IWTOTSDF :: Volume #12

#1135: Kneels a day of territory to make reparations

Chapter 1135 kneels a day of territory to make reparations 第1135章长跪天域赎罪 Lin Yue no longer gives the six wing god king any opportunities. 林越不再给六翼神王任何的机会。 You then in this broken day territory, are ten thousand spirits, is Royal Father, makes reparations.” “你便在这残破的天域,为万灵,为父王,赎罪吧。” Sees only Lin Yue to act. 只见林越出手。 Pulls out six wing god king within the body complete strengths leaves. 将六翼神王体内全部的力量抽离。 The fear is filling the air on six wing god kings. 恐惧在六翼神王身上弥漫着。 No matter what but how he struggles, does not help matters. 可是任他如何挣扎,都是无济于事的。 His figure, was held back by Lin Yue directly forcefully above the land. 他的身形,直接被林越强行按压在大地之上。 Rumble within. 轰隆隆间。 A broken part day of territory, had been condensed one by Lin Yue, vast endless. 已经残破的部分天域,被林越凝聚出了一块,浩瀚无尽之中。 Six wing god kings in unwilling shouting. 六翼神王在不甘的嘶吼。 Then its physique, gradual petrification. 而后其形体,逐渐的石化。 By the Lin Yue thorough suppression. 林越彻底的镇压。 Knelt above the side land of day of territory, in the directions of three five cities, wisp of true spirit that six wing god kings survived, was imprisoned in the body of petrification. 跪在了天域的这方大地之上,朝着三界五域的方向,六翼神王残存的一缕真灵,被禁锢在了石化的躯体之中。 In the endless years, is to elapse ten thousand spirits, and old god king makes reparations, will never possibly set out again! 在无尽的岁月里,为逝去的万灵,以及老神王赎罪,永远不可能再起身! Lin Yue stands statue that before six wing god kings change, does not have the slight emotion. 林越站在六翼神王化作的石像之前,不带有丝毫的情感。 The secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, six wing god kings have knelt in Tianyu. 幕后黑手已经形神俱灭,六翼神王长跪于天域。 Hence, the turmoils of 12 universes, considered a paragraph. 至此,十二宇宙的动乱,算是告了一段落。 Continued the endless years' war, now also completely finished. 延续了无尽岁月的战争,现在也彻底的结束了。 Finally a war, by a Lin Yue person of strength, the domineering suppress and kill two god kings comes to an end. 最终一战,以林越一人之力,强势镇杀两名神王而告终。 The light between world, shines above the land. 天地间的光明,重新普照在大地之上。 Shines above the land of sores all over the eye. 照耀在满目疮痍的大地之上。 Everyone this time kneels to bend down on the ground. 所有人此时都跪伏在地上。 The entire 12 universes, today, altogether praise the name of god king Lin Yue. 整个十二宇宙,今日,共颂神王林越之名。 The strength of endless belief, toward the position gathering of domain. 无尽的信仰之力,向着领域的位置汇聚。 His body, is covering the divine nature brilliance. 他的身上,笼罩着神性的光辉。 However he strength of belief will not have built up. 不过他并没有将信仰之力炼化。 Sees only him to take the emperor sword as to direct, constructs in the war, dying Lin Xiu and the others of empty shades. 只见他以帝剑为引,构筑出在大战之中,死去的林修等人的虚影。 Hopes during glorious years, can condense their true spirit. 希望在悠久的岁月之中,能够凝聚出他们的真灵 At this time, dark god officer and the others, arrived at Lin Yue behind. 这个时候,黑暗神官等人,也来到了林越的身后。 Congratulates your highness!” “恭喜殿下!” ...... …… At this time beginning Qilin and the others, kneel on the ground. 此时始麒麟等人,跪在地上。 Now Lin Yue is 12 universes advocates. 现在林越已经是十二宇宙的共主。 Then was arrogant Tianfeng, at this time was half volt on the ground. 便是高傲的天凤,此时都是半伏在地上。 The attitude is respectful. 态度恭敬。 Sets out.” “都起身吧。” Lin Yue is turning away from the people, looks the vault of heaven that because the war has broken, in the eye brings disappointed. 林越背对着众人,看着因为大战已经破碎的天穹,眼中带着怅然。 This war, was not ended. 这次大战,并不是结束。 Although Lin Yue breaks through god king realm now, but also made him know, god king Jing was not an end point. 虽然林越现在突破了神王境界,可是也让他知道了,神王境并不是终点。 Is as for other universes, but also has powerhouse. 古史,乃至于其他宇宙之中,还有着更强者。 Moreover wielding of tenth universe, realm has made people be difficult to predict, can be away from the endless space and time, melts the empty shadow obviously. 而且第十宇宙的执掌者,境界已经让人难以琢磨,可以隔着无尽的时空,显化出虚影。 Although now because of the Lin Yue breakthrough god king, making 12 universes post with other universes. 虽然现在因为林越突破神王,让十二宇宙与其他的宇宙并列。 But because this dark turmoil, 12 universes the vitality has damaged severely, in the following 1000000 years, might be hard to restore the beforehand power. 可是因为这次黑暗动乱,十二宇宙已经元气大伤,很可能在接下来的1000000年的时间内,都难以恢复之前的强盛。 In the entire universe and sacred place, have too many rivals. 整个宇宙与圣地之中,有着太多的敌手。 Now a Lin Yue person is supporting 12 universes. 如今林越一人支撑着十二宇宙。 Eventually was too difficult. 终究是太艰难了。 This point, dark god officer and the others look in the eye. 这一点,黑暗神官等人都看在眼中。 But by their realm, is nothing means. 可是以他们的境界,都是没有什么办法。 Although they are at the Saint boundary, being 12 universes is top, but takes a broad view at several big universes, they insufficiently look radically. 虽然他们处在圣境,位列十二宇宙顶尖,可是放眼几大宇宙,他们根本不够看。 Even in the final war, is hard to play the substantive role. 甚至于在最终一战之中,都难以起到实质性的作用。 During later several hundred years. 之后的几百年间。 Has a hundred things to do, dark god officer and the others have come and gone out in three five cities, starts to reorganize, the life that leads to survive, starts to construct the new order. 百废待兴,黑暗神官等人已经出入在三界五域之中,开始整顿,带领残存下来的生灵,开始构建新的秩序。 But after Lin Yue since war, then radical going into hiding. 林越自从大战之后,便彻底的销声匿迹了。 Now does not know at where. 如今不知道处在何处。 In 12 universes, unknown place. 十二宇宙之中,未知之处。 Presented two to put on the appearance ordinary person, a man and a woman, sat above a small boat. 出现了两位穿着样貌普通之人,一男一女,坐在一叶扁舟之上。 Had vanished several hundred years of Lin Yue and jade clear goddess. 正是已经消失了几百年的林越和玉清神女。 At this time two people in ordinary couple like this world. 此时两人如同凡尘之中的普通夫妻。 This is Lin Yue promises the matter of jade clear goddess. 这是林越许诺玉清神女之事。 When to all stills, brings her travelling mountains. 待到一切平定,带她游历山川。 The cross-strait mountains back up slowly, has the ape bird to cry occasionally. 两岸山川缓缓倒退,偶有猿鸟啼鸣。 The smoke wave is vast, above the river bank, has an old man, is throwing over the rain clothes, fishes in the surface of the river. 烟波浩渺,江畔之上,有着一位老叟,正披着蓑衣,于江面垂钓。 He looks at the men and women in river, on the face has the happy expression. 他看着江中的男女,脸上带着笑意。 But the old man of this fishing, is not others, was awakened by Lin Yue, Great Sun Immeasurable Buddha that cultivation base restores. 而这钓鱼的老叟,不是别人,正是被林越唤醒,修为恢复的大日无量佛尊 Also passed like this for several hundred years. 又这样过去了几百年。 Lin Yue and the others, return to the returning to heaven pledge again. 林越等人,再次回归了天盟。 Now the scale of day pledge, was unable imagine. 现在天盟的规模,已经不可想象了。 Even compared with it the day before yesterday territory, destroyed god king city, but also wants to be grander. 甚至于比之前天域,已经被毁的神王城,还要雄伟许多。 Here has become 12 universes centers. 这里已经成为了十二宇宙的中心。 Has the member to come and go out unceasingly. 不断有着修士出入。 After this war, many people realized their tiny, many people have closed up for many years. 经过这次大战之后,许多人都意识到了自身的渺小,许多人已经闭关了多年。 As Lin Yue and jade clear goddess wears the cotton garment, before arriving at the broad city gate . 随着林越与玉清神女身着布衣,来到恢弘的城门前。 Halts, can have the permission command of entering a city? “站住,可有进城的许可令? ! ” !” A young soldier, blocked three people of ways at this time. 一名年轻的士兵,此时拦住了三人的去路。 Facial cast that the armor frightens, is very immature, but has the meaning of enforcing. 盔甲吓的脸庞,很是稚嫩,可是却带着严肃之意。 Here present is the entire 12 universe center, all systematic, nature alert also very stern. 这里现在是整个十二宇宙的中心,一切井然有序,自然戒备也十分的森严。 Lin Yue looks is the guarding the door soldier of youngster, satisfied smiling. 林越看着不过是少年的看门士兵,满意的笑了笑。 Soldier quick and cold sound opens the mouth, „, if has not ordered, but also please three fast leave.” 只是士兵很快又冷声开口,“若是没有命令,还请三位速速离开。” In the soldier hand holds the long blade, horizontally in three people of front. 士兵手中持着长刀,横在了三人的面前。 You are very good.” “你很不错。” Lin Yue gives a calm smile. 林越淡然一笑。 Sees only this time, his cotton garment vanishes, displaces, is a white clothing. 只见此时,他身上的布衣消失,取而代之的,是一席白衣。 jade clear goddess and Great Sun Immeasurable Buddha, revealed the original appearance. 玉清神女与大日无量佛尊,也显露出了本来的样貌。 Although they do not have sending out desirably the pressure, but has a liking for one, has the unsurpassed pressure. 虽然他们没有刻意的散发出威压,可是只是看上一眼,都带着无上的威压。 The mountains and rivers are changing color. 山河都在为之变色。 At this time lines up to enter a city the person, is powerful or not, at this time was shocked by this aura. 此时排队进城之人,无论强大与否,此时都被这股气息所震慑。 , Looked at the vision as if by prior agreement to this place. 不约而同的,将目光看向了此地。 This person, with day pledge city center, god king statue, probably......” “这人,与天盟城中心,神王雕像,好像……” The soldiers look at Lin Yue, muttered in a low voice. 士兵看着林越,低声喃喃。 , Afterward he awakens suddenly. 随后他猛然间惊醒。 God king, was the god king returns!” “神王,是神王回归了!” What, the god king returned!” “什么,神王回归了!” ...... …… Everyone is startled. 所有人都是吃惊。 Then, float in in the air warship, at this time fell above the ground. 接着,悬浮于空中的战船,此时都落在了地面之上。 Soldiers at this time whole body excited shivering. 士兵此时浑身激动的颤抖。 In front of him the person, is the millenniums ago, saved the entire 12 universe powerhouse, now world, only god King Lin Yue! 他面前之人,可是在千年之前,拯救了整个十二宇宙的强者,如今天地,唯一的神王-林越 Pays a visit the god king!” “拜见神王!” Welcomed...... respectful meeting the god king to return!” “恭迎……恭迎神王归来!” When excited, soldier enunciation some were not quite clear. 激动之余,士兵口齿都有些不太清了。 The god king is their Savior, the mortal life hundred, but this year the light soldier, is about more than ten years old, because the talent is extremely good, is selected as the soldier who guards the day of pledge city gate. 神王是他们的救世主,凡人寿元不过百,而这年轻的士兵,不过十几岁,因为天赋极佳,才被选为镇守天盟城门的士兵。 The legend of god king, has handed down. 神王的传说,一直都是口口相传。 Now he saw the main body, how not to make him excited. 如今他见到了本尊,如何不让他激动。 Lived the millenniums ancients, at this time is excited, direct tears. 就是活了千年的宿老,此时都是激动的,直接老泪纵横。 The present age god king, left behind the endless legend. 当代神王,留下了无尽的传说。 Now appears beyond the day pledge again. 现在再一次出现在天盟之外。 Meanwhile they look to the soldier, brings harboring evil intentions, in the heart the secretly thought, this boy really does not enlarge ones vision, even/including Shenwang dare to stop unexpectedly.” 同时他们看向士兵,也带着不怀好意,心中暗道,“这小子真是不开眼,竟然连神王都敢阻拦。” God king, the villain...... the villain has eyes but fails to see, but also please forgive!” “神王,小人……小人有眼无珠,还请恕罪!” The soldiers kowtow. 士兵磕头。 Might as well, you do right, very good.” “无妨,你做得没错,很好。” Lin Yue said lightly. 林越淡淡说道。 Then under people devout worshipping on bended knees, entered in a day of pledge slowly. 而后在众人虔诚的跪拜之下,缓缓的进入了天盟之中。 Before departing, he held the head of soldier lightly, handed down the good fortune that is inconceivable. 离去前,他轻扶了士兵的头颅,传下了难以想象的造化。 This looked by the people in the eye, some people envy to shout nearly. 这一幕被众人看在眼中,有人羡慕得近乎要嘶吼起来。 The god king...... the god king touched the head of that soldier unexpectedly. 神王……神王竟然摸了那士兵的头。 But the soldier the whole body is comfortable at this time, realm breaks through again and again, making one be jealous. 而士兵此时浑身舒泰,境界更是连连突破,让人眼红不已。 This desire the military officer who the soldier punishes, when the Lin Yue three people departs to be many, slowly sets out, very gratified is patting the shoulder of soldier, good that makes.” 本欲将士兵治罪的将领,待林越三人离去多时,才缓缓起身,很欣慰的拍着士兵的肩膀,“做的不错。” This without doubt is to the soldiers best drive. 这无疑是对士兵们最好的激励。 This young soldier, later soared from my impoverished family inevitably. 这名年轻的士兵,以后必然是从寒门一飞冲天了。 This lets as we all know, so long as is responsible for earnestly, possibly obtains the good fortune! 这让所有人都知道,只要认真负责,都可能得到造化!
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