IAMVE :: Volume #2

#152: The speed blends

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Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! Not far away, thick ice lizard throws once more, although the build is big, but the speed is quick, the sole falls each time, will make the sound that touches, the front surface throws, but also is bringing the vigorous storm. 不远处,玄冰蜥蜴再次扑来,体型虽大,但速度很快,脚掌每次落下,都会发出碰碰的声响,迎面扑来,还带着雄浑的暴风。 Now My Turn comes.” Ye Chen turned over to jump, Vital Energy instilled into above the palm, Ben Thunder a palm powerful rumbled. 换我来。”叶辰翻身跳了起来,真气灌输手掌之上,奔雷一掌强势轰出。 Bang! 轰! Terrifying being in charge bang on thick ice lizard, actually cannot shake its half minute. 恐怖的掌印轰在了玄冰蜥蜴身上,却是未能撼动它半分。 The thick ice lizard is angry, once more air/Qi of emitting thick ice. 玄冰蜥蜴大怒,再次喷吐玄冰之气。 But Ye Chen had already shunted, jumped to leap, jumps on the back of thick ice lizard, without demur, brandished Tianque, the strength chops under. 叶辰早就躲开了,纵身一跃,跳到了玄冰蜥蜴的脊背上,二话不说,抡动天阙,力劈而下。 Kuāng Ding ! (Sound Effects) ! 哐当 Sound of metal collision resounds, Ye Chen was shaken stuffily snort|hum backs up, the entire both arms tingled with numbness, the thick ice lizard eternal truth monster beast spectrum referral center said that the skin is not general thick, the defense is not general. 金属碰撞的声音响起,叶辰被震得闷哼倒退,整个双臂都发麻了,玄冰蜥蜴真如妖兽谱介绍所说,皮不是一般的厚,防御不是一般的强。 Ben Thunder! 奔雷! A sword cannot injure to the thick ice lizard, Ye Chen waves the arm once more, by a thunder palm solid bang after thick ice lizard carries on the back. 一剑未能伤到玄冰蜥蜴,叶辰再次挥动手臂,被雷一掌结结实实的轰在了玄冰蜥蜴的后背上。 Ye Chen admits defeat once more, if palm hit above the hard steel plate, has not injured to the thick ice lizard did not say that instead he was shaken the corners of the mouth to overflow the blood by the strength of counter- shaking. 只是,叶辰再次吃瘪,一掌似若打在了坚硬的钢板之上,没有伤到玄冰蜥蜴不说,反而他被反震之力震得嘴角溢出了鲜血。 Roar! 吼! Was attacked by Ye Chen one after another twice, the thick ice lizard got angry. 接连被叶辰两次攻击,玄冰蜥蜴怒了。 Zheng! 铮! Zheng! 铮! After seeing only it, thick ice scale that carries on the back has set upright but actually, then Zheng called to move, shot toward Ye Chen, the quantity was not general huge. 只见它后背上的玄冰鳞片纷纷倒竖了起来,而后铮鸣而动,向着叶辰射去,数量不是一般的庞大。 [Heavenly Big Dipper Sword] ! 天罡剑阵! Ye Chen has the sword, by a [Heavenly Big Dipper Sword] defense. 叶辰起剑,以天罡剑阵防御。 Buzz! 嗡! The great tail of thick ice lizard has flung, the strength is powerful, dashed Ye Chen [Heavenly Big Dipper Sword] at the scene, Ye Chen is brandished to fly at the scene, the body of flying upside down hit a giant stone crushes. 玄冰蜥蜴的巨尾甩了过来,力道强悍,当场撞破了叶辰天罡剑阵,叶辰当场就被抡飞了出去,倒飞的身体将一座巨石撞得粉碎。 Roar! 吼! The thick ice lizard roared, grinds the huge body, 玄冰蜥蜴咆哮,碾动着庞大身躯而来, Shakes the mountain! 撼山! Sets out suddenly, a Ye Chen overbearing fist rumbled. 豁然起身,叶辰霸道的一拳轰了出去。 Yang Finger! 阳指 Immediately, is finger of quiet glow. 随即,便是一指幽芒。 [Dragon Dominations] ! 亢龙 Finally, the overbearing [Dragon Dominations] secret technique also used. 最后,霸道的亢龙秘术也用上了。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Attack one after another hit on the thick ice lizard, but actually cannot shake the thick ice lizard, instead he was hit to fly upside down again, the thick ice lizard was huge, the defensive power was overbearing, his secret technique one after another displayed, with flexure itchy similar. 接连的攻击打在了玄冰蜥蜴身上,但却是未能撼动玄冰蜥蜴,反而他再次被撞得倒飞了出去,玄冰蜥蜴庞大沉重,防御力霸道,他接连的秘术施展,跟挠痒痒的差不多。 Bang! 轰! The body that Ye Chen flies upside down, presses the avalanche a giant stone once more. 叶辰倒飞出去的身体,再次将一座巨石压得崩塌。 Grandmother.” Ye Chen obloquied that immediately took out a gold/metal blade, then turned over to jump, one step trod, leapt the body more than three zhang (3.33 m) high, then both hands grasped the blade, lifted the top of the head, the strength has divided under. “姥姥的。”叶辰大骂,当即取出了一把金刀,而后翻身跳了起来,一步踏下,跃身三丈多高,而后双手握刀,举过头顶,力劈而下。 [8 Desolate Chops] .” As Ye Chen bellows, three zhang (3.33 m) blade glow appears together, solid dividing on the back of thick ice lizard. 八荒斩。”随着叶辰一声大吼,一道三丈长的刀芒显现,结结实实的劈在了玄冰蜥蜴的脊背上。 „The so overbearing knife skill of this boy which studying.” On the clouds, was seeing with own eyes Ye Chen displays [8 Desolate Chops] , in the Chu Xuan'er beautiful pupil flashes through together the astonished light, by her vision, that [8 Desolate Chops] terror that naturally looks. “这小子哪学的这般霸道的刀法。”云端上,眼见着叶辰施展八荒斩,楚萱儿美眸中闪过一道惊异之光,以她的眼界,自然看的出那八荒斩的恐怖。 Kuāng Ding ! (Sound Effects) ! 哐当 During the speeches, sound of metal collision conveys once more, the Ye Chen whole wide world cuts, sparked the spark on the back of thick ice lizard, has actually left behind one in carrying on the back of thick ice lizard the slash. 说话间,金属碰撞的声音再次传来,叶辰八荒一斩,在玄冰蜥蜴的脊背上擦出了火花,却也只是在玄冰蜥蜴的背上留下了一道浅浅的刀痕。 ! 咔嚓! Immediately, gold/metal blade disrupts. 顿时,金刀碎裂。 ! 噗! Subsequently, a Ye Chen blood has spurted, [8 Desolate Chops] is domineering and tyrannical, actually as before cannot break the defense of thick ice lizard, instead is he, by terror instead shakes the big mouth to spurt the blood, the entire body fluttered. 继而,叶辰一口鲜血喷了出来,八荒斩强横霸道,却依旧未能破开玄冰蜥蜴的防御,反而是他,被恐怖的反震震得大口喷血,整个身体都翻飞了出去。 Bang! 轰隆! Not far away, hard dike, was hit the avalanche by him. 不远处,一座坚硬的岩壁,被他撞得崩塌。 Hence, Chu Xuan'er has gotten rid, shook the crushed stone, whirled away bloody Ye Chen. 至此,楚萱儿才出手了,震开了碎石,把血淋淋的叶辰卷走了。 Although is very short with time of thick ice lizard battle, but a Ye Chen moves of secret technique is whole-heartedly, the especially final whole wide world cuts, has drained within the body all Vital Energy thoroughly, has been incapable of fighting again. 虽然与玄冰蜥蜴交战的时间很短,但叶辰招招秘术都是全力以赴,特别是最后的八荒一斩,彻底抽干了体内所有的真气,已经无力再战。 On a small hillside, Chu Xuan'er has put Ye Chen, first has filled Spirit Pill toward the Ye Chen mouth, then instills into the spirit strength toward Ye Chen within the body. 一座小山坡上,楚萱儿叶辰放了下来,先是往叶辰嘴里塞了一颗灵丹,而后便往叶辰体内灌输灵力。 When does not know, Ye Chen wakes up from faint, but complexion as before pale white. 不知何时,叶辰从昏厥中醒来,但脸色依旧苍白 With the wind fox showdown, basically is the flesh wound that he receives, but with thick ice lizard showdown, what receives is the internal injury, except for [8 Desolate Chops] Tyrant Lie backlash, is the thick ice lizard instead shakes, making his skeleton meridians severe pain incomparable. 与风狐对决,他受的基本是外伤,但与玄冰蜥蜴对决,受的是内伤,除了八荒斩霸烈的反噬,便是玄冰蜥蜴的反震,让他骨骼经脉都剧痛无比。 Thick ice lizard, is harder to deal with than wind fox.” Ye Chen fades does not draw several, skin is not common thick! Even if my speed is by far it, but many secret techniques make, cannot break its defense.” “玄冰蜥蜴,比风狐更难缠。”叶辰蔫不拉几的,“皮不是一般的厚啊!就算我的速度远胜它,但诸多秘术打出,也破不开它的防御。” What's wrong? Instigated?” Chu Xuan'er interestings looks at Ye Chen. “怎么?怂了?”楚萱儿饶有兴趣的看着叶辰 Showdown wind fox, you made me suffer nine days of punching to direct me, the master you spoke frankly! The showdown thick ice lizard, you prepares to make me direct me by several days of punching.” Ye Chen eager looks at Chu Xuan'er. “对决风狐,你让我挨了九天的揍才指点了我,师傅你就直说吧!对决玄冰蜥蜴,你准备让我挨几天的揍才会指点我。”叶辰眼巴巴的看着楚萱儿 You are thinking is several days?” Chu Xuan'er with a smile looks at Ye Chen. “那你想着是几天呢?”楚萱儿笑吟吟的看着叶辰 Should better tell me now.” Ye Chen rubbing hands smiles, early said that early finished up!” “最好现在就告诉我。”叶辰搓着手嘿嘿一笑,“早说早完事儿嘛!” „To result in beautiful.” Chu Xuan'er a few words are dumbfounded Ye Chen. “想得美。”楚萱儿一句话把叶辰堵得哑口无言。 Saying, Chu Xuan'er carried Ye Chen, flew to that piece of jungle that the thick ice lizard appeared and disappeared. 说着,楚萱儿一手拎起了叶辰,飞向了玄冰蜥蜴出没的那片丛林。 Roar! 吼! Quick, that piece of jungle has then resounded the whooshing sound of thick ice lizard. 很快,那片丛林便响起了玄冰蜥蜴的嘶吼声。 The showdown, situation pitiful of Ye Chen as always, defeats once more is extraordinary neat, the skills completely leaves, actually defeats neatly, the thick ice lizard overbearing defense, presses him not to be on the rise. 再次对决,叶辰的处境一如既往的凄惨,败得也是出奇的干脆利落,浑身解数尽出,却还是败得干脆利落,玄冰蜥蜴霸道的防御,压得他抬不起头。 According to such as the showdown wind fox like that he each time came back by the Chu Xuan'er belt, is bloody, after the wound is good, will then be thrown. 依如对决风狐那般,他每次被楚萱儿带回来,都是血淋淋的,伤好之后,便又会被扔进去。 So, day and night change, livelihood samsara, suddenly five day quietly. 如此,昼夜更替,日月轮回,眨眼五日悄然而过。 However, these five during the day, Ye Chen also has the harvest, at least in the continuous war, his strength is promoting, moreover several times, have one type to at the scene the Advancing Rank stance. 不过,这五日间,叶辰也不是没有收获,至少在接连不断的大战中,他的力量在提升,而且有几次,都有一种要当场进阶的架势。 In the morning, day also not bright, Ye Chen dry was put up with the thick ice lizard by pulling. 清晨,天还没亮,叶辰就被拉去跟玄冰蜥蜴干架了。 Speed blends.” This time, just threw Ye Chen, Chu Xuan'er has then put out four characters. “速力交融。”这一次,刚把叶辰扔下去,楚萱儿便吐出了四个字。 Any meaning.” Under, after a Ye Chen fist rumbles, looked to Chu Xuan'er. “啥意思。”下方,叶辰一拳轰出之后,看向了楚萱儿 Perfect strength, needs the pinnacle speed coordination, in the extremely fast gathers the strength, in the extremely fast erupts, can play the might that destroys the hardest defenses, truth, you comprehend.” “极致的力量,需要极致的速度配合,极速中蓄力,极速中爆发,才能发挥出无坚不摧的威力,此间的道理,你自己领会。” In extremely fast gathers the strength, in extremely fast erupts.” Muttered, Ye Chen moves sideways to retrocede, in the eye flashed through color of the bright becoming aware. “极速中蓄力,极速中爆发。”喃喃自语一声,叶辰闪身后退,眼中闪过一丝明悟之色。 So that's how it is.” The Ye Chen corners of the mouth have shown a happy expression. “原来如此。”叶辰嘴角露出了一丝笑意。 Immediately, his moving sideways backlash rapidly. 当即,他急速的闪身后退。 Then, he stops the body suddenly, latter foot pedal place, rebound taking advantage of ground, such as an artillery ejection, behind the remnant shade again and again, the speed will draw near pinnacle, but during this process, his whole body Vital Energy crazy pouring into to fist, fires into the thick ice lizard, while nearly gathers the strength extremely. 而后,他豁然停身,后脚蹬地,借着地面的反弹,又如一个炮弹射了出去,一路身后残影连连,速度快到了极致,而在此过程中,他浑身真气都疯狂的灌入到拳头之中,一边冲向玄冰蜥蜴,一边极近蓄力。 Roar! 吼! The thick ice lizard also came from opposite killing, had already opened the big mouth, must pouch in the stomach Ye Chen. 玄冰蜥蜴也从对面扑杀而来,已然张开了血盆大口,要将叶辰吞进肚中。 But at this point, Chu Xuan'er on clouds also once more sets out, in Ye Chen can encounter the danger gets rid. 而在此时,云端上的楚萱儿也再次起身,以便在叶辰遇到生命危险时出手。 Near, was very near. 近了,很近了。 From the thick ice lizard three zhang (3.33 m), Ye Chen has not gotten rid as before, because crazy pouring into of Vital Energy, above his fist has been full of the terror strength, refers to the seams also having the thunder and lightning to walk randomly. 在距离玄冰蜥蜴三丈的时候,叶辰依旧没有出手,因为真气的疯狂灌入,他拳头之上充满了恐怖的力量,指缝间还有雷电在游走。 Two zhang (3.33 m)...! 两丈…! One zhang (3.33 m) ....! 一丈....! Ye Chen has not gotten rid. 叶辰还是没有出手。 Roar! 吼! The thick ice lizard whooshes tyrannically, the big mouth is going to swallow Ye Chen. 玄冰蜥蜴嘶吼暴虐,血盆大口将要将叶辰吞进去。 But in this time, Ye Chen moved, the speed rose the extreme, but the strength that on the fist built has also reached the peak, by him, as soon as has fought with the fists. 而就在此时,叶辰动了,速度攀升到了极点,而拳头上积聚的力量也达到了巅峰,被他一拳打了出去。 Opens to me.” As Ye Chen whooshes, his fist solid bang in the upper jaw of thick ice lizard. “给我开。”随着叶辰一声嘶吼,他一拳结结实实的轰在了玄冰蜥蜴的上颌。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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