IHPDMB :: Volume #8

#745: In palace

The tripartite strength unites, in the Mieluo Palace wall, has the change finally, has gateway open wide. 三方力量合一,灭罗宫的宫墙上,终于出现变化,有门户洞开 But Chen Luoyang and the others placed oneself before the gateway, does not need they to move, seem like the big Mieluo Palace driving approach, swallowing goes in them together. 陈洛阳等人置身于门户前,不待他们移动,倒像是偌大的灭罗宫主动迎上来,将他们一起“吞”进去。 The people the scene, simultaneously changes the appearance at present. 众人眼前景象,齐齐变了模样。 At present the primitive chaos, resemble by the endless mighty force are broken out. 眼前原始混沌,似被无方伟力劈开。 Chen Luoyang and other portraits are to return the universe void. 陈洛阳等人像是重新回到外界的宇宙虚空中。 But the universe of length and breadth is void, at this time around no longer did not know one's place the appearance. 但广袤的宇宙虚空,这时不再是不分上下前后的模样。 Above the people top of the head, boundless fresh air, limitless, high indistinct is boundless. 在众人头顶上方,茫茫一片清气,无边无际,高缈无垠。 Under people sole, is a pollution, lonesome and quiet gloomy, immeasurably deep. 在众人脚底下方,则是一片浑浊,幽静晦暗,深不可测。 At present all, are divided into three probably, the fresh air on, the foul air below, the middle is the universe is void. 眼前一切,像是被分为三层,清气在上,浊气在下,中间则是宇宙虚空。 Looks from afar, in really isn't Mortal World the horizon of land sky common border is ordinary, but is the tertiary scene cannot see the boundary, seems like the overall constitution square plane, holds in which the people, in the vision violates the general knowledge of average person completely. 远远望去,并非红尘界里大地天空交界的地平线一般,而是三重景象都看不到边际,又像是整体构成四四方方的平面,将众人容纳其中,视觉上完全违反一般人的常识。 Ji Zhong sits in Heavenly Phoenix conducts the back, the color of eye of reveal inquisition, looks to the Heavenly Monarch brother and sister: „Is here the Mieluo Palace interior?” 姬重坐在天凤背上,目露探究之色,望向天君兄妹:“这里就是灭罗宫的内部吗?” Right, but had not touched the core, we must march forward.” Young Heavenly Monarch Ling Qingqing received Bright Divine Sword, when first line. “没错,不过仍未触及核心,我们要继续向前。”天少君令轻轻收了明神剑,当先而行。 Chen Luoyang and Heavenly Monarch Ling Yang, walks side-by-side with her together. 陈洛阳天君令阳,同她一道并肩而行。 Heavenly Phoenix, Monster Venerable and Dao Monarch follow. 天凤妖尊道君紧随其后。 Universes group's leads the way in clear muddy two air/Qi. 一行人在清浊二气之间的宇宙中前行。 Every time walks one step, can feel the pressure that leads the way is keeping being greater. 每走一步,都能感觉到前行的压力在不停加大。 However this traveler/ascetic is revering of Martial God, although felt that the pressure is greater, but the action was still free, in only each individual heart even more is earnest, concentrates one's mind. 不过此行者皆是武神之尊,虽然感觉压力在加大,但仍然行动自如,只是每个人心中都愈发认真,集中精神 Little leans, the brilliance that Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda withstand/top, vanishes suddenly. 少倾,玄天幽冥塔顶的光辉,忽然消失。 But a Bright Divine Sword sword tip point, then replays the light in turn. 明神剑剑尖一点,则反过来重放光明。 Both big supreme treasure start to vibrate, seems attracted by anything. 两大至宝都开始震动起来,似乎受到什么东西吸引。 Chen Luoyang looks fixedly on, sees the distant place void to stand erect a thick stone column, spans the universe, the upper extreme searches into the fresh air, the lower end searches into the foul air. 陈洛阳定睛细看,就见远方虚空中竖立着一根粗大的的石柱,横亘宇宙,上端探入清气内,下端探入浊气内。 On the stone column has the non- clear(ly) non- dark light halo together, non-stop revolving regarding the stone column. 石柱上有一道非明非暗的光圈,围绕石柱不停旋转。 The people also pause. 众人同时停步。 Heavenly Monarch is looking at that light halo, slightly Entranced, without spoken language. 天君望着那光圈,微微出神,没有言语。 Others look together to Young Heavenly Monarch Ling Qingqing. 其他人则一起看向天少君令轻轻 Ling Qingqing nods: Was here, close to the light halo, possibly injured for the light halo.” 令轻轻颔首:“就是这里了,靠近光圈,可能为光圈所伤。” Chen Luoyang said indifferently: That is because before , the person who comes are few, and does not unite.” 陈洛阳淡然道:“那是因为之前来的人少,且不团结。” He looks all around the people: No matter how said, everyone first opens the door together, then discussed other.” 他环顾众人:“不管怎么说,大家先一起把门打开,然后再论其他。” Several other World Controller, nod. 其他几界主宰,都点点头。 Heavenly Monarch first lifts the hand, directly at the scene appeared Lone Eye of Pangu, vast strength turbulent universe. 天君首先抬手,直接当场显化独目盘古之相,浩瀚力量动荡宇宙。 The above fresh air with the under foul air, seemed inspired by him at this time, has the trend to the middle closing up. 上方清气同下方浊气,这时都仿佛被他引动,有向中间靠拢的趋势。 Dao Monarch also lifts the hand to stroke, the air/Qi and Yin-Yang air/Qi of fresh air, white clouds, purple qi and yellow and black also surge, five are mad entirely foot/enough. 道君也抬手一拂,清气、白气、紫气、玄黄之气、阴阳之气同时涌动,五气俱足。 Monster Venerable appears the appearance/portrait, is quite huge, the blood-stained mouth swallows the day great tiger emergence, the on the back grows pair of wings, during the vibrations reactionary reign of terror fills the air. 妖尊现出真容,一头极为巨大,血口吞天的巨虎出现,背生双翼,震动间血雨腥风弥漫。 He opens mouth to the stone column and halo roars, blood red monster atmosphere sweeps across the universe instantaneously, everywhere. 他张嘴向石柱与光环咆哮,一片血红妖氛瞬间席卷宇宙,无处不在。 Heavenly Phoenix sends out clear long cry, body all colors ray simultaneous/uniform present, five character entirely prominent, Five Virtues in, graceful brilliance continuous endless. 天凤发出清亮长鸣,身上五彩光芒齐现,五字俱显,五德同在,曼妙光辉连绵无尽。 Some Ji Zhong conduct the back in him plays a qin gently, the zither music with all colors brilliance union, encourages mutually, did not call Monster Venerable to alone enjoy renown in before. 姬重在他背上轻轻抚琴,琴音同五彩光辉结合,相互助长,丝毫不叫妖尊专美于前。 Chen Luoyang with Ling Qingqing also together take action. 陈洛阳令轻轻也一起出手 Ling Qingqing this time has not displayed sword way, but is the same purple light cover body. 令轻轻这次没有施展剑道,而是同样紫光罩身。 After the breakthrough to 23 rd boundary she, just like elder brother Heavenly Monarch Ling Yang, has been able the appeared Xihe World supreme secret. 突破至第二十三境之后的她,与兄长天君令阳一样,已经可以显化羲和界至高秘传。 After Heavenly Monarch, second Lone Eye of Pangu appears in the universe, inspires the clear muddy two air/Qi connection, the strength shakes that stone column and light halo. 天君之后,第二尊独目盘古出现在宇宙中,引动清浊二气交汇,力量撼动那石柱和光圈。 Chen Luoyang is whole body for ignorant covers densely, but in this dense, the well-illuminated mysterious miraculous glows emit, separate densely, separates the universe, falls in the stone column and light halo. 陈洛阳则是全身上下为蒙昧的氤氲所笼罩,但在这氤氲中,有一线通明玄妙的灵光放出,分开氤氲,也分开宇宙,落在石柱和光圈上。 Six big Martial God take action, the strength are true to shock together. 六大武神一起出手,力量属实震撼。 If appears in the outside universe, has to extinguish the prestige of the world faintly. 若是在外间宇宙出现,已然隐隐有灭世之威。 Under their oppressions, the light halo that say/way encirclement stone column revolves, starts to contract gradually. 在他们的压迫下,那道环绕石柱旋转的光圈,开始渐渐收缩。 The light halo contracts unceasingly, until sticks to the stone column thoroughly, no longer rotation. 光圈不断收缩,直到彻底紧贴石柱,不再转动。 This rotation stops, the stone column rocks suddenly. 这转动一停,石柱猛然晃动一下。 In the stone column central position, as if has gateway open wide faintly. 在石柱中央的位置,仿佛隐隐有一座门户洞开 After the gateway when turns on tends stable, six big Martial God, simultaneously receives the hand. 等开启的门户趋于稳定后,六大武神,齐齐收手。 The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人面面相觑。 Now, the cooperation ended, to everyone respectively depending on skill time.” Heavenly Monarch said with a smile confidently. “现在,合作结束,到了大家各凭本事的时候了。”天君坦然笑道。 Chen Luoyang nods: Right.” 陈洛阳颔首:“没错。” Then, he then walks toward the gateway on stone column without consulting anybody. 说罢,他便径自向石柱上的门户走去。 Heavenly Monarch smiles: Yes.” 天君笑笑:“是啊。” Then, Lone Eye of Pangu, then a boxing to Chen Luoyang. 说罢,独目盘古之相,便即一拳击向陈洛阳 But side whisks to sweep, is actually Dao Monarch take action, the Heavenly Monarch truncation under. 但旁边有一杆拂尘扫过来,却是道君出手,将天君截下。 Monster Venerable also begins immediately, but received the Heavenly Phoenix both wings of request of Chen Luoyang to launch, floating arrive, blocked the Monster Venerable way. 妖尊也立即动手,但受了陈洛阳之托的天凤双翅展开,飘然而至,挡住妖尊去路。 Monster Venerable is looking at being absolutely still Young Heavenly Monarch Ling Qingqing, hey however said: Seriously female student extroversion.” 妖尊望着寂然不动的天少君令轻轻,嘿然道:“当真女生外向啊。” Heavenly Monarch also sighed: It seems like finally is really you exterminates me with him together jointly.” 天君也叹息:“看来最终真的是你跟他一起联手诛除我。” I do not contend with him, you will not fight the big brother.” Ling Qingqing shakes the head. “我不与他相争,也不会跟大哥你动手。”令轻轻摇头。 Heavenly Monarch has let whisking of Dao Monarch, tries to approach the stone column: Silly thing, you do not help me today, was equal to helping him, making him go well, later you want to help me be too late.” 天君让过道君的拂尘,试图靠近石柱:“傻丫头,你今天不帮我,就等于是帮他了,让他得手,以后你想帮我都为时已晚。” Ling Qingqing is silent. 令轻轻沉默。 Heavenly Monarch sighed: „Can you give the big brother a fair opportunity? I have not planned to borrow your Bright Divine Sword.” 天君叹息:“你总要给大哥一个公平的机会吧?我没打算借你的明神剑。” Ling Qingqing also sighed. 令轻轻也叹息。 Then uses the sword. 然后出剑。 However goal really isn't aims at Chen Luoyang, but aims at Dao Monarch Clear Tenuity: Offended.” 不过目标并非指向陈洛阳,而是指向道君清微:“得罪了。” Her sword in the hand, cuts the broken universe, by revering of Dao Monarch, has to evade the point temporarily. 她一剑在手,斩破宇宙,以道君之尊,也不得不暂避锋芒。 Heavenly Monarch liberates immediately, one step takes, then pursues to Chen Luoyang behind. 天君顿时解放出来,一步迈出,便追到陈洛阳身后。 Chen Luoyang is not disappointed, the top of the head appears Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda, directly pounds to fall toward Heavenly Monarch. 陈洛阳并不失望,头顶现出玄天幽冥塔,直接就朝天君砸落。 Heavenly Monarch raises a hand, on the back of the hand reappears that mysterious purple rune mark. 天君扬起一只手,手背上再现那玄奥的紫色符文印记。 Among the universes, appears a lot of light stream suddenly, in addition holds talisman seal on Heavenly Monarch back of the hand continuously. 宇宙间,突然现出千百道光流,源源不断加持天君手背上的符印 These light stream, through purple talisman seal, change flashing purple light in the universe the chains. 这些光流,通过紫色的符印,在宇宙中变化成一根根闪动紫光的锁链。 The chains high and low connects the clear muddy two air/Qi, brandishes like big dragons, then twines on Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda. 锁链上下连接清浊二气,像一条条巨龙般挥舞,然后缠绕在玄天幽冥塔上。 Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda is quite overbearing, stretches one after another purple chains. 玄天幽冥塔极为霸道,绷断一根又一根紫色的锁链。 But after these chains break , the heavy even/including , to continue to attempt to fetter Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda immediately. 但这些锁链断裂之后,又马上重连,继续尝试束缚玄天幽冥塔 Chen Luoyang sees that then knows, when Heavenly Monarch Ling Yang came Mieluo Palace initially for the first time, although cannot carry over Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda and Bright Divine Sword such supreme treasure, but really does not return empty-handed completely. 陈洛阳见状便知道,天君令阳当初第一次来灭罗宫时,虽然没能带出玄天幽冥塔明神剑这样的至宝,但果然不是完全空手而归。 At present places oneself in Mieluo Palace, the Heavenly Monarch success inspires several points of Mieluo Palace restriction, changes into own method, is suiting copes with Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda this to stem from the Mieluo Palace treasure. 眼下重新置身于灭罗宫内,天君成功引动几分灭罗宫禁制,化为自己的手段,正适合对付玄天幽冥塔这等出自灭罗宫的宝物。 Chen Luoyang is without turning a hair, throws a punch. 陈洛阳面不改色,一拳击出 Heavenly Monarch same appeared Lone Eye of Pangu, a fist meets the tough head-on with toughness with Chen Luoyang. 天君同样显化独目盘古之相,一拳跟陈洛阳硬碰硬。 Vast boundless strength, as if world good fortune together steamroll. 浩瀚无边的力量,仿佛天地造化一起碾压。 The Chen Luoyang's fist, almost on covered with blood, the skeleton disruption, the wound extends to handiwork from the fist instantaneously. 陈洛阳的拳头,几乎在瞬间就血肉模糊,骨骼碎裂,伤口从拳头一路向手笔延伸。 But under the dim density covers, his flesh shatter speed, is getting more and more slow. 但朦胧的氤氲笼罩下,他血肉破碎的速度,越来越慢。 As well-illuminated profound gets up luminously, the injury on Chen Luoyang arm vanishes, quickly restores such as beginning. 随着通明的玄光亮起,陈洛阳手臂上的伤势消失,很快恢复如初。 But Heavenly Monarch Lone Eye of Pangu starts to vacillate, the huge body, starts from the arm gradually shatter. 天君独目盘古之相开始动摇,庞大的身躯,自手臂开始渐渐破碎。 Asked for advice the Obscurity and Clarity Scripture mystery, Heavenly Monarch acclaims one, changed hand/subordinate fast, breaks the Chen Luoyang Obscurity and Clarity Scripture mysterious truth. 领教愚明经的奥妙,天君赞叹一声,手下快速变招,打断陈洛阳愚明经的玄妙道理。 both sides fight, the intensity is not at the fierce combat of another side Heavenly Phoenix and under Monster Venerable. 双方大战,激烈程度丝毫不在另一边天凤妖尊的激战之下。 Ling Qingqing holds the sword to drive back Dao Monarch, is looking at Chen Luoyang and Heavenly Monarch this side, looks to worry about the color. 令轻轻持剑逼退道君,望着陈洛阳天君这边,不禁面露担忧之色。 But she has to restrain the spirit quickly, a sword cuts again, stops Dao Monarch close to the action of stone column. 但她很快不得不收敛精神,再一剑斩出,阻拦道君靠近石柱的举动。 Chen Luoyang with the Heavenly Monarch war, the time is longer, the aspect starts even more to be favorable for him. 陈洛阳天君大战,时间越久,局面开始越发对他有利。 Not is only Obscurity and Clarity Scripture endures principle concept of broken opposite party unceasingly, simultaneously above Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda, starts to work loose these purple chains gradually. 不仅仅是愚明经不断堪破对方的道理意境,同时上方的玄天幽冥塔,渐渐也开始挣脱那些紫色的锁链。 But at this moment, universe inside the Void, shines dark-red sword light suddenly, collapse Yimie said together, ominous and fierce is incomparable. 但就在这时,宇宙虚空里,突然亮起一道暗红色的剑光,崩仪灭道,凶厉无比。 Really does not lose heart.” The Chen Luoyang finger, a dense miraculous glow bursts out lightly, meets head-on the attack dark red sword light. “果然不死心啊。”陈洛阳手指轻点,氤氲中一线灵光迸发,迎战来袭的暗红剑光 The Dark Venerable Lu Feng form, follows the ice cold Nine Serenities cold wind, appears before the people. 冥尊路峰的身影,伴随冰寒的九幽阴风,出现在众人面前。 The light halo that on the stone column surrounds was suppressed no longer rotates, Mieluo Palace also nearly vanishes in view of the Underworld God suppressed strength instantaneously. 石柱上环绕的光圈被压制不再转动,灭罗宫针对幽冥神的压制力也瞬间近乎消失。 Dark Venerable does not fear aims at the restraint of Underworld God mostly, but if previously entered Mieluo Palace rashly, then a strength was hard to display all, is unable to fight with several other World Controller. 冥尊早已不惧大多数针对幽冥神的克制,但此前如果冒然进入灭罗宫,则一身力量难以尽数施展,无法同其他几界主宰争锋。 At present forbids to extinguish, he can feel relieved finally. 眼下禁止消弭,他终于可以放心进来。 He coordinates with Heavenly Monarch , helping probably by Chen Luoyang press in leeward Heavenly Monarch to draw the aspect gradually, then two people approach the gateway on stone column together. 他同天君配合起来,帮助渐渐要被陈洛阳压入下风的天君扳回局面,然后二人一起靠近石柱上的门户。 Chen Luoyang in the hand Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda struggles free the purple chains, howls to pound toward Dark Venerable Lu Feng. 陈洛阳手里玄天幽冥塔挣断紫色的锁链,呼啸着朝冥尊路峰砸去。 Although Dark Venerable other not like Underworld God were restrained by Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda like that but also don't dare haughty strikes by the pagoda, therefore hastily avoid. 冥尊虽然不像其他幽冥神那般被玄天幽冥塔克制,但也不敢大模大样挨宝塔一击,于是连忙避让 Chen Luoyang Profound Heaven Underworld Pagoda in the hand, one against two, completely does not drop the wind. 陈洛阳玄天幽冥塔在手,以一敌二,全然不落下风。 When they battle is just luxurious, Monster Venerable suddenly sends out severe howl. 在他们激战正酣的时候,妖尊突然发出一声厉吼。 From his mouth, departs one group of black mist, covers to Heavenly Phoenix. 从他口中,飞出一团黑雾,向天凤笼罩过去。 Ji Zhong and in the Heavenly Phoenix heart has warning sign simultaneously, all colors brilliance the black mist impediment outside, does not give the opposite party to moisten the opportunity of body. 姬重天凤心中同时生出警兆,五彩光辉将黑雾阻隔于外,不给对方沾身的机会。 The black mist distortion changes, changes to a great net suddenly, Heavenly Phoenix and Ji Zhong cover in the middle. 黑雾扭曲变化,骤然化作一张巨网,将天凤姬重罩在中间。 Under the Heavenly Phoenix whole body flashes brilliance, that black great net has the life to be the same probably is keeping the pain swaying from side to side. 天凤周身光辉闪动下,那黑色的巨网像是有生命一样在不停痛苦扭动。 lines after lines of black smoke non-stop the transpiration from the fishnet rope, in the black smoke can see many person and monster face appears, wails in the pain. 道道黑烟从网绳上不停蒸腾而起,黑烟里可以看见众多人与妖的面孔浮现,都在痛苦哀嚎。 Always does not refine the magic weapon Monster Venerable, unexpectedly also hid such a secretly. 一向不炼制法宝的妖尊,居然也暗自藏了这么一手。 Under the Heavenly Phoenix all colors brilliance sparkle, the black great net starts to keep cracking to disintegrate. 天凤五彩光辉闪耀下,黑色的巨网开始不停崩裂瓦解。 But prevents the Heavenly Phoenix moment time with the aid of the great net the opportunity, the Monster Venerable body blood shadow, bypasses others instantaneously, first before arriving at that stone column gateway . 但借助巨网阻挡天凤片刻功夫的机会,妖尊身化血影,瞬间绕过其他人,抢先来到那石柱门户前。
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