„The universedoes several things at the same time, reveals.”
The bottomworld, scoldswithYe Chenonelightly, gang of goldenYunQiemitsfromhisbody, theninhisbodysideunceasinggathering, untiltransforminghuman form, but the appearance of thishuman form, ishisYe Chenappearance.
地底世界,随着叶辰一声轻叱,一股金色的云气从他的身上冒出,而后在他的身侧不断的汇聚,直至幻化成人形,而这人形的模样,就是他叶辰的模样。„Good.”Ye Chensets out, high and lowsizes up the universe that bodyside was just condensingto do several things at the same time.
“不错。”叶辰起身,上下打量着身侧这道刚刚凝聚出来的太虚分身。„RepairstohaveQi Condensation3rd Layer?”Ye Chentouches the chin.
“修为只有凝气三重吗?”叶辰摸了摸下巴。„Come, tries.” The intentionmoves, Ye Chenorderedowndoing several things at the same timeto sit cross-leggedabovespiritlineage/vein.
“来,试一试。”心念一动,叶辰命令自己的分身盘坐在了一条灵脉之上。Quick, hisdoing several things at the same timethenvoluntarilyswallowsto accept the earthaniline black, generallyswallows up the goodsorptionlike the bottomless pit, butasmain bodyYe Chen, obtains the transmission of doing several things at the same time, obtained the advantage, the mindinspires.
很快,他的分身便自行吞纳大地精元,就像无底洞一般鲸吞牛吸着,而作为本尊的叶辰,得到分身的传输,也得到了好处,心神为之一振。„Really isgood.”Ye Chenhas rubbedrubbing hands, twoare putting the bright, „ifin the futurewill be too bigwith the personoperational attrition, canthroughdoing several things at the same timeto derive the supplementfromEarth Spirit Veinhere, will absorbEarth Spirit Veinnot to haveanythingto distinguishwithmepersonallybasically.”
“真是不错。”叶辰搓了搓手,俩眼放着亮光,“日后若与人作战消耗太大,可以通过分身从大地灵脉这里汲取补充,跟我亲自吸收大地灵脉基本也没啥区别。”Pleasantly surprised, Ye ChenlookedtobelowAncient Cosmos Dragon, „that Idoing several things at the same timeto stay here, if the Zhengyang Sectpersonhas come, what to do discovered that Ido not wantto know that Ihave come tohere.”
惊喜之下,叶辰看向了下方的太虚古龙,“那个,我把分身留在这里,若是正阳宗的人进来了,发现怎么办,我可不想让人知道我来过这里。”„Doesn't haveme?”Ancient Cosmos Dragonshot a look atYe Chenone, „felt relievedthatIguaranteeyouto do several things at the same timewell.”
“不是还有我吗?”太虚古龙瞥了叶辰一眼,“放心,我保你分身无恙。”„You, ifsaidlike this, myentiretwo.”Ye Chenwas saying, pinchesto beginto printonce more, bastardhe, the one breathcondensedeightto do several things at the same time.
“那你要是这样说,我就多整两个。”叶辰说着,再次掐动手印,畜生般的他,一口气又凝聚出了八道分身。Eightdid several things at the same timeto sit cross-leggedto sitoneightsmallspiritlineage/vein, like thiscalculatedthatin addition before did several things at the same time, altogetherwasninedoes several things at the same time.
八道分身纷纷盘膝坐在了八条小灵脉上,这样算来,加上之前的一道分身,总共是九道分身了。Ninedo several things at the same timeto absorb the speed of earthaniline black, does several things at the same timeto absorb the earthaniline blackspeedtogetherninetimes, Ye Chenhas felt the boundlessaniline black that does several things at the same timethereto transmitfromnineclearly.
九道分身吸收大地精元的速度,是一道分身吸收大地精元速度的九倍,叶辰已经清楚的感受到从九道分身那里传来的磅礴精元。„Comestwoagain.”Obtained the advantage, Ye Chenhas smiled, to pinchto begin the sealcondensationto do several things at the same timeonce more.
“再来两个。”得了好处,叶辰嘿嘿一笑,就要再次掐动手印凝聚分身。„Stopsstops from time to time.”Then, Ancient Cosmos Dragonis not calm, stopsdirectly, ill-humoredscolding, „aidedyournineto do several things at the same timeismylimit, were many, Iwas also helpless, after allIalsoin the condition of seal.”
“停停停。”这下,太虚古龙不淡定了,直接叫停,没好气的骂道,“护佑你九道分身已经是我的极限了,再多了,我也无能为力,毕竟我还在封印的状态。”„Understood.”Ye Chensmiles, the secret passagecannotbe too greedy, ninedo several things at the same timeto absorbtogether, the earthaniline black that mustcome is also exceptionallyboundless.
“理解理解。”叶辰嘿嘿一笑,暗道也不能太贪婪,九道分身一同吸收,得来的大地精元也是异常磅礴的。„Youcanwalk, remembersouragreements.” The Ancient Cosmos Dragondragonrefers to the light shell, god of journeyslightflies, fellon the under foot of Ye Chen, was centered onYe Chen, has formed an vortex.
“你可以走了,记住我们的约定。”太虚古龙龙指轻弹,一道神光飞上来,落在了叶辰的脚下,以叶辰为中心,形成了一个漩涡。„Relax, will not forget.”Ye Chenbeckoned with the handgently, under the rotation of vortex, vanishedhereinstantaneously.
嗖!Ye Chensees only the godlightto dodge, appearsagain, has been in a barehillboss.叶辰只见神光一闪,再次出现,已经身在一个光秃秃的小山头儿了。„This!” After coming, Ye Chenhurriesto observe the situationall around.
“这是哪!”现身之后,叶辰慌忙环视四周。Pleasant, hethensaw under fogwind around the Spirit Mountain, as well asSpirit MountainZhouCeatmosphereboundlesspavilionpalaces.
入眼,他便看到了一座座云雾缭绕下的灵山,以及灵山周侧一座座大气磅礴的楼阁宫殿。„Fortunately, Zhengyang Sect.”Ye Chenrelaxed, Ancient Cosmos Dragonhas madehim.
“还好,正阳宗。”叶辰松了一口气,太虚古龙把他弄了出来。„Searches, carefulsearching.”Ye Chen that justrelaxed, thenheard the sound that voidhave drunkcoldly.
“搜,仔仔细细的搜。”刚刚松一口气的叶辰,便听到了虚空中一道道冷喝的声音。Ye Chenthensees the voidperson's shadows, eachimperialis spatialandgood, whole bodylingeringmiraculous glow, likestars.叶辰这才看到虚空中一道道人影,各个御空而行,浑身萦绕者灵光,像一颗颗的星辰。„Went bad.”Ye Chendid not shoutdarklywell, hewas not silly, late at night the Zhengyang Sectsuchbigweaponry, was not searching surely for the personindwelling, more accurate was searching forhimandMr.Zhuge.
“坏了。”叶辰暗叫不好,他不傻,深夜正阳宗这么大的阵仗,必定是在搜没在住处的人,更准确是在搜他和诸葛老头儿。Is thinkinglike thisat heart, Ye Chenhurriesto leave, mustjump down the smallhillside.
心里这样想着,叶辰慌忙动身,就要跳下小山坡。But, has not moved the footsteps, severalformsfromhave delimitedto emptyto comein all directions, suddenlyfellon the hill top, carefullylookedthatYangDingtian, Chu Xuan'er, say|wayprofoundVenerablealsohadZhengyang SectWuChangqingand otherelders.
但,还未挪动脚步,十几道身影已经从四面八方划空而来,眨眼落在了小山头上,仔细一看,杨鼎天、楚萱儿、道玄真人还有正阳宗的吴长青等几个长老都在其中。„Ye Chen, youalsodareto come backunexpectedly.”WuChangqinghas called outone, the formidableimposing mannerinstantaneouslypresents, almostpressesYe Chento lieon the ground.
“叶辰,你竟然还敢回来。”吴长青暴喝了一声,强大的气势瞬间呈现,压得叶辰差点趴在地上。„WuElder, without the evidencerecognized that ismydisciple, whenIdon't exist?”Chu Xuan'ercoldsnort|hum, eruptsinstantaneouslycompared with the itWuChangqing not weakimposing manner, the powerfulhas downloadedYe Chenpressure.
“吴长老,没有证据就认定是我徒儿,当我不存在吗?”楚萱儿冷哼一声,比之吴长青不弱的气势瞬间爆发出来,强势卸掉了叶辰身上的威压。„Ipourwantto listen tohimto haveanyexcuse.”WuChangqingsneers.
“那我倒真想听听他有什么说辞。”吴长青冷笑一声。„Ifhe, will giveyouto confess.”Chu Xuan'eris in sharp opposition, thenlookedtoYe Chen, asked that „Ye Chen, weren't youtaken awaybyZhugesenior? Howcanhere.”
“若是他,自会给你交代。”楚萱儿针锋相对,而后看向了叶辰,问道,“叶辰,你不是被诸葛前辈带走了吗?怎么会在这里。”„Hesaid that hehas the matter, thendid not haveshade, has placedhereme.” The time that Ye Chenfeignsis not a lid, develops is also profound, a human and animalsharmlessexpression, appointedwholookedis a cleverchild.
“他说他有事儿,然后就没影儿了,把我放在了这里。”叶辰装傻充愣的功夫不是盖的,演的也是入木三分,一副人畜无害的表情,任谁看了都是一个乖孩子。„SinceZhugeYuwalked, whyyoudo not return to the full moonpavilion.” A WuChangqingpair of sharpold eyesis staring atYe Chenstubbornly.
“既然诸葛禹走了,你为何不回望月阁。”吴长青一双锐利的老眼死死盯着叶辰。„Ilook at the starinthis.”
“我在这看星星。”„Looks at the star.....”WuChangqingwas stopped upbyYe Chena few wordscannotsay the wordsto come, Zhengyang Sectrandomlybecamepotgruel, some of youralsomoodslooked at the star, saidagain, greater part of the nightranthisbirdnot to defecate the hill top that to look at the star, said that whocanbelieve.
“看星….。”吴长青被叶辰一句话堵得没能说出话来,正阳宗都乱成一锅粥了,你还有心情看星星,再说了,大半夜的跑这鸟不拉屎的小山头看星星,说出去谁会信。„Master, how.”Ye Chendoes intentionally the doubtslookedtoChu Xuan'er.
“师傅,到底咋的了。”叶辰故作疑惑的看向了楚萱儿。„Inotherslost the thing, somemore accuratepeoplestealsintoothersrestricted area, look did the fullworldgraspthief?”Chu Xuan'ershrugs . Moreover the wordsare also having the Yin-Yangstrangeaccentexpression, „the personindwelling, may not bethief, therefore! Othersthink that you have the significantsuspicion.”
靠!Thinksinadequatelythat the Chu Xuan'erwordsjust said that Ye Chenwas working asonegroup of old fogywolveshowlingly a throat, wasChu Xuan'er, even/includingWuChangqingandYangDingtianthey is also incessantly startledstartles.
不成想,楚萱儿话刚说完,叶辰就当着一帮老家伙狼嚎了一嗓子,不止是楚萱儿,连吴长青和杨鼎天他们也被惊得激灵一下。„WuElder, does Zhengyang Sect have the restricted area?”Ye Chenlooks atWuChangqingaffectedly, „before me, hownot to have heardinZhengyang Sect.”
“吴长老,正阳宗还有禁地?”叶辰故作惊讶的看着吴长青,“我以前在正阳宗的时候咋从来都没有听说过。”„Whatstatusyoudo not have a look atyour, do somequalificationsknow?”WuChangqingcoldly, wordsdo not addevadeslightly.
“你也不看看你什么身份,有资格知道吗?”吴长青冷冷一声,言辞不加丝毫避讳。„Thisbut actually is also.”Ye Chensighedsucked the tongue, „before , Iwas a Zhengyang SectOuter Sectcommonyoungdisciple, naturallydid not have the qualificationsto know, butWuEldersaid that Istoleinto the restricted area, thatmaybe unfair tome, Ido not know that hadrestricted areamatter, saidagain, sincewere the restricted area, hadto cultivatefor the profoundelderguardingsurely! Yousaid that myMortal Origin Stagecan go in?! Draws backonestep, even ifIcan go, Ido dareto go in? Mybrainhas not entered the water.......”
“这倒也是。”叶辰唏嘘咂舌了一声,“以前我就是正阳宗外门一个不起眼的小弟子,自然没资格知道,不过吴长老说我偷入禁地,那可真就冤枉我了,我都不知道有禁地这回事儿,再说了,既然是禁地,必定有修为高深的长老看守吧!您说我一个人元境进得去吗?呐!退一步来说,就算我进得去,我敢进去吗?我脑子又没进水……。”Ye Chensaid a bigpilevoluminous, moreoversaidrationally, WuChangqinga few words that tophave not said.叶辰洋洋洒洒的说了一大堆,而且说得头头是道,顶的吴长青一句话没说出来。„Sufficed.”WuChangqing, has broken the Ye Chenwordsimpressively, shamelessgloomywitheggplant.
“够了。”吴长青赫然一声,打断了叶辰的话语,一张老脸阴沉的跟茄子似的。„Do Ilook at the starinthisin any case?” A Ye Chendeadpigdoes not fear the hotstance.
“反正我就在这看星星呢?”叶辰一副死猪不怕烫的架势。„Looks at the star? Deceives the ghost?”WuChangqingcoldly, henaturallycould see that Ye Chen is lying, midnightinlooks at the starinthis, whocan believe that moreoverYe ChenisZhugeYucarries off, nowZhugeYurenhad not found, thesemusthave the clue.
“看星星?骗鬼呢?”吴长青冷冷一声,他自然看得出叶辰是在撒谎,半夜里在这看星星,谁会信,况且叶辰是诸葛禹被带走的,现在诸葛禹人没找到,这其中必有端倪。„WuElder.”YangDingtianinvolvedat this time, strokes the beardto say with a smile, „not being groundless that Ye Chen said that heonedoes not know where has the restricted area, twonot to know the restricted area, as for this thirdpoint, notpossibly, his Mortal Origin Stagebeing able to go inrestricted area, hewas not sillier, wherecourts deathinadequately, saidagain, graspsverygrasps the loot, becauseYe Chenlate at nightherelooks at the star, concluded that heis concernedwiththis matter, wastoo the child's play, said that youhave not paid attention tomyHengyue Sect.”
Here, the imposing manner of YangDingtianSpirit Voidpeakhas revealedslowly, althoughwas with smile on the face, in privatehas actually given the WuChangqing not smallpressure.
说到这里,杨鼎天灵虚巅峰的气势缓缓流露了出来,虽然面带笑容,却是私下给了吴长青不小的压力。WuChangqingcomplexionwas cloudier, „, does Ye Chenhave the suspicion, wehave a tacit understanding, hisindeednot being able to go inrestricted area, butdo not forgetalsoZhugeYu, is being broughtbyZhugeYu, possiblyhas.”
吴长青的脸色更加阴沉了,“诸位,叶辰有没有嫌疑,我们心照不宣,他一个人的确进不去禁地,但你们可别忘了还有一个诸葛禹,由诸葛禹带着,也不是没有可能。”„Thatwas right, went toyouto look forZhugeYunoton the line.”ProfoundVenerablehas sneered.
“那就对了,去你找诸葛禹不就行了。”道玄真人冷笑了一声。„I.....”WuChangqingwas saidprofoundVenerablea few wordsstop upare dumbfounded, if the fathercould not findZhugeYu, but alsouseswithyouinthistalk nonsense?
“我….。”吴长青被道玄真人一句话堵得哑口无言,老子若是找得到诸葛禹,还用跟你们在这瞎咧咧?At this time, there is a formtogetherto delimitto emptyto come, to fallonWuChangqingside, put one's mouth close to another's earsaidlow voice, „WuElder, ZhugeYufound.”
此时,又有一道身影划空而来,落在了吴长青的身旁,附耳小声说了一句,“吴长老,诸葛禹找到了。”„Found?”WuChangqingpupillightonebright, „where.”
“找到了?”吴长青眸光一亮,“在哪里。”„Onoppositesmallhillside... Looks at the star?” The elderwas sayinglow voice, has not forgottento refer to a remoteoppositesmallhillside, faintly visibletherehas an old manto curl upwardsone leg on the otherto look at the starry sky.
“对面小山坡上...看星星呢?”那长老小声说着,还不忘指了指遥远对面的一个小山坡,依稀可见那里有一个老头儿正翘着二郎腿儿看着星空。„Looks at the star.......”WuChangqingone breathhas not come up, almost the violentjumps, the greater part of the night, youlook at the star, healsolooks at the star, whatyourhis motherisidle, runsmyZhengyang Sectto come to see the star.
“看星......。”吴长青一口气没上来,差点暴跳起来,大半夜的,你看星星,他也看星星,你们他娘的是不是闲的,跑我正阳宗来看星星。„Informs the leadersenior brother.”WuChangqingis shameless, finallylooked atYangDingtiantheireyes, thenflung the sleevesto step intovoid, rushed to the oppositesmallhillsideto go, „ZhugeYu, Imusthave a look atyouto havebut actuallywhatto say.”
“通知掌门师兄。”吴长青老脸铁青,最后看了杨鼎天他们一眼,而后一甩衣袖踏入了虚空,奔着对面小山坡而去,“诸葛禹,我倒要看看你有何说说。”IsWuChangqing, the Zhengyang Sectbrightrainbowfliesto shootincessantlyin all directions, directionZhugeYuinthatsmallhillside.
After WuChangqingwalks, in the Ye Chenheartsecretlyrelaxed, does not have the evidence, WuChangqingcannotsayanything, thisrelated totwoafter all, hepoureddid not worry that ZhugeYuwill supplyhim, the old man can also blowcompared withhim.
吴长青走后,叶辰心中才暗自松了一口气,没有证据,吴长青也不能说什么,这毕竟关系到了两宗,他倒也不担心诸葛禹会把他供出来,那老头儿比他还能吹。„Went backto say.”YangDingtianlooked atYe Chen, firsthas stepped intovoid, profoundVenerabletheyfollowin abundance.
“回去说。”杨鼎天看了一眼叶辰,第一个踏入了虚空,道玄真人他们纷纷跟上。„Went back.”Ye Chenalsoprepares to with, had actually been carriedbyChu Xuan'erone, goestoward that mountain peak of full moonpavilion.
After the peoplewalk, the remoteoppositesmallhillsidehas heardZhugeYulanghowlingasobloquyingsoundimmediately, „he. The motherate to the fullhas supported! Suspected that fathersteals the thing, hasevidence? Compelsfatherto act crazy!”
众人走后,遥远对面的小山坡顿时传来了诸葛禹狼嚎似的大骂声,“都他.妈吃饱了撑的吧!怀疑老子偷东西,有证据吗?逼老子发飙啊!”Here, YangDingtiantheyreturned to the full moonpavilion.
这边,杨鼎天他们已经回到了望月阁。„Youcome to me.”Justwas put down, has not waited forYangDingtiantheyto speak, Chu Xuan'eronvaliantcarriedinYe Chen the garret.
啊….!Quick, shrieking and howling wildlypitiful yellsoundalong with, even ifpassed on.
很快,鬼哭狼嚎的惨叫声随即便传了出来。【Authorwritesover-formal language】: Has celebrated the new year, Ialsowantto accompany the family memberwell, becausetreatedathomemustwalkwithin a few days, walkeddoes not know when cango homeagain, the renewalwas somewhat slow, was really sorry.
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