IGE :: Volume #13

#1232: Front door opening

In the following several days time, Heaven Emperor has tried various methods, is unable to break the front door of Bright God palace unexpectedly. 接下来的数日时间里,天帝尝试了各种法门,竟然都无法破开光明神殿的大门。 In the Space-Time mighty current, his strength no longer was suppressed. 时空洪流之中,他的力量不再被压制。 The soul body, he can resist with present age Martial Emperor, may actually as before unable to open this leafed door. 只是魂体而已,他就可以与当世武帝对抗,可却依旧打不开这一扇门。 This makes him angry. 这让他愤怒。 He knows that the origin of Bright God palace, is not this world, initially Bright God Emperor obtained this most precious object, is the chance coincidence, but is Bright God Emperor, should not have the ability its revision, but he according to the beforehand method, is actually unable to open it now, thinks it over, when a possibility, that was past Bright God Emperor teaches itself to control the method of temple, has not taught completely, but has retained. 他知道光明神殿的来历,不属于这个世界,当初光明神帝得到这件至宝,也算是机缘巧合,但就算是光明神帝自己,应该也没有能力将其修改,可现在他按照以前的法门,却无法将其打开,想来想去,只有一个可能,那就是当年光明神帝传授自己控制神殿的法门时,并未完全传授,而是有所保留。 This makes Heaven Emperor realize that has the possibility very much, in that fights beforehand a long time, Bright God Emperor completely does not trust itself. 这让天帝意识到,很有可能,在那一战之前的很长一段时间里,光明神帝都不是完全信任自己。 This discovery, making him leave to leave the anger. 这个发现,让他出离愤怒。 Originally from the beginning, you do not trust me...... You also no wonder my at the final moment treachery.” Heaven Emperor facial color unprecedented gloomy. “原来从一开始,你就不是信任我……那你就也怪不得我在最后时刻的倒戈了。”天帝面色前所未有的阴沉。 His logic is very strange. 他的逻辑很奇怪。 But his these Darkness Domain monarchies, after arriving at the Space-Time mighty current, although is in as before cuts a blade not energy level completely sublimation in the turnplate, but did not have that natural suppression in infinite universe, strength recovery were many, in front of great anger Heaven Emperor, somewhat cannot help but gingerly, in the years of long age, they have been used to be controlled by Heaven Emperor, already lost the dignity and glory of emperor. 而他身边那些黑暗领域君主们,在来到了时空洪流之中之后,虽然依旧都处于自斩一刀未能极尽升华的转台之中,但没有了在大千世界之中的那种天然压制,实力恢复了不少,在盛怒的天帝面前,不由得都有些战战兢兢,漫长年代的岁月里,他们已经习惯了被天帝支配,早就丧失了帝者的尊严和荣耀。 Gets rid together, gives me refining.” “一起出手,给我炼化。” Heaven Emperor has found out the solution. 天帝想出了解决之道。 The complete revolution of Bright God palace, needs the huge energy consumption. 光明神殿的完全运转,需要巨大的能量消耗。 At present can stimulate to movement this step the Bright God palace, definitely is that 7 Fingers Clan empress in making the irrigation of key forces, but was to become Emperor just, under the boundless consumption in Bright God palace, how long time can also insist? Sooner or later the strength will use up, even if has Wen Wan and the others the seam protector support, but also is only the protracted time, Heaven Emperor to seek for Lan Tian, sought for the innumerable long years, even if multi- and other days also has why not? 眼前能够将光明神殿催动到这一步,肯定是那位七指族的女帝在做核心力量的灌注,不过是刚刚成帝而已,在光明神殿的磅礴消耗之下,又能够坚持多久的时间?迟早就会力竭,就算是有温晚等人的补位支撑,但也只是拖延时间而已,天帝为了寻找蓝天,已经寻找了无数漫长岁月,就算是多等一些日子又有何妨? Bright God palace here, is impossible to run away again, only needs enough patient and persistent work, final all, during his control. 况且,光明神殿就在这里,也不可能再跑掉,只需足够的水磨工夫,最后的一切,都会在他的掌控之中。 Heaven Emperor thinks of here, on the face reappeared the gloomy ruthless offense happy expression. 天帝想到这里,脸上浮现出了阴沉狠戾的笑意。 He has taught one set of formation, making more than ten Darkness Domain monarchies collaborate to coordinate, can realize the strongest joint effort, then starts to shell the silver front door of Bright God palace unceasingly, to achieve the effect of strength of consumption temple protection revolution. 他传授了一套阵法,让十多名黑暗领域君主联手配合,可以实现最强的合力,然后开始不断地轰击光明神殿的银色大门,以达到消耗神殿守护运转之力的效果。 More than ten collaboration joint effort of monarchy, how was in the past terrorist. 十多尊往世君主的联手合力,何其恐怖。 Is containing the light beam of strength of destruction, shells on the front door of temple, layer upon layer rain hits the pond water common ripples, started rapidly flood. 蕴含着毁灭之力的光柱,轰击在神殿的大门上,一层层雨打池塘水一般的涟漪,开始急骤地泛动了起来。 But Heaven Emperor stands on one side, recovery indifferent condition, starts to observe and direction. 天帝则站在一边,恢复了冷漠之态,开始观察和指挥。 Time one minute one second of place passes. 时间一分一秒地流逝。 In an instant, is one month passes. 转眼之间,就是一个月的时间过去。 The ripples on Bright God palace silver front door, are glittering as before rapidly, as if not obvious change. 光明神殿银色大门上的涟漪,依旧在急骤地闪烁,似乎并无明显的变化。 But Heaven Emperor can actually the sensation obtain, temple the strength of protection, bit by bit is weakening. 天帝却可以感知得到,神殿的守护之力,在一点一点地衰减着。 This satisfies him. 这让他很满意。 Continue.” “继续。” He says with a smile coldly. 他冷笑着道。 More than ten Darkness Domain in the past monarchy, although is the consumption is also heavy, but under the Heaven Emperor dignity, actually does not dare to have slight neglecting, revolution formation, does not have the slight idle time unceasingly, has been shelling the silver front door of temple with joint forces. 十多名黑暗领域往世君主虽然也是消耗不轻,但在天帝的威严之下,却不敢有丝毫的怠慢,不断地运转阵法,没有丝毫的停歇,一直在合力轰击神殿的银色大门。 In the Space-Time mighty current, the myriad things die out. 时空洪流之中,万物寂灭。 The Bright God palace was similar to loses the ships of control to be the same, drifted with the current in this turbulent flow, did not have the direction, did not have the destination. 光明神殿如同失去了操控的船只一样,随波逐流在这乱流之中,没有方向,没有目的地。 The time fast passes. 时间飞快地流逝。 In an instant, is six months passes. 转眼,已经是半年的时间过去。 The ripples on Bright God palace silver front door, are shallowly are more and more getting more and more weak. 光明神殿银色大门上的涟漪,已经是越来越浅越来越微弱。 On the Heaven Emperor face started to have some happy expressions. 天帝脸上开始有了一些笑意。 Most three months, the 7 Fingers Clan empress could not support again.” “最多再有三个月,七指族的女帝支撑不住了。” He has deduced the exact time that the palace gate opened greatly. 他已经推演到了殿门大开的准确时间。 It looks like sits the person in Diaoyutai high, he has the patience very much, more at the final critical moment, he instead does not worry. 就像是一个高坐钓鱼台的人,他很有耐心,越是在最后的关键时刻,他反而是不着急了。 The long ages of several eras, he has waited, why cares about finally this little time. 数个纪元的漫长年代,他都已经等到过来了,何必在意最后这一点点的时间。 Before considering that most magnificent inside to arrive radiantly, final peaceful and enjoys. 就当是那最璀璨最辉煌的里面到来之前,最后的安静和享受吧。 Conceivable, in the Bright God palace, these people soon was in the crazy degree? 可以想象,在光明神殿之中,那些人都已经快要到了疯狂的程度了吧? Also is one month passes. 又是一个月时间过去。 Two months......” Heaven Emperor requested earnestly the beforehand judgment once again, the attenuation range of temple silver front door, with exactly the same that he expects, all in his pushing spreads out and during the computation, without any error. “还有两个月时间……”天帝再度恳请了自己之前的判断,神殿银色大门的衰减程度,与他预料的一模一样,一切都在他的推衍和计算之中,没有任何的误差。 However, at this time, suddenly, the accidental change appeared. 然而,就在这个时候,突然之间,意外的变化出现了。 Boundless profound just like universe stars general strength, suddenly to rush forth from silver front door. 一股磅礴深邃宛如宇宙星辰一般的力量,骤然从银色大门之中奔涌了出来。 Is stimulating to movement the strength of formation to shell more than ten Darkness Domain of front door in full power in the past the monarchies, unexpected, was shaken is similar to leave the bottle gourd same to leave toward the stair, is injured heavily, gasping spouts several blood arrow...... 正在全力催动阵法之力轰击大门的十多位黑暗领域往世君主们,猝不及防之下,被震得如同滚地葫芦一样都朝着台阶之下滚了下去,一个个都受伤不轻,张口喷出数道血箭…… Um? 嗯? What's the matter? 怎么回事? Heaven Emperor cannot attend to looking at these subordinates, but is the instinct looks toward the silver front door of temple. 天帝根本顾不上去看这些下属,而是本能地朝着神殿的银色大门看去。 The silver front door, opens unexpectedly on own initiative slowly. 银色大门,竟是主动地缓缓地打开。 A slender form, body washes the light silver glory, just like the rebirth from the silver flame of combustion is ordinary, fine-looking straight, Emperor's Power circles the body, prestige being near world, the physique just likes Divine sword long spear is common, the snow-capped mountain black hair, the reversed light comes, went out of the front door of Bright God palace slowly. 一个修长的身影,身沐光银色光辉,宛如从燃烧的银焰之中重生一般,英挺笔直,帝力绕身,威临天下,身姿犹如神剑长枪一般,白山黑发,逆光而来,缓缓地走出了光明神殿的大门。 Met.” “又见面了。” Sunny sound/noise, regarding Heaven Emperor, is very familiar. 晴朗的声音,对于天帝来说,无比熟悉。 ...... …… ...... …… North Darkness Domain northwest Great Wall defense line. 黑暗领域西北长城防线以北。 The chaos chaotic region thorough 1 million li (0.5km) have, Ye Qingyu and Song Xiaojun arrived under a mountain range old castle. 混沌混乱区域深入1000000里有余,叶青羽宋小君来到了一座山峦古堡之下。 The innumerable intruder are starting toward this old castle crazily kill. 无数的入侵者在疯狂地朝着这古堡发动袭杀。 On the face of Ye Qingyu, has actually revealed the unprecedented pleasant surprise. 叶青羽的脸上,却露出了前所未有的惊喜。 Martial arts yuan qi aura that because he sensation, passed from the old castle, impressively Bai Yuanxing and the others, particularly Heavenly Blind Way The cultivation technique characteristics, a later Ye Qingyu person is familiar all over the world, has Bai Yuanxing and the others Cultivation, this will not be absolutely wrong. 因为他已经感知到,从古堡之中传出来的武道元气的气息,赫然正是白远行等人,尤其是【天盲道功法的特性,普天之下之后叶青羽一个人熟悉,也只有白远行等人修炼过,这绝对不会错。 In the past had a look.” “过去看看。” The Ye Qingyu intention moves, with the Song Xiaojun two people, arrived around the old castle. 叶青羽心念一动,就和宋小君两个人,来到了古堡跟前。 This old castle casts with one rare heterochrosis rock all over the body, who seems that bit by bit carves from a giant complete mountain massif, the outward appearance is somewhat terrorist, is the same just like a pirate-like skull of giant, three leaves of front doors separately are the mouth and double eye socket, but the nostril like is the small window, leaves in three leaves of front doors, has the young personal appearance twinkle respectively, sends out the attack unceasingly, resists the attack of intruder, but familiar martial arts internal energy aura that before Ye Qingyu induced, on was coming out from these young form within the body sending out. 这古堡用一种罕见的异色岩石通体铸就,仿佛是什么人从一块巨大的完整山体上生生一点一点地雕琢出来的一样,外观有些恐怖,宛如一颗巨人的骷髅头一样,三扇大门分别是口和双眼眶,而鼻孔则像是小窗子一样,在三扇大门出,各自有年轻的身形闪烁,不断地发出攻击,抵御入侵者的袭击,而之前叶青羽感应到的熟悉武道元力气息,就是从这些年轻身影体内散发出来。 Words that carefully looks, will discover that these young forms are some teenage boys and girls, is a little distressed, clothing is tattered, most parts Clone body puts on does not know ancient armor where comes, rusty stain stained, is incomplete, like that picks from the ancient battlefield, for the first time looked is similar to one group of savages is simply same, but strength is not unexpectedly weak, basically is the boundary of Saint peak, the coordination battles the side that displays to have the methodicalness, every three people coordinate to become the battlefields, solid, even if has the intruder of Great Saint boundary three leaves of front doors guard to capture, cannot unexpectedly. Invasion slightly. 仔细看的话,会发现这些年轻的身影都是一些少男少女,有点儿狼狈,身上的衣衫破烂,大部分身躯都穿着不知道从哪里来的古老铠甲,锈迹斑斑,并不完整,像是从古战场上捡来的一样,乍一看简直如同一群野人一样,但实力竟然都是不不弱,基本上都是圣者巅峰之境,配合作战表现的极有章法,每三人配合成为战阵,将三扇大门都守卫的严严实实,哪怕是有大圣境的入侵者攻入,竟然都不能。侵入丝毫。 But that three people for the tactical rules, initially Ye Qingyu taught to Bai Yuanxing, Li Ying and Li Qi several people. 而那三人为阵的战法,正是当初叶青羽传授给白远行李英李琦几人的。 Sees here, in the Ye Qingyu heart had determined completely that the teenage boys and girls in this old castle, initially were delivered to Clear Ginger Domain Immortal God Emperor Sect by oneself cultivation these teenage boys and girls, although does not know why these elite small talents will wander about destitute to the chaos chaotic region, but this was unimportant, found them finally. 看到这里,叶青羽心中已经完全确定,这古堡之中的少男少女们,正是当初被自己送到清姜界不死神皇宗之中修行的那些少男少女们,虽然不知道为什么这些菁英小天才们会流落到混沌混乱区域之中,但这已经不重要,总算是找到他们了。 First repelled these intruder to say again.” “先击退这些入侵者再说。” The Ye Qingyu intention moves, Between Heaven and Earth sword intent fills the air, just likes like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds, the intruder in this old castle surrounding area thousand li(500 km) was strangled to death by omnipresent emperor sword intent instantaneously became several points of flying ash, with the wind dissipation in Between Heaven and Earth, shortly all whooshes calls out sound/noise to vanish with the sound of battle does not see, before the rogue frigid shape, seemed an illusory image is layer on layer same. 叶青羽心念一动,天地之间剑意弥漫开来,犹如风卷残云,这座古堡方圆千里之内的入侵者瞬间就被无所不在的帝者剑意绞杀成为了几分飞灰,随风消散在了天地之间,顷刻间所有的嘶吼嚎叫声音和厮杀之声都消失不见,之前重重凶恶惨烈之象,仿佛是一场幻影一样。 The prestige of emperor, in this split second, the incisiveness that shows. 帝者之威,在这一瞬间,展现的淋漓尽致。 But teenage boys and girls who in the old castle, originally at risk of life is still fighting bravely, then by this sudden change shaking. 而古堡之中,原本还在拼死奋战的少男少女们,则是被这突如其来的变化给震住了。 What's the matter?” Wears the youth of rust iron armor to look to the front door. “怎么回事?”一个身穿锈铁铠甲的少年看向大门之外。 Another wear relatively complete bronze mail-armor and helmet beautiful young girl, dull tunnel: This...... Probably was we wins? The ominous beast disappeared suddenly, seemed like swept by the wind...... I could not see any ominous beast shadow in any case, in the corpse of bloodstain and ominous beast including ground, could not see......” 另一个穿着相对完整的青铜甲胄的秀丽少女,呆呆地道:“这……好像是我们赢了?凶兽突然之间都消失了,就像是被风吹走了……反正我是看不到任何的凶兽影子了,连地面上的血迹和凶兽的尸体,都看不到了……” Strange!” A courageous point tall youth, is grasping the iron spear of bone shield and handle break, walks from the front door, jumped looks around to a rock on, has cheered one, said: Ominous beast disappears , a shadow does not have...... Safe.” “奇怪啊!”一个胆子大一点的高个子少年,握着骨盾和一柄断裂的铁矛,从大门之中走出来,跳到一块岩石上四下张望,欢呼了一声,道:“凶兽真的都不见了,连个影子都没有……安全了。” After a confirmation, many teenage boys and girls walk from the castle. 一番确认之后,许多少男少女从城堡之中走出来。 During is the young fellow of head, the appearance is delicate is bringing several points of cunningness, the personal appearance is not considered as that highest, but actually slender strong, strength in the young young girl absolutely is strongest, the whole body is winding around aura, unexpectedly is the fluctuation of Quasi-Emperor, he looks like this is leader of one group of young, waited and saw a while, strange tunnel: „ Does not suit, even if before were the ominous beast retreats, but will not draw back was so far, basically the surrounding area in 34 kilometers, can see their shadows, why this time, in several thousand meters the trace of disappearing ominous beast, this was also too strange, that split second, was more like had any strength a moment ago, instantaneously striking to kill all ominous beasts...... 为首的一个少年人,面目清秀之中带着几分狡黠,身形不算是最高,但却修长健硕,实力在少年少女中绝对算是最强,浑身缭绕着的气息,竟然已经是准帝的波动,他看起来这是一群少年的首领,四下观望了一会儿,奇怪地道:“不对劲啊,之前哪怕是凶兽退去,但也不会退的这么远,基本上方圆34千米之内,都能看到他们的影子,为何这一次,数万米之内都不见了凶兽的踪影,这也太离奇了,刚才那一瞬间,更像是有什么力量,瞬间都将所有的凶兽给击杀了…… The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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