IGE :: Volume #13

#1237: Drowning in a well

Lao Yu Jing the White Lotus immortal sword and world tree leaf, has thrown into the water well. 老鱼精白莲仙剑和世界树叶子,都扔进了水井里面。 You are......” Ye Qingyu put out a hand to fish. “你这是……”叶青羽伸手想要捞住。 „......” Lao Yu Jing do not block hastily, said: Wants the rebirth, must pass through the experience of gate of life and death, otherwise, how rebirth?” “别别别……”老鱼精连忙拦住,道:“想要重生,就要经过生死之门的历练,否则,怎么重生?” But, throws them to the well, was OK? Such simple?” Ye Qingyu was skeptical. “但是,把它们丢到井中,就可以了吗?这么简单?”叶青羽表示怀疑。 Lao Yu Jing smiles, said: Great Dao to Jane, the great skill seems like lack of skill, the big sound hopes the sound...... Is the simple matter, is complex, is the complex matter, the truth is actually simpler, this well is the gate of life and death, including the strength that Emperor even/including are unable to grasp, what ceremony can also have or is the method can control its strength? Therefore, can only be it chooses, but is not we forces it to choose.” 老鱼精嘿嘿一笑,道:“大道至简,大巧若拙,大音希声……越是简单的事情,就越是复杂,越是复杂的事情呢,道理却是越简单,这口井乃是生死之门,其中有连帝者都无法掌握的力量,又能有什么样的仪式或者是手段可以操控它的力量?所以呢,只能是它来选择,而不是我们强迫它来选择。” Ye Qingyu as before is half believing and half doubting, but he also has to acknowledge, words that Lao Yu Jing spoke, somewhat truth. 叶青羽依旧是将信将疑,但他也不得不承认,老鱼精说的话,有几分道理。 Lao Yu Jing also said: Moreover, although is the rebirth, but does not mean that can be completely same Liu Shaji reappears, when the time comes, will have certain difference, you must be mentally prepared.” 老鱼精又道:“而且,虽然是重生,但并不意味着会是一个完全相同的刘杀鸡重现,到时候,也会有一定的差别,你要做好心理准备。” Ye Qingyu hear that, the eyebrow jumps: What meaning? This saying you talk clearly, what is called the difference?” 叶青羽闻言,眉毛一跳:“什么意思?这话你说清楚,什么叫做差别?” From the Lao Yu Jing words, he caught not a wonderful feeling. 老鱼精的话中,他捕捉到了一种不妙的感觉。 On a same rhizome, can grow not necessarily two completely same flowers, the same seeds grow will not have the completely same two leaves, Liu Shaji that therefore in the gate of rebirth, creates, possibly before has the little difference, that is also normal.” Lao Yu Jing explained patiently. “就算是在相同的一根茎上,也不见得可以生长出两朵完全相同的花,同一颗种子生长出来也不会有完全相同的两片叶子,所以重生之门中,创造出来的刘杀鸡,可能会和以前有一点点的区别,那也是正常的。”老鱼精耐心解释到。 During Ye Qingyu is indistinct had one type by this Old Man pit the feeling, said: What did you want to say?” 叶青羽隐约之中有一种被这个老家伙坑了的感觉,道:“你到底想要说什么?” But Lao Yu Jing the stall lets go, said: When the time comes, you knew.” 老鱼精无奈地摊摊手,道:“到时候,你就知道了。” How long needs?” Ye Qingyu looks to him. “需要多长时间?”叶青羽看向他。 Lao Yu Jing shakes the head: Does not know that I said that the strength of gate of life and death, nobody can control, therefore needs to wait for how long time, I do not know.” 老鱼精摇摇头:“不知道,我说了,生死之门的力量,无人能够操控,所以需要等待多久的时间,我也并不知道。” You......” Ye Qingyu even more thought that the issue is not small, Lao Yu Jing this is asked that three do not know. “你……”叶青羽越发觉得问题不小,老鱼精这是一问三不知啊。 Was saying, suddenly, in water well, flood ripples, looked a small branch grows slowly from the water, at the naked eye obvious speed, climbed the ground along the wall, was growing slowly, extracted the new branch unceasingly, part reached the sky upwardly, another part downward dug in the white jade rock general ground, submerged in the rock. 正说着,突然之间,水井之中,泛起了一圈圈的涟漪,就看一条小树枝从水中缓缓地生长出来,以肉眼可见的速度,沿着井壁爬升到了地面,然后缓缓地生长着,不断地抽出新的枝桠,一部分向上伸向天空,另一部分则向下扎入了白玉岩石一般的地面,没入到了岩石之中。 Probably one stick of incense time, dozens meters high, the crown extended to cover surrounding area several hundred meters Qi tree to appear in the front of people. 大概一炷香的时间,一颗足足有数十米高,树冠伸展开来覆盖了方圆数百米的奇树出现在了众人的面前。 This......” Ye Qingyu is very surprised. “这……”叶青羽无比惊讶。 He looks to Lao Yu Jing and nether world ferryman, discovered that these two exist as if also quite surprisedly, that obviously at present presents, has surpassed their estimate. 他看向老鱼精和幽冥摆渡者,发现这两位存在似乎也相当的惊讶,显然眼前出现的这一幕,超出了他们的预计。 „It is not the world tree.” The Lao Yu Jing big mouth gathers, regrettable tunnel. “不是世界树。”老鱼精大张的嘴巴合起来,不无遗憾地道。 At present this Qi tree, is not tree of the small world, but is a different tree of unprecedented, but in crown most, a white silver optical scintillation, thrown before the White Lotus immortal sword in Irii, resembled to insert in the scabbard to be the same unexpectedly, grew was the same in the branch of different tree, fits together perfectly, changed to the part of different tree. 眼前这一株奇树,并不是一颗小型的世界之树,而是一种前所未见的异树,而在树冠的最中间,一道白色的银光闪烁,正是之前被扔入井中的白莲仙剑,竟似是重新插入到了剑鞘里面一样,生长在了异树的主干之中一样,严丝合缝,化作了异树的一部分。 „The following all, must look at Liu Shaji their good fortune.” Lao Yu Jing said. “接下来的一切,就要看刘杀鸡自己的造化了。”老鱼精道。 In the White Lotus immortal sword is containing the Liu Shaji soul, at present such phenomenon, obviously is a good indication, explained that the leaf and White Lotus of immortal sword tree of world under the function of gate of life and death, starts to develop in a good direction, the White Lotus immortal sword sends out the gods and ghosts the ray, among has the vigorous vitality to surge. 白莲仙剑之中蕴含着刘杀鸡的魂魄,眼前这样的异象,显然是一个好的征兆,说明世界之树的叶子和白莲仙剑在生死之门的作用下,开始朝着一个良好的方向发展,白莲仙剑散发出神异的光芒,其内有蓬勃的生机涌动。 Can tie a fruit on the tree, in the fruit jumps new Liu Shaji?” Ye Qingyu surprised uncertain tunnel. “难道是要在树上结出来一个果子,果子里跳出来一个新的刘杀鸡吗?”叶青羽惊疑不定地道。 At this time, Lao Yu Jing has put out a hand to pick to pick several leaves from the different tree to study. 这时,老鱼精已经伸手从异树上摘采下来几片树叶研究起来。 It seems like after a period of time, will have the result.” Finally he drew such conclusion. “看来得过一段时间,才会有结果了。”最终他得出了这样的结论。 But this viewpoint, obtained the approval of nether world ferryman. 而这个观点,也得到了幽冥摆渡者的认同。 Waited for several day to say again.” Ye Qingyu decides to observe some time. “再等几日再说。”叶青羽决定观察一段时间。 After three day, above the different tree, grows a scarlet flower bud. 三日之后,异树之上,生长出一个血色的花骨朵。 Also, had looked the first flower petal that on the 3rd scarlet flower bud stretches slowly, just likes one group is burning the blood is the same, the terminal even gives people an illusory feeling, partly visible, such as smoke fog. 又过了三日,就看血色花骨朵的第一片花瓣缓缓地舒展开来,犹如一团燃烧着的鲜血一样,末端甚至给人一种虚无缥缈的感觉,若隐若现,如烟似雾。 „A wisp of soul burns the homeward journey.” Nether world ferryman start to talk. “一缕魂魄燃归途。”幽冥摆渡者开口。 Ye Qingyu and in the Lao Yu Jing heart shakes. 叶青羽老鱼精心中都是一震。 This flower petal, what represents is a Liu Shaji wisp of soul? 难道这一片花瓣,代表的是刘杀鸡的一缕魂魄吗? The legend person has the one's wits, should be when altogether starts out ten flower petals, is complete, the Liu Shaji one's wits return, will the fruit that this chou becomes be rebirth later Liu Shaji? 传说人有三魂七魄,应该是等到一共开出十片花瓣,才算是圆满,刘杀鸡的三魂七魄都回归,这朵花结成的果实就会是重生之后的刘杀鸡 Also, has started out the second flower petal on the 3rd, with first exactly the same, such as the smoke fog, such as dream is imaginary, just likes the soul the return. 又过了三日,开出了第二片花瓣,和第一片一模一样,如烟似雾,如梦似幻,犹如魂兮归来。 Crossed again on the 3rd, was the third piece. 再过三日,才是第三片。 Then is the fourth piece, the fifth piece...... 然后是第四片,第五片…… Time that but, the next flower petal extends gradually, actually became indefinite. 但渐渐地,下一片花瓣伸展开来的时间,却变得不确定了起来。 When one month of time, Ye Qingyu sighed, he knows that cannot wait again. 等到一个月的时候,叶青羽叹了一口气,他知道,不能再等下去了。 Does not wait for us. 时不我待啊。 Without own assuming personal command, once were realized by the Heaven Emperor influence, that has the possibility is one launches a vengeful counterattack, not only before by oneself all effort achievements will vanish into thin air, will also implicate countless people to meet with a disaster, the humans affair like the tide, the favour like the water, Ye Qingyu self-examined that is not one person who has the lofty aspirations and high ideals to dominate throughout the ages, but actually looks like has a standing net to live his net, more struggles is tighter, unknowingly, all pressed in him. 没有自己的坐镇,一旦被天帝的势力察觉,那很有可能又是一场反攻倒算,不但让自己之前的一切努力成果就会化为乌有,还会连累无数人为之遭殃,世事如潮,人情如水,叶青羽自问不是一个具有雄心壮志想要万代称雄的人,但却像是有一张网将他网住,越挣扎越紧,不知不觉之中,一切都压在了他的身上。 He must go back. 他必须要回去了。 Asked Senior to deliver me to go back,” Ye Qingyu saluted to the nether world ferryman, then did not wait for the opposite party to open the mouth to demand the price, has delivered a reward on own initiative, then looked to Lao Yu Jing, said: You , if no other matters, might as well here is defending, how do you think?” “请前辈送我回去吧,”叶青羽向幽冥摆渡者行礼,然后又不等对方开口索取代价,主动送上了一份酬劳,然后又看向老鱼精,道:“你若是没有其他的事情,不妨在这里守着,你觉得如何?” „?” The Lao Yu Jing eyeball transfers turning round, said: Good good, I and Liu Xiaozi have a friendship, I happen to do not have other any matters, here is defending, Ha Ha, good!” “啊?”老鱼精眼珠子滴溜溜地转,道:“好啊好啊,我和刘小子也是有一段交情,我正好也没有什么其他事情,就在这里守着,哈哈,太好了!” Who knows that the voice has not fallen, the nether world ferryman actually shook the head, has rejected the reward of Ye Qingyu, said: I do not have the means to deliver you to exit.” 谁知道,话音未落,幽冥摆渡者却是摇摇头,拒绝了叶青羽的酬劳,道:“我没有办法送你们出去。” What?” Ye Qingyu is surprised. “什么?”叶青羽大吃一惊。 Lao Yu Jing hear that is a little also scared: What do you mean, old money-mad, do not frighten the person at this time...... Well? Should you not be will say things just to frighten people at this time intentionally, making us fall into do not have the means to exit certainly, want to take advantage?” 老鱼精闻言也有点儿傻眼:“你这是什么意思,老财迷,不要在这个时候吓唬人啊……咦?你该不是会在这个时候故意危言耸听,让我们陷入绝地没有办法出去,想要趁火打劫吧?” If unable always in the dense fog to walk really from this, that simply is a nightmare. 如果真的无法从这永世迷雾之中走出去,那简直就是一场噩梦。 Although Ye Qingyu Cultivation Base shakes Gu Shuojin, when one wants to come all that on the road meets, he uncertainly rushes. 叶青羽虽然修为震古烁今,但一想来时路上遇到的一切,他并无把握闯出去。 Enters from the deathtrap, from living the gate leaves.” The nether world ferryman is brief and to the point. “从死地入,从生门出。”幽冥摆渡者言简意赅。 The gate of life and death in the life and death, the words that from living the gate enters, that can only exit from the deathtrap, counter- otherwise, this is the life and death Great Dao principle of Between Heaven and Earth, nobody can violate, before Ye Qingyu and the others came, depends upon nether world ferryman the water of Emperor Life Treasure underground spring, connected always in the dense fog, then arrived here, if wanted, the old route returned definitely is impossible, that can only from living the gate exits. 生死之门在生死之间,从生门进入的话,那就只能从死地出去,反则反之,这乃是天地之间的生死大道法则,无人可以违背,之前叶青羽等人来时,乃是依靠幽冥摆渡者的本命帝器黄泉之水,连接到了永世迷雾之中,进而来到这里,如果想要出去的时候,原路返回肯定是不可能的,那就只能从生门出去。 But lives the gate...... 而生门…… Your meaning is, wants to leave here, can jump into a well?” Lao Yu Jing is staring at the present water well, the facial color immediately becomes very unattractive. “你的意思是,想要离开这里,就必须跳井?”老鱼精盯着眼前的水井,面色顿时变得很不好看。 Who knows in this water well, what danger is containing. 谁知道这水井之中,蕴藏着什么样的危险。 The nether world ferryman nods very much earnestly, expressed that indeed is so. 幽冥摆渡者很认真地点点头,表示的确是如此。 „It is not right, you had come to here before, you can the old route return, why we not?” Lao Yu Jing has remembered some past events suddenly, he knows that the nether world ferryman can harness the small boat to depart. “不对,你以前来过这里,你可以原路返回,为什么我们不可以?”老鱼精突然想起了一些往事,他知道,幽冥摆渡者是可以驾小舟离去的。 We are different.” The nether world ferryman is gratefully typical. “我们不一样。”幽冥摆渡者毫不客气地道。 Lao Yu Jing gasping must say anything again, but also realized instantaneously that what the nether world ferryman said is the truth, because it is a scarecrow, is among the life and death, is in itself in this world most unusual existence, does not live Undead/Immortal, can therefore be considered as reluctantly on is the unique life and death, can thus violate the [say / way] of life and death, is unconstrained. 老鱼精张口就要再说什么,但瞬间也意识到,幽冥摆渡者说的是实话,因为它乃是一个稻草人,处于生死之间,本身就是这个世界上最为奇特的存在,不生不死,所以勉强可以算得上是超脱生死,因而可以违背生死之道,不受拘束。 He turned head to look at Ye Qingyu. 他回头看了一眼叶青羽 Two person big eyes to aperture, look at each other in blank diamay. 两个人大眼对小眼,面面相觑。 What in well water can be?” Ye Qingyu asked. “井水之中会是什么?”叶青羽问道。 The nether world ferryman shakes the head, it also never jumps, but also said: Will not have the danger, place of water well living to acme, in the range of present world, will not lead to other world . Moreover, fresh will not have any big danger, even if has, by your strength, can cope.” 幽冥摆渡者摇摇头,它也从未跳进去过,但又道:“不会有危险,水井通往极致的生之地,亦在如今世界的范围之内,不会通往其他世界,况且,生地是不会有什么大的危险的,就算是有,以你们的实力,亦可以对付。” Lao Yu Jing was foul-mouthed, thought one probably by this scarecrow planning. 老鱼精骂骂咧咧,觉得自己大概是被这个稻草人给算计了。 You depart together, this tree, I protects.” The nether world ferryman opens the mouth again, lets Lao Yu Jing and Ye Qingyu leaves together, after all here was the place of death, the time that if Lao Yu Jing such living, stayed here was too long, will come under some not good influence. “你们一起离去,这棵树,我来守护。”幽冥摆渡者再开口,让老鱼精叶青羽一起离开,毕竟这里是死亡之地,若是老鱼精这样的生者,在这里停留的时间太久,会受到一些不好的影响。 Ye Qingyu thinks that thought this probably was the only means. 叶青羽想了想,觉得这大概是唯一的办法了。 Cannot blame the nether world ferryman, after all before comes, has not asked whether can the old route return, but in the nether world ferryman's consciousness, the water well is one can leave here channel theoretically absolutely. 并不能怪幽冥摆渡者,毕竟自己来之前,也没有问到是否可以原路返回,而在幽冥摆渡者的意识里,水井在理论上绝对是一条可以离开这里的通道。 Walks.” “走吧。” Ye Qingyu holds Bai Yuanxing, no longer hesitates, has jumped in the present water well directly. 叶青羽一把抓住白远行,不再犹豫,直接跳进了眼前的水井里面。 Following Lao Yu Jing stamps one's foot scolded nether world ferryman several, finally hold one's noses, jumped. 后面老鱼精跳着脚骂了幽冥摆渡者几句,最后捏着鼻子,也跳了进去。 The well water is icy cold. 井水冰凉刺骨。 split second that Ye Qingyu enters, felt one must crack as a result of freezing probably was the same, he revolved immediately Emperor's Power, protected Bai Yuanxing, opened the eye to want toward the surroundings to look, actually the discovery present all are the black and white bi-colors, without any frame of reference, this feeling was strange, did not have the sense of distance, did not have the direction, as if all did not exist, as if all existed in the nihility...... 叶青羽进入的一瞬间,感觉自己好像是要被冻裂了一样,他立刻运转了帝力,保护住了白远行,睁开眼睛想要朝周围看,却发现眼前的一切都是黑白双色,没有任何的参照物,这种感觉非常诡异,没有了距离感,没有了方向,似乎一切都不存在,又似乎一切都存在于虚无…… The feeling of this split second, probably died was the same. 一瞬间的感觉,就好像是死了一样。 Then, strength of the huge tearing transmits. 然后,一股巨大的撕扯之力传来。 Ye Qingyu thought the embryo who one soon must make noise probably is the same, was extruded unceasingly, the front has a bright exit / to speak indistinctly, he is drawing Bai Yuanxing, pushes furiously...... 叶青羽觉得自己好像是即将要出声的胎儿一样,被不断地挤压,前方隐约有一个光明出口,他拉着白远行,奋力地挤过去…… Again then, bright writings. 再然后,光明大作。 Ye Qingyu thought suddenly whole body pressure one light, arrived in a new environment with the Bai Yuanxing two people. 叶青羽骤然觉得浑身压力一轻,已经和白远行两个人来到了一个新的环境之中。 Surroundings, has the immeasurable light. 周围,有无量光明。 Is a main hall. 是一座大殿。 And the ear has resounded several familiar sound/noise. 且耳边响起了几个熟悉的声音 ----------- ----------- Today had one, everybody good night. 今天只有一更了,大家晚安。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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