IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#955: He will revenge for me

Saint Mi Tian, a white clothing, is near above Nine Heavens! 弥天圣人,一袭白衣,临于九天之上! Light looks below that hemp robe Serpent Empress Cult Master! 淡淡的看着下方那麻袍蛇后教主! People cannot see clearly the Saint appearance, because he is Saint, is representing this heaven, day Without Form, the day ten thousand! Saint is also so. 人们看不清圣人的容貌,因为他是圣人,代表着这上天,天无相,天万相!圣人亦是如此。 Saint Mi Tian, does not have slight aura sending out, but in a dignity actually strange thorough everyone heart. 弥天圣人一出,没有丝毫气息散发,但一股威严却诡异的深入所有人心中。 In a flash, almost the everyone innermost feelings are one shiver, seeming is the same facing heavenly power. 一瞬之间,几乎所有人内心都是一阵颤抖,好似面对天威一样。 A lying prostrate in worship feeling emits in the everyone heart suddenly. 一种顶礼膜拜的感觉在所有人心中忽然冒出。 Indeed, some insufficiently firm person already worships on bended knees at heart, this is true Saint, this was not past Saint Divine Sense seizes the body, this was true Saint. 的确,有些心里不够坚定的人已经跪拜而下,这是真正的圣人,这不是昔日的圣人神念夺体,这是真正的圣人 Saint, silence reigns, Heaven and Earth seemed suddenly static generally. 圣人至,万籁俱寂,天地都好似忽然静止了一般。 Many people do not even dare to look up, but the person who can look , the feeling entire world desalinated all, only then that focus, that is Saint Mi Tian. 很多人甚至不敢抬头望去,而能望去的人,无不感觉全世界都淡化了,只有那一个焦点,那就是弥天圣人 Faint trace faint trace ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “丝丝丝丝~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” great azure snake of Serpent Empress Cult Master under foot exudes the sound of faint trace, seeming is conflicting Saint Mi Tian to be the same, sends out the intermittent light roar, coldly looks to Saint Mi Tian. 蛇后教主脚下的大青蛇发出丝丝之声,好似在抵触弥天圣人一般,发出阵阵轻吼,冷冷的看向弥天圣人 Nu Wa bloodline clone. What a pity, Nu Wa has died, big proud is also only in vain however!” Saint Mi Tian light saying. 女娲血脉分身。可惜,女娲已死,再大的骄傲也只是枉然!”弥天圣人淡淡的说道。 The sound is very light, seems spreads to the heart of everyone general. 声音很轻,好似传入所有人的心中一般。 Saint Mi Tian, your I have what enmity, do you want to follow I?” Magu coldly said. 弥天圣人,你我有何仇怨,你要一直跟着我?”麻姑冷冷的说道 Enmity? In four directions Expert heart one startled, Serpent Empress Cult Master could it be that and do Saint have resentful? 仇怨?四方强者心中一惊,蛇后教主难道圣人有怨? You and I are not resentful, but Grand Heaven is absolute, do not struggle!” Saint Mi Tian indifferently said. “你与我无怨,但天数不可违,你还是不要挣扎了!”弥天圣人淡淡道 The Saint Mi Tian speech is very light, but, actually seemed speaking of the everyone heart, let some everyone suddenly feelings, that was the Saint Mi Tian words is right was the same. 弥天圣人说话很轻,但是,却好似说到了所有人心中,让所有人忽然有种感觉,那就是弥天圣人的话是对的一样。 Hahahaha, Grand Heaven, Grand Heaven is only your excuse, Saint Mi Tian, Magical Treasure Chi, Mei, Wang and Liang, Four Ghosts Heavenly Dao Array? You for the satisfied selfish desire, want to refine charm me character divine weapon!” Magu revealed disdaining calling out. 哈哈哈哈,天数,天数只是你的借口而已,弥天圣人,法宝魑魅魍魉’,四鬼天道阵?你只是为了满足私欲,想将我炼成‘魅’字神兵而已!”麻姑露出一股不屑的叫道。 Chi, Mei, Wang and Liang, Four Ghosts Heavenly Dao Array? Demon character divine weapon? 魑魅魍魉,四鬼天道阵?魅字神兵? In the distant place Zhong Shan heart sinks, Saint Mi Tian must refine Saint Magical Treasure, can refine the human form weapon Magu? 远处钟山心中一沉,弥天圣人要炼圣人法宝,要将麻姑炼成人形兵器? Grand Heaven is irreversible, I also enforce justice on behalf of Heaven!” Saint Mi Tian indifferently said. 天数不可逆,我也是替天行道!”弥天圣人淡淡道 Snort, enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven, who can you know me are?” Magu coldly said. “哼,替天行道,你可知我是谁?”麻姑冷声道 Who are you?” Saint Mi Tian indifferently said. “你是谁?”弥天圣人淡淡道 During the speeches, the Magu head hat falls down suddenly. A face of extremely ugly, endless scar exposes before everyone suddenly. 说话之间,麻姑头上的帽子忽然掉下。一张极度丑陋,无尽疤痕的脸忽然暴露在所有人前。 „Is that Serpent Empress Cult Master?” “那是蛇后教主?” „Is her face so how ugly?” “她的脸怎么那么丑?” „It is not ugly, is the scar, innumerably like centipede same scar! Her why this?” “不是丑,是疤痕,无数如蜈蚣一样的疤痕!她为什么这样?” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... People do not understand looks. 人们不理解的看着。 Who I am, you should be very clear, you want to kill me, to be clear about the consequence!” Magu said solemnly. “我是谁,你应该很清楚,你想杀我,要想清楚后果!”麻姑沉声道 four directions almost everyone strange looks to Magu, what situation? Is Magu doing? Is he threatening Saint? 四方几乎所有人都古怪的看向麻姑,什么情况?麻姑在干嘛?他在威胁圣人? Who she is, she can be who? Serpent Empress Cult Master! 她是谁,她能是谁?蛇后教主而已! People stare the big eye. 人们瞪大眼睛。 Seven Saint counter change Grand Heaven, scourge it, falls from the sky all, do you want to threaten me with them? Baosi!” Saint Mi Tian indifferently said. “七圣人逆改天数,天谴之,尽数殒落,你想用他们威胁我?褒姒!”弥天圣人淡淡道 Baosi? 褒姒? Hears this sound, many people are perplexed, has a look mutually, but numerous Ancestor Immortal also some powerful Ancient Immortal that gathers round, is actually the eyelid jumps. 听到这个声音,有很多人不明所以,相互看看,而围着的一众祖仙还有一些强大的古仙,却是眼皮一跳。 Baosi? 褒姒? Past under the heavens number one beauty? How possibly, this cannot withstand at present uglily ............, how to handle under the heavens number one beauty? 昔日天下第一美女?怎么可能,眼前这个丑陋不堪............,怎么当得起天下第一美女? Great Zhou empress, King You of Zhou woman? 大周皇后,周幽王的女人? Numerous peerless Expert could not forget forever that time, the time of that gold, under Great Zhou male Batian, the beacon-fire, ten thousand dynasties celebrate together, scene that even group Saint complete(ly) arrive! 一众绝世强者永远忘不掉那个时代,那个最黄金的时代,大周霸天下,一道烽火,万朝来贺,甚至群圣毕至的场景! Great Zhou destruction! Great Zhou all vanished, King You of Zhou died, Baosi also died! 大周毁灭了!大周的一切都消失了,周幽王死了,褒姒也死了! But how can the present ugly girl be Baosi? 可眼前的丑女怎么会是褒姒? But Saint opened the mouth, who also suspected? Hasn't she died? 圣人开口了,谁还怀疑?她没死? You really know me!” Baosi coldly said. “你果然知道我!”褒姒冷冷道。 „The heaven defying number, does not get undying/not dead, because of Nu Wa, you lived, what a pity Grand Heaven is irreversible, the person who should die, must die, this is Grand Heaven!” Saint Mi Tian indifferently said. 逆天数,不得不死,因女娲,你活了下来,可惜天数不可逆,应该死的人,就必须死,这就是天数!”弥天圣人淡淡道 During the speeches, Saint Mi Tian turns the hand, a shadow appears in Magu not far away suddenly. 说话间,弥天圣人一翻手,一个黑影忽然出现在麻姑不远处。 Around the shadow is passing the enormous black fog, cannot see clearly the facial features, but, can see Heavenspan penetrating place indistinctly the dark light beam. 黑影四周透着大量黑雾,看不清面容,但是,隐约能看到一个通天彻地的暗色光柱。 chi! Your really already first collected chi, Saint Mi Tian Magical Treasure, haha, if really we discussed past, Saint Mi Tian Magical Treasure cannot amount to something forever!” Magu also tears to pieces the facial skin to say. “魑!你果然已经先收集了‘魑’,弥天圣人法宝,哈哈,果然如我们昔日谈的一样,弥天圣人法宝永远上不得台面!”麻姑也撕破脸皮道。 Can't amount to something? Who did also say?” In the Mi Tian tone has the faint trace to fluctuate. “上不了台面?还有谁说?”弥天语气中产生丝丝波动。 Nu Wa has said that Tai Shang has said that Heavenspan has said that Hong Jun has also said that seven Holy Capital have said!” Baosi coldly said. 女娲说过,太上说过,通天说过,鸿钧也说过,七圣都说过!”褒姒冷声道 During speeches, under foot big snake suddenly to that chi roaring. 说话间,脚下大蛇忽然对着那‘魑’大吼一声。 Under a roar, the four directions space swung the dreadful ripple immediately. The domineering big snake and chi fought loudly in one. 一吼之下,四方空间顿时荡出了滔天波纹。强势的大蛇和‘魑’轰然战斗在了一起。 Zhong Shan can actually see, great azure snake, the whole body is covering huge azure Heavenly Dao similarly. 钟山却是能够看到,大青蛇,周身同样笼罩着一个巨大的青色天道 „Has Hong Jun really said?” In the Mi Tian sound flashes through a mood suddenly. 鸿钧真这么说过?”弥天声音中忽然闪过一丝情绪。 Has said that no one thinks highly of you, hides into Small Thousand Worlds, haha, one person Saint including listening unexpectedly ‚’ and looked the courage does not have, timid as a rabbit!” Baosi called out. “都说过,没人看得起你,躲入小千世界,哈哈,一个人圣人居然连‘听’和‘看’的勇气都没有,胆小如鼠!”褒姒叫道。 Saint Mi Tian could not listen again, searched hand one finger/refers to see, four directions appeared a black prisoner's cage suddenly, seeming to fix Baosi to be the same. 弥天圣人再也听不下去了,探手一指见,四方忽然现出一个黑色囚笼,好似要固定褒姒一样。 I know that today this tribulation cannot pass, has not thought passing, Mi Tian, you just wait, some people will revenge for me, today you refine the puppet me, comes to day, some people will build up the puppet you! You are waiting, waiting!” Baosi yelled. “我知道今天这劫过不去,也没想过过去,弥天,你等着吧,会有人为我报仇的,今日你将我炼制成傀儡,来日,会有人将你炼成傀儡的!你等着,等着!”褒姒大叫道。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Not far away, great azure snake explodes to open loudly, the terrifying impact forms the dreadful rough seas immediately, the space spreads to open toward all around loudly, the endless mountain peak was ground as the fine sand immediately, but the sky forms giant black hole, is absorbing all. 不远处,大青蛇轰然爆炸而开,恐怖的冲击顿时形成滔天大浪,空间向着四周轰然扩散而开,无尽山峰顿时被碾为细沙,而天空更是形成一个巨大黑洞,吸收着外界一切。 great azure snake from exploding, want to destroyed Mi Tian chi. 大青蛇自爆,想要毁了弥天的‘魑’。 Baosi knows perfectly well will die, followed crazily. 褒姒明知将死,也跟着疯狂了起来。 An explosion, chi really a shaking, seemed receives to cause heavy losses generally. 一声爆炸,‘魑’果然一阵摇荡,好似受到重创了一般。 Courts death!” Saint Mi Tian turns the hand to receive chi, finally was angry. “找死!”弥天圣人翻手收起魑,终于生气了。 Searches the hand downward according to going. 探手向下按去。 „To refine me, ha!” Baosi reveals a crazy color. “想炼我,哈!”褒姒露出一丝疯狂之色。 Snort!” “哼!” The black prisoner's cage lives in Baosi loudly fixedly. 黑色囚笼轰然将褒姒固定住。 Wants from exploding? Also wants to play the pattern before me?” Mi Tian reveals one to disdain to say. “想自爆?在我面前还想玩花样?”弥天露出一丝不屑道。 On Baosi stubborn face, a paleness, hatred looks to Mi Tian, the corners of the mouth puts out a black blood. 褒姒倔强的脸上,一阵苍白,仇恨的看向弥天,嘴角吐出一口黑血。 I will be waiting for you, you will also become the puppet!” Baosi look already dispirited. “我会等着你的,你也会成为傀儡的!”褒姒神色已经萎靡了。 Hong Jun, I will perhaps also abstain from you, but Hong Jun has died, even seven Saints all fall from the sky, as for your husband? King You of Zhou? I have not seen, but I am certain, he is only a Hong Jun board game piece, coordinates Hong Jun, do you also dare to threaten me?” Saint Mi Tian reveals one to disdain. 鸿钧在时,我或许还会忌讳你,可是鸿钧已死,甚至七圣全部殒落,至于你那夫君?周幽王?我没见过,但是我可以肯定,他只是鸿钧的一个棋子,配合鸿钧而已,你也敢威胁我?”弥天圣人露出一丝不屑。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, Baosi loudly by striking back primary form, a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high giant fox, Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox! 一声巨响,褒姒轰然间被打回原形,一只万丈高的巨大狐狸,九尾天狐! Meanwhile, at this moment, Baosi also closed the eye truly. 同时,这一刻,褒姒也真正的闭上了眼睛。 Shuts at present, Baosi said last merely weakly: He will revenge for me!” 闭眼前,褒姒仅仅虚弱的说了最后一句:“他会为我报仇的!” He will revenge for me! The sound is firm, even Zhong Shan saw, Baosi said these words time, on the face showed the happy smile unexpectedly, before one type died , the smile to glorious memory. 他会为我报仇的!声音非常坚定,甚至钟山看到,褒姒说出这句话的时候,脸上居然露出甜蜜的笑容,一种死前对美好回忆的笑容。 Disdains in the Baosi words, Saint Mi Tian searches a hand claw, bringing the Baosi corpse to vanish to disappear suddenly. 不屑于褒姒的话,弥天圣人探手一爪,带着褒姒的尸体陡然消失不见了。 Saint walked, in the everyone heart is heavy. 圣人走了,所有人心中都是沉甸甸的。 Four Mountain Square peak land ground the fine sand all, conveniently was the destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth strength, this was Saint, in front of Saint, all were the ants. 方山峰大地尽数碾成了细沙,随手之间就是毁天灭地的力量,这就是圣人,圣人面前,一切都是蝼蚁。 But in legend Saint Mi Tian Four Ghosts Heavenly Dao Array, at this moment also received second charm. 而传说中弥天圣人的‘四鬼天道阵’,此刻也收到了的第二个‘魅’。 Saint! Is without a peer! In people heart some deeply tremble, only much later, four directions people moved again. 圣人!不可匹敌!人们心中有的只是深深地战栗,直到很久之后,四方的人们才再度动了起来。 mountain valley of remote place, Zhong Shan looks that the Baosi body dies. In the heart has mixed emotions. 遥远处的山谷,钟山看着褒姒身死。心中百感交集。 It is not Zhong Shan is not willing to help Baosi, but was the root local guild, Saint has been staring, even if Zhong Shan want to escorted to Yin Sector is not impossible her, Ji Gongnie reincarnation, alias Nie Fanchen, useful, said usefully these? Saint Mi Tian is not serious King You of Zhou. 不是钟山不愿帮褒姒,而是根本帮不了,圣人一直盯着,就算钟山想要将她送往阴间都不可能,姬宫涅转生了,化名涅凡尘,有用吗,说出这些有用吗?弥天圣人根本不将周幽王当一回事。 Hong Jun board game piece? Perhaps, after Nie Fanchen expands, looks at this under the heavens again! 鸿钧的棋子?或许吧,待涅凡尘壮大之后,再看这天下! Saint Mi Tian left, at this time enormous Expert dares to examine to the vicinity, innumerable Expert rush to go, but Zhong Shan has not actually gone, but arrives at previous small mountain valley alone. In heart heavy. 弥天圣人离开了,这时大量强者才敢到近处去查看,无数强者奔赴而去,而钟山却没有前往,而是独自来到先前的小山谷。心中沉甸甸的。 Had a look at Monster Muster Banner in hand, Zhong Shan to try a meeting, discovered that is unable to transmit Yin Sector, seeming Yang Sector has a strength to pull Monster Muster Banner to be the same. 看看手中的招妖幡,钟山尝试了一会,发现根本无法传送到阴间,好似阳间有着一股力量拉扯着招妖幡一样。 Zhong Shan does not force, places in Monster Muster Banner the bosom merely, pastes the chest to hide. 钟山也不勉强,仅仅将招妖幡放在怀中,贴胸隐藏。 But shortly, Luo Xingchen also flew. 而没多久,落星尘也飞了回来。 Saint King, already completed, all Monster Muster Banner spread in Nu Wa World each direction!” Luo Xingchen said. 圣王,已经办妥了,所有招妖幡散布于女娲界各个方向!”落星尘说道。 Un!” “恩!” Saint King, a moment ago what's the matter? Then strong shake?” 圣王,刚才怎么回事?那么强的震荡?” Saint has come!” 圣人来过了!” Saint?” 圣人?” Zhong Shan the matter will say, trades a Luo Xingchen deep silence. 钟山将刚才的事情说了一遍,换来落星尘一阵深深的沉默。 Saint King, we then what to do? Can leave Nu Wa World immediately?” Luo Xingchen knits the brows to say. 圣王,我们接下来怎么办?要马上离开女娲界吗?”落星尘皱眉道。 Leaves? At this time no one could leave! The Nu Wa World mouth, at this moment affirmed that already was sealed by peerless Expert!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “离开?这个时候谁也离不开!女娲界口,此刻肯定已经被绝世强者封了起来!”钟山沉声道 --------------- --------------- Nu Wa World mouth. Gathers round enormous Expert, but no one has passed and out, suddenly, two Great Immortal flush away toward the Nu Wa World mouth. 女娲界口。围着大量强者,但是谁也没有进出,忽然,两个大仙向着女娲界口冲去。 Bang!” “轰!” Two people were decided in in the air, a red clothes person searches a hand claw, from Great Immortal uncovers one volume of Monster Muster Banner. 二人被定在了空中,一个红衣人探手一爪,从其中一名大仙身上搜出一卷招妖幡 The red clothes person flies to the Nu Wa World mouth immediately the edge, gives a red hair old man. 红衣人马上飞往女娲界口的边缘,递给一个红发老者。 Teacher, obtains by search Monster Muster Banner!” A red clothes person face is strange. “师尊,又搜到一个招妖幡!”红衣人一脸古怪。 In the old man hand red light flashes, Monster Muster Banner burns down loudly cleanly. 老者手中红光一闪,招妖幡轰然焚烧干净。 fake!” Old man indifferently said. 假的!”老者淡淡道 The red clothes person nods. Turns the head to look that to humanity that must go out: „Before true Monster Muster Banner appears, no one must go out!” 红衣人点点头。转头看向所有要出去的人道:“真正招妖幡出现之前,谁也不许出去!” Why does not let! We do not have Monster Muster Banner!” Does not know that was who called suddenly. “为什么不让出去!我们也没有招妖幡!”不知是谁忽然叫了起来。 Nearby person drawing chatting: Do not call, two Ancestor Immortal assume personal command to export, calling anything to be useless!” 旁边一人拉了拉道:“别叫了,两个祖仙坐镇出口,叫什么都没用!” ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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