IWTOTSDF :: Volume #23

#2220: Emperor step ranking

Chapter 2220 emperor step ranking 第2220章帝阶排名 Lin Yue sits cross-legged on the ground of own secret room, defers to the circuit of meridians to revolve repeatedly Brilliant Qi. 林越盘坐在自己密室的地上,按照着经脉的回路一遍遍运转着曜气 Since the strength breaks through to straightening out period accurate Empress, he has been busy being busy at that could have ignored own cultivation. 自从实力突破到开窍期准帝后,他一直忙着忙那,始终都没有顾得上自己的修炼。 The new system of this chapter of ten thousand clan alliances promoted, the immortal clan was also rescued and joined them, was nothing can disturb his matter finally. 这一回万族联盟的新制度推广了下去,仙族也被救下并加入了他们,总算是没有什么可以打扰到他的事情了。 While Lin Yue prepares with single-hearted devotion starts to cultivate the time, rapid dingdong sound pulls back his consciousness. 正当林越准备专心开始修炼的时候,门外一阵急促的‘叮叮当当’声将他的意识重新拉了回来。 Hears this sound, Lin Yue does not need to guess that who knows is, moreover only then a person knows the position of his secret room. 一听到这种声音,林越不用猜都知道是谁,而且也只有一个人知道他这间密室的位置。 Lin Yue did not ask patiently, did?” 林越不耐烦地问道,“又干什么?” Sound stopped, later broadcast Lu Yu that boisterous sound. 门外的动静消停了一阵,随后传来了陆羽那聒噪的声音。 Boy! Boys! Having the important matter must happen!” “小子!小子!有大事要发生了!” Is hearing the Lu Yu exciting sound, Lin Yue actually slightly excited, he does not know so many information where Lu Yu comes, have the big matter to happen daily. 听着陆羽激动的声音,林越却丝毫兴奋不起来,他不知道陆羽哪来的这么多情报,天天都有大事情发生。 What matter? “什么事? Said quickly! ” 快说!” Lin Yue asked fast. 林越快速地问道。 He prepares a bit faster dealing with Lu Yu, then he must continue to cultivate. 他准备快点将陆羽给应付过去,然后他还要继续修炼呢。 Emperor step ranking opening!” “帝阶排名开启了!” ...... …… In other institute, Lin Yue looks in front of oneself makes good pot tea, always felt oneself were deceived by Lu Yu probably. 别院内,林越看着自己面前泡好的一壶茶,总是感觉自己好像又被陆羽骗了出来。 The thing that however Lu Yu just said really lets his some interests actually. 不过陆羽刚刚说的东西倒是真的让他有些兴趣。 „Is emperor step ranking that you just said what thing?” “你刚刚说的帝阶排名是个什么东西?” Some look doubts of Lin Yue, he has not really heard this name. 林越的神色有些疑惑,他是真的没有听说过这个名字。 Snort, this you do not understand!?” “哼,这你就不懂了吧!?” Looks at a Lu Yu self-satisfied appearance, Lin Yue bears to the impulsion that he begins. 看着陆羽一副得意的模样,林越忍住对他动手的冲动。 Until after partly burns a joss stick, Lu Yu mentioned the proper business about emperor step ranking finally. 直到半炷香后,陆羽终于说起了关于帝阶排名的正事。 Emperor step ranking, as the name suggests is ranking!” “帝阶排名,顾名思义便是一种排名咯!” Lu Yu is stirring up the wing, flies round in the room. 陆羽煽动着翅膀,在屋里飞来飞去。 You said usefully.” “你说点有用的吧。” Lin Yue somewhat said reluctantly. 林越有些无奈地说道。 Lu Yu sincere starts to answer, good, actually emperor step ranking is a place that is used to examine the False Emperor level cultivator strength, has ranking of passing many False Emperor level powerhouses here, can dispute with them.” 陆羽正色开始解释道,“好吧,其实帝阶排名就是一个用来检测准帝层次修行者实力的地方,在这里有着过往许多准帝层次强者的排名,都可以和他们较量一番。” Hears his words, Lin Yue unable to bear send to ask, „ how to examine the strength? 听见他的话,林越忍不住发问道,“如何检测实力? Does this place only have False Emperor to enter? ” 还有这个地方唯有准帝才能进入吗?” „Very simple, emperor step ranking, is looked the stair that who ascends are many, then showed that whose strength is stronger!” “很简单,帝阶排名,就是看谁登的台阶多,便证明谁的实力越强!” Lu Yu answered for him, then also answered on him an issue, what just asked as for you were only then False Emperor can enter, actually besides False Emperor, Heavenly Emperor can also enter, but the Spirit Jade Venerated Emperor situation you understand now, she could not come out Spirit Jade Imperial Domain, can therefore not need to manage her for the time being.” 陆羽为他解释道,然后又回答了他上一个问题,“至于你刚刚问的是不是只有准帝才能进入,其实除了准帝之外,天帝也是可以进入的,但如今灵瑶帝尊的情况你懂的,她出不来灵瑶帝域,所以姑且可以不用管她。” Therefore this quite therefore ranking, to us is useful?” “所以这就相当于是一个排行榜,对于我们来说有什么用处么?” Listens to after the explanation of Lu Yu, Lin Yue feels somewhat accidentally/surprisingly. 听完陆羽的解释过后,林越感觉到有些意外。 Difficult to be inadequate the competition hearts of present these False Emperor powerhouses is so serious? 难不成现在这些准帝强者的攀比心这么严重? What being all right does to rank to compare who who is weak? 没事就搞一个什么排名来比较一下谁强谁弱? Haha, your issue asked that without reward, how some people are willing to participate!?” “哈哈,你这个问题问的,如果没有奖励的话,又怎么会有人愿意参加呢!?” Lu Yu laughs saying that then turned into a mysterious appearance to say. 陆羽哈哈大笑道,然后又变成了一副神秘兮兮的样子说道。 „To know that what the reward of emperor step ranking is?” “想知道帝阶排名的奖励是什么吗?” Lin Yue strikes an attitude to ship out one to the appearance that sets out to leave, immediately made Lu Yu flustered. 林越作势装出一副要起身离开的样子,顿时让陆羽慌张了起来。 He fell on the shoulder of Lin Yue hastily, patted him to say. 他连忙落在了林越的肩膀上,拍了拍他说道。 „ Do you worry? “你怎么这么着急啊? Actually the reward is very simple, is cultivation base that we usually cultivation to obtain...... ” 其实奖励很简单,就是我们平时修炼得到的修为……” What!?” “什么!?” Heard Lu Yu just words time, Lin Yue these cannot bear finally. 听到陆羽刚刚的话,林越这一次终于忍不住了。 He opens the mouth to ask hastily, you were said that participated in this emperor step ranking to gain the reward of cultivation base?” 他连忙开口问道,“你是说参与这个帝阶排名就可以获取修为的奖励?” Right!” “没错!” Lu Yu nods, „, not only that cultivation base of emperor step ranking reward has no side effect, cultivation base that cultivates increases with yourself to be exactly the same!” 陆羽点了点头,“不仅如此,帝阶排名奖励的修为没有任何的副作用,跟你自己修炼的时候增加的修为是一模一样的!” That this emperor step ranking is who conducts? “那这个帝阶排名是谁举办的? What intention does he have? ” 他到底有什么意图?” Lin Yue is knitting the brows to ask. 林越皱着眉问道。 He thinks this is only a simple ranking competition, has not thought Lu Yu will say unexpectedly the ranking reward of this competition can be promotion cultivation base of good no side effect. 原本他以为这只是一个简单的排名比赛,可没想到陆羽居然会说这个比赛的排名奖励会是好无副作用的提升修为 This makes Lin Yue feel when is surprised also had a suspicion. 这让林越感到惊讶之余还产生了一丝怀疑。 Who is all right idle causing such competition, then can also especially send out the prize outward? 谁没事闲的弄出这样的比赛,然后还要专门向外发出奖品? „...... This, I really was not quite actually clear, but this emperor step ranking truly before several eras started to exist, should not have what issue, will otherwise not have such.” “……这个吗,我倒是真的不太清楚了,但这个帝阶排名确实从几个纪元之前开始就已经存在了,应该不会有什么问题,不然也不会存在如此之久。” Lu Yu mumbled said. 陆羽念念有词地说道。 ......” “呼……” Lin Yue exhales the one breath, after thinking deeply about the moment, decided the emperor step ranking that Lu Yu said looks. 林越呼出一口气,思索了片刻后,还是决定去陆羽说的这个帝阶排名瞧一瞧。 Then Lu Yu also reported some more detailed information to him. 接下来陆羽又向他介绍了一些更加详细的信息。 For example what the stair of competition is, how can obtain a higher score, but also at one's convenience is the most important point, actually many of is also emperor step ranking reward some cultivation base. 譬如比赛的台阶都是什么样的,如何才可以得到更高的分数,还有便是最重要的一点,也就是帝阶排名奖励的修为究竟有多少。 After all cultivation base this concept is very difficult to be clear, therefore in emperor step ranking breaks through the cultivation base setting that straightening out period False Emperor needs directly for ten. 毕竟修为这个概念很难明确,所以帝阶排名里面直接将一名开窍期准帝突破所需要的修为设定为了十份。 But according to the quality of Challenger position in emperor step ranking, reward also from 20 cultivation base to cultivation base. 而根据挑战者在帝阶排名上的名次的好坏,奖励也会从二十份修为到一份修为不等。 Beside other rewards as for cultivation base, each emperor step ranking opens the time, the extra premium is completely different, does not have any can refer, therefore is Lu Yu was not clear what even if this extra premium can be? 至于修为之外的其他奖励,每一次帝阶排名开启的时候,额外奖励都是完全不同的,也没有什么可以参考的,所以哪怕是陆羽也不清楚这一次的额外奖励会是什么? Un...... I have a look, the emperor step ranking distance opens also three days, conducted place, two points of territories.” “嗯……我看看,帝阶排名距离开启还有三天的时间,举办的地点在,二环域。” „! This two points of territories are not quite actually far from us, three days are very sufficient, we can catch up with the first batch of challenges!” “哦!这个二环域距离我们倒是不太远,三天的时间已经很充足了,我们可以赶上第一批的挑战!” Looks at the Lu Yu exciting appearance, in the Lin Yue heart a funniness. 看着陆羽兴奋的模样,林越心中一阵好笑。 The person who does not know definitely also thinks that this is the challenge that he is going to face? 不知道的人肯定还以为这是他将要面临的挑战呢? Ok, tidies up, one.” “行,收拾一下,一会就出发吧。” Lin Yue said lightly, then looks at Lu Yu to depart own other institute. 林越淡淡地说道,然后便看着陆羽飞出了自己的别院。 Also does not know that what this fellow is taking advantage? 也不知道这家伙在打着什么算盘? Lin Yue clear Lu Yu this fellow not cannot benefit early, if that emperor step ranking really said like him, has no advantage to him, he will be will not look like absolutely was so just excited! 林越可是清楚陆羽这家伙无利不起早,如果那个帝阶排名真的像他说的一样,对他没有任何的好处,他是绝对不会像刚刚那么激动的! Idea that however Lin Yue has not continued to inquire, so long as in any case emperor step ranking and Lu Yu said like that can reward the cultivation base promotion of his good no side effect, is not considered as that makes him go in vain one. 不过林越也没有继续打听下去的想法,反正只要帝阶排名与陆羽所说的那般,可以奖励他好无副作用的修为提升,也不算是让他白走一趟了。 In the afternoon, Lin Yue and Lu Yu then embarked to leave Human Domain, set out toward the big territory of that named two points of territory. 当天下午,林越陆羽便出发离开了人间域,向着那个名为二环域的大域进发。
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