IGE :: Volume #13

#1270: Shocking four directions

What?” “什么?” How possible?” “怎么可能?” Day......” “天啊……” This is......” “这是……” Countless people just like in this split second damn are the same, is unable to contain shock in oneself heart, calls out in alarm in abundance makes noise. 无数人在这一瞬间犹如见了鬼一样,无法遏制自己心中的震惊,纷纷都惊呼出声。 Such picture has really shocked, that is several Quasi-Emperor, is the martial arts peak of keeping aloof bird's eye view all living things exists, in the Ye Qingyu front, such collapsing at the first blow, just likes the insect is ordinary, Ye Qingyu releases the aura merely, the so-called Quasi-Emperor alliance, disintegrated. 这样的画面实在是太震撼了,那可是十几尊准帝啊,是高高在上俯瞰芸芸众生的武道巅峰存在啊,在叶青羽的面前,却如此的不堪一击,犹如虫子一般,叶青羽仅仅是释放出气息而已,所谓的准帝联盟,就土崩瓦解了。 Looks that kneel to bend down Quasi-Emperor in ground, the eyeballs of all people quick startled exploded. 看着那一尊尊跪伏在地面上的准帝,所有人的眼珠子都快惊爆了。 You...... You...... You...... „ Xuan Ji Saintess lost the beforehand ruthless offense and calm, is struggling reluctantly gaining ground, looks at Ye Qingyu upwards, hissing sound track: „ You unexpectedly......” she is level expert in Quasi-Emperor, nearly in visiting eight heavy day of Realm, has thought that can suppress Ye Qingyu steadily, even if presses does not pour, she also has other subsequent parties, but has not thought that the Ye Qingyu slightly blooming aura, lets all her self-confidence and preparations, changed to as transient as fleeting clouds to be generally laughable. “你……你……你……“璇玑圣女失去了之前的狠戾和从容,勉强挣扎着抬头,看向上方的叶青羽,嘶声道:“你竟然……”她已经是准帝之中的级强者,近乎于踏足到了八重天境界,自以为可以稳稳地压住叶青羽,就算是压不注,她还有其他的后手,但是没有想到,叶青羽只是稍微绽放气息,就让她所有的自信和准备,都化作了过眼云烟一般可笑。 Did Ye Qingyu, what Realm arrive at? 叶青羽,到底到了什么境界 Quasi-Emperor Heaven? 准帝九重天? Quasi-Emperor peak? 准帝巅峰? ...... Martial Dao Emperor? 还是……武道皇帝 In the Xuan Ji Saintess heart has raised the difficult situation. 璇玑圣女心中掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Is consistent with her expression response, major Quasi-Emperor. 与她表情反应一致的,还有各大准帝 Feels that copious not imperial strength that on Ye Qingyu is surging, they are full power stimulate to movement the strength of their Quasi-Emperor, but as before absolutely likely are one page of small boats in difficult situation...... No, is grass stalk is the same, is hard to control itself radically, that boundless to surpassing them had understood that the category strength turns round to press, they are incapable of struggling radically, this dilutedness, looked like was just born or baby time that type is unable to control the feeling of oneself body to be the same. 感受着叶青羽身上涌动出来的那种沛然莫御之力,他们就算是全力催动自己的准帝之力,但依旧绝对自己像是惊涛骇浪之中的一页小扁舟……不,是一根草茎一样,根本难以控制自己,那磅礴到超出了他们所理解范畴的力量覆压下来,他们根本无力挣扎,这种无力感,就像是刚刚出生还是婴儿时候那种无法操控自己身体的感觉一样。 Can the day, how like this? 天啊,怎么会这样? What strength is this? 这到底是什么力量? Is Ye Qingyu so unexpectedly strong? 叶青羽竟然这么强? They are unable to understand why will have such matter occurrence. 他们无法理解,为什么会有这样的事情发生。 Ximen Yeshuo at the same time could not bear finally, could not bear Ha Ha Ha laugh, smiled while is patting the leg: ” Ha Ha Ha, smiled the dead father, one group of comedian clowns, suddenly discovery...... Those who discover them to besiege is a tiger...... Is this feeling...... „ 一边的西门夜说终于忍不住了,忍不住哈哈哈大笑了起来,一边笑一边拍着腿:”哈哈哈,笑死老子了,一群小丑,突然发现……发现他们围攻的是一头老虎……就是这种感觉吧……“ Dragon Guida the monster and other Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) building in officials, at this time, then dumbfounded thoroughly. 龙龟大妖等天荒楼的官员,这个时候,则是彻底地呆住了。 Although before them , believes that so long as Ye Qingyu appears, certainly can reverse the aspect, can strive to turn the tide, but they have not actually thought that the method of Ye Qingyu reversal aspect, unexpectedly so simple so relaxed such optional...... Before looking at that also keeping aloof countenance ugly Quasi-Emperor, now all kneels to bend down on the ground, just liked is broken the dog of back to be the same, this feeling, was really crisp, was eating the dog days coolly is icing the big watermelon to be crisper. 虽然他们之前也相信,只要叶青羽出现,就一定可以逆转局面,可以力挽狂澜,但是他们却万万没有想到,叶青羽逆转局面的方法,竟然是如此的简单如此的轻松如此的随意……看着那之前还高高在上嘴脸丑恶的准帝们,如今全都跪伏在地上,一个个犹如被打断了脊梁的狗一样,这种感觉,真的是爽,比三伏天在阴凉地里吃着冰镇大西瓜还要爽。 Meanwhile, they have emitted also a huge question. 同时,他们心里也不禁冒出了一个巨大的疑问。 Sir Ye Qingyu, at this time to what Realm? 叶青羽大人,此时到底是到了什么境界 Quasi-Emperor peak? 准帝巅峰? False emperor? 伪帝? Said...... 还是说…… In their mind has emitted four characters, but actually does not dare to say. 他们的脑海里冒出了四个字,但却又不敢说出来。 Because of that four characters, was too fearfully is too frightened. 因为那四个字,实在是太可怕太惊悚了。 However, below split second, Ximen Yeshuo directly said 不过,就在下一瞬间,西门夜说却是直接说了出来 Ha Ha, Quasi-Emperor? Is Quasi-Emperor very fearful? Can Quasi-Emperor sweep away all? Was the shortsighted person was too naive, reason that this golden big world appearance, my family Brother Ye has made a connection with the Heaven and Earth mountain pass, cut to kill all dark Qiu Kou, therefore the Heaven and Earth principle of infinite universe can surge with the strength tide to the maximum peak value, you were just one crowd enjoy others successful pitiful creature, became Quasi-Emperor, such as the clumsy mischief-doer same, impatiently jumped, wants order that overthrew to be with great difficulty tranquil? Did not fear that the truth told you, now in my Heaven Wasteland Empire, Martial Dao Emperor does not know one, present age Martial Emperor also follows my Brother Ye Family...... Ha Ha, depends on your worthless people, wants to destroy completely Heaven Wasteland Empire, overestimates one's strength, cuts a ridiculous figure by overestimating one's ability. „ “哈哈,准帝准帝很可怕吗?准帝可以横扫一切吗?真的是井底之蛙太天真了,这黄金大世之所以出现,还是我家叶兄弟打通了天地关隘,斩杀了一切黑暗仇寇,所以大千世界的天地法则和力量潮汐才能涌动到最高峰值,你们只不过是一群享受别人成功的可怜虫而已,成为了准帝,就如跳梁小丑一样,迫不及待地跳出来,想要推翻好不容易才平静下来的秩序?不怕实话告诉你们,如今我天荒帝国之中,武道皇帝不知一尊,当世武帝亦追随我叶家兄弟……哈哈,就凭你们这些歪瓜裂枣,就想要灭掉天荒帝国,真的是蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量。“ Ximen Yeshuo this mouth artillery, what said is roundly. 西门夜说这一通嘴炮,说的是痛快淋漓。 He really cannot get used to seeing this group of shortsighted person comedian clowns to perform generally, cannot bear. 他实在是看不惯这群井底之蛙小丑一般的表演,忍不住。 He indeed was scolds happily, but the surrounding all people, heard this saying, but was shaken sees stars soon the faint to pass. 他的确是骂痛快了,但周围所有人,听到他这话,可就被震得眼冒金星快要昏厥过去了。 Information that because in the Ximen Yeshuo words, exposes, was too many is too astonishing. 因为西门夜说话里面,暴露出来的信息,实在是太多太惊人了。 In Heaven Wasteland Empire, Martial Dao Emperor incessantly? 天荒帝国之中,武道皇帝不止一个? Present age does Martial Emperor follow Ye Qingyu? 当世武帝都追随叶青羽 That Ye Qingyu has strength, what degree been? Above Martial Dao Emperor? 叶青羽实力,达到了什么程度?武道皇帝之上? This...... Won't misunderstand? 这……不会是听错了吗? Some people rub the eye to rub the ear subconsciously. 有人下意识地揉眼睛揉耳朵。 Ximen Yeshuo these words, it can be said that in surrounding many expert lives have heard most shocking inconceivable unbelievable words, if traded to make any situation of past, no matter, said this words to come, only feared that will be regarded is insane the insane lunatic to be the same, but at this moment, looks with own eyes Quasi-Emperor just liked the insect is suppressed with the imposing manner by Ye Qingyu equally simply, they a little believed Ximen Yeshuo. 西门夜说这段话,可以说是周围许多强者生命之中听到过的最骇人听闻不可思议难以置信的话,若是换做以往的任何场合,不管是谁,说出这种话来,只怕都会被当成是失心疯的疯子一样,但此时此刻,亲眼看着一个个准帝犹如虫子一样被叶青羽简单地用气势镇压,他们就有点儿相信西门夜说的话了。 If not for has achieved Martial Dao Emperor, possibly only depended on the imposing manner to suppress these many Quasi-Emperor? 若不是已经达到了武道皇帝,又怎么可能仅凭气势就镇压了这么多的准帝 The day, is this present age first person of true strength? 天啊,这才是当世第一人的真正实力吗? Before laughable, so many people, present some expert around Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) building including today, thinks that the strength growth breakthrough bottleneck wants to challenge Ye Qingyu, wants to step on the Ye Qingyu superior, now looks like, these people are really such as the clumsy mischief-doer are ordinary, had been lucky Ye Qingyu disdains and them haggles over, otherwise, only feared that now in the grave mounds of these people, the grass grew one zhang (3.33 m) high. 可笑之前还有那么多的人,包括今日出现在天荒楼周围的一些强者,自以为实力增长突破瓶颈想要挑战叶青羽,想要踩着叶青羽上位,现在看来,这些人还真的是如跳梁小丑一般,也多亏了叶青羽不屑于和他们计较,否则,只怕现在这些人的坟头上,草已经长了一丈高了吧。 Suddenly, before had not stood to cope with Heaven Wasteland Domain and Ye Qingyu person flagrantly, when rejoices secretly, looks that kneels to bend down to the ground the Quasi-Emperor vision, brought not mincing matter to pity. 一时间,之前并未站出来明目张胆地对付天荒界叶青羽的人,暗自庆幸之余,看向地面上那跪伏着的准帝们的目光,就带着毫不掩饰的怜悯了。 These Quasi-Emperor, must have bad luck. 这些准帝们,要倒霉了。 This world, needs to purify, needs to clean, starts from you.” Ye Qingyu lowers the head, vision bone-chilling cold, seems high sad Divine King, is making the trial to be the same. “这个世界,需要净化,需要清洗,就从你们开始。”叶青羽低头,目光凛冽,仿佛是高高哀伤的神王,在做出审判一样。 Before today, Ye Qingyu places had thought, how must change the infinite universe, after all this is the world that all flowers blooms together full of vitality, is different from nobody expressing an opinion Darkness Domain, the infinite universe was past Ye Chongsheng creates Darkness Domain later one to be protected the world in greenhouse, can say without the slightest exaggeration, although the major domain average martial arts civilized standards of infinite universe, be worse than Darkness Domain, but this bright world, this level uneven martial arts multiplication way, was containing the infinite possibility, therefore treated the infinite universe, Ye Qingyu does not want to treat Darkness Domain to be the same, direct all at once, forced to raise big. Transformation, because he is thinking that possibly initially Ye Chongsheng outside the infinite universe, established Darkness Domain, but leaves behind infinite universe major domain to allow to develop does not disturb, possibly the considerations in some certain aspects, therefore should better extremely in not interfering the development process of infinite universe. 今日之前,叶青羽曾经也一次次地想过,要如何来改变大千世界,毕竟这是一个生机勃勃百花齐放的世界,与万马齐喑的黑暗领域不同,大千世界是当年叶重生创造了黑暗领域之后一个被保护在温室里的世界,可以毫不夸张地说,虽然大千世界的各大界域平均武道文明水准,要比黑暗领域差许多,但这个光明的世界,这种层次不齐的武道繁衍方式,才蕴含着无限的可能,所以对待大千世界,叶青羽并不想对待黑暗领域一样,直接一刀切,强制掀起一场大。变革,因为他在想,可能当初叶重生在大千世界之外,重新建立一个黑暗领域,而留下大千世界各大界域任其发展并不干扰,可能有一定方面的考虑,所以自己最好也不要太过于干涉大千世界的发展进程。 However now, knew after Xuan Ji Saintess and the others acts, Ye Qingyu changed the idea. 但是现在,知道了璇玑圣女等人的行径之后,叶青羽改变了想法。 The development process of infinite universe truly cannot interfere, but actually does not hinder some bad apples of Ye Qingyu in regarding this world to clean, existences of these malignant tumors, will hinder the development of this world to evolve. 大千世界的发展进程确实不能干涉,但者却并不妨碍叶青羽对于这个世界之中的一些害群之马进行清洗,这些毒瘤的存在,会妨碍这个世界的发展衍化。 No, Sir Ye, forgives......” plays the provocative that dark green aura Quasi-Emperor to bellow first, said: Please listen to me to explain......” “不,叶大人,饶命……”最先出演挑衅的那个墨绿色气息的准帝大吼,道:“请听我解释……” We received Xuan Ji Sect thief female misleading.” “我们是受了璇玑宗贼女的蛊惑。” Forced, we are also have no other choice......” “是被胁迫的啊,我们也是不得已……” Quasi-Emperor in several other Quasi-Emperor alliances, opens the mouth to beg for mercy, they felt killing intent in Ye Qingyu words, but they do not want dead, has caught up with this kind of golden big world with great difficulty, with great difficulty became Quasi-Emperor, later even hopefully became Martial Dao Emperor, now dies, they were really not willingly. 另外几个准帝联盟中的准帝,也都开口求饶,他们感觉到了叶青羽话中的杀意,但是他们不想死,好不容易赶上了这样一个黄金大世,好不容易成为了准帝,以后甚至有希望成为武道皇帝,现在就死,他们真的是不甘心呐。 If this time can live, they pledged that later does not dare absolutely again moves the slight evil thought to Heaven Wasteland Domain and Ye Qingyu. 如果这一次可以活下来,他们发誓,以后绝对不敢再对天荒界叶青羽动出丝毫的邪念。 We are willing to take an oath to give loyalty to Sir Ye.” “我们愿意宣誓效忠叶大人。” „Is is purple aura Quasi-Emperor that......” that presents finally, said again and again: I can join Heaven Wasteland Domain, is Heaven Wasteland Domain goes on an expedition, so long as Sir Ye a sound command, is willing to go through fire or water for you......” “是是是是……”那个最后出现的紫色气息准帝,连连道:“我可以加入天荒界,为天荒界征战,只要叶大人一声号令,愿意为您赴汤蹈火……” Simply is ugly performance Bi Xian. 简直就是丑态毕现。 My subordinates, not the goods that needs your this soft backs to trim one's sails.” “我的麾下,并不需要你们这种软脊梁见风使舵的货色。” Ye Qingyu shakes the head, direct rejection. 叶青羽摇头,直接拒绝。 The aura blooms slightly, ping in explosive sound, looked Quasi-Emperor that these apertures beg for mercy, the body ruptured suddenly, changed to the bunch of blood plasma being contaminated earth, all flesh and blood essence and energies, changed to the bunch of blood fog, fluttered, fell in the hand of Ye Qingyu, became were revolving turning round the bright red blood pill by refining, finally was received. 气息稍稍绽放,砰砰砰爆响声之中,就看那些开口求饶的准帝,突然身躯爆裂,化作了一团团的血浆浸染大地,所有的血肉精华和能量,都化作一团团的血雾,飘起来,落在了叶青羽的手中,被炼化成为一颗颗滴溜溜旋转着的鲜红色血丸,最终被收了起来。 The surrounding all people, see this, was frightened simply scared. 周围所有人,看到这一幕,简直是被吓得胆寒。 78 Quasi-Emperor, this is a how formidable strength, has chosen the surrender, is willing to be the slave, but was actually rejected, be relentless was slaughtered by Ye Qingyu, at this time, many talented people had remembered on past Ye Qingyu indistinctly Ice Sword Slaughter God Mad Demon Ye The honorific titles that waits, many years do not see, Mad Demon Ye killing, is such heavy. 78尊准帝啊,这是一股多么强大的力量啊,已经选择了投降,愿意为奴,但却被拒绝,被叶青羽毫不留情地杀戮,这个时候,很多人才隐约想起了当年叶青羽身上的【冰剑杀神】【叶狂魔】等等的尊号,多年不见,叶狂魔的杀性,还是如此之重啊。 No, I do not believe how you can achieve, Ahhhhh......” in Xuan Ji Saintess eye socket dark red like blood, insane the same offense has roared, goes all out to struggle: Dies to me, gives me...... on her to surge stubbornly stubbornly an unusual aura, has stimulated to movement some mystique not at any cost forcefully, the blood glow spurts together from her mouth, goes toward the Ye Qingyu lasing, has broken the aura suppression of Ye Qingyu unexpectedly. “不,我不相信,你怎么可以做到的,啊啊啊啊……”璇玑圣女眼眶中殷红如血,疯了一样戾吼起来,拼命地挣扎着:“给我死,给我死死死死……”她身上涌动一股奇特的气息,不惜一切代价地强行催动了某种秘法,一道血芒从她的口中喷出来,朝着叶青羽激射而去,竟是破开了叶青羽的气息镇压。 That blood glow, is together the scarlet blood flying shuttle. 那道血芒,是一道赤血飞梭。 This flying shuttle is not only containing Xuan Ji Saintess the strength of essence and blood, is containing vague evil 这飞梭不仅仅是蕴含着璇玑圣女的精血之力,其中更是蕴含着一股隐晦的邪恶 The strength of nether world, the incomparable terror, its potential unexpectedly want the fearful several fold compared with the imposing manner that beforehand ten several Quasi-Emperor collaborate. 幽冥之力,无比恐怖,其势竟是要比之前的十数尊准帝联手的气势更要可怕数倍。 „Is this your taking advantage?” Ye Qingyu shakes the head, puts out a hand to pick, looks like takes off a leaf to be the same from the tree, picked the scarlet blood flying shuttle in the hand directly, the finger pinched, the fearful imposing manner murderous intention, vanished into thin air. “这就是你的依仗?”叶青羽摇头小小,伸手一摘,就像是从树上摘下一片树叶一样,将赤血飞梭直接摘在了手中,手指一捏,再可怕的气势杀机,都烟消云散。 Really is the Heaven Emperor method. 果然是天帝的手段。 The strength of Ye Qingyu resolution nether world, can look, this is consistent with Heaven Emperor nether world cultivation technique. 叶青羽分辨其中的幽冥之力,看得出来,这与天帝的幽冥功法一致。 Perhaps, reason that Xuan Ji Saintess can resurge, these time in the infinite universe in view of the Heaven Wasteland Empire event, has very big relations with Heaven Emperor, is haunted by the ghost. 或许,璇玑圣女之所以可以死灰复燃,这一次在大千世界之中针对天荒帝国的事件,与天帝也有很大的关系,真的是阴魂不散啊。 Saw that Ye Qingyu melted oneself final killing strike with ease, Xuan Ji Saintess 看到叶青羽轻松地化解掉了自己最后的杀招,璇玑圣女 A desperate color of face. 一脸的绝望之色。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read 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