Late at night, Zhaoimperial palacemain hall.
The straightformjust likestandstogether, wears the imperial robe, is the lookis sorrowful, in the sleeve the fistgraspsfloodwhite, during is sorrowfulis mixing withreluctantly.
一道笔直的身影俨然而立,身穿龙袍,却是神色悲恸,袖中拳头握的泛白,悲恸之中夹杂着无奈。Thisperson, is EmperorZhao Guo, ZhaoYu.
此人,便是赵国皇帝,赵煜。„Your majesty, endwill make contribution.” Before ZhaoYubody, middle-agedsingleXigui who wears the armor there, „100,000armiesswept the surrounding areahundredli (0.5km), has not sought the trails of thesepeople.”
“陛下,末将尽力了。”赵煜身前,一个身穿铠甲的中年单膝跪在那里,“100000大军扫遍了方圆百里,都没有寻到那些人的踪迹。”„Thisis notyourmistake.”ZhaoYutook a deep breath.
“这不是你的错。”赵煜深深吸了一口气。ZhaoYuvoicejustfell, togetherghosts and demonsformsuch aswind, but, appearedbeforethem, naturallysecretlysubmergedYe Chen of imperial palace.
赵煜话音刚落,一道鬼魅般的身影如风而至,出现在了两人面前,自然就是偷偷潜入皇宫的叶辰。„You......”ZhaoYueyeshave narrowed fiercely the eyes.
“你…..。”赵煜眼睛猛地微眯了下来。„Whoexcels atrushing to the imperial palace.”Nearby, thatwore the person of armoralsoinstantaneouslyto pull out the long sword of waist, kept offbeforeZhaoYushen.
“何人擅闯皇宫。”一旁,那个身穿铠甲的人也瞬间抽出了腰间的长剑,挡在了赵煜身前。Ye Chenhas not spoken, buthas put out a token, above the tokenhas the spiritual energyto linger, aboveis also carving„Hengyue”twocharacters.叶辰没有说话,只是拿出了一块令牌,令牌之上有灵气萦绕,上面还刻着“恒岳”二字。„Has seen the HengyueExalted Immortal.”SeesthatHengyuetoken, ZhaoYuandthatwears the middle-agedlook of armorchanges, in abundancerespectfulgood a ritual.
“见过恒岳上仙。”看到那恒岳的令牌,赵煜和那身穿铠甲的中年神色一变,纷纷恭恭敬敬的行了一礼。„Iam not the immortal.”Ye Chenwas saying, received the Hengyuetoken, throughouthas not actually taken off and black robe.
“我不是什么仙。”叶辰说着,收了恒岳令牌,却是始终没有摘下头蓬和黑袍。„AlsoaskedExalted Immortalto savemyZhaocommon peopleto leave the water and fire.”ZhaoYumoodisextremelyexcited, Bangkneltin front ofYe Chen, inmortalstatehewas95Venerable, butin front ofYe Chen, was actually only a small and weakmortal.
“还请上仙救我赵国黎民出水火。”赵煜情绪似是太过激动,砰的一声就跪在了叶辰面前,凡人国度中他是95之尊,但在叶辰面前,却只是一个弱小的凡人。„Iwill find out the murderer.”Ye Chenoffers a sacrifice to a gentlestrength, escapedto towfrom the groundZhaoYu, then asked that „yourcountrymasters?”
The countrymaster in Ye Chenmouth, is the Hengyue Sectperson, eachsect, will send out a discipleto be the countrymasterin the mortalstate, theircultivatingforare not high, butinthesemortaleyes, is actually supremeexistence.叶辰口中的国师,也是恒岳宗的人,每个宗门,都会派出一个弟子在凡人国度中做国师,他们的修为不高,但于这些凡人眼中,却是至高无上的存在。Nearby, thatwears the middle age of armor, held a jadechestto walk, butin the jadechest, is actually thinks ofoneto moisten the Daoist robe of blood, above the Daoist robe, writes„Hengyue”clearlytwocharacters.
一旁,那个身穿铠甲的中年,已经托着一个玉匣走了过来,而玉匣之中,却是装着一件沾血的道袍,道袍之上,清清楚楚写着“恒岳”二字。Sees that a Ye Chenbrowwrinkle, lookedfiercelytoZhaoYuthey, the sinkingsound track, „askedin the reportnot saying that myHengyuesent the disciples in Zhao dead a violent death.”
见状,叶辰眉头猛地一皱,看向了赵煜他们,沉声道,“请报上可没说我恒岳派到赵国的弟子已经死于非命。”„Exalted Immortalbright mirror.”ZhaoYuis in reverential awe, „yesterday'scountrymasterswent outto inspect, had not turned over, Iand otherssent forseeking, whensought the countrymasters,... OnlyremainedthisDaoist robe.”
“上仙明鉴。”赵煜诚惶诚恐,“昨日国师外出巡视,一直未归,我等派人寻找,只是寻到国师之时,也就只…只剩这件道袍了。”Ye Chenhas not spoken, secret passageZhaocountrymastershave perhaps discoveredanything, buthow the strengthto be bad, not onlyhas not surrenderedthatevil forces, insteadbecameunder the blade the ghost, onlyremainsoneto moisten the Daoist robe of blood.叶辰没有说话,暗道这赵国国师兴许是发现了什么,但奈何实力不济,非但没有降服那邪恶势力,反而自己成为了刀下亡魂,以至于只剩一件沾血的道袍。Is thinkinglike thisat heart, Ye Chenhas taken upthatto moisten the Daoist robe of bloodgently, in the eye the pupillightbecomes the light and shadeis uncertain.
心里这样想着,叶辰已经轻轻拿起了那件沾血的道袍,眼中眸光变得明暗不定。„Repairing of Mortal Origin Stageis, actuallyonlyremains a Daoist robe.” The Ye Chentrain of thoughtrevolves rapidly, feels the chin, is analyzingat heartsecretly.
“人元境的修为,竟然只剩一件道袍。”叶辰思绪飞转,摸着下巴,心里暗自分析着。„Said that evil forces, at leasthaveMortal Origin Stagecultivatesfor the person, perhapsiscultivating of True Yang Realmis.”
“这么说,那股邪恶势力,至少是有人元境修为的人,也或许是真阳境的修为。”Is pondering overat the same timeat heart, before Ye Chenhas moistenedthat the Daoist robe of bloodhas placed the nose, smelledsmellinggently, the Daoist robesmell of bloodis strong, butunderthisstrongsmell of blood, hasheverysensitivesmell.
心里一边琢磨着,叶辰已经将那沾血的道袍放在了鼻前轻轻嗅了嗅,道袍血腥味浓重,但在这浓重的血腥味之下,却是有一股他非常敏感的气味。„medicinal pillfragrance.”
“丹药香味。”„Getting ridshouldnot beAlchemy Master!” The Ye Cheneyehas narrowed the eyes, asAlchemy Master, hissmellto the medicinal pill is really sensitive, butin the hand the above of Daoist robe, hastaste of the lightmedicinefragrance.
“出手的该不会是炼丹师吧!”叶辰眼睛微眯了一下,身为炼丹师,他对丹药的气味甚是敏感,而手中道袍的上面,就有一股淡淡的药香之味。Put downin the handthatto moisten the Daoist robe of blood, Ye Chenwas lost in thought.
放下了手中那件沾血的道袍,叶辰又陷入了沉思。„Onlyabductsto beone -year-old child, can it be thatcango toRefining Pillswiththem?”Ye Chenthinks that Xu Fuoncehad saidoneevilRefining Pillsmethod, needsto beone -year-old childto make the medicineto direct.
“只掳走年满一岁的孩童,莫不是要拿他们去炼丹?”叶辰想到徐福曾说过的一种邪恶的炼丹手段,就是需要年满一岁的孩童做药引。For a very long time, Ye Chenagainhas not spoken.
久久,叶辰都没有再说话。Nearby, ZhaoYualsohasthatto wear the middle age of armorcalmlyto stand there, the atmospheredoes not dareto leaveone.
一旁,赵煜还有那个身穿铠甲的中年静静立在那里,大气不敢出一声。Eventually, ZhaoYua few wordsbroke silence, „Exalted Immortal, but... Mayoncefindanyclue.”
终究,还是赵煜一句话打破了沉寂,“上仙,可…可曾找到什么线索。”„Brought the map of Zhao.”Ye Chenopens the mouthto say.
“把赵国的地图拿来。”叶辰开口说道。Quick, thatwore the middle age of armorto hurryfrom the bosomto pull out a hugemap, thendeferred to the instruction of Ye Chen, hungon the wall.
很快,那身穿铠甲的中年慌忙从怀里掏出了一张庞大的地图,而后按照叶辰的吩咐,挂在了墙壁上。Ye Chengoes forward, the staticgaze the map of Zhao, the visionhas been sweepingseveral, village that isneardate and timeslaughtered, thesevillagesare distancedare notveryfar, there areseveralby.叶辰上前,静静的注视着赵国的地图,目光扫过的十几处,都是近些时日被人屠杀的村落,那些个村落相距不是很远,有几个还是挨着的。Long time, Ye Chentakes back the visionfrom the map, lookedhas worn the middle age of armortoone side that asked that „were you a general?”
良久,叶辰从地图上收回目光,看向了一旁那个身穿铠甲的中年,问道,“你是将军?”„ReplyExalted Immortal, endQinXiong, was the awe-inspiring prowessGreat General in Zhao.”Thatwearsmiddle-agedrespectfulsaying of armor.
“回禀上仙,末将秦雄,是赵国的虎威大将军。”那身穿铠甲的中年恭敬的说道。„Thatmakes the vision of generalto discussthismatterbyyou.”
“那就以你做将军的眼光谈谈这件事。”AlthoughQinXiongwas stunned, but before arrived at the map, had pointed outsuccessivelyseveralhad the village of massacre, saidthat„placeandposition that from the massacrehad, the person of getting ridwas a villageslaughtersby a villagefrom south to northin turn, obviously, theyconfessedformidable, thereforewas unscrupulous.”
秦雄虽然错愕,但还是来到了地图前,先后指出了几处发生惨案的村落,说道,“从惨案发生的地点和方位来看,出手之人是由南到北一个村落挨着一个村落依次屠杀,显然,他们自认强大,所以才肆无忌惮。”„Continued.”Ye Chenlightstart to talk.
“继续说。”叶辰淡淡开口。QinXiongnodded, has pointed immediately outseveralplaces, „, ifaccording to the route in theirslaughtervillage, thenshouldbethesevillages, ifExalted Immortalgot rid, theseplaces, mustbemost important.”
秦雄点头,随即又指出了几处地方,“若是按他们屠村的路线来看,接下来应该是这几个村落,若上仙出手,这几个地方,须是重中之重。”„Severalvillageswere slaughtered, whenis.”Ye ChenlookedtoQinXiong.
“十几个村落被屠杀,都是在什么时间。”叶辰看向了秦雄。„11 p.m. to 1 a.m.”QinXiongsaidwas very definite, „according toendwill guess that evil forces, onlyappearedin the nightprobably.”
“子时。”秦雄说的很确定,“据末将猜测,那股邪恶势力,好像只在夜晚出现。”„Scarletclothes, onlyappear and disappearin11 p.m. to 1 a.m.”Ye Chentouches the chin, in the eyeis dodging the profoundpupillight, „shouldnot be the bloodwitch!”
“血色的衣服,只在子时出没。”叶辰摸了摸下巴,眼中闪着深邃的眸光,“该不会是血巫吧!”Suddenly, Ye Chenhas thought a strangerace, thatwas an antiquityWuClanlineage/veinbranch, was called the evil spiritsbyhonestcultivator, was always onlynight11 p.m. to 1 a.mappears and disappears, attractsbites the personblood to live, the methodwas extremely cruel.
蓦然间,叶辰想到了一种奇异的种族,那是上古巫族的一脉分支,被正派修士称之为邪祟,从来都只是夜晚子时出没,吸噬人血为生,手段极其残暴。„But the medicinal pilltaste on thatDaoist robewhat's the matter.”Ye Chenhesitatessecretly, „was difficultto be inadequateishigh levelAlchemy Masterhas reared in a pen the bloodwitch, if, thatthismatteris so more complex.”
“但那道袍上的丹药味又是怎么回事。”叶辰暗自沉吟,“难不成是一个高阶的炼丹师圈养了血巫,若是如此,那这件事情就复杂多了。”Hesitatedwas very long, Ye Chenthenturned aroundto looktoZhaoYu, „threematters, first, before 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, is centered onseveralvillages that GeneralQin pointed out that the surrounding area the villagers within 50li (0.5km)shiftedat the maximum speed\;Second, sending the Zhaoarmy of searchremoved, thesepeopleperhapswerecultivator, youwent tomanyto be driven to death after suffering an injustice\;Third, mustbeforetoday's11 p.m. to 1 a.m, sprinkle the fireineachvillagecold, the more better.”
沉吟了很久,叶辰这才转身看向了赵煜,“三件事,第一,子时之前,以秦将军所指出的几个村落为中心,方圆50里内的村民以最快的速度转移出去\;第二,把派出去搜寻的赵国军队撤回来,那些人或许是修士,你们去多少都是枉死\;第三,务必在今日子时之前,在各个村落洒满火凛,越多越好。”„Mythismanages.”QinXiongwas actually vigorous and resolute, immediatelymustwalktowardoutside, butwent outonestep, has turned round, awkwardlooks atYe Chen, „that may I askExalted Immortal, whatWeihuocold.”
“我这就去办。”秦雄倒是雷厉风行,当即就要向着外面走去,只是走出一步,又回过身,尴尬的看着叶辰,“那个,敢问上仙,何为火凛。”„Firecoldis the flamepowder that the flametwo pieces of jade put togetherstone in yourmouthrefines, thistype of thingcanresist the evil spirits.”
“火凛就是你们口中的炎珏石所提炼的炎粉,这种东西可以抵挡邪祟。”„ThankedExalted Immortal.”QinXiongcuped one hand in the other across the chest a ritual, turned aroundto go out of the throne room.
After QinXiongwalked, Ye Chencalmlystood and waited for a long timeinthathugemaponce more, each mountainsrivers of profoundpupillighton the hugemapreceived the eyeground, resembling was looking foranything.
秦雄走后,叶辰再次在那庞大的地图静静伫立,深邃的眸光将庞大地图上每一处山川河流都收入眼底,似是在找什么东西似的。„Exalted Immortal, are you a personcome?”ZhaoYuexploratoryaskedone.
“上仙,您是一个人来的?”身后,赵煜试探性的问了一句。„Youarefeared that Idon't handletheseevil forces?”Ye Chenturns the headsmiles.
“你是怕我搞不定那些邪恶势力?”叶辰侧首一笑。Immediately, a ZhaoYuhorridness, „I... Iam notthismeaning.”
顿时,赵煜一阵惶恐,“我…我不是这个意思。”Ye Chensmiles, has not replied, the visionsweptto sweep offon the Zhaomapas before.叶辰一笑,却是没有答话,目光依旧在赵国地图上扫来扫去。Eventually, hisvisionframesin a mountain range, in the eyealsohas the none remainingtwinkle, onlybecause of the surroundingtopography of thatmountain range is very marvelous, Sanshanencirclement, a mountainstanding and waiting for a long timecenter, suchtopographyaccording totheircultivatoristhreeYuewonderfully, maymultiply the land features.
The so-calledland features, areEarth Spirit Veinone, absorbsonespiritlineage/vein that the earthessencegathers, ineveryhabitat, mayprolong the life, cultivatoroccupies, the practiceis surely twice the result with half the effort.
所谓地脉,就是大地灵脉的一种,吸收大地精华所汇聚的一种灵脉,凡人居上,可延年益寿,修士居上,修炼必定事半功倍。ZhaoinChudozensmortalstates, area, althoughis notverybig, butextended the mountain is actually many, canpresent the potentials of threeYuewonderfulplaces, Ye Chenwas not accidental.
The nature, hestares atthatthreeYuealsoto have the truthwonderfully, becausethatis the Refining Pillsgoodplace, ondraws the livelihoodessence, belowpicks the land featuresgas source, medicinal pill that refining up, surelyeachis the high-grade.
自然,他盯着那三岳奇地也不是没有道理,因为那可是炼丹的好地方,上汲日月精华,下采地脉气源,炼出的丹药,必定各个是上品。„Ifreallyhas the mysteriousAlchemy Mastercontrolbloodwitchto commit a crime, thatthreeYuewonderfullysurelyhiddenMystical Law.”Ye Chentouches the chin.
“若真是有神秘炼丹师操控血巫作案,那三岳奇地必定暗藏玄机。”叶辰摸了摸下巴。„Exalted Immortal?”Nearby, ZhaoYusees a Ye Chenpersonto whisper, exploratorycalledone.
“上仙?”一旁,赵煜见叶辰一个人嘀嘀咕咕的,试探性的叫了一声。„Had the matterto say.”
“有事就说。”„Itold that hosted a banquet to welcomeExalted Immortal, but alsoaskedExalted Immortalto step the phoenixluanpavilion.”
“我已经吩咐下去设宴款待上仙,还请上仙移步凤鸾阁。”„Nowdoes not have the free timeto eat meal.”Ye Chenturns aroundto smile, has pattedZhaoYushouldergently, said with a smile, „ was concerned about country and people, youwere a goodemperor, ate mealdoes not need,
The life-savingis important. ”
救人要紧。”Saying, Ye Chenwas going out of the gold/metalsmall tinkling bellmain hall.
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