IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#506: Zhang

The heavy magnificence big brother is just wonderful named the Xuanyuan, this year already over 300 years old. 重华的大哥名叫轩辕正奇,今年已经三百多岁了。 Since breaking through to Nascent Soul, Xuanyuan strange then resulted in the deacon assignment in the clan, calculates that stepped into the core management level of Xuanyuan officially. 自从突破到元婴以后,轩辕正奇便在族中得了个执事差事,也算正式踏入了轩辕家的核心管理层。 Child who any within the body is flowing three big aristocratic family bloodlines, regardless of stems from direct descendant also good, stems from the collateral branch, they need to obtain the approval of family through the day after tomorrow effort. 要知道,凡是体内流淌着三大世家血脉的孩子,无论出自嫡系也好,还是出自旁系也罢,他们都需要通过自己后天的努力来获得家族的认可。 Regarding anybody in family, the position needs to strive. 对于家族里的任何人来说,地位都是需要自己去争取的。 Since Xuanyuan strange can step into Nascent Soul in 300 years old, then according to this speed gets down, so long as will not present the too big accident in the future, then he decides however has the opportunity to inherit Xuanyuan Yuanliang's mantle smoothly, thus is eight big elders. 既然轩辕正奇能够在三百岁踏入元婴,那么按照这个速度下去,只要日后不出现太大的变故,那么他定然就有机会顺利继承轩辕元良的衣钵,从而位列八大长老。 What is eight big elders? 何为八大长老? Under a person, above ten thousand people. 一人之下,万人之上矣。 Saw with own eyes that the eldest son has prospects, Xuanyuan Yuanliang naturally hopes that the youngest son can also be so outstanding like the eldest son. 眼见大儿子这么有出息,轩辕元良自然希望小儿子也能像大儿子这么优秀。 Therefore, after heavy magnificent was born, Xuanyuan Yuanliang will then teach that his duty hands over in the arrived Xuanyuan wonderful hand. 于是,重华出生以后,轩辕元良便将教导他的任务交到了轩辕正奇手上。 But this...... 而这…… Actually became the start of heavy magnificence tragedy. 却是就成了重华悲剧的开始。 Xuanyuan strange as if dislikes very much this younger brother. 轩辕正奇似乎很不待见这个弟弟。 After all, they are not a mother live. 毕竟,他们并不是一个妈生的。 Heavy magnificent in swaddling clothes time, Xuanyuan strange flaunts is washing for him after cutting down the lineage/vein banner, all day heavy magnificence Pao in various types of strange liquid medicines, and also gives the euphemistic name- medicinal bath. 重华尚在襁褓之中的时候,轩辕正奇就打着为他洗经伐脉的旗号,整天将重华泡在各种稀奇古怪的药水里,并且还美其名曰-药浴。 Zhang has investigated this so-called medicinal bath secretly, according to the remaining dregs of medical decoction judged, she can determine probably...... 张氏偷偷调查过这个所谓的药浴,根据剩下的药渣判断,她大概可以确定…… Inside medicine has the toxicity. 里面的药物是带有毒性的。 Therefore, Zhang did not hesitate to tear to pieces with the Xuanyuan wonderfully quarrelled brazenly one time. 为此,张氏不惜与轩辕正奇撕破脸大吵了一次。 She always thought that heavy magnificence this half blood big brother harbors evil intentions, possibly has to plot to murder the meaning of heavy magnificent, therefore does not want to let Xuanyuan strange close to heavy magnificent. 她总觉得重华这个同父异母的大哥居心叵测,可能有谋害重华之意,所以根本不想让轩辕正奇靠近重华。 Zhang wants to let Xuanyuan strange taking the opportunity thoroughly far away from heavy magnificent. 张氏原本想借着机会彻底让轩辕正奇远离重华。 Who once thinks, after Xuanyuan Yuanliang hears this matter, made Xuanyuan strange Jiang record the old book of medicinal bath formula with look to her, then on being relentless scolded ruthlessly her. 谁曾想到,轩辕元良听闻此事后,却只是让轩辕正奇将记载着药浴配方的古籍拿给她看了看,然后就毫不留情的将她狠狠呵斥了一番。 This old book strange strove for laboriously from the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, beforehand has handed over by the old man has investigated, used the medicine to seem like the belt/bring to be poisonous, actually used the principle of using poison to combat poison actually, therefore the drug efficacy won the ordinary medicinal herb!” “这本古籍是正奇从玉清洞天辛苦求来的,事先已交由老夫核查过,其中所用药物看似带毒,实则却用了以毒攻毒的原理,所以药效更胜普通药材!” Wonderful is my child, heavy magnificent is also “正奇是我的孩子,重华也是我的孩子,他二人既为亲兄弟,正奇又岂会无端伤害重华?” I look at you by villain's heart gentleman's abdomen!” “我看你就是以小人之心度君子之腹!” Do not blame me not to remind you, aptitude of heavy magnificent is slightly better than strange, if he will end up an accomplishing nothing fate in the future......” “别怪我没有提醒过你,重华的资质比正奇还要略胜一筹,如若他将来落得个一事无成的下场……” You may probably blame the old man not to speak the couple face on don't!” “你可就莫要怪老夫不讲夫妻情面了!” Xuanyuan Yuanliang is not only in the clan eight big elders, is the household head, the words that he spoke naturally have the effort very much. 轩辕元良既是族中八大长老,又是一家之主,他所说的话自然很有力度。 After this matter, Zhang was then lost right that nurtures heavy magnificent. 此事之后,张氏便被失去了抚育重华的权利。 Mother and child except, in certain specific days can unable to meet outside, other times, heavy Huadu can only endure various inhuman suffering in Xuanyuan strange with hardship. 母子俩除了在某些特定日子可以见上一面外,其余时候,重华都只能在轩辕正奇苦苦忍受着各种非人的折磨。 Naturally, Xuanyuan strange will never begin to suffer heavy magnificent personally, he will only be similar to the god who keeps aloof to be only common, issues various patterns to make the dead duty to own blood younger brother, and gives the euphemistic name- informed and experienced. 当然,轩辕正奇从不会亲自动手折磨重华,他只会如同高高在上的神祇一般,给自己的亲弟弟下达各种花样作死任务,并美其名曰-历练。 What is lucky, how regardless of these is informed and experienced the difficult misery, heavy magnificent eventually was very...... 万幸的是,无论这些历练如何艰辛苦难,重华终究还是挺过来了…… ...... …… About heavy the love between magnificent and his big brothers hates the dispute, here no longer gave unnecessary detail. 关于重华和他大哥之间的爱恨纠葛,这里就不再赘述了。 And first spoke the main text. 且先说回正文。 Today is the longevity of Zhang centenarian, is her 100 th birthday. 今日是张氏期颐之寿,也就是她的100岁生日。 100 years old. 一百岁啊。 Even if the Immortal Cultivator longevity, how many life can have again 100 years old? 哪怕修仙者再怎么长寿,一生又能有几个一百岁呢? Let alone is Zhang this talent is unsatisfactory, life basically hopeless Nascent Soul. 何况是张氏这种天赋不佳,此生基本无望元婴者。 If trades to be others, while oneself the longevity of centenarian time, certainly lively does in a big way. 如果换作旁人,趁着自己过期颐之寿的时候,一定会热热闹闹的大办一番。 Xuanyuan Yuanliang also had this plan. 轩辕元良原本也有这个打算。 After all, he is also eight big elders of Xuanyuan, in the family/home, as long as has what celebration, the head of household will come to congratulate personally. 毕竟,他好歹也是轩辕家的八大长老,家中但凡有什么喜事,就连家主都会上门亲自道贺。 But very much what is a pity is...... 但很可惜的是…… Zhang since knew after heavy magnificent went into the dubhe vestige, she closes oneself in the room all day who does not see. 张氏自从得知重华闯入了天枢遗迹后,她就整天把自己关在房里谁也不见。 Xuanyuan Yuanliang wants before the day of her birthday comforts, has not thought that actually by keeping off that Zhang was relentless outside the room. 轩辕元良本想趁着她大寿之日前来安慰一番,没想到却是被张氏毫不留情的挡在了屋外。 Now magnificence Er is uncertain of one's fate, my for mother truly does not have that leisurely mood, but also asked husband not to blame......” “如今华儿生死未卜,我这为娘的确实没有那份闲心,还请夫君勿怪……” Xuanyuan Yuanliang has not forced one's way, also has not inquired the situation in room with divine consciousness, because he listened to a despair from the voice of Zhang. 轩辕元良并没有强行闯入,也没有用神识来打探屋里的情况,因为他从张氏的声音里听出了一丝绝望。 Yes. 是啊。 Now heavy magnificent is uncertain of one's fate, can Zhang also smile? 如今重华生死未卜,张氏又如何还能笑得出来呢? Made a big row since that day of jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals from Chen Xi, people had a brand-new understanding of the dubhe vestige. 陈曦大闹玉清洞天的那一天起,人们就对天枢遗迹有了一个全新的认识。 Although fact not like legend in mysterious, but at least everyone, therefore knows at least also lives in Venerate Supreme. 虽然事实并不像传说中的那样玄乎,但至少大家因此知道了里面至少还住着一位至尊 Let alone, this Venerate Supreme even can also by a person of strength, fight the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals four big honorable people alone. 更何况,这位至尊甚至还能够以一人之力,独斗玉清洞天四大真人。 Then in his method, don't tell me hasn't been able to shield the induction of pent-up anger lamp? 那么以他的手段,难道还无法屏蔽心火灯的感应? Therefore, even if the pent-up anger lamp of heavy magnificent has not gone out, Xuanyuan Yuanliang also very finds it hard to believe that heavy magnificence true also lives in this world...... 因此,哪怕重华的心火灯尚未熄灭,轩辕元良也很难相信重华真的还活在这世上…… Yeah.” “哎。” After a heavy sigh, Xuanyuan Yuanliang must turn around to leave silently. 一声沉沉的叹息后,轩辕元良只得默默的转身离开了。 For does not make anybody disturb Zhang, after Xuanyuan Yuanliang leaves, has not forgotten to urge the servant not to make anybody approach other institute half step. 为了不让任何人打扰到张氏,轩辕元良离开后,还不忘叮嘱下人不得让任何人靠近别院半步。 Now, he also can only hope that Zhang can come out of this shadow as soon as possible. 现在,他也只能希望张氏能够尽快走出这个阴影了。 Xuanyuan Yuanliang lived after all for several hundred years, has seen the life and death, therefore he after knowing heavy magnificent possibly does not come back again, has not displayed is extremely sad and excited. 轩辕元良毕竟活了好几百年,早已见惯了生死,所以他在得知重华可能再也回不来以后,并没有表现的太过于悲伤和激动。 Must say that he is not sad, definitely is impossible. 要说他不难过,肯定是不可能的。 But, sad and useful? 可是,难过又有什么用呢? As Immortal Cultivator, Xuanyuan Yuanliang experienced his entire life too parted forever, that old heart is numb. 作为修仙者,轩辕元良一生经历了太多生离死别,那颗苍老的心早已麻木了。 But also because his heart the heart is numb, therefore Xuanyuan Yuanliang does not know...... 但也正是因为他的心早已心麻木了,所以轩辕元良根本就不知道…… This because of losing son, but closes itself the woman in room all day, in the so desperate condition, actually to make any dreadful matter...... 这个因为失去儿子而把自己整天关在房间里的女人,在如此绝望的状态下,究竟会做出什么可怕的事情来…… ...... …… In dim room. 昏暗的房间里。 Zhang person static sitting in the bedside, in the hand takes a worn-out cloth doll. 张氏一个人静静的坐在床边,手里则拿着一个破旧的布娃娃。 This cloth doll she sews for heavy magnificent personally, is the toy that heavy magnificent most liked in childhood. 这个布娃娃她亲手为重华缝制的,也算是重华小时候最喜欢的玩具。 Perhaps she is seeing an object and thinking of the owner. 或许她是在睹物思人。 Sees only, Zhang is stroking gently the cloth doll with the finger gently, while muttered in a low voice: magnificence Er, you do not worry......” 只见,张氏一边用手指轻轻摩挲着布娃娃,一边低声喃喃道:“华儿,你别着急……” Mother has taught to reach the agreement with the Saint......” “娘亲已经和圣教达成了协议……” Quick, they will make the big brother go to the dubhe vestige to accompany you......” “很快,他们就会让大哥去天枢遗迹陪你了……” Her sound is very light, the expression on face actually seems very strange. 她的声音很轻,脸上的表情却显得十分奇怪。 From time to time the chuckle, laments from time to time. 时而轻笑、时而哀恸。 Just liked the demon to be startled generally, seemed like gives people unexpectedly with amazement strange feeling...... 犹如魔怔了一般,看上去竟给人一种骇然诡异的感觉…… . Nine deity sovereign 。九天神皇
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