IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#347: Qin Yongyan

The little fellows felt oneself received recently desolately, for Chen Xi does not make her have this idea again, then led her to transfer in Houhai, after accompanying she played a while water, the family of three leisure strolling returned to the teahouse. 小家伙觉得自己最近受了冷落,陈曦为了不让她再有这种想法,便带着她在后海转了一圈,陪她玩了一会儿水后,一家三口才慢悠悠的逛回了茶馆。 Mother became the sick person, the little fellow regarding this is incomparably careful. 妈妈成了病号,小家伙对此可是无比上心。 Therefore just returned to the teahouse, even greeted has not hit one with the two brothers with enough time, she leaping up speedily bar. 所以刚一回到茶馆,连招呼都没来得及跟兄弟俩打一个,她就一溜烟的蹿进了吧台。 After being supine the small head to invite Qiao Yuan helped her pour the a cup hot water, this little thing on carried in front of the hot water arrived Qin Ruoying, said that anything also wanted Qin Ruoying first to eat the medicine. 仰着小脑袋请乔媛帮她倒了一杯热水后,这小东西就屁颠屁颠的把热水端到了秦若盈面前,说什么也要秦若盈先把药吃了。 Qin Ruoying has not gone to the hospital, where does the body come what medicine? Therefore she must tell the little fellow is not in the way, resting for several days was good, but this little thing said that anything also turns a deaf ear. 秦若盈根本就没去过医院,身上又哪儿来什么药呢?所以她也只得跟小家伙说不碍事,休息几天就好了,可这小东西却说什么也听不进去。 Because in the concept of little fellow, fell ill must take a drug, only then takes a drug to get sick! 因为在小家伙的观念里,生病了就一定要吃药,只有吃了药病才会好! This is also Aunt Zhang instills into since childhood to her idea, after to avoid her, falls ill is actually not willing to take a drug. 这也是张婶从小灌输给她的理念,就是为了避免她以后生了病却不愿意吃药。 Has not thought that leaves Aunt Zhang is so long, the little fellow actually returns the energy to remember these, make Chen Xi feel gratified actually. 没想到离开张婶这么久,小家伙却还能记住这些,倒是让陈曦感到好一阵欣慰。 The unmarried girl rare filial piety, Qin Ruoying naturally cannot attack her. 闺女儿难得一片孝心,秦若盈自然不能打击了她。 Therefore after hesitant one next, she then took Essence Nurturing Pill from Chen Xi, taking that then puts on airs. 所以犹豫了一下后,她便从陈曦那儿拿了一颗培元丹,然后装模作样的服了下去。 Sees that the little fellow feels relieved finally, then like, was then gathering to continue to play the game with the two brothers in the past together. 见状,小家伙才终于放下了心来,然后便像着往常那样,跟兄弟俩凑到一块儿继续玩起了游戏。 Regarding the child, the happiness is the matter of primary importance. 对于孩子来说,开心就是最重要的事情。 So long as can be very happy every day, this childhood is worth recalling. 只要每天能很开心,这个童年就是值得回忆的。 Time in a flash, this soon to summer vacation. 时间一晃,这都快要到暑假了。 In the plan of couple, crossed this summer vacation to make the little fellow read the kindergarten classes for six and seven year olds. 在夫妻俩的规划中,过完这个暑假就得让小家伙去读大班了。 The school definitely is the topest school, actually to not compel the little fellow becomes study the tyrant, but to change an environment to her, quite makes her contact more same age children. 学校肯定是最顶尖的学校,却不是为了逼小家伙成为学霸,而是为了给她换个环境,好让她接触到更多同龄的孩子。 On the other hand, is recently because these three little things played was really fierce. 另一方面,也是因为这三个小东西最近玩的实在是太厉害了。 If the ignores gets down, how long them it is estimated that will unable to try to find out played the King glory...... 如果放任下去,估计要不了多久他们就会自己摸索着玩王者荣耀了…… Plays the game to become addicted, the self-control of child on the difference, naturally little play to wonderfully. 玩游戏是会上瘾的,小孩子的自制力本来就差,自然还是少玩为妙。 The school, obviously is excellent place to give up drug taking. 学校,显然就是绝佳的‘戒毒所’。 ...... …… After entering the summer, Houhai lived it up. 入夏以后,后海又重新热闹了起来。 Enjoys the cool air and blows the feeling of air conditioning to be different, therefore after Qiao Yuan opens the door, moved several sets of furniture to go out, quite enabled the guests under the tree shade to judge tea, meanwhile can appreciate arrives at the beautiful scene of lakeside. 纳凉和吹空调的感觉可不一样,所以乔媛开门以后就搬了几套桌椅出去,好让客人们可以在树荫下品茶,同时还能欣赏到湖畔的美景。 Has saying that Qiao Yuan this storekeeper does is truly competent. 不得不说,乔媛这个掌柜做的确实很称职。 The little misses the clever mouth to be sweet, depend on these days effort, drew many frequent guests to the teahouse. 小姑娘长得乖巧嘴巴又甜,靠着这段时间的努力,着实给茶馆拉来了好些熟客。 Although is also losing money, but always compared beforehand being unable to make ends meet to be better. 虽然还处于亏损状态,但总比之前的入不敷出要好上了很多。 Saw with own eyes that the recent climate gradually turns for the better, Qiao Yuan then from online bought one string of wind chimes to hang on the curtain. 眼见最近气候逐渐转好,乔媛便从网上买来一串风铃挂在了门帘上。 The wind has blown, will resound clear delightful ringtone, wears really has several points of unique flavor in inside. 风一吹过,就会响起一阵清脆悦耳的铃声,着实有几分独特的韵味在里面。 Small teahouse that small teahouse, was livelier than before. 小茶馆还是那个小茶馆,却比以前更加热闹了。 Also does not know is the misconception, Chen Xi always felt own present life like woof Pingjing lake water. 也不知是不是错觉,陈曦总感觉自己现在的生活就像一汪平静的湖水。 The surface is uneventful, the undercurrent surges actually. 表面风平浪静,实则暗流涌动。 He likes now the calm and steady light life, therefore does not want to see any variable. 他喜欢现在安稳平淡的生活,所以不想看到任何变数。 The Qin Ruoying's illness, regarding Chen Xi is an unknown variable. 秦若盈的病症,对于陈曦来说就是一个未知的变数。 Has saying that time that sister-in-law comes back. 不得不说,小姨子回来的正是时候。 Qin Yuqing is also Profound Female, when Chen Xi inquired whether when she has the similar feeling, Qin Yuqing gives the affirmative answer immediately. 秦妤卿也是玄女,当陈曦询问她是否有着同样的感受时,秦妤卿立刻就给出了肯定的答复。 But what is somewhat strange is...... 但有些奇怪的是…… The Qin Yuqing symptom is not very obvious, sometimes has not even noticed, this symptom has vanished. 秦妤卿的症状并不是很明显,有时候甚至都还没有注意到,这种症状就已经消失了。 This also makes Chen Xi somewhat suspect, don't tell me is because Earth Soul turns over to the hole the time is too short, in addition Qin Ruoying cultivation base is low, will therefore have some normal rejections? 这也让陈曦不禁有些怀疑,难道是因为地魂归窍的时间太短,再加上秦若盈修为较低,所以才会产生一些正常的排异反应? But how regardless to say, so long as the person the feeling has any is uncomfortable, that certainly is the warning that the body issues, must therefore carefully treat, usually pays attention to observe is. 但无论怎么说,人只要感觉有任何的不舒服,那就一定是身体发出的警告,所以还是要谨慎对待,平时多留心观察才是。 How to observe? 如何观察呢? Naturally was the entire day defends side Qin Ruoying. 当然是全天守在秦若盈身旁了。 Thereupon, accompanies the person who Old Gu plays chess to turn into Qin Ruoying now. 于是乎,现在陪谷老下棋的人就变成了秦若盈 Although Qin Ruoying chess skill not fine, but depends Chen Xi to direct 1-2 from side, can actually slaughter to be loath to part from each other with the elderly man reluctantly, this not on just right slaughter a Old Gu big dragon? 秦若盈虽然棋艺不精,不过仗着有陈曦从旁指点一二,却还是勉强能和老人家厮杀个难舍难分,这不就正好屠了谷老一条大龙? Three people play chess while are chatting, the entrance wind chimes actually rang suddenly. 三人一边下棋一边闲聊着,门口的风铃却忽然响了起来。 Bell Lingling......’ ‘铃铃铃……’ The bell sound is clear, the Qin Ruoying subconscious side first looked, immediately was startled stood up the body. 铃音清脆悦耳,秦若盈下意识的侧头一看,顿时就被惊得站起了身子。 Father?! How did you come?” “爸?!你怎么来了?” Comes the person impressively is Qin Yongyan. 来人赫然是秦永言 He puts on white traditional training wear today, such dresses up to place Houhai this with the bar well-known street on, actually especially conspicuous. 他今天穿着一件白色的传统练功服,这样的装扮放在后海这条以酒吧闻名的街上,倒是格外的惹眼。 Qin Ruoying went forward to greet Qin Yongyan with a smile, Chen Xi then also follows to set out to greet one: Father.” 秦若盈笑着上前迎接秦永言,陈曦便也跟着起身问候了一句:“爸。” May finish speaking, Chen Xi frowns slightly. 可话音刚落,陈曦就微微皱起了眉头。 Probably is not a little right. 好像有点不对劲。 Qin Ruoying has not detected the difference, pulled Qin Yongyan to introduce after Old Gu, then drew Qin Yongyan to sit to the one side to mention the words. 秦若盈没有察觉到异样,挽着秦永言谷老介绍了一番后,便拉着秦永言坐到一旁说起了话来。 Father, you also does come to here for the first time? I also think that you could not find.” “爸,您还第一次来这儿吧?我还以为您找不到呢。” Just since outside came back, looked that you were not at home, is thinking here had a look.” “刚从外面回来,看你们不在家,就想着来这儿看看。” Ok, I called Niannian, making her accompany you to play a while.” “行,我把念念叫过来,让她陪你玩一会儿。” Then, Qin Ruoying then transfers the body to prepare to ask the little fellow to come, but was actually stopped by Qin Yongyan with a smile. 说完,秦若盈便转过身子准备叫小家伙过来,但却被秦永言笑着制止了。 All right, you looked that child is not plays is just happy? Do not disturb her.” “没事儿,你看那孩子不是玩的正高兴吗?就别打扰她了。” Good......” “那好吧……” Although the father and daughter live under the same eaves, because actually Qin Yongyan is busy the practice reason all day, therefore usually put in an appearance unable to hit several continually. 父女俩虽然住在同一个屋檐下,却因为秦永言整天忙着修炼的缘故,所以平常连照面都打不了几个。 Qin Yongyan was rarely difficult to come to teahouse, Qin Ruoying naturally to a time talk with him well. 秦永言难得难来一次茶馆,秦若盈自然就要陪他好好说说话了。 The father-in-law came, this chess also can only stop temporarily. 老丈人来了,这盘棋也只能暂时中止。 Chen Xi after Old Gu asked for mercy, then goes to the bar but actually the a cup tea, then takes advantage of opportunity to sit side arrived Qin Ruoying. 陈曦谷老告罪了一声后,便去吧台倒了一杯茶,然后顺势坐到了秦若盈身边。 The father and daughter are saying the daily family activity, after seeing Chen Xi comes, Qin Yongyan then shows a faint smile, said to the couple: Today comes, actually the matter wants to tell you......” 父女俩正叨着家常,见陈曦过来以后,秦永言便微微一笑,对夫妻俩说道:“今天过来,其实是有一件事想跟你们说说……” Sees that Qin Ruoying then the body to the throat searching, exhibited a listening in reverent attention appearance slightly. 见状,秦若盈便将身子微微向前探了探,摆出了一副洗耳恭听的样子。 But Qin Yongyan has not actually opened the mouth immediately, but looked at the surroundings with a smile. 秦永言却没有立刻开口,而是笑着看了看周围。 Chen Xi understood his meaning immediately, therefore under the arrange/cloth looks at sound-insulated restrictive seal immediately, is frowning said the question in oneself heart directly. 陈曦顿时就明白了他的意思,于是立刻布下看一座隔音禁制,然后才皱着眉头直接道出了自己心中的疑问。 „Were you injured?” “您受伤了?” That moment of Qin Yongyan passing through the gate, Chen Xi discovered that his aura is not very steady, therefore had this guess. 秦永言进门的那一刻起,陈曦就发现他的气息不是很稳,所以才有了这种猜测。 hearing this, Qin Yongyan has not concealed but actually, nods then to explain with a smile: Before made slightly misunderstood, but has solved.” 闻言,秦永言倒也没有掩饰,点点头便笑着解释道:“之前跟人闹了一点小误会,不过已经解决了。” But at this time, nearby Qin Ruoying has gotten back one's composure finally, calls out in alarm said: „Were you injured? Wound to which? Is serious? Makes me have a look quickly......” 而这时,一旁的秦若盈才终于回过了神来,不禁惊呼道:“您受伤了?伤到哪儿了?严不严重?快让我看看……” Where Qin Ruoying wants to have a look at him injured, but was actually blocked by Qin Yongyan with a smile. 秦若盈想要看看他哪里受了伤,但却被秦永言笑着拦了下来。 Relax, the small wound is not in the way.” “放心吧,一点小伤不碍事。” That line? The sunlight, you help Father have a look quickly, do not leave what hidden danger......” “那怎么行?曦,你快帮爸爸看看,可不要留下了什么隐患……” In Qin Ruoying's under requirement, Qin Yongyan must extend the right hand to make Chen Xi over and over inspect. 秦若盈的再三要求下,秦永言只得伸出右手让陈曦检查了一番。 Afterward, Chen Xi discovered Qin Yongyan is because the meridians were damaged caused the aura disorder. 随后,陈曦边发现秦永言是因为经脉受创才导致了气息紊乱。 Regarding Celestial, this degree injury naturally is not anything, recuperated for 2-3 days also to recover. 对于天人来说,这种程度伤势自然不算什么,调理2-3天也就痊愈了。 Naturally...... 当然…… The injury is not the key point, the key point is the injured person. 伤势不是重点,重点是受伤的人。 How Qin Ruoying closely examines Qin Yongyan to receive unceasingly injures, Qin Yongyan actually evades the subject. 秦若盈不断追问秦永言是如何受得伤,秦永言对此却是避而不谈。 After several closely examine is fruitless, Qin Ruoying must the mouth one honk, oneself sit there lives the sulks. 几番追问无果后,秦若盈只得将嘴巴一嘟,自己坐在那儿生起了闷气来。 Mingming (clearly) was the person who became mother, now actually also exhibits a vitality/angry the small female student appearance, teased Qin Yongyan hehe to smile actually. 明明都是当妈的人了,现在却还摆出一副生气的小女生模样,倒是逗得秦永言不禁呵呵笑了起来。 Yingying, I come today, mainly wants to chat something about your Mother with you, if you do not want to listen, I first went back......” 盈盈,我今天过来呢,主要是想跟你聊聊关于你妈妈的一些事,你要是不想听呢,我就先回去了……” Then, Qin Yongyan then sets out to strike an attitude to walk. 说完,秦永言便起身作势要走。 Qin Ruoying sees that must set out to block him immediately, then resigned-looking saying: Listens, do I listen is not good?” 秦若盈见状,只得立刻起身拦住他,然后一脸无奈的说道:“听听听,我听还不行吗?”
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