轰隆隆!Infogdimmixed forest, suchsoundis lingering on faintly.
灰雾朦胧的杂树林中,这样的声音不绝于耳。Whenwears the puppet of black clothedto be trampledto flyby a Ye Chenfoottoone, buthealsokillsthisfogdimmixed forest, all the waybypersonRanked Puppet(s) that heextinguishes, at leasthasseveral.
嗯?Ye Chenjust about totakes a step, is actually discovered that the land of under footis movingunexpectedly, has formed the mireat the naked eyeobviousspeed, butthismire, has the ability that the fetterpersonmoves, makinghimmoveto be restrained.叶辰刚要迈步,却是发现脚下的土地竟然在移动,以肉眼可见的速度形成了泥潭,而这种泥潭,有束缚人行动的能力,让他行动受制。„Death!”Has not waited forYe Chento be separated from the mire, thenheardin the slantingside a meanlaughter, along with, even if the purple lightswordglowfliesto shoottogether.
“死吧!”未等叶辰脱离泥潭,便听到了斜侧里一声阴狠的笑声,随即便是一道紫光剑芒飞射而来。„Suchcouldn't waitto starttome?”Ye Chensneers, immediatelythenkept offTianque Swordbefore the body.
磅!Thatpurple lightswordglowsolidhittingaboveTianque, butthishas also helpedYe Chen, because the purple lightswordglowhitsTianque, thisenabledYe Chenwithitsstrengthto be separated fromthatmirewith ease.
那道紫光剑芒结结实实的打在了天阙之上,但这也帮助了叶辰,因为紫光剑芒撞击天阙,这才让叶辰可以借其力轻松脱离了那泥潭。„ProfoundThunderDaojue.”Justwas separated from the mire, Ye Chenhas not stood firm the personal appearance, person of Ling Tiandividedtogether the bladeglow.
“玄雷刀诀。”刚刚脱离了泥潭,叶辰还未稳住身形,又有一人凌天劈下一道刀芒。„Was thisearlyplans?”Ye Chendoes not dareto be negligent, althoughtheirfourpeoplearestrongestalsoonly thenMortal Origin Stagepeak, but if acts in harmony, the bonusishealsohas the danger that in the sewerscapsizes.
磅!Keeps offwith the Tianquestandardonce more, Ye Chenbykneeling that bladealmostdividedon the ground.
再次用天阙格挡,叶辰被那一刀差点劈的跪在了地上。„Startledgreat wild gooseSword Technique.”Really, hidhas gotten ridin the thirdperson of hidden place, flood the sword of ice-coldswordglowwas piercing the air, pressed up to the Ye Chenchest.
“惊鸿剑术。”果然,隐藏在暗处的第三人出手了,泛着冰冷剑芒的一剑刺穿了空气,直逼叶辰胸膛而来。„Quietspringrefers tothunderously.” The fourthpersonalsoappeared, a fingerbehindselectsfromYe Chen, but alsofollowshas the thunderoussound.
“幽泉雷鸣指。”第四人也出现了,一指自叶辰身后点出,还伴随有雷鸣声。Iftradesto be the generalQi Condensationpeakdisciple, inthismustkillunder the bureau, thinks the non-life the opportunity.
若是换做一般的凝气巅峰弟子,在这必杀死局之下,觉无活命的机会。However, Ye Chenis not the generalQi Condensationpeakdisciple, half deadhedefeatsoneto treadonintoTrue Yang RealmZi Shancompetently, let aloneis the Mortal Origin Stagedisciple who thesehave not made a namecompletely.
但是,叶辰并非是一般的凝气巅峰弟子,半死的他都能干败一只脚踏入真阳境的紫衫,更何况是这几个还没有完全成气候的人元境弟子。[Heavenly Big Dipper Sword] .天罡剑阵。Among the electric lightflint, Ye Chenturned the handto offer a sacrifice toScarlet Clouds Sword, defense of swordpart of great bearhas appearedinstantaneously.
磅!As the sparkscratches, the attack that severalsideshit, kept offby[Heavenly Big Dipper Sword] .
随着火花擦出,几方打来的攻击,都被天罡剑阵挡下。„Now My Turn.”Stood firm the lineup, Ye ChenScarlet Clouds Swordhas wielded fiercely, points at one of them.
“换我了。”稳住了阵型,叶辰赤霄剑猛地一挥,遥指其中一人。Immediately, strong windswritings, defense of swordpart of great bearturnsinstantaneouslyattacksfencing, swift and fierceswordshadesflyto shoot, has formedsword, directly soarsthatdiscipleto project.
顿时,狂风大作,天罡之防御剑阵瞬间变成攻击剑阵,一道道凌厉的剑影飞射而出,形成了剑阵,直奔那弟子射出。Sees that the disciplediscussedhoweverdiscoloration, both handshurriesto pinchto beginto print, condensedsincereshieldarmorbeforeown.
磅!Attacking of fencingpart of great bearoverbearingincomparable, the powerfulhas broken throughthatshieldarmor, thatdisciplewhole body was also piercedseveralbloodholesto come out.
天罡之攻击剑阵霸道无匹,强势攻破了那盾甲,就连那弟子浑身也被刺穿了几个血窟窿出来。Draw back!
The experienceto the great strength of Ye Chen, fourpeoplebacks upin abundance, even/includingBikills the bureau unable to killYe Chen, the frontageresistancewords, theyjoin up, are the coordinationare tacit, samedefeatspitifully.
见识到叶辰的强大,四人纷纷倒退,连必杀死局都未能杀死叶辰,正面对抗的话,他们就连联合起来、就算是配合再默契,也一样败得凄惨。„Alsowantsto run?” Before Ye Chenonestepsteps, fingerhas the golden lightto linger, Yang Fingerselectsat the scene.
噗!Immediately, runsto be poked a bloodholeto come outin the back of rearthatwhite clothingdiscipleat the scene, thisshorttime, Ye Chenhas treadonned the mysteriousstepto kill, BenThunder a palmpowerfulrumbles.
The move, the disciplewas shakento turnagain.
再次中招,那弟子被震翻了出去。Otherthreepeoplesee that reveals the scared look, does not dareto runto go forwardto rescue, one by onerunscompared with the rabbitalsoquick.
其余三人见状,纷纷露出惧色,也不敢跑上前营救,各个比兔子跑的还快。„Sooner or laterwill tidy upyou.”Ye Chenhas not goneto pursue, but before interestingingarrived atjustbythatdisciplebody that heknocks down, mentionedalsoskillfully, thisdiscipleheknew that wasDiyang Peakonecultivatesfor not the lowtrue linedisciple, probablycallsLi Yuliang.
“早晚收拾你们。”叶辰没有去追,而是饶有兴趣的来到了刚刚被他撂倒的那名弟子身前,说来也巧,这名弟子他还是认识的,乃是地阳峰一个修为不低的真传弟子,好像是叫李玉良。„Ye Chen, you... Youmustdo.”Li Yuliangstaggeringretrocedes, a facepanic-strickenlooks atYe Chen, althoughassociates not deeplywithYe Chen, buthefully realized that Ye Chenmental disposition, absolutelyis the Lord who has a grudge to report.
“叶辰,你…你要干什么。”李玉良踉踉跄跄的后退,一脸惊恐的看着叶辰,虽然与叶辰交往不深,但他深知叶辰的秉性,绝对是有仇必报的主。„Ido not wantto do.” A Ye Chenfacebadsmiles, rubs handsto walk up.
啊…..!Quick, herethenresounds the sound that Li Yulianghas shrieked and howled wildly.
很快,这里便响起了李玉良鬼哭狼嚎的声音。Looks atthis timeLi Yuliangagain! Shapethatcalledonepitifully! The treasure of alongcarryingby the cleanness that Ye Chenplunders, the whole bodyclothes were also dug up, onlyremaininglower part of the bodycoloredunderpants.
再看此时的李玉良,啧啧!形态那叫一个凄惨哪!随身携带的宝贝都被叶辰搜刮的干干净净,就连浑身的衣服也都被扒了下来,只剩下下身一个花裤衩。„Ye Chen, youdare.......”
啪!Butresponded toLi Yuliang was actually a Ye Chenpalm of the handright in the face, Li Yuliang who on the momentalsopreparedto throw, at this momenthad been perplexedbyYe Chen.
但回应李玉良的却是叶辰劈头盖脸的一巴掌,上一刻还准备扑上来的李玉良,这一刻就被叶辰打蒙了过去。StunnedLi Yuliang, Ye Chenboth handshas pinchedto beginto printimmediately, thensame placetransferred, „changed.”
打昏了李玉良,叶辰双手当即掐动手印,而后原地转了一圈,“变。”Immediately, the Ye Chenwhole bodybravedair/Qi the whitemist, buthisshapeappearancealsoat the same timefluctuated, thatLi Yuliang'sappearance that turned, did not know that at this timeLi Yuliangwas also awaking, canbewhat kind ofexpression.
顿时,叶辰浑身冒气了白色雾气,而他的形态容貌也在同一时间变幻,变成的正是那李玉良的模样,不晓得此时李玉良还醒着,会是咋样一副表情。„Boy, wellsleepshere!”Ye Chenpatted the racketto lieaftergrounddeadpigcommonLi Yuliangthenturns aroundto leavelikely, just before leaving before , has not forgottento blowoneto confuse the fragrancetoLi Yuliang.
“小子,在这里好好睡一觉吧!”叶辰拍了拍趴在地上像死猪一般的李玉良之后便转身离开了,临走前还不忘对着李玉良吹了一口迷香。Walkedtoward the deep placeonce morewas very long, Ye Chenhad not discovered before , thatthreepeople that escaped.
再次往深处走了很久,叶辰都未曾发现之前逃跑的那三人。Perhapsknows that Ye Chenis nottheycancontend, theysimplyagainhave not ambushedto plot againstYe Chen, beforefourpeoplecannottakeYe Chen, let aloneistheirthree.
吼!Whendid not know, has resounded the roar of beastcontinuously, makingYe Chencannot help butlook askance.
轰!Becauseperhapsextremelypays attention toall aroundmonsterbeast, Ye Chenjust likedoes not haveto discoveronestepped on should not the thing of stepping on, the whole personto be explodedto flyat the scene.
许是因为太过关注四周的妖兽,叶辰俨然没有发现自己踩了不该踩的东西,整个人当场就被炸飞了出去。Justfell to the ground, has not waited forhimto respondthathad the longarrow of illuminationto flyto shootin all directionsto come, Ye Chenrespondedquickly, turned the handto take outScarlet Clouds Sword, armwieldingrapidly, shot downthatlongarrow.
刚刚落地,还未等他有所反应,四面八方就有发光的长箭飞射而来,叶辰反应很快,翻手取出了赤霄剑,手臂急速的挥动,将那长箭纷纷击落。Has not ended, hisprolegjustshot down the flyingsword that has shot, the under footearthhas then transmittedbuzz the cry.
只是,还没完,他前脚刚击落了射来的飞剑,脚下大地便传来了嗡鸣。Subsequently, was floodWulight the lanceis piercing the ground, top of the headoneflood the big net of miraculous glowhas also been sprinkling, but a distant placecolossusalsoground the bodyto roar.
继而,便是一根根泛着乌光的长矛洞穿了地面,头顶还有一张泛着灵光的大网洒落下来,而远处一尊庞然大物也碾动着身体咆哮而来。„Thiswildforesteverywhereispit!”Ye Chencriticizesone, firstisjumpsto jump, Scarlet Clouds Swordwielded, quellsthatto protrude the lance of ground, turned the hand a swordto break outthatbig net.
吼!Thatmonsterbeastarrived, has opened the big mouthat the scene.
奔雷!Ye Chendoes not draw backinsteadenters, BenThunder a palmdrippings the bloodbone that monsterbeastpats, subsequently was oneshakesmountainQuanzaabovethatmonsterbeastgigantichead, the head of thatmonsterbeastblasted outat the scene.叶辰不退反进,奔雷一掌将那妖兽拍的血骨淋淋,继而便是一记撼山拳砸在了那妖兽硕大的头颅之上,那妖兽的头颅当场就炸开了。Perhapsbloodyair/Qiproliferationrapidness of too, annoyedmoremonsterbeasts.
许是血腥气扩散的太快,以至于惹来了更多的妖兽。„Fatherhas no free timeto accompanyyouto play.”Does not wantto wastetoomuchtimehere, Ye Chenleft handTianque, the right handscarletclouds, batters, the monsterbeast that throwscleft in twoby his sword, theseArray Formationtraps , the mysteriousstepwas shuntedwith the aid ofThousand Illusion of Rapid Shadowbyhimingeniously.
“老子没空陪你们玩。”不想在这里浪费太多时间,叶辰左手天阙,右手赤霄,一路横冲直撞,扑过来的妖兽都被他一剑劈成了两半,还有那些个阵法陷阱,也被他借助速影千幻之玄妙步伐巧妙的躲开了。Dashed about wildlyabouthalfdouble-hour, Ye Chenstopped the footsteps.
狂奔了近半个时辰,叶辰才停下了脚步。Front, the 78-memberformappearsinhisview, butlooks attheirDaoist robes, Ye Chencanidentifythatis not the Outer Sectdisciple, butisInner Sectsendsnearwildforestto test the Outer Sectdisciple.
前方,一行78人的身影浮现在他眼帘之中,但看他们的道袍,叶辰能辨认出那并非是外门的弟子,而是内门派近荒林考验外门的弟子。„Suchquicklymet?”Ye Chenwhisperedlow voice, butdid intentionallyto walktimidly.
“这么快就相遇了?”叶辰小声嘀咕了一句,但还是故作唯唯诺诺的走了过来。„Halts.”SeesYe Chento walk, was of headwears the Inner Sectdisciple of purpleclothescannot help butlightlyto scoldone.
“站住。”见叶辰走来,为首的那个身穿紫衣的内门弟子不由得轻叱了一声。„Various... Fellowfellow apprentices, myname wereLi Yuliang, was the Outer SectDiyang Peakdisciple.”Ye Chengrovels, heis actually intelligent, knows that inthiswildforest, mentions the Diyang Peaknamecompared withmentioning the Spirit Pill Pavilionnamewantseasy-to-usemany.
“各…各位师兄,我叫李玉良,是外门地阳峰的弟子。”叶辰点头哈腰的,他倒是聪明,知道在这荒林中,提地阳峰的名字远比提灵丹阁的名字要好使的多。Here, thatpurpleclothesdiscipletook outonepack of picture scrolls, turnedseveral, has discoveredonefrominside, butthatalsoLi Yuliang'sportrait.
这边,那紫衣弟子已经取出了一叠画卷,翻了几下,才从里面找出了一张,而那张也正是李玉良的画像。Sees that in the Ye Chenheartcannot help butsighedsucked the tongue, was very comprehensive, as long asentered the Outer Sectdisciple who in wildforestsecret passageInner Sectdisciplepreparatory workwas doneactually, theirhereset up a fileunexpectedly.
见状,叶辰心中不由得唏嘘咂舌了一声,暗道这内门弟子准备工作倒是做的挺全面的,但凡进入荒林的外门弟子,他们这里竟然都有备案。„Howyou.”Received the picture scroll, thatpurpleclothesdiscipleshot a look atYe Chen.
“怎么就你一个人。”收了画卷,那紫衣弟子瞥了一眼叶辰。„Ifell behind.”Ye Chenawkwardsmiling.
“我掉队了。”叶辰尴尬的笑了笑。„Hasto seeYe Chen.”Thatpurpleclothesdiscipleaskedagain.
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