IHPDMB :: Volume #8

#754: supreme

When Chen Luoyang in the 22 nd boundary, then can resist Ruler of a World of 23 rd boundary. 陈洛阳于第二十二境时,便可以对抗第二十三境的一界主宰 Now he achieves the 23 rd boundary, what kind of cultivation base strength can also be? 如今他本人达到第二十三境,又会是怎样的修为实力? Regarding present Dao Monarch, good fortune main road as if all in eyeground. 对于如今的道君来说,造化大道仿佛全在眼底。 Although Chen Luoyang stands there has not moved, but Dao Monarch can feel, the opposite party is a powerful enemy. 陈洛阳虽然站在那里没动,但道君能感觉到,对方是劲敌。 But what most makes her dread is Demise Catching Palace before Ling Qingqing body. 但最让她忌惮的是在令轻轻身前的灭罗宫 When the present condition, somewhat seemed like Chen Luoyang just achievement Martial God Realm, there is Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda in the hand. 眼前的状况,有些像是陈洛阳刚成就武神之境时,有玄天幽冥塔在手。 In this case, he can fight with expert of high boundary, but Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda is also quite powerful, let him to defeat 23 rd boundary Heavenly Buddha or Dark Venerable and the others in at that time duel. 这种情况下,他本人能与高一境的强者争锋,而玄天幽冥塔又极为强大,就让他在当时单挑能战胜第二十三境的天佛冥尊等人。 Similar truth , after breaking through to the 23 rd boundary, Bright Divine Sword in Ling Qingqing of hand. 同样的道理,也适用于突破至第二十三境后,明神剑在手的令轻轻 However, normal, if one-on-one, Dark Venerable, Heavenly Buddha and the others facing then Chen Luoyang or Ling Qingqing, did not beat even if, there is an opportunity to retreat. 不过,正常来说,如果是单对单,冥尊天佛等人面对当时的陈洛阳或者令轻轻,纵使不敌,也有机会退走。 Nowadays, Dao Monarch facing the combination of Chen Luoyang and Demise Catching Palace, the condition is similar. 现如今,道君面对陈洛阳灭罗宫的组合,状况类似。 Actually Heavenly Monarch and Ling Qingqing brother and sister, may borrow Demise Catching Palace to comprehend the say/way of Pangu, attacks the altitude of 24 th boundary. 倒是天君令轻轻兄妹,有可能借灭罗宫参悟盘古之道,也冲击第二十四境的高度。 But this requires the time, the matter that really isn't deliberately gets it done in one action. 但这需要时间,并非刻意一蹴而就的事情。 Dao Monarch does not struggle at present the temporary air/Qi, the possibility without retreated, although will still be sad in the future. 道君不争眼前一时之气,未尝没有退走的可能,虽然未来依旧难过。 But Dao Monarch has the extremely feeling of unease at this moment. 道君此刻却有极度不安的感觉。 Threat not in the future, at present. 威胁不在未来,就在眼前。 Demise Catching Palace at this moment is seemingly average not wonderfully, but makes Dao Monarch not give birth from the heart comfortably. 此刻的灭罗宫看上去平平无奇,但却让道君自心底生出不自在。 Regarding reaching to the boundary of Unbounded , there is nothing all some of her, matter that this should not have. 对于臻至无极之境,无有无不有的她来说,这本应该是不存在的事情。 Has such unusuality, even symbolizes that the boundary of her Unbounded is imperfect. 有这样的异常,甚至标志着她的无极之境并不完满。 You are perfect.” The Chen Luoyang's line of sight also looks to Demise Catching Palace, as if guesses correctly in the opposite party heart to think: Premise is, if Demise Catching Palace is also your.” “你是完满的。”陈洛阳的视线也看向灭罗宫,似乎猜到对方心中所想:“前提是,如果灭罗宫也是你的。” The Dao Monarch eyebrow is pressed immediately. 道君眉毛顿时蹙起。 Chen Luoyang both hands applaud before the body: „ After three, this side good fortune's first reaches the Martial God peak, the person of boundary of Unbounded, congratulates you. 陈洛阳双手在身前鼓鼓掌:“首三尊之后,此方造化第一个登上武神巅峰,无极之境的人,恭喜你。 Just now said for quite a while, you will seize the chance to restore from weak, this I know certainly, you think, why I don't care? ” 方才说了半天,你会趁机从虚弱中恢复,这我当然知道,那你以为,我为什么不在意?” The movement that Chen Luoyang applauds stops, both hands two sides one: Naturally is because, has the means to govern you.” 陈洛阳鼓掌的动作停下来,双手两边一摊:“当然是因为,有办法治你啊。” With his letting go movement, the Demise Catching Palace front door opens to the two sides loudly. 随着他这个摊手的动作,灭罗宫的大门轰然向两边打开。 In the palace spreads the suction, Dao Monarch unexpectedly cannot help but, must be involved. 宫中传出吸力,道君竟不由自主,要投身其中。 Her whole body main road wonderful physics and chemistry is light mist, each direction in the universes extends, the reluctant anchorage figure, is insufficient to be attracted by Demise Catching Palace. 她周身大道妙理化为一条条光岚,在宇宙间各个方向延伸,勉强定住身形,不至于被灭罗宫吸进去。 The Chen Luoyang's sound conveys light: „ Facing anybody, any exists, you are 24 th boundary supreme expert, does not support by the arm the least bit moisture content. 陈洛阳的声音轻飘飘传来:“面对其他任何人,任何存在,你都是实打实的第二十四境至高强者,不搀半点水分。 Only when has facing Demise Catching Palace, is an exception, you were ended to subdue|grams by Demise Catching Palace. ” 唯有面对灭罗宫时,是个例外,你被灭罗宫完克。” Sacrificial offering two characters, have delimited everyone's mind. “祭品”二字,划过所有人的脑海。 looks at this, everyone thoroughly understands at present, although why Dao Monarch also profits to become enlightened in Demise Catching Palace, Chen Luoyang actually still called it the sacrificial offering. 看着眼前这一幕,大家彻底明白,为什么道君虽然也在灭罗宫中得利成道,陈洛阳却仍然称之为祭品。 After three, the person of boundary of first ascended to Unbounded, these step steps, has the price. 首三尊之后,第一个登临无极之境的人,这一步跨出去,有代价。 The anxiety in heart had the answer, Dao Monarch instead calmed down at this moment. 心中的不安有了答案,道君此刻反而冷静下来。 She did not say a word, both hands pinched the law secret art together, sat cross-legged to sit in void, the whole person was similar the same good fortune to fuse together, resists Demise Catching Palace to her attraction. 她一言不发,双手一起捏法诀,盘膝坐于虚空中,整个人仿佛同造化融为一体,抗拒灭罗宫对她的引力。 Chen Luoyang is less anxious, at a moderate pace, arrives at Dao Monarch side. 陈洛阳更不急,不紧不慢,来到道君身旁 Dao Monarch does not look askance. 道君目不斜视。 She but who at this moment resists the Demise Catching Palace suppression full power, arrives to Chen Luoyang's, has been incapable of resisting again. 但此刻全力抵挡灭罗宫镇压的她,对陈洛阳的到来,已经无力再招架。 Chen Luoyang transferred around her: Like this kills you, are you definitely unwilling?” 陈洛阳绕着她转了一圈:“这样子打死你,你肯定不甘心了?” He lifts the hand: But, are you resigned, I do not care.” 他抬起手:“不过,你甘不甘心,我并不在意。” Dao Monarch opens the mouth slowly: „ From these words, knows you, although took the Emperor Xi old route, but you truly are not he. 道君徐徐开口:“从这一句话,就知道你虽然走了羲皇的老路,但你确实已经不是他了。 However, because of Yue Donghuang the track of deviation, was rectified by you, belongs to the original intention, Emperor Xi can also die content. ” 不过,因为月东煌而偏离的轨道,由你重新矫正,归于初衷,羲皇也可以瞑目了。” Listened to this saying, Ji Zhong is complex with the Heavenly Phoenix vision, keeps silent. 听了这话,姬重天凤都目光复杂,默不作声。 Smiling that Chen Luoyang does not care about: „ Original intention, being far from, in two choices elects me is quite pleasing to the eyes. 陈洛阳则不在意的笑笑:“初衷,谈不上,两个选择里选一个我比较顺眼的。 Naturally can also have other choice, but since has to suit the intention, that does not need again spending many time. 当然也可以有别的选择,但既然已经有个合心意的,那就不必再多费功夫了。 I like well, did not mind whether nearby wants the person to be different. ” 我自己喜欢就好,并不介意是否一定要跟前人不一样。” Dao Monarch long puts out the one breath, catches the eye to look to Chen Luoyang: „ Since falls into your planning, becomes the sacrificial offering, is Demise Catching Palace to subdue|grams, falls to present this paddies, I said without the words. 道君长长吐出一口气,抬眼看向陈洛阳:“既然落入你的算计,成为祭品,为灭罗宫所克,落到现在这步田地,我无话好说。 only I believe that if I successfully refining up Demise Catching Palace, you should still have the subsequent hand to prepare to be right? ” 只是我相信,如果是我成功炼化灭罗宫,你应该仍有后手准备才对?” Chen Luoyang hearing this, laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head: „.” 陈洛阳闻言,失笑摇头:“罢了。” His palm turns, that black pot appears in the palm. 他手掌一翻,那黑壶出现在掌心中。 next moment, the black pot appearance changes, became copper plate. 下一刻,黑壶模样变化,成了一只铜盘 Sees that copper plate, Ji Zhong and Heavenly Phoenix the body shakes simultaneously, bows the head together. 看到那铜盘,姬重天凤同时身体一震,一起低首。 copper plate to the Chen Luoyang top of the head, then fell slowly, submerges above his top of the head. 铜盘到了陈洛阳头顶,然后徐徐落下,没入他头顶上方。 next moment, in Chen Luoyang both eyes radiant radiance non-stop pasting, forms one after another mysterious rune curse seal, then these rune curse seal in the universes, change to the innumerable ancient Chinese characters, described numerous main road highest good, infinite mysterious. 下一刻,陈洛阳双目中璀璨光华不停流转,形成一道又一道玄奥的符文咒印,然后这些符文咒印在宇宙间,化作无数古字,描述众多大道至理,无穷奥妙。 His within the body, resembling is exudes one enormously and powerful long to recite, turbulent entire good fortune universe. 他体内,似是发出一声浩荡长吟,动荡整个造化宇宙。 Under everyone's gaze, the Chen Luoyang figure was swallowed by the ray. 在所有人的注视下,陈洛阳身形被光芒吞噬。 This group of rays increase unceasingly, lengthens unceasingly, to afterward, occupied the entire good fortune, the criticism/human language was inenarrable, was hard to estimate, is hard to estimate. 这团光芒不断变大,不断变长,到得后来,占据整个造化,人言难以描述,难以测度,难以揣摩。 In the brilliance, God of person of first dragon body appears, if the eye sun and moon, among the aura turnovers, creates the fresh world myriad things, good fortune change. 光辉中,一尊人首龙身的神祇出现,目若日月,气息吞吐间,创生天地万物,造化变迁。 Everyone sees that shocks. 所有人见状,都为之震撼。 Because of that in legend Fuxi. 因为那正是传说中伏羲之相。 However, the light shadow contracts immediately, huge God shrinks instantaneously is a miraculous glow. 不过,光影马上收缩,庞大的神祇瞬间缩为一线灵光。 The ray seems like one wisp, but is not weak, as if symbolic world all truth, cover the past and present and karma, to live to extinguish, profit and loss and genesis, finally wait/etc. all. 光芒看似一缕,但不微弱,仿佛象征世界一切道理,涵盖古今、因果、生灭、盈缺、元始、终焉等等一切。 All-embracing, accommodates nothing which is not, the good fortune is I, my non- good fortune, but as if the ice above the good fortune, has jumped out of beyond the truth. 无所不包,无所不容,造化即我,我非造化,而是仿佛已然凌于造化之上,跳出道理之外。 This miraculous glow draws in again, changes into one piece dimly ignorant dense. 这一线灵光再收拢,化为一片朦胧的愚昧氤氲。 Dense one presently, all truth do not pass. 氤氲一现,一切道理似是都不通了。 From the density, the palm stretches out slowly. 从氤氲中,有一只手掌徐徐伸出。 The palm, is pressing in the Dao Monarch top of the head. 手掌,正按在道君的头顶。 The ignorant density, covers the Dao Monarch whole body. 愚蒙的氤氲,紧接着笼罩道君全身。 Dao Monarch was embezzled densely, but the Chen Luoyang's form resurfaces before the people. 道君被氤氲吞没,而陈洛阳的身影则重新在众人面前出现。 Everyone this moment looks at Chen Luoyang, giving birth is hard the feeling of description. 所有人此刻看着陈洛阳,都生出难以描述之感。 Dao Monarch just now the whole body main road follows, is quite mysterious. 道君方才周身大道相随,已经极为玄妙。 But after this moment Chen Luoyang comes, makes everyone has a more unreliable wonderful feeling. 但此刻陈洛阳现身后,则让大家生出更加玄奇的感觉。 Before as if, adds various in Dao Monarch main road wonderful principle, is came from Chen Luoyang to be the same. 就仿佛之前加诸于道君身上的大道妙理,都是源自陈洛阳一样。 But now, he took back these to surround the Dao Monarch truth. 而现在,他收回了这些环绕道君的道理。 Diverges densely, Dao Monarch facial expression safely: Really so ……” 氤氲散去,道君神情安然:“果然如此啊……” Her figure cannot resist the Demise Catching Palace attraction again, immediately flies, is involved. 她身形再抵挡不住灭罗宫的引力,当即飞起,投身其中。 Demise Catching Palace front door closure. 灭罗宫大门关闭。 Martial God expert on the scene, in the heart has the induction. 在场的武神高手,心中都生出感应。 Dao Monarch, fell from the sky. 道君,陨落了。 Among dynasties ascended to Unbounded, then in a flash, all then become the bubble. 一朝之间登临无极,然后转瞬之间,一切便都成泡影。 Demise Catching Palace after closure, restores the average not wonderful appearance, flutters in front of Ling Qingqing. 关闭后的灭罗宫,重新恢复平平无奇的模样,飘回令轻轻面前。 Heavenly Monarch looks with the Ling Qingqing brother and sister to Chen Luoyang, Chen Luoyang nods slightly. 天君令轻轻兄妹都看向陈洛阳,陈洛阳则微微颔首。 Their brother and sister, in this universe inside the Void, are then perceiving through meditation to estimate to Demise Catching Palace. 他们兄妹二人,便在这宇宙虚空里,对着灭罗宫参悟揣摩起来。 Chen Luoyang turns around to move toward numerous Underworld God. 陈洛阳转身走向一众幽冥神 Besides Chen Chuhua, the remaining people including Xu Ruotong, expressed gratitude to Chen Luoyang. 除了陈初华外,余者包括许若彤在内,都向陈洛阳道谢。 Chen Luoyang looks all around for a week: Strategic pass inundates true understanding like the iron, at the present strolls to jump over from the beginning.” 陈洛阳环顾一周:“雄关漫道真如铁,而今漫步从头越。”
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