martial Emperor of many emperor clans, vanished completely, does not dare to come with the Heavenly Reign Great Emperor resists. 更何况如今,除了黑暗不动城中的黑暗之皇宋小君之外,还有一尊更加可怕无敌的御天大帝,高坐于九重天云巅俯瞰监察着芸芸众生,没有人没有势力,敢同时与两尊当时武道皇帝对抗,就连昔日守卫者王城之中诸多帝族的往世武帝,也全部都消失了,不敢现身与御天大帝对抗。 Heavenly Reign Great Emperor, rein all Tian. 御天大帝,统御诸天。 This is a fact that in entire Darkness Domain many state territory, race and dark people tribes as well as the guardian camp have to acknowledge. 这已经是整个黑暗领域之中诸多州域、种族、暗民部落以及守卫者阵营不得不承认的一个事实了。 The Heavenly Reign dynasty just liked initial rise Chaoyang, raised slowly. 御天皇朝犹如初升朝阳,冉冉升起。 Therefore, when the Heavenly Reign Great Emperor arrives at the news of western Great Wall border to transmit, all parties are shocked. 所以,当御天大帝亲临西部长城边境的消息传来,各方都为之震动。 But on the same day sunset, the form of Heavenly Reign Great Emperor, under the gaze of innumerable sergeant military officer, appeared in the center-section of Great Wall border, was the intruder army attacks the most violent section, Darkness Empress and group army vice- handsome Lin Xuan, appeared together with several other thousand armed forces every large or small group army military officers together. 而就在当日日落时分,御天大帝的身影,在无数军士将领的注视之下,出现在了长城边境的中段,也是入侵者大军攻击最为猛烈的地段,黑暗女皇和集团军副帅林轩,连同其他数千军大大小小集团军将领一起出现。 The battle drum thunders, cheers like the tide. 战鼓轰鸣,欢呼如潮。 Heavenly Reign Great Emperor!” 御天大帝!” Heavenly Reign Great Emperor!” 御天大帝!” The cheers of resounding through the skies, wave after wave, the innumerable sergeants raise the arm to cheer, under Great Wall intruder cannon fodder army of doom attack, feels the hurricane that Great Wall sergeant has been mad, at once, the attack was becomes has hesitated unexpectedly. 响彻云霄的欢呼声,一浪接着一浪,无数的军士都振臂欢呼,就连长城之下死命攻击的入侵者炮灰大军,也都感受到了长城军士气的狂飙,一时之间,攻击竟然是变得迟疑了起来。 Raises the sword to step. Rides to wield the ghost rain, the bones of the dead such as Shan Niaojing flies.” “提剑跨.骑挥鬼雨,白骨如山鸟惊飞。” The setting sun scarlet glory sprinkles in battlefield and Great Wall, Between Heaven and Earth added for several points cold and dreary certainly colorful, Ye Qingyu felt to fill the air in the Between Heaven and Earth slaughtering aura, according to the Great Wall Group army that the firm city defended stubbornly, although stood one's ground steadfastly, but also presented the casualties inevitably, once there is a war to get up, dissipation of life became is natural and base and low. 夕阳的血色光辉洒落在战场和长城上,天地之间平添了几分凄冷绝艳,叶青羽感受到了弥漫在天地之间的杀戮气息,据坚城而固守的长城集团军,虽然岿然不动,但不可避免地也出现了伤亡,一旦有战事起,生命的消逝就变得理所当然且卑微。 Opens reports Your Excellency, according to scouting the repayment, mixes to discuss in the chaotic region several thousand li (0.5km) region, is the continuous intruder cannon fodder armies, just likes the tide raids generally, the quantity is innumerable, the sign that has not stopped attacking slightly, within one month, such offensive should not stop.” “启禀冕下,根据斥候回报,混论混乱区域之中数万里区域,都是连绵不绝的入侵者炮灰大军,犹如潮水一般袭来,数量数不胜数,丝毫没有停止攻击的迹象,在一个月之内,这样的攻势应该不会停止。” Lin Xuan reports back respectfully. 林轩恭敬地回报。 Quasi-Emperor that in the morning sends out scouted has fed in the news. 上午派出的准帝斥候已经传回了消息。 Ye Qingyu nods. 叶青羽点点头。 Searches to report again.” Song Xiaojun at the same time opens the mouth to say. “再探再报。”一边的宋小君开口道。 Compliant.” “遵命。” Orders, pass around once again. 一道道命令,再度传下去。 Perseveres in January, making the sergeant adapt to the battlefield atmosphere, then carries out the spring thunder course of action, gets down the Great Wall field operation.” In the Ye Qingyu mind, has jointly filtered Tai Chu and operation plan of Great Wall Group army general staff formulation, determines not to have the oversight, finally formally approved the plan in this time. “坚守一月,让军士适应战场气氛,然后执行春雷作战方案,下长城野战。”叶青羽脑海之中,将太初和长城集团军参谋部联合制定的作战计划过滤了一遍,确定没有疏漏,终于在此时正式通过了方案。 Side many group army military officer hear that, in the eye have revealed the happy expression. 身边诸多的集团军将领闻言,眼中都露出了喜色。 Since the Great Wall Group armies have overhauled, the law is stern, military law like mountain, but, the military exploit reward extremely clearly is also clear, in the past several years time, any sergeant and military officers who accumulates the military exploit obtain made the reward that one admires, but regarding guarding the servicemen in Great Wall, gets down the Great Wall field operation without doubt is the way of quickest accumulation military exploit, does not have one. 长城集团军改制以来,律令森严,军法如山,但同时,军功奖励也是极为清晰明确,过去的数年时间里,凡是积累军功的军士、将领都得到了令人艳羡的奖励,而对于驻守长城的军人来说,下长城野战无疑是最快积累军功的方式,没有之一。 The military officer of familiar inside story, knows that this group army general staff has made several courses of action actually, there is a conservative strategy, has the radical action, the thunder plan without doubt is the most radical plan, it is said after the formulation, was questioned by many people, thinks will do this will make the group army suffer the massive loss, possibly the gain does not equal the loss, the group army will command Darkness Empress unable to make up mind for a while. 熟悉内情的军队将领,更是知道,这一次集团军参谋部其实制定了好几套的作战方案,既有保守策略,亦有激进之举,其中雷霆计划无疑是最为激进的一个方案,据说制定之后,被许多人质疑,认为这样做会让集团军遭受巨大的损失,可能得不偿失,就连集团军统帅黑暗女皇也一时拿不定主意。 Has not thought that Heavenly Reign Your Excellency initially to the Great Wall above, a word, but the Secret Art, has chosen this set of most radical powerful course of action. 没想到,御天冕下初至长城之上,就一言而诀,选择了这套最为激进强势的作战方案。 This makes ambitiously the military officer who wants to establish military exploit excited. 这让许多雄心勃勃想要建立军功的将领兴奋。 They felt the Heavenly Reign Your Excellency lofty aspirations and high ideals and startled day breadth of spirit. 他们感受到了御天冕下的雄心壮志和惊天气魄。 Can work for this kind of generation of Tianjiao Great Emperor certainly, without doubt is one type is honored with the glory. 能够为这样一位绝代天骄大帝效力,无疑是一种荣幸和荣耀。 After Song Xiaojun heard the decision of Ye Qingyu, the nod, obeys an order. 宋小君听到了叶青羽的决定之后,点头,应命。 She will never suspect that the decision of Ye Qingyu, resolutely will only carry out. 她从不会怀疑叶青羽的决定,只会坚定地执行。 But group army No. 2 character Lin Xuan at the same time is so. 而一边的集团军二号人物林轩更是如此。 Ye Qingyu looks that under just likes the invasion that the tide raids generally the army, in the heart was pondering actually also over the intention of intruder commanders, such continuous cannon fodder attacks to make a harassing attack, is impossible to break through the Great Wall defense line, then their intentions, what are? Warms up and consumes, will true mounting a large-scale attack arrive in later? 叶青羽看着下方犹如潮水一般袭来的入侵着大军,心中其实也在思忖入侵者统帅们的意图,这样持续不断的炮灰攻击袭扰,根本不可能攻破长城防线,那它们的意图,到底是什么呢?难道只是热身和消耗,真正的大举进攻会在之后到来? No matter how, cannot make intruder step into east of the Great Wall half step. 不管如何,都不能让入侵者踏入长城以东半步。 At this moment, he set firm resolve, must to the Great Wall Group armies be as for the army system of entire Darkness Domain, carried on an inspection of time thoroughly deeper level, must the weapon system of Earth State civilization, promote in the army. 这一刻,他下定了决心,要对长城集团军乃至于整个黑暗领域的军队体系,进行一次更彻底更深层次的考核了,要将地州文明的武器体系,在全军之中推广。 Before the several years reform, was only the first stair. 之前数年的改革,只是第一个台阶而已。 Naturally, these matters, even does not need him to worry. 当然,这些事情,甚至都不需要他去操心。 Ye Qingyu truly cared that now, is another issue has defeated Heaven Emperor, where hid? This person, is a calamity embryo malignant tumor, must eradicate cleanly, otherwise the remaining disaster is infinite, Ye Qingyu even guessed that this time intruder mounts a large-scale attack, perhaps is related with Heaven Emperor, after all in the beforehand guardian camp, some people can collaborate to conspire with the intruder, definitely has the Heaven Emperor shadow. 叶青羽现在真正关心的,是另外一个问题战败了的天帝,到底躲藏到了哪里?这个人,是一个祸胎毒瘤,必须铲除干净,否则遗患无穷,叶青羽甚至猜测,这一次的入侵者大举进攻,或许与天帝有关,毕竟之前的守卫者阵营中,有人能够与入侵者联手密谋,绝对有天帝的影子。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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