IWTOTSDF :: Volume #23

#2217: In ghost

In Chapter 2217 ghost 第2217章内鬼 Un.” “嗯。” Lin Yue nods. 林越点了点头。 The immortal clan head of the clan saw that go back to choose the right clansman directly, but the immortal clan successors stood in the one side, the look somewhat was slightly excited. 仙族族长见状直接回去挑选合适的族人了,而仙族传人则是站在一旁,神色略微有些激动。 Thinks that puzzled their immortal clan innumerable year of big troubles to be solved, her naturally cannot return to normal at heart for a very long time. 想到困扰了他们仙族无数年的大麻烦就要被解决了,她的心里自然是久久不能平复下来。 Quick, the immortal clan head of the clan led eight body strong body strong immortal clan youth to return to here. 很快,仙族族长带着八名身强体壮的仙族青年回到了这里。 The bodies of these youth send out Ancient Immortal or half Immortal Venerable aura, regarding their ages, in the contemporaries with clan compares is very outstanding. 那些青年的身上都散发出古仙或是半步仙尊的气息,对于他们这个年龄来说,与族内的同龄人相比已经是非常优秀的了。 The immortal clan head of the clan also seem somewhat excited, but to keep own dignified image, he does intentionally said calmly. 仙族族长也显得有些激动,但为了保持自己的威严形象,他还是故作镇定地说道。 „The God Lord little friend, then listened to you to tell!” 神主小友,接下来就听你吩咐了!” Good.” “好。” Lin Yue replied lightly. 林越淡淡答道。 Then he then directs the youth of these immortal clans, making them respectively be centered on the spring, stands in eight corners. 然后他便使唤起这些仙族的青年,让他们分别以泉眼为中心,在八个角落里面站好。 But Lin Yue pulls out the emperor sword, arriving at the spring was fat. 林越自己则是抽出帝剑,来到了泉眼胖。 ......” “呼……” He deeply inspires, then constrains the emperor sword to prick from the spring slowly has a ground of distance. 他深吸了一口气,然后拖住帝剑缓缓地刺入距离泉眼有一段距离的地面。 At the emperor sword present sharp degree, separates this type of rock not to need to consume the too big strength. 以帝剑如今的锋利程度,隔开这种岩石根本不用耗费太大的力气。 Quick, the perfect cut-off appeared in the ground together, the depth achieved the half a Zhang. 很快,一道完美的切割线出现在了地面上,深度则是达到了半丈。 - 唰唰唰- Then, Lin Yue follows a set pattern, cut an octagon design the surroundings of entire spring. 接下来,林越如法炮制,将整个泉眼的周围切割成了一个八边形的图案。 But final one step, is most an important step, then like these spring water is dragging from the place this spring. 而最终的一步,也是最重要的一步,便是如同将这个泉眼连带着那些泉水都从地底下拖起来。 Lin Yue took the lead to arrive at octagon one, used the emperor sword to truncate a hollow platform outside the octagon, then along the bottom of spring cut a smooth section in the platform gently. 林越率先来到了八边形的一个边,利用帝剑在八边形外边削出一个凹陷的平台,然后在平台中沿着泉眼的底部轻轻划开了一个平整的截面。 At this time, Lin Yue let the youth of that eight immortal clans, encircled one to tow from under the entire spring, hung the blowdown. 这时,林越让那八名仙族的青年,围成了一圈将整个泉眼从底下拖起来,悬空放了起来。 A breath. 一息。 Two breaths. 两息。 ...... …… After seeing under the spring section has not seeped out the spring water outward, the people all cheered. 当看见泉眼底下的截面没有向外渗出泉水后,众人皆是欢呼了起来。 Good!” “太好了!” These can move the spring time finally, we do not use continuously dull here!” “这一次终于可以挪动泉眼了,我们也不用一直呆在这里!” „ Is this attention that who thinks of? “这是谁想到的注意? Before we wanted move the spring water constantly, had not actually considered the spring is all moving them. ” 以前我们一味地想要将泉水挪走,却从来没有考虑过连带着泉眼把它们全部挪动。” That several youth discussed excitedly. 那几个青年纷纷激动地议论起来。 This means that even if the people move this spring, the emigration immortal clan even is outside the spirit immortal territory, so long as will not scatter then not to create any influence inside spring water to the immortal clan. 这意味着即便众人将这个泉眼挪动,移出仙族甚至是灵仙域外,只要不将里面的泉水撒出来那么便不会对仙族造成任何的影响。 At this time, the immortal clan head of the clan walked, serious was saying to the people. 这时,仙族族长走了过来,一脸严肃地对着众人说道。 Today this matter, everyone is rotten in the belly, I know that you were very happy, but do not tell that the outside world a wee bit news, this concerns the safety of our entire immortal clan!” “今天这件事,所有人都烂在肚子里,我知道你们很高兴,但是千万不要向外界透露出一丁点消息,这关乎到我们整个仙族的安危!” Spirit Jade Imperial Domain has initiated the deceptive attack, actually sends out the general attack to the immortal clan not truly, will then be assured they will not drop this most precious object to escape, once if will make Spirit Jade Imperial Domain know that the immortal clan has moved the spring water usefully the means that they will certainly launch the intense offensive immediately, immortal clan in the shortest time destruction. 灵瑶帝域之所以一直发起佯攻,却又不真正地对仙族发出总攻,便是笃定他们不会弃掉这件至宝而逃,若是一旦让灵瑶帝域知道仙族已经有用挪动泉水的办法,他们一定会在第一时间发起强烈的攻势,将仙族在最短的时间里覆灭的。 Head of the clan, we understand!” “族长,我们明白!” These youth replied with one voice. 这些青年齐声答道。 However in the look of youth actually glitters is wiping the strange ray, after he turns head the spring that looked around the eye to be unearthed, lowers the head. 不过有一名青年的眼神中却闪烁着一抹奇异的光芒,他扭头看了眼一旁被挖掘出来的泉眼后,又低下了头。 When departs to these youth, the immortal clan head of the clan are working as the immortal clan successors said facing Lin Yue. 待到这些青年离去,仙族族长当着仙族传人的面对林越说道。 God Lord little friend, matter cannot be delayed, this most precious object places here for a long time to be easier to multiply the danger, I decide then to bring the person to escort to leave it tonight, then very early in the morning makes all clansmen prepare to break through, leaves the spirit immortal territory!” 神主小友,事不宜迟,这个至宝放在这里越久越容易滋生危险,我决定今晚便带着人将它护送离开,然后一清早让所有的族人准备突围,离开灵仙域!” Is reasonable, but delivers the candidate of spring mutually, the head of the clan you must arrange appropriately.” “有道理,不过互送泉眼的人选,族长你一定要安排妥当。” The Lin Yue look said dignifiedly. 林越神色凝重地说道。 I understand.” “我明白。” Lin Yue and old man they returned the station. 林越与老叟他们重新回到了驻地。 In the evening. 晚上。 Before participated people that in eight youth moved the spring, slipped away the station in an unmanned corner secretly, arrived after station about two hundred zhang (333 m) far positions, he took out a small flying crane of paper from the bosom secretly. 之前参与了搬泉眼的八名青年中的一人,偷偷在一处无人的角落溜出了驻地,来到距离驻地约有两百丈远的位置后,他偷偷从怀中取出了一个纸质的小飞鹤。 This is a Buddhist musical instrument that is used for the signalling, accepted the letter the goal to designate, the information that so long as wanted to give under above record, put in side the person who in the air then can make it fly the designation directly, gave the information to him. 这是一种用来传信的法器,接受信件的目标早已经选定好,只要在上面记录下想要传递的信息,放入空中便可以让其直接飞到选定的人身边,将信息传递给他。 But the youth will use this thing , because before some time, when he goes out to meet the Spirit Jade Imperial Domain person, several people who were braved suddenly capture. 而青年之所以会用这个东西,是因为之前的某次,他外出迎战灵瑶帝域的人时,被突然冒出来的几个人俘虏。 The youth think hope that oneself have not survived, never expected that opposite party, not only has not killed him, gives the opportunity that he can maintain a livelihood on the contrary. 青年本以为自己已经没有存活的希望了,没想到对方非但没有杀他,反倒是给了他一个能活命的机会。 So long as in some important information of the clan transmits through this small flying crane, after the immortal clan is defeated, Spirit Jade Imperial Domain will not kill his hero. 只要将族内发生的一些重要信息通过这个小飞鹤传递出去,等到仙族落败之后,灵瑶帝域也不会杀了他这个功臣的。 But the youth has felt immortal clan game is as good as lost, even if can move away the spring now secretly, may still be a dangerous diameter. 而青年早已经觉得仙族大势已去,即便如今可以将泉眼偷偷运走,可依然是一条险径。 Might as well spoke this information transmit to Spirit Jade Imperial Domain, a life that like this he at least can also keep. 还不如讲这个消息传递给灵瑶帝域,这样他至少还可以留的一条命在。 While the youth recorded matter of several lines on the small flying crane in most precious object about the immortal clan, prepares to put in the in the air time it. 正当青年在小飞鹤上记录了好几行关于仙族内至宝的事情,准备将其放入空中的时候。 The arm that he lifts was actually gripped gently. 他抬起的手臂却被人轻轻地握住了。 Un!?” “嗯!?” Youth suddenly one startled, discovered that gripped the person of arm is that found out during the daytime foreign clan person who moved spring means that but in not far away, the immortal clan head of the clan disappointed is looking to oneself. 青年猛然一惊,发现握住自己手臂的人是白天那个想出了挪动泉眼这个办法的外族人,而在不远处,仙族族长正一脸失望地看向自己。 Lin Yue looks at the information that on the eye small flying crane recorded, shakes the head gently, later is asking to the immortal clan head of the clan. 林越看了眼小飞鹤上面记录的信息,轻轻摇了摇头,随后对着仙族族长问道。 Immortal clan head of the clan, do this you want to look at?” “仙族族长,这个你要看一下吗?” Oh......” immortal clan head of the clan shake the head, in the look is completely disappointed, I have not thought that in ghosts in clan can be you, if not for the God Lord little friend reminded me, perhaps I will also be kept in the dark by you.” “唉……”仙族族长摇了摇头,神色中尽是失望,“我没想到族里的内鬼会是你,若不是神主小友提醒我,我恐怕还会被你蒙在鼓里啊。” Hears immortal clan head of the clan these words, the youth kneels on the ground hastily, sheds bitter tears to start to beg for mercy. 听见仙族族长这番话,青年连忙跪在地上,痛哭流涕地开始求饶起来。 Head of the clan! I made a mistake, I do not dare, bypasses my time!” “族长!我错了,我再也不敢了,绕过我这一次吧!” But the immortal clan head of the clan have not listened to hear his words, but is a face arrives at his side sorrowfully, then the palm pasted gently on his crown of the head. 可仙族族长并没有将他的话听入耳中,而是一脸悲痛地来到他的身旁,然后手掌轻轻贴在了他的天灵盖上。 Buzz- 嗡- The unobservable ripple flashes through together, the youth bleeds profusely from the head directly, the complexion fell down stiffly, lost living. 一道难以察觉的波纹闪过,青年直接七窍流血,面色僵硬地倒在了地上,失去了生息。 At this time his mind had been stirred one mud by the strength of immortal clan head of the clan, was naturally impossible to live again. 此时他的脑海都已经被仙族族长的劲力搅成了一团烂泥,自然是不可能再活过来了。 The Lin Yue look moves slightly, space fire flashes past on the small flying crane, burns it directly completely. 林越眼神微动,宇火在小飞鹤上一闪而过,直接将其焚尽。 Many thanks God Lord little friend, otherwise the tonight's shift possibly was a tragedy......!” “多谢神主小友,不然今晚的转移可能就是一场悲剧了……!” The immortal clan head of the clan held holding the fist in the other hand to Lin Yue, fills with said grateful. 仙族族长对林越抱了抱拳,满怀感激地说道。
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