hearsword, Ye Chenopeneddossier, sweptone, the eyehas narrowed immediately the eyes, looked, lookedtoChu Xuan'er, „evil forces that intelligence office said that wascultivator?”
闻言,叶辰打开了卷宗,扫了一眼,眼睛当即微眯了下来,看完之后才又看向了楚萱儿,“情报所说的邪恶势力,是修士?”„It is not clear.”Chu Xuan'ershakes the headgently, „toZhao, investigated thoroughlybeginsagain, if is really formidablecultivatoris causing trouble, opposes the enemynot by any meanscrudely.”
“不清楚。”楚萱儿轻轻摇头,“到了赵国,查清楚再动手,若真是强大的修士在作祟,切莫鲁莽对敌。”Saying, Chu Xuan'erhas put outthreeSpirit Runefromsleeve, oneazureonepurpleoneyellow, filledin the hand of Ye Chen, what„greenwasdaylevelthousandlines of symbols, onceopened, generalSpirit Void Realmmanypursuedonyounot necessarily, but the timewas limited, can only maintain the quarter\;Whatpurpleisprofoundstepmagic of making oneself invisible, ifmeets the danger, maypasteon the body, stimulates to movementwithVital Energy, generalSpirit Void Realm is also very difficultto discover\;As foryellowSpirit Rune, insidesealart of making oneself invisibletrapped|sleepyday, ifthere isnot beatingexpert, mayuntieitsban, maysurroundgeneralSpirit Void Realm.”
说着,楚萱儿已经从袖中拿出了三道灵符,一青一紫一黄,塞到了叶辰的手中,“青色的是天级千行符,一旦开启,一般的灵虚境多不见得追的上你,但时间有限,只能维持一刻钟\;紫色的是玄阶隐身术,若遇危难,可贴在身上,用真气催动,一般的灵虚境也很难发现\;至于黄色的灵符,里面封印着奇门困天阵,若有不敌的强者,可解开其禁制,可困住一般的灵虚境。”„Thanks the master.”Ye ChengraspsthreeSpirit Runeto crack into a smile.
“谢谢师傅。”叶辰握着三道灵符咧嘴一笑。BesidesthatthreeSpirit Rune, Chu Xuan'erhas givenYe ChenJade Slip, „inthisJade Slipsealthousand li(500 km)voice transmissionincantation, ifmeets the danger, orbitter experienceexpertirresistibly, availablethisincantationrequests reinforcementstosect.”
除了那三道灵符,楚萱儿又将一枚玉简递给了叶辰,“这玉简中封印着千里传音咒,若遇危难,或是遭遇无法抵抗的强者,可用此咒向宗门求援。”„Thisgoodthing.”Ye Chensmiles.
“还有这好东西。”叶辰嘿嘿一笑。„Walks!”Chu Xuan'erbeckoned with the handgently, „completestask, immediatelyreturns to the sect.”
得嘞!Ye Chenturned the handto receivethreeSpirit Rune, has also taken awayZi Xuan, just before leavinghas not forgottento hangto fall the crescent moon on tableto wearon the neck.叶辰翻手收了三道灵符,将紫萱也收走了,临走时还不忘将桌上的月牙吊坠戴在了脖子上。„Master, youmaynot thinkdisciple!”Ye Chensmiles, turned aroundto run the smallbambooroom.
“师傅,你可千万别想徒儿哦!”叶辰嘿嘿一笑,转身跑出了小竹房。Looks the back that Ye Chengoes far away, Chu Xuan'ersighedsecretly, „can kid, catch upbeforethreeGrand Competitioncomes back, looked atyourgood fortune.”
看着叶辰远去的背影,楚萱儿暗自叹息了一声,“小家伙,能不能赶在三宗大比前回来,就看你的造化了。”Got down'Fairy Maiden Peak', Ye Chenwent toHengyue SectOuter Sectdirectly.
下了玉女峰,叶辰径直去了恒岳宗外门。Ye Chenreturned toOuter Sect!叶辰回外门了!Ye ChenjustappearedinOuter Sect, these wordslooked likewere wingedfluttergenerallycompletelyentireOuter Sect.叶辰刚刚出现在外门,这句话就像是长了翅膀一般飘满了整个外门。„Heard? Ye Chenhad defeatedQi Yangyesterday.”
“听说了吗?叶辰昨日打败了齐阳。”„Qi Yang? Qi Yang that myHengyue Sectninebigtrue linesare listedeighth?”
“齐阳?我恒岳宗九大真传排名第八的齐阳?”„This... Since thisisself-Hengyuehas constructedto sendneverto have the precedent!”
“这…这可是自我恒岳建派以来从未有过的先例啊!”All the way, Ye Chenhearwhatare mostis the discussionsound and surprisedsound, as long asplace visited, Outer Sectdiscipleverytacitmakes way a roadforhim, presentYe Chen, earlyis noton the same dayjustenteredHengyue SectthatQi Condensation Realmpreparatory disciple.
一路上,叶辰听的最多的还是议论声和惊讶声,但凡所过之处,外门弟子都会很默契的为他让开一条路,如今的叶辰,早已经不是当日刚进恒岳宗的那个凝气境的实习弟子了。„Ye Chen.”Ye Chenis walking, the meancalling outsoundsuddenlyresoundstogether, a person's shadowhas also kept offin the Ye Chenway, carefullylooks, isDiyang PeakZi Shan.
“叶辰。”叶辰正走着,一道阴狠的暴喝声顿然响起,一个人影也已经挡在了叶辰的去路,仔细一看,正是地阳峰的紫衫。Thisguydoublepupilblood red, lookis fierce, clenching jawslooks atYe Chen, wishes one couldto tear into shredsYe Chenat the scene.
这厮双眸血红,神色狰狞,咬牙切齿的看着叶辰,恨不能当场就把叶辰撕碎。Zi Shanhas blocked the Ye Chenwaysuddenly, annoyed the disciples of manypassing byto surround, theirgratitude and grudges, the entireOuter Sectdisciplehas not known that the personal enemymetat this time, the smell of gunpowder was really strong.紫衫突然挡住了叶辰的去路,惹来了不少路过的弟子围观,俩人的恩怨,整个外门弟子没有不知道的,此时仇人相见,火药味甚是浓厚。Ye Chenactuallydoes not look askance, regardingcalling out of Zi Shan, has setdirectly, ifhas not heard.
只是,叶辰却是目不斜视,径直而过,对于紫衫的暴喝,置若未闻。„Youare extremely arrogant.”Was disregardedbyYe Chen, the Zi Shanviolent anger, liftsto holdto becomebladeexcitedlyimmediately, chopsslantinglytoYe Chen.
“你狂妄。”被叶辰无视,紫衫勃然暴怒,当即举掌成刀,斜劈向叶辰。Sees that Ye Chenpupillightonecold, immediatelystretches acrossonestep.
The peoplesee only the ghosts and demonsformwhizto delimit, the Zi Shanpalmbladecannotmoveincluding the Ye Chenlower hem corner.
轰!Asthundersto resound, on the momentalsostands in same placeZi Shan, the nextquarter, the entirebodymountedin the harddike, but the neckwas also being pinchedby a Ye Chenhand.
随着一声轰鸣响起,上一刻还站在原地的紫衫,下一刻,整个身体都镶嵌到了坚硬的岩壁中,而脖子还被叶辰一只手掐着。„Good... Goodstrangemovement.”All arounddiscipleopened mouth, suddenlyhas not said the words.
“好…好诡异的身法。”四周弟子纷纷张了张嘴,一时间没有说出话来。„No... is impossible.”Here, byZi Shan that Ye Chenseizes by the throat, both eyesis highlighted, a faceis unable to believelooks atYe Chen, howhehas not even seen clearlyYe Chento get rid, heis unable to accept, is unable to acceptsuchstrongYe Chen, strongmakeshimnot have the strength of slightrevolt.
The Ye Chensurfacesuch as the coldfrost, facehas gatheredgentlyby the ear of Zi Shan, coldly said that „thistimeI, whenyouare the brainenter the water, ifthere are the nexttime, Idid not mind that extinguishedyou.”叶辰面如寒霜,脸庞轻轻凑到了紫衫的耳旁,冷冷说道,“这次我当你是脑子进水,若有下一次,我不介意灭了你。”
The Zi Shanforeheadis angry, wantsto speak, but the neckwas being pinched, a characteris unable to say.紫衫额头青筋暴露,想要说话,但脖子被掐着,一个字都无法说出口。Buzz!
嗡!Butat this point, the Diyang Peakdirection, has transmittedbuzz the cry, the formidableimposing mannerinstantaneouslypresents.
而在此时,地阳峰方向,传来了嗡鸣,强大的气势瞬间呈现。Felt that Ge Hongmustget rid, Ye Chenhas then let looseZi Shan, thenturned toward the Diyang Peakdirectionto shoot a look atone, seemedcanseethatsay|waystanding erectpeakby the indistinctfog the form.
感觉到葛洪要出手,叶辰这才放开了紫衫,而后向着地阳峰方向瞥了一眼,好似能透过缥缈的云雾看见那道屹立峰顶的身影。„GeElder, favorsyourdisciple, will haveagainnext time, Iwill be no wonder cruel and merciless.”Ye Chenhas taken back the visionslowly, walkstoward the mountainunder.
“葛长老,看好你的弟子,再有下次,莫怪我心狠手辣。”叶辰缓缓收回了目光,向着山下走去。„Ye Chen.” The Diyang Peaktop, scary of Ge Hongface darken, in the sleeve the fistgraspskastraightsound, in the eyefullisice-coldkilling intent.
The nature, at this timeexcept forGe Hong, disciplinehall and Renyang Peakdirection, Zhao ZhirespectswithQingyangVenerablecomplexionis also cloudyenough, Renyang PeakZhongsaidactually, has coveredownChestmaliciously, shouted the anxiety.
A smallinterludein the past, Ye Chenwent to the smallspiritgarden in mountainsideplacefollowing the stone steps.
一个小插曲过去,叶辰顺着石阶来到了山腰处的小灵园。SeesYe Chento come back, tremblingZhang Fengnianandwas wavingHu Wa of blackiron roddelightedlyto walk.
见叶辰回来,颤巍巍的张丰年和正在舞动乌铁棍的虎娃都喜笑颜开的走了上来。„Younger generationYe Chen, has seensenior.”RegardingZhang Fengnian, Ye Chenisas alwayshas good manners the number.
“晚辈叶辰,见过前辈。”对于张丰年,叶辰还是一如既往的懂礼数。„Anyseniornon-senior, was estranged.”Zhang Fengniansmilesgently.
“什么前辈不前辈,生分了。”张丰年慈祥一笑。„Brother, whatInner Sectis.”Hu Wa, is raisingsmallheadactually, both eyesbrightlooks atYe Chen.
“大哥哥,内门是什么样的。”倒是虎娃,扬着小脑袋,双眼熠熠的看着叶辰。„Is very big.”Ye Chenfeels the smallhead of Hu Wa, spoke franklytwocharacters.
After exchanged greetings, before Ye Chenarrived atsmallspiritgardenthatdike, wavedto hideininsidethathalfAbysmal Voidpillhas dug out, then before having placedImmortal Eye.
一阵寒暄之后,叶辰来到了小灵园那面岩壁前,挥手藏在里面的那半颗空冥丹抠了出来,而后放在了仙轮眼前。Expectsaccording tosuch ashim, throughImmortal Eye, hededucedto hide the Soulbrand markinAbysmal Voidpill, butmadehisstunnedwas, fromthatSoulbrand mark, hediscoveredthatperson who refinedAbysmal Voidpill, was actually oneis leading the white hairyouth of mask.
依如他所料,通过仙轮眼,他推演出了潜藏在空冥丹中的灵魂烙印,只是让他错愕的是,从那灵魂烙印中,他发现炼制空冥丹的那个人,竟然是一个带着面具的白发青年。„IsAbysmal Voidpill who herefining up.”Ye Cheneyefulexclamation, appearance that althoughcannot see clearly the white hairyouth, buthisassuredthatwhite hairyouthisranktallDanchenandXu FuAlchemy Master.
“就是他炼出的空冥丹。”叶辰满眼惊叹,虽然看不清白发青年的容貌,但他笃定那白发青年乃是一个级别远高丹辰和徐福的炼丹师。Quick, Abysmal Voidpill'srefinementmethodcompletelybyYe Chenobtained.
The Ye Chensurpriseddiscovery, refinesAbysmal Voidpill, needs more than 500kinds of Spirit Herbsunexpectedly, moreoverseveralSpirit Herbsnames, hisdon'tsaidsees, listensnot to listen.叶辰惊讶的发现,炼制空冥丹,竟然需要500多种灵草,而且有几种灵草的名字,他莫说是见,就连听都没听过。„Abysmal Voidpillsois no wonder difficultto refine.”Ye Chenmutteredone, „wasthese more than 500kinds of Spirit Herbscannot collectperhapsmerely.”
“难怪空冥丹如此难炼。”叶辰喃喃一声,“仅仅是这500多种灵草或许都凑不齐。”Quick, Ye ChenthathalfAbysmal Voidpill, whenreturned to the original position.
很快,叶辰又将那半颗空冥丹当回到了原处。Althoughknew the Abysmal Voidpill'srefinementmethod, buthisSoulrankalsoby farinsufficient, wantsto refineAbysmal Voidpill, the Soulrank, at leastalsoneedsAdvancing Rankto arrive atHeaven Realms, otherwiseis unable to complete.
虽然知道了空冥丹的炼制方法,但他的灵魂等级还远远不够,想要炼制空冥丹,灵魂等级,至少也需要进阶到天境,不然无法完成。„This matterwill sayin the futureagain.”Turns aroundslightly, Ye Chenwent out of the smallspiritgarden, just before leaving before , leaves behind the resources that manypracticehave used.
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