IGE :: Volume #12

#1185: I can also call Brother Qingyu

In less than tea time, Song Xiaojun on this simply all blood of oneself within the body, was probably good because of her beforehand Cultivation Base, is the 9 steps Quasi-Emperor peak, even if the sanguification light, within the short time will not endanger life, is only a dark strength aura, started the escape. 大概在不到一盏茶时间里,宋小君就这样干干脆脆地化掉了自己体内的所有血液,好在她之前的修为,乃是九步准帝巅峰,即便是血液化光,短时间之内也不会危及生命,只是一身的黑暗之力气息,已经开始了逸散。 The young girl of looking pale, on the face is also having the smile, look that has not regretted. 面色苍白的少女,脸上还带着微笑,没有丝毫后悔的神色。 She stands under the Cloud top cauldron glory, the small white bloom that such as in wind trembles is the same, not depends on lone and helpless, but brings to be her pride and stubbornness. 她站在云顶铜炉的光辉之下,就如一朵风中瑟瑟发抖的小白花一样,孤弱无依,但却带着属于她自己的骄傲和倔强。 Now, you can plant the fire of real phoenix Nirvana.” Song Xiaojun with the tense look that for fear that opposite party returns, sees the phoenix day female, said: My anything listens your, only asks you now do not kill me.” “现在,你可以种下真凰涅槃之火了。”宋小君用一种生怕对方返回的紧张神色,看着凤凰天女,道:“我什么都听你的,只求你现在不要杀我。” Good.” “好。” The phoenix day female nods. 凤凰天女点点头。 She lifts the hand, burning hot the fire of real phoenix, flooded into Song Xiaojun within the body, Qi following her within the body overflowed after eight [lineage/vein] and whole body each blood vessel, with the most prudent stance, has inspected, confirmed after Song Xiaojun not any petty action, this nods, said: Good, calculates that you mean what he says......” 她一抬手,一股炙热的真凰之火,涌入到了宋小君的体内,顺着她体内的奇经八脉和全身每一根血管之中流溢,用最谨慎的姿态,检查了一遍,确认宋小君并无任何的小动作之后,这才点点头,道:“好,算你说话算数……” The fire of that real phoenix all emerges Song Xiaojun at once already in Dantian World that starts to wither, nine revolutions linger, the faint trace continuously converges in together, in Dantian World most center, changed to scarlet red flame flowers, this flame flowers beautiful to the extreme, is very bright, is containing the shocking energy, in the meantime, each flower petal stay still, resembling is the coagulation is ordinary, strangely to the extreme. 那真凰之火旋即全部都涌入到了宋小君已经开始枯萎的丹田世界之中,九转盘桓,丝丝缕缕汇合在一起,在丹田世界的最中心,化作了一朵赤红色的火焰花朵,这火焰花朵美丽到了极点,无比鲜艳,蕴含着令人震惊的能量,同时,每一片花瓣都静止不动,似是凝固一般,诡异到了极点。 That is 【The fire of real phoenix Nirvana. 这就是【真凰涅槃之火】。 This beautiful and bewitching strange flowers, if the start twinkle jumps, means that its strength stimulated to movement, only feared that will be Song Xiaojun is fired into one group of ashes instantaneously, at the present her Cultivation Base, that was the little resistance leeway does not have. 这颗妖冶诡异的花朵,若是真的开始闪烁跳跃,就意味着它的力量被催动,只怕是宋小君会在瞬间就被灼烧成为一团灰烬,以如今她的修为,那是一点点的抵抗余地都没有了。 Completes all these, in the phoenix day female look, had the color of little being responsible for finally, opens the mouth to ask: Regret?” 做完这一切,凤凰天女的眼神里,终于有了一点点的负责之色,不由地开口问道:“后悔吗?” Regret.” Song Xiaojun gives a calm smile, in the smiling face has recall of not being able to say and does not abandon, he turns around to look that the distant place as well as is thundering and is hard to decide which one is better as before the battlefield, resembles in the reply phoenix day female issue , was thinking aloud that said: Regret has not set firm resolve to discard earlier all accompanies him, regretted before , did not have the courage to get rid all follows in his side, regretted that these years were City of Unmoving Darkness neglect to be far away from him, regret...... Matter that must regret, was really too many, only had all that today makes, I truly did not regret that I should the date same make the resolution really earlier now, what a pity, the person always arrives at the hopeless situation and loses, knows that treasured.” “后悔。”宋小君淡然一笑,笑容中有着说不出的留恋和不舍,他转身看着远处以及在轰鸣、依旧难以分出高低的战场,似是在回答凤凰天女的问题,又似是在自言自语,道:“后悔没有早点儿下定决心舍弃一切去陪他,后悔以前一直都没有勇气抛弃一切去跟在他的身边,后悔这些年为黑暗不动城而忽视远离了他,后悔……要后悔的事情,实在是太多了,唯有今日做的一切,我确实一点儿都不后悔,我真的应该早点如今日一样做出决断的,可惜了,人总是到绝境和失去的时候,才会知道珍惜。” In her beautiful pupil, has filled to the attachment and love of Ye Qingyu. 她美丽的眸子里,充满了对叶青羽的眷恋和爱意。 Phoenix day female hear that, silently silent. 凤凰天女闻言,默默无声。 Bang! 轰隆! In the battlefield of distant place, remembered most fearful thundering to live, the terrifying [say / way] and Dao Sound was centered on the battlefield, divulged with the eruption crazily, the Emperor's Power turbulent flow harassed the order principle, the chaos chaotic destruction ashes was born, just liked the jet black smog is the same, covered the battlefield. 远处的战场之中,想起了一声最可怕的轰鸣生,恐怖的道则和道音以战场为中心,疯狂地宣泄和爆发,帝力乱流扰乱了秩序法则,混沌混乱毁灭灰烬诞生,犹如漆黑的烟雾一样,将战场笼罩。 This split second, in two female hearts, is one tight. 一瞬间,两女的心中,都是一紧。 Can decide the victory and defeat? 要分出胜负了吗? Time short coagulation. 时间短暂的凝固。 Then looks in that chaos chaotic ashes, a huge human form form, was staggering the backlash, the blood incarnadine his huge body, as can be seen, in his waist abdomens had a huge scar, the hair also such as the blood dyes is the same, following sending the tree top was low blood bead...... 然后就看那混沌混乱灰烬之中,一道巨大的人形身影,踉跄着后退,鲜血染红了他巨大的身躯,可以看到,他的腰腹之间有一个巨大的伤痕,头发也如血染一样,顺着发梢低落着血珠儿…… Ha Ha Ha, thought that is very unfair?” 哈哈哈,是不是觉得很不公平?” Turned into quiet blue six wing golden light hou to fly from the chaos chaotic ashes, its body was also total wreck, six wings six went to its four, a fang also broke, but actually fierce brave incomparable, in a way of perishing together, crazily toward the Ye Qingyu rush. 变成了幽蓝色的六翼金光犼从混沌混乱灰烬飞出来,它的身躯也已经破烂不堪,六翼六去其四,一口獠牙也已经破碎,但却悍勇无匹,以一种同归于尽的方式,疯狂地朝着叶青羽冲杀。 Heaven Emperor comes back to life taking advantage of the corpse, uses the exceedingly high Martial Emperor corpse to kill Ye Qingyu, from the beginning what therefore adopts is the fighting method of perishing together, can preserve several points after the fight ended the exceedingly high corpse, this is not the matter that he needs to consider, but Ye Qingyu is actually own human body this, every time damages a point, regarding him, may not withstand the wound. 天帝只是借尸还魂,利用通天武帝的尸体袭杀叶青羽,所以从一开始就采取的是同归于尽的打法,至于战斗结束之后通天的尸体还能保存几分,这并非是他需要考虑的事情,而叶青羽却是自身肉体本相,每损坏一分,对于他来说,都是不可承受之伤。 Trades the wound by the wound, is the Heaven Emperor goal. 以伤换伤,是天帝的目的。 Ye Qingyu did not speak, in the tight handshake the long sword, returned to the body to fight again. 叶青羽不说话,紧握手中长剑,返身再战。 But whose looks to, his situation is not very wonderful. 但谁的看得出来,他的情况很不妙。 Your all, in my planning, struggle, is only the futile effort, today, you and Darkness Empress start off together, making you make a pair of same life affectionate couple, rushes toward the underground spring together.” Heaven Emperor expression ice-cold and sinister and ruthless, this time he, not the dignity and breadth of spirit of emperor, just liked are spitting the poisonous snake of wick. “你的一切,都在我的算计之中,挣扎,也只是徒劳而已,今日,你和黑暗女皇一起上路,让你们做一对同命鸳鸯,一起奔赴黄泉。”天帝的语气冰冷且阴毒,这个时候的他,并无帝者的威严和气魄,犹如一条吐着信子的毒蛇。 Ye Qingyu did not speak. 叶青羽不语。 His wielding a sword quick march, even if clearly knows what the opposite party adopts is the fighting method of perishing together, will not retrocede half step, because his distant place is Cloud top cauldron, but Cloud top cauldron , is in his life the most important person. 他挥剑疾进,哪怕明知道对方采取的是同归于尽的打法,也不会后退半步,因为他的身后远处就是云顶铜炉,而云顶铜炉的下方,则是他生命之中最重要的人。 Fights now, this so-called Heaven Emperor, to the feeling of Ye Qingyu, likely is a lunatic, an a little abnormal lunatic, mental as is not entire, such person, can become Heaven Emperor, is makes Ye Qingyu very accidental. 战斗到现在,这个所谓的天帝,给叶青羽的感觉,像是一个疯子,一个有点儿变态的疯子,心智似是不全,这样的人,可以成为天帝,真的是让叶青羽很意外。 The wicked fight, starts to continue once again. 惨厉的战斗,开始再度持续。 Emperor blood, incarnadine starry sky. 帝血,染红了星空。 Ye Qingyu first time is injured so seriously, his footsteps, started to stiffen to stagger. 叶青羽第一次受伤如此严重,他的脚步,都开始变强踉跄了起来。 Also the moment, an arm of Ye Qingyu had been cut, although he cut six wing golden light hou both feets similarly, but did not help matters, Ye Qingyu also attempted to plunder to kill by the strength of Divine Soul to hide Heaven Emperor Divine Soul in six wing golden light hou, but was very strange, even plundered to kill the mistake, in the corpses of six wing golden light hou unexpectedly was also empty nihility one piece, without any Divine Soul spiritual strength fluctuation, also does not know how Heaven Emperor controlled this corpse. 又过了片刻,叶青羽的一只手臂被斩掉,虽然他同样斩掉了六翼金光犼的双足,但无济于事,叶青羽也尝试以神魂之力掠杀隐藏在六翼金光犼之中天帝神魂,但是很诡异,甚至掠杀过处,六翼金光犼的尸体之中竟也是空荡荡虚无一片,没有任何神魂精神力量波动在其中,也不知道天帝是如何操控这具尸体。 This certainly Ye Qingyu has defeated the possibility of match from the Divine Sense aspect. 这就绝了叶青羽神识方面击败对手的可能。 He can only do now, completely cuts the corpses of six wing golden light hou broken, compelling Heaven Emperor once again to appear the illusory image personal appearance. 他现在唯一能做的,就是将六翼金光犼的尸体全部斩碎,逼得天帝再度现出幻影身形。 Ye Qingyu looked, Heaven Emperor this arrival is not the genuine main body, before used the ugly face grey copper ball as the carrier, at this time used the exceedingly high emperor corpse as the carrier again, with the aid in nonego, therefore had the possibility very much, if did not have nonego in addition to hold, Heaven Emperor Battle Strength will thoroughly vanish. 叶青羽已经看出来,天帝这次降临的并非是真正的本体,之前以鬼脸灰铜球为载体,此时再以通天的帝尸为载体,都是借助于外物,所以很有可能,如果没有外物加持的话,天帝战力就会彻底消失。 However, ruins exceedingly high emperor corpse to be very difficult. 但是,毁掉通天的帝尸很难。 Was contaminated six wing golden light hou intensities to increase by the blue treacherous dim light and other order, is very difficult to cut including Blood Drinking Sword. 被蓝色诡谲幽光浸染六翼金光犼强度攀升了一个等秩,连饮血剑都很难斩开。 The fight, is continuing. 战斗,在持续。 Ye Qingyu is wounded unceasingly. 叶青羽在不断地负伤。 Under Cloud top cauldron, Song Xiaojun is standing peacefully, her body unprecedented emaciation, is attacking her with the severe pain exhaustedly, her facial color holds their palms together auspiciously in the front, shuts the double pupil to pray devotionally, under Golden Light stamped pass that copper furnace golden color Light Cover sends out, just likes brings salvation to the goddess of all living things to be the same. 云顶铜炉之下,宋小君安静地站着,她的身体前所未有的羸弱,疲惫和剧痛侵袭着她,她面色祥和地双手合十在胸前,闭着双眸虔诚地祈祷,铜炉金色光罩散发出的金芒的印照之下,犹如普度众生的神女一样。 But in her, the phoenix day female decides looks at the battlefield of distant place. 而在她的身后,凤凰天女定定地看着远处的战场。 Her look moved fast, resembles to recall some past good memories. 她的眼神飘忽,似是回想起了昔日一些美好的记忆。 Then on that beautiful noble face, there are to reappear the regret that one type was unable to get over an emotion, one type thinks the pain, but not getting, a wisp can not extricate struggles...... The incomparably complex expression, appear here made this mortal world in sufficiently the countless heroic son crazy crazy noble beautiful facial features, then this all expressions, changed to one type firmness that finally renounced such as the iron. 然后那绝美高贵的脸上,有浮现出了一种无法释怀的遗憾,一种思而不得的痛苦,一缕不得解脱的挣扎……无比复杂的表情,出现在这张足以令尘世间无数英雄男儿痴狂的高贵绝美的面容上,然后这所有的表情,最终都化作了一种决绝如铁的坚定。 She long sighed. 她长长地叹息了一声。 He has defeated, could not win.” Phoenix day female start to talk said. “他败了,赢不了了。”凤凰天女开口道。 The Song Xiaojun personal appearance trembles slightly, has not turned head, has not opened the mouth , to continue to pray as before devotionally. 宋小君的身形微微一颤,没有回头,也没有开口,依旧继续虔诚地祈祷着。 Since he is doomed dead, was inferior that you die in his front.” On the phoenix day female face, reveals Ningxia to die honorably suddenly to not live dishonorably the look, Song Xiaojun stopped the pray incomparably turning head to look shocking to the phoenix day female, but the latter was indifferent throughout, has not had slight guilty, said: You under the underground spring, is Ye Qingyu explores the way first, is this better? If your death, making his mind chaos suffer a defeat and flee, that is also better, he in province during such fight, bears that many pain.” “既然他注定要死,不如你死在他的前面吧。”凤凰天女的脸上,突然露出一种宁为玉碎不为瓦全的神色,宋小君停止了祈祷无比震惊地回头看向凤凰天女,而后者却始终淡然,并未有丝毫的愧疚,道:“你先下黄泉,为叶青羽探路,这样岂不是更好?如果你的死,让他心神大乱而败亡的话,那也更好,省的他在这样的战斗之中,承受那么多的痛苦。” On the Song Xiaojun that sweet and pretty and delicate face, wrote all over in the inconceivable, big eye had a brilliance to extinguish rapidly gloomily: Why? You...... You should not do this, you......” 宋小君那娇美而又柔弱的脸上,写满了不可思议,大眼睛里有一种光华在迅速地黯灭:“为什么?你……你不该这样做,你……” Why, I have not been only, suddenly changed the idea, so was simple.” The phoenix day female is looking straight ahead the Song Xiaojun look, under latter's gaze, extends both hands, has pinched a hand imprint gently, the strange strength, poured into the body of Song Xiaojun together. “没有为什么,我只是,突然改主意了,就这么简单。”凤凰天女直视着宋小君的眼神,在后者的注视之下,伸出双手,轻轻地捏了一个手印,一道奇异的力量,注入到了宋小君的身体之中。 That group in Song Xiaojun Dantian World static 【The fire of real phoenix Nirvana The flower petal of flowers, starts to jump to sway, the terrifying flame strength, swept across Song Xiaojun entire Dantian World instantaneously, has burnt down all, then followed the meridians, surged toward her whole body. 宋小君丹田世界里的那一团静止的【真凰涅槃之火】的花朵的花瓣,开始跳跃拂动,恐怖的火焰力量,瞬间就席卷到了宋小君整个丹田世界,焚毁了一切,然后顺着经脉,朝着她的周身涌动。 To ache beyond description, has attacked the Song Xiaojun whole body fiercely. 剧烈到了难以形容的疼痛,侵袭了宋小君全身。 She just likes has not thought to be the same, but decides sees the phoenix day female, in the eye has the big big clear teardrops to fall, said: No, I asked you, did not want...... Do not make my Brother Qingyu see me dead...... I...... Anything...... Promises you!” 她恍若未觉一样,只是定定地看着凤凰天女,眼睛里有大颗大颗晶莹的泪珠儿滑落,道:“不,我求求你,不要……不要让我青羽哥哥看到我死……我……什么……都答应你!” The instance that the death arrived, in her heart thinks that as before was Ye Qingyu, but was not one. 死亡降临的瞬间,她心中所想的,依旧是叶青羽,而不是自己。 The fire of real phoenix has spurted from her mouth, is quick in her nostril ear, there is a hot snake to lick to lick to wind around, the four limbs had been gasified by the flame of this burning hot instantaneously, on her face is having the entreaty expression, the life final time, she in seeing the phoenix day female, imploring her should not be in front of fight in Ye Qingyu to kill itself. 真凰之火从她的口中喷了出来,很快她的鼻孔耳朵之中,也有火蛇舔舐缭绕,四肢已经被这种炙热的火焰瞬间气化,她的脸上带着哀求的表情,生命的最后时刻,她都在看着凤凰天女,祈求着她不要当着战斗中的叶青羽的面杀自己。 However, phoenix day female response, look that only then renounces. 然而,凤凰天女的回应,只有决绝的眼神。 When the last wisp of consciousness dissipates, during Song Xiaojun fell into one type to despair thoroughly. 当最后一缕意识消散的时候,宋小君彻底陷入了一种绝望之中。 Brother Qingyu......” she uses final sound/noise, the low lowland shouted, the incomparable attachment, is reluctant to part, but is involuntary, then the body of whole person, was burnt down by the roaring flame, finally changed to one group of blue smoke, lingers on the spot. 青羽哥哥……”她用最后的声音,低低地喊了一声,无比眷恋,依依不舍,但却身不由己,然后整个人的身躯,都被烈焰焚烧,最后化作了一团青烟,萦绕在原地 Song Xiaojun died. 宋小君死了。 Darkness Empress of this keeping aloof, seems in this manner, had ended own life. 这位高高在上的黑暗女皇,似乎是以这种方式,结束了自己的生命。 But until this time, continuously calm ice cold was a blood and iron butcher type phoenix day female, in the eye finally was likely moist, there is tears unable to contain to flow again. 而直到这个时候,一直冷静冰寒的像是一个铁血屠夫样的凤凰天女,眼睛里终于湿润了,也有泪水再也无法遏制地流淌出来。 Relax, Ye Qingyu he will not see this.” “放心吧,叶青羽他不会看到这一幕。” The phoenix day female said in a low voice. 凤凰天女低声地说道。 The instance that begins, she uses the secret technique, isolates all aura that here had, Ye Qingyu in fierce fight, has no time within the short time radically knows all that here has. 动手的瞬间,她就施展秘术,隔绝了这里发生的一切气息,剧烈战斗之中的叶青羽,根本无暇在短时间之内知道这里发生的一切。 Song Xiaojun personal appearance blue smoke, in a strange shape, lingers as before, has not dissipated completely. 宋小君身形所化的青烟,以一种诡异的形态,依旧萦绕,并未完全消散。 The phoenix day female sees distant place battlefield the form of that being bathed in blood crazily, on the face has shown a happy expression of chilly beautiful suddenly, thought aloud in a low voice: If the time flows backwards, I hope really that my this life will not always run into you...... Ye Qingyu, can I also be the same with her, call you Brother Qingyu?” 凤凰天女痴痴地看着远处战场之中的那个浴血的身影,脸上突然露出了一丝凄美的笑意,低声自言自语道:“如果时光倒流,我真的希望,我这一生从来都不会遇到你……叶青羽,我也能和她一样,叫你一声青羽哥哥吗?” Saying, her was extending both hands suddenly, grips blue smoke that lingers at present. 说着,她猛然伸出双手,握住了眼前萦绕的青烟。 --------------- --------------- Third, everybody good night, rests earlier 第三更,大家晚安,早点睡吧 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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