„Chu Ling'eris....., Ok, Ipersonallywill go another day to'Fairy Maiden Peak'!”Pang Dachuanhad not repliedfinally, butbeckoned with the hand, satreturned toabove the rush cushion, thenheld the hand, fell into the condition of taking a naponce more.
“楚灵儿是…..,算了,改天我还是亲自去玉女峰吧!”庞大川终是没有回答,只是摆了摆手,又坐回到了蒲团之上,而后揣起了手,再次陷入了假寐的状态。Sees that Ye Chendoes not haveto askagainthatreceivedstorage bagthento walk.
见状,叶辰也没有再多问,收了储物袋便走了出去。LeftInner SectMyriad Treasures Pavilion, Ye Chenhad not stayed, wantsto go back the puppetZi Xuanpromotionas soon as possible.
出了内门万宝阁,叶辰没有停留,想要尽快回去把傀儡紫萱升级。Whenpasses through a Spirit Mountaincorner, hestaresimmediately.
只是,在走过一座灵山转角处的时候,他顿时一愣。Hesawthaton a not far awaysturdyspirittreeis hangingthem, is swayingalong with the wind, enterstakes a look, is notXie YunandXiong Er!
他看到,不远处的一棵粗壮的灵树上挂着俩人,正随着风晃来晃去,走进一瞅,可不就是谢云和熊二嘛!„OhIgo, thisanythingsituation.”Ye Chenhas gawkedstaring, threegaitsto the spirittree, raises headstunnedlook atXiong ErandXie Yun.
“哎哟我去,这啥情况。”叶辰愣了愣,三两步走到了灵树之下,仰着头错愕的看着熊二和谢云。Thesetwogoodsare black and blue, from top to bottomcompletelyis the footprint, moreoverabove the Daoist robeisopenings, hairchaoticalsowithchicken coop, thinks that thisthey who does not knowjustdid fightwith the dog?
这俩货鼻青脸肿的,浑身上下尽是脚印,而且道袍之上是一道道口子,头发乱的跟鸡窝似的,不知道的还以为这俩人刚跟狗打架了呢?„Yourgrandmother, but alsolooks atanythingto lookthathurriesto givefatherto put.”SeeingisYe Chen, Xie YunandXiong Erone by oneresounding.
“你姥姥的,还看什么看,赶紧给老子放下来。”见是叶辰,谢云和熊二一个比一个嗷的响亮。Ye Chencoughs, butgathersair/Qito becomeRen, cut offhas been tying uptheirbunch of immortalropes.叶辰干咳一声,但还是聚气成刃,割断了绑着俩人的捆仙绳。„He. Mother.”
“他姥姥的。”Justwas put, theythensaton the ground, endless that the mouthfulwas foul-mouthed.
刚刚被放下来,俩人便坐在地上,满嘴骂骂咧咧的没完没了。„Howto drop, was givento punchbywhom.”Ye Chenhas squatted, in the hearthas a strangefeeling, thatlooksis punchedblack and blueXiong ErandXie Yun, felt that is very crisp?
“咋滴了,被谁给揍了。”叶辰蹲了下来,心中却是有一种奇怪的感觉,那就是看着被揍得鼻青脸肿的熊二和谢云,怎么感觉很爽呢?„Qi Yang.”Xie Yunscoldedonebreathless.
“齐阳。”谢云气急败坏的骂了一句。„Kong Cao.”Those whomakeYe Chenstunnedis, the personal name that Xiong Ersent outunexpectedlywasKong Cao, the sentimentpunchedtheirpeople is also notsame.
“孔曹。”让叶辰错愕的是,熊二报出的人名竟然是孔曹,感情揍他俩的人还不是同一个。„Youate to the fullhave supported!”Ye Chenhands overtwobottles of spirit liquid, „Kong CaoIdid not say that althoughthisguyis not the goodbird, but also is genuineTrue Yang Realm, thatQi Haomale cousinQi Yang do youalsoannoy? Iheard that heis the person who the Inner Sectninebigtrue linedisciplesare listedeighth, askshimto do the frame, does not come under attackfelt strange.”
“你俩吃饱了撑的吧!”叶辰递过去两瓶灵液,“孔曹我就不说了,这厮虽不是什么好鸟儿,但也是货真价实的真阳境,还有那齐昊的堂兄齐阳你们也惹?我听说他可是内门九大真传弟子排名第八的人,找他干架,不挨打就奇了怪了。”„Alsonotbecause ofyou?”Ye Chensuch remarks, Xiong ErandXie YunneatlookedtoYe Chen, in the eyealsohad the sparkto bloom.
“还不是因为你?”叶辰此话一出,熊二和谢云齐刷刷的看向了叶辰,眼中还有火花绽放。„Yourgrandfather, whofatherzhaoannoys, justleft the entrancevery early in the morning, was hitto lieby a Kong Caopalm of the hand.”Spittleeverywhere that Xiong Erscoldedflewrandomly.
“你爷爷的,老子招谁惹谁了,大清早刚出山门,就被孔曹一巴掌打趴了。”熊二骂的唾沫星子漫天乱飞。„I am also notsame, goes to the Inner Sectback side of the mountainto pickSpirit Herbs, justwalkedto be punched.”Xie Yunyelled that „youare booing, all daywithdrawsin'Fairy Maiden Peak', wemade intostupid.”
“我还不是一样,去内门后山采灵草,刚走进去就被揍了。”谢云嗷嗷大叫的,“你丫倒好,整天龟缩在玉女峰,我们都被打成傻逼了。”Heardthissaying, the Ye Chensubconscioustracingtip of the nose, sentimentalQi YangandKong Caosprinkles the air/QionXie YunandXiong Er.
听到这话,叶辰下意识的摸了摸鼻尖,感情齐阳和孔曹把气都洒在了谢云和熊二身上了。Was saying, not far away the personlamelywalks.
正说间,不远处又有一人一瘸一拐的走来。Thispersonrobust, light. The upper arm, the whole bodymusclehas been full of the explosive force, butsofull of vigorhe, fadesat this momentdoes not drawseveral, in the handis also carrying a pair of sledgehammer, carefullylooks, is not just Huo Teng!
此人虎背熊腰的,光.着膀子,浑身肌肉充满了爆发力,但如此血气方刚的他,此刻也是蔫不拉几的,手里还拎着一双大锤,仔细一看,可不正是霍腾嘛!Sees that the Ye Chencorners of the mouthtwitchedfiercely.
见状,叶辰嘴角猛地抽搐了一下。MustsayHuo Teng, wherealsonotgood to gocompared withXie YunandXiong Er, is black and blue, whatare from top to bottom moreis the footprint, thatpair of sledgehammer, becomesbumpy.
要说霍腾,也不比谢云和熊二好到哪里去,也是鼻青脸肿的,浑身上下更多的是脚印,就连那双大锤,也变得坑坑洼洼的了。„Were youalso punched?”Xie YunandXiong Erare sizing upHuo Tengup and down.
“你也被揍了?”谢云和熊二上下打量着霍腾。„Bullshit.”Huo Tenghas squattedbreathless, „Jiang Yangthatson-of-bitch, singleTiao of reaching an agreement, playswithfatherunexpectedlycloudy.”
“屁话。”霍腾气急败坏的蹲了下来,“江阳那狗娘养的,说好的单挑,竟然跟老子玩儿阴的。”„Jiang Haomale cousinJiang Yang.” Here, Huo TengthreepeopleneatlookedtoYe Chen.
“江昊的堂兄江阳。”说到这里,霍腾仨人又齐刷刷的看向了叶辰。Good! Theirthreebrotherswere punchedon the same day . Moreover the people who gets rid are in the male cousinor the senior brother of Outer Sectpersonal enemy, thisobviouslyisearlydeliberate.
好嘛!自己的三个兄弟在同一天被揍了,而且出手的人都是自己在外门仇家的堂兄或师兄,这显然是早有预谋的。Ye Chenis assured, incessantlyisXie Yuntheirthree, Xiao Jing andWang Linthey, ifhas completed the order form, will be punched mostly, Kong Caothey, could not findYe Chen, allsprinkled the air/QiinXie Yunonthem.叶辰笃定,不止是谢云他们三个,萧景和王林他们若是落单了,多半也会被揍,孔曹他们,找不到叶辰,把气全都洒在谢云他们身上了。„Hisgrandmother, hits.”Xie Yunwas foul-mouthed, „fatherfrommaking a debut, has not eatensuchbigowing.”
“他姥姥的,打回去。”谢云骂骂咧咧的,“老子自出道,还没有吃过这么大的亏。”„Hits, musthit.” The spittle that Huo TengandXiong Eralsoscoldedflewrandomly.
“打,必须打。”霍腾和熊二也骂的唾沫星子乱飞。„Comes, equals.”
“来来来,合计合计。”Under the spirittree, quicklypresentedsuch, fourpeoplesquaton the ground, headwhisper.
灵树下,很快呈现了这样一幕,四个人蹲在地上,头顶头的嘀嘀咕咕。Had the Inner Sectdiscipleto pass by, hadsettling down, sawthesefourheadheadwhispers, has revealedin consternation the color, did not needto think, knows that theirfourhave not figured outanygoodmatter.
有内门弟子路过,多有驻足者,见这四个人头顶头的嘀咕,纷纷露出了愕然之色,不用去想,也知道他们四个没盘算什么好事儿。„Youtake a look atanything!”Seesonegroup of Inner Sectdiscipleshapesto lookmonkeyvisitsthem, Xiong Erhowling a throat.
“你瞅啥!”见一帮内门弟子像看猴儿似的看着他们,熊二不由的嚎了一嗓子。hearssound, onegroup of Inner Sectdisciplesdisperses instantlyimmediately, althoughtheydo not fearXiong Er, butfearsYe Chenthis not law-abidingLord, stillremembers before several wildforestexportedother day, thatearthshaking, thesefourpeople, althoughjustenteredInner Sect, buteachfiercely.
闻声,一帮内门弟子顿时一哄而散,虽然他们不惧熊二,但惧怕叶辰这个不安分的主,犹记得几日前荒林出口前那惊天动地的一幕,这四个人虽然刚进内门,但各个猛地很。„This?”Here, the Xie YunthreepeoplelookedtoYe Chen, „theydid not haveare so easyto be swindled! Iftheydraw a ticketpersonwith, wemusttake a beatingmost likelycollectively.”
“这样行吗?”这边,谢云三人已经看向了叶辰,“他们没那么容易上当吧!他们要是拉一票人跟过来,咱们八成要集体挨揍。”„At the worsttakes a beating!”Ye Chenshrugs.
“大不了挨顿揍呗!”叶辰耸了耸肩。„Youmayaim atsurely.”Huo Tenghas patted the Ye Chenshoulder, thensignaled with the eyestoXie YunandXiong Er, threepeopleset outtogether, goestoward the Inner Sectback side of the mountain.
“那你可千万瞅准了。”霍腾拍了拍叶辰肩膀,而后对着谢云和熊二使了个眼色,三人一同起身,向着内门后山而去。As forYe Chen, whenwalks after threepeople, thisset out, swayed from side to side the neck, has stretched the body, thencarriedTianque Heavy Sword, towardsidewalkingswaggering.
至于叶辰,待到三人走后,这才起身,扭动了一下脖子,舒展了一下身体,而后扛着天阙重剑,向着一方大摇大摆的走去。All the way, hiseyeballis swinging about.
一路上,他眼珠都在左右摆动着。Heis finding the person, whomlooks for? Naturallyislooks forKong CaoandJiang Yangthey, ifseestheir one of them to complete the order form, hewithout hesitationdirectsto go to the back side of the mountainthem, the cloudypersonwhocannot, hebe an expert.
他在找人,找谁呢?自然是找孔曹和江阳他们,若是见他们其中一人落单,他会毫不犹豫的把他们引去后山,阴人谁不会,他可是行家。Quick, a familiarformmapshisview.
很快,一个熟悉的身影映入他的眼帘。Thatpersonjustcame outfromCompendium Pavilion, facial colorfeminine, but the aurais vigorous, carefullylooks, is not just Jiang Yang?
那人刚从藏书阁出来,面色阴柔,但气息雄浑,仔细一看,可不正是江阳吗?„Ye Chen.”Justwent out ofCompendium PavilionJiang Yang, thensawYe Chen that swaggeringblindlyshook, the complexionwas fierceimmediately, stillremembers that severalother day, thatwas the great shame.
“叶辰。”刚刚走出藏书阁的江阳,一眼便看到了大摇大摆瞎晃悠的叶辰,脸色顿时狰狞了下来,犹记得几日前的一幕,那是奇耻大辱。SeeingisJiang Yang, Ye Chenhurriesto halt, without demur, turns aroundto run.
见是江阳,叶辰慌忙止步,二话不说,转身就跑。„Whichwalks.” The angerfloods the head, Jiang Yangis wantingnot to thinkthathas chased at the scene down, the personal appearancestepis mysterious, seriouslyjourneys, the speedis not the generalrapidness.
“哪走。”怒火充斥着脑袋,江阳想都没想,当场就追杀了过来,身形步法玄妙无比,当真是一路风尘,速度不是一般的快。Sincewildforesttestended, Jiang Yangis constantly not thinkinglooks forYe Chento do accounts, howYe Chento hidein'Fairy Maiden Peak', makinghimbe at a loss, todaymustseeYe Chento descend the mountain, does not go crazyis strange.
自从荒林考验结束,江阳无时无刻不想着找叶辰算账,奈何叶辰躲在玉女峰,让他束手无策,今日得见叶辰下山,不发疯才怪。Here, Ye ChenreceivedTianque Sword, the footstepped onThousand Illusion of Rapid Shadow the mysteriousstep, the speedfiercelyhas also been promoting.
这边,叶辰已经收了天阙剑,脚踩着速影千幻之玄妙步法,速度也猛地提升了上来。Mustknowthatheat this timeby the suppression of '7 Stars Moon Shade Ring', speednot in peak condition, hasto be caughtslightlycarelesslybyJiang Yang.
要知道,他此时受月影七星环的压制,速度不在巅峰状态,稍有不慎就会被江阳逮到。„Senior brotherJiang Yang, the matter of wildforesttest, is purely the misunderstanding.”Ye Chenranat the same timehas not forgottentowardbehindto shoutseveralthroats, „junior brotherI was also compelto have no other choice, thisdug up the lightyourclothes.”
“江阳师兄,荒林考验之事,纯属误会。”叶辰一边跑还不忘往身后喊了几嗓子,“师弟我也是逼不得已,这才扒光你衣服的。”Good! Did not sayfortunately, such remarks, the Jiang Yangheadbuzznearlyblasts out, the faceinstantaneouslybecomesburning, the speedhas promoted a rank.
好嘛!不说还好,此话一出,江阳脑袋嗡的一声险些炸开,脸庞瞬间变得火辣辣的,速度又生生提升了一个等级。Sees that Ye Chenalsoplays the life the winding speed.
见状,叶辰也玩儿命的提升速度。Hisgoalhas been achieved, attractedJiang Yangsuccessfully, hemustdoin the shortest timeintroduces the Inner Sectback side of the mountainJiang Yang, otherwisebyJiang YangandZuo Qiumingtheyknew the news that hedescends the mountain, will pursue surely, thatconsequencewasheandXie Yuntheycollectivelytakes a beating.
他的目的已经达到了,成功的吸引了江阳,他要做的就是在最短的时间内把江阳引入内门后山,不然被江阳和左丘明他们得知他下山的消息,必定也会追来,那后果就是他和谢云他们集体挨揍了。Quick, Ye Chensuch as a wisp of azuresmokehas entered the back side of the mountain, theydecides the goodplaceto runbeforehandwithXie Yuntowardhim.
很快,叶辰如一缕青烟窜进了后山,向着他跟谢云他们事先约定好的地点跑去。Jiang Yangsuch as the mad doghas chased downgenerally.
轰!Quick, the Inner Sectback side of the mountainhas then resounded the bellow, considers onlyto chase downYe ChenJiang Yang, just likehad not discoveredonemarched intoXie Yuntheybeforehand the trap under arrange, was explodedto flutterby the land mineballat the scene.
很快,内门后山便响起了轰鸣声,只顾追杀叶辰的江阳,俨然未曾发现自己步入了谢云他们事先布下的陷阱,当场就被地雷弹炸得翻飞了出去。„Opensdoes.”As a wolfis howling, Xiong Erfirsthas killed, in the hand the wolf's tooth clubincreasesimmediately.
砰!Jiang Yang that has not fallen to the ground, was brandishedto flyby a Xiong Erstickat the scene.
震天锤!After that is Huo Teng, flies high, whenJiang Yangjust about tooffers a sacrifice toSpirit Artifact, a hammerhas poundedfrom the midairit.
狂龙掌!Xie Yunalsomoved, threepalmspromoteone after another, the scenestrong windswritings, have the lowlurdusaurusto recite the soundto resound through, threedragonshapeswere in chargeare not dividedhittingsuccessivelyonJiang Yang, Jiang Yang that juststood, threw offimmediately.谢云也动了,三掌接连推出,现场狂风大作,有低沉龙吟声响彻,三道龙形掌印不分先后的打在了江阳身上,刚刚站起来的江阳,顿时就被掀翻了出去。„Youunexpectedly......” The Jiang Yangviolent anger, the intentionmoved, offers a sacrifice toownSpirit Artifact.
“你们竟然…..。”江阳暴怒,心念一动,祭出了自己的灵器。„Youhave, I have.”Xie Yunsneers, the foreheadalsohasmiraculous glowto flash before, the nextquarter, a spiritsword of nailsizefliesto shoot, hecultivatesforinTrue Yang Realm, whatwithin the bodyoverflowsis the spiritstrength, hadimperialmoved the qualifications of Spirit Artifact.
磅!Xie Yunimperialmoves the spiritsword, a sworddividedto flyJiang YangSpirit Artifact, Jiang Yang was also onestaggers.谢云御动灵剑,一剑将江阳的灵器劈飞了出去,就连江阳也是一阵趔趄。„Senior brotherJiang.”Has heard the Ye Chenlaughter.
“江师兄。”身后,传来了叶辰的笑声。hearsword, Jiang Yangturns aroundsuddenly, without demur, a palmpromotes.
闻言,江阳豁然转身,二话不说,一掌推出。AlreadypreparedYe Chen, an apejumpedto evadethatpalmfiercely, thentogether the blacklightjumped outfrom the sleeve, was graspedbyhimfirmlyin the hand, carefullylooked that hit the personSoulblackiron whipspecially.
啊…..!Quick, the Jiang Yangpitiful yellsoundgets up, byYe Chenwhipsolidpoundingon the forehead, entireheadcovered with blood, had bled profusely from the head, at presentdiscredits, whatis most importantisSoul, resemblesis poundedby the heavy itemgeneral.
砰!Ye Chenwields the whiponce more, has made uptwowhipstoJiang Yang, has been perplexedJiang Yangat the scene.叶辰再次挥鞭,又给江阳补了两鞭,当场就把江阳打蒙了过去。Idepend!
我靠!Sees that a Xie Yunthreepeople of wolfis in abundance howling, the eyestraightenslooks at the blackiron whip in Ye Chenhand, has not thought that swarthyiron whip, sois unexpectedly overbearing, threewhipshave knocked downJiang Yang.
见状,谢云三人纷纷一声狼嚎,眼睛发直的看着叶辰手中的黑色铁鞭,不曾想到那黑不溜秋的铁鞭,竟然如此霸道,三鞭就撂倒了江阳。EspeciallyXiong Er, alreadyrecognized the iron whip in Ye Chenhandstems fromwhere, immediatelyfeltfatfrom top to bottomhas hurt, on the same day when nether worldblack marketauction, hemostdoes not favorthatiron whip, nowlooks like, seriouslywasmy faulty vision.
特别是熊二,早已认出了叶辰手中的铁鞭是出自何处,顿时感觉浑身上下的肥肉都疼了,当日幽冥黑市拍卖时,他是最不看好那铁鞭的,如今看来,当真是眼拙了。„Quick, battlefield cleanup.”Ye Chenreceived the iron whip, MaLiuhas taken awayJiang Yangstorage bag.
The Xie Yunthreepeoplealsoclose, was ordinarywith the robber, practices fraud, has robbedonJiang Yang the treasure, the hangingalsodifficultrunning awaymisfortune of waist, thisadepttechnique, looked the matter that did things stealthilylittlehas not done.谢云三人也一拥而上,跟强盗一般,上下其手,抢走了江阳身上宝贝,就连腰间的挂饰也难逃厄运,这娴熟的手法,一看偷鸡摸狗的事情就没少干。SweepstribulationlightJiang Yang, fourpeoplethrew intohimhad already dugin the goodpit, before burying the earth, Ye Chentowardneedingto confuseletsitslethargic sleepfragrant.
将江阳扫劫一光,四人把他扔进了早就挖好的坑里,埋土之前,叶辰还不往用迷香让其昏睡。„Withdraw!”Completesthese, Ye Chenbeckons with the hand, fourpeoplevanishaccording to the escape route that reaches an agreementbeforehandinstantaneouslydo not see.
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