Althoughhearsbasicallyistoownexclamation, butYe Chen on stage, is staring atJi Ningshuangas beforestubbornly.
The fearfulness of body of profoundspirit, hecomprehendingmore than oncearrivedin the battle, terrorSecret Laws that emerges one after another incessantly, eachbad riskis incomparable, will then be carelessly buriedto fight the stage.
玄灵之体的可怕,他在交战中已经不止一次的领会到了,那层出不穷的恐怖秘法,每一个都凶险无比,一着不慎,便会葬身战台。Moreover, until now, Ji Ningshuanghas not movedthisassignsSpirit Artifact and Soulsecret technique, hecannot imaginesomeJi Ningshuangmanycards in a handnot to use.
而且,到现在为止,姬凝霜都还未动本命灵器和灵魂秘术,他想象不到姬凝霜还有多少底牌没有动用。Ye Chenis assured, this pastlover, absolutelywasto the fearfulenemy who hemet, did not haveone.叶辰笃定,他这个昔日的恋人,绝对是他遇到的对可怕的敌人,没有之一。„Frost, puts to deathhimwithSpirit Artifact.” When theirshortarmistice, inhighplacehas broadcast the voice of Chengdu-Kunmingonce more, heis really impatient, hecould not wait to look atYe Chenreally dead.
“霜儿,用灵器诛杀他。”两人短暂休战时,高座上再次传来了成昆的声音,他真的不耐烦了,他真的等不及要看叶辰死了。„Othersshowdown, hasyourbirdmatter.”Chengdu-KunmingHua Yunjustfell, Mr.Zhuge on seathad obloquied, „frombattleto the present, yousaidhow manyorderingyouhadto makeJi NingshuangkillYe Chen, the fathersare disinclinedto sayyou, the good and evilyou were also a Lord, thisspirit? Won't studystudentfamily|homeHengyue Sect?”
“人家对决,有你鸟事儿。”成昆华云刚落,座位上的诸葛老头儿就大骂了一声,“从开战到现在,你说说你有几次下令让姬凝霜杀叶辰,老子都懒得说你了,好歹你也是一宗之主,就这点气量?难道不会学学人家恒岳宗?”„Precisely!” Speaking of the Hengyesect, Pang Dachuanreceivedthread of conversation, „wewerehonest, oursovereignhave not orderedoneselfdiscipleto open the buddhist commandment against taking life, youwere booing, endless!”
“就是嘛!”一说到恒业宗,庞大川就接过了话头儿,“俺们可是老老实实的,俺们的宗主也没命令自家弟子开杀戒,你倒好,没完没了是吧!”Good! SuchonereprovedbyMr.ZhugeandPang Dachuan, Chengdu-Kunmingshamelessimmediatelyice-coldto the extreme.
好嘛!被诸葛老头儿和庞大川这么一顿训斥,成昆的老脸顿时冰冷到了极点。„Kills, killstome.”Thisguybecame angry out of shame, alreadydid not care aboutanystatus, butwhole personsuddenlyTiaogot up, called out the soundto resound through the audience, mustorderJi Ningshuangto offer a sacrifice tothisto assignSpirit Artifactto put to deathYe Chen.
“杀,给我杀。”这厮真的是恼羞成怒了,已然不顾及什么身份了,整个人都暴跳而起了,暴喝声响彻了全场,要命令姬凝霜祭出本命灵器诛杀叶辰。Butseesto fighton the stage, Ye ChengatheredVital Energyforcefully, preparesto meet the biggestchallenge, can keep off the body of profoundspirittheassignsSpirit Artifact, heisself-confidentlydoes not have.
但见战台上,叶辰已经强行汇聚了真气,准备迎接下来最大的挑战,能否挡下玄灵之体的本命灵器,他是一点自信都没有的。OppositeJi Ningshuangis a faintness of face, the foreheaddoes not have the miraculous glowto glitter, a pointdo not use the bookto assign the Spirit Artifactstance.
只是,对面的姬凝霜却是一脸的淡漠,眉心更没有灵光闪烁,没一点要动用本命灵器的架势。Whosheis, the body and will the clan of undefeated that legendprofoundspirit the solemnZhengyang Sectfirsttrue lines and millenniumsare difficultto meet, use the bookto assignSpirit Artifactto put to deathMortal Origin Stage?
答案是否定的!She, is notbecauseYe Chenwasherpastlover, because shealsohad the exclusiveherarrogance, sheknowsthatthisassignedSpirit Artifactone, Ye Chenmustdie, butthisassignedSpirit Artifactone, made clear toherto defeat, thatso-calledarrogantwill be also nothing left.
Under is a focus of public attention, shehas held their palms together, butis notoffers a sacrifice tothisto assignSpirit Artifact, butslowpinchesto beginto print.
万众瞩目之下,她已经双手合十,但不是祭出本命灵器,而是缓慢的掐动手印。Ninedays of profoundgingkos!
九天玄灵眼!As the Ji NingshuangsealSecret Artframes, along withsaying of herlastcharacter, hertop of the headskyspacetremblesgreatly, the four directionseightsideshadbrillianceto gather, condense a hugeeye.
随着姬凝霜印诀定格,也随着她最后一个字的说出,她头顶上空空间巨颤,四方八方都有光华汇聚,凝聚成了一只庞大的眼睛。Thathugeeye pupil is really strange, includingto overflowtricolorYunQi, rune/symbolwritingrevolves, topersonenormouspressure, seemslooks atone, a mindat the sceneembezzledfeeling.
那庞大眼瞳甚是诡异,其中有流溢着三色云气,还有符文运转,给人极大的压力,好似看一眼,就有一种心神当场被吞没的感觉。„IstalentDivine Ability.” The easternphoenixtooheart in nihilitysmilesleisurely.
“又是一个天赋神通。”虚无中的东凰太心悠悠一笑。„That manytalentDivine Abilitywere shoulderedbyYe Chen, does not know that thistime, Ye Chenanti-cannot shoulder.”Nearby, FuYasighed.
When theyspoke, belowwarstagestartedto split, resembles unable to withstand the pressure of thathugeeye pupil.
两人说话之际,下方的战台开始裂开,似是承受不出那庞大眼瞳的威压。Opposite, the Ye Cheneyepupilnarrows the eyes, lookalsoinstantaneousdignifiedto the extreme, becausehefeltto let the mindfromthatninedays of profoundgingkofor the feeling that ittrembled.
嗡!Quick, thatninedays of profoundgingkoshivered, then the rayextremelynearlygathered, unifies a tricolorgodlight, directly soaredYe Chento shoot, the might was extremely perhaps powerful, the bonuswas the spacetwists.
很快,那九天玄灵眼颤动了一下,而后光芒极近汇聚,凝聚成了一道三色的神光,直奔叶辰射来,兴许威力太过强大,饶是空间都为之扭曲了。Sees that Ye Chenhurriedto gripTianque, the standardbefore the bodykept offhorizontally.
磅!Tricolorgodlighthittingwithout bias and without favoraboveTianque.
轰!Subsequently, startleddaythunderingresounds, the hardwarstagewas made a gulfto come out, butYe Chen that the blooddrippings, ingulf, hardTianque, was shakenfrom the handflieshas foughtunderstage.
噗!Crawlsfrom the gulf, Ye Chenhas not come to a stop, has spouted a blood.
从深坑中爬出来,叶辰还没站稳,就又喷出了一口鲜血。„Motionless[Immortal Life Wheel Sealing Technique] , mustdiemostly.”Ye Chenclenches teeth saying that heconfessedcannot keep off the secondtricolorgodlight.
“不动仙轮禁术,多半要死。”叶辰咬着牙说道,他自认是挡不下第二道三色神光的。Suddenly, Ye Chenmoved the body of Ji Ningshuang the vision, has prepared forhas used[Immortal Life Wheel Sealing Technique] [Illuminate Heavens] toJi Ningshuang, movedtoherbans the technique, thatninedays of profoundgingkocollapsed of itself.
蓦然间,叶辰把目光挪到了姬凝霜的身上,已经做好了对姬凝霜动用仙轮禁术天照准备了,对她动禁术,那九天玄灵眼不攻自破。„Boy, body of your[Immortal Life Wheel Sealing Technique] to the profoundspiritis invalid.”Darkhad the indistinctsoundto reach the ear of Ye Chentogether.
“小子,你的仙轮禁术对玄灵之体无效。”冥冥中似是有一道缥缈的声音传进了叶辰的耳朵。„Invalid?”InYe Chenheartonecold, heknowswhattohimvoice transmissionisbottomantiqueDragon Soul, what makeshimshockis the banningtechnique of Immortal Eye, is unexpectedly invalidto the body of profoundspirit.
“无效?”叶辰心中一凛,他知道给他传音的乃是地底的太古龙魂,但让他震惊的是仙轮眼的禁术,竟然对玄灵之体是无效的。„Howyouknow that Immortal Eyebansbody of techniqueto the profoundspiritto be invalid.”Ye Chenhurriesto pass on the sound of intentionto ask.
“你怎么知道仙轮眼禁术对玄灵之体无效。”叶辰慌忙传心念之音问道。„What the body of bodyprofoundspiritflows- is the bloodlines of Spirit Clan, in the Desolateancienttime, Spirit ClanandImmortal Clanis hostile, thattime, thesetwoformidableracescarried onmore thanoneunrivalledwar, Immortal Clanhave dropped the wind, butImmortal Clanactuallywonfinally, wasbecausesomeImmortal Clanpeoplehave awakenedsixImmortal Eye, thatfearfuleye pupil, helpedImmortal Clanturn defeat into victory.”
“玄灵之体体内流的乃是神族的血脉,在荒古时代,神族和仙族就是敌对的,那个时代,这两个强大的种族进行了不止一场的旷世大战,仙族一直落下风,但最后仙族却胜了,是因为仙族有人觉醒了六道仙轮眼,也正是那可怕的眼瞳,才帮助仙族反败为胜。”„Ido not have the timeto listen toyouto listen totheseancienthistory.”Ye Chenscoldedone, „whatherbodyflows- is the bloodlines of Spirit Clan, thatthishasanyrelationswithImmortal Eye.”
“我没时间听你听那些个古老的历史。”叶辰骂了一句,“就算她体内流的是神族的血脉,那这跟仙轮眼有什么关系。”„Relatedin a big way.”Ancient Cosmos Dragonill-humoredsaying, „because ofpair of sixImmortal Eye, reversed the entirewar, the Spirit Clanrout, recedesnear the universe the Desolate, because of the hatredtoImmortal Eye, makingSpirit Clandistribute the unrivalledcurse, curseissixImmortal Eye, therefore, you, oncedisplays[Immortal Life Wheel Sealing Technique] toit, will certainlystimulatethatancientcurse.”
“关系大了去了。”太虚古龙没好气的说道,“因为一双六道仙轮眼,逆转了整个战局,神族溃败,远走宇宙边荒,因为对仙轮眼的憎恨,让神族发下旷世的诅咒,诅咒的就是六道仙轮眼,所以,你一旦对其施展仙轮禁术,必将激发那古老的诅咒。”„Youoncehad said that Immortal Eyeis also invalidtoyourAncient Cosmos Dragon, saidthatyourAncient Cosmos Dragonhas also cursedsixImmortal Eye?”
“可以这么说。”„Immortal EyeisIbiggesttrump card, sinceitis invalidto the body of profoundspirit, thatmakesmeresist the body of profoundspiritwithanything.”
“仙轮眼是我最大的王牌,既然它对玄灵之体无效,那让我拿什么对抗玄灵之体。”„Do not fluster, listening tometo say!”Ancient Cosmos Dragonsmilesleisurely, „your[Immortal Life Wheel Sealing Technique] , althoughis invalidto the body of profoundspirit, butIhad not said that is invalidtothatninedays of profoundgingko, Iremindedyourmeaningam, notmustaim at the body of profoundspirit the target, butmustaim atthatninedays of profoundgingko, so as to avoidwasted the lifeto displaybanned the techniquenot to flatterdid not say, but alsoannoyed a scariercurse, knew!”
“明白。”„Imayalsocount onyoudo savemeto exit? Do not hang.”
Under is a focus of public attention, thatfloatatvoidninedays of profoundgingkoas beforetremblingcries, the formidablepressure, makingmanypeoplefeel the deeppressure.
万众瞩目之下,那悬浮在虚空的九天玄灵眼依旧颤鸣,强大的威压,让现场很多人都感觉到深深的压力。„Looks at the stance, Ye Chen is very difficultto blockfollowingstruck.”
“看架势,叶辰是很难挡住接下来的一击了。”„UnsurpassedSecret Laws of body of profoundspirit, cankeep off the firsttimenot dead, has been enoughproudly.”
“玄灵之体的无上秘法,能挡下第一次而不死,已经足以自傲了。”On the stage, Ye Chenhas closed the left eyeslightly.
台上,叶辰已经微微闭上了左眼。Immortal Eye, opens!仙轮眼,开!【Authorwritesover-formal language】: The chapterredundantissue, was really sorry, the towerbean that fellowbookfriendswaste, Ican11compensations, immortalEmperor Wurevere the exchangegroup id: 264670852.
【作者题外话】:章节重复问题,实在抱歉,各位书友浪费的塔豆,我会11赔偿,仙武帝尊交流群号:264670852.Here, tracksay|waykneelsto seeksupport.
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