IGE :: Volume #13

#1235: Said goodbye Lao Yu Jing

Returns to the hero fort, slightly after making the discussion, Song Xiaojun returns to City of Unmoving Darkness to assume personal command ahead of time. 回到英杰堡之中,略作商议之后,宋小君提前返回黑暗不动城之中坐镇。 After all present Darkness Domain just when the big transformation time, under the Ye Qingyu leadership, entire Darkness Domain constantly is having the huge change, before many policies directly have thrown off, on this lands the ingrained tradition, the benefit of big upper class suffered the huge infringement particularly, even if present Ye Qingyu the emperor has overawed the world, but actually also has to some against big influences act out of desperation. 毕竟如今的黑暗领域正值大变革时代,叶青羽主导之下,整个黑暗领域无时无刻都在发生着巨大的变化,许多政策都是直接掀翻了之前在这片土地上已经根深蒂固的传统,尤其是大贵族阶层的利益遭受到了巨大的侵犯,就算是如今的叶青羽已经帝威震天下,但却也不得不防一些大势力狗急跳墙。 City of Unmoving Darkness now is the entire Darkness Domain display of weapons most centralized place, must have emperor of enough heavy component to assume personal command, but Song Xiaojun obviously this kind of character. 黑暗不动城如今是整个黑暗领域兵势最为集中的地方,必须要有一位足够重分量的帝者坐镇,而宋小君显然正是这样一个人物。 Although is reluctant to part, but Song Xiaojun departs finally. 虽然依依不舍,但宋小君最终还是离去。 Ye Qingyu in three days, inspects martial arts Cultivation Base and cultivation technique of these youth, 11 directions. 叶青羽在三天的时间里,检查这些少年们的武道修为功法,又11指点。 In youth, besides Human Race, in Heaven Wasteland Domain Barbarian Race and Demon Race some budding geniuses, but the ratio of quantity is not big, but without a doubt, is to the Heaven Wasteland Empire particularly Ye Qingyu loyal and devoted talented person, therefore Ye Qingyu has also poured into many painstaking care, in his eyes, more than 200 talent heroes, will be the future lead the entire world the core basic unit, is excellent candidate who he will form oneself secondary roles. 少年们之中,除了人族之外,还有天荒界之中蛮族妖族的一些天才苗子,不过数量比例并不大,但毫无疑问,都是对天荒帝国尤其是叶青羽忠心耿耿的人才,因此叶青羽也倾注了不少的心血,在他的眼中,这200多天才英杰,是未来主导整个世界的核心基层,是他组建自己班底的绝佳人选。 Heard many Bright God Emperor and Heaven Emperor past events, Ye Qingyu realized, wants to resist final evil, a strength of person eventually is insufficient, was better than initial Bright God Emperor, there is a subordinates Bright God courtyard to fight the department, was following innumerably, oneself wanted a person to strive to turn the tide, impossible every time to achieve, particularly faced that civilized samsara great misfortune, met one person alone cannot save the situation surely. 听说了越多光明神帝天帝的往事,叶青羽意识到,想要对抗最后的邪恶,一个人的力量终究是不够,强如当初的光明神帝,也有麾下光明神庭战部,追随着无数,自己想要一个人力挽狂澜,不可能每一次都做到,尤其是面对那文明轮回大劫,必定会独木难支。 In fact, Ye Qingyu already indistinctly realized that carries forward the ancient Earth civilization is one of this aspect mentalities. 实际上,叶青羽自己早就隐约意识到,发扬古地球文明就是这方面的思路之一。 However, development of ancient Earth civilization, can the battle efficiency of maximum degree promotion ordinary life, even if no martial arts Cultivation Base life, so long as has controlled the control methods of these weapons, can form the huge battle efficiency within the short time, but the development direction of stock Earth civilization, cannot produce true top expert eventually, in the state-of-art Battle Strength aspect, has the commeasurability with the rune martial arts absolutely. 但是,古地球文明的发扬,可以最大程度地提升普通生灵的战斗力,即便是不具备武道修为的生灵,只要掌控了那些武器的操控方法,亦可以在短时间之内就形成巨大的战斗力,可股地球文明的发展方向,终究不能产生真正的顶级强者,在绝对尖端的战力方面,和符文武道具备可比性。 But at present more than 200 people, meet the Ye Qingyu training high-end Battle Strength demand obviously very much. 而眼前这200多人,显然很符合叶青羽培养高端战力的需求。 Loyal, experienced enough tempering, the background is good, has boundless prospects, such more than 200 teenage boys and girls, only require enough time, certainly can grow, when the time comes, they can for entire Heaven Wasteland Empire be as for the lives of infinite universe, haunches security warm sky. 忠心,经历了足够的磨砺,底子好,前途无量,这样200多个少男少女,只需要足够的时间,就一定可以成长起来,到时候,他们就可以为整个天荒帝国乃至于大千世界的生灵们,撑起一片安全温暖的天空。 Now Ye Qingyu Cultivation Base it can be said that stands in present age emperor a peak altitude. 如今叶青羽修为可以说是站在了当世帝者的一个巅峰高度。 Has him to take the trouble the hard sledding direction, the small talents of these perception superelevations obtain benefits greatly. 有他费心费力地指点,这些悟性超高的小天才们获益巨大。 To be honest, somewhat envied them to have such chance including Ye Qingyu. 说实话,连叶青羽都有些羡慕他们有这样的机缘了。 In three day, Ye Qingyu originally wants to attempt to open in the hero fort finally that more than 300 mysterious house, however thinks that has not actually begun, these chances, leaves this group of teenage boys and girls, this is their wealth, moreover there is a such drive goal, they more will also try hard, want to open more rooms, obtains more treasures. 三日之中,叶青羽原本想要尝试开启英杰堡之中最后那300多间神秘的房屋,但是想了想,却没有动手,这些机缘,还是留给这群少男少女们吧,这是属于他们的财富,况且有这样的激励目标,他们也会倍加努力,想要开启更多的房间,得到更多的宝物。 Three day time flashes. 三日时间一晃而过。 The Ye Qingyu single acts alone, enters that Space-Time vortex once again, arrived at the underground spring waters several thousand li (0.5km) away. 叶青羽单人独行,再度进入那个时空漩涡,来到了数万里之外的黄泉水域。 Just came, immediately the form that shouts harsh to roar, jumped from the water of underground spring, said: Brat you seriously is a black sheep of the family, Chaotic Thunder Broth of entire jade bottle, you have given unexpectedly this old money-mad, but also makes him take is being mad me......” 刚刚一现身,立刻就有一个扯着破锣嗓子吼叫的身影,从黄泉之水下面跳出来,道:“臭小子你当真是败家子啊,整整一玉瓶的混沌雷浆啊,你竟然都给了这个老财迷,还让他拿着来气我……” Ye Qingyu hears this sound/noise, personal appearance shakes fiercely, at once great happiness. 叶青羽听到这个声音,身形猛地一震,旋即大喜。 Looks at a several kilometers big carp, jumps from the water of underground spring, since tilts the water surface to splash the rough sea waves, the fish shoe on the water surface, the person stands, starts to reduce instantaneously, finally turned into one about two meters carp, a pair of fish eye is staring at Ye Qingyu, is very the breathless expression. 就看一条数千米长的大鲤鱼,从黄泉之水中跳起来,掀动水面溅起巨浪,鱼尾撑在水面上,人立而起,瞬间又开始缩小,最终变成了一尾大约两米长的鲤鱼,一双鱼眼盯着叶青羽,很是气急败坏的表情。 Is Lao Yu Jing. 老鱼精 Ye Qingyu one hear of this sound/noise, know that is Lao Yu Jing. 叶青羽一听这声音,就知道是老鱼精 Initially, he once had also looked at the Lao Yu Jing main body, is a big carp. 当初,他也曾看过老鱼精的本体,正是一尾大鲤鱼。 Has not thought that Lao Yu Jing appeared unexpectedly here. 没想到老鱼精竟然在这里出现了。 Moreover, with initially compared, Lao Yu Jing the had the huge change, on originally that dense and numerous alarmed Great Dao injury, was recovered unexpectedly thoroughly, the scarlet golden scale seemed the immortal [gold/metal] casts to be the same, fish fin sharp such as god soldier sharp weapon, was lending a sharp tyrannical aura from top to bottom. 而且,和当初比起来,老鱼精的本相发生了巨大的变化,原本身上那密密麻麻触目惊心的大道伤势,竟然是已经彻底复原了,赤金色的鱼鳞仿佛是仙金铸就一样,鱼鳍锋锐如神兵利器,浑身上下都散发着一种犀利强横的气息。 Perhaps, this was the sea and rein seven ocean Aquatic Race past able to move unhindered world the true feature of inspirational king. 或许,这才是当年纵横天下之海、统御七大洋水族的灵感大王的真正面目。 „Was Ha Ha Ha, this frightened by this king perfect emperor of?” Lao Yu Jing has a good laugh, a pair of fish fin fork waist, does not have the style of Senior person of high skill, the reversed image is a hoodlum carp obtains enlightenment, Chinese zither to the extreme stance. “啊哈哈哈,是不是被本大王完美的帝者本相所震慑?”老鱼精仰天大笑,一对鱼鳍叉腰,毫无前辈高人的风范,倒像是一只流氓鲤鱼得道,一副得瑟到了极点的姿态。 Ye Qingyu knows that this Lao Yu Jing injury, it is estimated that was already recovery almost. 叶青羽知道,这老鱼精的伤势,估计是已经恢复了个7788。 But changes mind thinks that is not right, this old goods did not say, initially his not to become Emperor? 但转念一想,不对啊,这老货不是说,当初他并未成帝吗? Today said that was own emperor this? 今日怎么就说是自己的帝者本相了? As if looks at the question of Ye Qingyu, Lao Yu Jing says with a smile naturally: Hey, at that time the artificial knife and chopping block I for the fish, naturally wanted the low key, absolutely unable to tell you truth, otherwise, if you know that I am emperor, me directly what to do asks a cauldron to cook pot dashi? Must know that emperor from top to bottom is the most precious object, you eat my meat, can perhaps instantaneously become Great Saint.” 仿佛是看出来叶青羽的疑问,老鱼精理所当然地笑道:“嘿嘿,那个时候人为刀俎我为鱼肉,当然要低调一点,绝对不能告诉你真相,否则,万一你知道我是帝者,直接找一个大锅把我炖一锅鱼汤怎么办?要知道帝者浑身上下都是至宝啊,你吃我一块肉,说不定都可以瞬间成为大圣。” Ye Qingyu is direct. 叶青羽直接无语。 This Lao Yu Jing too narcissism. 老鱼精太自恋了。 Lao Yu Jing sees the Ye Qingyu expression, smiles: What kind, was speechless, even if were you can restrain reads corruptly, that dog of your side, this king eyesight Unparalleled, looked, that jump was not the good thing, anything ate......” 老鱼精看到叶青羽的表情,嘿嘿一笑:“怎么样,无话可说了吧,就算是你能够克制贪念,你身边的那条狗呢,本大王眼力无双,一眼就看出来,那跳过可不是什么好东西,什么都吃……” Ye Qingyu hears here, immediately thought Lao Yu Jing said is very reasonable, oneself actually had nothing to say in reply. 叶青羽听到这里,顿时觉得老鱼精说的很有道理,自己竟然无言以对。 How can you here?” Ye Qingyu decides to hurry to change the topic, in order to avoid this old goods talked nonsense to continue to pull on these immaterial topics here. “你怎么会在这里?”叶青羽决定赶紧岔开话题,以免这老货在这里胡说八道就这些无关紧要的话题继续扯下去。 „Didn't I make the person have the words to you? I must handle something,” Lao Yu Jing with one type looked that the fool same expression looks at Ye Qingyu, said: The words that works, very much may certainly appear in the different places...... Here has the thing that can treat my injury, I appeared here, such simple truth, didn't you understand?” “我不是让人给你带话了吗?我要去做一些事情啊,”老鱼精用一种看傻瓜一样的表情看着叶青羽,道:“去做事的话,当然很有可能出现在不同的地方啊……这里有可以治疗我伤势的东西,我就出现在了这里了呀,这么简单的道理,你不懂?” Saying, the tail of Lao Yu Jing laid out, then transforms into the human form gradually, a familiar dreadful old man's image, but is actually stark naked, he first suddenly had not realized that happily smiles, sudden gust blows, realized that the crotch is a little cool, immediately responded that screamed, both hands covered the critical position, said: Mother, in bare is usually used to it in the place that this was desolate and uninhabited, forgot...... The brat, transfers, do not peep, I change clothes first.” 说着,老鱼精的尾巴摆了摆,然后渐渐地幻化成为人形,一个熟悉的猥琐老头的形象,不过却是赤身裸体,他自己第一时间竟然是未察觉,得意地笑着,突然一阵风吹过来,才察觉到胯下有点儿凉,顿时反应过来,尖叫了一声,双手捂住要害位置,道:“妈的,平日里在这荒无人烟的地方裸习惯了,忘了……臭小子,转过去,别偷看,我先换一身衣服。” Ye Qingyu has no alternative covers the eye socket. 叶青羽无可奈何地捂住眼眶。 The similar formula similar flavor, Lao Yu Jing is really such inexpensive, simply is the spicy eye. 同样的配方同样的味道,老鱼精果然还是这么贱,简直就是辣眼睛。 A moment later, Lao Yu Jing hey smiles, said: Good......” 片刻之后,老鱼精才嘿嘿地笑着,道:“好了……” He has exchanged linen long robe, a flame long hair lives by a [gold/metal] band bunch, the appearance thin impressive and dignified manner, the personal appearance is slender, words that carefully looks, will discover and initial that dreadful old man image is somewhat similar, particularly five senses, and infinite big change, but the makings of whole person, are actually earth-shaking, if beforehand Lao Yu Jing to the reflection of person is the dreadful god stick that even/including Lubian stick in hand must deceive, during that present he , was really has him to boast Sovereign seven sea waters the King elegant demeanor of inspirational king.. 他换上了一身麻布长袍,一头火焰般的长发由一颗金箍束住,面目清癯威仪,身形修长,仔细看的话,会发现和当初的那个猥琐老头形象还是有几分相似,尤其是五官,并无多大的变化,但整个人的气质,却是天翻地覆,如果说以前老鱼精给人的映像就是一个连路边小朋友手里的棒棒头都要骗的猥琐神棍的话,那现在的他,还真的是有他自己吹嘘之中主宰七海水域的灵感大王的王者风采了。。 At that time when he opened mouth, speech time, was the dreadful expression, in sound/noise passes the dreadfulness that one type was naturally difficult to conceal as before. 当时当他一张嘴,说话的时候,依旧是猥琐的表情,声音之中透着一种天然难掩饰的猥琐。 The distant place, the black tattered boat flutters. 远处,黑色破烂小船飘飘荡荡而来。 Teacher!” Bai Yuanxing far away excitedly has bellowed, comes in waves reckless. “师尊!”白远行老远就兴奋地大吼了起来,不顾一切地踏浪而来。 He had ended closing up obviously, the merit was complete, Cultivation Base, reached to Realm of Quasi-Emperor extremely deep place unexpectedly, can tread the wave in water of this underground spring waters the line, formidable too many were too obviously more than it Jin Ling'er and Li Ying Li Qi. 他显然是已经结束了闭关,功德圆满,一身修为,竟然已经是臻致了准帝极深处的境界,可以在这黄泉之水的水域上踏浪而行,比之金灵儿李英李琦显然强大了太多太多。 Present Bai Yuanxing, the Bai Yi (white-clothed) white robe, the black hair like the waterfall, the personal appearance is slender, looked like with Ye Qingyu unexpectedly more and more, visibles faintly initially the shadow of Ye Qingyu able to move unhindered infinite universe invincible time, has the same makings, just like was the blood brother is the same. 如今的白远行,白衣白袍,黑发如瀑,身形修长伟岸,竟是与叶青羽越来越像,隐约可见当初叶青羽纵横大千世界所向无敌时候的影子,有着相同的气质,宛如是亲兄弟一样。 Sees Ye Qingyu once again, the Bai Yuanxing incomparable excitement and excitement. 再度见到叶青羽,白远行无比的兴奋和激动。 Teacher, I led all people, has not thrown down one, fulfilled their mission, but, Liu Shaji Master Liu he......” Bai Yuanxing reports the same day to Ye Qingyu, mentioned Liu Shaji time, was actually the facial expression excited, was very obvious, the sacrifice of Liu Shaji, was the heart knot that in the Bai Yuanxing heart forever is unable to untie. “师尊,我将所有人都带出来了,没有丢下一个,不辱使命,只是,刘杀鸡刘大侠他……”白远行叶青羽汇报当日的一切,说起刘杀鸡的时候,却是神情激动了起来,很显然,刘杀鸡的牺牲,是白远行心中一个永远都无法解开的心结。 I knew, relax, Heritage that White Lotus Sword sends, such will not cut off.” Ye Qingyu pats the shoulder of Bai Yuanxing. “我都知道了,放心,白莲剑派的传承,不会这么就断绝的。”叶青羽拍一拍白远行的肩膀。 Well? This king on your body, felt Lao Yu Jing that a very strange aura......” has stood on one side, suddenly is realized that anything, said: This type of aura...... Have you seen a tree?” “咦?本大王在你的身上,感觉到了一股很奇怪的气息……”一直都站在一边的老鱼精,突然在似是察觉到了什么,道:“这种气息……你是不是见过一棵树?” I have seen number were many.” Ye Qingyu does not have the in a good mood tunnel: What you said is which?” “我见过的数多了去了。”叶青羽好气地道:“你说的是哪一棵?” „It is not right, is a very big tree......” Lao Yu Jing is rarely has not actually bickered with Ye Qingyu, stern tunnel: You have certainly seen, otherwise your body, how will have the aura of world tree, where it, told me quickly, this was very important.” “不对,是一颗很大的树……”老鱼精却是难得地没有和叶青羽抬杠,正色地道:“你一定见过,不然你的身上,怎么会有世界树的气息,它在哪里,快告诉我,这很重要。” In the Ye Qingyu heart knows actually that what this old goods said was which sets up. 叶青羽其实心中已经知道,这老货说的是哪一棵树了。 In his innermost feelings is measuring, must tell the Lao Yu Jing world tree in own within the body. 他内心里权衡着,到底要不要告诉老鱼精世界树就在自己的体内。 At this time, Lao Yu Jing two shining tunnels: Believes me, found that tree, even if picks a leaf, we must get rich...... Ha Ha Ha, this is huge chance.” 就在这个时候,老鱼精两眼放光地道:“相信我,找到那棵树,哪怕是摘下来一片树叶,我们就要发大财了……哈哈哈,这可是天大的机缘啊。” The Ye Qingyu hear, suddenly does not want to tell him. 叶青羽听完,突然就不想告诉他了。 -------------- -------------- Second is at about 8 : 30 pm generally 第二更大概在晚上八点半左右 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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