IAMVE :: Volume #2

#181: pill ghost

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Bang! 轰! Strikes regrets hardly, Chu Xuan'er was shaken retrocedes. 一击硬憾,楚萱儿被震得后退。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Quick, several forms come in waves, encircled the purple robe old man in the center. 很快,十几道身影纷纷而至,将紫袍老者围在了中央。 pill ghost.” When to seeing the portrait of purple robe old man, Yang Dingtian brow wrinkled fiercely, seems recognizes the purple robe old man. “丹鬼。”待到看到紫袍老者的真容,杨鼎天眉头猛地皱了下来,好似认得紫袍老者。 Your this degenerate, actually is also living.” As Alchemy Master Xu Fu, obviously also recognizes purple robe old man evil Alchemy Master, he resembled to remember the past matter, the complexion also instantaneous ice-cold. “你这个败类,竟然还活着。”身为炼丹师徐福,显然也是认得紫袍老者这个邪恶的炼丹师的,他似是想起了当年的事,脸色也瞬间冰冷了下来。 pill ghost, you are really the big courage, on me the people of government authorities dare to move.” Shangguan Bo they also killed, three people of cold glow presently, ice-cold killing intent also instantaneously sweeps across the vault of heaven for the first time. “丹鬼,你真是好大的胆子,我上官家的人都敢动。”上官博他们也杀来了,三人寒芒乍现,冰冷的杀机也随之瞬间席卷苍穹。 The central, purple robe old man observed the situation around one, smiles gloomily, Yang Dingtian, wind traceless, profound, Xu Fu and Shangguan Bo, today also is really skillful, making me see these many past good friends.” 中央,紫袍老者环视了一眼四周,阴森一笑,“杨鼎天、风无痕、道玄、徐福上官博,今日还真是巧,让我见到这么多昔日的好友。” Tu Tansheng spirits, you in vain are cultivator.” The people drink coldly. “涂炭生灵,你枉为修士。”众人纷纷冷喝。 Also my disciple.” Here, was hoodwinked mental Chu Xuan'er to go crazy general by the anger, but also which tube purple robe person is any origin, the filling the heavens great seal has collapsed by pressure at the scene together half void. “还我徒儿。”这边,被怒火蒙蔽心智的楚萱儿发了疯一般,还哪管紫袍人是什么来历,当场一道弥天大印压塌了半个虚空。 Snort! 哼! pill ghost pupil light one cold, the scarlet big hand scarlet big hand sweeps away, Chu Xuan'er was shaken again retrocedes. 丹鬼眸光一冷,血色大手血色大手横扫,楚萱儿再次被震得后退。 Shook draws back Chu Xuan'er, pill ghost turned around to walk, these many expert here, the bonus was he does not dare alone to deal, carelessly, was extinguished here, was absolutely possible. 震退了楚萱儿,丹鬼转身就要走,这么多强者在此,饶是他也不敢独自应对,一着不慎,被灭在这里,也是完全有可能的。 Stays behind!” pill ghost just turned around to retrocede, shoulders the wind of long sword traceless to block his way. “留下吧!”丹鬼刚刚转身后退,背负长剑的风无痕就挡住了他的去路。 Xu Fu and say|way profound Venerable also went forward to approach, has sealed up the escape route of pill ghost, the left, Yang Dingtian just like stood, the formidable imposing manner of Spirit Void peak already presented that right, Shangguan Bo three people of also each sacrifices formidable Spirit Artifact. 身后,徐福、道玄真人也上前逼近,封住了丹鬼的后路,左边,杨鼎天俨然而立,灵虚巅峰的强大气势已然呈现,右边,上官博三人也各个祭出了强大的灵器 What's wrong, can bully few?” Sees that the pill ghost look is imposing, the hurrying sacrifice bled the Shikotan furnace float in the top of the head. “怎么,要以多欺少吗?”见状,丹鬼神色凛然,慌忙祭出了血色丹炉悬浮在头顶。 How bullies you.” Shangguan Bo drinks coldly, immediately kills to go forward, gets rid rashly is formidable Divine Ability, looks is violent Temper. “欺你又如何。”上官博冷喝,当即杀上前,不由分说出手便是强大神通,一看就是一个暴脾气 Zheng! 铮! After Shangguan Bo, the wind traceless offered a sacrifice to shouldering killed the sword peerless, got rid is the shocking sword glow, but the makings of his whole person also instantaneously changed, making the person think suddenly this was not a person, but was one killing sword of sheath. 上官博之后,风无痕祭出了背负的绝世杀剑,出手便是惊世剑芒,而他整个人的气质也瞬间大变,让人恍以为这不是一个人,而是一把出鞘的杀剑。 Buzz! 嗡! The void trembling cry, Xu Fu and say|way have gotten unreliably also rid, they offered a sacrifice to golden Alchemy Furnace with joint forces, Alchemy Furnace rapidly increased huge, was overflowing Jinhui, the confused swell the golden gas spray, the powerful force was incomparable. 虚空颤鸣,徐福和道玄也出手了,两人合力祭出了一座金色的炼丹炉,炼丹炉急速的变大庞大,流溢着金辉,暴涌着金色气雾,威力强大无比。 Snort! 哼! pill ghost look big change, hurried imperial to move the blood Shikotan furnace to protect itself. 丹鬼神色大变,慌忙御动血色丹炉护住了自己。 Pound! 磅! Sonorous! 铿锵! Kuāng Ding ! (Sound Effects) ! 哐当 Three waves of attacks were not divided hitting successively above that blood Shikotan furnace, the blood Shikotan furnace that hit buzz the cry rocked, the above scarlet god glow was also gloomier, was the pill ghost of blood Shikotan furnace owner, was shaken the big mouth to cough up blood. 三波攻击不分先后的打在了那血色丹炉之上,打的血色丹炉嗡鸣晃动,上面的血色神芒也随之暗淡了很多,身为血色丹炉主人的丹鬼,也被震得大口咳血。 To bully few, is any skill.” pill ghost roars. “以多欺少,算什么本事。”丹鬼怒吼。 He in the peak condition, just had not cut an arm now, the strength falls short greatly, but wind traceless they who besieges, cultivate to weakly in the Spirit Void 6th Layer day, moreover side also stands not to get rid and cultivate is Realms actually in Spirit Void peak Yang Dingtian. 他如今可不在巅峰的状态,刚刚自斩了一条手臂,实力大打折扣,而围攻的风无痕他们,修为最弱的都在灵虚六重天,而且旁边还站着一个未曾出手、修为境界却是在灵虚巅峰的杨鼎天。 Also uses lecture of morality and justice with you?” Shangguan Bo calls out, waves together huge to be in charge. “与你还用讲道义?”上官博暴喝,挥手就是一道庞大掌印。 Honor of your visit human life, does not execute you today, how to console the soul in heaven of person of dying of punishment on a false charge.” Xu Fu and say|way profound Venerable look ice-cold, does not keep the hand, the gold/metal Shikotan furnace that imperial moves with joint forces attacks each time, will make pill ghost be damaged. “枉顾人命,今日不诛你,何以告慰冤死之人的在天之灵。”徐福和道玄真人神色冰冷,丝毫不加留手,合力御动的金色丹炉每次出击,都会让丹鬼受创。 Zheng! 铮! Also only then the wind of silent widowed language traceless, has not spoken, in the hand kills the sword is actually trembles to call gratingly, the shocking sword glow is the might is more incomparable. 也只有沉默寡语的风无痕,未曾说话,手中杀剑却是颤鸣刺耳,惊世的剑芒更是威力无匹。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰隆隆! The audiences strong war, the scene is especially vast, gets rid each time, makes the vault of heaven thunder, the terrifying fluctuation and pressure, making mountain peaks collapse loudly, entire world hit sores all over the eye. 众强大战,场景格外浩大,每次出手,都让苍穹轰鸣,恐怖的波动和威压,使得一座座山峰轰然倒塌,整个天地都被打的满目疮痍。 ! 噗! ! 噗! ! 噗! The blood splash, pill ghost is damaged unceasingly, was pressed cannot gain ground, several times must run out of the encirclement ring forcefully, but had been stopped up by Yang Dingtian powerful, continue like this, sooner or later will be extinguished kills. 鲜血飞溅,丹鬼不断受创,被压得抬不起头,有几次要强行冲出包围圈,但都被杨鼎天强势堵了回来,如此下去,迟早会被灭杀。 Another side, Chu Xuan'er has dispersed sensation strength, unlimited spread. 另一边,楚萱儿散开了感知力,无限制的蔓延。 Ye Chen.” Chu Xuan'er complexion pale white, general of going crazy, inch by inch is seeking, knows to lose truly, she also really understands that cannot seem like accent disciple, her, is what kind important. 叶辰。”楚萱儿脸色苍白,发了疯的一般,一寸一寸的找寻着,真正知道要失去,她也才真正明白,那个看似不着调的徒儿,于她而言,是何等的重要。 You die must die in my hands.” Not far away, Chu Ling'er has also dispersed the Soul strength, has covered a surrounding area about ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) distance. “你死也要死在我手里。”不远处,楚灵儿也散开了灵魂力,覆盖了方圆近万丈的距离。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰隆! The void war is still continuing, besieged pill ghost, the shape incomparable pitiful, has aided his blood Shikotan furnace continually, they were hit by Yang Dingtian cracks. 虚空的大战还在继续,被围攻的丹鬼,形态已经无比的凄惨,连护佑他的血色丹炉,都被杨鼎天他们打得崩裂了。 ......! 啊……! pill ghost roars, look fierce is similar to the devil is ordinary. 丹鬼怒吼,神色狰狞的如同恶魔一般。 He is unwilling! 他不甘! All under his control, he can seize to abandon the body of Ye Chen, has resulted in that True Fire and Heavenly Thunder, including Ye Chen all, that is a huge good fortune. 本来一切都在他的掌控之下,本来他可以夺舍了叶辰的身体,得了那真火天雷,包括叶辰所有的一切,那是一场天大的造化。 The person calculates that is inferior to the day to calculate, in the most critical moment, that strange black flame appears, making the situation develop rapidly after a sudden turn, not only has not seized Ye Chen, instead were also surrounded by the audiences. 只是,人算不如天算,在最紧要的关头,那诡异的黑色火焰出现,让形势急转直下,非但没有捉住叶辰,反而自己也被众强围住了。 Zheng! 铮! In the roaring sound, the wind traceless has divided a shocking sword. 怒吼声中,风无痕已经劈出了惊世的一剑。 ! 噗! pill ghost who at the scene, blood splash, the severe wound does not beat, half flesh and blood was broken out, has not waited for the cicatrization, Shangguan Bo to kill by god of journeys light, without demur is a palm. 当场,鲜血飞溅,重伤不敌的丹鬼,半个血肉之躯都被劈开了,还未等愈合,上官博以一道神光杀至,二话不说便是一掌。 ! 噗! pill ghost is damaged once more, has not waited to stand firm the personal appearance unreliably, with the gold/metal Shikotan furnace that Xu Fu imperial moves with joint forces, presses the blood bone to crack him. 丹鬼再次受创,还未等稳住身形,道玄和徐福合力御动的金色丹炉,就将他压得血骨崩裂。 ....! 啊….! pill ghost roared, was actually powerless. 丹鬼咆哮,却是无力回天。 „The wicked evil that makes, must eventually.” Yang Dingtian gets rid, is for nine days, just likes the god king, a palm obstructs the day, loudly under. “造下的恶孽,终究是要还的。”杨鼎天出手,身临九天,恍若神王,一掌遮天,轰然而下。 ! 噗! pill ghost is incapable of resisting, the entire body has blasted open thoroughly, was ground beach flesh and blood, from dropped void. 丹鬼无力抵抗,整个身体彻底炸裂了,被碾成了一滩血肉,自虚空跌落了下去。 Shout! 呼! Extinguished has killed pill ghost maliciously, people relaxed slowly. 灭杀了丹鬼,众人才狠狠的缓缓松了一口气。 pill ghost formidable surpasses their expectations, this pill Chen's only junior brother, the strength is not general tyrannical, if not Yang Dingtian this Spirit Void peak assumes personal command, perhaps could not have taken him. 丹鬼的强大远超他们的预料,这个丹辰唯一的一个师弟,实力不是一般的强横,若非杨鼎天这个灵虚巅峰坐镇,恐怕还真拿不下他。 pill ghost was extinguished, numerous expert from airborne fall in abundance. 丹鬼被灭,众多强者纷纷自空中落下。 Ye Chen, my disciple.” Chu Xuan'er also in hardship is seeking. 叶辰,我的徒儿。”楚萱儿还在苦苦的找寻着。 Junior sister.” Yang Dingtian summoned one in a soft voice. “师妹。”杨鼎天轻声呼唤了一声。 Chu Xuan'er if has not heard general, but also in crazy pushes aside crushed stones, hopes that can see that say|way familiar form. 只是,楚萱儿就如没听到一般,还在疯狂的将一块块碎石扒开,希望可以看到那道熟悉的身影。 Is intimate a pill ghost palm to be injured including you, let alone is Mortal Origin Stage Ye Chen.” Yang Dingtian deeply inspired, opens the mouth once more, dark has the fate, this is his life, you why deceive oneself and others.” “连你挨上丹鬼一掌都会受伤,更何况是人元境叶辰。”杨鼎天深吸了一口气,再次开口,“冥冥中自有定数,这就是他的命,你又何必自欺欺人。” No, he so will not be easy dead.” Chu Xuan'er is still pushing aside stones, even if knows one are deceives oneself and others, but she is not willing to believe that Ye Chen died. “不,他不会这么容易死的。”楚萱儿还在将一块块石头扒开,就算知道自己是自欺欺人,但她也还是不愿相信叶辰已经死了。 Eventually, she under sincere crushed stone, dug up that almost to make into the scrap iron puppet Zi Xuan. 终究,她在厚重的碎石之下,扒出了那几乎被打成废铁的傀儡紫萱 Suddenly, Chu Xuan'er stopped, thorough despaired, silly kneeling there, in the eye was holding final ray of hope also dissipated, was hit including Ranked Puppet(s) remnantly, let alone was Mortal Origin Stage. 一时间,楚萱儿停了下来,彻底绝望了,傻傻的跪在了那里,眼中抱着的最后的一丝希望之光也消散了下去,连地级傀儡都被打残了,更何况是一个人元境 Came for the master late, has harmed you for the master.” The Chu Xuan'er white hands have gripped maliciously, the deep lamentation, the tears of that ample eye socket, turned into two lines of tears eventually. “是为师来晚了,是为师害了你。”楚萱儿玉手狠狠的攥了起来,深深的悔恨,那盈满眼眶的泪光,终究化成了两行泪水。 If not she requests to be too harsh to Ye Chen, will not make him alone come to this Zhao, will not encounter incomparably formidable pill ghost, to changed to the dust including the corpses finally. 若非她对叶辰要求太苛刻,也不会让他独自来这赵国,更加不会遭遇无比强大的丹鬼,以至于到最后连尸身都化作了尘埃。 Yeah! 哎! The people sighed secretly. 众人纷纷暗自叹息一声。 When does not know, here fell into quietly, Shangguan Bo they brought stupor Shangguan Yu'er to go to Zhengyang Sect, but Yang Dingtian they were also bringing being absentminded Chu Xuan'er, stepped returned to the Hengyue Sect homeward journey. 不知何时,这里陷入了沉寂,上官博他们带着昏迷的上官玉儿去了正阳宗,而杨鼎天他们也带着失魂落魄的楚萱儿,踏上了回恒岳宗的归途。 World long, is really tranquil. 天地悠悠,甚是宁静。 Until the slight sound resounds together, broke the peace between world. 直至一道细微的声音响起,才打破了天地间的宁静。 The sound stems from the earth beach flesh and blood, that flesh and blood that pill ghost who died turns into, it is wriggling, condensed a meatball, the meatball flood the blood light, resembled lives, breathed, together one volt. 声音出自大地上一滩血肉,正是已死的丹鬼化成的那摊血肉,它在蠕动着,凝聚出了一个肉球,肉球泛着血光,似是活的,还有呼吸,一起一伏的。 If Yang Dingtian they here, surely will also be shocked, because this is a sinister design. 若是杨鼎天他们还在这里,必定会震惊,因为这是一个鬼胎。 The sinister design said that passed from antiquity, handed down to bite the evil person of blood, within the body will gather the innocent resentful spirit, but the air/Qi of these resentment spirits could breed the sinister design, after this person died, the sinister design was born, means that they can draw support from the sinister design rebirth. 鬼胎之说,传自上古,相传噬血的恶人,体内会集聚无辜的怨灵,而这些怨灵之气或许能孕育出鬼胎,像这种人死后,鬼胎方可出生,也意味着他们可以借助鬼胎重生。 But pill ghost is such person, although is Alchemy Master, but is actually the incomparably evil person, within the body also already bred the sinister design. 而丹鬼就是这样的人,虽是炼丹师,但却是无比邪恶的人,体内也早已孕育出了鬼胎。 So the accident, obviously is Yang Dingtian they have not expected. 如此变故,显然是杨鼎天他们不曾预料到的。 Whiz! 嗖! Blood light as prosperous as the extreme sinister design, such as the blood glow broke in together void, then vanishes does not see, only is very together gloomy the fierce words indistinct in the world, Hengyue Sect, on government authorities, when my rebirth, decides to be called you to have great disturbance.......” 血光繁盛到极点的鬼胎,如一道血芒冲入了虚空,而后消失不见,只有一道无比阴森狰狞的话语缥缈在天地间,“恒岳宗、上官家,待我重生,定叫你们鸡犬不宁……。” .......... ………。 This river, rolling flows to east, if there is an airborne bird's eye view, such as crawls a big dragon on earth. 这一条的大河,向东滚滚而流,若有空中俯瞰,就如一条匍匐在大地上的一条巨龙。 The river water spray tosses about, but concentrates to look carefully that will discover in has a stupor person, is going toward the eastern class along with the water of river, from time to time also because and central bulge reef, but some stays. 河水浪花翻来覆去,但仔细去凝看,会发现里面有一个昏迷的人,正随着大河之水向着东流去,时而也会因和中央凸起的礁石而有些许停留。 Right, this person is Ye Chen. 没错了,这人就是叶辰 To the drop, he has not died, but was shaken by a pill ghost palm has flown in this billowing river, when Chu Xuan'er they seek for him, he had fired into the distant place along with this river, because just has not sought for him, all talented people think that he died. 对滴,他没有死,而是被丹鬼一掌震飞到了这条滚滚的大河之中,在楚萱儿他们寻找他的时候,他已经随着这条大河被冲向了远方,也正因为没有寻找他,所有人才都认为他已经死了。 Perhaps is injured too heavily, he also in stupor condition. 许是受伤太重,以至于他还在昏迷的状态之中。 The perpetual flow was billowing, has wound through the wooded mountain, surmounted Cangyuan, did not have the end, only knows that went toward the East. 长河滚滚,流过了山林,跨越了苍原,没有尽头,只知道朝着东方而去。 So, how long Ye Chen has not known, does not know where was rushed. 如此,叶辰不知过了多久,也不知被冲到了何地。 ! 哗哗! ! 哗哗! When does not know, the front hears the river water has whipped the rock the sound, has the waterfall that over a hundred grow to appear fully, but Ye Chen was rushed to the waterfall along with that river water. 不知何时,前方传来了河水拍打岩石的哗哗声,一个足有上百长高的瀑布显现,而叶辰就随着那河水被冲下了瀑布。 Mentioned also skillfully, the center of waterfall, had the bulge reef together, rushed Ye Chen, falling without bias and without favor above, such had been hung, to the rapid river water washout, as before has not actually fallen down. 说来也巧,瀑布的中央,有一块凸起的礁石,被冲下的叶辰,不偏不倚的落在了上面,就那样被挂着,任由湍急的河水冲刷,却依旧没有掉下去。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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