IGE :: Volume #12

#1183: So-called friend

Ye Qingyu this short life, may be called the legend, his martial path, walks, is running free with the current and martial arts Cultivation Base growth is extremely as if quick in bystander opinion, might be considered as the pet of day, does not know that many people envy the envy, but in fact such as the person potable water knows without being told, only then he knows that does not know Dao Scripture underwent many wind and rain, many time dances on the knife point, many time walks randomly in the life and death edge, after experiencing the innumerable life and death wheted, can have today's achievement. 叶青羽这短暂的一生,堪称传奇,他的武道之路,一路走来,在外人看来似乎是顺风顺水且武道修为增长速度极快,堪称是天之宠儿,不知道有多少人羡慕嫉妒,但实际上如人饮水冷暖自知,只有他自己知道,一路不知道经历了多少的风雨,多少次在刀尖上跳舞,多少次游走在生死边缘,经历了无数次的生死磨砺之后,才能有今日的成就。 But he has seen fantastic story different matter, is innumerable. 而他所见过的奇闻异事,则更是数不胜数。 At present this Heaven Emperor appearance, with White Deer Academy Lan Tian simply is exactly the same, what is only different is the age, Ye Qingyu almost can determine, if Lan Tian to the middle age, that certainly is the Heaven Emperor appearance at present, this similar, such as in Clear Ginger Domain Underground Moonlight Immortal Palace that decency vanished the mysterious female and Ye Qingyu remember that during mother's the similar degree of appearance is the same. 眼前这位天帝的面貌,与白鹿学院蓝天简直是一模一样,唯一不同的是年纪,叶青羽几乎可以确定,如果蓝天到了中年的话,那一定是眼前天帝的模样,这种相似,就如清姜界地下月色仙宫之中那个风化消失了的神秘女子与叶青羽记忆之中的母亲的样貌的相似程度一样。 Explained with the words of Earth civilization, in the world not two same leaves, but reason that the look of myriad things life is similar, likely has existence of molecular genetic, why this also explained in the world most posterity like the father, but this similar, only exists in some aspect of five senses, but is not complete. 用地球文明的话来解释,天底下没有两片相同的树叶,而万物生灵的相貌之所以相似,很可能是有遗传基因的存在,这也就解释了为什么天底下大多数的后人会像父亲,但是这种相似,只存在于五官的某一个方面,而不是全部。 The Ye Qingyu intuition told him, between Heaven Emperor and Lan Tian, had certainly the relation. 叶青羽的直觉告诉他,天帝蓝天之间,一定是有联系的。 Moreover unusual relation. 而且还是非同一般的联系。 What relation but concrete is, he is actually not temporarily able to grasp. 但具体是什么样的联系,那他暂时却是无法把握了。 This furnace, can you come from where?” Heaven Emperor empty shade vision is spooky, the somewhat surprised uncertain manner pasts in the face, he resembled has remembered anything, but actually slightly shook the head, this pill cauldron, with him suspected very much obviously at present during the thing, has the enormous difference. “此炉,你从何处得来?”天帝虚影目光幽幽,有些惊疑不定的神态在面部流转,他似是想起了什么,但却又微微摇头,很显然眼前这丹炉,和他怀疑之中的物件,是有着极大的差别的。 Ye Qingyu right hand Blood Drinking Sword, left hand pill cauldron, does not conceal, said: Chaos demon emperor reincarnation palace, once appeared in the infinite universe, the rare treasure are innumerable, this pill cauldron, is from the reincarnation palace Pocket rate palace.” 叶青羽右手饮血剑,左手丹炉,也不隐瞒,道:“混沌魔帝转生殿,曾经出现在大千世界,其中秘宝无数,这座丹炉,乃是得自于转生殿之中的【兜率宫】。” Reason that said is so clear, is Ye Qingyu wants to probe, what response this Heaven Emperor will have, he hopes that from its response, obtains with the Lan Tian related trace. 之所以说的这么清楚,是叶青羽想要试探,这个天帝会有什么样的反应,他希望从其反应之中,得到一些和蓝天有关的痕迹。 Chaos demon emperor reincarnation palace? Is impossible, the chaos demon emperor is the character of God and Devil era end, will to become Emperor, how have this treasure reluctantly? If he has such most precious object, what uses the reincarnation?” Heaven Emperor shakes the head slightly, said: Let alone Pocket rate palace Possibly how in the reincarnation palace, the complete family belongings of chaos demon emperor to add, is unworthy Pocket rate palace, Since your agree did not tell truth, that does not matter, I seize you, searches your Sea of Consciousness, from may know all.” “混沌魔帝转生殿?不可能,混沌魔帝乃是神魔时代末期的人物,勉强成帝,怎会拥有此种宝贝?若是他有这样的至宝,何用转生?”天帝微微摇头,道:“何况【兜率宫】怎么可能在转生殿之中,混沌魔帝的全部家当加起来,也不值一个【兜率宫】,既然你不肯说真话,那也无所谓,我擒下你,搜索你识海,自可知道一切。” The voice has not fallen, his personal appearance Flashed, changed to a wisp of blue brilliance, toward another side twinkle. 话音未落,他身形一闪,化作了一缕蓝色光华,朝着另一侧闪烁。 In the chaos dense fog of distant place, a giant corpse ups and downs in the starry sky, was cut has killed exceedingly high Martial Emperor six wing golden light hou this, among Yuan Essence circulation, vitality like Ocean, but exceedingly high vitality Divine Soul was cut to kill, looks at Heaven Emperor the blue light, emerges in this corpse, instantaneous exceedingly high once again living. 远处的混沌迷雾之中,一个巨大的尸体在星空之中沉浮,正是被斩杀了的通天武帝的六翼金光犼本相,其内精元流转,气血如汪洋,但通天的生机神魂都被斩杀,就看天帝所化的蓝光,涌入这尸体之中,瞬间通天再度‘活’了。 Comes back to life taking advantage of the corpse? 借尸还魂? In Ye Qingyu heart vigilant. 叶青羽心中警惕。 Actually in split second, Ye Qingyu almost must ask that has one to be called the Lan Tian young people in White Deer Academy, is completely consistent with the Heaven Emperor look, Heaven Emperor and Lan Tian are anything relate, but the heart of hearts has sound/noise, made Ye Qingyu bear, the intuition told him, if this issue asked that the consequence will be very serious. 其实在刚才的一瞬间,叶青羽几乎就要问出来,在白鹿学院之中有一个叫做蓝天的年轻人,与天帝相貌完全一致,到底天帝蓝天是什么关系,但内心深处有一个声音,还是让叶青羽忍住了,直觉告诉他,这个问题要是问出来,后果会很严重。 Bang! 轰隆隆! originally presents the golden six wing golden light hou corpses starts to change all over the body, a layer upon layer quiet blue ice-cold brilliance glitters from the corpse, dyed the quiet blue color this giant emperor corpse, in his pupil was the ice-cold gloomily blue rays, the light wing that these breaks, were cut, in this split second, grew slowly. 原本通体呈现出金色的六翼金光犼尸体开始变化,一层层幽蓝色的冰冷光华从尸体内部闪烁出来,将这头巨大的帝尸染成了幽蓝色,就连其眸子里都是冰冷幽蓝的光芒,那些断裂、被斩掉的光翼,在这一瞬间,缓缓地生长了出来。 When with direct access to the highest authorities before death the completely different aura, fill the air toward the entire starry sky. 一股与通天生前时完全不同的气息,朝着整个星空弥漫开来。 Sweeps across gloomily blue Ocean that comes, making Ye Qingyu have a oneself body such as the small boat to place oneself the sense of crisis in raging waves anger billows. 席卷而来的幽蓝汪洋,让叶青羽有一种己身如小舟置身于狂涛怒澜之中的危机感。 The fight, erupts instantaneously. 战斗,瞬间爆发。 The Heaven Emperor forms of combat, are very barbaric, before such as, it takes possession in the ugly face grey copper ball last time is exactly the same, has hit directly, body of huge six wing golden light hou by refining, Blood Drinking Sword were cut above, sends out the metal junction to call general thundering, the flame scatters, six wing golden light hou quiet blue superficial knowledge that cuts splits to scatter, actually cannot cut to break to pieces its body, on the contrary is Ye Qingyu shaken retrocedes unceasingly. 天帝的战斗方式,无比野蛮,就如之前它附身在鬼脸灰铜球上时候一模一样,直接撞了过来,庞大的六翼金光犼的身躯似是被炼化,饮血剑斩在其上,发出金属交鸣一般的轰鸣,火光四溅,斩的六翼金光犼的幽蓝色皮毛绽裂飞迸,却不能斩碎其身躯,反倒是叶青羽被震的不断地后退。 In the stars battlefield, a piece thunders immediately. 星辰战场之中,顿时一片轰鸣。 The wild strength sweeps across the Liuhe whole wide world, when this fights the beforehand three emperors fight is more fearful, is in the desolated star of battlefield edge, does not know that many directly was shaken to proliferate for the powder powder by the strength complementary waves, because if not for the space is limitless, only feared that this universe was destroyed continually. 狂暴的力量席卷六合八荒,这一战比之前三帝大战时更加可怕,处于战场边缘的荒芜星球,不知道又有多少被力量的余波直接震为齑粉扩散开来,若不是因为宇宙空间无边无际,只怕连这宇宙都被打碎了。 Cloud top cauldron constantly changes the position, is protecting Song Xiaojun and flame real phoenix, goes toward the edge avoidance of battlefield, since previous time had the mutation after the immortal territory smelting trial, Cloud top cauldron had the independent consciousness gradually, at this time seems is awakened by this fierce battle, starts to protect on own initiative. 云顶铜炉不断地变化位置,守护着宋小君和火焰真凰,朝着战场的边缘退避而去,自从上一次在仙域试炼之中发生了异变之后,云顶铜炉渐渐就有了自主意识,此时好似是被这场恶战所惊醒,开始主动守护。 The time passes. 时间流逝。 Does not know how much time pass by. 不知道多少时间过去。 But regarding Song Xiaojun, under such environment, like passed every second a century, is the long suffering. 但对于宋小君来说,这样的环境之下,每一秒钟都像是过去了一个世纪一样,都是漫长的煎熬。 Darkness Empress that this kept aloof past, at this time, pulled to worry about on the ordinary young girl of boyfriend not to have what difference with a worry, both hands not to know when has twisted in one, in the beautiful beautiful big eye, wrote all over worried. 这位昔日高高在上的黑暗女皇,在这个时候,和一个担心牵挂心上情郎的普通少女没有什么区别,双手不知道什么时候已经绞在了一起,美丽明媚的大眼睛里,写满了担忧。 She looks at the battlefield of distant place attentively, although looks is not distinct, fight fragment of Ye Qingyu but occasionally catches, worried to tow her complete body and mind thoroughly. 她全神贯注地看着远处的战场,虽然看的不分明,但是偶尔捕捉到的叶青羽的战斗片段,也彻底牵挂牵引了她的全部身心。 She so absorbed, so forgets the thing, at that time complete vigilance, when is burning the palm of real phoenix flame, has blocked her nape of the neck gently time, she incomparably with amazement responded. 她是如此的忘我,如此忘物,当时了全部的警惕,以至于当一只燃烧着真凰火焰的手掌,轻轻地扼住了她的脖颈的时候,她才无比惊讶地反应过来。 You......” Song Xiaojun personal appearance one stiff: How do you untie the seal?” “你……”宋小君的身形一僵:“你怎么解开封印的?” She has forgotten threat. 她忘记了身边的这个威胁。 After the words asked that Song Xiaojun realized suddenly that this ancient times flame real phoenix was controlled, lost belonged to her willpower, only saved to slaughter the cruel air/Qi, did not have the wisdom, asked that also in vain asked. 话问出来之后,宋小君猛然意识到,这头远古火焰真凰被人操控,已经丧失了属于她自己的意志,只存杀戮暴戾之气,没有智慧,问也是白问。 However, making her feel that what accident is, indifferent likely is above the severe winter Wei Wei peak cold ice hit general clear sound/noise, replied her question. 然而,让她感觉到意外的是,一个淡然的像是深冬魏巍高峰之上寒冰撞击一般的清脆声音,回答了她的疑问。 Emperor's Power surges, you are considering only the care sweetheart, actually does not know the sensibility,” this sound/noise obviously is a female voice, so long as anybody hears this sound/noise, no matter it ice-cold, in the mind reappears certainly is one just like the images of nine days of profound female equally peerless Unparalleled beautiful arrogant females, said: I was away from the emperor mirror, only then, has this heaven-sent opportunity, how also to miss.” 帝力激荡,你只顾着关心情人,却不知道感悟,”这声音明显是一个女声,任何人只要听到这个声音,不管它有多冰冷,脑海里浮现出的一定是一个宛如九天玄女一样绝世无双美丽高傲的女子的形象,道:“我本距离帝镜只有一步而已,有此天赐良机,又岂会错过。” Song Xiaojun is silent. 宋小君默然。 She realized, females of this surely beautifully certainly generation of phoenix, already during this catastrophe emperor fights, broke has turned off the hole shackles, has touched the genuine emperor mirror, therefore, she can untie is Martial Emperor the seal under Ye Qingyu arrangement. 她意识到,身后这个必定美艳绝代的凤凰之女,已经在这一场浩劫帝战之中,打破了关窍桎梏,已经触摸到了真正的帝镜,所以,她才能解开身为武帝叶青羽布置下的封印。 „Do you want to kill me?” “你要杀我吗?” Song Xiaojun suddenly calm. 宋小君突然冷静了下来。 This time she, as if on for the heart worried the anxious neighbor young misses from that boyfriend of changes returns to keep aloof the dark emperor of mapping out strategic plans in an army tent decision-making beyond thousand li(500 km), her sound/noise with expression, calm probably was faced the death is not she is the same. 这个时候的她,仿佛又从那个为了心上情郎牵挂揪心不已的邻家小姑娘变回到了高高在上运筹帷幄决策于千里之外的黑暗之皇,她的声音和语气,冷静的好像是面临死亡的不是她自己一样。 Ancient times the fire of real phoenix, started to invade her body, has blocked her within the body dark yuan qi, making her lose any possibility of counter-attack revolt. 远古真凰之火,已经开始侵入她的身躯,封锁了她体内黑暗元气,让她丧失了任何反击反抗的可能。 „Do you think? My originally to kill you comes, the mission of my clan, is so.” In phoenix day female sound/noise does not have the slight sentiment, regarding her, this is stating a timeless fact. “你以为呢?我本就是为了杀你而来,我族的使命,也是如此。”凤凰天女的声音之中不带丝毫的感情,对于她来说,这是在陈述一件亘古不变的事实。 The mission of phoenix clan, is supervises and eradicates the darkness. 凤凰族的使命,就是监察和铲除黑暗。 On the face of Song Xiaojun, reappeared a forced smile. 宋小君的脸上,浮现出了一丝苦笑。 She knows the relations between phoenix clan and City of Unmoving Darkness what's the matter, but says these now, any significance, in the past long historical era, City of Unmoving Darkness also had not had the attempt and a phoenix clan has explained Xin Mi, but any effort does not have the effect, she does not think that now in this case, she can convince this phoenix clan millenniums to fall the most remarkable and mental also firmest most and resolute day female. 她知道凤凰族与黑暗不动城之间的关系是怎么回事,但是现在说这些,已经没有任何意义,在过去漫长的历史年代里,黑暗不动城又不是没有尝试和凤凰一族解释过其中的辛秘,但任何的努力都没有效果,她并不认为现在这种情况下,自己可以说服这位凤凰族千年以降最为卓越、心智也最为坚毅的天女。 took a deep breath, Song Xiaojun also said: Said, you now already recovery own consciousness? No longer by control state?” 深深地吸了一口气,宋小君又道:“这么说,你现在已经恢复了自己的意识?不再是被人控制状态了?” The phoenix day female has not spoken. 凤凰天女没有说话。 Song Xiaojun is unable to see the opposite party expression, does not know that the phoenix day female movement, she thought clutches the flame palm on own nape of the neck, suddenly tightened, almost makes her not gasp for breath. 宋小君无法看到对方的表情,也不知道凤凰天女的动作,她只是觉得扼在自己脖颈上的火焰手掌,突然紧了紧,差点儿让她喘不过气来。 The silence of dozens rests. 数十息的沉默。 Song Xiaojun has not waited till the answer, but she has guessed result that she wanted. 宋小君没有等到答案,但她已经猜出来了她想要的结果。 Listened to Brother Qingyu saying that you were his friend, is right?” Song Xiaojun opens the mouth once again. “听青羽哥哥说,你是他的朋友,对不对?”宋小君再度开口。 Resounds one to sneer, resembles the taunt, said: Yes, once was friend, was that is also what kind, for had not met for a long time, became the immaterial so-called friend, can I let off phoenix clan the enemy of life and death? You also once high sat above the emperor place, you also once the people of rein excessively darkness, you should know that in the face of the true major issue of principle, the so-called friend, is nothing to speak, let alone is the friend...... Lover!” 身后响起一声冷笑,似是嘲讽,道:“是啊,曾经是朋友,可是那又怎么样呢,难道为了一个已经很长时间没有见面,已经变得无关紧要的所谓的朋友,我就要放过凤凰一族的生死之敌吗?你也曾高高坐在皇座之上,你也曾统御过黑暗之民,你应该知道,在真正的大是大非面前,所谓的朋友,不值一提,何况是朋友的……爱人!” Finally two characters, the phoenix day female said a little hesitates. 最后两个字,凤凰天女说的有点儿犹豫。 Moreover, these two characters, bite the sound to be very heavy. 而且,这两个字,咬音很重。 In your mind, the so-called friend, can give up at any time?” In the Song Xiaojun expression, has an indignation of faint trace, asked back. “难道你心目中,所谓的朋友,是可以随时放弃的吗?”宋小君的语气之中,带有一丝丝的愤慨,反问。 He He, what's wrong, did you fear death?” The taunt in phoenix day female sound/noise meant that was clearer, sound/noise is also getting more and more chilly fainily, in the expression has one to make the chill in the air of person soul freeze, said: Keeping aloof Darkness Empress, facing the threat of death, will lower also the head, he he, if Ye Qingyu knows that you display at this moment, does not know that will make what feelings?” “呵呵,怎么,你怕死了?”凤凰天女声音之中的嘲讽意味更加清晰了,声音也越来越清冷淡漠,语气之中有一股令人灵魂冻结的寒意,道:“高高在上的黑暗女皇,面对死亡的威胁,原来也会低头,呵呵,如果叶青羽知道你此刻的表现,不知道会作何感想?” Song Xiaojun is contemptuous regarding the taunt of opposite party, does not have the slight argument desire, but is the tranquil tunnel: If you are really the Brother Qingyu friend even if regarded him is the friend crosses, I pleaded you, does not want to kill me now, was good?” 宋小君却对于对方的嘲讽轻蔑,没有丝毫的辩解欲望,而是平静地道:“如果你真的是青羽哥哥的朋友哪怕曾经把他当成是朋友过,那我恳求你,不要现在杀我,好不好?” --------- --------- Thank the day descendants sincere feeling big supporting. 感谢天胤才忱大大的捧场。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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