IAMVE :: Volume #3

#217: Doing several things at the same time illusory image

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hears word, all people cannot help but looks askance to look that to has fought stage, the words of Chengdu-Kunming are very obvious, that is Bai Wing also has the trump card in the hand. 闻言,所有人都不由得侧目看向了战台,成昆的话语很明显,那就是白翼还有王牌在手。 Really, fights Bai Wing on stage, regrets after Ye Chen hardly strikes, suddenly turns around, then fast pinches to begin to print, the whole body is the miraculous glow four shoots, hazy white fog along with it turbulently. 果然,战台上的白翼,与叶辰硬憾一击之后,豁然转身,而后快速的掐动手印,周身更是灵光四射,迷蒙的白雾随之汹涌而起。 Quick, Bai Wing the personal appearance became illusory, one step trod, really had several illusory images, making the person unable to branch out that together is the main body. 很快,白翼的身形变得虚无缥缈了,一步踏下,竟然有了十几道的幻影,让人分不出那一道才是本尊。 What's wrong, this is must gang up on!” Ye Chen does not fear, speed strange Kuai, a fist rumbles, being defeated and dispersed that will do several things at the same time to hit. “怎么,这是要群殴啊!”叶辰不惧,速度奇快,一拳轰出,将其中一个分身打的溃散。 Does several things at the same time, the strength missed with main body was too far, even if were white wing main body suffers a Ye Chen fist also to spit blood, let alone was Bai Wing doing several things at the same time. 既是分身,实力就跟本尊差了太远,就算是白翼这个本尊挨了叶辰一拳也或许会吐血,更何况是白翼的分身。 What making Ye Chen stunned is, by him, as soon as fights with the fists that Bai Wing who explodes to do several things at the same time, changed to one group of azure smoke at the scene, under the azure smoke surges, then instantaneously condensed. 只是,让叶辰错愕的是,被他一拳打爆的那个白翼分身,当场就化作了一团青烟,青烟涌动之下,而后瞬间又凝聚了出来。 Can't kill?” Ye Chen stares. “打不死?”叶辰一愣。 Death!” When Ye Chen is in a daze, several Bai Wing from has attacked in all directions, or is in charge, or the sword glow, or the fist shade, submerged Ye Chen instantaneously. “死吧!”叶辰发愣之际,十几个白翼已经从四面八方攻来,或是掌印、或是剑芒、或是拳影,瞬间就把叶辰淹没在其中了。 Suddenly, Ye Chen is damaged. 一时间,叶辰受创。 Person is flamboyant!” Stood firm the personal appearance, a Ye Chen sword has divided Bai Yisheng, killed an opening, then jumped out the encirclement ring. “人多牛逼是吧!”稳住了身形,叶辰一剑将一个白翼生劈了,杀出了一个豁口,而后跳出了包围圈。 Which walks.” A white wing throws instantaneously, a palm pats. “哪走。”一个白翼瞬间扑上来,一掌拍来。 Does several things at the same time, you is a yarn.” Saw attacks his does several things at the same time, Ye Chen shakes the fist immediately, has fought with the fists, because knows that this does several things at the same time, therefore has only used 10% strengths. “一个分身,你算个毛线。”一眼看出了进攻他的乃是一个分身,叶辰当即挥拳,一拳打了出去,因为知道这个是分身,所以只用了一成的力量。 What makes his surprised is, the aura of that doing several things at the same time is promoting instantaneously, attack strength also in instantaneously suddenly to increase, the might of that palm, rose suddenly several times to continue. 只是,让他惊讶的是,那个分身的气息在瞬间提升,攻击的力量也在瞬间暴增,那一掌的威力,也随之暴涨了十几倍不止。 ! 噗! A move regrets hardly, Ye Chen fist entire covered with blood. 一招硬憾,叶辰拳头整个都血肉模糊了。 Any situation.” Ye Chen is repulsed, the running fight, Immortal Eye faint opening, stares at several Bai Wing who is throwing in all directions stubbornly. “什么情况。”叶辰败退,且战且走,仙轮眼隐隐开启,死死盯着四面八方扑来的十几个白翼。 „It is not right.” Observed the situation a fist, the eye of Ye Chen has narrowed instantaneously the eyes. “不对。”环视了一拳,叶辰的眼睛瞬间微眯了下来。 He discovered faces, although is several Bai Wing, but only then one is the main body, the strength of that main body unexpectedly in several do several things at the same time to walk randomly mutually, Bai Wing, the previous second does several things at the same time, the next second turned into the main body. 他发现面对的虽然是十几个白翼,但其中只有一个是本尊,那个本尊的力量竟然在十几个分身之间相互游走,一个白翼,前一秒还是分身,下一秒就变成本尊了。 „Before no wonder, attacks my to do several things at the same time, the strength will increase several times to continue in the instantaneous violent, originally by doing several things at the same time to be turned into the main body in that flash.” Ye Chen pupil glittering, in the heart had exclaimed unavoidably somewhat in surprise that this boy also carries this Secret Laws unexpectedly, hideaway depth of enough!” “难怪之前攻击我的那个分身,力量会在瞬间暴增十几倍不止,原来是在那一瞬间由分身变成了本尊。”叶辰眸光闪烁了一下,心中不免有些惊叹,“这小子竟然还身负这种秘法,隐藏的够深哪!” Suddenly, the Ye Chen brow wrinkled, train of thought rapid rotation. Bai Wing doing several things at the same time extinguished one also to meet the rebirth, from beginning to end maintained at several, the main body and did several things at the same time to transform mutually, each that this meaning i.e., I faced did several things at the same time to be possible be the main body, I got rid to move each time fully, otherwise 10% strengths can hit to explode one to do several things at the same time, but 10% strengths were certainly the difficult wound to the white wing, on the contrary, the white wing can assign to do several things at the same time in accordance with the situation the strength, did several things at the same time to deceive me to move fully, but did several things at the same time also to turn into the main body instantaneously, hit my one to be caught off guard unexpectedly.” 一时间,叶辰眉头皱了下来,思绪飞速的转动。“白翼的分身灭了一个还会重生,自始至终都保持在十几个,本尊和分身又可以相互转化,这意思就是说,我面对的每一个分身都有可能是本尊,我每次出手都必须要动全力,不然一成的力量可以打爆一个分身,但一成的力量是绝难伤到白翼的,相反,白翼可以视情况而分配分身间的力量,一个分身可以骗我动全力,但一个分身也可以在瞬间变成本尊,出其不意的打我一个措手不及。” Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! He thinks, several white wings besiege once more. 他思索间,十几个白翼再次围攻而来。 Zheng! 铮! In attack, together ice-cold killing sword still for swift and fierce, presses up to the Ye Chen throat. 攻击中,一道冰冷的杀剑犹为凌厉,直逼叶辰喉咙而来。 Main body.” The Ye Chen eye narrows the eyes, immediately gets rid, a sword passes through the rainbow, regrets with it hardly. “本尊。”叶辰眼睛一眯,当即出手,一剑贯长虹,与之硬憾。 ! 噗! Bai Wing the body explodes instantaneously. 白翼的身体瞬间爆裂。 „It is not the main body, the main body turned away.” Ye Chen look one cold, hurries to turn around, turns the hand a palm toward behind to pat, because in the previous second, that main body that a sword punctures, turned into doing several things at the same time, but the main body instantaneously was also shifting another to do several things at the same time on, attacked Ye Chen that from the back. “不是本尊,本尊转走了。”叶辰神色一凛,慌忙转身,翻手一掌向着身后拍去,因为在前一秒,一剑刺来的那个本尊,变成了分身,而本尊也在瞬间转移到了另一个分身上,也就是从背后攻击叶辰的那一个。 Bang! 砰! A palm regrets hardly, they were all shaken. 一掌硬憾,两人皆被震开。 ! 噗! ! 噗! ! 噗! Immediately, blood splash, on Ye Chen were also many several blood gullies. 当即,鲜血飞溅,叶辰身上又多了十几道血壑。 Ahem, the Senior brother Bai Wing doing several things at the same time illusory image, can it be that you can contend.” Under, sees Ye Chen injured unceasingly, the Zhengyang Sect disciple has revealed the sinister smile sound. “哼哼,白翼师兄的分身幻影,岂是你所能抗衡的。”下方,见叶辰不断受伤,正阳宗的弟子纷纷露出了阴笑声。 So, Bai Yibian was in an impregnable position.” Chengdu-Kunming smile spookily, in the eye also has the mean color to appear, seemed saw Ye Chen by a scene of Bai Wing sword sword deducting flesh and blood. “如此,白翼便立于不败之地了。”成昆幽幽一笑,眼中还有阴狠之色显现,好似已经看到了叶辰被白翼一剑一剑劈成血肉的场景了。 My faulty vision, this called Bai Wing the boy, carried this Secret Laws unexpectedly.” Mr. Zhuge sighed. “眼拙了,这叫白翼的小子,竟然还身负这种秘法。”诸葛老头儿唏嘘了一声。 You do not think that really the Zhengyang Sect true line fourth was to say to be so simple!” Nearby Bi You long one, the contemptuous say|way, this Secret Laws is I meets, must spend a hands and feet, let alone is he.” “您老不会真以为正阳宗真传第四是说说那么简单吧!”一旁的碧游悠悠一声,轻蔑道,“此秘法就算是我遇到,也要费一番手脚,何况是他。” Really is the doing several things at the same time illusory image.” Yang Dingtian words quite have the profound meaning, their complexion develops rapidly after a sudden turn, became somewhat ugly. “真的是分身幻影。”杨鼎天话语颇有深意,他们脸色急转直下,变得有些难看了。 Leader one's teacher's older brother, this Secret Laws anything origin.” Situ Nan they looked to Bai Wing. “掌门师伯,这秘法什么来历。”司徒南他们纷纷看向了白翼。 You should hear illusory image Daoist.” Yang Dingtian said slowly that he is a person of my three first ancestor ages, the so-called doing several things at the same time illusory image, is his becoming famous unique skill, this secret technique already is the doing several things at the same time illusory image, naturally is does several things at the same time related, believes that you also saw, white wing several do several things at the same time, each does several things at the same time and main body has the relation, but what most is helpless, each does several things at the same time to be the main body, can, in the main body and does several things at the same time to transform mutually, moreover every time wipes out one to do several things at the same time, under will have does several things at the same time to replace the rebirth together.” “你们应该听说过幻影道人。”杨鼎天缓缓说道,“他是跟我三宗始祖一个年代的人,所谓的分身幻影,就是他的成名绝技,此秘术既为分身幻影,自然是跟分身有关的,相信你们也看到了,白翼十几个分身,他每一个分身都和本尊有联系,而最让人无奈的是,每一个分身都可以是本尊,可以在本尊和分身之间相互转化,而且每打掉一个分身,就会有下一道分身接替重生。” Listens, Situ Nan they are shocked, that... That this meaning i.e. Ye Chen does not want to defeat Bai Wing, must extinguish white wing several to do several things at the same time, otherwise white wing several do several things at the same time the unceasing transformed main body, the unceasing rebirth, quite in having infinite life.” 听完,司徒南他们纷纷震惊,“那…那这意思不就是说叶辰想要打败白翼,必须要一口气灭了白翼十几个分身,不然白翼十几个分身不断的转化本尊、又不断的重生,可不就相当于有无限的生命。” Doing several things at the same time illusory image, although terror, but does not have the infinite life that to exaggerate.” Profound Venerable continued, displays any Secret Laws, has the consumption, I and others with person showdown, only if situation need, will otherwise not melt to do several things at the same time to battle basically, because does several things at the same time, once appears, will divvy up the main body surely some strengths, but their consumptions, must derive from main body within the body, but the doing several things at the same time illusory image, from starting to display, several times that was doomed the consumption does several things at the same time ordinary, because that was several does several things at the same time, so big consumption, not easy long-term showdown, time one long, was hard to support surely.” “分身幻影虽然恐怖,但也没有无限生命那么夸张。”道玄真人接过了话头,“施展任何秘法,都是有消耗的,我等与人对决,除非情况需要,不然基本是不会化出分身作战的,因为分身一旦显现,必定会分掉本尊的一些实力,而他们的消耗,也是要从本尊体内汲取的,而分身幻影,从开始施展,就注定了消耗是普通分身的十几倍,因为那是十几个分身,如此大的消耗,不易长时间的对决,时间一久,必定难以支撑。” You, if said like this that I understood.” Situ Nan relaxed slightly, „said that so long as Ye Chen supports, there is an opportunity of turning defeat into victory right!” “你要是这样说,那我就明白了。”司徒南稍稍松了一口气,“这么说,叶辰只要撑过去,还是有反败为胜的机会的对吧!” Theoretically is so.” Chu Xuan'er has opened the mouth, since, but Bai Yigan uses this Secret Laws, has that to be able in the short time to defeat Ye Chen surely self-confidently, he is True Yang Realm, the spirit strength is abundant, if by consumption, even if several does several things at the same time to consume together, energy consumption dead Ye Chen.” “理论上是如此。”楚萱儿开口了,“但既然白翼敢动用此秘法,必定有那个自信能在短时间被打败叶辰,他是真阳境,灵力充沛,若论消耗的话,就算是十几个分身一同消耗,也能耗死叶辰。” Author writes over-formal language: Explodes Chapter 16. 【作者题外话】:爆更第16章。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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