The crisistime, Ye Chenturned the handto take outthatswarthyiron whip, brandishedfiercely.
The iron whip and silverpagodacollide, make the sadsound.
噗!Immediately, Ye Chenspurts the blood, the entirearmbecomesbloody.
啊….!Subsequently, is a Qi Yangpaincalls, both handshold the head, in the eyeare also having the bloodto overflow, the mindisonethunders.
嗯?Sees that Ye Chenstares, subconsciouslookedto the iron whip in oneselfhand.
见状,叶辰一愣,下意识的看向了自己手中的铁鞭。Instantaneous, hewantsto understand, the iron whipabilityhitsSoul of personspecially, butthatsilverpagodaisQi YangtheassignsSpirit Artifact, establishes the relationwith the SoulstrengthandQi Yang, the silverpagodawas strokedby the iron whip, in the certain significancehas also projected on the silverpagoda the Qi YangSoulbrand mark.
瞬间,他想明白了,铁鞭能力是专打人的灵魂,而那银色宝塔乃是齐阳的本命灵器,是用灵魂力与齐阳建立联系的,银色宝塔被铁鞭击打,一定意义上也打到了银色宝塔中齐阳的灵魂烙印。Veryobviously, Qi Yanghad not expected that Ye Chenalsohassuchonespeciallyto hit the personSoulweapon, otherwisenotmove.
很显然,齐阳是没有预料到叶辰还有这么一宗专打人灵魂的兵器,不然也不会中招。„You are really a treasure.”Has kissediron whipmaliciously, heturns aroundto run, althoughQi YangbyunexpectedinjuringSoul, butTrue Yang Realm, the iron whipstrikesafter all, letshisshortdizziness.
“你真是个宝贝。”狠狠亲了铁鞭一下,他转身就跑,齐阳虽然被猝不及防的伤了灵魂,但毕竟还是真阳境,铁鞭一击,也只是让他短暂的眩晕而已。„Ye Chen, youdamn.”RestoressoberQi Yangfrom the dizziness, flies into a rage, does not havethatteasingsmiling faceagain, plungesYe Chenlike a devilgenerally.
轰隆隆!Quick, being angryQi Yang, has used the secret technique, pursuesinYe Chenbehind, plays the enlargement of lifeto incur.
很快,大怒的齐阳,动用了秘术,追在叶辰身后,玩儿命的放大招。Front, the Ye Chenpersonal appearance is really distressed.
前方,叶辰身形甚是狼狈。Moreover, whattalked nonsense, hefell intoduringsurrounding of manyInner Sectdisciples.
而且,更为扯淡的是,他已经落入了诸多内门弟子的包围之中了。„Ye Chen, lookedhowtodayyourun away.” The front surface, severalInner Sectdiscipleshave encircled, is one of the head, has eatensuddenlyKuiYangWeiin the wildforestin the Ye Chenhand.
“叶辰,今日看你如何逃。”迎面,十几个内门弟子合围了上来,为首的一个,正是在荒林中在叶辰手中吃过暴亏的阳卫。„Goes toyourmother.” Before a Ye Chenapejumpskilledto protect oneselfpositive, does not needYangWeito use the profoundtechnique, whippoundingright in the faceonYangWei the forehead.
啊…..!Immediately, YangWei a pitiful yell, bled profusely from the head, holds the headto fall downon the ground.
顿时,阳卫一声惨叫,七窍流血,抱着头颅栽倒在了地上。„Blockshim.”Calls out the soundto get up, in the slantingside, Zuo QiuminghungSpirit Artifactto kill, got rid is the bigmove.
“拦住他。”暴喝声起,斜侧里,左丘明头悬着灵器杀了过来,出手便是大招。[Dragon Dominations] !亢龙!
The Ye Chenvitalitysoars to the heavens, a [Dragon Dominations] palmshookhas drawn backZuo Qiuming, thencarelesslywas brandishingin the hand the iron whip.叶辰气血冲天,亢龙一掌震退了左丘明,而后胡乱的抡动着手中铁鞭。.....!
啊…..!Then, pitiful yellsoundresoundsunceasingly, carriesYe Chen of iron whipto be aggressive, the Inner Sectdisciple who as long asencircles, byhismaneatingpounding, the powerfulran out of the encirclement ringignorant.
The silentnight, the Inner Sectback side of the mountainisespeciallyis not quiet, the pleasantplacecompletelyisonepiece by piecein confusion.
寂静的夜晚,内门后山却是格外不平静,入眼之处尽是一片片的狼藉。Whendoes not know, thundering of Inner Sectback side of the mountaingraduallyannihilates, mainlyhitsis hittingis not seeing the Ye Chentrace, more than 100persondoes not have the goal.
不知何时,内门后山的轰鸣才逐渐湮灭,主要是打着打着不见叶辰的踪影,以至于100多号人没有目标。„Defends the exit / to speak of back side of the mountaintome, hecertainlyalsoin the back side of the mountain.”Qi Yangcalls out, complexionfiercesomewhatscary, „otherpeople, givemecuns (2.5cm)searching, whenImusthave a look athimto be ablebut actuallyto hide, goesto invitetomeYang Bin.”
“给我守住后山的出口,他一定还在后山。”齐阳暴喝,脸色狰狞的有些吓人,“其他人,给我一寸寸的搜,我倒要看看他能躲到什么时候,还有,去把杨斌给我请过来。”„Yang... Senior brotherYang Bin?”
The surroundingdiscipleis startled, whenseesQi Yangthatfierceface, verytacitdid not speak.
周围的弟子纷纷一怔,但看到齐阳那张狰狞的脸庞时,也都很默契的不说话了。Yang Bin, Hengyue Sectninebigtrue linedisciplesranksseventh, is stronger than hisQi Yang a point.
杨斌,恒岳宗九大真传弟子排名第七,比他齐阳还强一分。GraspsQi Condensation Realmto needto set out a true linediscipleagain?
The answeris the affirmation.
答案是肯定的。AllpeopleknowthatthisQi Yanggot angry.
所有人都知道,这一次齐阳是真的怒了。One of hissolemnHengyueninebigtrue linedisciples, more than 100Inner Sectdisciples, have hit the greater part of the nightin addition, not onlyhas not takenQi Condensation RealmYe Chen, insteadletsneak off, him, thiswas the biggestshamesince birth.
他堂堂恒岳九大真传弟子之一、外加100多个内门弟子,打了大半夜,非但没有将凝气境的叶辰拿下,反而让溜走了,于他而言,这是有生以来最大的耻辱。AskedYang Binto help in the fighting, showedsufficientlyattaching great importance to of Qi YangYe Chen, a true linediscipledid not handle, thatagaincalledone.
去请杨斌助战,足以证明齐阳对叶辰的重视,一个真传弟子搞不定,那就再叫一个。Quick, more than 100personfans out in two groups, stopped upin the Inner Sectexit / to speak, in additionwas responsible forsearching forYe Chen.
很快,100多号人兵分两路,一路堵在了内门出口,另一路则负责搜寻叶辰。Soscene, mostlyperson, howfamiliar, when the wildforesttests, theydo not search forYe Chenlike this? The wildforestis very big, but the Inner Sectback side of the mountainis bigger, wantsto find a person, is notthatsimple.
如此场景,于大多人而言,是多么的熟悉,在荒林考验时,他们不也是这样搜寻叶辰的吗?荒林很大,但内门后山更大,想要找一个人,也不是那么简单。Butat this moment, allYe Chen of personsearch, have dragged the bloodybodyto climbin a secretcavevigorously.
而此刻,所有人极力搜寻的叶辰,已经拖着血淋淋的身体爬进了一座隐秘的山洞之中。Has hit the greater part of the night, heseveraltimesruns out ofsurrounding, thiswith great difficultythrew offbehindpursuedhisdisciple, althoughthatiron whipwas very overbearing, butcould not support the opposite partypersonto be too many, henearlywas also hitremnantly.
打了大半夜,他几次冲出包围,这才好不容易才甩掉了身后追他的弟子,虽然那铁鞭很霸道,但也架不住对方人太多,他也险些被打残了。„Do not wait forfatherto recover.”At the same timecriticizes, Ye Chenalsofastsprinkled the medicinal powder of concealmentaurainmountaincave entrance.
“别等老子缓过劲儿来。”一边暗骂,叶辰还快速的在山洞口洒下了隐匿气息的药粉。Completesthese, hehas filledthreeRecovery Xuan Pilltowardmouth, thenpulled outPurple goldSmall Gourdto fillspirit liquidfiercely.
After a double-hour, heoutside the xisusoundbyholewas awakened.
一个时辰之后,他被洞外的窸窣声惊醒了。Stands up from failureto jump, hearrived at the cave entranceedgefast, thenpasses the scatteredweedslitto looktowardoutside, the discoveryisthreeInner Sectdisciplesinlooking around, ineachindividualhandalsofloat a spiritbead of illumination.
翻身跳起,他快速的来到了洞口边缘,而后透着错落的杂草缝隙向着外面看去,发现是三个内门弟子在四处搜寻,每一个人手中也都悬浮着一颗发光的灵珠。„Senior brotherQi Yangthistimegot angry.”Threepeoplesearches, but alsowhilewas talking.
“齐阳师兄这次是真的怒了。”三人一边搜寻,还一边交谈着。„TograspYe Chen, actuallyalsoinvitedSenior brotherYang Bin.”
“为了抓叶辰,竟然还请来了杨斌师兄。”Yang Bin?
杨斌?Ye Chen of cave entranceedge, heardthisnameclearly, seemsalsoknowsintheirmouthYang Bin'sorigin.
洞口边缘的叶辰,清清楚楚的听到了这个名字,好似也知道他们口中杨斌的来历。„Twobigtrue linedisciples, youalsoreallysufficeto think highly ofmy.”In the hearthas criticizedone, Ye Chenretractingcautiouslyto the cave , the complexionalsobecameugly.
“两大真传弟子,你们也真够看得起我的。”心中暗骂了一句,叶辰又小心翼翼的缩回到了山洞中,脸色也随之变得难看了很多。Heknowswhatownseveraltimescanbreak through the tight encirclementto dependisanything, is not just the iron whip that Nahasaid!
他知道自己几次能冲破重围靠的是什么,可不正是那霸道的铁鞭嘛!Butheknows, ifsingleTiao, even ifhehas the iron whipin the hand, cannot hitQi Yangas before, ifthisinvitedoneagaincompared withQi YangstrongerYang Bin, thismostmadehisegghurt.
但他更加知道,若是单挑,就算他有铁鞭在手,也依旧打不过齐阳,这要是再请来一个比齐阳更强的杨斌,这才是最让他蛋疼的。„Endedended, thistimefellin the pit.”Ye Chenmaliciouslyis rubbingownforehead.
“完了完了,这次真掉坑里了。”叶辰狠狠的揉着自己的眉心。„Theywill sooner or later findhere.”
“他们迟早会找到这里的。”„MerelyoneQi YangIcannot hit, let alonecomes a Yang Binagain.”
“仅仅一个齐阳我都打不过,更别说再来一个杨斌。”„Bearyoungfatty, yourgrandmother, thistimewas played dead byyou.”Ye Chenhas covered the facedirectly, thistimedangerous situation, the reallywildforestteststhattime, the great strength of lineup, makinghim unable to mention the thoughts of least bitwar.
“熊小胖子,你姥姥的,这次真被你玩儿死了。”叶辰直接捂住了脸,这一次的危境,更甚荒林考验那一次,阵容之强大,让他提不起半点大战的心思。Undercrisis, Ye Chenmiraculous glowsuddenlyonepresently.
危机之下,叶辰突的灵光一现。„Hopewith enough time.”Received the state of mind, the Ye Chenintentionmoved, summonedpuppetZi Xuan, then the palmhas strokedstorage bag, thatwas the preciousmaterial that Zi Xuanpromotedalsooneandis taken.
“希望来得及。”收了心绪,叶辰心念一动,把傀儡紫萱召唤了出来,而后手掌拂过储物袋,那为紫萱升级的名贵材料也一并被取出来了。„PromotesRanked Puppet(s)you, you can helpmeto go through the difficulty!”
“把你升级成地级傀儡,你能能助我度过难关是吧!”Ye Cheneagerlooks atZi Xuan, heknows that Ranked Puppet(s)terror, thatwindshadepuppetis the bloodyexample, if nothestolebrokeSpirit Rune of windshadewithin the bodyskillfully, perhapshestilldoes take a beatingin'Fairy Maiden Peak'now?叶辰眼巴巴的看着紫萱,他太知道地级傀儡的恐怖了,那风影傀儡就是血淋淋的例子,若非他偷巧打破了风影体内的灵符,恐怕他现在还在玉女峰挨揍呢?IfsimilarlyisRanked Puppet(s), Ye ChenassuredZi Xuanstrongercompared with the windshade, becauseherbodymustquenchingafterTrue Fire, at least the mortal bodyflintinessisstrong the windshadepuppet.
若同样是地级傀儡,叶辰笃定紫萱是比风影要强的,因为她的身体是要经过真火淬炼的,至少肉身坚硬度是强过风影傀儡的。Goes ahead, Ye Chenimmediately the puppetZi Xuankeep flaton a stone.
说做就做,叶辰当即把傀儡紫萱平放在了一块石头上。As soon asthen, hepatsstorage bag, illuminationshiningmaterialsfloatin the puppetZi Xuanbodyside.
而后,他一拍储物袋,一块块发光发亮的材料悬浮在了傀儡紫萱的身侧。True Firepresent!真火现!Ashisintentionmoves, True Firewas summoned.
随着他心念一动,真火被召唤出来。Quick, True Fire of shiny goldenhas then wrappedZi Xuan, togetherwrappedalsohastheseilluminationshiningmaterials.
很快,金晃晃的真火便包裹了紫萱,一同被包裹的还有那些个发光发亮的材料。PromotesRanked Puppet(s)personRanked Puppet(s), is notverydifficult, nothing butisspeaksthesepreciousmaterialsto refineintoZi Xuanwithin the body, then will again gatherSpirit Rune and profoundSpirit Runebrand mark in within the body.
将人级傀儡升级成地级傀儡,也不是很难,无非就是讲那些个名贵材料炼入紫萱的体内,而后再将聚灵符和玄灵符烙印在她体内。Obviously, nowYe Chenlackswas the time, Qi Yangtheyanytimemayfindhere.
显然,叶辰现在缺的就是时间,齐阳他们随时都有可能找到这里。„Boy, yourgood work?”At this time, voice transmissionrune/symbolLiang of Ye Chenwaist, whatinsidespokewasXiong Er.
“小子,你好活着没?”此时,叶辰腰间的传音符亮了一下,里面说话的是熊二。„Bearfatty, yourgrandmother, the fatherwas almost played dead.”Ye ChenoperatesTrue Fire, whilescoldedone.
“熊胖子,你姥姥的,老子差点被玩儿死。”叶辰一边操纵真火,一边骂了一句。„The strengthscoldedme, thatshowed that youalsojumped for joy.”Xiong Erhe hesmiles, „our hasto throw downyou! Ourthreestillin the back side of the mountain, whichyouare also, looksyou.”
“还有力气骂我,那就证明你还活蹦乱跳的。”熊二呵呵一笑,“我们这不是没有丢下你嘛!俺们三个也还在后山,你在哪,去找你。”„Southeasterndirection, in a cave.”Ye Chensaidownposition, finished uphas not forgottento scoldone, „thistimeaimed, do not give the fatherto make an important goodspersoncomeagain.”
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