IHPDMB :: Volume #8

#750: Dao Monarch goes out

Dark Venerable runs away, Chen Chuhua has not stopped immediately, but first across the sky a palm, with Heavenly Monarch Ling Yang to bumping one move. 冥尊逃遁,陈初华没有立即阻拦,而是先横空一掌,同天君令阳对碰一招。 Then, she looks to Heavenly Phoenix. 然后,她看向天凤 Ji Zhong with Heavenly Phoenix one person one phoenix, deeply frowns at this moment, among hovering universes motionless. 姬重天凤一人一凤,此刻都眉头紧锁,悬停宇宙间不动。 Even if Profound Corpse Zhang Weiyu before, meaning that they have not revenged. 哪怕是“玄尸张卫雨在前,他们也没有报仇的意思。 Chen Chuhua sees that is also then distant a palm, has infinite black mist to cover the distant place to change into the invisible cold wind Dark Venerable Lu Feng. 陈初华见状,便又遥遥一掌,有无穷黑雾笼罩远方化为无形阴风的冥尊路峰 The cold wind non-stop roaring, falls into internal trouble and outside aggression. 阴风不停咆哮,陷入内忧外患 Dark Venerable with the underworld internal Xu Ruotong battle, while resists the Chen Chuhua method. 冥尊一边同冥府内部的许若彤争斗,一边抵挡陈初华的手段。 A Heavenly Monarch boxing to Chen Chuhua. 天君一拳击向陈初华 Chen Chuhua branches out the energy to meet the approaching enemy, but that side Dark Venerable does not feel better as before. 陈初华分出精力来迎击,但冥尊那边依旧不好过。 Xu Peng of Bleached Bone appearance rushes ahead to come, by visible Bleached Bone, changes to the shackles, locks in the invisible cold wind. 白骨模样的徐鹏抢上前来,以有形的白骨,化作牢笼,生生锁住无形的阴风。 Dark Venerable forces itself to stand firm the mind, resists the attack of Xu Peng, while wants to suppress Xu Ruotong in advance. 冥尊强迫自己稳住心神,一边抵挡徐鹏的攻击,一边想要先行镇压许若彤 However Xu Ruotong Human Sovereign’s Writ in the hand, lines after lines of strafes underworld brilliance, suppresses the soul unceasingly, making the Dark Venerable strength more and more weak. 然而许若彤人皇令在手,道道光辉扫射冥府,不断镇压阴魂,让冥尊的力量越来越弱。 The Dark Venerable intention counter-attacks, but in the blood red altar changes into the ice sculpture Yan Mingkong, although sword edge has not fallen, has actually seemed like an ice sword to stab the Dark Venerable trusted aide strategic point. 冥尊意图反扑,可是血红祭坛上化为冰雕的燕明空,剑锋虽然没有落下,却已经像是一把冰剑刺伤冥尊心腹要害。 Xu Ruotong Great Heavenly Spear wields again, in underworld illusory Dark Venerable, the body also added a scar immediately. 许若彤钧天戈再一挥,冥府中虚幻的冥尊,身上顿时也添了一道伤痕。 His sword punctures, similarly pierces the body of Xu Ruotong. 他一剑刺出,同样洞穿许若彤的身体。 But on Xu Ruotong forehead that fuzzy brilliance, fast transfer to wound. 许若彤额头上那片模糊的光辉,快速转移到伤口上。 Made all for it Wasteland, lost the strength of gods and ghosts and vitality emerges, disappeared Dark Venerable sword intent wantonly. 令一切为之荒芜,失去神异与生机的力量涌现,大肆泯灭冥尊剑意 Although Dark Venerable realm strength above Xu Ruotong, but in has Yan Mingkong to lead the way, among Mortal World the life air/Qi pours into continuously, outside has the Xu Peng blockade to exert pressure. 冥尊境界实力虽在许若彤之上,但内有燕明空开路,红尘间生灵气源源不断注入,外有徐鹏封锁施压。 Under collaborates from outside with the inside, making the Dark Venerable strength drop significantly, resists with Xu Ruotong, lacks the ability to do what one would like unexpectedly more and more. 里应外合之下,让冥尊的力量大幅度跌落,跟许若彤对抗,竟越来越力不从心。 The Dark Venerable vision is callous. 冥尊目光冷酷。 He let loose in the hand suddenly Yellow Springs Sword, no longer with the Xu Ruotong test of strength. 他突然放开了手中黄泉剑,不再跟许若彤角力。 But Xu Ruotong actually felt that a more giant crisis approaches. 许若彤却感觉到更加巨大的危机来临。 Dark Venerable body transformed into underworld, starts to collapse unexpectedly, presents the lines after lines of fissure. 冥尊身体所化的冥府,竟然开始坍塌,出现道道裂痕。 Another side of these fissures, not in the Mieluo Palace universes, but appears in Mortal World, Xihe, Clear Tenuity, Great Emptiness and Mountain and Sea five big life world. 这些裂痕的另一边,并不在灭罗宫的宇宙间,而是出现在红尘羲和清微太虚山海五大生灵世界。 Unequalled death qi, divulges from these cracks, corrodes the living world. 无与伦比的死气,从这些裂缝中宣泄,侵蚀生者世界。 The tide bursts a dike in same death qi, some numerous souls run out. 潮水决堤一样的死气中,更有众多阴魂冲出。 Dark Venerable lets loose at this moment thoroughly to the fetter of soul, wants them to make a big row the world. 冥尊此刻彻底放开对阴魂的束缚,要他们去大闹人间。 Was different from the past intention taking advantage of cultivating Underworld sword intent the gate of person open wide Underworld, built the channel between life and death two realms. 不同于昔日意图借修炼幽冥剑意的人洞开幽冥之门,架起生死两界间的通道。 At this moment, he was opened underworld on own initiative, made final crazy. 此刻,他是自己主动拆了冥府,做最后的疯狂。 In Mortal World, the lines after lines of white clouds shuttle back and forth in the world. 红尘界中,道道白气在天地间穿梭。 Sharp incomparable sword qi, seems turning into the stablest barrier at this moment, will select the soul that the human desire bites to keep off completely. 锋锐无匹的剑气,这一刻在仿佛变成最为稳固的屏障,将择人欲噬的阴魂全部挡下。 Several other expert responses are slightly slower, but also take action, blocks the attack from Underworld hastily. 其他几界高手反应略慢一些,但也都纷纷出手,连忙阻断来自幽冥的侵袭。 Impact most directly that in the Yellow Springs hell, Xu Ruotong faces, above various macrocosms. 黄泉地府内,许若彤面对的冲击最为直接,更在各大世界之上。 She is unemotional, whole body twofold flashes brilliance together. 她面无表情,全身上下两重光辉一起闪动。 First, to make good fortune Wasteland, made all living things decayed ray. 一是令造化荒芜,令众生腐朽的光芒。 First, the control myriad things life, protects the ray of myriad things life. 一是统御万物生灵,守护万物生灵的光芒。 Two completely different, even strength concept of concealment conflict, by Empress Xu Ruotong in this moment perfect unification, met the approaching enemy fleeing of Dark Venerable to strike directly. 两道完全迥异,甚至隐含冲突的力量意境,被女皇许若彤在这一刻完美统一,正面迎击冥尊的亡命一击。 Initially Yellow Springs World was stave, Dark Venerable then had a fracture, this moment within the body Underworld was also stave, was becomes the irreversible injury to other party. 当初黄泉界破碎,冥尊便伤筋动骨,此刻体内幽冥也破碎,更是对他造成不可逆转的伤害。 He dies strikes to constrain Xu Ruotong at the same time, oneself by empty are changed the reality, casts off Xu Ruotong, the impact outside Bleached Bone shackles, must rush out Mieluo Palace to go. 他绝命一击拖住许若彤的同时,自身则由虚重新变实,甩开许若彤,冲击外间的白骨牢笼,要闯出灭罗宫去。 But besides Xu Ruotong and Xu Peng, Zhang Weiyu also rushes. 但除了许若彤徐鹏之外,张卫雨也赶到。 By fist imitates a spear, the straight fist, center the Dark Venerable back of the body, like great spear, pierces the body of Dark Venerable. 以拳代枪,笔直一拳,正中冥尊后心,像一杆大枪,刺穿冥尊的身体。 Dark Venerable counter-attacks, hits hard Zhang Weiyu, Zhang Weiyu retrocedes, spearhead extracts from the opposite party within the body. 冥尊反扑,重击张卫雨,张卫雨后退,“枪锋”从对方体内抽出。 „Under Profound Corpse the body of not going bad covers, facing severely wounded Dark Venerable, Zhang Weiyu physical body returns safe and sound, in the only mind was attacked by the state of mind, figure in same place. 玄尸”不坏之身笼罩下,面对重伤的冥尊,张卫雨肉身毫发未伤,只是脑海中遭受神魂冲击,身形不由在原地一顿。 Dark Venerable clenches teeth to walk again, but a bone dragon pulls out like the whip, immediately pulls out the Dark Venerable figure in the midair shatter, disperses lines after lines of cold wind. 冥尊咬牙再走,但一条骨龙像鞭子一样抽来,顿时将冥尊身形抽得在半空里破碎,散成一道道阴风。 However he cannot get away. 然而他还是走不了。 Xu Ruotong goes forward again, picks up Human Sovereign’s Writ single-handedly, on token a little selects the tiny blue luminous spot to glitter, is symbolizing Old Sword Immortal and the others many souls. 许若彤再次上前,一手托起人皇令,令牌上有点点细小的蓝色光点在闪烁,象征着老剑仙等人在内的诸多阴魂。 But another hand actually let loose Great Heavenly Spear, in the palm Wasteland the strength appeared, the shape with the bottomless trench, swallowed Dark Venerable transformed into lines after lines of cold wind. 而另外一只手却放开了钧天戈,掌心里“荒芜”之力显现,形同无底深渊,吞噬冥尊所化的道道阴风。 The cold wind vanishes, the light of Wasteland flashes again, even Xu Ruotong figure also fade and disappear. 阴风消失,荒芜之光再闪,连许若彤身形也消失不见 But in the universes, still had the invisible cold wind, is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, non-stop exuding the howling sound. 但在宇宙间,仍然有无形的阴风,时强时弱,不停发出呼啸声。 Xu Ruotong and Dark Venerable launch the bad risk again the state of mind war, decides the final victory and defeat. 许若彤冥尊再次展开凶险的神魂大战,决出最后的胜负。 Zhang Weiyu looks at each other one with Xu Peng, two people then return to that side the stone column together, toward is flushing away with Heavenly Monarch that Chen Chuhua engages in fierce battle. 张卫雨徐鹏对视一眼,两人便一起返回石柱那边,朝正跟陈初华鏖战的天君冲去。 Saw that the aspect reverses finally gradually, in the stone column spreads the Dao Monarch sound suddenly again. 眼看局面终于渐渐扭转,石柱中忽然再次传出道君的声音。 Fellow Daoist was laborious, only is a pity Senior Brother Lu.” “道友辛苦了,只是可惜路师兄。” The halo that on the stone column received, when this moment, the outward diffusion, restored the people just to enter the Mieluo Palace appearance suddenly. 石柱上原本收起的光环,在这一刻,骤然向外扩散,恢复成众人刚刚进入灭罗宫时的模样。 This halo launches, including being in life and death Xu Ruotong and Dark Venerable definitely, all Underworld God, all body one stiff. 这光环一展开,包括正在生死决的许若彤冥尊在内,所有幽冥神,全都身体一僵。 Powerful suppression, by in addition various on them, making their strength be hard to stretch. 强大的压制,被加诸于他们身上,让他们一身力量难以舒展。 The Underworld God special wonderful cultivation base strength, in this moment, was all suppressed. 不论是幽冥神的特殊神妙还是自身修为实力,在这一刻,全都遭到压制。 A Heavenly Monarch fist falls, Chen Chuhua and Zhang Weiyu and Xu Peng fly upside down together come out! 天君一拳落下,陈初华张卫雨徐鹏一起倒飞而出 It is not the Heavenly Monarch strength rises suddenly suddenly, but is their strengths, all drops significantly. 不是天君力量忽然暴涨,而是他们三人的力量,全都大幅度跌落。 The gateway on stone column, opens at this moment slowly. 石柱上的门户,这一刻徐徐打开。 A whole body white jade person's shadow, goes out. 一个通体似白玉般的人影,从中走出。 In white jade presents the crack, the disruption, reveals the real facial features of inside person one after another, is Dao Monarch Clear Tenuity. 白玉上出现裂纹,陆续碎裂,重新露出里面人的真实面容,正是道君清微 People simultaneously looks to her, the heart feels to shock. 众人齐齐望向她,都心头感到震撼。 On Clear Tenuity, cannot feel Underworld God Oblivion the aura. 清微身上,感觉不到幽冥神寂灭”的气息。 That strongest Underworld God, as if vanishes from the world thoroughly, does not exist. 那尊最强的幽冥神,仿佛彻底从世上消失,不复存在。 But on Dao Monarch at this moment, could not feel in those days the mysterious Daoism principle. 但此刻的道君身上,也感觉不到往日玄妙的道门法则。 Although she stands there in good condition, but in the people sensation, is very remote. 她虽然好端端站在那里,但在众人感知中,却无比遥远。 Remoteness in really isn't pure space length, but is in various significances is. 并非单纯空间距离上的遥远,而是各种意义上皆是。 She as if stands in the most other end of time river, stands before all start, at first beginning. 她仿佛站在时间长河的最彼端,站在一切开始之前,最初之初。 Before the universe great antiquity has not opened, before all are the chaos, she has then existed there. 宇宙洪荒未曾开辟前,一切皆是混沌前,她便已经存在于那里。 It seems like stands far end the time, after the good fortune world is shattered, including the time space, all no longer exists. 又像是站在时间最末端,造化世界破灭之后,包括时间空间在内,一切都不再存在。 But she still there. 但她仍然在那里。 Seems to be does not have, is hard to estimate, is inenarrable. 似有似无,难以揣度,难以描述。 When has not seen the antiquity three, but in Ling Qingqing this moment heart has a thought naturally. 虽然没有见过上古时首三尊,但令轻轻此刻心中自然而然生出一个念头。 Unbounded! 无极 The martial way 24 th boundary, supreme God Realm, Unbounded. 武道第二十四境,至高神境,无极 Through the ages, previously only then three had achieved realm. 古往今来,此前只有首三尊曾经达到过的境界 But at this moment, Dao Monarch achieved. 但这一刻,道君达到了。 Moreover, she cracked this Mieluo Palace. 不仅如此,她更裂化了这灭罗宫 Ling Qingqing sword light, has vanished, she is no longer restricted, stands up, but expression actually unprecedented heavy. 令轻轻身上的剑光,已经消失,她不再受限,站起身来,但表情却前所未有沉重。 The Dao Monarch line of sight looks to her shows a faint smile, raises hand to throw a thing, is Bright Divine Sword. 道君视线向她看过来,微微一笑,扬手扔过来一物,正是明神剑 Heavenly Monarch gazes at her, long puts out the one breath: One step is in the lead, step by step leading.” 天君注视她,长长吐出一口气:“一步领先,步步领先。” Dao Monarch said: Fellow Daoist makes the decision , helping my helping hand, I will then not go back on word, your brother and sister, return to Xihe World to go.” 道君言道:“道友做出决定,助我一臂之力,我便不会食言,你们兄妹二人,回羲和界去吧。” Her line of sight looked at this time to the distant place. 她视线这时望向远方。 Vision institute and place, invisible cold wind immediately visualization. 目光所及之处,无形的阴风顿时显形。 Under the Dao Monarch vision gaze, the cold wind of dispute changes to two person's shadows, one is Empress Xu Ruotong, one is Dark Venerable Lu Feng. 道君目光注视下,纠葛的阴风重新化作两个人影,一个是女皇许若彤,一个是冥尊路峰 However, the Dark Venerable figure has bordered on the dissipation. 不过,冥尊的身形已经濒临消散。 Senior Brother Lu, good work.” Dao Monarch is saying, puts out a hand gently a move. 路师兄,辛苦了。”道君说着,轻轻伸手一招。 Dark Venerable the shatter physique, will soon condense, but the body covers entirely the fissure, the wound heavy is difficult to return, only preserves the one breath reluctantly. 冥尊即将破碎的形体,重新凝聚,但身上布满裂痕,伤重难返,只是勉强保住一口气。 But Xu Ruotong figure, in dim and clear, non-stop taking turn. 许若彤的身形,则在朦胧和清晰之间,不停交替。 Fellow Daoist Xu, your decision is regrettable.” Dao Monarch is saying, the Xu Ruotong figure, gradually becomes more and more fuzzy. 许道友,你的决定让人遗憾。”道君说着,许若彤的身形,渐渐变得越来越模糊。 Xu Peng and Zhang Wei are stuffy simultaneously snort/hum, but is an unyielding person, clenches teeth to attack to Dao Monarch. 徐鹏和张伟同时闷哼一声,但都是硬骨头,咬牙向道君攻击。 But on the stone column under the halo proliferation, two people are unable to approach. 但石柱上光环扩散下,两人根本无法靠近。 In Mieluo Palace, Dao Monarch does not need take action, can suppress Underworld God. 灭罗宫里,道君无需出手,也可以压制幽冥神 The Chen Chuhua similar great stress, has the difficult feeling. 陈初华同样压力巨大,有寸步难行的感觉。 Finished.” Dao Monarch looks at she: This is your first entering nirvana, will be last time.” “结束了。”道君看着她:“这是你第一次入灭,也将是最后一次。” Her footsteps previously took finally, the next instance, arrived in front of Chen Chuhua, then puts out a hand to stroke gently. 她终于脚步先前迈出,下一个瞬间,就到了陈初华面前,然后伸手轻轻一拂。 The Chen Chuhua figure, such as the flying ash dissipates generally. 陈初华的身形,如飞灰一般消散。 Dao Monarch sweeps again, figure of Zhang Weiyu with Xu Peng also vanishes in a puff of smoke. 道君手再一扫,张卫雨徐鹏的身形也灰飞烟灭。 She continues one step to take, the person arrived in front of Xu Ruotong. 她继续一步迈出,人到了许若彤面前。 Why bother?” Dao Monarch puts out a hand, Xu Ruotong is missing similarly, remaining suffocation Dark Venerable. “何苦?”道君伸手,许若彤同样不见了踪影,剩下奄奄一息的冥尊 Dark Venerable usually on the face of rare expression, appeared a smile: Matter already arrived this, I do not need to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, Sister Clear Tenuity takes this step, may celebrate encouraging, I also become the joint part.” 冥尊素来少有表情的面孔上,浮现一丝微笑:“事已至此,我也无需苟延残喘,清微师妹迈出这一步,可喜可贺,我也成为合力的一部分吧。” Dao Monarch nods: Thanks Senior Brother Lu.” 道君点点头:“谢谢路师兄。” Her hand strokes, the Dark Venerable figure, announced is defeated and dispersed. 她手一拂,冥尊的身形,亦宣告溃散。 Dao Monarch turns around, the next flash, before returning to the stone column gateway . 道君转身,下一瞬间,回到石柱门户前。 Her looks at Heavenly Phoenix and Ji Zhong: „When two wants to seek for the antiquity the Emperor Xi whereabouts, I could help.” 看着天凤姬重:“二位欲要寻找上古时羲皇的下落,我或许可以帮忙。” Heavenly Phoenix opens the mouth: How to say?” 天凤开口:“怎么说?” Dao Monarch said: I affirmed, Emperor Xi has not truly fallen from the sky, only the condition is unclear at present, does not know that is whether the same as Emperor Pan, turns condition that now this does not live does not die.” 道君言道:“我肯定,羲皇确实尚未陨落,只是眼下状态不明,不知是否跟盘皇一样,变成如今这非生非死的状态。” During the speeches, her surface the color of feeling, looks all around at present in Mieluo Palace presently the universe. 说话间,她面现感慨之色,环顾眼前灭罗宫内宇宙。
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