IWTOTSDF :: Volume #12

#1142: Looks for the ancestor boundary helper

Chapter 1142 looks for the ancestor boundary helper 第1142章找寻祖境帮手 They look above the cheeks of saintess, brings to wipe the dense sunset glow, is calms down sincerely the idea, at this time cannot help wailing. 他们看着圣女的脸颊之上,带着一抹氤氲的红霞,更是笃定了心中的想法,此时忍不住要哀嚎。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” white rain realized at this time these disciple characters are thinking anything, loud scolding that at this time is inwardly angry. 白雨这时才意识到了这些弟子字在想些什么,此时愠怒的大声呵斥。 Senior has a strong sense of righteousness, but treats the hidden danger in within the body for me, what are you thinking? “前辈大义凛然,不过是为我治疗体内的隐患,你们在想什么? ! ” !” white rain at this time elegant face slightly cold. 白雨此时俏脸微冷。 Meanwhile she thinks, therefore offended the senior. 同时她想到,因此得罪了前辈。 This grade of powerhouse loses one's temper, they, possibly did not live. 这等强者动怒,他们这些人,可能都活不了。 Is begins to refer, making them vanish into thin air, three Palace Lord, will not say anything. 就是动动手指,让他们烟消云散,想必三位宫主,都不会说些什么。 Really is this?” “真是这样吗?” The people are facing scolding, this feels relieved. 众人面对着呵斥,这才放下了心来。 However also has the disciple also to have the question. 但是也有弟子还带着质疑。 Was I and others was offensive, the saintess, I thought some of your aura disorder, many rested, the matter of grand meeting, many working hard.” “是我等唐突了,圣女,我看你气息有些紊乱,还是多加歇息,盛会之事,不要过多的操劳。” Some disciples care to say. 有弟子关心道。 However this lets the white rain saintess, thinks that the male disciple comes this's goal, the complexion fluctuates again and again, not work you take the trouble, have this time, has not stepped up to cultivate.” 不过这又让白雨圣女,想到男弟子来此的目的,不禁脸色连连变幻,“不劳你们费心,有这个功夫,还不加紧修炼。” The people face to scold, departs resentfully. 众人面对呵斥,都是悻悻离去。 After the people depart, white Yuqiao the face appears wipes to blush. 待众人离去之后,白雨俏脸才浮现一抹红晕。 To the door, is serving with the apology, also looks at the senior do not haggle over this matter, my meeting, decides however punishes them quite.” 对着房门之内,施以歉意,“还望前辈不要计较此事,我一会,定然好生惩治他们。” Sees in the room not to respond, white rain also departed. 见房间之中没有回应,白雨也就离去了。 However her mood, is excellent. 不过她的心情,却是极好的。 After she departs, nearby man, in the look, has the hatred. 只是当她离去之后,一旁一位男子,眼神之中,却是带着恨意。 He is called the wind ice, is in a day of island, by ordered by the emperor personally would-be Son of God. 他名叫风凌,是天岛之中,被钦定的准圣子。 He the white rain saintess, had regarded as oneself something for one's own exclusive use, does not accommodate others 's nearness. 他早已经将白雨圣女,视为了自己的禁脔,不容他人的靠近。 He usually was treated by white rain indifferently, has not seen, the white rain saintess, is the stance of concubine so. 他平日都是被白雨冷眼相待,从来没有见过,白雨圣女,是这般的小女人的姿态。 Sees only him to look to the room, unconscious revealed that killed intent. 只见他看向房中,不自觉的显露出了杀意。 Until a moment later, just now departs. 直到片刻之后,方才离去。 Lin Yue sits cross-legged in the room, regarding this matter, not careful. 林越盘坐在房间之中,对于这件事,并没有上心。 Although he knows that had stared. 虽然他知道已经被人盯上了。 By his present vision, but is 1-2 mosquitos, dances in the air by oneself. 只是以他现在的眼界来说,不过是1-2蚊虫,在自己旁边飞舞罢了。 If really provokes itself, he does not mind racket conveniently. 若是真的招惹自己,他不介意随手的拍死。 Time quickly in the past. 时间很快过去。 The 2nd day, white rain also brings the spirit fruit good wine, arrived at the Lin Yue room. 第二日,白雨又带着灵果佳酿等,来到了林越的房间。 Until after two double-hour, just now departs. 直到两个时辰之后方才离去。 This makes some people eying covetously gaze, vigilant looks to the room. 这让一些人都是虎视眈眈的注视着,警惕的看向房中。 Although they received the severe punishment yesterday, but some people do not lose heart, is holding the hostility to Lin Yue as before. 虽然在昨日他们都受到了严惩,可是还是有一些人不死心,依旧对林越抱着敌意。 Especially that accurate Son of God wind ice, in the eye just like must spout the fire. 尤其是那准圣子风凌,眼中更是宛若要喷出火来。 He as the candidate who is going to compete in the grand meeting, in these millenniums, has the innumerable resources, now has been at the Saint boundary. 他作为将要出战盛会的人选,在这千年之间,坐拥着无数的资源,现在已经处在圣境。 In the day island, the position is extraordinary. 在天岛之中,地位更是非凡。 The hosts of sacred place said that in this grand meeting, will then set up it for Son of God. 圣地之主更是说了,此次盛会之中,便会将其立为圣子。 This since the record in day island, has never appeared. 这在天岛的记载以来,是从未出现过的。 The day island since establishment, has not set up the record of Son of God. 天岛自建立以来,从来没有立过圣子的记载。 Obviously with the talent of wind ice, is so high. 可见与风凌的天赋,何等之高。 He believes that after becoming Son of God, gets married the white rain saintess, is the matter of being settled. 他自认为,成为圣子之后,迎娶白雨圣女,是板上钉钉的事情。 Now actually raises a thick critical feeling. 只是现在却升起了一股浓浓的危急之感。 Because Lin Yue gives his pressure, was too big. 因为林越给他的压力,实在太大了。 From three Palace Lord, delivers Lin Yue to come this personally, then knows that they are what kind of settling on Lin Yue. 从三位宫主,亲自送林越来此,便知道她们是何等的看中林越 White rain saintess is my, no one can snatch with me.” “白雨圣女是我的,没有人能跟我抢。” The wind Ling Yan pupil is quiet, lets the place of his practicing, the surrounding area dozens zhang (3.33 m), covered cold frost. 风凌眼眸幽冷,让他修行之地,方圆几十丈,都笼罩上了一层寒霜。 Let disciple who his side practices, is hitting trembling again and again. 让他身边修行的弟子,更是连连打着寒颤。 However after seeing the wind ice the look, does not dare to say a language, can only fast evading draw back. 不过见到风凌的神色之后,都是不敢言一语,只能快速的避退。 What he does not know, his play such, but Lin Yue simply has not cared him, even looks straight at continually has not looked. 只是他不知道的是,他内心的戏如此之多,可是林越根本没有将他放在心上,甚至于连正眼都没有瞧过。 The 3rd day, the dim sunlight sprinkled. 第三日,朦胧的日光洒落。 Lin Yue host by sacred place, was also invited to go to the discussing official business main hall personally. 林越也被圣地之主,亲自邀请前往议事大殿。 And also includes within the body hidden danger to eliminate, white rain saintess who will soon break through the Saint boundary. 其中还包括着体内隐患消除,即将突破圣境的白雨圣女。 When they departs to Lin Yue. 待到林越他们离去。 , Has the artificial wind ice to air a grievance, why that person was invited, but would-be Son of God of my day island, actually cannot go to discuss official business!?” 有人为风凌鸣不平,“为什么那人都被邀请,而我天岛的准圣子,却不能前往议事!?” This pokes painful the wind ice sore spot without doubt. 这无疑是戳痛了风凌的痛处。 Enlightened ruler arranges, naturally has own truth, practices with single-hearted devotion!” “圣主安排,自然有着自己的道理,专心修行!” Wind Ling Lengsheng scolded, later cold snort/hum, then went to close up. 风凌冷声呵斥,之后一声冷哼,便前往闭关去了。 In discussing official business main hall. 议事大殿之中。 Bai Xiaoli also went out at this time. 白小离此时也出关了。 Sees only at this time his god knowledge, because under secret ground training, already even more concise. 只见此时他的神识,因为秘地的修养之下,已经愈发的凝练。 Is the strength of god knowledge, lets feeling timid of person instinct. 仅仅是神识之力,都让人本能的发怵。 Three Palace Lord were turns toward Bai Xiaoli good the big ritual. 三位宫主都是向着白小离行了大礼。 This is the old ancestor, the light rain, has not paid respect!” “这便是老祖,小雨,还不参拜!” The hosts of sacred place kept a serious look. 圣地之主表情严肃。 The white rain saintess looks above the main hall at this time, knows Bai Xiaoli under condition at the god. 白雨圣女此时看着大殿之上,处在神识状态下的白小离 In the pressure of source, making her be startled incomparably. 处于本源的威压,让她吃惊无比。 Old ancestor as one of the ten big monster kings, she only in the old book as well as arrives on the stone column under day of island to see, now saw the appearance/portrait, in the eye is devout incomparable. 老祖作为十大妖王之一,她只在古籍以及来到天岛之下的石柱上见过,如今见到了真容,眼中更是虔诚无比。 Paid a visit the old ancestor!” “拜见了老祖!” white Yugui bends down on the ground, both hands according to the place, attitude incomparable respectful and irreverence. 白雨跪伏在地上,双手按地,态度无比的恭敬与虔诚。 She regarding the member, the age is not very big. 她对于修士来说,年岁并不算很大。 But actually grew since childhood above the day island, regarding the old ancestor's deeds, is incomparable yearning. 可是却是自幼生长在天岛之上,对于老祖的事迹,是无比的向往。 At this time she is the look is more excited. 此时她更是神色激动无比。 Talent is good, sets out.” “天赋不错,起身吧。” Bai Xiaoli opens the mouth slowly, you made one to let my satisfied matter finally.” 白小离缓缓开口,“你总算是做了一件让我满意的事。” Saying, he has not forgotten to scold host of sacred place. 说着,他还不忘数落圣地之主一番。 The hosts of sacred place in one side , the awkward nod, does not dare to have the slight objection. 圣地之主在一旁,也只有尴尬的点头,不敢有丝毫的异议。 This day island, although is other universes comes this to establish. 这座天岛,虽然是其他宇宙来此建立的。 In the past Bai Xiaoli used each other with that side universe. 当年白小离与那方宇宙相互利用。 Bai Xiaoli is replying on own strength, created the fox clan, afterward gradually replaced here influence. 白小离借助着自己的力量,创造出了狐族,后来逐渐的取代了这里的势力。 Generally speaking, entire fox clan, works as today the ruling circles of island, is the bloodlines of Bai Xiaoli. 总体来说,整个狐族,也就是当今天岛的统治阶层,都是白小离的血脉。 Then is starts to discuss the five years later grand meetings. 接着便是开始商议五年之后的盛会。 The hosts of sacred place took the lead to say oneself anxiety, „, although the present had 12 universes god royal minister to help, was our top strengths, as before was insufficient, if were really to the grand meeting, possibly did not have the odds of success.” 圣地之主率先说出了自己的忧虑,“虽然现在有了十二宇宙的神王相助,可是我们的顶尖战力,依旧是不足,若是真是到了盛会,可能没有胜算。” They obtain the news, this grand meeting, important, likely has to exceed god king Jing existence, is involved. 他们早已经得到了消息,这次盛会,至关重要,很可能有着超越神王境的存在,参与其中。 This regarding ten side, 11 extremely not good news. 这对于十方界来说,十一个极度不好的消息。 After glorious years development, the consumptions of additional beforehand several grand meetings, in present ten side, only then these god king Jing powerhouses. 经过悠久的岁月发展,加之前几次盛会的消耗,如今的十方界之中,也只有这几名神王境的强者了。 1 million years ago, originally our teachers, hopeful comparing broken ancestor boundary, but was under siege from other three sacred place, finally is burying the day to cherish hatred!” “百万年前,本来我们的师尊,是有希望勘破祖境的,只是受到了其余三个圣地的围攻,最后在葬天之所饮恨!” At this point, in three Palace Lord eyes reveals to kill intent. 说到这里,三宫主眼中流露出杀意。 Because of their teachers, to shield them, brings up the rear solitarily, finally was cut to kill. 因为她们的师尊,就是为了掩护他们,只身断后,最后被斩杀。 But buries a day of institute, is the place of mysterious factor birth. 而葬天之所,便是神秘因子诞生之地。 If the entire ten Great Sage places, will regard as one skewer of beads, then buries a day of institute, then in bead center, a formed piece of god secret ground belt/bring, is breeding mystically, making people be difficult to predict. 若是将整个十大圣地,视为一串珠子,那么葬天之所,便是在珠子中央,形成的一片神秘地带,其中孕育着神秘,让人难以琢磨。 Bai Xiaoli hears three Palace Lord after recounting, dares to kill my junior, this time let off them, can I also become ten big monster kings?” 白小离听到三宫主的述说之后,“敢杀我的小辈,这次放过他们,我还能成为十大妖王吗?” This grand meeting, Bai Xiaoli is not good to act, he looks at the vision at once to Lin Yue. 只是这次盛会,白小离不好出手,他旋即将目光看向林越 Lin Yue stands on one side, feels Bai Xiaoli their vision to transmit, speechless. 林越站在一边,感受到白小离他们的目光传来,不禁哑然。 Lin Yue felt thornily, 1 million years ago, three mahatmas collaborated, can cut to kill the former enlightened ruler who will soon break through the ancestor boundary, by present age, their cultivation base, to fearsome realm? 林越感受到了棘手,百万年前,三大圣地联手,就能将即将突破祖境的前圣主斩杀,到了当世,他们的修为,又到了何等可怖的境界 Two Palace Lord at this time surface inked ribbon indecisive. 宫主此时面色带着犹豫不决。 Host of meaningful glance sacred place looks together to two Palace Lord, hints her not to need to say. 圣地之主则是一道眼色看向二宫主,示意她不必讲。 Bai Xiaoli is sharp-eyed, asks immediately, you have anything to propose, but said that might as well.” 白小离目光敏锐,当即问道,“你有什么提议,但说无妨。” Hosts of two Palace Lord to sacred place respond with the apology, then goes forward, informed verbally according to me, actually in ten side, but also has a powerhouse, although cultivation base was abandoned, but is at the boundary of Lord God.” 宫主对圣地之主抱以歉意,而后上前,“据我说知,其实十方界之中,还有着一位强者,虽然修为被废了,但是还是处在主神之境。” Bai Xiaoli light well, he now where?” 白小离轻咦一声,“他如今在何方?” Present he, at the next five lines of mainland, the junior has the faith token, can find him.” “如今的他,处在下五行大陆,小辈有信物,可以找到他。” In the eyes of two Palace Lord, reveals low-spirited. 宫主的眼中,流露出黯然。 Sees only her to put out a bone command, above until now, has the aura of ancestor boundary as before. 只见她拿出一枚骨令,其上直到现在,依旧带着祖境的气息。 The hosts of sacred place sighed again and again. 圣地之主连连叹息。 However hears two Palace Lord to mention, this powerhouse cultivation base had been abandoned. 不过听到二宫主说起,这位强者修为已经被废。 Lin Yue is also more transparent the matter. 林越也明了许多事情。 In ten side, can pose the threat to the ancestor boundary, barrier that also only then Bai Xiaoli leaves behind. 十方界之中,能对祖境造成威胁的,也只有白小离留下的结界了。 Was the past ancestor boundary powerhouse, had rushed to the day island. 想必是当年的祖境强者,曾经强闯过天岛。
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