IAMVE :: Volume #2

#145: The top divides the booty

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Another three directions, Xie Yun they also carried to pound the fellow of person, a face badly smiled has encircled. 另外三个方向,谢云他们也都拎出了砸人的家伙,一脸坏笑的围了上来。 Four people coordinate is tacit, the attack of Xie Yun, Xiong Er and Huo Teng prepares the ground for Ye Chen, that 18 [Spell of Heavens Spirit] , are Ye Chen launches 'Close Quarter Combat' to paste Yang Bin's body. 四人配合的还算默契,谢云熊二霍腾的攻击都是为叶辰做铺垫,那18道天灵咒,就是叶辰展开近身搏杀是贴到杨斌的身上的。 Four Junior brothers, had words to say well.” Yang Bin complexion is pallid, retrocedes unceasingly. “四位师弟,有话好好说。”杨斌脸色煞白,不断后退。 He has feared, although spirit strength sealed up, only then 20 seconds, but is these 20 seconds, Ye Chen their four did many matters sufficiently, for example hit ignorant him in the past, for example robbed his all treasure. 他是真的怕了,虽然灵力被封住的只有20秒,但就是这20秒,足以叶辰他们四个做很多事了,譬如说把他打懵过去,譬如说抢走他所有的宝贝。 Yang Bin cannot think, has not thought that will plant in the hands of Ye Chen their these four Junior brothers. 杨斌不敢去想,也万万没想到会栽在叶辰他们这四个师弟的手里。 Regretted, he regretted , the regret should not participate, takes advantage the advantage that fishes not only to be robbed from Qi Yang there, perhaps the entire net worth must build completely. 后悔了,他真的后悔了,悔不该参与进来,从齐阳那里趁火打劫捞到的好处不仅会被抢走,恐怕就连整个身家都要全部搭进去了。 Let alone the words, the father does not want to listen.” Ye Chen threw. “别说话,老子不想听。”叶辰已经扑了过来。 Sees Ye Chen to throw, Yang Bin of backlash, turns around to run. 叶辰扑上来,后退的杨斌,转身就跑。 Which walks?” Ye Chen speed strange Kuai, 32 steps overtook Yang Bin, a foot trampled to turn it, then right in the face was a whip. “哪走?”叶辰速度奇快,32步追上了杨斌,一脚将其踹翻了出去,而后劈头盖脸就是一鞭。 ....! 啊….! Yang Bin called out pitifully immediately, not having spirit strength to protect him of body, even if were True Yang Realm cultivates is, in front of Ye Chen, same did not have the strength of counter-attack. 杨斌顿时惨叫,没有灵力护体的他,就算是真阳境修为,在叶辰面前,也一样没有反击之力。 ...! 呀呀呀…! Killing that another three directions, Huo Teng, Xie Yun and Xiong Er these three goods also yelled came, brandished to begin respectively the fellow, Yang Bin who just set out, was pounded to lie at the scene. 另外三个方向,霍腾谢云熊二这仨货也嗷嗷大叫的杀上前来,各自抡动手中的家伙,刚刚起身的杨斌,当场就被砸趴了回去。 Comes out to mix, must always.” Ye Chen is most valiant, the unceasing wielding iron whip, does not dare to have slight delaying, because only then the short 20 seconds, he must knock down Yang Bin in the short 20 seconds, otherwise all wasted diligently. “出来混的,总是要还的。”叶辰最彪悍,不断的挥动铁鞭,不敢有丝毫的耽搁,因为只有短短的20秒,他要在短短的20秒将杨斌撂倒,不然一切努力都白费了。 .....! 啊…..! ......! 啊…...! Yang Bin's pitiful yell sound resounds unceasingly, badly beaten. 杨斌的惨叫声不断响起,头破血流的。 Another side, Qi Yang sees that the secret passage is not wonderful, is pressed with overwork hurriedly, if Yang Bin were knocked down, does not do Zi Xuan depending on him, although his very smog Yang Bin, but he needs Yang Bin at this time. 另一方,齐阳见状,暗道不妙,慌忙杀来,若是杨斌被撂倒了,凭他一人是干不过紫萱的,虽然他很烟雾杨斌,但此时他需要杨斌。 He just went out two steps, the Zi Xuan ghosts and demons form keeps off before his body, all within the plan of Ye Chen, how will rescue Yang Bin's opportunity to Qi Yang. 只是,他刚走出两步,紫萱鬼魅般的身影就挡在了他的身前,一切都在叶辰的计划之内,怎会给齐阳去救杨斌的机会。 Damn.” Qi Yang clenches jaws, wants to save Yang Bin, but how the Zi Xuan strength to be extremely overbearing, the bonus is this Hengyue true line disciples is unable to break through its defense. “该死。”齐阳咬牙切齿的,想要冲过来救杨斌,但奈何紫萱的实力太过霸道,饶是他这个恒岳真传弟子都无法攻破其防御。 ....! 啊….! Along with the Yang Bin last pitiful yell, he was hit ignorant the past thoroughly. 随着杨斌最后一声惨叫,他彻底被打懵了过去。 For absolutely safe, after Yang Bin was hit is ignorant, very aware has made up two whips to him. 为了万无一失,在杨斌被打懵之后,又很自觉的给他补了两鞭。 Looks at Qi Yang again, sees no hope, does not dare to prolong contact again, lord knows Ye Chen they also give them entire such one, if such, his fate will be been more pitiful by Yang Bin. 再看齐阳,见大势已去,也不敢再恋战,天晓得叶辰他们是不是也给他们整这么一出,若是那样,他的下场会被杨斌更凄惨。 Regretted one with Zi Xuan hardly, Qi Yang has wanted not to think that turned around to run, the speed made the person suck the tongue quickly. 紫萱硬憾了一记,齐阳想都没想,转身就跑,速度快的让人咂舌。 Qi Yang sneaks off, Ye Chen has not made Zi Xuan pursue, by the Qi Yang strength, wants to run away, Zi Xuan cannot block, they did not have [Spell of Heavens Spirit] , can only , whatever Qi Yang left. 齐阳开溜,叶辰没有让紫萱去追赶,以齐阳的实力,想要逃走,紫萱是拦不住的,他们也没有天灵咒了,只能任由齐阳离开。 The Inner Sect back side of the mountain, fell into again quietly. 内门后山,再一次陷入了沉静。 At this moment, four people are squatting on the ground, both eyes brave the light look at present big pile of treasure, won a battle, naturally must carve up the spoils of war. 此刻,四人正蹲在地上,双眼冒光的看着眼前一大堆宝贝,打了胜仗,自然要瓜分战利品。 Has saying that as Yang Bin of true line disciple, the treasure in storage bag also is really many, several hundred thousand Spirit Stone did not say, four people of keeping that Spirit Herbs, spirit liquid and Spirit Rune these, look is swallowing the saliva. 不得不说,身为真传弟子的杨斌,储物袋中的宝贝还真是不少,几十万灵石不说,灵草灵液灵符这些,就看的四人不停的吞着口水。 What disappoints four people are, in Yang Bin storage bag does not have any profound technique Secret Laws, like the disciple of this rank, even if there is profound technique Secret Laws, is the brand mark in the mind, cannot win to the man-machine. 只是让四人失望的是,杨斌储物袋中没啥玄术秘法,像他这种级别的弟子,就算有玄术秘法,也都是烙印在脑海之中,是不会给人机会夺走的。 „A person one-fourth, do not take.” Ye Chen was saying, very aware just about hundreds of thousands Spirit Stone took in storage bag, Xie Yun their pull back, the speed of receiving money is not levers. “一人1,别多拿。”叶辰说着,很自觉的将将近十几万的灵石收进了储物袋,谢云他们也不拉后,收钱的速度也是杠杠的。 I want this compass.” Has divided Spirit Stone, Xie Yun is quick of eye and hand, already Ma Liu took in the bosom that benetnasch astrolabe. “我要这个罗盘。”分了灵石,谢云眼疾手快,已经麻溜的将那北斗七星盘收进了怀里。 This guy vision is actually sinister, seems recognizes that benetnasch astrolabe, knows the use of that astrolabe probably. 这厮眼光倒是毒辣,好似认得那北斗七星盘,也好像知道那星盘的用途。 I want this beginning.” Huo Teng also settled on the equally good weapon, he is always militant, happiest maneating weapon, like his pair of sledgehammer, with this time quarrying a mountain big axe. “我要这把开山斧。”霍腾也看中了一样不错的兵器,他一向好战,最喜凶悍的兵器,像他的一双大锤,和此时的开山大斧。 That this spirit bead turned over to me.” Xiong Er this guy is not slow, Ma Liu putting out a hand, flood the spirit bead of miraculous glow has been forcing in one pants crotch, was needless saying that was also a good treasure. “那这颗灵珠归我了。”熊二这厮也不慢,麻溜的伸手,将一颗泛着灵光的灵珠塞进了裤裆里,不用说也是一件不错的宝贝。 Here, Ye Chen was black face to take a look at one three people. 这边,叶辰的黑着脸瞅了一眼三人。 These three goods are actually not silly, to pick the good treasure, left his basically is some ordinary gadget, this made him understand maliciously a truth, was divided the treasure with these three goods, so long as a character: Quick. 这仨货倒是不傻,把好宝贝都捡走了,留给他的基本都是一些普通的玩意儿,这让他狠狠的明白了一个道理,与这仨货分宝贝,只要一个字:快。 You elect casually.” Sees Ye Chen to be black the face, three people simply looked to the starry sky of being irrelevant. “你随便选。”见叶辰黑着脸,三人干脆看向了不着边际的星空。 You are flamboyant.” Ye Chen scolded one, but is choosy in remaining one bunch of things. “你们牛逼。”叶辰骂了一句,但还是在剩下的一堆东西中挑挑拣拣。 Indeed such as he thinks that in the remaining things, leafed through did not have any specially garish good treasure. 的确如他所想,剩下的东西中,翻遍了也没啥特别扎眼的好宝贝。 But, Ye Chen must one be able to enter the spirit sword of his discernment to take reluctantly, compared with these ordinary treasure, this spirit sword also calculates ordinary the high-grade, but their compares with Xie Yun, has missed incessantly tiny bit. 无奈,叶辰只得将一把勉强能入他法眼的灵剑拿了起来,比起那些普通的宝贝,这灵剑还算普通中的上品,但和谢云他们的相比,还是差了不止一星半点儿。 While he is going that spirit sword squeezes in storage bag the time, True Fire of his within the body shivered fiercely. 只是,正当他将要把那灵剑塞入储物袋的时候,他体内的真火猛地颤动了一下。 Has the treasure! 有宝贝! Ye Chen vision one bright. 叶辰眼光一亮。 The hand is grasping the spirit sword, his vision Yi Yi looks at present one bunch of things, according to the direction of True Fire, finally fell the vision on a swarthy iron sheet. 手握着灵剑,他眼光奕奕的看着眼前的一堆东西,按照真火的指引,才将目光最后落在了一块黑不溜秋的铁片身上。 This iron sheet only then the adult nail is so big, the rusty stain is motley, the simple ways overflow, cannot see extraordinarily, but True Fire finger is it. 这铁片只有成人指甲那么大,锈迹斑驳,古气横溢,看不出出奇,但真火指的就是偏偏就是它。 I wanted this spirit sword.” Ye Chen coughs, was took in storage bag the spirit sword, then convenient also one and received that iron sheet, spirit sword Pin Jie who because he received was not high, but Xie Yun they took away was the good treasure, Ye Chen are many that three people have not said anything. “我要这把灵剑了。”叶辰干咳一声,还是将灵剑收进了储物袋,而后顺手将那块铁片也一并收了进去,因为他收的灵剑品阶不高,而谢云他们收走的都是好宝贝,叶辰多那一件,三人也没说什么。 Following minute dirty is more harmonious, Yang Bin's treasure, was not remained by their four one of the carving up, after does not know Yang Bin to wake up, can spit blood at the scene. 接下来的分脏就和谐多了,杨斌的宝物,被他们四个瓜分的一件不剩,不晓得杨斌醒来之后,会不会当场吐血。 Walked.” Divides the booty, four people of putting arms around shoulders walks toward the mountain outside. “走了。”分赃完毕,四人勾肩搭背的向着山外走去。 Next time will have this good matter also to call me.” “下次有这好事儿还叫我。” Also next time? I told you that this going back, honestly is treating in the mountain peak of respective practice, is all right do not descend the mountain to shake, probably do this group of bastard children wait for gains without pains under the mountain?” “还下次?我跟你们说,这次回去,就在各自修炼的山峰老老实实待着,没事儿千万别下山晃悠,保不齐这帮龟孙子就在山下守株待兔呢?” .......... ………。 At this moment, the East had one to wipe the sunset glow to screen. 此刻,东方已有一抹红霞映出。 On 'Fairy Maiden Peak', Chu Ling'er stretches oneself from room, greedy attracting is permitting the spiritual energy between world. 玉女峰上,楚灵儿伸着懒腰从房间中走了出来,贪婪的吸允着天地间的灵气。 „, Is outside spiritual energy is fresh.” A satisfaction of Chu Ling'er face. “哇,还是外面的灵气新鲜。”楚灵儿一脸的惬意。 Master, disciple came back.” The Chu Ling'er voice just fell, the Ye Chen sound then resounded. “师傅,徒儿回来了。”楚灵儿话音刚落,叶辰的声音便响起了。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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