磅!Quick, the sounds of twometalcollisionsthendid not dividehave conveyedsuccessively, althoughHua YuntwoYin-Yang'Sword Qi'have hitYe Chen, buthas not actually brokenon the Ye Chenfirst'Heaven Stars Qi'armor, butsparked the bright as snowsparkon the armor.
很快,两道金属碰撞的声音便不分先后的传来了,华云的两道阴阳剑气虽然击中了叶辰,但却没有破开叶辰身上的先天罡气铠甲,只是在铠甲上面擦出了雪亮的火花。„First'Heaven Stars Qi', the diamondis difficultbroken, is very good.”First the overbearingdefense of 'Heaven Stars Qi', makingYe Chenonelaughimpressively, then onesteptreads, such as the shellenteredin a Hua YunEight Diagramschartgenerally.
“先天罡气,金刚难破,很好。”先天罡气的霸道防御,让叶辰赫然一声大笑,而后便一步踏出,如炮弹一般杀入了华云的八卦阵图中。According tosuch asfirstseveraltimes, oncewere inferior that inthisEight Diagramschart, Ye Chenwas suppressedon the self inductancespeed and strength.
依如前几次,一旦不如这八卦阵图中,叶辰就自感速度和力量被压制。Butthistime, Ye Chenisclashes, has the overbearingdefense of first'Heaven Stars Qi', has givenenoughhisself-confidentregretsin a Eight DiagramschartandHua Yunhardly.
但这一次,叶辰是自己冲进来的,有先天罡气的霸道防御,给了他足够的自信在八卦阵图中与华云硬憾。„Courts death.” The Ye Chenpowerfulkills, Hua Yuncoldsnort|hum, has raised the armimmediately, the great sealcomestogether.
“找死。”叶辰强势杀进来,华云冷哼一声,当即扬起了手臂,一道大印呼啸而来。Eight Desolate Fists!八荒拳!Ye Chenas alwaysverveoverbearing, moreoverdoes not defend, regretted a Hua Yunpalmhardly, thenstands up from failure a Eight Desolate Fistsfront surfaceto rumble.叶辰一如既往的刚猛霸道,而且丝毫不加防御,硬憾了华云一掌,而后翻身一记八荒拳迎面轰来。Dayseal!
地天印!Hua Yunhurriesto display the Secret Lawsresistance.华云慌忙施展秘法对抗。Bang!
After regretshardly, theyone after anotherbegin.
一记硬憾之后,两人又接连动手。Rushing Thunder Palm!奔雷掌!DragonXingquan!
The Yin-Yanggathers the hand imprint!
阴阳合手印!Shakes the mountain!
轰!Fightson the stage, thundersunceasingly, valiantYe Chenin a Eight Diagramschart, has launched the secret techniquewithHua Yunto the bang, has the overbearingdefense of first'Heaven Stars Qi', to havelarge capacityElixir Sea (Dan Hai) to make the support, to havenineto do several things at the same timefrom the placebottomcontinuoustransmissionearthaniline black, letshisunscrupulousdisplayingsecret technique.
战台上,轰鸣不断,彪悍的叶辰在八卦阵图中,与华云展开了秘术对轰,有先天罡气的霸道防御、有大容量的丹海做支撑、有九个分身从地底源源不断的传输大地精元,让他肆无忌惮的施展秘术。„Thesetwo are really the bastards!”Looks that was in charge the warstage that coversby'Sword Qi' and fistshade, four directionsobservingisonesucks the tongue.
“这俩真是畜生啊!”看着被剑气、拳影、掌印笼罩的战台,四方观战者又是一阵咂舌。„ThatYe Chenwhichthat manyVital Energy, the secret techniquetorumblingwas so long, not only the aurais not depressed, insteadis the waris more aggressive.”
“那叶辰哪那么多真气,秘术了对轰了这么久,非但气息不消沉,反而是越战越生猛。”„Heis also valiantenough, daresmeets the tough head-on with toughnessin a Hua YunEight DiagramschartandHua Yun, butthat the first defense of 'Heaven Stars Qi'also is really not a lid, has made up for the strength and speedsuppressedflawbythisactually.”
轰隆!In the four directionsdiscussionsound, fights the bellow on stagenot to cut offas before, theyunknowinglyhave foughtabout200rounds.
四方议论声中,战台上的轰鸣声依旧未曾断绝,两人不知不觉中已经战了近200个回合。„Is thisboy the monstrous talent?”Hua Yuninnermost feelingswhooshingmore than once, the tenaciousness of Ye Chen, makinghimangry.
“这小子是妖孽吗?”华云内心不止一次的嘶吼,叶辰的顽强,让他愤怒。Hemorehits the heartstartled, incultivatingisunder the Realmsabsolutesuppression, hehit200rounds unable itto takewithMortal Origin Stageunexpectedly, even ifwerepastLiuYiheZhouproudhas not madehimsodistressed.
砰!Astwobangsdo not dividetransmittingsuccessively, onYe Chenfirst'Heaven Stars Qi'has blasted open, was shakenspits bloodto back up, butwhereHua Yunalsoverytogoes, Yin-Yang'Sword Qi'was imprisoned, the Eight Diagramschart of under footalsocollapsed.
The war is really frigid, the blooddyedhas fought the stagecompletely.
A side, Ye Chenwhole bodybloodgully, the blooddrippings, bodymanyhave revealed the densebones of the dead, is similar toAsurais ordinary.
A side, Hua Yunhas hair dishevelled, whole bodybloodgullymanyinnumerableness, the face of covered with bloodis also bringingfiercely, resembles the malicious ghost, ifin the hellcrawls is the same.
一方,华云披头散发,浑身血壑也多的数不清,血肉模糊的脸庞带着狰狞,似若地狱里爬出的恶鬼一样。Wartothis time, exciting.
大战到此时,扣人心弦。„He. The mother, thisboyis notcommoncanhit!”Ye Chenpants, the vitalityexuberanthehitaurais defeated and dispersed, first'Heaven Stars Qi'alsohitcracking that Naha said that the Hua Yunstrength, has tomakehimexclaim in surprise.
When heexclaims in surprise, the oppositeheardbuzz the whining noise, Hua YunforeheadSoulsurrounded, hasmiraculous glowtogetherto flyto injectspatially.
他惊叹之际,对面传来了嗡鸣声,华云眉心灵魂环绕,有一道灵光飞射入空。Concentratesto lookcarefully, thatis an exquisitepagoda, is mountingbrightspiritbeads, itsrapidlyincreaseshuge, is overflowingall over the body the radiantgodsplendor, intensely bright, especially the pressure of thatterror, letsmanydisciplescannot help butwith amazement.
仔细凝看,那是一座玲珑宝塔,镶嵌着一颗颗明亮的灵珠,它急速的变大庞大,通体流溢着璀璨的神辉,耀眼夺目,特别是那恐怖的威压,让诸多弟子都不由得骇然。Good, Hua YunmovedthisassignsSpirit Artifact.
不错,华云动本命灵器了。Hewas really hitto have no alternative, Ye Chenlooks likeXiaoqiang who cannot kill, the tenaciousness of vitality, makinghimgo crazy, does not use the bookto assignMagical Artifact, truly difficultwin.
他实在被打无可奈何了,叶辰就像是打不死的小强,生命力的顽强,让他发狂,不动用本命法器,实难取胜。Naturally, thisassignsSpirit Artifactone, in the certain significanceheis a loser, asTrue Yang Realm, as the Zhengyang Sectsecondtrue line, usedfacingMortal Origin Stageunexpectedlythishas assignedSpirit Artifact, thisdid not loseisanything.
当然,本命灵器一出,一定意义上他就已经是输家了,身为真阳境、身为正阳宗第二真传,面对一个人元境竟然动用了本命灵器,这不是输是什么。Heuses the bookto assignSpirit Artifact, naturallyalsohas causedbelowtumult.
他动用本命灵器,自然也引起了下方一阵骚动。„Hua Yun that the Ye Chenalsoverymonstrous talent, unexpectedlycompelledusedthishas assignedSpirit Artifact, the might of thatexquisitepagodawas notgeneralSpirit Artifactcancompare.”
“叶辰也忒妖孽了,竟然逼的华云动用了本命灵器,那座玲珑宝塔的威力可不是一般的灵器可以比拟的。”„Hua Yunwon, that is also winsquiteignominious.”
“不过华云就算是胜了,那也是赢的颇不光彩。”„Talked nonsense, hitwithMortal Origin Stage must movethisassignsSpirit Artifact, except for the Zhengyang Sectdisciple, whomdid not have.”Mr.Zhuge'swordsdo not addtaboo, at this timesome of hisseniorstyles, scold the soundto point toChengdu-Kunming on highplaceactually.
“扯淡,跟一个人元境打还要动本命灵器,除了正阳宗的弟子,也没谁了。”诸葛老头儿的话语丝毫不加避讳,此时他倒是有些前辈风范,呵斥声直指高座上的成昆。„Zhugeseniorsaidinprinciple.”GongsunZhifirstmakes noiseto echo, hisQingyunsectsare annihilated, has not been shortbyZhengyang Sectis taunted, is just at heart aggrieved? The golden opportunity of sotaunting, can helet off?
“诸葛前辈说的在理。”还是公孙智第一个出声附和,他青云宗全军覆没,没少被正阳宗挖苦,心里正憋屈呢?如此嘲讽的大好时机,他能放过?Looks in the highplaceagain, suchonepreachedbyMr.ZhugeandGongsunZhi, the face of Chengdu-Kunmingimmediatelybecameburning, thiswasscarlet. Bareslapping the face.
The showdownprojects on the present, reallygreatlyhas been abovehisexpectation, Hua Yunnot onlycannottakeYe Chen, insteadincomparablepitiful, the compelledsacrifice that Ye Chenhitsthishas assignedSpirit Artifact, thisHua Yun, his Chengdu-Kunming, thisZhengyang Sect, maynot onlybe the face of losing.
对决打到现在,已经着实大大超乎了他的预料,华云不仅没能拿下叶辰,反而被叶辰打的无比凄惨,更是被逼的祭出了本命灵器,这于华云而言、这于他成昆而言、这于正阳宗而言,丢的可不仅仅是面子了。„Ye Chen, do not hit, gets down.” The Hengyesects, Chu Xuan'erset out, the lookis grave, hasto make the dignity of master, is not the expression that discussed that butwas the expression of order.
“叶辰,别打了,下来。”恒业宗这边,楚萱儿已经起身,神色庄重,有做师傅的威严,不是商量的语气,而是命令的语气。AsSpirit Void Realmexpert, howshecannot seeoverbearing of Hua YunthatlifeSpirit Artifact, once the prestigecanrecovercompletely, grinds the flying ashYe Chenat the sceneis notis impossible.
作为灵虚境强者,她如何看不出华云那本命灵器的霸道,一旦威能全部复苏,当场将叶辰碾成飞灰也不是不可能。„Hurry up, gets down.”Pang Dachuan and say|wayare unreliabletheyalsoin abundanceto set out, expressionsstern, „thatis notyoucancontend.”
“快点,下来。”庞大川和道玄他们也纷纷起身,一个个表情正色,“那不是你所能抗衡的。”„Is, instigated that 1-2 times do not haveanything!”
“就是,怂个一两次也没啥嘛!”„Saidagain, hissolemnTrue Yang Realm and Zhengyang Sectsecondtrue line, youlost, winner.”Situ Nantheyhave also stood, ifthishitsagain, will not do wellwill kill.
“再说了,他堂堂真阳境、正阳宗第二真传,你就算是输了,也赢家。”司徒南他们也纷纷站了起来,这要是再打下去,弄不好会真出人命的。On the stage, listening to the words of people, Ye Chenturning the headto lookto the Hengyesects, finally the visionframedon the body of Chu Xuan'er, sawworry of Chu Xuan'erface, inhisheart the warm feelingsurgedactually.
台上,听着众人的话语,叶辰不由的侧首看向了恒业宗那边,最后目光定格在了楚萱儿的身上,看到楚萱儿一脸的担忧,他心中倒是暖意涌动。„Master, youseriouslysonotfollower?”Ye Chenshows a faint smile, the meaning of actuallynot having wanted.
“师傅,你当真如此不相信徒儿吗?”叶辰微微一笑,却是没有要下来的意思。„Do not deliberately create trouble.”Chu Xuan'erhas scoldedone, onetypemustrushfights the stageimpulsed.
“别胡闹。”楚萱儿呵斥了一声,已经有一种要冲上战台的冲动了。„Masterfelt relievedthatcannot die.”Ye Chenreturnsto be excessive, thenmaliciouslyis swaying from side to side the neck, the first 'Heaven Stars Qi'armoroffers a sacrifice toonce more, inserts, infightingTianque of stagewas also graspedbyhimin the hand, thenstubbornlyis staringfloatin the airborneexquisitepagoda, itsprestigecanalreadypowerfullyto the extreme.
“师傅放心,死不了。”叶辰回过了头,而后狠狠的扭动着脖子,先天罡气铠甲再次祭出,插在战台的天阙也被他握在了手中,而后死死盯着悬浮在空中的玲珑宝塔,它的威能已经强盛到了极点。„Death!” The Hua Yunlookis fierce, both handstieseal, scoldswithonelightly, imperialmovesexquisitepagodaLing Tianto depress.
“死吧!”华云神色狰狞,双手结印,随着一声轻叱,御动玲珑宝塔凌天压下。Sees that Ye Chenboth handsgrip tightlyTianque, has lifted the top of the head.
见状,叶辰双手紧握天阙,举过了头顶。【Authorwritesover-formal language】: ExplodesChapter 30.
【作者题外话】:爆更第30章。30chaptersexplode, the tracksaid that Ihave not gone back on word!
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