IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#357: Reveals the ancestor

But good? 可好? Although the Dai islet island is a domain of Jiang clan, but the old man actually puts the stance is very low, as if is really afraid Chen Xi to result in very much. 虽然岱屿岛是姜氏一族的地盘,可是老者却将姿态放的很低,似乎真的很害怕陈曦似得。 Saw with own eyes that the old man attitude is so straight, therefore after Chen Xi hear his words, then stopped the footsteps to start to ponder. 眼见老者态度如此端正,所以陈曦听完他的话以后,便停下脚步开始思考了起来。 But at this time...... 而这时…… Qin Ruoying called him suddenly. 秦若盈却忽然叫了他一声。 Sunlight.” “曦。” Was only a simple character, Chen Xi actually understood her meaning instantaneously. 仅仅只是简单的一个字,陈曦却瞬间就明白了她的意思。 Yingying this is urging him to rich/forgive Renchu, and rich/forgive people. 盈盈这是在劝他得饶人处且饶人呢。 After all, their one is not Kunshan Brother Long, is not the lang wolf evildoers leopard, naturally cannot therefore probably make a Jiang clan compensate to lose everything. 毕竟,他们一家既不是昆山龙哥,也不是什么豺狼虎豹,自然不会因此就要让姜氏一族赔个倾家荡产。 Almost. 差不多得了。 Wife naturally must listen, but Chen Xi has the plan at heart, therefore in the surface must do intentionally hesitant. 老婆的自然得听,不过陈曦心里早已有了打算,所以表面上还是要故作犹豫一番。 Chen Xi did not speak, naturally also no one dares to make noise again. 陈曦不说话,自然也没有人敢再出声。 In ruined square a deathly stillness. 破败的广场上一片死寂。 Jiang Yuankui is extremely looking at Chen Xi tight, only thought that the heart soon jumps the throat. 姜元魁万分紧张的望着陈曦,只觉得心脏都快要跳到嗓子眼。 In will the world have the so ugly customer? 世上怎会有如此可怕之人? Not is only permits peak, two grand-uncles could not meet his one move. 不光是许峰,就连二叔祖也接不了他一招。 Difficult to be inadequate...... 难不成…… Does this person get down from the space? 此人是从天上下来的? Thinks of here, Jiang Yuankui then could not bear look up to the in the air cloud layer vortex. 想到这里,姜元魁便忍不住抬头看向了空中的云层漩涡。 The golden light is still dazzling. 金光依旧耀眼。 But in his heart does not have the reason flood a cool feeling. 可他心中却没来由的泛起了一阵凉意。 don't tell me...... 难道…… Does the prophecy word that the ancestor leaves behind also really have one day of fulfilling? 老祖宗留下的谶言还真有应验的一天? Like such that people often said: 就像人们常说的那样: Sometimes knows too many are not instead good, rare muddled is the life true meaning. 有时候知道的太多反而不好,难得糊涂才是人生真谛。 Jiang Yuankui obviously is such a example. 姜元魁显然就是这么一个例子。 He is looking at the Chen Xi's back, is actually the distracting thoughts flutters about at heart. 他望着陈曦的背影,心里头却是杂念纷飞。 How long also has not known. 也不知过了多久。 The Chen Xi's sound makes Jiang Yuankui the train of thought return to the arrived reality all of a sudden. 陈曦的声音才一下子让姜元魁的思绪回到了现实。 Good, I first keep his poor life, hopes that do not disappoint me.” “好,那我就先留他一条小命,希望你不要让我失望了。” Then, Chen Xi then wields the sleeves fiercely, an invisible strength curls up Jiang Zhengqing immediately, later then threw him directly to Jiang Yuankui. 说完,陈曦便猛地一挥衣袖,一股无形的力量顿时将姜正清卷起,随后便径直将他抛向了姜元魁。 After Jiang Yuankui catches Jiang Zhengqing hurriedly, the voice of old man made a sound again. 等到姜元魁匆忙接住姜正清后,老者的声音才又再次响了起来。 So good, but also asked Mr. Chen to step Ludao......” “如此甚好,还请陈先生移步鹭岛……” Yuan Kui, guides for the mister.” “元魁,为先生带路吧。” So-called Ludao, is actually in these 17 islands smallest that in is also a restricted area of Jiang clan, the commonplace can not enter. 所谓鹭岛,其实就是这十七座岛屿中最小的那座,同时也是姜氏一族的禁地,等闲不得入内。 Under Jiang Yuankui the leadership, the Chen Xi family of three took the small boat to go to Ludao. 在姜元魁的带领下,陈曦一家三口乘坐小舟前往了鹭岛。 But with besides Jiang Yuankui who they travel together, beforehand that solemn-looking woman. 而与他们同行的除了姜元魁之外,还有之前那个面容冷峻的女人。 After Jiang Yuankui an introduction, Chen Xi knows that this woman is a division of Jiang clan assigns/life Profound Female unexpectedly, Jiang Yuanqing. 经过姜元魁一番介绍后,陈曦才知道这个女人居然就是姜氏一族的司命玄女,姜元清。 Since Jiang Yuanqing with Jiang Yuankui the peer, the age slightly will not naturally go to there. 姜元清既然和姜元魁同辈,年龄自然也不会小到那里去。 The Myriad Saints Valley Profound Female arrived 30 years old will resign automatically, Jiang Yuanqing middle-aged but still attractive can actually sit quietly the position of Profound Female big priest. 万圣谷玄女到了三十岁就会自动卸任,姜元清一个半老徐娘却能稳坐玄女大祭司的位置。 Actually fully explained depending on this point, a Jiang clan is truly grasping some unknown secrets. 光凭这一点其实就足以说明,姜氏一族确实掌握着一些不为人知的隐秘。 ...... …… The boat approached Ludao quickly. 小船很快就靠近了鹭岛。 Just disembarked, the little fellow was attracted the attention by side several red-crowned cranes. 刚一下船,小家伙就被旁边几只丹顶鹤吸引了注意力。 Papa, what is this?! I have seen probably......” 粑粑,这是什么呀?!我好像见过……” At the same time saying, this little thing was also running. 一边说着,这小东西还屁颠屁颠的跑了过去。 Because of these red-crowned crane too big reasons, therefore she does not dare to approach, can only stand in the one side timidly, the small appearance seemed like actually lovable. 但因为这几只丹顶鹤太高大的缘故,所以她不是很敢靠近,只能怯生生的站在一旁,小模样看上去倒是可爱极了。 This is the red-crowned crane, you can also call it the Manchurian crane, entire world altogether also more than 1000, wants rare Oh. compared with the panda “这是丹顶鹤,你也可以叫它仙鹤,全世界总共也就一千多只,比大熊猫还要稀有哦。 Manchurian crane?! I know! I have seen in the book!” “仙鹤?!我知道!我在书上看到过!” Possibly because of Dai islet island spiritual energy abundant reason, therefore these Manchurian crane obviously pass several points of human nature, saw with own eyes that the little fellow depends to come, they not only do not walk, instead extended the neck on own initiative. 可能是因为岱屿岛灵气充裕的缘故,所以这几只仙鹤明显通几分人性,眼见小家伙靠过来,它们非但不走,反而主动将脖子伸了过来。 Sees that this little thing cannot bear put out a hand to trace their feathers, blossoms at heart simply happily. 见状,这小东西就忍不住伸手摸了摸它们的羽毛,心里简直乐开了花。 This child was harbored evil thoughts on the yacht quickly, at present finally found the Manchurian crane that several can accompany her to play, Chen Xi nature, whatever she plays happy is. 这孩子在游艇上都快被憋坏了,眼下终于找到几只可以陪她玩的仙鹤,陈曦自然得任由她玩的开心才是。 Therefore, Chen Xi inquired the opinion of little fellow, determined after this little thing wants to play last a while here, he then gave Qin Ruoying Long Sword in hand, oneself continued to follow Jiang Yuankui to go to the Ludao deep place. 于是,陈曦询问了小家伙的意见,确定这小东西想在这里玩上一会儿后,他便将手中的长剑交给了秦若盈,自己则继续跟随姜元魁前往了鹭岛深处。 As a clan restricted area, Ludao is ordinary just like the wonderland. 作为一族禁地,鹭岛却是宛如人间仙境一般。 In the forests the alley interlocks, the fluttering flags are really varied. 林间小路交错,委实旖旎多姿。 The bird cried, colorful butterfly to fly fast the dance. 飞鸟啼鸣、彩蝶翩舞。 Under the mapping of large formation golden light, in the island is a piece of red clouds ascended clouds immortal scene that the light smoke twines. 大阵金光的映射下,岛上更是一片霞飞云起、轻烟缭缭的仙家景象。 Ludao center is not the mountain peak, but is a curved limpid lake. 鹭岛中央不是山峰,而是一弯清澈的湖泊。 The lake center has a wooden construction, resembles the pavilion non- pavilion, therefore seems somewhat seems like movie «Attractive Female Ghost» but actually , when Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian lover's rendezvous mid-lake pavilion. 湖中央有着一座木制建筑,似亭非亭,因此看上去倒有些像是电影《倩女幽魂》里,宁采臣与聂小倩幽会时所处的湖心亭。 After arriving at bridgehead, Jiang Yuankui then bowed toward Chen Xi good a ritual, is pointing at the lake central construction, very respectful saying: Jiang revealed the ancestor to wait there for some time in this, the younger generation low person slightly was not suitable approaches, but also asked the mister to go.” 来到桥头后,姜元魁便躬身朝陈曦行了一礼,然后指着湖泊中央的建筑,十分恭敬的说道:“姜氏显祖在此恭候多时,晚辈位低人微不宜靠近,还请先生自行前往。” hearing this, Chen Xi was but actually impolite, lifts the foot to walk toward the mid-lake pavilion slowly. 闻言,陈曦倒也不客气,抬脚就朝着湖心亭缓缓走了过去。 The mid-lake pavilion only then a leaf of curtain is used in the blocking. 湖心亭只有一扇门帘用于遮挡。 Chen Xi waited outside the room, sees in the room to seem like does not have any sound, he lifted the curtain to walk directly. 陈曦在屋外等了一下,见屋里似乎没有任何动静,他就直接掀开门帘走了进去。 Just entered the room, heaving in sight is a case stage. 刚一进屋,映入眼帘的便是一张案台。 Chen Xi looked up at one, the attention by goods that on the case stage placed attracting. 陈曦抬头看了一眼,注意力就被案台上所摆放的一件物品给吸引住了。 On the case stage is placing a soul crystal unexpectedly! 案台上竟然摆放着一枚魂晶! Moreover, this soul crystal even also wants on the big several points compared with Chen Xi that...... 而且,这枚魂晶甚至比陈曦那块还要大上几分…… A little meaning.” “有点意思。” Chen Xi shakes the head with a smile, later then sits on arrived nearby large round-backed wooden armchair directly. 陈曦笑着摇了摇头,随后便径直坐到了一旁的太师椅上。 After sitting, he then looks at the soul crystal on case stage, opens the mouth to say slowly: I have not really thought, some unexpectedly people can have Nascent Soul under the so bad condition, is truly fierce......” 坐好以后,他这才看着案台上的魂晶,缓缓开口道:“我是真的没有想到,竟然有人可以在如此恶劣的条件下结出元婴,确实很厉害……” Mister overpraised.” “先生过奖了。” Finishes speaking, the voice of old man made a sound in this room suddenly. 话音刚落,老者的声音就忽然在这屋里响了起来。 But the origin of that sound...... 而那声音的来源…… Actually is that puts the soul crystal on being on record stage impressively! 却赫然是那枚放在案台上的魂晶! Regarding this, Chen Xi does not find it strange, instead engrossingly looked above a case stage portrait, then asked with a smile: What above hangs is you?” 对此,陈曦却丝毫不觉得奇怪,反而饶有兴趣的看了一眼案台上方的画像,然后才笑着问道:“上面挂的是你?” Old man.” “正是老夫。” Un, the young time is very graceful.” “嗯,年轻时候还挺帅的。” Hehe.” “呵呵。” The talk stops suddenly. 谈话戛然而止。 In room immediately peaceful, peaceful even can hear outside wind sound/rumor. 屋里顿时就安静了下来,安静的甚至可以听到外面的风声。 As if meaning that no one has opened the mouth again. 似乎谁都没有再开口的意思。 In fact, since Chen Xi sees this soul crystal first, he understands why the old man will make concessions in him everywhere. 实际上,自从陈曦看到这枚魂晶的第一眼起,他就明白老者为什么会处处退让于他了。 Celestial is just false pill, above Celestial can be called Golden Core. 天人只不过是伪丹,天人之上才称得上金丹 So far, among everyone who Chen Xi runs into, except for white rainbow and his party of Heaven Gate getting down, this hides old man cultivation base in soul crystal Nascent Soul at present is highest. 到目前为止,陈曦遇到的所有人当中,除了从天门下来的白虹一行,也就眼前这个将元婴藏在魂晶里的老者修为最高了。 The grove was big, naturally what bird has. 林子大了,自然什么鸟儿都有。 Therefore makes Chen Xi feel what is only somewhat surprised is...... 所以唯一让陈曦感到有些惊讶的是…… The old fogies did not have the body, actually must depend upon the soul crystal to live on dishonorably forcefully in world. 老家伙连身体都没有了,却还要依靠魂晶强行苟活于世。 How many years did this live? 这得是活了多少年呐? 500 years? 五百年? In 1000? 还是一千年? Definitely lives compared with Chen Xi in any case for a long time...... 反正肯定比陈曦活得久…… Lives seriously not greasily? 当真活不腻的么?
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