IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#965: Zhong Shan leaves the Shui Wuhen riddle

Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, King Zi Chen mansion! 凌霄天庭,紫宸王府! Shui Wuhen has one returns to the mansion exhaustedly. 水无痕带着一身的疲惫回到府中。 Royal Father, child had the words and you said!” An appearance extremely handsome youngster was saying to Shui Wuhen. 父王,孩儿有话和你说!”一个面相极为俊朗的少年对着水无痕道。 „Does Quan'er, have the matter?” Shui Wuhen has doubts to say. 拳儿,有事?”水无痕带着一丝疑惑道。 Shui Quan, the child of Shui Wuhen. Also is the child of Shui Wuhen most favoring. 水拳,水无痕之子。也是水无痕最宠之子。 „Very important, concerns my Shui Family!” Shui Quan solemnly said. “挺重要的,关乎我水家!”水拳郑重道 „? Then along with me comes to the study room!” Shui Wuhen slightly surprised. “哦?那随我来书房吧!”水无痕微微意外 Until now, Shui Wuhen is busy with the politics, teaching of how many sons regarding was short of a point, oneself this son in Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court is also playboys, what big trouble but without bringing, Shui Wuhen has not cared, today suddenly transferring nature? Discussion family affairs? 一直以来,水无痕忙于政事,对于几个儿子的管教欠缺了一点,自己这个儿子在凌霄天庭也算是一个纨绔子弟,不过没闯什么大祸,水无痕也没怎么在意,今天忽然转性了?讨论家事了? Arrived the study room, Shui Quan wielded drew back all servants, established formation to be sound-insulated. 到了书房,水拳挥退了所有下人,更是设置了阵法隔音。 Said that what matter is mystical?” The Shui Wuhen doubts said. “说吧,什么事神神秘秘的?”水无痕疑惑道。 Father, heard that today the Primal Chaos Holy Court envoy was summoned by Royal Father?” Shui Quan slightly exciting say/way. “父亲,听说今日太极圣庭使者被父王召见了?”水拳略微兴奋道。 Un, was cut by me!” Shui Wuhen nods. “恩,被我斩了!”水无痕点点头。 „, Why? That person said isn't right?” Some Shui Quan anxious say/way. “呃,为什么?那人说的不对吗?”水拳有些焦急道。 Un?” A Shui Wuhen complexion board, both eyes change swift and fierce. “嗯?”水无痕脸色一板,双目变的凌厉了起来。 More than hundred years of power and influenced acquireds over a long period, the Shui Wuhen dignity is extremely terrifying, but the opposite is his beloved son, when Shui Quan also has not seen. 百多年的积威,水无痕的威严是极为恐怖的,但对面是其爱子,水拳也当没看到。 Royal Father, we cannot surrender Primal Chaos Holy Court, such be unfair to this under the heavens, sorry person who comes out from Small Thousand Worlds!” Shui Quan said. 父王,我们是不能投降太极圣庭,那样太对不起这天下,对不起从小千世界出来的人了!”水拳说道。 Un!” Shui Wuhen nods. “恩!”水无痕点点头。 But, Saint King already dies now, drags again, will only bring a bigger disaster to the people, Royal Father, more than hundred years of leadership, now many minister already heart toward you, at this time, why not again promote one step? No one will blame your, Royal Father!” Shui Quan speed way. “但是,现在圣王已经死了,再拖下去,只会给人民带来更大的灾难,父王,百多年的领导,现在很多大臣已经都心向着你了,这时候,何不再晋一步?没人会怪你的,父王!”水拳快速道。 unfilial son, what did you say?” The Shui Wuhen eye stares, hostility vigorously. 孽子,你说什么?”水无痕眼睛一瞪,一股戾气蓬勃而出。 Domineering hostility compels in the Shui Quan heart to tremble, is pale, but suppresses was saying: I want Royal Father to proclaim oneself emperor, Saint King already died, but also defends Great Zheng to be useful? The minister walks are getting fewer and fewer, to only meets not own a thing in the world finally, Royal Father, proclaims oneself emperor, child plea Royal Father!” 强势的戾气逼得水拳心中一颤,脸色发白,但还是强忍着说道:“我要父王称帝,圣王已经死了,还守着大崝有什么用?大臣走的越来越少,到最后只会一无所有,父王,称帝吧,孩儿恳求父王!” Then, Shui Quan plop knelt down on the ground. 说完,水拳‘扑通’一下跪在了地上。 Aura rising to the sky of Shui Wuhen whole body rushing, broke through study room Great Array immediately. 水无痕周身滂湃的气息冲天而上,顿时冲破了书房大阵 unfilial son, I chop you today!” 孽子,我今天就劈了你!” Explodes drinks, resounds through the entire Shui Residence. Immediately the person of enormous Shui Residence encircled. 一声炸喝,响彻整个水府。顿时大量水府之人围了过来。 Master, the master does not want!” Suddenly a female to/clashes, grasps Shui Wuhen. Wail that the tearful eyes dance. “老爷,老爷不要啊!”忽然一个女子冲来,一把抱住水无痕。泪眼婆娑的哭嚎着。 Makes way, I chop this unfilial son today!” The Shui Wuhen anger said. “让开,我今日就劈了这个孽子!”水无痕怒道。 Quan'er, how do you annoy your Royal Father? Has not apologized to your Royal Father!” The females turned head to call out to Shui Quan. 拳儿,你到底怎么惹你父王的?还不向你父王赔罪!”女子扭头对着水拳叫道。 Yes, the fist younger brother, apologized to Royal Father quickly, quick!” Shui Quan one group of brothers called out. “是啊,拳弟,快向父王赔罪,快啊!”水拳的一群兄弟叫道。 I right, Royal Father, you were too stodgy, you are blindly devoted, Saint King already died, ten million people noticed that has the record, Luck did not have all over the sky, why can also defend Great Zheng? So long as Royal Father wants, the Great Zheng whole body of ministers will definitely support Royal Father for the emperor, Royal Father, child asked Royal Father!” Shui Quan yelled. “我没错,父王,你太迂腐了,你这是愚忠,圣王已经死了,千万人看到的,有记录,还有满天气运也没有了,为什么还要守着大崝?只要父王愿意,大崝群臣肯定会拥护父王为帝的,父王,孩儿求父王了!”水拳大叫了起来。 Shui Quan called, a people silence, obviously, these people thought Shui Wuhen to proclaim oneself emperor, Shui Quan brothers each and everyone eager looks, the present is only a prince, once Shui Wuhen proclaimed oneself emperor, that was a crown prince! 水拳一叫,众人一阵沉默,显然,这些人都想水无痕称帝,水拳的兄弟们一个个眼巴巴的看着,现在只是王子,一旦水无痕称帝,那就是太子了! But hugs the Shui Wuhen female is also being a face hopes, once because Shui Wuhen proclaims oneself emperor, he became empress from queen consort. 而抱着水无痕的女子也是一脸期盼,因为一旦水无痕称帝,他就从王妃变为皇后了。 Counter-, instead? I have said on Imperial Hall, dares to move counter toward the thoughts, executes the nine generations! Comes the person, pulls off Southern Heaven Gate to behead to expose to the public Shui Quan, when Saint King returns, I dead to apologize again!” The Shui Wuhen anger said. “反了,反了?我在朝堂上说过,敢动逆朝心思,诛九族!来人,将水拳拖出南天门斩首示众,待圣王归来,我再以死谢罪!”水无痕怒道。 A Shui Wuhen saying, the people flustered, knows Shui Wuhen to be blindly devoted, but has not thought such stubbornly, is so blindly devoted? Can this kill own parent-child? 水无痕一说,众人都慌了,知道水无痕愚忠,可也没有想到这么顽固,这么愚忠?这要杀自己的亲子? Master, the master does not want, he is the son who you most favor, Master!” The women's wail said. “老爷,老爷不要啊,他是你最宠的儿子啊,老爷!”女子哭嚎道。 Royal Father, forgave the fist younger brother!” Prince frightened fast begging for mercy. Simultaneously with the Shui Quan similar thoughts, diverged a moment ago immediately. 父王,饶了拳弟吧!”一众王子恐惧的快速求饶。同时刚才与水拳同样的心思,顿时散去。 Shui Quan dumbfounded looks. 水拳目瞪口呆的看着。 „It is not quick, cuts!” Shui Wuhen was calling out to two Imperial Guard. “还不快,斩!”水无痕对着两个侍卫叫道。 Yes!” That two Imperial Guard quickly grasp the meaning of something. “是!”那两个侍卫一个激灵。 Cuts the prince? They were grew in experience, in the heart admired this King Zi Chen. 斩王子?他们算是长见识了,心中更加佩服这个紫宸王了。 Royal Father, Royal Father, I am Quan'er!” Shui Quan knows finally feared. 父王,父王,我是拳儿啊!”水拳终于知道怕了。 Who no matter you are, counter toward, death!” The Shui Wuhen anger said. “不管你是谁,逆朝者,死!”水无痕怒道。 Mother, saves me, Elder Brother, save me!” Shui Quan the frightened solution in all directions, Shui Quan knows the Royal Father character now , really must cut! “母亲,救我,哥哥们,救我!”水拳现在恐惧的四处求解,水拳知道父王性格,是真的,是真的要斩了! Master, cannot cut, cannot cut!” The females called out immediately. “老爷,不能斩,不能斩!”女子马上叫道。 „Do you also want to be disobedient I?” The Shui Wuhen eye stares. “你也要忤逆我?”水无痕眼睛一瞪。 No, no, when Saint King, Saint King remains has exempted the dead gold medal, the Quan'er birth, Saint King congratulates, gives Quan'er together to exempt the dead gold medal, may guarantee Quan'er undying/not dead! Master, you cannot disobedient Saint King, not!” The females cry to say immediately. “不,不,圣王,圣王留过免死金牌,拳儿出生时,圣王来祝贺,送给拳儿一块免死金牌,可保拳儿不死的!老爷,你不能忤逆圣王,不可以!”女子马上哭着说道。 I have to exempt the dead gold medal, I have!” Shui Quan cannot choose the exact way because of flurry immediately takes out together the shining sign. “我有免死金牌,我有!”水拳慌不择路的马上取出一块金灿灿的牌子。 On the sign, is floating Zhong Shan own writing by hand suddenly exempts two characters, a few years ago, news that after knowing the Zhong Shan body dies, is not serious. Has lost in the Storage Bracelet corner, now, never expected it will rescue a oneself life. 牌子上面,突浮着钟山亲手写的‘免死’二字,几年前,在得知钟山身死的消息后,就再也不当回事了。一直丢于储物手镯的角落之中,现在,想不到它会救自己一命。 Royal Father, child made a mistake, child was wrong!” Shui Quan non-stop is calling. 父王,孩儿错了,孩儿错了!”水拳不停的叫着。 Looks that this exempts the dead gold medal, Shui Wuhen took a deep breath, said, Shui Quan is the son who most like, but law of the land big such as day, but the Saint King Saint command is bigger. Exempts, has to exempt, in the Shui Wuhen heart also shouted the tone secretly. 看着这块免死金牌,水无痕深深的吸了口气,说起来,水拳是自己最喜欢的儿子,但国法大如天,但圣王的圣令更大。免死,不得不免,水无痕心中也暗呼了口气。 Since exempts the dead gold medal, the capital crime may exempt, the suffering difficult bonus, to escort to Tianxia Peak Shui Quan ‚’, gives Old Tian, making Old Tian open hundredth Grotto-Heaven, hundredth tribulation!” Shui Wuhen said. “既然是免死金牌,死罪可免,活罪难饶,将水拳送往‘天下峰’,交给天老,让天老开启百世洞天,百世磨难!”水无痕说道。 Hundredth tribulation? Knows that Pepsi Grotto-Heaven people are in the heart one tight, the tribulation of 100 th, that is how big suffering. But the life preserved, no one dares to say again. 百世磨难?知道百事洞天的人都是心中一紧,一百世的磨难,那是多么大的煎熬啊。可命保住了,谁也不敢再多说。 Shui Quan was delivered to Tianxia Peak! 水拳被送到天下峰! Tianxia Peak, Tian Family Tian Shenzi and other places of Expert closing up, Old Tian after Zhong Shan leaves Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, has lived here, never steps into the political arena, never acts, only if Shui Wuhen invited. 天下峰,天家天神子强者闭关之地,天老钟山离开凌霄天庭之后,就一直生活在这里,从不踏入政坛,也从来不出手,除非水无痕相邀。 Old Tian knows after later, very refreshed escorts to Pepsi Grotto-Heaven Shui Quan. 天老得知经过之后,很爽快的将水拳送往百事洞天 Looks at Shui Quan to enter, Old Tian nods saying: Shui Wuhen thinks through a matter, Pepsi tribulation, after hoping Pepsi tribulation, you can grow!” 看着水拳进入,天老点点头道:“水无痕用心良苦啊,百事磨难,希望百事磨难之后,你能成长起来!” After son Shui Quan sends off, Shui Residence no one dares again to propose this topic, in the Shui Wuhen heart is very depressed, returns to Imperial Palace alone, is standing in Longevity Palace. 将儿子水拳送走之后,水府谁也不敢再提这个话题,水无痕心中很郁结,独自回到皇宫,站着长生殿里。 Looks at the Zhong Shan's throne, imitating, if Zhong Shan sits above the throne is the same. 看着钟山的宝座,仿若钟山就坐在宝座之上一样。 Saint King, the Great Zheng chaos, what to do should I? Defended for five years, the feudal official is exhausted, but the feudal official will insist as before!” 圣王,大崝大乱了,我该怎么办?守了五年,臣身心疲惫,但臣依旧会坚持的!” But, was too difficult, the Great Zheng feudal official heart, morale of troops, popular sentiment and under the heavens heart, started chaotically, what to do should I? Saint King, five years, you, if again, hands over a news to give the feudal official!” “可是,太难了,大崝臣心、军心、民心、天下心,都开始乱了,我该怎么办?圣王,五年了,你若再,就递个消息给臣吧!” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ Shui Wuhen is recounting in the heart alone depressed, Great Zheng or guaranteed, although the Shui Quan words repel very much, but also is not compiles, five years, five years of Saint King did not have the news, the world to say definitely. But Shui Wuhen is because has not seen the corpse, has insisted now. 水无痕独自述说着心中苦闷,大崝要不保了,水拳的话虽然很排斥,可也并不全是编造的,五年了,五年圣王都没消息,世人都说死了。可水无痕就是因为没见到尸体,才一直坚持到现在。 Saint King, you give me Great Zheng just before leaving, confesses to me...... , confession?” The depressed Shui Wuhen brow selects. 圣王,你临走时将大崝交给我,给我交代......,呃,交代?”苦闷中的水无痕眉头一挑。 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Shui Wuhen!” Zhong Shan called out. 水无痕!”钟山叫道。 Feudal official in!” “臣在!” Shui Wuhen, Great Zheng Saint Court 5th Legion Commander, starting today, seals you as King Zi Chen, Great Zheng Saint Court first Royalty not of the same surname, defends Yang Sector Great Zheng under the heavens for Our herd, We in the period, am not temporarily substituting for We to wield Great Zheng under the heavens! If We arrive!” Zhong Shan takes out the purple great seal to say again together. 水无痕,大崝圣庭第五军团长,今日起,封你为‘紫宸王’,大崝圣庭第一个外姓王爵,代朕牧守阳间大崝天下,朕不在期间,暂代朕执掌大崝天下!如朕亲临!”钟山再度取出一块紫色大印道。 When you encounter the difficulty that is unable to face, you to yourself asked what I hope is anything!’.” “当你遇到无法面对的困难时,你对自己问一句‘我到底希望的是什么!’。” --------------------------------- --------------------------------- More than hundred years ago reverberate again in the Shui Wuhen mind. 百多年前的一幕幕再度回荡在水无痕脑海之中。 When difficulty that is unable to face? Isn't now? What I hope is what? What I hope is what?” Shui Wuhen said slow. “无法面对的困难时?不就是现在?我希望的是什么?我希望的是什么?”水无痕呐呐道。 What I hope is Saint King has not died! Hasn't Saint King died?” The Shui Wuhen eye stared suddenly. “我希望的是圣王没死!圣王没死?”水无痕眼睛忽然瞪了起来。 Hasn't Saint King died? Drew this conclusion the flash, Shui Wuhen shocked, could it be that Saint King arrived at this at that time even, said intentionally? 圣王没死?得出这个结论的一瞬间,水无痕震惊了,难道圣王当时就算到了这一幕,故意说的? King Zi Chen? Purple is expensive/noble, house is a house. Saint King this was said that made me protect Great Zheng Saint Court? Blocks all winds and rains? It is not right, is not right!” Shui Wuhen knits the brows to say. 紫宸王?‘紫’为贵,‘宸’为房屋。圣王这是说让我守护大崝圣庭?挡住一切风雨?不对,不对!”水无痕皱眉道。 Thinks own this Royalty goal, to protect Great Zheng, but the image takes out, but now looks like, is not obviously simple. 原本以为自己这个王爵的目的,就是为了守护大崝而形象取出的,可现在看来,明显没有那么简单。 King Zi Chen? Purple house? Shui Wuhen fast search memory. 紫宸王?紫宸?水无痕快速搜索着记忆。 In a flash, Shui Wuhen thought that thought of one person, thinks that person time, Shui Wuhen pulled out a cold air , was too secret. 一瞬间,水无痕想到了,想到了一个人,想到那个人的时候,水无痕抽了口凉气,果然,太隐秘了。 Purple house? Grandmaster Zi Chen! Past Zhong Shan Golden Core Stage time arrived in Unparalleled City, was the Shui Wuhen father rounds up the City Lord ballot, looked to refine the arrow Grandmaster, Grandmaster Zi Chen, with the Grandmaster Zi Chen arrow, made to frame by planting stolen goods on to frame one time, at that time Zhong Shan scheme series. Cannot distinguish clearly the actual situation, even if Shui Wuhen knew all processes at that time, cannot distinguish clearly that is empty, which is solid. But finally leaves by Zhong Shan wins, sweeps away the four directions candidate at one fell swoop? 紫宸?紫宸大师!昔日钟山金丹期的时候抵达无双城,为水无痕的父亲拉城主选票,其中找了个炼箭大师,紫宸大师,用紫宸大师的箭,做了一次栽赃陷害,那时钟山计谋连环出。分不清虚实,就算水无痕当时知道一切过程,也分不清那个是虚,哪个是实。而最终还是以钟山出,一举横扫四方候选人? „The meaning of Saint King is the true mingled with the false, the false mingled with the truth, only then insisted that finally, can see the victory and defeat, but finally is Saint King wins leaves, indicates that Saint King does return?” The Shui Wuhen eye comes more and more. 圣王的意思是真真假假,假假真真,只有坚持到了最后,才能看出胜负,而最后又是圣王出,预示着圣王归来?”水无痕眼睛越来越来。 Saint King is also living, does he make me defend him to return toward? Saint King will certainly come back finally!” Shui Wuhen excitedly said. 圣王还活着,他让我守到他回朝?圣王最后一定会回来的!”水无痕激动道 Obtains Zhong Shan this riddle, on the Shui Wuhen face is blooming immediately the excited square, original exhausted also seemed the flash more relaxed. 得出钟山这个哑谜,水无痕脸上顿时绽放着激动的广场,原本的疲惫也好似一瞬间轻松了很多。 Right, the mysticalness of Saint King, is not these ordinary people's speculations can decide that Saint King, the feudal official does certainly utmost, defends Saint King to return!” To Zhong Shan's Nine Dragons Heavenly Chair, the commitment that Shui Wuhen respectful does obeisance was saying. “对,圣王的神秘,不是那些凡夫俗子的猜测就能决定的,圣王,臣一定竭尽全力,守到圣王归来!”对着钟山的九龙天椅,水无痕恭拜的承诺道。 ***: The first riddle, two riddles! Everyone guessed looks! ***:第一个哑谜,还有两哑谜!大家猜测看!
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