The worldis dim, the wind and cloudcolor deterioration, the thunderoussoundpenetratinghighest heaven, the sinceredark cloudwants the collapsing by pressureearth.
天地昏暗,风云变色,雷鸣声响彻九霄,厚重的乌云直欲压塌大地。„HowcanbeHeavenly Tribulation.” The Chu Xuan'erjademouthopens, completelyis unable to believelooks at the vault of heaven, the complexioninstantaneouslybecomessomepale white.
“怎么会是天劫。”楚萱儿玉口微启,满是无法置信的看着天穹,脸色瞬间变得有些苍白。„That... Thatisanything!”Ye Chen on smallhillside, justpreparedto absorb the worldspiritual energyto pour into within the body, was actually awakenedbythatbellow, looks at the vault of heaven, the sovastscene, he is also firsttimesees.
“那…那是啥!”小山坡上的叶辰,刚准备吸收天地灵气灌入体内,却也是被那轰鸣声惊醒,怔怔的看着天穹,如此浩大的场景,他也是第一次见到。„Heavenly Tribulation.”
“天劫。”„Heavenly Tribulation?”Ye Chensuddenlyonestartled, remembershad peepedsecretXin, in worldhas a suchperson, the meritginsenggood fortune, was enviedbyHeaven, will lowerHeavenly Tribulation, toextinguishits.
“天劫?”叶辰顿然一惊,想起了曾经偷看过的秘辛,世间有那么一种人,功参造化,遭上苍嫉妒,会降下天劫,以灭其身。„Is thisHeavenly Tribulation?”Ye Cheneyefulstartledcolorraising headlook at the vault of heaven, sincehas madecultivator, hefirsttimeseesHeavenly Tribulation, thatbroadscene, thatextinguishes the world the pressure, makinghismindtremble.
“这就是天劫?”叶辰满眼惊色的仰头看着天穹,自从做了修士,他还是第一次见天劫,那恢弘的场景,那灭世的威压,使他心灵颤栗。„WhosesuchOxCha, brought inHeavenly Tribulation.”Looks at the vault of heaven, the Ye Chenmouthfulsuckstongue.
“谁这么牛叉,把天劫都引来了。”看着天穹,叶辰满嘴咂舌。„Alsolooks atanything, thatisyourHeavenly Tribulation.”SeesYe Chenwithbeing all rightperson, Chu Xuan'erhurriedto scoldone.
“还看什么,那是你的天劫。”见叶辰跟没事儿人似的,楚萱儿慌忙呵斥了一声。„I... My?”Ye Chenwas at the scene ignorant, „Iam onlyAdvancing RankMortal Origin Stage, howto bring inHeavenly Tribulation.”
“我…我的?”叶辰当场懵了,“我只是进阶人元境,怎么会引来天劫。”„Heavenly Tribulationdoes not lookto cultivateis, onlylooks at the talent.”Chu Xuan'erhurriesto say.
“天劫不看修为,只看天赋。”楚萱儿慌忙说道。Saying, Chu Xuan'erwas moving sidewaysto draw back, looksolemn and respectfullooks atYe Chen, „Heavenly Tribulationneededyouto cross, could not helpyoufor the master, crossedHeavenly Tribulationhas lived, crossesvanishes in puff of smoke.”
说着,楚萱儿闪身退了出去,神色肃穆的看着叶辰,“天劫需要你去渡,为师帮不了你,渡的过天劫就是生,渡不过就灰飞烟灭。”„I... Idepend!”Ye Chenwas frightened the whole bodyto quickly grasp the meaning of something, standson the smallhillside, likelyisant on a hotpot, he is also onlyfirsttimeseesHeavenly Tribulation, moreoverfirsttimeseesisownHeavenly Tribulation, the bonusis the strength in meditationis good, was flustered.
“我…我靠!”叶辰被吓得浑身一激灵,站在小山坡上,像是一个热锅上的蚂蚁,他也只是第一次见天劫,而且第一次见就是自己的天劫,饶是定力再好,也慌张了。„Master, howyoucrosswithmythisHeavenly Tribulationactually!”Desperate, Ye Chenhurriedto looktoChu Xuan'er.
“师傅,你倒是跟我这天劫怎么渡啊!”情急之下,叶辰慌忙看向了楚萱儿。„Heavenly Tribulationhas the time limit, these days, regardless ofyouare the avoidanceare also good, resistanceto be also good, youmustdois, went on livingbyoneself not at any cost, supports.”
“天劫有时间限制,在这段时间中,无论你是躲避也好、抵抗也好,你要做的就是,不惜一切代价让自己活下去,撑过去。”hearsword, Ye Chenhurriedto turn the handto take outTianque, was staring at the vault of heavenstubbornly, does not dareto have the slightgeneral idea.
轰!Quick, during is illusory, there is a thunder and lightningtogetherto divide.
很快,虚无缥缈之中,有一道雷电劈了下来。Ye Chenhurriesto grip tightlyTianque, carries onstandardto keep off.叶辰慌忙紧握天阙,进行格挡。Pound!
磅!Thatthunder and lightningdividingwithout bias and without favoronTianque.
噗!Ye Chendividedpartlyknelton the ground, a bloodpuffed outcrazily, grasps the both hands of swordimmediatelycovered with blood, the entirebodyfluttered, the smallhillside of under foot, dividedavalancheloudlyunderthatthunder and lightning.叶辰被劈的半跪在了地上,一口鲜血狂喷了出去,握剑的双手顿时血肉模糊,整个身体都翻飞了出去,脚下的小山坡,也在那道雷电之下被劈的轰然崩塌。„Is so strong.” A Ye Chenfacewith amazement, hurriesto set out.
轰隆隆!Quick, the thunder and lightningchopsto fallonce more . Moreover the quantityis also not infrequent, allchopswithout exceptiontowardYe Chen.
哇!Ye Chensaw that turns headto run.叶辰见状,扭头跑了。Thunder and lightning that chopsis the intelligenceis ordinary, whereherushes, wheretheytowardchop.
The thunder and lightningchopstogether, Ye Chenis bruised and lacerated, the whole personfluttered, has not fallen to the ground, hasthunder and lightningtogetherto divide, hismove, the earthwas divided a big holeagain, along with, even if third, hejustset out, dividedbloodbonedrippings.
一道雷电劈下,叶辰皮开肉绽,整个人都翻飞了出去,还未落地,有一道雷电劈下,他再次中招,大地都被劈出了一个大坑,随即便是第三道,他刚刚起身,就被劈的血骨淋淋。Distant place, Chu Xuan'erlookanxiouslooks here, severaltimesmustcome, buthas stopped the body.
远方,楚萱儿神色紧张的看着这边,有几次都要过来,但都生生止住了身体。Heavenly Tribulationdoes not makeis playing, anyone, so long asoverrunsrashly, withcrossing the person of tribulationshouldtribulationbypullingtogether, Chu Xuan'erwantsto passactually, butthathas harmedYe Chenwithout doubt, mustknow, Heavenly Tribulation that herSpirit Void Realmbrings, will makeYe Chenvanishes in puff of smokeat the scene.天劫不是闹着玩儿的,无论是谁,只要贸然冲过去,也都会被拉去跟渡劫之人一起应劫,楚萱儿倒是想过去,但那无疑是害了叶辰,要知道,她灵虚境引来的天劫,当场就会让叶辰灰飞烟灭。„Formasterunderestimateyourtalent.”Chu Xuan'erboth handsgriptight, Ye Chenwill bring inHeavenly Tribulation, surpassedherto expectgreatlythatmakingherbe caught off guard.
“是为师小看了你的天赋。”楚萱儿双手攥的紧紧的,叶辰会引来天劫,大大超出了她预料,让她措手不及。Mustknowthatcultivating of herSpirit Void Realmis, has not brought inHeavenly Tribulation, has not thought that justAdvancing RankMortal Origin StageYe Chen, unexpectedlyhad brought inHeavenly Tribulation, so the talent, how not shockingmakingher.
要知道,她灵虚境的修为,都从没有引来过天劫,没想到刚刚进阶人元境的叶辰,竟然将天劫引来了,如此天赋,让她如何不震惊。„Could not helpyoufor the master, all must byyou.”Cannotgo forwardto help, Chu Xuan'er can only encourageYe Chento insistunceasingly.
The distant place, has transmittedYe Chen the sound of pitiful yell, hisdividedeverywherefliesrandomly, the entirebodydid not see the human form, had the densebones of the deadexpositionoutside, was really scary.
轰!Illusoryabove, the thunderwins, lets fallonce more for ninedays.
虚无缥缈之上,雷霆更胜,再次垂落九天。„Yourhe. Mother.”Ye Chenhas gotten angry, turned overto jump.
“你他.妈的。”叶辰怒了,翻身跳了起来。„True Fire.”Bellows, Ye ChensummonedTrue Fire, makingitturn into the cloud, hisfootwas stepping on the cloud, soared, entered a day of night, above the fisthas poured intoboundlessVital Energy, fastblendedwith the strength, the peakstruckfermentsrapidly.
The thunder and lightningchopstogetherloudly, Ye Chenshakes the fistto meet the approaching enemyon.
一道雷电轰然劈下,叶辰挥拳迎击而上。Immediately, justflew into the daynightYe Chen, has crashedtostars, pounded a bigbig holeto come out the earth.
顿时,刚刚飞入天宵的叶辰,向一颗星辰坠落了下来,将大地砸出了一大大坑出来。„Fatheris onlyAdvancing RankMortal Origin Stage, youwantto divideme, does not have the gate.”In the big hole, Ye Chencrawled, obloquiedwithonethattreadonned the True Firecloudto enter the vault of heavenonce more.
轰!Thundersvoid, isthunder and lightningLing Tianlets falltogether.
虚空轰鸣,又是一道雷电凌天垂落。Givesmeto break!
给我破!Ye Chenroars, shakes the fist the heavens defyingbombardment.叶辰怒吼,挥拳逆天轰击。Pū!
噗!Suddenly, hisfistblasting open, bodyalsodepends onsuch asfirstgeneral, dividedhas crashedfromvoid, smashing that a hugegiant stonepounds, in this periodmore than oncespouted the blood, the endoskeletondoes not know that has disruptedseveral.
顿然,他拳头炸裂,身体也依如第一次一般,被劈的从虚空中坠落了下去,将一座庞大的巨石生生砸的粉碎,期间不止一次喷出了鲜血,体内骨骼不知碎裂了几根。„Ye Chen.” The distant place, the Chu Xuan'erlookimmediatelybecomespale, the great strength of Heavenly Tribulation, surpassesherexpectation, howcanbejustAdvancing RankMortal Origin StageYe Chencanresist.
“叶辰。”远方,楚萱儿神色顿时变得惨白,天劫的强大,远超她的预料,怎会是刚进阶人元境的叶辰可以抵抗的。„Cannot die.”In the big hole, the golden lightsparkles, Ye Chenthirdtimecontrols the True Firecloudto soar to the heavens the night.
“死不了。”大坑中,金光闪耀,叶辰第三次驾驭着真火云彩直冲天宵。„Hasto plantto divide the deadfather.” The Ye Chenroaris shocking, the whole bodyvitalityascends, resembles the firecombustion, covered with bloodface, whatis fullisfirm, is looking angrily at the heaven, Vital Energy that onlyremains, the totalhas poured into the fist.
“有种劈死老子。”叶辰吼声震天,浑身气血升腾,似火燃烧,血肉模糊的脸庞,满满的是坚定,怒视着苍天,仅剩的真气,全数灌入了拳头之内。Inexplicable, heescapedinto a marvelouscondition, the [8 Desolate Chops] true meaninglingeredin the mind, lethisbloodebullition, fearlessly, foughtintentdreadfully, makinghiswhole personresemble, ifturned intoonegroup of dazzlingflame.
莫名的,他遁入了一种奇妙的状态,八荒斩的真谛萦绕在脑海之中,让他鲜血沸腾,无所畏惧,滔天的战意,让他的整个人都似若变成了一团耀眼的火焰。At this moment, so-calledHeavenly Tribulation, in his eyes, no longersuch asinimaginationlike thatfearful, becauseheis fearless.
A fistfastblendswith the strength, mixes the whole wide worldinvinciblewarintent.
一拳速与力交融,混合八荒之无敌战意。„Eight Desolate Fists.”AsYe Chenroared, the fist of mostpeakmadeloudly, is in sharp oppositionwith the thunder and lightning that divided.
轰!Thatthunder and lightningat the scenescrap.
噗!But the fist of Ye Chenalsoinstantaneouslychanged to the bloodfog, the entirebodysplitsat the scene, the whole bodygoldenflamehas also annihilated, has crashedfromvoidrapidly.
而叶辰的拳头也瞬间化作了血雾,整个身体当场裂开,浑身的金色火焰也湮灭了,从虚空中急速的坠落了下去。Hence, illusorybecamequiet, did not have the thunder, did not haveto extinguish the worldpressure, the sinceredark cloudstartedto diverge, hadburning hot the sunlighttransmission of togetherabove the earth.
至此,虚无缥缈变得沉寂了,没有了电闪雷鸣,没有了灭世威压,厚重的乌云开始散去,已经有一道炙热的阳光透射在大地之上。„Heavenly Tribulationfinished.”Chu Xuan'erraised headto look at a vault of heaven, thensuch as a god of journeysrainbowfliestoward the place that Ye Chencrashed.
“天劫结束了。”楚萱儿仰头看了一眼天穹,便如一道神虹向着叶辰坠落的地方飞去。Quick, shecomesin a big holeedge.
很快,她现身在一个大坑的边缘。In the pit, faintYe Chenlies down there, bravesWuYan, whole bodyburned black, bruised and lacerated, the mortal bodywas badly-damaged, did not have the both arms, the densebone that manyplacesreveal is also jet blackonepiece.
坑中,昏厥的叶辰躺在那里,冒着乌烟,浑身焦黑,皮开肉绽,肉身已经残破不堪,没有了双臂,诸多地方露出的森森骨头也是漆黑一片。„Ye Chen.”Chu Xuan'erappearssideYe Cheninstantaneously, thencrazypours into the spiritstrengthtowardYe Chenwithin the body, seesYe Chenalsoto have the aura, relaxing of maliciously.
“叶辰。”楚萱儿瞬间出现在叶辰身边,而后疯狂的往叶辰体内灌入灵力,见叶辰还有气息,才狠狠的松了一口气。„Thisplaceis not suitablestays for a long time.”Chu Xuan'erhas curled upYe Chen, reaches the sky in a single bound, such as a god of journeysrainbow, rapidlyfliestowardHengyue Sect.
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