IAMVE :: Volume #2

#162: Soul profound boundary

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Nearby, looks silliness that Ye Chen smiles does not draw several, Chu Xuan'er is very stunned. 一旁,看着叶辰笑的傻不拉几的,楚萱儿很是错愕。 Good! 好! After being in Chu Xuan'er is stunned, Ye Chen towering howling a throat. 正在楚萱儿错愕之后,叶辰突兀的嚎了一嗓子。 ! 噗! Chu Xuan'er that drunk tea got down jumped, just the tea in sips import, altogether had spat a Ye Chen face. 正在喝茶的楚萱儿被下了一跳,以至于刚刚抿进口中的茶水,一股脑的吐了叶辰一脸。 One startled one for the first time, you lose any temper.” Chu Xuan'er stared Ye Chen one ill-humoredly. “一惊一乍的,你发什么神经。”楚萱儿没好气的瞪了叶辰一眼。 Does not have .... All right, all right.” Ye Chen simple-minded smiling. “没….没事,没事儿。”叶辰傻呵呵的笑了笑。 Soul Spirit Pill do you eat, words that does not eat, but also comes back.” Chu Xuan'er was saying, must go forward to receive soul Spirit Pill in Ye Chen hand. “魂灵丹你到底吃不吃,不吃的话,还回来。”楚萱儿说着,就要上前把叶辰手中的魂灵丹收回去。 Eats, naturally eats.” Ye Chen is quick of eye and hand, at the maximum speed has forced in the mouth soul Spirit Pill, for fear that Chu Xuan'er really gave him to receive again. “吃吃吃,当然吃。”叶辰眼疾手快,以最快的速度把魂灵丹塞进了嘴里,生怕楚萱儿真给他再收了回去。 Soul Spirit Pill enters the body, immediately melts. 灵丹入体,当即化开。 Ye Chen has sat cross-legged to sit on the ground, feels melting soul Spirit Pill is being tearful spring winds through oneself whole body each meridians likely, exhausted Soul profits in a big way, bathes likely in the genial spring breeze. 叶辰已经盘膝坐在了地上,感受着化开的魂灵丹像是一汪汪清泉流过自己全身各个经脉,疲惫的灵魂受益最大,像是沐浴在和煦春风之中。 Static, Ye Chen felt own body becomes light, the consciousness such as the duckweed is also common, in the wave ripples does not have to depend upon. 静静的,叶辰感觉自己身体变得轻飘飘起来,意识也如浮萍一般,在水波荡漾中无所依靠。 I saw.” Shuts goal Ye Chen, muttered one, in the consciousness, resembled saw that matter barrier to Soul profound boundary, this time like was not indistinct in the past, but was clear seeing. “我看到了。”闭目的叶辰,喃喃一声,在意识中,似是看到了通往灵魂玄境的那层屏障,这次不像往常那么缥缈,而是真真切切的看到了。 Although mutters the language, but as before was actually heard by nearby Chu Xuan'er. 虽是喃喃而语,但却依旧被一旁的楚萱儿听到了。 On the Chu Xuan'er face appears immediately the gratified smiling face, you have not really disappointed me, I day and night do not refine soul Spirit Pill with Senior brother Xu Fu in vain.” 楚萱儿脸上顿时浮现出欣慰的笑容,“你果然没有让我失望,也不枉我跟徐福师兄夜以继日的炼制魂灵丹。” Quick, Chu Xuan'er then waved to seal up the entrance of stone chamber, in order to avoid her breathless good younger sister to kill again, now Ye Chen in the Breakthrough edge, may unable to accommodate disturbance of any outside. 很快,楚萱儿便挥手封闭了石室的入口,以免她那气急败坏的好妹妹再杀回来,如今叶辰突破的边缘,可容不得任何外界的打扰。 In the stone chamber, becomes especially tranquil. 石室中,变得格外宁静。 This is a long process, Soul Advancing Rank compared oneself to cultivate is Advancing Rank wants difficult many, the time of nature consumption is also very long. 这是一个漫长的过程,灵魂进阶本就比自身修为进阶要困难的多,自然耗费的时间也很长。 At this moment, the consciousness of Ye Chen still has a good swim in the indistinctness, the entire body and mind escaped into a marvelous condition. 此刻,叶辰的意识还在缥缈中畅游,整个身心都遁入了一个奇妙的状态。 Soul Spirit Pill melted in his within the body completely, specifically aims at the Spirit Pill essence that Soul nourishes, such as the manna is common, is washing his Soul, such as the iron hammer is common, quenchings him consciousness. 灵丹已经在他体内完全化开,专门针对灵魂滋养的灵丹精华,如甘露一般,洗涤着他的灵魂,又如铁锤一般,淬炼着他意识。 So, a night quietly. 如此,一夜悄然而过。 Next day, has not waited for the East first to wipe the sunset glow to reappear, in the stone chamber then spread soul-stirring whooshing. 翌日,未等东方第一抹红霞浮现,石室中便传出了一道荡气回肠的嘶吼。 Gives me to break! 给我破! As Ye Chen roared, Soul of his to the utmost sublimation, suddenly broke through the mountain pass, the powerful advanced into the Soul profound boundary. 随着叶辰咆哮,他那极尽升华的灵魂,豁然冲破了关隘,强势跻身到了灵魂玄境。 Buzz! 嗡! Buzz! 嗡! Quick, in stone chamber east , south , west and north four Soul tablet in abundance trembling cries, but above that spirit character, in the Ye Chen Breakthrough instance, transformed unreliably character, they changed along with the Soul rank of Ye Chen. 很快,石室中东南西北四座灵魂碑纷纷颤鸣,而上面的那个“灵”字,也在叶辰突破的瞬间,幻化成了“玄”字,它们是随着叶辰灵魂等级而变化的。 In stone chamber central circle, roars later Ye Chen, fell into quietly, but his body actually had the change. 石室中央的圆圈中,一吼之后的叶辰,陷入了沉静,但他的身体却是起了变化。 First, he has covered from top to bottom shining Jinhui, is overflowing the golden aura. 首先,他浑身上下都蒙上了灿灿的金辉,流溢着金色气息。 Next, his Zhou Ce, centered on him, has formed a strange vortex, swallows to accept in the world the mysterious strength. 其次,他的周侧,以他为中心,形成了一道诡异的漩涡,吞纳着天地间神秘的力量。 Finally, his forehead sparkles to shine, really has one unreliably character to be partly visible. 最后,他的眉心闪闪发亮,竟然有一个“玄”字若隐若现。 For a long time, Ye Chen has not opened both eyes as before, he still has a good swim in that mysterious ideal condition. 许久之后,叶辰依旧没有睁开双眼,他还在那玄妙的意境中畅游。 In the ideal condition, the fine spring day, shoot breaks ground, the calyx treats puts, the myriad things are vigorous. 意境中,鸟语花香,嫩芽破土,花苞待放,万物蓬勃。 Quick, ideal condition change, the strong winds howl, that green and luxuriant ancient Mu, the leaf blade yellowing, the trunk and branches starts to wither, the entire world picture by the leaf embellishment that su however drops. 很快,意境变化,狂风呼啸而起,那郁郁葱葱的古木,叶片泛黄,枝干开始枯萎,整个世界画面都被簌然落下的树叶点缀。 Subsequently, the earth dry defeat, on the barren silent, ancient wood that final several piece also floating falls, bone-chilling wind, cold wind bone-chilling cold, the snowflake fluttered completely the world, this world has just like covered the holy white clothing. 继而,大地枯败,贫瘠无声,古木上那最后的几叶枝片也飘然而落,寒风刺骨,冷风凛冽,雪花飘满了天地,这世界俨然蒙上了圣洁的白衣。 This is a samsara, unceasing taking turn, the ideal condition world such as a huge ship, rotates in the years, samsara in life and death. 这是一个轮回,不断的交替,意境世界如一个巨轮,在岁月中轮转,在生死中轮回。 Ye Chen is in the ideal condition, has witnessed the life lively with ups and downs, the alternate world on such as from the baby to the late in life old person, experienced the life, finally becomes pou loess, then, the world is also changing, the life multiplication is restless, adds the mark that have not been able to obliterate to this world. 叶辰身在意境中,见证了生灵的繁华与枯荣,交替的世界就如自婴孩到迟暮老人,经历了一生,终成一抔黄土,然后,世界还在变化,生灵繁衍不息,给这世界添上了一道道无法磨灭的印记。 This world is really mysterious.” Breakthrough to the Soul profound boundary, the Ye Chen first start to talk nan language. “这世界真是玄妙。”突破灵魂玄境,叶辰第一次开口喃语。 However, he has not awaked as before, in the mysterious ideal condition, he experienced the sea vastly, witnessed the broadness of Cangyuan, saw the vastness of starry sky, felt boundless of great mountain. 然而,他依旧没有醒,在玄妙的意境中,他见识了海洋了浩渺,目睹了苍原的广阔,看到了星空的浩瀚,也感受到了巨岳的磅礴。 In world marvelous strength.” The Ye Chen brow tightens from time to time, from time to time stretches, paces back and forth in the ideal condition, felt that a mysterious and formidable strength, said according to the Chu Ling'er words, that is the strength of world. “天地间奇妙的力量。”叶辰眉头时而紧锁,时而舒展,在意境中徘徊,感觉到了一股神秘而强大的力量,按楚灵儿的话所说,那就是天地之力。 The strength of that so-called world, is extremely indistinct, such as appeared briefly, vanishes is very difficult to catch. 只是,那所谓的天地之力,太过缥缈,就如昙花一现,消失了就很难在捕捉到。 Hence, Ye Chen has been opening both eyes slowly, two sharp vision have projected the eye pupil, but the double pupil also becomes profound reserved. 至此,叶辰在缓缓睁开了双眼,两道锐利的目光射出了眼瞳,而双眸也随之变得深邃内敛。 Feeling is very good!” Card that , Chu Xuan'er smiles Ye Chen. “感觉很不错吧!”一旁,楚萱儿满脸笑容的卡着叶辰 Oh!” Ye Chen turned over to jump, although pupil light profound reserved, but actually could not conceal wild with joy in eye. “嗯嗯!”叶辰翻身跳了起来,眸光虽然深邃内敛,但却也掩饰不住眼中的狂喜。 In this time, the gate of stone chamber opened, the Chu Ling'er form appeared like the ghosts and demons in the Ye Chen side, a pair of spirit clear beautiful pupil winked to look at Ye Chen, Breakthrough?” 就在此时,石室的门开了,楚灵儿的身影如鬼魅般出现在了叶辰的身边,一双灵澈美眸眨动着看着叶辰,“突破了?” Suddenly... Breakthrough.” Ye Chen has coughed, but actually subconsciously retroceded one step, saw each time Chu Ling'er he cannot help but does this, one day ago, this insane woman also has punched his. “突…突破了。”叶辰干咳了一声,但却下意识的后退了一步,每次看到楚灵儿他都会不由自主的这样做,就在一天前,这个疯娘们儿还揍了他一顿。 Has to feel the strength of world.” Chu Ling'er has not noted Ye Chen obviously to her fearing, moreover she is obviously more excited than Ye Chen, a pair of beautiful pupil stares looks at Ye Chen. “有没有感觉到天地之力。”楚灵儿显然没有注意到叶辰对她的惧怕,而且她显然比叶辰更激动,一双美眸直勾勾的看着叶辰 „Has, but is actually only short flickers.” Ye Chen replied truthfully. “有是有,但却只是短暂的一瞬。”叶辰如实答道。 Your strength to world has anything to feel.” As before Chu Ling'er stares looks at Ye Chen. “那你对天地之力有啥感觉。”楚灵儿依旧直勾勾的看着叶辰 Is very formidable.” Ye Chen exclaimed in surprise that said one. “很强大。”叶辰不无惊叹的说了一句。 „Do you have.......” “那你有没有……。” Spirit.” Chu Ling'er wants to ask anything, but had actually been broken by nearby Chu Xuan'er, looks at Chu Ling'er, Chu Xuan'er says with a smile, he is only the Advancing Rank Soul profound boundary, so to be how easy to catch the strength of world.” “灵儿。”楚灵儿想问些什么,但却被一旁的楚萱儿打断了,看着楚灵儿,楚萱儿笑道,“他只是进阶灵魂玄境,怎会那么容易捕捉到天地之力。” Also right.” Chu Ling'er cannot help but flexure scratching the head. “哦也对。”楚灵儿不由得挠了挠头。 Here, Chu Xuan'er moved that side from the body of Chu Ling'er the vision Ye Chen, „, since you Breakthrough to the Soul profound boundary, practicing in that this stone chamber, for the time being has come to the end.” 这边,楚萱儿已经把目光从楚灵儿的身上挪到了叶辰那边,“既然你已经突破到了灵魂玄境,那这石室中的修行,就暂且告一段落了。” „Can I descend the mountain?” Ye Chen rubs hands, pupil light bright looks at Chu Xuan'er. “那我可以下山了?”叶辰搓着手,眸光熠熠的看着楚萱儿 „Do you want to descend the mountain?” “你就这么想下山?” I want to go to Myriad Treasures Pavilion to buy a thing.” Ye Chen smiles, is buys Spirit Herbs that refinement soul Spirit Pill needs actually, since knows that soul Spirit Pill refinement method, but Soul Breakthrough to the profound boundary, he naturally also has also wanted to attempt. “我想去万宝阁买点东西。”叶辰嘿嘿一笑,其实就是去买炼制魂灵丹所需要的灵草,既然知道魂灵丹的炼制方法,而灵魂突破到了玄境,他自然也想尝试一下。 „Before night, comes back.” Chu Xuan'er has relented, allowing Ye Chen to descend the mountain. “夜晚前回来。”楚萱儿松口了,允许叶辰下山了。 Good!” Ye Chen smiles, turned head to run the stone chamber. “好嘞!”叶辰嘿嘿一笑,扭头跑出了石室。 Looks the back that Ye Chen departed, Chu Xuan'er then returns the body of Chu Ling'er the vision, this younger sister still from time to time scratches the head there touches the chin from time to time, the mouth whispers, some god gods talked on endlessly. 看了一眼叶辰离去的背影,楚萱儿这才把目光又放回到了身旁楚灵儿的身上,她这个妹妹还在那里时而挠头时而摸下巴,嘴里嘀嘀咕咕的,有些神神叨叨。 Has a frustration.” Asking that Chu Xuan'er interestings. “是不是有一种挫败感。”楚萱儿饶有兴趣的问道。 Which... Where has.” “哪…哪有。” Do not be obstinate argumentative.” Chu Xuan'er smiles leisurely, present Chu, except for Heavenly Profound Sect, can discover your Soul rank high person is fewer, if by the talent in Soul aspect, as far as I know, nobody can only with you side by side.” “别嘴硬了。”楚萱儿悠悠一笑,“如今的大楚,除了天玄门,能找出比你灵魂等级高的人屈指可数,而若单论灵魂方面的天赋,据我所知,无人能与你比肩。” Here, Chu Xuan'er has been blinking the eye to Chu Ling'er, „? Soul talent that you most are proud, but has lost to my treasure disciple!” 说到这里,楚萱儿对着楚灵儿眨巴了一下眼睛,“不过呢?你最引以为傲的灵魂天赋,可是败给了我的宝贝徒儿哦!” Oh the elder sister, has your such?” Chu Ling'er stamped the feet, looked at Chu Xuan'er ill-humoredly, simply turned around to go out of the stone chamber. “哎呀姐,有你这样的吗?”楚灵儿跺了跺脚,没好气的看了一眼楚萱儿,干脆转身走出了石室。 Looks at somewhat breathless Chu Ling'er, Chu Xuan'er helpless shook the head with a smile, but regarding Ye Chen, in her eyes reveals what are more is gratified and light of exclamation, he broke a record once more. 看着有些气急败坏的楚灵儿,楚萱儿无奈的笑着摇了摇头,但对于叶辰,她眼中流露的更多的是欣慰和惊叹之光,他再次打破了一个记录。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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