IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#300: Yin evil

In the Chen Xi eye, this seemingly is late uneventful, in fact is the undercurrent is turbulent. 陈曦眼中,这一晚看似风平浪静,实际上却是暗流汹涌。 …… …… That is because...... 那是因为…… He unexpectedly noon and on Li Xiuwen discovered a common ground in Wang Xi. 他竟然在王希午和李修文身上发现了一个共同点。 Two in entire Central Sea calls the second generation son of the influential on given name, the body has the sign that the spiritual energy fluctuated unexpectedly. 两个在整个中海都叫的上名号的二代公子哥,身上居然都有了灵气波动的迹象。 This obviously is not the coincidence. 这显然不是巧合。 Two people with him were also the old friends, therefore Chen Xi very definite half year, on them certainly what happened. 两人跟他也算是老相识了,所以陈曦很确定这半年来,他们俩身上一定发生了什么事儿。 Taking advantage of the time that Wang Xi noon shook hand, Chen Xi puts a wisp of True Essence to enter his within the body quietly, then carefully studied. 借着和王希午握手的功夫,陈曦悄悄放了一丝真元进入他体内,然后仔细研究了一番。 Afterward, he discovered that Wang Xi noon should be practice some cultivation method reason, within the body obviously accumulated some heterogeneous impure vitalities. 随后,他就发现王希午应该是修炼了某种功法的缘故,体内明显积累了一些驳杂不纯的元气。 But most makes Chen Xi feel what is somewhat strange, in this vitality obviously has several moment evil strange feelings. 但最让陈曦感到有些奇怪的是,这股元气中却明显带有几分阴邪诡异的感觉。 Since Chen Xi returns to Earth, he has experienced many Earth the unique incomplete inheritance. 要知道,自从陈曦回到地球以后,他就已经见识了很多地球所特有的残缺传承。 Great Grand-Uncle is Martial Artist lineage/vein, Sun Wen is Alchemist Lineage, Saito Hidejiro is Onmyōji lineage/vein, in addition has India Brahman lineage/vein. 太叔公武者一脉,孙温方士一脉,齐藤英二郎是阴阳师一脉,另外还有阿三的婆罗门一脉。 Although these inheritance are incomplete, but actually can also be reluctantly legitimate, practice to can step into Celestial finally. 这些传承虽然是残缺的,但却也勉强算得上是正统,修炼到最后都能踏入天人 Celestial, is false pill realm in Immortal Cultivator eye, only misses one step to condense Golden Core. 天人,也就是修仙者眼中的伪丹境界,只差一步就可以凝聚金丹 They are unable upward to go a step further again, mainly because of the environmental constraint of Earth. 他们之所以无法向上再进一步,主要还是因为地球的环境限制。 From the perspective of science, under the function of natural selection, adapts to the circumstances the variation behavior of variation individual is the advantageous variation, can thus survive to continue. 从科学的角度来讲,在自然选择的作用下,更适应环境的变异个体的变异行为是有利变异,从而得以生存延续。 But does not adapt to the circumstances the variation of variation individual is the disadvantageous variation, is unable to adapt to the circumstances, will be doomed to be eliminated by the environment. 而不适应环境的变异个体的变异就是不利变异,无法适应环境,就注定会被环境所淘汰。 Therefore, any lifeform, cannot leave ‚the natural selection in the final analysis, superior win and inferior wash out these four characters. 因此,无论是哪种生物,说到底都离不开‘物竞天择,优胜劣汰’这四个字。 In may in the eliminated situation anytime, Great Grand-Uncle will want to repose in that illusory Heaven Gate completely, but Sun Wen this kind of natural talent intelligent generation, will try to continue to go forward by own effort. 在随时都有可能被淘汰的情况下,太叔公将希望全部寄托于那虚无缥缈的天门,而孙温这类天资聪颖之辈,则将试图凭借自己的努力继续前进。 So long as can go a step further by oneself, he is willing to pay anything, even if slaughters innocents still refuses to balk. 只要能够让自己更进一步,他甘愿付出任何东西,即使滥杀无辜也在所不惜。 For example that wrap/sets Yin evil «Five Phases of Soul Refinement Technique». 比如那套阴邪至极的《五行炼魂术》。 The Yin evil contamination by existence that Immortal Cultivator abandons. 要知道,阴邪污秽可是被修仙者摒弃的存在。 Not this kind of cultivation method cannot cultivation, because this kind of cultivation method will usually violate the ethics three cardinal guides and five constant virtues, will be dishonorable and disappear the human nature, the conduct no restriction of any kind, all that does for oneself. 并不是这类功法不能修行,而是因为这类功法通常都会违背伦理纲常,甚至会伤天害理、泯灭人性,行事百无禁忌,所做的一切都只是为了自己。 Therefore, this kind of Immortal Cultivator is also called: 因此,这类修仙者也被称为: Repairs evilly. 邪修。 Repairs evilly in the Heavenly Jade World's position is similar to the target of universal detestation, it may be said that is chased by all. 邪修在天璇界的地位就跟过街老鼠差不多,可谓是人人喊打。 However...... 然而…… The environment is resisting cultivates evilly, the inheritance that but cultivates evilly actually still the origin spreads. 大环境在抵制邪修,但邪修的传承却依然渊源流传。 Reasons for this include, because mainly the dishonest ways are quicker, are more powerful and are easier the traditional practice method to survive. 究其原因,主要还是因为邪门歪道比传统的修炼手段更快、更强大、更容易生存罢了。 Onmyōji waters Yin Soul using blood essence, thus refines with it life related Spirit Familiar (Shikigami), this path relative Alchemist and Martial Artist some truly deviation dishonest ways, but could not have called Yin evil. 阴阳师利用精血浇灌阴魂,从而炼制出与之性命相关的式神,这种路子相对方士武者来说确实有些偏向邪门歪道,但却还称不上阴邪。 After all, Onmyōji nourishes Spirit Familiar (Shikigami) with own blood essence, but Yin evil cultivation method is actually captures others' blood essence and Divine Soul to come powerful. 毕竟,阴阳师只是拿自己的精血去滋养式神,而阴邪功法却是夺取别人的精血神魂来强大自己。 Both cannot place on a par completely. 两者完全不能相提并论。 On Earth can be Yin evil cultivation method truly, so far, Chen Xi knows also only had Sun Wen «Five Phases of Soul Refinement Technique». 地球上真正算得上是阴邪功法的,到目前为止,陈曦所知道的也就只有孙温的《五行炼魂术》了。 But Sun Wen had been subdued by him, now endures suffering of Devouring Heart Ant besides every day, but must day and night hits white Gong for Martial Arts Federation. 可是孙温已经被他收服,现在除了每天忍受噬心蚁的折磨之外,还得没日没夜的替武联打白工。 Then the issue came...... 那么问题来了…… Actually Wang Xi noon and behind does the Li Xiuwen evil cultivate/repair is who? 王希午和李修文背后的邪修究竟是谁呢? Since these two have the son of the influential of certain social position, that explained that should also many people fall to the enemy in their circles. 既然这两位都是有一定社会地位的公子哥,那就说明在他们的圈子里应该还有不少人已经沦陷了。 Evilly reason that this cultivates will choose second generation, it is estimated that also settled on their social influence. 这个邪修之所以会选择二代,估计也是看中了他们的社会影响力。 After all, having the right to have the potential to be dishonorably easier, but was not detected. 毕竟,有权有势才更容易伤天害理而不被人察觉。 Possibly is because practice Yin evil cultivation method reason, therefore the Li Xiuwen tonight's performance somewhat was obviously rude. 可能是因为修炼了阴邪功法的缘故,所以李修文今晚的表现明显有些失态了。 Properly speaking, he first time was is not treated coldly by Lin Xuan, should have the psychology to prepare early is. 照理来说,他也不是第一次被林萱冷落了,应该早有心理准备了才是。 But Li Xiuwen in departure, actually looked at Lin Xuan one suddenly meaningfully. 李修文在离开的时候,却忽然意味深长的看了林萱一眼。 At that moment, his look is truly complex...... 那一刻,他的眼神确实很复杂…… Thinks of here, Chen Xi sighs secretly. 想到这里,陈曦不禁暗暗叹了一口气。 Actually in him, Li Xiuwen this person is good. 其实在他心里,李修文这个人还是挺不错的。 How saying that Li Xiuwen also heart and soul pursue Lin Xuan many years, even on him many problems, actually are also still insufficient the crime is not possible like Zhao Yuan. 怎么说李修文也全心全意的追求林萱很多年,即使他身上也有许多毛病,却还不至于像赵元那样罪不可恕。 But now...... 可现在…… The Li Xiuwen patience as if exhausted finally. 李修文的耐心似乎终于耗尽了。 Two eight poles cannot project on son of the influential together, now unexpectedly turns into grasshopper on a rope. 两个八杆子打不到一块儿的公子哥,现在居然变成了一条绳上的蚂蚱。 Wang Xi noon should compared with Li Xiuwen practice early, therefore his cultivation base obviously be higher than Li Xiuwen. 王希午应该比李修文修炼的更早一些,所以他的修为明显要比李修文高一些。 Therefore, Chen Xi after considering one next, then left behind restrictive seal on Lin Xuan quietly, then followed Wang Xi noon to leave. 因此,陈曦在考虑了一下后,便悄悄在林萱身上留下了一道禁制,转而跟着王希午离开了。 ...... …… Wang Xi noon has not married Fang Lei officially, therefore they have not stayed together. 王希午跟方蕾还没有正式结婚,所以他们俩并没有住在一起。 Therefore, he after driving to send home Fang Lei, this makes a detour the arrived family/home. 因此,他在开车把方蕾送回家以后,这才转道回到了自己家。 Chen Xi flies to empty among the roads to tag along after Wang Xi noon. 陈曦飞在空中一路尾随王希午。 Regarding Central Sea, Chen Xi was familiar. 对于中海,陈曦可是再熟悉不过了。 Therefore, after seeing Wang Xi noon drives to drive into high-end neighborhood situated in riverside, Chen Xi could not bear sneer immediately. 因此,在看到王希午开车驶入一个位于河边的高端小区后,陈曦顿时就忍不住冷笑了起来。 As the Yangtze River end, Central Sea altogether has 40 rivers. 作为长江尽头,中海一共有四十条河。 Because river too many reasons, therefore some locally born Central Sea people do not make clear the name of each river. 因为河太多的缘故,所以就连一些土生土长的中海人也搞不清楚每条河的名字。 And only the exception, that was Chen Xi at present the inland river of this named Chai River. 其中唯独有一个例外,那就是陈曦眼前这条名为柴河的内陆河了。 The given name of Chai River spreads in the people of the older generation ear broadly, it may be said that is known to everybody and is known to everybody. 柴河的名号在老一辈人耳中流传甚广,可谓无人不知、无人不晓。 But the Chai River meets the reputation remoteness, mainly because of its another name...... 而柴河之所以会声名远扬,主要还是因为它的另外一个名字…… Yin-Yang river. 阴阳河。 It is said that War of Resistance against Japan here died many people, the corpse and blood filled up the entire Chai River, therefore this place Yin Qi is always dense, the vicious tendencies are very heavy. 据说,抗战时期这里死了很多人,尸体和鲜血填满了整条柴河,所以这地方一直以来都阴气森森的,戾气很重。 Many people snort contemptuously to this legend. 很多人对这个传说都嗤之以鼻。 That is because they neglected side that to occupy a land area of approximately 200,000 square meters martyrs'cemeteries completely...... 那是因为他们完全忽略了旁边那个占地约20万平方米的烈士陵园…… This martyrs'cemetery shouts Longhuayuan now, but 60 years ago, it has another all-important name: 这个烈士陵园现在叫龙华园,但在六十年前,它却有另外一个响当当的名字: Blood Hua Yuan. 血华园。 Blood incarnadine China. 鲜血染红了华夏 The vicious tendencies are truly heavy. 戾气确实很重。 After dozens years of development, blood Hua Yuan turned into the present town center from the suburb, but that corpse mountain blood sea piles up, as if was also once covered by the dust of history...... 经过几十年的发展,血华园从郊区变成了现在的市中心,而那尸山血海所堆积的曾经,似乎也被历史的灰尘所掩盖…… neighborhood that Wang Xi noon is by today's standards actually also good, 以现在的眼光来看,王希午所在的小区其实还不错, The surface toward the Chai River, finds a quiet oasis in a crowded place, has a unique flavor actually. 面朝柴河,闹中取静,倒是别有一番风味。 But if looks from the space, can discover this neighborhood surface toward the Yin-Yang river, backs on blood Hua Yuan, simply is together the Yin evil gathering place. 但如果从天上看下来,就可以发现这个小区面朝阴阳河,背靠血华园,简直就是一块阴邪聚集之地。 neighborhood named other Long Hua institute, is a high-end plate, part is a foreign-style house, remaining is the alone villa. 小区名叫龙华别院,是个高端盘,其中一部分是洋房,剩下的则全是独栋别墅。 Since is the alone villa, each naturally has a small garden. 既然是独栋别墅,每栋自然都有一个小花园。 The Chen Xi silent landing outside the Wang Xi noon garden, looks silently Wang Xi noon stops the vehicle, then before returning to the villa front door . 陈曦无声的降落在王希午的花园外,默默看着王希午将车子停好,然后回到别墅大门前。 However...... 然而…… In the flash that Wang Xi noon opens the door, the Chen Xi's line of sight unexpectedly on opening access looks at the arrived back garden from the front courtyard directly. 就在王希午开门的一瞬间,陈曦的视线居然就畅通无阻的从前院直接看到了后花园。 Does see through the entire villa? 一眼看穿整栋别墅? Stands in the words that the angle of geomancy study comes to see, such house layout is in the legend...... 要知道,站在风水学的角度来看的话,这样的房屋布局就是传说中的…… Through ghost! 穿心煞! Residence's first baleful aura! 阳宅第一煞气 Is this place that the person lives in?! 这是人住的地方吗?!
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