铿锵!Fightson the stage the waris notgeneralfiery.
战台上大战不是一般的火热。Alsoeternal truthChu Xuan'ersaidthatZhouproud the defenseis notgeneraloverbearing, the Nie Fengstriking poweris not weak, butfewtimescanbreakZhouproudfrom beginning to endwith the armor that 'Heaven Stars Qi'condensesfirst.
还真如楚萱儿所说,周傲的防御不是一般的霸道,聂风的攻击力不弱,但自始至终都没几次能破开周傲用先天罡气凝聚出的铠甲。ReviewsZhouproud, hasfirst'Heaven Stars Qi'to protect the body, secure, the attackis unscrupulous, oncecompelledto fight the edge of stageNie Feng.
反观周傲,有先天罡气护体,有恃无恐,攻击肆无忌惮,曾一度将聂风逼到战台的边缘。„ThisSecret Lawsstudy, natural justiceis not intolerable.”Ye Chenfeels the chin, has been usingImmortal Eyeto deducethat the first 'Heaven Stars Qi'mystery.
轰!Fights the stagebangto be unceasing, theirwarscompared withimaginationinwantssplendidmany, foughtover a hundredrounds unable to decide the victory and defeat.
战台巨响不断,两人的大战远比想象中的要精彩的多,斗了上百个回合都还未能分出胜负。„Hasn't fired off?”Chengdu-Kunming on highplace, have openedboth eyeslazy, but alsosomehave not had a yawnpatiently, „onegroup of cantilever beamcomedian clowns, have not set finally off, wastetime.”
“还没打完吗?”高座上的成昆,慵懒的睁开了双眼,还有些不耐烦的打了一个哈欠,“一群挑梁小丑,最后还不都是陪衬,浪费时间。”„The body of profoundspiritis notyou, spiritedyarn.”Mr.Zhugeshot a look atChengdu-Kunmingwith something else in mind.
“玄灵之体又不是你,神气个毛线。”诸葛老头儿不以为然的瞥了一眼成昆。Has taken back the visionfromChengdu-Kunmingthere, Mr.Zhugelookedonce moretoNie Feng, a pair of dreadfulold eyes, along withNie Fengmigrationdirection, butaboutswung, „thatNie Fengchild, Ilikedvery much.”
从成昆那里收回了目光,诸葛老头儿再次看向了聂风,一双猥琐的老眼,随着聂风移动的方向而左右摆动,“那聂风小娃,我很喜欢。”„Nie Feng, is not indeed simple.”Nearby, lookindifferentBi Yousaidonesuddenly.
“聂风,的确不简单。”一旁,神色冷漠的碧游冷不丁的说了一句。SawBi Youto openboth eyes, Mr.Zhugehas smiled, „likedthatNie Fengnot, wanted the grandfatherto pullto be a go- to you, youverymatched.”
见碧游睁开了双眼,诸葛老头儿嘿嘿一笑,“喜欢那聂风不,要不要爷爷给你俩牵牵线,你俩挺配的。”„Yousaidanything.”Bi Youdeeplyinspired, staredMr.Zhugemaliciously.
“你说什么。”碧游深吸了一口气,狠狠的瞪了诸葛老头儿一眼。„, WhenIhad not said.”
轰!Mr.Zhuge the wordsjustfell, fightNie Feng on stagethento be shakento spit bloodbyZhouproud a palmto flutter.
诸葛老头儿话语刚落,战台上的聂风便被周傲一掌震得吐血翻飞了出去。Hence, theyhave foughtabout200rounds.
至此,两人已经斗了将近200个回合。Fights the stagecruentation, theirshowdownscansay that describedwith the frigidity, the Nie Fengbloodbonedrippings, but where Zhouproudalsoverytogoes, first'Heaven Stars Qi' that the diamondis difficultbroken, was hitbyNie Fengis badly-damaged.
战台染血,两人的对决可以说用惨烈来形容,聂风血骨淋淋,但周傲也好不到哪里去,金刚难破的先天罡气,也被聂风打的残破不堪。„Really wasunderestimateyou, compared withstriving to excel that Iimagineda little.”ZhouAoraohasponderinglooks atNie Feng, the brokenfirst'Heaven Stars Qi'armor, rapidlyis also recoveringin the speeches.
“真是小看你了,比我想象的要强那么一点。”周傲饶有玩味的看着聂风,残破的先天罡气铠甲,也在说话间急速的复原着。„But, youwere the differenceare far.”Zhouproudhas turned the neck, „in my eyes, youras beforeanythingis not.”
“不过,你还是差远了。”周傲自顾自的扭了扭脖子,“在我眼里,你依旧什么都不是。”Nie Fengauradispirited, but the lookis as before tranquil, silentdid not speak, cansay that from beginning to endhehas not spokena few words.聂风气息萎靡,但神色依旧平静,默然不语,可以说自始至终他都未曾说过一句话。Although, healsohashisarrogance, buthehas toacknowledge, oppositeweekarrogantlyindeedcompared withhim.
虽然,他也有他的高傲,但他不得不承认,对面的周傲的确比他强。„Was good, accompaniedyouto hitwas so long, does not have the moodto consumewithyou.” The weekarrogantauracondensesonce more, interestinginglooks atoppositeNie Feng, the palmhasastralair/Qito linger, transforms the handto be in charge.
“好了,陪你打了这么久,没心情跟你耗了。”周傲气息再次凝聚,饶有兴趣的看着对面的聂风,掌心有罡气萦绕,幻化成了手掌印。Nie Fengalsomoved, the spiritstrength of being defeated and dispersednearlycondensesextremely, the auraforcefullyis also increasing, moveshisblackto carry forward the dayto flutter, the whole bodyspiritstrength, instilled into the handhas killedin the sword.聂风也动了,溃散的灵力极近凝聚,气息也在强行攀升,吹荡着他的黑发扬天飘荡,浑身的灵力,都灌输在了手中杀剑之中。Zheng!
铮!Has not used the sword, onhimthenhadZheng of swordto call, overflowing'Sword Qi'surroundsits, eachswift and fierceincomparable, invisiblewindalsoinbuzzmoves, gathers, inhas killedabove the sword.
还未出剑,他身上便已经有剑的铮鸣了,四溢的剑气环绕其身,每一道都凌厉无比,一股无形的风也在嗡动,聚在了杀剑之上。Hence, both eyes of Ye Chenhave shone, he can see that Nie Fengthenthisstrikesis not very simple.
至此,叶辰的双眼又亮了,他能能看出聂风接下来这一击很不简单。„Wind God Secret Art, although the mightis incomparable, butis also difficultto winZhouproud.”Nearby, YangDingtiansighedsecretly.
“风神诀虽然威力无匹,但也难胜周傲。”一旁,杨鼎天暗自叹息了一声。„Yi of peaknot necessarilycanwinZhouproud, let aloneiswind.”ProfoundVenerablealsohelplessshaking the head.
“巅峰时期的逸儿都不见得能打赢周傲,更何况是风儿。”道玄真人也无奈的摇了摇头。„Ye Chen, youfavoredcarefully.”Chu Xuan'erhas patted the shoulder of Ye Chen, „yourSenior brotherNie'sWind God Secret Art, the speed, strength, the spiritstrength and thoughtperfectcondensationinone, in the futurewill have opposed the enemy, gets rid, whensoincurs, the mightcanobtain a biggerdisplay.”
“叶辰,你仔细看好了。”楚萱儿则拍了拍叶辰的肩膀,“你聂师兄的风神诀,将速度、力量、灵力和意念都完美的凝聚在了一起,日后对敌,出手当如此招,威力才能得到更大的发挥。”„Mymeeting.”Ye Chennodded, Immortal Eyealsoflashed the gloss, does not needChu Xuan'erto remind, hiseyeneverhas also left the line of sight of Nie Feng, hisevery action and every movement, includingwithin the bodyspiritstrengthmobiledirection, extremelynearevolutioninhisImmortal Eye.
The Ye Chenwordsjustfell, fightNie FengandZhou on proudstagesimultaneouslymove.叶辰话语刚落,战台上的聂风和周傲就同时动了。Firstpart of great bearseal!
先天罡印!Zhouproudwaves, astralwas mad the great sealfront surfaceto promote, is sweeping acrosstojustto the positiveair/Qi, hadto destroy the strength of mountaincrushed stone.
周傲挥手,罡气大印迎面推出,席卷着至刚至阳之气,真有摧山碎石之力。Wind God Secret Art!风神诀!Nie Fengalsoat the same timeuses the sword, overflowing'Sword Qi', the perfectgathering, helike the wind, quicklytonot having the shade, in the handlong swordZhengcalled, pierced the air, scratched the thunder and lightning, the mightwas incomparable.聂风也在同一时间出剑,四溢的剑气,完美汇聚,他如风,快至无影,手中长剑铮鸣,刺穿了空气,擦出了雷电,威力无匹。Bang!
Under is a focus of public attention, a Nie Fengswordpiercedastral of comingair/Qi the great seal.
噗!During the nextsecond, the blood occurred repeatedly, carriesZhouproud who astralair/Qi the armor, the shoulderis piercedby a Nie Fengsword.
下一秒间,鲜血迭起,身负罡气铠甲的周傲,肩膀被聂风一剑刺穿。„Pierced the first 'Heaven Stars Qi'armorunexpectedly, is not simple.” The four directionsallare the sound of exclamation.
“竟然洞穿了先天罡气铠甲,不简单。”四方皆是惊叹的声音。„Mightis not weak, butpresented the deviation, butpiercedZhouproud the shoulder.”
“威力不弱,但出现了偏差,只是洞穿了周傲的肩膀。”„Finalstrikes, thatNie Fengshouldbe the spent force!”
噗!Fightson the stage, has heardZhouproud the spitting bloodsound, obviouslyhad not expected that the might of Nie Fengthisswordsowill be tyrannical, had not expected that oneselfdepending onwill be piercedforarrogantfirst'Heaven Stars Qi'unexpectedly.
噗!ThisbloodisNie Fengputs out, hiscomplexionalreadywan, the auradispiritedto the extreme, nearlyhas annihilatedextremely.
The Wind God Secret Artmightis indeed tyrannical, whileoffending somebody, injured itself, in additionfoughtwithZhouproudcontinually, makinghimbe injuredheavily, the spiritstrength in within the bodywas the consumptioncompletely, does not have the strength of waragain.风神诀的威力的确强横,在伤人的同时,也伤到了自己,加上与周傲连番大战,让他受伤不轻,体内的灵力更是消耗殆尽,再无大战之力。„Youmustloseeventually.”ZhouAoleng, lifted a handpalmto throw offNie Feng.
“你终究还是要输。”周傲冷哼,抬手一掌将聂风掀翻了出去。Othersdo not knowthathisZhouAozencannot know, if not the 'Heaven Stars Qi'armor is extremely first hard, made a Nie Fengsworddeviate the track, nowotherwisepiercesmaynot behisshoulder, butwashischest, heshouldrejoice, otherwisemightreallyby the Nie Fengcounterattackalsoperhaps.
别人不知道,他周傲怎会不知,若非先天罡气铠甲太过坚硬,以至于让聂风的一剑偏离了轨道,不然现在洞穿的可就不是他的肩膀,而是他的胸膛了,他应该庆幸,不然真有可能被聂风逆袭也说不定。Another side, Nie Fengsuch asfaded and fallenfallen leaf, departedhas fought the stage.
另一边,聂风已如飘零落叶,飞出了战台。Ye Chenis quick of eye and hand, flewto go to battle withthat moment of stageto set outwhenNie Feng, inNie Fengwill soon fall to the ground, constrainsit, firsthas filledmedicinal pilltoNie Feng, thishauled backonit the seat.叶辰眼疾手快,已经在聂风飞出战台的那一刻起身,在聂风即将落地时,将其拖住,先是给聂风塞了一颗丹药,这才将其拖回到了座位上。„With every effortgood.”Looks atguilty of Nie Fengthatface, the windtracelessshows a smilerarely.
“尽力就好。”看着聂风那一脸的愧疚,风无痕难得露出一丝微笑。„QingyunsectZhouao, victory.”Fightson the stage, WuChangqingannounced the result of thisshowdown . Moreover the lookdid not havepatiently, withjustawoke, seemsis indifferenttothisshowdown.
“青云宗周傲,胜。”战台上,吴长青已经宣布了这一场对决的结果,而且神色还有不耐烦,跟刚睡醒似的,好似对这一场对决漠不关心似的。In the nihility, the beautifulpupil of easternphoenixtooheartis flashing, butactuallydoes not look atZhouproud, butlooks atNie Feng that is defeated, smilesleisurely, „FuYa, do youhave the discoveryto leave the swordinstantaneousideal conditioninhim.”
虚无中,东凰太心的美眸闪动着,但却不是看着周傲,而是看着落败的聂风,悠悠一笑,“伏崖,你有没有发现在他出剑瞬间的意境。”„Personswordunites.”FuYalvhas stroked the beard, seemsknowswhat the easternphoenixtooheartrefers toisanything.
“人剑合一。”伏崖捋了捋胡须,好似知道东凰太心所指的是什么。„Interesting.” The easternphoenixtooheartcorners of the mouthhave roused an inexplicablesmiling face, „did not know that the swordSaintsaw, canbe very gratified.”
“有意思。”东凰太心嘴角勾动了一丝莫名的笑容,“不晓得剑圣看到,会不会很欣慰。”【Authorwritesover-formal language】: ExplodesChapter 3.
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