IWTOTSDF :: Volume #12

#1144: Sword immortal Lu Dongbin

Chapter 1144 sword immortal Lu Dongbin 第1144章剑仙吕洞宾 The sloppy old person naturally also noticed Lin Yue, but after actually looked at one at will, then departed. 邋遢老人自然也注意到了林越,不过却只是随意的看了一眼之后,便离去了。 As if he is not interested in Lin Yue. 似乎他对林越并不感兴趣。 Moreover his body, does not have the slight cultivation base fluctuation, looks like an average person. 而且他的身上,没有丝毫的修为波动,就像是一个普通人般。 Lin Yue somewhat suspected, his divine conscious is powerful, according to two Palace Lord words, this person, even if cultivation base were destroyed, has cultivation base of Lord God boundary as before, should not display so. 林越不禁有些怀疑,他的神念强大,按二宫主的话来说,此人就算修为被毁了,依旧还有着主神境的修为,应该不会表现出如此。 As distribution food finished. 随着分发食物完毕。 Today goes hunting obtained is rich. 今日打猎所得还算丰富。 The young people invited Lin Yue, along with the townspeoples together, stays in the small town to eat. 年轻人邀请了林越,随镇民们一起,留在小镇吃上一顿。 Although Lin Yue had arrived at the boundary of Inedia, but invited regarding their great kindness, was not good to reject. 虽然林越早已到达了辟谷之境,可是对于他们的盛情相邀,也不好拒绝。 Also stayed here. 也就留在了这里。 However his goal, is that sloppy old person. 不过他的目的,一直都是那邋遢的老人。 As the night falls, the center of small town, ascended the bonfire. 随着夜幕降临,小镇的中央,升腾起了篝火。 During the flame is brightly lit, small town all residents, gathered at this place. 火光通明之中,小镇所有的居民,都聚集在了此地。 The center has several big earthenware jars, the women and children and others is cutting the remaining beast meat methodically, is joined to wild herbs that picks to come. 中央有着几个大陶罐,妇孺等正在有条不紊的切割着剩下的兽肉,配上一些采摘而来的野菜。 Since this is the small town occupies the civilian's house is so long, can eat best one. 这已经算是小镇居民户这么久以来,能吃上最好的一顿了。 Because is the disaster arises suddenly. 因为是灾害突发。 In various, but also has the liquor that the wild fruit makes. 各家之中,还有着野果所酿的酒。 Today all takes. 今日全都拿了出来。 With the hot cooking meat carries to come, Lin Yue does not have slight exclusion, carries the liquor bowl in hand directly, holds up to hint. 随着热腾腾的炖肉端上前来,林越也没有丝毫的嫌弃,直接端起手中的酒碗,举起示意。 With the lapse of time. 随着时间的推移。 After the liquor over three patrol, the person who usually often does not drink, has reddened all over the face, drunken puts this brave words. 酒过三巡之后,平日不常喝酒的人,都已经满脸通红,醉醺醺的放这着豪言。 Some children also drink secretly, at the same time unstab. 一些孩子也偷偷喝了酒,在一边东倒西歪。 Lin Yue natural also puts out the fermented glutinous rice that oneself collected, but the intelligence of this strength was too sufficient, these average people are unbearable radically. 林越自然的也拿出了自己珍藏的酒酿,不过这力量的灵性太充足了,这些普通人根本难以承受。 After the Lin Yue water used dilutes, making everyone taste. 林越用水稀释之后,让所有人都尝尝。 Although was diluted, but has the abundant intelligence, making has drunk the person whole body comfortable. 虽然被稀释,可是其中有着充沛的灵性,让喝过的人都浑身舒泰。 Cannot think that you with five likely mainland people who these keep aloof together, is actually the so real personality.” “想不到你与那些高高在上的五象大陆之人一起,却是这般真性情。” The young people are also drunken at this time, sits nearby Lin Yue, laughs, sacred place of five mainland, and the others the clan pushes aside me likely outside, the difficult survival in a desolated mainland, I and others disdained with it being a companion, is not just now polite to you, is I am not right.” 年轻人此时也是醉醺醺的,坐在林越一旁,大笑到,“五象大陆的圣地,将我等人族排挤在外,艰难的生存在一片荒芜的大陆,我等不屑与之为伍,方才对你不礼貌,是我不对。” The young people are apologizing. 年轻人道着歉。 Lin Yue shakes the head gently, might as well.” 林越只是轻轻摇头,“无妨。” Saying, the young people hold up the liquor bowl, drank to heart's content. 说着,年轻人又举起酒碗,痛饮了一口。 However because he drank too much spirit liquor, is wandering abroad to hunt for on the 3rd, has almost not rested, several bowls of liquor get into the stomach, fall down, then whistling rests greatly. 不过因为他喝了太多的灵酒,又在外游猎三日,几乎没怎么休息,几碗酒下肚,倒在地上,便呼呼大睡起来。 The young people lose the parents at a young age, under assisting of villagers, can grow, is a beggar to grow up. 年轻人自小失去双亲,是在村民的帮扶下,才能成长起来,是吃百家饭长大的。 Afterward receives the sloppy old person's guidance, took the path of practicing. 随后受到邋遢老人的教导,踏上了修行的道路。 Therefore in the small town disaster, he risks neck repeatedly, goes to the outside world, hunts and kills the powerful beasts. 因此在小镇大难之际,他多次冒着生命危险,前往外界,猎杀强大的兽类。 Almost is he by one's effort, saved the entire small town in the water and fire. 几乎是他以一己之力,拯救了整个小镇于水火之中。 Regarding the behavior of young people, some Lin Yue also admirations. 对于年轻人的行为,林越也有些敬佩。 The person rest in the presence of everyone. 当众人都去歇息。 Lin Yue sits cross-legged by the fire of high-piled firewood that is going to extinguish. 林越盘坐在将要熄灭的火堆旁。 But the sloppy old person who at this time, that acted like a madman, arrived here, takes up the cooking meat that the young people kept specially, is matching the muddy liquor, ate to the heart's content. 而这个时候,那疯疯癫癫的邋遢老人,才来到这里,拿起年轻人特意留的炖肉,配着浊酒,大快朵颐。 Senior, some people wants to see you.” “前辈,有人想见你。” Lin Yue both hands place above the knee, indifferent saying. 林越双手放在膝盖之上,淡然的说道。 But the sloppy old person actually turns a deaf ear, from attending to eats is cooking the meat. 而邋遢老人却充耳不闻,自顾的吃着炖肉。 Sees the sloppy old person not to reply. 见邋遢老人没有回答。 Until after for a long time, in the sloppy old person's drinks hand liquor completely, but has not satisfied obviously, by fire of high-piled firewood but actually the wine pot seeks. 直到许久之后,邋遢老人将手中的酒饮尽,不过显然并没有满足,又在火堆旁的倒着的酒坛寻找。 However actually and fruitless. 不过却并无果。 This makes him have annoyingly. 这不禁让他有着懊恼。 Lin Yue puts out the spirit liquor, hands in the sloppy old person's hand. 林越拿出灵酒,递到邋遢老人的手中。 The sloppy old person looked at one, after smelling the wine, without the rejection, direct received. 邋遢老人看了一眼,闻到酒香之后,没有拒绝,直接一把接过。 Knows after late at night . 知道深夜之后。 The sloppy old person has drunk several altar/jar spirit liquor, but still has the feeling of having not given full expression. 邋遢老人已经喝下了几坛灵酒,不过仍带着意犹未尽之感。 Lin Yue has not worried, but has sat opposite of the sloppy old person. 林越并没有着急,而是一直坐在邋遢老人对面。 Knows fire of high-piled firewood thorough extinguishment, only other points sparks/Mars. 知道火堆彻底的熄灭,只余下点点的火星。 World jet black piece, although the clear weather, does not have the least bit stars. 天地漆黑一片,虽然天气晴朗,却无半点星辰。 Until this time, the sloppy old person sighed slightly, all passed, making her go back.” 直到这个时候,邋遢老人才微微叹息一声,“一切都过去了,让她回去。” Frankly, the present grand meeting, needs your help.” “实不相瞒,如今的盛会,需要你的帮助。” Lin Yue has not concealed, opens the mouth to say directly. 林越没有隐瞒,直接开口道。 So that's how it is?” “原来如此吗?” The sloppy old person resembles was self-ridiculing, but is actually open-minded setting out, beckons with the hand, I do not have the heart of battle, moreover you also saw, I do not have least bit cultivation base now.” 邋遢老人似在自嘲,不过却是豁达的起身,摆了摆手,“我已经没有争斗之心,而且你也看到了,我如今没有半点修为。” You are evading.” “你在逃避。” Lin Yue is only the light opens the mouth said. 林越只是淡淡的开口说道。 Hears word sloppy old person figure. 闻言邋遢老人身形一顿。 But Lin Yue during the night, is looking straight ahead the old person. 林越在黑夜之中,直视着老人。 Until after for a long time, old person's body, sends out the strength of letting the person palpitation, even if were the present body rickets, but has a looking disdainfully world as before, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered nine days of elegant demeanors. 直到许久之后,老人的身上,散发出一股让人心悸的力量,哪怕是现在身子佝偻了,可是依旧带着一股睥睨天下,纵横九天的风采。 Old man life is not weak in people, most did not like being looked down upon.” “老夫一生不弱于人,最不喜欢被人瞧不起了。” The old person turns the head, just like a sword immortal, in the eye brings clear light/only, such as the immortal sword is having the hole, „, since this, so long as you can win the old man, I complied with this matter.” 老人转过头来,宛若一尊剑仙般,眼中带着清光,如仙剑在出窍,“既然这样,只要你能胜老夫,我就答应这件事了。” The physique of old person rickets, gradually becomes tall and straight. 老人佝偻的身姿,逐渐变得挺拔。 He shoulders behind, then the right hand single-handed empty grasps. 他单手背负身后,而后右手虚握。 That stands and waits for a long time in the small town central remnant sword is trembling, is then sonorous, appeared in old person's hand. 那伫立在小镇中央的残剑在震颤,而后铿锵一声,出现在了老人的手中。 Although does not have the eruption of slight cultivation base now as before, is the Lin Yue look, gradually becomes dignified. 虽然现在依旧没有丝毫修为的爆发,可是林越的眼神,也逐渐变得凝重起来。 Lin Yue not slight fearing intent, but sets out directly. 林越没有丝毫的惧意,而是直接起身。 The emperor sword appears in the hand. 帝剑出现在手中。 Two people have not erupted cultivation base, but the aura actually separated the vault of heaven. 两人都没有爆发出修为,可是气息却割裂了天穹。 Let two Palace Lord and white rain outside, the clear sensation arrived, what had, do they...... want to fight?” 让在外的二宫主与白雨,都清晰的感知到了,“发生了什么,他们……要交手吗?” You are not ten side boundary/world person.” “你不是十方界的人。” The old person looked, your was not simple with the foot, why old man in universe aura?” 老人看出来了,“你的跟脚不简单,为何还有老夫所在宇宙的气息?” Lin Yue heard the old person saying that in heart slightly surprise. 林越听闻老人如此说,心中略微诧异。 He knows that the old person came from other universes. 他知道老人来自于其他的宇宙。 Has not thought, the old person really to oneself aura, has to be familiar. 只是没有想到,老人竟然对自己身上的气息,有所熟悉。 But the old person does not come from 12 universes absolutely, the time to not on. 而老人绝对不是来自十二宇宙,时间对不上。 But only has a possibility, that is, old person on his body, sensation to the aura of Earth. 而只有一个可能,那就是,老人在他的身上,感知到了地球的气息。 In other words, the old person came from that side universe that Earth is at! 也就是说,老人来自于地球所在的那方宇宙! Lin Yue, looks to grant instruction.” 林越,望赐教。” Lin Yue cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly. 林越略微拱手。 Lu Dongbin!” “吕洞宾!” Old person indifferent returning a courtesy. 老人淡然的回礼。 After the old person said own given name. 当老人道出自己的名号之后。 Let innermost feelings that Lin Yue many years have not changed, changing countenance slightly. 林越多少年未曾变化的内心,略微的动容。 The immortal god above Earth, sword immortal of number Master Lu- Lu Dongbin! 地球之上的仙神,号吕祖的剑仙-吕洞宾! This above Earth, was the character in myth, Lin Yue does not think to see now in this manner. 这在地球之上,乃是神话之中的人物,林越不想现在以这种方式见到了。 However Lin Yue has not actually displayed to be startled now. 不过林越现下却并没有表现出吃惊。 Now must see the immortal god of Earth, lets Lin Yue trust, he also has the opportunity, can return to Earth! 现在得见了地球的仙神,让林越更加的相信,他还有机会,可以回到地球! Two people have not exposed cultivation base, but is the pure competition swordsmanship. 两人都没有展露修为,而是单纯的比拼剑法。 Although Lin Yue in 100,000 years of samsara, to the attainments of swordsmanship, had been in the extremely deep situation. 虽然林越在十万年的轮回之间,对剑法的造诣,已经到了极深的地步。 Now but just fights with Lu Dongbin, then fell in directly leeward. 可是现在不过刚与吕洞宾交手,便直接落于了下风。 Was known as Master Lu who sword immortal, among light swords, had transformed castoffs into delicaties the strength, profound Ommo measured. 号称剑仙的吕祖,平淡的一剑之间,都具有了化腐朽为神奇的力量,玄奥莫测。 Lin Yue backs up two steps, feels the arm to be numb. 林越倒退两步,顿感手臂酥麻。 Two people have not used cultivation base, but Lin Yue god king Jing mortal body, how powerful, but now in ordinary under strikes, makes his vitality somewhat turn wells up. 两人并未动用修为,而林越神王境的肉身,何其的强大,而现在在普通的一击之下,却让他的气血有些翻涌。 However Lin Yue not discouraged. 不过林越并没有气馁。 Sees only him to grasp the emperor sword, takes a step again. 只见他手持帝剑,再一次迈步而出。 As two swords strike in the unceasing junction, spreads the voice of Jinyu. 随着两剑在不断的交击,传出金玉之声。 Pure Yang swordsmanship?” “纯阳剑法吗?” Lin Yue at this time opens the mouth. 林越此时开口。 You know me unexpectedly.” “你居然识得我。” Lu Dongbin is slightly surprised, I am very curious to you.” 吕洞宾略微吃惊,“我对你很好奇。” Lu Dongbin the deathly stillness innermost feelings, have exuded the mighty waves. 吕洞宾早已经死寂的内心,泛起了波澜。 Afterward he broken long sword, the oblique cutting on the ground, I can go directly as you like.” 随后他直接将残破的长剑,斜插在地上,“我可以随你前去。” Fight of after double-hour, Lu Dongbin calls a halt, says slowly. 一个时辰的交手之后,吕洞宾停手,缓缓开口说道。 Many thanks the senior keeps the hand.” “多谢前辈留手。” The response of Lin Yue politeness. 林越礼貌的回应。 Lu Dongbin looked at Lin Yue one meaningfully. 吕洞宾意味深长的看了林越一眼。 Walks, sees two Palace Lord.” “走吧,去见见二宫主。” In the Lu Dongbin look, does not flash through low-spirited voluntarily, says. 吕洞宾眼神之中,不自觉闪过一丝黯然,开口说道。 Saying, two people is then turning toward outside the small town to walk. 说着,两人便向着小镇之外走去。
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